

英国个人所得税计算中非储蓄收入的房产收入(Property income)

英国个人所得税计算中非储蓄收入的房产收入(Property income)

英国个人所得税计算中非储蓄收入的房产收入(Property income)在个人所得税计算中,我们会将应税收入分为三大类,分别为:●非储蓄收入Non-savings income:包括了雇佣收入、交易利润、房产收入、杂项收入。


●储蓄收入Savings income:来自投资的利息。

●股息收入Dividend income:来自英国和海外公司的股息。















第15章个人所得税法Chapter 15 Individual Income Tax•Who are the individuals liable to Individual Income Tax?•What is the income from sources within China?•What is the income from sources outside China?•What income earned by an individual is subject to Individual Income Tax?•How to compute the taxable income if the individual income is in foreign currency, in kind and/ or in securities?•What does wage, salary income include specifically?•How are salaries and wages assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?•How is the “additional deduction for expenses”regulated for wages and salaries? •How to compute the income tax payable on the bonus income on the year-end in one payment?•How to compute the income tax payable on the income of welfare in kind?•How to compute the income tax payable on the income stock options of employees of enterprises?•How is severance pay taxed?•How to compute the Individual Income Tax payable on the economic compensation received due to termination of labour contract?•What income is included in the production and business operatin income earned by Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•How to calculate the taxable income of individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•What are the rules concerning deductions for Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•How to deduct the taxes and industrial and commercial administrative fees paid by Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•How do single proprietorship enterprises compute and pay income tax payable on their production and business income?•How to levy income tax payable by the investors of single proprietorship and partnership enterprises by mode of administrative assessment?•How do single proprietorship and partnership enterprises compute and pay income tax payable on their interest, dividend and bonus income as return from their investment?•How is income from contracted or leased operation of enterprises or institutions assessed for Individual Income Tax?•How is income from remuneration for personal service assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?•How to treat the receivables unrecoverable and the business losses incurred by Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•What expenses are not allowed for deductions for Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•What are the rules concerning the depreciation of the fixed assets of Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•How to deduct the expenses concerning intangible assets used by Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•How do Individual Industrial and Commercial Households compute their income tax payable?•How additional income tax is levied on remuneration income that is excessively high at one payment?•How is author’s remuneration income assessed for Individual Income Tax payable? •How is income from royalties assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?•How is income from lease of property assessed for Individual Income Tax payable? •How is income from transfer of property assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?•How to compute the income tax payable on income earned from auctions of paintings and calligraphy or antiques?•What do the interest, dividend, bonus, contingent income and/ or other income include specifically?•How are interests, dividends, bonuses, contingent income and/ or other income assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?•How to compute the income tax payable on income derived by two individuals or more together?•How is donation income assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?•How to compute the income tax payable in case that the employers bear the Individual Income Tax for the taxpayers?•How is income derived from sources outside China assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?•What are the main exemptions for Individual Income Tax?•What kind of bond interest income and earmarked saving deposit interest income are exempt from Individual Income Tax as ruled by the State?•What are the main reductions for Individual Income Tax?•What are the rules concerning the mode, time and places for Individual Income Tax payment?•How to report and pay income tax on wages and salaries income?•How to report and pay income tax the production and business operation income of Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•How to report and pay income tax on the income derived by enterprises and institutions from contracting businesses and/ or leasing businesses?•How do the investors of the single proprietorship and partnership enterprises report and pay their income tax on production and business income?•How to report and pay income tax on income earned by taxpayers from sources outside China?纳税义务人判定标准征税对象范围1.居民纳税人(负无限纳税义务)(1)在中国境内有住所的个人(2)在中国境内无住所,而在中国境内居住满一年的个人。



