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Last Sundy I went to the park with my friend.It took us an hour to get there by bike.It was sunny and warm that day.There were lots of people in the park.We climbed the mountain and went boating.And we had a picnic in the park,too.When we finished the picnic,we picked up the rubbish and threw it into the dusbin.We thought it was our duty to make the environment clean.We had a good time that day.


Last weekend we went to the countryside to have a picnic.We took several sandwiches and some bottles of water with us for lunch.Of course we didn't forget to take some fruit and we even took some tomatoes and cucumbers.

We left home quite early in order to avoid the traffic jam.About two hours later, we came to a nice place.It was near a river. We put our bicycles under the trees and went swimming.It was a very hot day. The water was very refreshing.

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After having a swim, we had lunch in the cool shade under the trees.Then we went for a walk.We didn't come back home until the night fell.

It took us about two hours by bike to get to the nice place in the countryside.There was a rive there. The water was clean and it was a good place to swim.We threw our bikes on the groundand jumped into the water.It was hot, but the water made us refreshed.After we swam around:'the river, we were tired. We took out the sandwiches and water, and had our picnic in the shade under the trees.The most popular food are sausages and tomatoes.

After lunch we took a walk.There we saw many beautiful flowers and green grass. We smelled sweet air.How nice the picnic was!



游完泳,我们在树荫下吃了午饭。然后我们去散步。直到夜幕降2 / 4






Yesterday,I went to have a picnic with my old classmates.We dated with each other several days ago.And we were all expecting the day's come. At last, the excited day came. We went to the part where we have decided to have the picnic. During the picnic ,we talked with each other,played games,and so on. On balance, I had a nice day and I will never forget it.Because it is so happy in the picnic and we remaided so many pleasures things in our childhood.

2we had a picnic in fall last year. first we climbed to the top of the hill. we saw many pupils there. we talked ,laughed and played together. then at picnic time, we shared our food .we 3 / 4
