
and 2.5mobile phone market ,which means that, following Sharp, Panasonic, Toshiba,
Mitsubishi, Sanyo, a Japanesemobile phone manufacturers later withdraw from
consumers blurted out genuinely few domestic brands.With the opening up further,to
a number of big companies have to squeeze into the Chinese market,Chinese market,a
brand ,not being registered by trademark, is to be acquired, squeeze, even if the
residue is hard going down really developed very limited.Here atypical case, the last
econonomic construction has made remarkable achievements. From a planned
economy to market economy era Chiness companies, brand management has grown
out of nothing.
Chinese famous erterprises incentives to 100 million,on Dali an 3 million Yuan ,on
brand-name companies have been cities for the 100000yuan reward-200000yuan.

该文献的标题是“Building a Strong Brand: A Comprehensive Review and Integration of the Literature”。

品牌营销策略外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Brand Strategy ResearchKapferer,J.HEconomic globalization,how to adapt to international trends,establish,a strong brand and enhance our competitiveness,have become pressing issues facing enterprises.Based on the analysis of the development of corporate marketing brand strategy in enterprise marketing role.Enterise needs to sue a variety of means ofcompetition to increase brand awarenss, improve brand positioning, an create a good brand image.First, Japanese brands across the board defeat.November 22,2006 morning, NEC announced that it would withdraw from 2G and 2.5mobile phone market ,which means that, following Sharp, Panasonic, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Sanyo, a Japanese mobile phone manufacturers later withdraw from the Chinese market, Japanese mobile phone has almost all except Kyocera 2G mobile phone market in China out of contention.If we sum up the Chinese household appliance market, today any different from ten years ago,I think the biggest difference is that Japanese companies in China, Japanese home appliance market downturn, the following main reasons: First, rigid enterprise system, decision-making difficult, the reaction was slow, incompatible with the reality of the Chinese market ,it is difficult to adapt to the rapidly changing Chinese market;2 is weak in marketing ,product planning capacity is not strong ,it is difficult to judge according to their marker lacunch to meet consumer demand and forecast products, follow the trend has been in a passive situation, can not satisfy market demand; Third, failure to grasp the industry best time to transition is the Japanese home appliance companies lose an important reason for market dominance.Japanese companies come to the edge in the Chinese market is causing companies tothink deeply about our nation ? To make the internanational route and whether the enterprise of“Japanese Company”to the lessons learned behind?Second, the brand strategy implementation in China the Current Situation Many old famous“flash in the pen”Chinese and foreign enterprises in the Chinese market the brand war;just grow up to be a great impact on national brands. The last century, a little-know 80’s brand ,not being registered by trademark, is to be acquired, squeeze, even if the residue is hard going down really developed very limited.Here atypical case, the last century 80s to early 90s,he worked in air conditioning sector hit wonders of the Warburg in 1998,was acquired Kelon,the subsequent deline in brand image is repeated.Brand strategy has been an increasing emphasis on domestic enterprises caused the government to support.Since the 80s of last century reform and opening up,China’s socialist econonomic construction has made remarkable achievements. From a planned economy to market economy era Chiness companies, brand management has grown out of nothing.Information,local governments at all levels of emphasis on brand-name,organization promoting the efforts,policies measures have greatly ehangced Qinghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Ningbo, Shenyang and other cities on the Chinese famous erterprises incentives to 100 million,on Dali an 3 million Yuan ,on brand-name companies have been cities for the 100000yuan reward-200000yuan.Japanese 8th 2009 year to Japanese 11th,the 40th International Consumer Electronics Show(CES) in Las Vegas Ventian hotel opening.National enterprises in the CES,we achieve superior results.It is understood that this year there are 4000 people registered to participate in China CES,including manufacturers,media and spectators,in the exhibition hall,there are 327 exhibitors.Haier is the world’s most authoritative consumer electronics industry media “TWICE”named for the Chinese consumer electr onics brand.3.The status of foreign brands in most sectors is still difficult to shake However,we should also see the face of numerous products on the market,allows consumers blurted out genuinely few domestic brands.With the opening up further,to a number of big companies have to squeeze into the Chinese market,Chinese market,a time filled with“sony”,“Coca-Cola”,“rejoice”,“Benz”and various other internantional brands,many of these names foreign brands violently hitting the national brand in China.Although the appliance industry ,led by haier brand,“Konka”,“Changhong”,“TCL”and other domestic brands have developed well,but with the “Sony”,“Panasonic”“Samsung”and other brands,they are still there competitive disadvangtage;in the IT industry,“Lenovo”,“Founder”,“Great Wall”and other countries compared to ,brand awareness is still insufficient;in Consumer Goodsmarket,“P&G”,“Oliver”,“Henkel”,and other international companies have formed the three pillars.Third,the brand strategy implementation in China Problems and Errors. Currently,Chinese brands have a huge international marker opportunity and space for international brands has been inevitable,but there are also brand building is not unsatisfactory.Our Enterprise Brand Building Problems:Factors from the point of micro-enterprises themselves:there is a lace of technology development,brand competitiveness is not strong;brand personality,lack of innovation and development capacity;small-scale production and management,brand development lack of overall planning;ability of weak erports and internantional operations,Brand awareness is not strong;brand positioning is not clear,there is a large range of factors such as blindness.Speaking from the macro social factors:social mechanisms need to be improved,policies and regulations support the neeed to further strengthen the country’s industrial policy,export-oriented policies for different sectors play different role in the country’s industrial policy,export-oriented policies for different sectors play different role in the promotion and limitation,the financial environment for business investment capacity and market expansion ability and the important influence.The establishment of market system in China has for many years,despite a significant improvement but still not perfect,ther still has not really adapt to the market economy,consumer psychology has not yet fully mature.2.The current situation of global economic integration, the error of the brand strategy implementation(1)Ignore the brand investment,profit-orientedBackground of economic globalization, international competition is increasingly reflected in the brand’s competition, the overwhelming majority of the modern world famous multinational companies with particular emphasis on the use of brand strategy, brand such a full range of output through the form of multinational corporations gradually occupationof the internantional market. it is no exaggeration to say that now,the brand has achieved global strategic objectives of transnational corporationssharp weapon,is an important means to achieve capital expansion.Rome was not built in a day cold .Brand never be in the short term invented to be a long process of accumulation. Many enterprises do not clearly recognize this point,attempt to create a brand in a short time,but ignored the long-term planning and strategy.(2)Brand strategy is a systematicThe implementation of brand strategy is a systematic,enterprise strategy and the overall development of an important component of competitive strategy.The implementation of brand strategy is to rely on their overall quality and overall image enhancement,the need for scientific management idea and superb operational skills,but quit a few brand planner in this regard was particularly poor performance and immediate impact brand development ,practical work in the emergence of many such errors:If that job is to create a brand to take a good brand is drawing a satisfactory visual signs only;Advertising is the only way to cuoltivate well-known brands,in addition to adbertising in the media ,big,the other no attention;scale enterprise product once formed,well-known brands on the naturally established;well-known brand is equivalert to high price,to be unrealistically improve the product price.Some companies even to furthrer in the brand Wrong Operation not hesitate to give up their own brand business,with foreign companies,brands,or to sell its own brand low-cost transfer,such as our persent more than 20 million“three capital”enterprises,there 90% of the joint venture using the foreign brands;clean silver toothpaste fctory in Ghuangzhou to 2 million yuan cheap to transfer to joint ventures and other brands,is one such outstanding erample of the terrible consequences of today has become increasingly apparent-lost domestic enterprises own brand,product and intellectual property rights,national industrial competitiveness lie!(3)Product is the enterprise competitive advantage in the market can be quickly imitated by competitors,beyond,the brand is insurmountable,real and lasting competitive advantage comes from innovation,in order to “change”shouldbe “status quo”Brand is the concentrated expression of the core competitiveness.The market isconstrantly changing face of any brand at any time to be out of danger .Too much emphasis on the existing achievements,do not attach importance to innovation,leading to a lot of brand-name“dismount”the major reason.Coca-Cola’s former chiefmarketing officer Sergio Zyman,“the brand is only the company logo products and services are different from competitors,is the most effective weapon to open up the market,excellent brand can make your product stand out.”Products physical properties,quantity,price,quality,service is very easy to make your product stand out.” Products physical properties, quantitiy, price, quality,service is very easy to imitate competitors, Er brands, along with the product itself,also includes an attatched product to cultural background, emotional, consumer cognition invisible things,so that enterprises Yong Yuan Li in the competition undefeated.Consumer awareness deciding the fate of the brand has a direct impact on consumer awareness.Brand is the difference deciding the fateof the brand has a direct impact on consumer awareness.Brand is the difference between the market enterprise important symbols is the benchmark for consumer spending to brand as the core has become a cor porate restructuring and reallocation of resources an important mechanism.In addition,enterprises should learn from successful exiperiences abroad to enhance their design and development capability.Enterprises should dare to challenge the new technology revolution to create their own brand, and increase market competitiveness; We must work hard in the value of differentiation has been directly determined to achieve the final product sales,personal services are indispensable!2.To strengthen marketing,improve brand awareness,brand strategy will be organically integrated in their overall strategy to promote the overall development strategy.The implementation of brand marketing is an important part of the strategy.By choosing the right marketing approach can be effectively used to brand a household name brand,expand market share.Brand strategy is not an isolate task,but the overall development strategy and business are closely related.A successful brand names more than just a brand its own thing,related to business management of all major strategicdecision,these major strategic decision,these major strategic decisions were consciously carried out around to expand.翻译:企业品牌战略研究卡普费雷尔,J.H在经济全球化的今天,如何适应国际化潮流,建立强势品牌,提高竞争能力,已经成为国内企业面临的迫切问题。

企业战略管理外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)企业战略管理与战略管理会计探析中英文翻译Strategic management and strategic management accounting literature translation in both Chinese and English[论文关键词]战略管理会计企业战略内容方法[key words] strategic management accounting strategy content method [论文摘要]战略管理会计是当今企业经营环境更加复杂多变、全球性市场竞争空前广泛激烈的情况下,为满足现代企业实施战略管理的特定信息需要而建立的新的管理会计信息系统。
/ paper pick to strategic management accounting is the enterprise management environment is more complex, an unprecedented high competitive global market, to meet the modern enterprise to implement strategic management specific information need and establish a new management accounting information system. This article from connotation, goals and characteristics of strategic management accounting to the main content of strategic management accounting and methods of strategic management accounting in this paper.一、从企业战略的高度来看战略管理会计One, from the perspective of the height of business strategy, strategic management accounting1981年,英国学者西蒙斯最早将管理会计与战略管理相结合,提出战略管理会计之说。

企业品牌战略研究外文翻译Brand Strategy ResearchIn today's era of economic n。
establishing a strong brand。
it XXX increase brand awareness。
improve brand ning。
and create a positive brand image.One example of the importance of brand strategy can be seenin the defeat of Japanese mobile phone brands in the Chinese market。
On November 22.2006.NEC XXX from the 2G and 2.5 mobile phone market。
following the footsteps of other Japanese mobile phone manufacturers such as Sharp。
and Sanyo。
With the n of Kyocera。
Japanese mobile phone XXX from the 2G mobile phone market in China.To avoid a similar fate。
XXX Management。
establishing a strong brand is essential for XXX strategy。
it is clear that brand XXX success in today's global market。
By ritizing brand management and utilizing us competitive means。