一、定义: 两个或两个以上主权国家,为了协调相互之间的税收管辖 关系和处理有关税务问题,通过谈判缔结的书面协议。
二、适用范围: 1、人的范围: 仅适用于缔约国一方或双方的居民(法人、个人)。 2、税种的范围:所得和财产的税种
三、一般原则: 1、避免双重征税; 2、协定优于国内法; 3、对等互利:公平、公正得确认所得税征免
1、个人在中国境内外商投资企业中任职、受雇应取得的 工资、薪金,应由该外商投资企业支付。凡由于该外商投 资企业与境外企业存在关联关系,上述本应由外商投资企 业支付的工资、薪金中部分或全部由境外关联企业支付的, 对该部分由境外关联企业支付的工资、薪金,境内外商投 资企业仍应依照中华人民共和国个人所得税法的规定,据 实汇集申报有关资料,负责代扣代缴个人所得税。
(居民) 第6年以后 不满一年
境外所得 境外支付 境内支付 或负担 或负担
境外支付 或负担
94】148号、 国税函发
X 号、国税函 【2007】946
是指在一个纳税年度中一次不超过30日或者多次累计不超过90日的离 境)。 • 在中国境内居住的天数为实际在华逗留天数,入境、离境、往返及多次 往返的当日,均按照1天计算。



INCOME TAX FOR FOREIGNERS IN CHINA外国人在中国所得税(中英版)1, Tax Rate ChartTaxable Income = ( Total Income – Initial Deduction* – Tax Deductible Allowance** )Tax Payable = ( Taxable Income x Tax Rate ) – Deduction* Initial deduction is RMB 3,500 for PRC residents and 4,800 for foreigners. (taken from this other article from Shanghai Tax Bureau)** Tax Deductible Allowance includes rental, food and travel expenses, etc. as determined by your company’s Finance/HR department. You will need to get fapiao (发票) (official invoices) for these figures to qualify as your Tax Deductible Allowance.1,外国人在中国的所得税税率表应纳税范围(人民币)应纳税率(百分之)速算扣除数(人民币)1,500及以下 3 01,501-4,50010 1054,501-9,00020 5559,001-35,00025 1,0053,5001-55,00030 2,75555,001-80,00035 5,505超过80,00045 13,505应纳税额=(工资薪金所得-初始扣除数(1)-免税津贴(2))缴税=(应纳税收入x税率)- 速算扣除数注释:(1),初始扣除数对于中华人民共和国居民按3,500元来算,对于外国人,初始扣除数为4,800(信息来源于上海税务局)。








2011年应缴个税为:*******(元)******公司2011年1月1日Explanation of Individual Income Tax CalculationIn 2011, the annual income of **** is RMB*****; then his average income isRMB***** per month. Meanwhile, social insurance and house fund is RMB****. According to Regulations for the Implementation of the Individual Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China in 2007, tax threshold is RMB2000 per month and those amounts exceeding this will be tax payable. In 2011, ****’s total amount of tax payment was RMB****, and annual net income was RMB****.The calculation formula is as following:annual tax payable = {[(annual income –tax threshold × 12 months – annual social insurance and house fund ) / 12 months] ×tax rate - quick calculation deduction } × 12 months.tax payable in 2010:RMB************* Co., Ltd.1st , Jan. 2011When you are old and grey and full of sleep,And nodding by the fire, take down this book,And slowly read, and dream of the soft lookYour eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;How many loved your moments of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love false or true,But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,And loved the sorrows of your changing face; And bending down beside the glowing bars, Murmur, a little sadly, how love fledAnd paced upon the mountains overheadAnd hid his face amid a crowd of stars.The furthest distance in the worldIs not between life and deathBut when I stand in front of youYet you don't know thatI love you.The furthest distance in the worldIs not when I stand in front of youYet you can't see my loveBut when undoubtedly knowing the love from both Yet cannot be together.The furthest distance in the worldIs not being apart while being in loveBut when I plainly cannot resist the yearningYet pretending you have never been in my heart.The furthest distance in the worldIs not struggling against the tidesBut using one's indifferent heartTo dig an uncrossable riverFor the one who loves you.倚窗远眺,目光目光尽处必有一座山,那影影绰绰的黛绿色的影,是春天的颜色。



from their institutions Individual 第 15 章 个人所得税法Chapter 15 Individual Income TaxWho are the individuals liable to Individual Income Tax? What is the income from sources within China? What is the income from sources outside China?What income earned by an individual is subject to Individual Income Tax?How to compute the taxable income if the individual income is in foreign currency, in kind and/ or in securities?What does wage, salary income include specifically?How are salaries and wages assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?How is the “ additional deduction for expenses ” regulated for wages and salaries? How to compute the income tax payable on the bonus income on the year-end in one payment?How to compute the income tax payable on the income of welfare in kind?How to compute the income tax payable on the income stock options of employees of enterprises? How is severance pay taxed?How to compute the Individual Income Tax payable on the economic compensation received due to termination of labour contract?What income is included in the production and business operatin income earned by Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?How to calculate the taxable income of individual Industrial and CommercialHouseholds?What are the rules concerning deductions for Individual Industrial and Commercial Households? How to deduct the taxes and industrial and commercial administrative fees paid by Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?How do single proprietorship enterprises compute and pay income tax payable on their production and business income?How to levy income tax payable by the investors of single proprietorship and partnership enterprises by mode of administrative assessment?How do single proprietorship and partnership enterprises compute and pay income tax payable on their interest, dividend and bonus income as return investment? How is income from contracted or leased operation of enterprises or assessed for Individual Income Tax?How is income from remuneration for personal service assessedfor Income Tax payable? How to treat the receivables unrecoverable and the business losses incurred by Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?What expenses are not allowed for deductions for Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?What are the rules concerning the depreciation of the fixed assets of Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?How to deduct the expenses concerning intangible assets used by IndividualIndustrial and Commercial Households?How do Individual Industrial and Commercial Households compute their income tax payable? How additional income tax is levied on remuneration income that is excessively high at onepayment?How is author ' s remuneration income assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?How is income from royalties assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?How is income from lease of property assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?How is income from transfer of property assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?How to compute the income tax payable on income earned from auctions of paintings and calligraphy or antiques?What do the interest, dividend, bonus, contingent income and/ or other income include specifically?How are interests, dividends, bonuses, contingent income and/ or other income assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?How to compute the income tax payable on income derived by two individuals or more together? How is donation income assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?How to compute the income tax payable in case that the employers bear theIndividual Income Tax for the taxpayers?How is income derived from sources outside China assessed for Individual IncomeTax payable?What are the main exemptions for Individual Income Tax?What kind of bond interest income and earmarked saving deposit interest income are exempt from Individual Income Tax as ruled by the State?What are the main reductions for Individual Income Tax?What are the rules concerning the mode, time and places for Individual Income Tax payment? How to report and pay income tax on wages and salaries income?How to report and pay income tax the production and business operation income of Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?How to report and pay income tax on the income derived by enterprises and institutions from contracting businesses and/ or leasing businesses?How do the investors of the single proprietorship and partnership enterprises report and pay their income tax on production and business income?How to report and pay income tax on income earned by taxpayers from sources outside China?税率 个丄八所得税法趙颔累进税率*九级、五级 比例税率;20^0(有加咸与減征)应纳税所得额规走Y J 纳税申报及缴纳代扣代缴L 两个判走标准厂纳税义筈兀1-居民纳税人与非居民纳税人划分应税所得项目’ 11个税目税收优惠境外所得已纳税额扣除’分国又分项计算扣除限额,差颔补税自行申扌艮 纳税义务人 判定标准 征税对象范围1.居民纳税人 (负无限纳税 义务) (1) 在中国境内有住所的个人(2) 在中国境内无住所,而在中国境内居住满一年的个 人。



INCOME TAX FOR FOREIGNERS IN CHINA外国人在中国所得税(中英版)1, Tax Rate ChartTaxable Income = ( Total Income – Initial Deduction* – Tax Deductible Allowance** )Tax Payable = ( Taxable Income x Tax Rate ) – Deduction* Initial deduction is RMB 3,500 for PRC residents and 4,800 for foreigners. (taken from this other article from Shanghai Tax Bureau)** Tax Deductible Allowance includes rental, food and travel expenses, etc. as determined by your company’s Finance/HR department. You will need to get fapiao (发票) (official invoices) for these figures to qualify as your Tax Deductible Allowance.1,外国人在中国的所得税税率表应纳税范围(人民币)应纳税率(百分之)速算扣除数(人民币)1,500及以下 3 01,501-4,50010 1054,501-9,00020 5559,001-35,00025 1,0053,5001-55,00030 2,75555,001-80,00035 5,505超过80,00045 13,505应纳税额=(工资薪金所得-初始扣除数(1)-免税津贴(2))缴税=(应纳税收入x税率)- 速算扣除数注释:(1),初始扣除数对于中华人民共和国居民按3,500元来算,对于外国人,初始扣除数为4,800(信息来源于上海税务局)。