2012 届毕业论文中国企业品牌国际化战略研究系、部:经济与管理系学生姓名:彭诗尧指导教师:王阳职称讲师专业:国际经济与贸易班级:国贸0802完成时间:2012/5/22中国企业品牌国际化战略研究摘要新经济时代,全球化趋势对企业国际化的要求日益迫切。
关键词: 企业;品牌国际化;竞争力ABSTRACTThe new economic era, the trend of globalization is increasingly urgent requirements of the enterprise internationalization. Actively participate in international competition, changing the image of Chinese products, and establish a brand position in the international arena, has become the inevitable choice of the Chinese enterprises in the conditions of economic globalization. As market competition intensifies, enterprises are facing challenges not only from the product prices and technology, sales channels and strategies, corporate governance and culture, how to build a successful brand, the brand barrier "formed in the competition, has become a business an important topic in need of serious study. The article first start from the concept of "international brand", so we have a preliminary understanding of the existing brand internationalization. And it comes to brand internationalization of Chinese enterprises is an inevitable trend. Resolution, and then brand the path of internationalization of our enterprises favorable conditions and the obstacles encountered in the brand internationalization road to explore the possible choice of international strategy. Finally, Lenovo and Haier instance some of the recommendations of the corporate brand on the international road.Key Words: Enterprise;Internationalization;Competitiveness目录摘要............................................. 错误!未定义书签。

Brand-Leadership品牌战略大学毕业论文外文文献翻译及原文毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:品牌战略文献、资料英文题目:Brand Leadership文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14外文翻译:品牌战略原文来源:Aaker, David A.; Erich Joachimsthaler (2000). Brand Leadership. New York: The Free Press. pp. 1–6. ISBN 0-684-83924-5.译文正文:品牌管理是营销技术应用到具体产品,产品线或品牌。
由《Interbrand》和《Business Week》公布的每年最具价值的品牌名单中可以发现,公司的市场价值通常是由品牌决定。

关于品牌价值的外文文献原文以及翻译译文INTERNATIONAL FACTORINGON THE BRAND STRATEGY AND COUNTERMEASURESRESEARCHBy T.BettinaWith economic development and people's living standards, increasing the wealth of material and products, business competition from products and services, competition, to a higher stage of the competition between brands. Brand is both a business products and services unique to the mark, to some extent also is a standard and commitment. It is a business permit to enter the market and consumers a bridge between the enterprises are relying on market positioning.Brand strategy and practice of systematic research, only started in the late 1980s. In 1988, Philip. Morris and Nestle's acquisition of two well-known, so that the brand value of the assets of the market to be officially confirmed, marking the modern era of the brand. Chinese enterprises in the theory and practice of brand strategy in recent years has made considerable progress and development, but the West still a big gap compared with developed countries. Promoting the brand strategy will help enterprises establish an advanced view of the market, and strengthen the awareness of the market.First, the concept of brand strategy-related analysis(A) the definition of brand and constituteThe most basic brand is defined as one intended to be used to identify (or group) vendor in terms of quality products and services names, terms, mark, symbol or design, or their combination, and intended to be used to distinguish one (or a group) and its vendor Competitors. Brands include brand names, trademarks and brand logo. Brand, in essence, represents the seller to the buyer on the delivery of the product features, benefits and services, consistent commitment to the brand is the best guarantee of quality.The brand is divided into 6 levels of meaning: attributes, interests, values, culture, personality, the user. Therefore, the most durable brand is the meaning of their values, cultures and personalities, including visual, emotional, the idea that they constitute the essence of the brand.(B) the definition of brand strategy with the aim of Brand Strategy, as its name implies, is the corporate brand to create, use and maintenance of the core, in its analysis of conditions and the external environment on the basis of the development of the overall business plan of action. From the practical point of view, is the choice of brand strategy, packaging, training, promotion and protection of a particular brand, reputation make it step by step and give full play to the effects of brand-name brands and companies to promote their own development and growth.The main purpose of the brand strategy is to create high visibility, high credibility, and a larger market share enormous economic benefits.First, high visibility. High-profile corporate products and services to smooth the sale an important factor in business and a great intangible asset.Secondly, the high degree of credibility. A high degree of credibility is a business and all employees and even years of hard struggle of several generations, well-formed operation of theenterprises and products in the market a good impression on the minds of consumers. To the consumer, the high degree of credibility means that the quality of high-tech content and a good level of service; cooperation of enterprises and banks, financing, a higher degree of redibility means that reliable and trustworthy. In a market economy, only about reputation, business can be the main market recognition can be long-term development.Thirdly, a larger market share. Market share from the market coverage and market share both to consider. Corporate brand through the implementation of the strategy, to increase brand awareness, reputation, business products and services to increase market share, which is good business to ensure effective.Fourth, the huge economic benefits. The success of the brand strategy can make the product more of the sales market, but also in the market than similar products of a higher sale price. As a result, brand-name products and good services to achieve significant sales and higher profits for companies bring in huge commercial profits.We can see that the brand strategy is to expand the direct purpose of the enterprise products and services in the market, so as to increase market share and achieved great economic benefits. In the long run, the brand strategy is to achieve the brand and grow the business and sustainable development.Second, China's enterprises of the importance of brand strategySince the reform and opening up, China's economy has experienced sustained growth for decades. With the economy expanding and opening up, China's domestic market has been in the international market has become an important component of China's enterprises to participate in international competition means great changes have taken place. World-renowned enterprise in an increasingly competitive and complex Chinese market, the implementation of brand strategy, brand China is facing severe challenges in international competition. In particular after the accession to the WTO, China will be in the majority of enterprises with foreign competitors in a powerful position face-to-face contest, a growing number of famous foreign brands will enter into our life. In the face of this unprecedented impact on the brand, China is only the implementation of brand strategy, create brand and corporate brand products in order to enter the international market and international market competition with foreign brand rivals. On the other hand, with progress in science and technology, consumer demand and continuous improvement in the level and pay attention to brand, the pursuit of brand and increase brand-name consumer phenomenon is increasingly clear, the implementation of corporate brand strategy is not only conducive to the expansion of market share, but also more Large economic benefits. China's domestic enterprises to take part in market competition, and only the implementation of brand strategy in order to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in the competition.(A) business development must be to promote the growth of the brand strategyAs China's market economy reform, in particular China's accession to the WTO. China's all over the original system of small businesses, the impact of a market economy, gradually formed a number of cross-regional business and the well-known brands. In the competition, non-brand-name slowly out of the market, an industry often controlled by a few big brands, market competition into a major competition between brands. With the world-class international brands to enter China, domestic brands will lose the advantages of the original, faced with severe competition. In this case, the number of domestic famous brands have "Yi Zhi", or the acquisition by multinational companies, or joint ventures with foreign brands, domestic brands positions arenibbled away. The right to choose and implement the brand strategy to improve our products and services in the domestic market, step by step into the world, with the developed countries of the world famous enterprises match, China's entrepreneurs is incumbent upon the sacred mission. Number of national brand value of the industry (1,000,000 U.S. dollars)Coca-Cola Beverage 83845 U.S. 12 U.S. Microsoft software 56,654U.S. 3 IBM computer 437814 General Electric of the United States diversified 33,5205 Ford Motor of the United States 331976 Disney entertainment of the United States 32,2757 INTEL U.S. computer 300218 McDonald's 26,231 U.S. Food9 AT & T of the United States Telecom 2418110 Marlboro 21,048 U.S. tobacco11 NOKIA Finland Telecom 20694Mercedes-Benz car 12 Germany 1778113, Switzerland Nestle Beverage 17595Hewlett-Packard computer 17132 U.S. 1415, Guillermo personal belongings of the United States 15,89416 KODAK image of the United States 1483017 ERISSION Swedish telecommunications 14,76618 SONY Japanese electronics 1423119 U.S. financial services 12,550 American Stock Exchange20 TOKYO Japan Automobile 12,310Table 2-1 World brand value of the top 20 list (Source: /962577.html) You Shangbiao, it is not hard to see that the size of the value of the brand also reflects the brand owner (or group of transnational corporations) in the global enterprise or industry position and competitiveness.China's major cities has been a strong consumer brand awareness of the consumer, small and medium-sized cities and rural markets have gradually enhance brand awareness. Young people to pursue well-known consumer brands to achieve self-worth, has become a fashion, but they are small in the consumption of foreign brands such as Nestle, McDonald's grow up so as to pursue the development of foreign brands for fashion, which can not have Sighted people for the national brand of domestic concerns. In the Chinese market, foreign brands through joint ventures, wholly or in a variety of ways, such as mergers and acquisitions, to create a successful local brands. In contrast, China's opening up, in addition to an earlier, compared with full competition in the industry, such as household appliances, cosmetics, food and beverage industries better than brand development, the protection of national policy and restrictions on the industry, the real strength of the brand little. If you do not go on this way to strengthen the focus on brand protection, brand promotion of growth in these areas would not be able to enterprises and foreign enterprises to compete, can not be developed.(B) market in China has become the brand competitionWith the reform and opening up of China's socialist market economy and building the prosperous development of China's market situation has changed dramatically, showing thefollowing trends: from a single-system to the needs of the diverse needs of change; by the identical to the individual needs of demand Change; by the type of poverty, food and clothing needs-to-well-off, rich-changing needs. Require a change in demand for a corresponding change in supply, which led to the need to intensify competition among enterprises and changes in the way, in such circumstances, China has gradually formed the pattern of brand competition.First of all, competition among enterprises has been content to seek resources, the advantage into a commodity to seek technical advantages, strengths and talent brand, and technology, human resources advantages will ultimately have to be reflected in the brand. As a result, the economy entered a "relative surplus" of the times, the importance of resources has declined to seek brand has become a large enterprise to achieve long-term development of the most urgent task.This was followed by gradual means of competition on price-based competition means, in order to shift the main means of non-price competition. In the past, China's market price war among enterprises is the main means of competition, but consumer demand as by the type of food and clothing to the well-off-the-well-off change in the quality of goods at low cost is no longer subject to mainstream consumers, they are more important Is the brand, quality, service and so on non-price factors. Although the price reduction strategy in a certain period of time so that competitors at a disadvantage, but it will benefit their own business down, resulting in a lose-lose outcome. And rely on high quality, innovative products and superior service set up by the brand advantage, the enterprise market will rise, increasing economic efficiency, sustainable development of the enterprise.Finally, the structure of the competition has been limited to domestic competition among enterprises, to between domestic and foreign enterprises to compete more. Since China opened the door, a number of powerful multinational corporations in developed countries to enter the Chinese market on a large scale, with local enterprises in China's heated market competition, our international market competition, in an increasingly competitive market. As a result, Chinese enterprises should use the favorable conditions for local enterprises, and strive to create a national brand, with foreign brands and fight to safeguard national industries. Only after a firm footing in order to get out, to participate in the international market competition, international operations.关于当代品牌战略与对策的思考发展概况前景作者:T.贝蒂娜随着经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,物质产品的日益丰富,企业经营的竞争已由产品的生产和服务的竞争,转向更高阶段的品牌之间的竞争。