第15章个人所得税法Chapter 15 Individual Income Tax•Who are the individuals liable to Individual Income Tax?•What is the income from sources within China?•What is the income from sources outside China?•What income earned by an individual is subject to Individual Income Tax? •How to compute the taxable income if the individual income is in foreign currency, in kind and/ or in securities?•What does wage, salary income include specifically?•How are salaries and wages assessed for Individual Income Tax payable? •How is the “additional deduction for expenses” regulated for wages and salaries?•How to compute the income tax payable on the bonus income on the year-end in one payment?•How to compute the income tax payable on the income of welfare in kind? •How to compute the income tax payable on the income stock options of employees of enterprises?•How is severance pay taxed?•How to compute the Individual Income Tax payable on the economic compensation received due to termination of labour contract?•What income is included in the production and business operatin income earned by Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•How to calculate the taxable income of individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•What are the rules concerning deductions for Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•How to deduct the taxes and industrial and commercial administrative fees paid by Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•How do single proprietorship enterprises compute and pay income tax payable on their production and business income?•How to levy income tax payable by the investors of single proprietorship and partnership enterprises by mode of administrative assessment?•How do single proprietorship and partnership enterprises compute and pay income tax payable on their interest, dividend and bonus income as return from their investment?•How is income from contracted or leased operation of enterprises or institutions assessed for Individual Income Tax?•How is income from remuneration for personal service assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?•How to treat the receivables unrecoverable and the business losses incurred by Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•What expenses are not allowed for deductions for Individual Industrial andCommercial Households?•What are the rules concerning the depreciation of the fixed assets of Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•How to deduct the expenses concerning intangible assets used by Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•How do Individual Industrial and Commercial Households compute their income tax payable?•How additional income tax is levied on remuneration income that is excessively high at one payment?•How is author’s remuneration income assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?•How is income from royalties assessed for Individual Income Tax payable? •How is income from lease of property assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?•How is income from transfer of property assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?•How to compute the income tax payable on income earned from auctions of paintings and calligraphy or antiques?•What do the interest, dividend, bonus, contingent income and/ or other income include specifically?•How are interests, dividends, bonuses, contingent income and/ or other income assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?•How to compute the income tax payable on income derived by two individuals or more together?•How is donation income assessed for Individual Income Tax payable? •How to compute the income tax payable in case that the employers bear the Individual Income Tax for the taxpayers?•How is income derived from sources outside China assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?•What are the main exemptions for Individual Income Tax?•What kind of bond interest income and earmarked saving deposit interest income are exempt from Individual Income Tax as ruled by the State? •What are the main reductions for Individual Income Tax?•What are the rules concerning the mode, time and places for Individual Income Tax payment?•How to report and pay income tax on wages and salaries income?•How to report and pay income tax the production and business operation income of Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•How to report and pay income tax on the income derived by enterprises and institutions from contracting businesses and/ or leasing businesses? •How do the investors of the single proprietorship and partnership enterprises report and pay their income tax on production and business income?•How to report and pay income tax on income earned by taxpayers from sourcesoutside China?纳税义务人判定标准征税对象围1.居民纳税人(负无限纳税义务)(1)在中国境有住所的个人(2)在中国境无住所,而在中国境居住满一年的个人。