品牌营销外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Brand Strategy ResearchEconomic globalization,how to adapt to international trends,establish,a strong brand and enhance our competitiveness,have become pressing issues facing enterprises.Based on the analysis of the development of corporate marketing brand strategy in enterprise marketing role.Enterise needs to sue a variety of means of competition toincrease brand awarenss, improve brand positioning, an create a good brand image.First, Japanese brands across the board defeat.November 22,2006 morning, NEC announced that it would withdraw from 2G and 2.5mobile phone market ,which means that, following Sharp, Panasonic, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Sanyo, a Japanese mobile phone manufacturers later withdraw from the Chinese market, Japanese mobile phone has almost all except Kyocera 2G mobile phone market in China out of contention.If we sum up the Chinese household appliance market, today any different from ten years ago,I think the biggest difference is that Japanese companies in China, Japanese home appliance market downturn, the following main reasons: First, rigid enterprise system, decision-making difficult, the reaction was slow, incompatible with the reality of the Chinese market ,it is difficult to adapt to the rapidly changing Chinese market;2 is weak in marketing ,product planning capacity is not strong ,it is difficult to judge according to their marker lacunch to meet consumer demand and forecast products, follow the trend has been in a passive situation, can not satisfy market demand; Third, failure to grasp the industry best time to transition is the Japanese home appliance companies lose an important reason for market dominance.Japanese companies come to the edge in the Chinese market iscausing companies tothink deeply about our nation ? To make the internanational route and whether the enterprise of“Japanese Company”to the lessons learned behind?Second, the brand strategy implementation in China the Current Situation Many old famous“flash in the pen”Chinese and foreign enterprises in the Chinese market the brand war;just grow up to be a great impact on national brands. The last century, a little-know 80’s brand ,not being registered by trademark, is to be acquired, squeeze, even if the residue is hard going down really developed very limited.Here atypical case, the last century 80s to early 90s,he worked in air conditioning sector hit wonders of the Warburg in 1998,was acquired Kelon,the subsequent deline in brand image is repeated.Brand strategy has been an increasing emphasis on domestic enterprises caused the government to support.Since the 80s of last century reform and opening up,China’s socialist econonomic construction has made remarkable achievements. From a planned economy to market economy era Chiness companies, brand management has grown out of nothing.Information,local governments at all levels of emphasis on brand-name,organization promoting the efforts,policies measures have greatly ehangced Qinghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Ningbo, Shenyang and other cities on the Chinese famous erterprises incentives to 100million,on Dali an 3 million Yuan ,on brand-name companies have been cities for the 100000yuan reward-200000yuan.Japanese 8th 2009 year to Japanese 11th,the 40th International Consumer Electronics Show(CES) in Las Vegas Ventian hotel opening.National enterprises in the CES,we achieve superior results.It is understood that this year there are 4000 people registered to participate in China CES,including manufacturers,media and spectators,in the exhibition hall,there are 327 exhibitors.Haier is the world’s most authoritative consumer electronics industry media “TWICE”named for the Chinese consumer electronics brand.3.The status of foreign brands in most sectors is still difficult to shakeHowever,we should also see the face of numerous products on the market,allows consumers blurted out genuinely few domestic brands.With the opening up further,to a number of big companies have to squeeze into the Chinese market,Chinese market,a time filled with“sony”,“Coca-Cola”,“rejoice”,“Benz”and various other internantional brands,many of these names foreign brands violently hitting the national brand in China.Although the appliance industry ,led by haier bran d,“Konka”,“Changhong”,“TCL”and other domestic brands have developed well,but with the “Sony”,“Panasonic”“Samsung”and other brands,they are still there competitive disadvangtage;in the ITindustry,“Lenovo”,“Founder”,“Great Wall”and other countries compared to ,brand awareness is still insufficient;in Consumer Goods market,“P&G”,“Oliver”,“Henkel”,and other international companies have formed the three pillars.Third,the brand strategy implementation in China Problems and Errors.Currently,Chinese brands have a huge international marker opportunity and space for international brands has been inevitable,but there are also brand building is not unsatisfactory.Our Enterprise Brand Building Problems:Factors from the point of micro-enterprises themselves:there is a lace of technology development,brand competitiveness is not strong;brand personality,lack of innovation and development capacity;small-scale production and management,brand development lack of overall planning;ability of weak erports and internantional operations,Brand awareness is not strong;brand positioning is not clear,there is a large range of factors such as blindness.Speaking from the macro social factors:social mechanisms need to be improved,policies and regulations support the neeed to furthe r strengthen the country’s industrial policy,export-oriented policies for different sectors play different role in the country’s industrial policy,export-oriented policies for different sectors play different role in the promotion and limitation,the financialenvironment for business investment capacity and market expansion ability and the important influence.The establishment of market system in China has for many years,despite a significant improvement but still not perfect,ther still has not really adapt to the market economy,consumer psychology has not yet fully mature.2.The current situation of global economic integration, the error of the brand strategy implementation(1)Ignore the brand investment,profit-orientedBackground of economic globalization, international competition is increasingly reflected in the brand’s competition, the overwhelming majority of the modern world famous multinational companies with particular emphasis on the use of brand strategy, brand such a full range of output through the form of multinational corporations gradually occupationof the internantional market. it is no exaggeration to say that now,the brand has achieved global strategic objectives of transnational corporations sharp weapon,is an important means to achieve capital expansion.Rome was not built in a day cold .Brand never be in the short term invented to be a long process of accumulation. Many enterprises do not clearly recognize this point,attempt to create a brand in a short time,but ignored the long-term planning and strategy.(2)Brand strategy is a systematicThe implementation of brand strategy is a systematic,enterprise strategy and the overall development of an important component of competitive strategy.The implementation of brand strategy is to rely on their overall quality and overall image enhancement,the need for scientific management idea and superb operational skills,but quit a few brand planner in this regard was particularly poor performance and immediate impact brand development ,practical work in the emergence of many such errors:If that job is to create a brand to take a good brand is drawing a satisfactory visual signs only;Advertising is the only way to cuoltivate well-known brands,in addition to adbertising in the media ,big,the other no attention;scale enterprise product once formed,well-known brands on the naturally established;well-known brand is equivalert to high price,to be unrealistically improve the product price.Some companies even to furthrer in the brand Wrong Operation not hesitate to give up their own brand business,with foreign companies,brands,or to sell its own brand low-cost transfer,such as our persent more than 20 million“three capital”enterprises,there 90% of the joint venture using the foreign brands;clean silver toothpaste fctory in Ghuangzhou to 2 million yuan cheap to transfer to joint ventures and other brands,is one such outstanding erample of the terrible consequences of today has become increasingly apparent-lost domestic enterprises own brand,product and intellectual property rights,national industrialcompetitiveness lie!(3)Product is the enterprise competitive advantage in the market can be quickly imitated by competitors,beyond,the brand is insurmountable,real and lasting competitive advantage comes from innovati on,in order to “change”shouldbe “status quo”Brand is the concentrated expression of the core competitiveness.The market is constrantly changing face of any brand at any time to be out of danger .Too much emphasis on the existing achievements,do not attach importance to innovation,leading to a lot of brand-name“dismount”the major reason.Coca-Cola’s former chiefmarketing officer Sergio Zyman,“the brand is only the company logo products and services are different from competitors,is the most effective weapon to open up the market,excellent brand can make your product stand out.”Products physical properties,quantity,price,quality,service is very easy to make your product stand out.” Products physical properties, quantitiy, price, quality,service is very easy to imitate competitors, Er brands, along with the product itself,also includes an attatched product to cultural background, emotional, consumer cognition invisible things,so that enterprises Yong Y uan Li in the competition undefeated.Consumer awareness deciding the fate of the brand has a direct impact on consumer awareness.Brand is the difference deciding the fateof the brand has a direct impact on consumerawareness.Brand is the difference between the market enterprise important symbols is the benchmark for consumer spending to brand as the core has become a cor porate restructuring and reallocation of resources an important mechanism.In addition,enterprises should learn from successful exiperiences abroad to enhance their design and development capability.Enterprises should dare to challenge the new technology revolution to create their own brand, and increase market competitiveness; We must work hard in the value of differentiation has been directly determined to achieve the final product sales,personal services are indispensable!2.To strengthen marketing,improve brand awareness,brand strategy will be organically integrated in their overall strategy to promote the overall development strategy.The implementation of brand marketing is an important part of the strategy.By choosing the right marketing approach can be effectively used to brand a household name brand,expand market share.Brand strategy is not an isolate task,but the overall development strategy and business are closely related.A successful brand names more than just a brand its own thing,related to business management of all major strategic decision,these major strategic decision,these major strategic decisions were consciously carried out around to expand.翻译:企业品牌战略研究卡普费雷尔,J.H2010年6月11日在经济全球化的今天,如何适应国际化潮流,建立强势品牌,提高竞争能力,已经成为国内企业面临的迫切问题。


毕业论文材料:英文文献及译文课题名称:中小企业品牌战略研究专业楷体_GB2312 三号学生姓名班级学号指导教师专业系主任完成日期二零一二年三月Russian Accession To The WTO On China Textile Trade ImpactDAVID E. MILLS Texdaily/ Dec /2006o n November 19,2006,Russia and the United States signed a bilateral agr-eement Russia, after years of efforts, Russia's accession to the WTO on the r-oad to finally remove the greatest obstacle, if all goes well, the year 2007 is expected to become Russia's WTO membership.Textiles are China and Russia (Soviet Union) trade in traditional commod-etyies, and China's main export commodities one. But after the breakup of th-e Soviet Union, by Russia gray customs clearance and other factors, the bil-ateral textile trade has been in chaos, I most large enterprises entered, the self-employed and SMEs to take a leading role in Russia's business interests insec-urity, commodities poor reputation. Russia's accession to the WTO, trade envi-ronment will be improved, I brought large enterprises to enter the dawn.A Sino-Russian textile trade statusRussian textile exports is one of the major markets, with the accelerated pace of Russia's accession to the WTO, I saw a big fluctuations.According to customs statistics, in 2005 the Sino-Russian trade volume of textiles and garments to 6.218 billion US dollars, an increase of 35%. Within this total, China's exports to 6.213 billion US dollars, increasing by 35.4% and imports 4.8 million US dollars, down 21.6%.China's textile exports to Russia 47% of the total.In 2006, bilateral trade has witnessed rapid growth runs counter to the trend, the bilateral textile trade has been a substantial drop49.8 billion dollars, a drop of 19.9%, basic for China's exports. Chinese exports to Russia share has dropped to 32%. Russia in 2005 from my first five largest export market retreated No. 7.2, Russia textile trade the main problems(1)Gray clearanceGray clearance of the Chinese textile and apparel trade disorder causes. This directly caused the main issues include : One, in the interests of the Russian Chamber can not be guaranteed. The absence of legitimate goods clearance certificates, making the Russian Chamber of Trade as powerful departments arbitrary raids targeted heavy losses.2, the two sides statistics, the differences do not reflect the actual trade. According to Russian experts estimated that will take about a year Russia imported 15 billion US dollars of textiles and garments to meet demand on the domestic market. Russian customs statistics, in 2005 the import statistics only 1.23 billion US dollars, of which 800 million US dollars clothing, and all the imports fromChina, imports from other countries failing basic statistics. From January to September 2006, imports of textiles and garments 1.23 billion US dollars (1 billion US dollars clothing). 3, large Chinese enterprises can not directly enter the Russian market. Lack of foreign exchange reserves and Russia's trade environment triggered worry about the market risk, and large enterprises mostly through cross-border trade, wholesale, in Russia, or through the self-employed sales, has been unable to become a bilateral textile trade mainstay. 4, commodities credibility been affected. Because no legitimate clearance certificates, the only Chinese textile products on the market, can not enter the store or conventional malls. , Is often branded as the "smuggling goods" in the hat. Leading Chinese goods on the image and credibility has not high. 5, merchants become targeted. In Russia against illegal customs clearance companies, in the course of the Russian Chamber of easily being implicated as an accomplice in the smuggling and the targets to be attacked.(2) Russia's unilateral actions have resulted in my training partner, 2006 a ccompanied Putin on the training of the judiciary and the WTO intensified the pace Russia to rectify the market order has gradually expanded Show.In 2006, Russia not only in the Moscow region, but also in other regions of the big market for a number of raids. Meanwhile, the replacement of the Director of Customs, Customs officials over a gray customs clearance dropped. Due to the normal clearance impeded, irregular clearance adds another surface, leading to direct Russian textile trade drop, some traders were forced to Kaza khstan and Kyrgyzstan by other re-exports. In particular, Russia introduced late last year against foreigners engaged in retail trade policies, the majority of th-e Russian Chamber of confusion in the future, not to rush into another purcha-se.(3)Russian accession to the WTO on bilateral textile trade impactRussia's accession to the WTO, the immediate future, China and Russia will bring about some textile trade shocks and fluctuations. The major reasons are :1,A Russian trade environment has always been States complained that a-fter WTO entry, to rectify the order of operation will be Russia's accession to the WTO after one of the top priorities.2,The "China threat theory" and "Chinese immigrant" in Russian society a-nd the officials are certain market, and foreigners are prohibited in the market for the wholesale business can be viewed as restrictions on Chinese participate-on in the Russian economy were the first step further measures taken remains to be seen.3,Chinese businessmen from the Russian market after the wholesale busi-ness, in the short term, both can hardly establish new trade and way to be fil-led, will lead to direct bilateral textile trade has been shrinking.4, the Russian Customs policy changes at the implementation of standards throughout. After accession to the WTO will be increased adjustment and res-tructuring efforts. Foreign enterprises to adapt to the changes in Russian cust- oms needs a certain period.5, Russia's textile exports to mainly SMEs and the self-employed, in the face of Russia's accession to the WTO after the change, low adaptive capacity of enterprises will be forced to withdraw.China textile trade in order to completely informal, and realize sustained and steady development in the long run, Judgment to the following factors : 1, The political situation in Russia and to maintain long-term stability and thrive, and severely punish corruption;2, Russia will abide by WTO commitments to reduce import tariffs, the e-limination of unreasonable fees;3, Russia changes with the WTO standards and improve the customs and commercial laws and regulations to enhance transparency. to ensure impartial l-aw enforcement.4, Russia trade environment rectification measures in place, reducing the s-ize of the market trade, foreign trade to become normal.5, The Chinese and Russian customs, quality control, banking and transpo-rtation management and service trade cooperation between the departments to further deepen, create better it will be beneficial to bilateral trade environment.6, Standardize border trade between China and Russia, to reduce its neg-ative factors and implications.7, Bilateral government departments to take positive measures to promote timely strength of large enterprises to establish contacts direct trade cooper-ation.(4) China and Russia are complementary to each other textile industry will exist for a long timeRussia's existing textile enterprises 3000,but the scale of more than 60 en-terprises only. The majority of small-scale, aging equipment, and three-quarter-s of the equipment over 20 years, low productivity and high costs,far from b-eing competitive products arrived in similar foreign products. Although the Ru-ssian government has issued 110 preferential policies for the development of the industry, but has never been effectively implemented. Currently, the annual investment in the upgrading of equipment is only over 100 million US dollars. In addition to a small amount of chemical fiber and flax, the other la-rgely dependent on imports, and also restricting the development of the Russia-n textile industry.According to incomplete statistics, there are Russian garment production of more than 200 enterprises, the main production midrange suits fashio n police and the special tooling, clothing and other basic apparel imports.By raw materials and labor resource constraints, coupled with a weak fou-ndation, the Russian textile industry is unlikely to rapid development. Meanwh-ile, as economic development, people's living standards improve, the demand f-or textile products will keep increasing. According to Russian experts forecast that in 2010 the need 200-250 billion dollars of imports to meet domestic de-mand for textiles.Chinese textiles because of the quality, grade, and so the prices are suita-ble for the needs of ordinary Russian people, Russia has long been the largest supplier of the market.From the Russian market my main competitors Turkey and Vietnam production, the short term can replace China.In addition, the two good political relations,intersectoral cooperation has been enhanced,to promote the sustained and rapid development of bilateral trade is the common a spi-ration of both active border trade and transport facilitation, frequent personnel ex-changes as well as the advantages of long-term,as I have to ensure Russia's largest textile and apparel supplier status of the important factors.China’s apparel industry has an intimate relation with the Asian market. 47.26% of the apparel export volume goes inside Asia, and 91.02% of its import volume also comes from Asian countries. The cooperation between China and Asian countries has also been strengthened. The theme for the Asia Fashion Federation this years the ve-ry focus Chinese apparel industry eyes on. The cultural source and creativity shared by all Asian countries is the important precondition of the development of Asian Fas-hion industry and prosperity of its people. So far as all Asian countries discover and show more of its brilliant culture and intensify exchanges in technology, design innov-ation and local brand creation, the Asian apparel industry will make more historic co-ntributions to not only the Asians but people across the world.The textile industry in various countries in the national economy has alw-ays been a very important position in China's textile and apparel years to mai-ntain high momentum of growth is the world textile production and export's b-iggest. Since the 1980s, China's textile and apparel exports has been ranked fi-rst in its import and export trade surplus has become China's foreign exchange earnings and an important source of capital accumulation. However, we are n-ot textile and garment export of strong and long-term price competition from China's textile products in the international market did not gain a firm foothold. January 1, 2005, the abolition of all quotas, which will be conducive to furt-her expand the international textile and apparel market of the country to reduc-e imports of the various restrictions on China's exports. Although China's labor force have a certain advantage, but in production technology, management and production costs also at a disadvantage, and the world economic situation and the uncertainties surrounding the global textile and apparel trade pattern chang-es, quota-free era of China's textile and apparel export competitors will face t-he weight of the international market and severe challenges. How to meet the challenges and grasp the opportunity to further expand the export of textiles a-nd garments, which has a direct impact on China's economic development and foreign exchange balance the important and pressing issue. Based on China's t-extile industry in recent years and the status of new problems facing the analy sis of how the Chinese textile industry should grasp the opportunity to exceed and make reasonable adjustments.外文翻译:俄罗斯入世对中国纺织品贸易的冲击与影响大卫 E .麦尔斯《纺织日报》2006年12月刊2006年11月19日,俄美签署俄罗斯入世双边协议后,经多年努力,俄罗斯入世道路上的最大障碍终于清除,如一切顺利,2007年内俄罗斯有望成为WTO 正式成员。


台湾生产者对于更廉价的供应商而导致的销售额减少无能为力- 消费者忠诚的是品牌,而不是生产者。
例如可乐- 任何制造商可以生产可乐,但只有可口可乐公司生产可口可乐。

品牌营销战略论文参考文献篇一:品牌营销战略参考文献和英文文献翻译品牌营销战略参考文献和英文文献翻译目录外文文献翻译……………………………………………………………………….…………1 摘要..........................................................................................................1 1. 品牌战略内涵与其功能意义.. (2)2. 我国企业品牌发展概况………………………………………………….….…...…….…3 2.1 国内品牌与国外品牌相比存在着很大的差距……………………….….…………3 2.2 品牌发展缺乏整体规划 (4)2.3 产品质量低下品牌个性不足缺乏创新和发展能力.....................................4 2.4 品牌发展策略存在误区. (4)3. 企业品牌策略选择………………………………………………………….…….……..6 3.1 树立正确的品牌竞争意识着力提高品牌竞争能力......................................6 3.2 搞好品牌定位培养消费者品牌偏好与品牌忠诚.. (6)3.3 遵循品牌设计规律注重品牌形象……………………………………………....…7 3.4 采用多种品牌竞争手段 (7)外文翻译原文………………………………………………………………………………….9 1. Brand strategy with its connotations of the functional significance ……………………10 2. Enterprise Brand DevelopmentOverview (12)2.1 Domestic brands and foreignbrands (13)2.2 Brand DevelopmentPlanning ………………………………………………..…..……..13 2.3 Overall lack of poor productquality (14)2.4 Brand Development Strategy existMistakes …………………………………..……….14 3. Brand strategy to establish a correctchoice ………………………………………….….16 3.1 Brand awareness of petition and strive to improve the petitiveness ……..…....16 3.2 Brands improve brandpositioning…………………………………………………..…..16 3.3 Followed brandinglaws……………………………………………………………..…..17 3.4 Oriented brand image using a variety of meansto brand petition ……………..…..17 参考文献 1 年小山. 品牌学M . 北京: 清华大学出版社,2003,5 . 2 余鑫炎. 品牌战略与决策M . 卲林: 东北财经大学出版社,2001,7 .3 梅清豪. 市场本文源自六维论文网M .北京: 电子工业出版社,2001,156.4 叶海名. 品牌创新与品牌营销M .石家庄: 河北人民出版社出版社,2001 . 5 翁向东. 本土品牌战略M . 杭州: 浙江人民出版社,2002,30-46 . 6 刘威. 品牌战略管理实战手册M . 广州: 广东经济出版社,20xx . 7 广州本田汽车有限兯司EB/OL. 8 李辉. 20xx年度家用电器品牌分析J . 20xx:3 9 宋永高. 品牌战略与管理M . 浙江大学出版社,2003,73-75. 10 巨天中. 品牌战略M .北京: 中国经济出版社,20xx,231. 11 Charles W,Lamb Joseph,Hair CarlMcDaniel,Marketing M 6th〃ed〃北京大学出版社,2001 .12 Hart. C.W〃L Heskett J.L & Sasser W. E. Jr. TheProfitable Art of Service Recovery〃M . Harvard Business PreviewJ . 1990 :1 48-56 . 13 Kate Bertrand,MarketersDiscover What Quality Pearly MeanM . Business Marketin61987 4:58-72 . 14 苻国群〃消费者行为学M . 武汉: 武汉大学出版枉,2000 52 . 15 菲利普-科特勒〃市场营销原理M 〃北京:清华大学出版社,2001 . 16 刘强军. 商场现代化J . 20xx 2453: 23-27 . 17 美理查德 .L. 霍德霍森 .市场营销学M 〃上海: 上海人民出版社 20xxM 〃1326 品牌营销战略参考文献和英文文献翻译摘要从品牌战略的内涵与其功能意义入手探讨了品牌战略在企业营销中的作用。