第15章个人所得税法Chapter 15 Individual Income Tax•Who are the individuals liable to Individual Income Tax?•What is the income from sources within China?•What is the income from sources outside China?•What income earned by an individual is subject to Individual Income Tax?•How to compute the taxable income if the individual income is in foreign currency, in kind and/ or in securities?•What does wage, salary income include specifically?•How are salaries and wages assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?•How is the “additional deduction for expenses”regulated for wages and salaries? •How to compute the income tax payable on the bonus income on the year-end in one payment?•How to compute the income tax payable on the income of welfare in kind?•How to compute the income tax payable on the income stock options of employees of enterprises?•How is severance pay taxed?•How to compute the Individual Income Tax payable on the economic compensation received due to termination of labour contract?•What income is included in the production and business operatin income earned by Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•How to calculate the taxable income of individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•What are the rules concerning deductions for Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•How to deduct the taxes and industrial and commercial administrative fees paid by Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•How do single proprietorship enterprises compute and pay income tax payable on their production and business income?•How to levy income tax payable by the investors of single proprietorship and partnership enterprises by mode of administrative assessment?•How do single proprietorship and partnership enterprises compute and pay income tax payable on their interest, dividend and bonus income as return from their investment?•How is income from contracted or leased operation of enterprises or institutions assessed for Individual Income Tax?•How is income from remuneration for personal service assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?•How to treat the receivables unrecoverable and the business losses incurred by Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•What expenses are not allowed for deductions for Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•What are the rules concerning the depreciation of the fixed assets of Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•How to deduct the expenses concerning intangible assets used by Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•How do Individual Industrial and Commercial Households compute their income tax payable?•How additional income tax is levied on remuneration income that is excessively high at one payment?•How is author’s remuneration income assessed for Individual Income Tax payable? •How is income from royalties assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?•How is income from lease of property assessed for Individual Income Tax payable? •How is income from transfer of property assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?•How to compute the income tax payable on income earned from auctions of paintings and calligraphy or antiques?•What do the interest, dividend, bonus, contingent income and/ or other income include specifically?•How are interests, dividends, bonuses, contingent income and/ or other income assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?•How to compute the income tax payable on income derived by two individuals or more together?•How is donation income assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?•How to compute the income tax payable in case that the employers bear the Individual Income Tax for the taxpayers?•How is income derived from sources outside China assessed for Individual Income Tax payable?•What are the main exemptions for Individual Income Tax?•What kind of bond interest income and earmarked saving deposit interest income are exempt from Individual Income Tax as ruled by the State?•What are the main reductions for Individual Income Tax?•What are the rules concerning the mode, time and places for Individual Income Tax payment?•How to report and pay income tax on wages and salaries income?•How to report and pay income tax the production and business operation income of Individual Industrial and Commercial Households?•How to report and pay income tax on the income derived by enterprises and institutions from contracting businesses and/ or leasing businesses?•How do the investors of the single proprietorship and partnership enterprises report and pay their income tax on production and business income?