品牌定位外文文献翻译最新译文文献出处:Harrison-Walker L J. STRATEGIC BRAND ORIENTATION [J]. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 2014, 18(2).原文STRATEGIC BRAND ORIENTATIONL. Jean .Harrison-WalkerWHAT IS A BRAND ORIENTATION?The term 'brand orientation' was first coined in the early 1990s (Gromark &Melin, 2011). Urde (1999, p. 117) provides the classic definition of a brand orientation as an approach in which the processes of an organization revolve around the creation, development and protection of brand identity in an ongoing interaction with target customers with the aim of achieving lasting competitive advantages in the form of brands. Grant (1995) explains that the basis of a firm's competitive advantage lies in its unique, valuable, and hard-to-imitate resources and competencies. What constitutes true competitive advantage depends upon the competitors and the customers in the market; these are the points of reference for what is unique and valuable (Urde, 1999, p.118).Gromark and Melin (2011, p.395) expand upon Urde's (1999) definition of a brand orientation:Brand orientation is a deliberate approach to brand building where brand equity is created through interaction between internal and external stakeholders. This approach is characterised by brands being the hub around which the organisation's processes revolve, an approach in which brand management is perceived as a core competence and where brand building isintimately associated with business development and financial performance.In this revised definition, Gromark and Melin (2011) attempt to further emphasize (1) that brand orientation requires a deliberate approach to brand building, as opposed to the ad hoc approach to branding common to many firms (Gromark &Melin, 2005; Baumgarth, 2009) and (2) the importance of making the brand the basis of the organization's processes.Accordingly, a firm is not considered brand oriented simply by virtue of the fact that is hasbranded products, perhaps with creative logos and slogans attached. The decisive difference is whether the brand identity represents a strategic platform for the firm or not (Urde, 1999, P-119).A company that is brand oriented is distinguished by the high relevance accorded to branding by top management and characterized by an offer that is relatively constant, consistent, relevant to the buyer, and clearly differentiated from other companies (Baumgarth, 2010). Indeed, Wong and Merrilees (2007) found that the best indicators of a brand orientation were those that indicated a particularly high regard for branding: 'branding is essential in running this company,' 'branding is essential to our strategy' and 'branding is an important asset for us.'WHERE DOES A BRAND ORIENTATION FIT WITHIN CONTEMPORARYMARKETING STRATEGY?Over the years, at least three competing philosophies have influenced marketing strategies. In the years leading up to the mid-1950s, marketing focused internally on production efficiency(e.g.a product orientation) and aggressive selling (e.g., a sales orientation). Somewhere around the mid 1950's, the focus shifted externally to customer needs (e.g. the marketing concept). The marketing concept, identified by (McCarthy &Perreault, 1984) as the philosophical foundation of a market orientation, consists of three components: customer focus, integration, and long term profitability. The marketing concept is said to serve as a cornerstone of marketing thought (see Borch, 1957; McKitterick, 1957).The 1990s saw renewed interest in the concept of market orientation (the implementation of the marketing concept). Based on a thorough literature review, Harrison-Walker (2001) conceptualized a market orientation as a dual, four-stage process involving information acquisition (Kohli &Jaworski, 1990), information sharing (Kohli &Jaworski, 1990), shared interpretation of information (Day, 1993; Sinkula, 1994), and the utilization of information in developing and implementing marketing strategies (Kohli &Jaworski, 1990). The type of information which is gathered, shared, interpreted and utilized is information about customers and competitors (Narver &Slater, 1990). In other words, the information gathered about customers and competitors is ultimately utilized by the market oriented organization to develop and implement marketing strategies that will meet the needs of customers - and do so more effectively than competitors.In an attempt to depict the market oriented approach to marketing strategy, customer needs may be thought of as the core around which the marketing mix is designed (see Figure 1). It is through a thorough and organization-wide understanding ofcustomer needs that a company can develop effective product, pricing, promotion and distribution strategies leading to improved long term performance. Harrison-Walker (2001) empirically demonstrated that customer orientation has a significant and positive impact on balanced scorecard measures of business performance.In Figure 1, branding is included as one of the many product strategy decisions, along with decisions such as product design, packaging, product warranties, etc. In non-brand oriented firms, the brand is simply as one of many resources within the firm and there is no discussion about the importance of basing the firm's approach on the brand as a specific resource (c.f. Collins &Montgomery, 1995; Peteraf, 1993; Prahalad &Hamel, 1990). Even within product strategy, it is more likely the product and its functional advantages receive far greater attention than the brand (Urde, 1999, p.l 19). The problem is that functional advantages can generally be imitated (Urde, 1999, p.l 19).The question then becomes whether a market oriented firm can also be brand oriented and, if so, where brand orientation comes into the picture. Certainly, an organization cannot focus on a brand without meeting customer needs. Customer needs must remain at the core. This does not mean that the customer is king; it means that it is imperative for the company to have a thorough understanding of customer needs in order to design an effective marketing strategy. So in our revised figure, customer needs remain at the core. For a proper adaptation of our model in Figure 1, we are provided direction by Wong and Merrilees (2007, p.388) who explain that "If each element of a marketing mix aligns to the brand, then consequently they will be aligned to each other and produce a more consistent and robustperformance." In order for the brand to function as the basis of the organization's responses (Gromark &Melin, 2005), we need to add a second concentric circle around the core (see Figure 2). The second concentric circle is the brand strategy. This makes absolute sense from a marketing strategy perspective when one considers that critical branding decisions, such as positioning, are depended upon in designing the marketing mix. That is, strategic positioning involves designing the product and the marketing mix to fit a unique position in the consumer's mind. Therefore, once consumer information is collected and processed, the positioning strategy is formulated and the marketing mix is developed to communicate the brand's unique position.In support of this conceptualization, indicating that not only are a market orientation and a brand orientation not mutually exclusive, but that a brand orientation positively impacts the effectiveness of the marketing strategy (Wong &Merrilees, 2008), Urde (1999, p.18) provides the following quote from Olle Tegstam, Senior Vice President at Nestle:An organization can never only be brand-oriented. There have to be products that are demanded and that work together with your brand. To be brand-oriented is market orientation "plus".FACTORS AFFECTING A BRAND ORIENTATION Nowadays most companies understand that brand orientation is crucial to developing strong brands and are convinced that strong brands can provide sustainable competitive advantages (Gromark &Melin, 2011). In fact, "brands have become the focal point of many a company's marketing efforts and are seen as a source of market power, competitive leverage and higher returns" (Dawar, 2004, p.31). But what factors affect a company's brandorientation?By reviewing the existing marketing and business literature it is possible to identify a number of potential antecedents to a brand orientation. In this study, eight factors are identified as factors potentially influencing a brand orientation. The conceptual model showing the potential antecedents of a brand orientation is presented in Figure 3. Potential antecedents include: the size of the company, brand barriers, services component, exploration of brand identity, brand research, years of planning and investment, expansion growth intention, and brand management assessment. In the following sections, we introduce each of the potential antecedents and set forth a research proposition with regard to its expected effect on a brand orientation.Size of CompanyThe first factor identified as a potential antecedent of a brand orientation is the size of the company. Several researchers (Baumgarth, 2010, Krake, 2005, Wong &Merrilees, 2005) report that smaller companies are less likely to be brand oriented than larger companies. For example, in a study of business-to-business companies, Baumgarth (2010) divided sample companies into"successful" and "unsuccessful" groups on the basis of a market performance index, and found that while all companies in the sample reported low levels of brand orientation, smaller companies exhibited lower levels of brand orientation than larger ones. In this study, the size of the company was measured both in terms of turnover and number of employees (Baumgarth, 2010).Wong and Merrilees (2005) provide an explanation as to whysmaller companies tend to be less brand oriented than larger ones; that is, smaller companies have a lower level of brand orientation than larger ones because they perceive that they have neither the time nor the resources to conduct branding activities. The authors (Wong &Merrilees, 2005, p.156) note that numerous studies "have identified many SMEs failing to fully invest in most business assets, including advertising, information technology and training, and to perceive such investments as costs instead."In another study by Krake (2005), qualitative research was conducted with 10 mostly medium sized companies. Just over half of the companies studied admitted that they "do something about brand management" and, following clarification of the research question, three maintained that brand management had no part in their daily or weekly operations (Krake, 2005, p.230). Krake (2005) further found that other than the directors/owners, no one within these organizations was specifically concerned with brand management, nor was it widely discussed or communicated. Krake (2005) concludes that in many SME companies, brand management receives little or no attention in the daily run of affairs. Although the owners or directors of SMEs are the ones to take the lead in this area, they either seldom have the time for it or are not even aware of "brand management" as a concept (Krake, 2005).Based on the research findings of Baumgarth (2010), Krake (2005), and Wong and Merrilees (2005), it seems that smaller companies are less brand-oriented than larger ones. This leads to the following research proposition.PI: The size of the company has a positive effect on the company's level of brand orientation. Brand BarriersPerhaps related to the size of the company is the constructof brand barriers identified by Wong and Merrilees (2005). 'Brand barriers' refer to obstacles that hinder smaller firms in particular in carrying out business activities based on the brand. The obstacles primarily involve limitations on financial and human resources, as well as time (Krake, 2005, Wong &Merrilees, 2005). The brand barriers construct is identified separately from the size of the company since larger firms may also be affected by resource limitations for a number of reasons including the negative effects of uncontrollable factors in various sectors of the external environment. These may include a weak economy, increasing costs of doing business, the imposition of new legal restrictions or requirements, and so forth. The unavailability of financial and human resources often forces firms to adopt a short term focus rather than a long term branding strategy and to underinvest in building the distinctiveness of their brand (Wong &Merrilees, 2005). Although Wong and Merrilees (2005) propose that brand barriers have a negative effect on a brand orientation, this relationship has not been empirically examined. We concur with Wong and Merrilees (2005) and set forth the following research proposition.P2: Brand barriers have a negative effect on the company 's level of brand orientation. Services ComponentThe third potential antecedent relates to whether the company's product is a service or a physical good. Marketers generally perceive a continuum with pure services at one end (such as a carton of cereal) and pure services (such as financial services) at the other. Many products fall somewhere in between. For example, a restaurant provides the physical good of the food services as well as the service product that involves seating guests, serving food, and clearing the table. In order to providemore complete information to marketing managers, it is common for marketing studies to examine whether differences between physical goods and services are significant.P3: The extent to which a company provides services over physical goods has a negative effect on the company's level of brand orientation.MANAGERIAL AND RESEARCH IMPLICATIONS The purpose of this paper is to identify potential antecedents of a brand orientation based on the existing marketing and business literature and to set forth a conceptual model depicting research propositions. Studies conducted on the consequences of a brand orientation demonstrate that a brand orientation has a positive effect on business performance. Accordingly, managers should strive to develop and nurture the brand orientation of their businesses in their efforts to attain higher business performance and competitive advantage.The study suggests several factors as important determinants of a brand orientation. Based on the existing literature, a brand orientation appears to be facilitated by a number of factors, including: the size of the company, exploration of brand identity, brand research, years of planning and investment, expansion growth intention, and brand management assessment. Additionally, brand barriers and the extent to which a company provides services over physical goods are associated with a lower level of a brand orientation. From a managerial perspective, a relatively low level of a brand orientation may lead managers to alter certain antecedents which, in turn, would lead to a higher level of a brand orientation. For example, a company with a low level of a brand orientation may invest time in exploring questions about the brand's currentidentity, from both internal as well as external perspectives. Alternatively, the firm could conduct a brand management assessment to determine if the current system of brand management is appropriate to the firm's circumstances. The brand management assessment may be particularly important if the company has recently added a number of new brands either through new product development or as the result of a corporate merger, or if the company has reduced the number of brands in its product mix as the result of divestment or experiencing negative outcomes associated with poorly managed brand proliferation.Research into a brand orientation is a relatively new field. Although the construct was first introduced in the 1990's, much of the research has been conducted only within the last decade. Many questions remain to be answered. This paper contributes to the field by providing an explanation and illustration of how a brand orientation fits within contemporary marketing strategy and identifying several potential antecedents of a brand orientation. The managerial and research implications that are presented further support the importance of gaining a more complete understanding of a brand orientation and provide direction for the advancement of research into this important and beneficial construct.译文战略品牌定位L.珍.哈里森-沃克什么是品牌定位?“品牌定位”一词最早出现于1990年代初(吉瑞马克和梅林,2011)。

Brand Strategy ResearchResource: Kapferer, J.H Strategic Brand Management[J]. Kogan Page, LondonEconomic globalization, how to adapt to international trends, establish a strong brand and enhance our competitiveness, have become pressing issues facing enterprises. Based on the analysis of the development of corporate marketing brand strategy, based on the content of brand strategy an its functional significance, to discuss the brand strategy in enterprise marketing role. Enterprise needs to use a variety of means of competition to increase brand awareness, improve brand positioning, an create a good brand image.First, Japanese brands across the board defeatNovember 22, 2006 morning, NEC announced that it would withdraw from 2G and 2.5G mobile phone market, which means that, following Sharp, Panasonic, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Sanyo, a Japanese mobile phone manufacturers later withdraw from the Chinese market, Japanese mobile phone has almost all except Kyocera 2G mobile phone market in China out of contention.If we sum up the Chinese household appliance market, today any different from ten years ago, I think the biggest difference is that Japanese companies in China, Japanese home appliance market downturn, thefollowing main reasons: First, rigid enterprise system, decision-making difficult, the reaction was slow, incompatible with the reality of the Chinese market, it is difficult to adapt to the rapidly changing Chinese market; 2 is weak in marketing, product planning capacity is not strong, it is difficult to judge according to their marker launch to meet consumer demand and forecast products, follow the trend has been in a passive situation, can not satisfy market demand; Third, failure to grasp the industry best time to transition is the Japanese home appliance companies lose an important reason for market dominance .Japanese companies come to the edge in the Chinese market is causing companies tothink deeply about our nation? To take the international route and whether the enterprise of “Japanese Company” to the lessons learned behind?Second, the brand strategy implementation in China the Current SituationMany old famous “flash in the pan”Chinese and foreign enterprises in the Chinese market the brand war; just grow up to be a great impact on national brands. The last century, a little-known 80’s brand, not being registered by trademark, is to be acquired, squeeze, even if the residue is hard going down really developed very limited. Here a typical case, the last century 80s to early 90s, he worked in air conditioning sector hit wonders of the Warburg in 1998, wasacquired Kelon, the subsequent decline in brand image is repeated.Brand strategy has been an increasing emphasis on domestic enterprises caused the government to support.Since the 80s of last century reform and opening up, China’s socialist economic construction has made remarkable achievements. From a planned economy to market economy era Chinese companies, brand management has grown out of nothing.Information, local governments at all levels of emphasis on brand-name, organization promoting the efforts, policies measures have greatly enhanced Qinghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Ningbo, Shenyang and other cities on the Chinese famous enterprises incentives to 100 million, on Dali an 3 million Yuan, on brand-name companies have been cities for the 100000yuan reward-200000yuan..January 8th 2009 year to January11th,the 40th International Consumer Electronics Show(CES) in Las Vegas Venetian hotel opening. National enterprises in the CES, we achieve superior results.It is understood that this year there are 4000 people registered to participate in China CES, including manufacturers, media and spectators, in the exhibition hall, there are 327 exhibitors. Haier is the world’s most authoritative consumer electronics industry media “TWICE” named for the Chinese consumer electronics brand.3.The status of foreign brands in most sectors is still difficult to shakeHowever, we should also see the face of numerous products on the market, allows consumers blurted out genuinely few domestic brands. With the opening up further, to a number of big companies have to squeeze into the Chinese market, Chinese market, a time filled with “Sony”, “Coca-Cola”, “Rejoice”, “Benz”and various other international brands, many of these names foreign brands violently hitting the national brand in China .Although the appliance industry, led by Haier brand, “Konka”, “Changhong” , “TCL” and other domestic brands have developed well, but with the “Sony” , “Panasonic”“Samsung” and other brands, they are still there competitive disadvantage; in the IT industry, “Lenovo” , “Founder” , “Great Wall” and the brand’s competitiveness has improved significantly, but with Europe and the United States, Japan and other countries compared to, brand awareness is still insufficient; in Consumer Goods market, “P&G”, “Oliver”, “Henkel”, and other international companies have formed the three pillars.Third, the brand strategy implementation in China Problems and Errors Currently, Chinese brands have a huge international marker opportunity and space for international brands has been inevitable, but there are also brand building is not unsatisfactory.Our Enterprise Brand Building ProblemsFactors from the point of micro-enterprises themselves: there is a lace of technology development, brand competitiveness is not strong; brandpersonality, lack of innovation and development capacity; small-scale production and management, brand development lack of overall planning; ability of weak exports and international operations, Brand awareness is not strong; brand positioning is not clear, there is a large range of factors such as blindness. Speaking from the macro social factors: social mechanisms need to be improved, policies and regulations support the need to further strengthen the country’s industrial policy, export-oriented policies for different sectors play different role in the promotion and limitation, the financial environment for business investment capacity and market expansion ability and the important influence. The establishment of market system in China has for many years, despite a significant improvement but still not perfect, there still has not really adapt to the market economy, consumer psychology has not yet fully mature.2. The current situation of global economic integration, the error of the brand strategy implementation(1) Ignore the brand investment, profit-orientedBackground of economic globalization, international competition is increasingly reflected in the brand’s competition, the overwhelming majority of the modern world famous multinational companies with particular emphasis on the use of brand strategy, brand such a full range of output through the form of multinational corporations gradually occupation of the international market, it is no exaggeration to say that now, the brandhas achieved global strategic objectives of transnational corporations sharp weapon, is an important means to achieve capital expansion.Rome was not built in a day cold. Brand never be in the short term invented to be a long process of accumulation. Many enterprises do not clearly recognize this point, attempt to create a brand in a short time, but ignored the long-term planning and strategy.(2) Brand strategy is a systematicThe implementation of brand strategy is a systematic, enterprise strategy and the overall development of an important component of competitive strategy. The implementation of brand strategy is to rely on their overall quality and overall image enhancement, the need for scientific management idea and superb operational skills, but quit a few brand planner in this regard was particularly poor performance and immediate impact brand development, practical work in the emergence of many such errors: If that job is to create a brand to take a good name to the product, improve product awareness, or what the product packaging; good brand is drawing a satisfactory visual signs only; Advertising is the only way to cultivate well-known brands, in addition to advertising in the media, big, the other no attention; scale enterprise product once formed, well-known brands on the naturally established; well-known brand is equivalent to high price, to be unrealistically improve the product price. Some companies even go further in the brand Wrong Operation not hesitate to give up theirown brand business, with foreign companies, brands, or to sell its own brand low-cost transfer, such as our present more than 20 million “three capital” enterprises, there 90% of the joint venture using the foreign brands; clean silver toothpaste factory in Ghuangzhou to 2 million yuan cheap to transfer to joint ventures and other brands, is one such outstanding example of the terrible consequences of today has become increasingly apparent-lost domestic enterprises own brand, product and intellectual property rights, national industrial competitiveness lie!(3) Product is the enterprise competitive advantage in the market can be quickly imitated by competitors, beyond, the brand is insurmountable, real and lasting competitive advantage comes from innovation, in order to “change” should be “status quo”Brand is the concentrated expression of the core competitiveness. The market is constantly changing face of any brand at any time to be out of danger. Too much emphasis on the existing achievements, do not attach importance to innovation, leading to a lot of brand-name “dismount”the major reason. Coca-Cola’s former chief marketing officer Sergio Zyman, “The brand is only the company logo products and services are different from competitors, is the most effective weapon to open up the market, excellent brand can make your product stand out .”Products physical properties, quantity, price, quality, service is very easy to imitate competitors, Er brands, along with the product itself, also includes anattached product to cultural background, emotional, consumer cognition invisible things, so that enterprises Yong Yuan Li in the competition undefeated. Consumer awareness deciding the fate of the brand has a direct impact on consumer awareness. Brand is the difference between the market enterprise important symbols is the benchmark for consumer spending to brand as the core has become a corporate restructuring and reallocation of resources an important mechanism.Fourth, national enterprises in brand internationalization process of how to brand positioningBacked by science and technology, establish a “quality first, winning by quality” business philosophy, the brand’s fashion elements, the outstanding individualProduct quality is the cornerstone of creating brand. Competitiveness of their products performance in the competition for the brand, and brand competition while relying on the inherent quality of products. Growth for the brand through a brand is the quality of a brand in the market down are also in most of a problem because of the quality. Therefore, it can be said, quality is the brand of life depends.In addition, enterprises should learn from successful experiences abroad to enhance their design and development capability. Enterprises should dare to challenge the new technology revolution to create their own brand, and increase market competitiveness; we must work hard in thetransformation. Personalization trend in the world changes, the value of customer experience and the value of differentiation has been directly determined to achieve the final product sales, personal services are indispensable!2. To strengthen marketing, improve brand awareness, brand strategy will be organically integrated in their overall strategy to promote the overall development strategyThe implementation of brand marketing is an important part of the strategy. By choosing the right marketing approach can be effectively used to brand a household name brand, expand market share. Brand strategy is not an isolated task, but the overall development strategy and business are closely related. A successful brand names more than just a brand its own thing, related to business management of all major strategic decision, these major strategic decisions were consciously carried out around the brand to expand.3. Follow the laws of the brand design, brand image, brand and accurate market positioning, brand performance and outstanding value emotional communicationBrand competition is not all-round competition; each brand has its own market position. The basic method is not positioning to create a novel or unique issues, but to manipulate what already exists in the heart, the eyes of potential customers to buy soon tapped desire to make it into consumerimpulse. Enterprises should take the market as guide, technology as a means to adapt to changes in its requirements, such as the establishment of information feedback system to collect information about changes in consumer, and constantly develop new products, provide consumers with personalized service, and meet the consumers to make their own in a good position in the competition.The world has entered the 21st century brand international competition, branding has become a new international language into millions of households. To establish the brand products in the market position establish a corporate image, is effective competition in the market means business. Brand is the core product; brand marketing is to defy the other. Enterprise management system must be adopted, technological innovation, and constantly improve the quality of products and services. At the same time to increase the international competitiveness of the strategic brand research and planning, and the comprehensive to enhance the brand’s international competitiveness. Most Chinese enterprises in the growth stage now, brand strength is weak, it is undoubted fact, however, based on industry, market and enterprise resources, while avoiding disadvantages, choose the best brand strategy is a wise choice. Such as is now more prevalent and has a well-known brand outside the company’s co-production, reverse merger; use the link strategy to redefine the brand image; with two or more brands collaborate effectively formed alliances to improve their social acceptance。

品牌管理参考文献及外文文献翻译-中字4865 品牌管理参考文献及外文文献翻译-英语论文英文:2799字中文:4685字:此版本为WORD格式,下载后可随便修改,:品牌管理参考文献及外文文献翻译-英语论文绪论新经济时代的大型企业面临的最主要问题是如何建立和管理企业的品牌。
1 品牌促进企业成长的机理认识作为企业声誉与信息的组合体,品牌是企业及其产品所包含的技术、质量、功能、文化、市场地位等引发形成的信息系统,是企业及其产品识别的符号系统。
1.1 通过影响顾客的购买心理和购买选择偏好,扩大产品的销售品牌在顾客心目中是企业和产品的标志,代表着产品的品质、特色,代表着企业的经营特色、质量管理要求等。
1.2 通过提高品牌的认知,创造产品的附加价值品牌知名度可以通过广告迅际利润,在价格上升时,消费者反应缺乏弹性,价格下降时则富有弹性,这也是名牌产品之所以能够获得比一般产品更高利润空间的原因所在。
1.3 通过强化顾客对品牌的联想和忠诚,提高产品的竞争能力当顾客对品牌有了整体认知了以后,企业可以通过强化顾客对品牌的联想和忠诚进一步推动品牌对企业成长的促进作用。

品牌管理参考文献及外文文献翻译-英语论文品牌管理参考文献及外文文献翻译参考文献[1] (美国)迈克尔.R.所罗门. 消费者行为学[M] . 经济科学出版社,2002. [2] 陈艳. 名牌战略及实施[J] . 商业研究,2005(1).[3] 雷平. 我国实施名牌战略过程中的难点及对策思考[J] . 商业研究,2004(5).[4] 蔡凯龙. 创名牌更要保名牌[J] . 经营管理者,2003(5). [5] 安进. 塑造品牌[M] . 山西:山西经济出版社,1999.[6] Michael Armstrong : Makeing The Brand[M] . English EconomicalPublishing House, 2005.[7] 朱方明. 品牌促销[M] . 中国经济出版社,2003(1).[8] Paul Temporal : How Does The Brand Develop[M] . Journal ofAppliedEconomics , 2003[9] 西荛. 品牌的动态策划[J] . 品牌策划新主张,2002(1). [10] 张续焦,帅建淮. 成功的品牌管理[M] . 北京:中国物价出版社,2002. [11] 李芳. 名牌战略与创新[J] . 中国名牌,2005(9).本文源自六维论文网 [12] 孙立平. 中国企业品牌战略的制胜之道[J] . 决策探索,2004(2). [13] 叶明海. 品牌创新与品牌营销[M] . 河北:河北人民出版社,2003:15-18,31. [14] 王二院,如何演绎品牌[J] .中国名牌,2003(1).[15] DEL.J.Hawkins : Consumer Behavior[M] . MCGraw-Hill , 2002.[16] Phillip Kotler : Marketing Management[M] . Printice-hall , 2004.绪论新经济时代的大型企业面临的最主要问题是如何建立和管理企业的品牌。

品牌管理参考文献及外文文献翻译-中字4865 品牌管理参考文献及外文文献翻译-英语论文英文:2799字中文:4685字:此版本为WORD格式,下载后可随便修改,:品牌管理参考文献及外文文献翻译-英语论文绪论新经济时代的大型企业面临的最主要问题是如何建立和管理企业的品牌。
1 品牌促进企业成长的机理认识作为企业声誉与信息的组合体,品牌是企业及其产品所包含的技术、质量、功能、文化、市场地位等引发形成的信息系统,是企业及其产品识别的符号系统。
1.1 通过影响顾客的购买心理和购买选择偏好,扩大产品的销售品牌在顾客心目中是企业和产品的标志,代表着产品的品质、特色,代表着企业的经营特色、质量管理要求等。
1.2 通过提高品牌的认知,创造产品的附加价值品牌知名度可以通过广告迅际利润,在价格上升时,消费者反应缺乏弹性,价格下降时则富有弹性,这也是名牌产品之所以能够获得比一般产品更高利润空间的原因所在。
1.3 通过强化顾客对品牌的联想和忠诚,提高产品的竞争能力当顾客对品牌有了整体认知了以后,企业可以通过强化顾客对品牌的联想和忠诚进一步推动品牌对企业成长的促进作用。

企业品牌战略研究的论文外文文献及中文翻译Brand Strategy ResearchResource: Kapferer, J.H Strategic Brand Management[J]. Kogan Page, LondonEconomic globalization, how to adapt to international trends, establish a strong brand and enhance our competitiveness, have become pressing issues facing enterprises. Based on the analysis of the development of corporate marketing brand strategy, based on the content of brand strategy an its functional significance, to discuss the brand strategy in enterprise marketing role. Enterprise needs to use a variety of means of competition to increase brand awareness, improve brand positioning, an create a good brand image.First, Japanese brands across the board defeatNovember 22, 2006 morning, NEC announced that it would withdraw from 2G and 2.5G mobile phone market, which means that, following Sharp, Panasonic, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Sanyo, a Japanese mobile phone manufacturers later withdraw from the Chinese market, Japanese mobile phone has almost all except Kyocera 2G mobile phone market in China out of contention.If we sum up the Chinese household appliance market, today any different from ten years ago, I think the biggest difference is that Japanese companies in China, Japanese home appliance market downturn, the following main reasons: First, rigid enterprise system, decision-making difficult, the reaction was slow, incompatible with the reality of the Chinese market, it is difficult to adapt to the rapidly changing Chinese market; 2 is weak in marketing, product planning capacity is not strong, it is difficult to judge according to their marker launch to meet consumer demand and forecast products, follow the trend has been in a passive situation, can not satisfy market demand; Third, failure to grasp the industry best time to transition is the Japanese home appliance companies lose an important reason for market dominance .Japanese companies come to the edge in the Chinese market is causing companies tothink deeply about our nation? To take the international route and whether the enter prise of “Japanese Company” to the lessons learned behind?Second, the brand strategy implementation in China the Current SituationMany old famous “flash in the pan”Chinese and foreign enterprises in the Chinese market the brand war; just grow up to be a great impact on national brands. The last century, a little-known 80’s brand, not being registered by trademark, is to beacquired, squeeze, even if the residue is hard going down really developed very limited. Here a typical case, the last century 80s to early 90s, he worked in air conditioning sector hit wonders of the Warburg in 1998, was acquired Kelon, the subsequent decline in brand image is repeated.Brand strategy has been an increasing emphasis on domestic enterprises caused the government to support.Since the 80s of last century reform and opening up, China’s socialist economic construction has maderemarkable achievements. From a planned economy to market economyera Chinese companies, brand management has grown out of nothing.Information, local governments at all levels of emphasis on brand-name, organization promoting the efforts, policies measures have greatly enhanced Qinghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Ningbo, Shenyang and other cities on the Chinese famous enterprises incentives to 100 million, on Dali an 3 million Yuan, on brand-name companies have been cities for the100000yuan reward-200000yuan..January 8th 2009 year to January11th,the 40th International Consumer Electronics Show(CES) in Las Vegas Venetian hotel opening. National enterprises in the CES, we achieve superior results. It is understood that this year there are 4000 people registered to participate in China CES, including1manufacturers, media and spectators, in the exhibition hall, there are 327 exhibitors. Haier is the w orld’smost authoritative consumer electronics industry media “TWICE” named for the Chinese consumerelectronics brand.3.The status of foreign brands in most sectors is still difficult to shakeHowever, we should also see the face of numerous products on the market, allows consumers blurted out genuinely few domestic brands. With the opening up further, to a number of big companies have to squeezeinto the Chinese market, Chinese market, a time filled with “Sony”, “Coca-Cola”, “Rejoice”, “Benz” andvarious other international brands, many of these names foreign brands violently hitting the national brand in China .Although the appliance industry, led by Haier brand, “Konka” , “Changhong” , “TCL” and otherdomestic brands have developed well, but with the “Sony” , “Panasonic” “Samsung” and other brands, theyare still there competitive disadvantage; in the IT industry, “Lenovo” , “Founder” , “Great Wall” and thebrand’s competitiveness has improved significantly, but with Europe and the United States, Japan and other countries compared to, brand awareness is still insufficient; in Consumer Goods market, “P&G”, “Oliver” ,“Henkel” , and other international companies have formed the three pillars.Third, the brand strategy implementation in China Problems andErrorsCurrently, Chinese brands have a huge international marker opportunity and space for international brands has been inevitable, but there are also brand building is not unsatisfactory.Our Enterprise Brand Building ProblemsFactors from the point of micro-enterprises themselves: there is a lace of technology development, brand competitiveness is not strong; brand personality, lack of innovation and development capacity; small-scale production and management, brand development lack of overall planning; ability of weak exports and international operations, Brand awareness is not strong; brand positioning is not clear, there is a large range of factors such as blindness. Speaking from the macro social factors: social mechanisms need to be improved, policies and regulations support the need to further strengthen the country’s industrial policy, export-oriented policies for different sectors play different rolein the promotion and limitation, the financial environment for business investment capacity and market expansion ability and the important influence. The establishment of market system in China has for many years, despite a significant improvement but still not perfect, there still has not really adapt to the market economy, consumer psychology has not yet fully mature.2. The current situation of global economic integration, the errorof the brand strategy implementation(1) Ignore the brand investment, profit-orientedBackground of economic globalization, international competition isin creasingly reflected in the brand’scompetition, the overwhelming majority of the modern world famous multinational companies with particular emphasis on the use of brand strategy, brand such a full range of output through the form of multinational corporations gradually occupation of the international market, it is no exaggeration to say that now, the brand has achieved global strategic objectives of transnational corporations sharp weapon, is an important means to achieve capital expansion.Rome was not built in a day cold. Brand never be in the short term invented to be a long process of accumulation. Many enterprises do not clearly recognize this point, attempt to create a brand in a short time, but ignored the long-term planning and strategy.(2) Brand strategy is a systematicThe implementation of brand strategy is a systematic, enterprise strategy and the overall development of an important component of competitive strategy. The implementation of brand strategy is to rely on their overall quality and overall image enhancement, the need for scientific management idea and superb2operational skills, but quit a few brand planner in this regard was particularly poor performance and immediate impact brand development, practical work in the emergence of many such errors: If that job is to create a brand to take a good name to the product, improve productawareness, or what the product packaging; good brand is drawing a satisfactory visual signs only; Advertising is the only way to cultivate well-known brands, in addition to advertising in the media, big, the other no attention; scale enterprise product once formed, well-known brands on the naturally established; well-known brand is equivalent to high price, to be unrealistically improve the product price. Some companies even go further in the brand Wrong Operation not hesitate to give up their own brand business, with foreign companies, brands, or to sell its own brand low-cost transfer, such as our present more than 20 million “three capital” enterprises,there 90% of the joint venture using the foreign brands; cleansilver toothpaste factory in Ghuangzhou to 2 million yuan cheap to transfer to joint ventures and other brands, is one such outstanding example of the terrible consequences of today has become increasingly apparent-lost domestic enterprises own brand, product and intellectual property rights, national industrial competitiveness lie!(3) Product is the enterprise competitive advantage in the marketcan be quickly imitated by competitors, beyond, the brand is insurmountable, real and lasting competitive advantage comes from innovation, in order to “change” should be “status quo”Brand is the concentrated expression of the core competitiveness. The market is constantly changing face of any brand at any time to be out of danger. Too much emphasis on the existing achievements, do notattach importance to innovation, leading to a lot of brand-name “dismount” the major reason. Coca-Cola’sformer chief marketing officer Sergio Zyman, “The brand is o nly the company logo products and servicesare different from competitors, is the most effective weapon to open up the market, excellent brand can make your product stand out .” Products physical properties, quantity, price, quality, service is very easy to imitate competitors, Er brands, along with the product itself, also includes an attached product to cultural background, emotional, consumer cognition invisible things, so that enterprises Yong Yuan Li in the competition undefeated. Consumer awareness deciding the fate of the brand has a direct impact on consumer awareness. Brand is the difference between the market enterprise important symbols is the benchmark for consumer spending to brand as the core has become a corporate restructuring and reallocation of resources an important mechanism.Fourth, national enterprises in brand internationalization processof how to brand positioningBacked by science and technology, establish a “quality first, winning by quality” business philosophy,the brand’s fas hion elements, the outstanding individualProduct quality is the cornerstone of creating brand. Competitiveness of their products performance in the competition for the brand, and brand competition while relying on the inherent quality of products. Growth for the brand through a brand is the quality of a brandin the market down are also in most of a problem because of the quality. Therefore, it can be said, quality is the brand of life depends.In addition, enterprises should learn from successful experiences abroad to enhance their design and development capability. Enterprises should dare to challenge the new technology revolution to create their own brand, and increase market competitiveness; we must work hard in the transformation. Personalization trend in the world changes, the value of customer experience and the value of differentiation has been directly determined to achieve the final product sales, personal services are indispensable! 2. To strengthen marketing, improve brand awareness, brand strategy will be organically integrated in their overall strategy to promote the overall development strategyThe implementation of brand marketing is an important part of the strategy. By choosing the right marketing approach can be effectively used to brand a household name brand, expand market share. Brand3strategy is not an isolated task, but the overall development strategy and business are closely related. A successful brand names more than just a brand its own thing, related to business management of all major strategic decision, these major strategic decisions were consciously carried out around the brand to expand.3. Follow the laws of the brand design, brand image, brand and accurate market positioning, brand performance and outstanding value emotional communicationBrand competition is not all-round competition; each brand has its own market position. The basic method is not positioning to create a novel or unique issues, but to manipulate what already exists in the heart, the eyes of potential customers to buy soon tapped desire to make it into consumer impulse. Enterprises should take the market as guide, technology as a means to adapt to changes in its requirements, such as the establishment of information feedback system to collect information about changes in consumer, and constantly develop new products, provide consumers with personalized service, and meet the consumers to maketheir own in a good position in the The world has entered the 21 century brand international competition, branding has become a newinternational language into millions of households. To establish the brand products in the market position establish a corporate image, is effective competition in the market means business. Brand is the core product; brand marketing is to defy the other. Enterprise management system must be adopted, technological innovation, and constantly improve the quality of products and services. At the same time to increase the international competitiveness of the strategic brand research and planning, and the comprehensive to enhance the brand’s international competitiveness. Most Chinese enterprises in thegrowth stage now, brand strength is weak, it is undoubted fact, however, based on industry, market and enterprise resources, while avoiding disadvantages, choose the best brand strategy is a wise choice.Such as is now more prevalent and has a well-known brand outside the company’s co-production, reverse merger;use the link strategy to redefine the brand image; with two or more brands collaborate effectively formed alliances to improve their social acceptance of such brand. In short choose the right brand strategy, brand marketing creativety and attention to service; in order to achieve a sensational effect and a strong brand impact, can the brand maintain vigor, forest stand in the world brand.4企业品牌战略研究资源:卡普费雷尔,J.H 战略品牌管理研究[J]. 伦敦出版社在经济全球化的今天,如何适应国际化潮流,建立强势品牌,提高竞争能力,已经成为国内企业面临的迫切问题。
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企业品牌战略研究的论文外文文献及中文翻译Brand Strategy ResearchResource: Kapferer, J.H Strategic Brand Management[J]. Kogan Page, LondonEconomic globalization, how to adapt to international trends, establish a strong brand and enhance our competitiveness, have become pressing issues facing enterprises. Based on the analysis of the development of corporate marketing brand strategy, based on the content of brand strategy an its functional significance, to discuss the brand strategy in enterprise marketing role. Enterprise needs to use a variety of means of competition to increase brand awareness, improve brand positioning, an create a good brand image.First, Japanese brands across the board defeatNovember 22, 2006 morning, NEC announced that it would withdraw from 2G and 2.5G mobile phone market, which means that, following Sharp, Panasonic, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Sanyo, a Japanese mobile phone manufacturers later withdraw from the Chinese market, Japanese mobile phone has almost all except Kyocera 2G mobile phone market in China out of contention.If we sum up the Chinese household appliance market, today any different from ten years ago, I think the biggest difference is that Japanese companies in China, Japanese home appliance market downturn, the following main reasons: First, rigid enterprise system, decision-making difficult, the reaction was slow, incompatible with the reality of the Chinese market, it is difficult to adapt to the rapidly changing Chinese market; 2 is weak in marketing, product planning capacity is not strong, it is difficult to judge according to their marker launch to meet consumer demand and forecast products, follow the trend has been in a passive situation, can not satisfy market demand; Third, failure to grasp the industry best time to transition is the Japanese home appliance companies lose an important reason for market dominance .Japanese companies come to the edge in the Chinese market is causing companies tothink deeply about our nation? To take the international route and whether the enter prise of “Japanese Company” to the lessons learned behind?Second, the brand strategy implementation in China the Current SituationMany old famous “flash in the pan”Chinese and foreign enterprises in the Chinese market the brand war; just grow up to be a great impact on national brands. The last century, a little-known 80’s brand, not being registered by trademark, is to beacquired, squeeze, even if the residue is hard going down really developed very limited. Here a typical case, the last century 80s to early 90s, he worked in air conditioning sector hit wonders of the Warburg in 1998, was acquired Kelon, the subsequent decline in brand image is repeated.Brand strategy has been an increasing emphasis on domestic enterprises caused the government to support.Since the 80s of last century reform and opening up, China’s socialist economic construction has maderemarkable achievements. From a planned economy to market economyera Chinese companies, brand management has grown out of nothing.Information, local governments at all levels of emphasis on brand-name, organization promoting the efforts, policies measures have greatly enhanced Qinghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Ningbo, Shenyang and other cities on the Chinese famous enterprises incentives to 100 million, on Dali an 3 million Yuan, on brand-name companies have been cities for the100000yuan reward-200000yuan..January 8th 2009 year to January11th,the 40th International Consumer Electronics Show(CES) in Las Vegas Venetian hotel opening. National enterprises in the CES, we achieve superior results. It is understood that this year there are 4000 people registered to participate in China CES, including1manufacturers, media and spectators, in the exhibition hall, there are 327 exhibitors. Haier is the w orld’smost authoritative consumer electronics industry media “TWICE” named for the Chinese consumerelectronics brand.3.The status of foreign brands in most sectors is still difficult to shakeHowever, we should also see the face of numerous products on the market, allows consumers blurted out genuinely few domestic brands. With the opening up further, to a number of big companies have to squeezeinto the Chinese market, Chinese market, a time filled with “Sony”, “Coca-Cola”, “Rejoice”, “Benz” andvarious other international brands, many of these names foreign brands violently hitting the national brand in China .Although the appliance industry, led by Haier brand, “Konka” , “Changhong” , “TCL” and otherdomestic brands have developed well, but with the “Sony” , “Panasonic” “Samsung” and other brands, theyare still there competitive disadvantage; in the IT industry, “Lenovo” , “Founder” , “Great Wall” and thebrand’s competitiveness has improved significantly, but with Europe and the United States, Japan and other countries compared to, brand awareness is still insufficient; in Consumer Goods market, “P&G”, “Oliver” ,“Henkel” , and other international companies have formed the three pillars.Third, the brand strategy implementation in China Problems andErrorsCurrently, Chinese brands have a huge international marker opportunity and space for international brands has been inevitable, but there are also brand building is not unsatisfactory.Our Enterprise Brand Building ProblemsFactors from the point of micro-enterprises themselves: there is a lace of technology development, brand competitiveness is not strong; brand personality, lack of innovation and development capacity; small-scale production and management, brand development lack of overall planning; ability of weak exports and international operations, Brand awareness is not strong; brand positioning is not clear, there is a large range of factors such as blindness. Speaking from the macro social factors: social mechanisms need to be improved, policies and regulations support the need to further strengthen the country’s industrial policy, export-oriented policies for different sectors play different rolein the promotion and limitation, the financial environment for business investment capacity and market expansion ability and the important influence. The establishment of market system in China has for many years, despite a significant improvement but still not perfect, there still has not really adapt to the market economy, consumer psychology has not yet fully mature.2. The current situation of global economic integration, the errorof the brand strategy implementation(1) Ignore the brand investment, profit-orientedBackground of economic globalization, international competition isin creasingly reflected in the brand’scompetition, the overwhelming majority of the modern world famous multinational companies with particular emphasis on the use of brand strategy, brand such a full range of output through the form of multinational corporations gradually occupation of the international market, it is no exaggeration to say that now, the brand has achieved global strategic objectives of transnational corporations sharp weapon, is an important means to achieve capital expansion.Rome was not built in a day cold. Brand never be in the short term invented to be a long process of accumulation. Many enterprises do not clearly recognize this point, attempt to create a brand in a short time, but ignored the long-term planning and strategy.(2) Brand strategy is a systematicThe implementation of brand strategy is a systematic, enterprise strategy and the overall development of an important component of competitive strategy. The implementation of brand strategy is to rely on their overall quality and overall image enhancement, the need for scientific management idea and superb2operational skills, but quit a few brand planner in this regard was particularly poor performance and immediate impact brand development, practical work in the emergence of many such errors: If that job is to create a brand to take a good name to the product, improve productawareness, or what the product packaging; good brand is drawing a satisfactory visual signs only; Advertising is the only way to cultivate well-known brands, in addition to advertising in the media, big, the other no attention; scale enterprise product once formed, well-known brands on the naturally established; well-known brand is equivalent to high price, to be unrealistically improve the product price. Some companies even go further in the brand Wrong Operation not hesitate to give up their own brand business, with foreign companies, brands, or to sell its own brand low-cost transfer, such as our present more than 20 million “three capital” enterprises,there 90% of the joint venture using the foreign brands; cleansilver toothpaste factory in Ghuangzhou to 2 million yuan cheap to transfer to joint ventures and other brands, is one such outstanding example of the terrible consequences of today has become increasingly apparent-lost domestic enterprises own brand, product and intellectual property rights, national industrial competitiveness lie!(3) Product is the enterprise competitive advantage in the marketcan be quickly imitated by competitors, beyond, the brand is insurmountable, real and lasting competitive advantage comes from innovation, in order to “change” should be “status quo”Brand is the concentrated expression of the core competitiveness. The market is constantly changing face of any brand at any time to be out of danger. Too much emphasis on the existing achievements, do notattach importance to innovation, leading to a lot of brand-name “dismount” the major reason. Coca-Cola’sformer chief marketing officer Sergio Zyman, “The brand is o nly the company logo products and servicesare different from competitors, is the most effective weapon to open up the market, excellent brand can make your product stand out .” Products physical properties, quantity, price, quality, service is very easy to imitate competitors, Er brands, along with the product itself, also includes an attached product to cultural background, emotional, consumer cognition invisible things, so that enterprises Yong Yuan Li in the competition undefeated. Consumer awareness deciding the fate of the brand has a direct impact on consumer awareness. Brand is the difference between the market enterprise important symbols is the benchmark for consumer spending to brand as the core has become a corporate restructuring and reallocation of resources an important mechanism.Fourth, national enterprises in brand internationalization processof how to brand positioningBacked by science and technology, establish a “quality first, winning by quality” business philosophy,the brand’s fas hion elements, the outstanding individualProduct quality is the cornerstone of creating brand. Competitiveness of their products performance in the competition for the brand, and brand competition while relying on the inherent quality of products. Growth for the brand through a brand is the quality of a brandin the market down are also in most of a problem because of the quality. Therefore, it can be said, quality is the brand of life depends.In addition, enterprises should learn from successful experiences abroad to enhance their design and development capability. Enterprises should dare to challenge the new technology revolution to create their own brand, and increase market competitiveness; we must work hard in the transformation. Personalization trend in the world changes, the value of customer experience and the value of differentiation has been directly determined to achieve the final product sales, personal services are indispensable! 2. To strengthen marketing, improve brand awareness, brand strategy will be organically integrated in their overall strategy to promote the overall development strategyThe implementation of brand marketing is an important part of the strategy. By choosing the right marketing approach can be effectively used to brand a household name brand, expand market share. Brand3strategy is not an isolated task, but the overall development strategy and business are closely related. A successful brand names more than just a brand its own thing, related to business management of all major strategic decision, these major strategic decisions were consciously carried out around the brand to expand.3. Follow the laws of the brand design, brand image, brand and accurate market positioning, brand performance and outstanding value emotional communicationBrand competition is not all-round competition; each brand has its own market position. The basic method is not positioning to create a novel or unique issues, but to manipulate what already exists in the heart, the eyes of potential customers to buy soon tapped desire to make it into consumer impulse. Enterprises should take the market as guide, technology as a means to adapt to changes in its requirements, such as the establishment of information feedback system to collect information about changes in consumer, and constantly develop new products, provide consumers with personalized service, and meet the consumers to maketheir own in a good position in the The world has entered the 21 century brand international competition, branding has become a newinternational language into millions of households. To establish the brand products in the market position establish a corporate image, is effective competition in the market means business. Brand is the core product; brand marketing is to defy the other. Enterprise management system must be adopted, technological innovation, and constantly improve the quality of products and services. At the same time to increase the international competitiveness of the strategic brand research and planning, and the comprehensive to enhance the brand’s international competitiveness. Most Chinese enterprises in thegrowth stage now, brand strength is weak, it is undoubted fact, however, based on industry, market and enterprise resources, while avoiding disadvantages, choose the best brand strategy is a wise choice.Such as is now more prevalent and has a well-known brand outside the company’s co-production, reverse merger;use the link strategy to redefine the brand image; with two or more brands collaborate effectively formed alliances to improve their social acceptance of such brand. In short choose the right brand strategy, brand marketing creativety and attention to service; in order to achieve a sensational effect and a strong brand impact, can the brand maintain vigor, forest stand in the world brand.4企业品牌战略研究资源:卡普费雷尔,J.H 战略品牌管理研究[J]. 伦敦出版社在经济全球化的今天,如何适应国际化潮流,建立强势品牌,提高竞争能力,已经成为国内企业面临的迫切问题。