•How to report and pay income tax on income earned by taxpayers from sources outside China?Example1 British professor Henry came to China at invitation for teaching of one year. During that period , he left China twice for business trip and vocation for respectively 15 days and 30 days.According to Chinese tax law, the two leaves were temporary absence from China and each leave was not over 30 days and the accumulative time period was less than 90 days. Therefore ,Henry resided in China for one full year in one tax year, he became resident taxpayer of Chinese Individual Income Tax.Example2 One clerk Mr. Liu has its monthly salary of 2400 yuan, bonus of 700 yuan, other taxable allowances of 500 yuan and the deductible social insurance expenses of 600 yuan. Try to compute the Individual Income Tax payable.Taxable income of the month = 2400 yuan + 700 yuan + 500 yuan–2000 yuan–600 yuan = 1000 yuanTax payable for the month = 1000 yuan ×10% - 25 yuan = 75 yuanExample3 Mr. Jiang earns wage,bonus of 2000 yuan to 3000 yuan each month and has paid the income tax already. At the year end,he obtains one lump-sum bonus of 9000 yuan.Try to compute the income tax payable.9600 yuan ÷12 = 800 yuanThe applicable tax rats is 10% and the quick deduction is 25 yuanThe income tax payable = 9600 yuan ×10% - 25 yuan = 935 yuanExample4 Mr. Lin ears wage and salary of 1900 yuan each month .At the year end, he gets one lump-sum bonus of 2500 yuan.Try to compute his income tax payable.[2500 yuan — (2000 yuan—1900 yuan)]÷12 = 200 yuanThe applicable tax rats is 5% and qiuck deduction is 0.Mr. Lin’s income tax payable = [2500 yuan —(2000 yuan —1900 yuan)]×5%= 120 yuanExample5 One Individual Industrial Household Mr. Qian has revenue of 1,000,000 yuan from business operation for the tax year. The cost and expenses are 800,000 yuan. Try to compute the income tax payable by Mr. Qian.Taxable income = 1,000,000 yuan - 800,000 yuan = 200,000 yuanIndividdual Income Tax payable = 200,000 yuan ×35% - 6750 yuan = 63,250 yuanExample6 One contractor Mr. Huang has derived 100,000 yuan from contracted operation. The deductible expenses allowed are 24,000 yuan. Try to compute the income tax payable.Annual taxable income = 100,000 yuan - 24,000 yuan = 76,000 yuanAnnual income tax payable = 76,000 yuan ×35% - 6750 yuan = 19850 yuanExample7 One engineer Mr. Zhao has received the payment of 50,000 yuan from Company A for designing and at the mean time received a payment of 3000 yuan from company B for advisory services. Try to compute the Individual Income Tax payable of Mr. Zhao.a. The income tax payable for the payment of designing services = 50,000 yuan ×(1 –20%)×30% - 2000 yuan = 10,000 yuanb. The income tax payable for the payment of advisory services = (3000 yuan –800 yuan) ×20% = 440 yuanc. The total income tax payable: 10,000 yuan + 440 yuan = 10,440 yuanExample8 Actor Zhao got remuneration of 60,000 yuan for one performance. The performing company borne Individual Income Tax for him. Try to the tax payable .Taxable incom = (60,000 yuan –7000 yuan)×(1 – 20%)÷[1 – 40%×(1 –20%)] = 62352.94 yuanTax payable = 62352.94 yuan ×40% - 7000 yuan = 17941.18 yuanExample9 One auther Mr. Zhou receives one payment for remuneration of 20,000 yuan on his work. Try to compute the tax payable.Taxable income = 20,000 yuan ×(1–20%) = 16,000 yuanThe statutory income tax payable = 16,000 yuan ×20% = 3,200 yuanThe statutory tax reduction amount = 3,200 yuan ×30% = 960 yuanThe actual Individual Income Tax payable = 3,200 yuan–960 yuan = 2,240 yuanExample10 Professor Li provides the use right of his patent to one company and receives one payment of 100,000 yuan. Try to calculated the incom tax payable.Taxable income = 100,000 yuan ×(1–20%)=80,000 yuanIndividual Income Tax payable = 80,000 yuan ×20% = 16,000 yuanExample11 One citizen Mr. Gu receives dividends of 6,000 yuan from the listed company in one payment. Try to calculated the income tax payable.Income tax payable = 6,000 yuan ×50%×20% = 600 yuanExample12 Some one leases his house to other person for business operation and receives house rental income of 6,500 yuan for the current month . The expenses of taxes, Educational Surcharge and repaining expenses are 1,500 yuan. Try to compute the amount of Individual Income Tax payable.Taxable income = (6,500 yuan–1,500 yuan)×(1–20%) = 4,000 yuanAmount of tax payable = 4,000 yuan ×20% = 800 yuanExample13 Mr. Fang sells a house with the original value of 200,000 yuan and receives 400,000 yuan for the sale. The deductible tax paid related to the sale and the expenses are 100,000 yuan. Try to compute the income tax payable.Taxable income = 400,000 yuan –200,000 yuan –100,000 yuan = 100,000 yuanIncome tax payable = 100,000 yuan ×20% = 20,000 yuanExample14 One citizen Mr. Cai won 100,000 yuan from social welfare lottery. Try to calculate the income tax payable .Tax payable = 100,000 yuan ×20% = 20,000 yuan例题15 某纳税人在同一纳税年度,从A、B两国取得应税收入,其中:在A国一公司任职,取得工资、薪金收入69600元(平均每月5800元),因提供一项专利技术使用权,一次取得特许权使用费收入30000元,该两项收入在A国缴纳个人所得税5200元;因在B国出版著作获得稿酬收入15000元,并在B国缴纳该项收入的个人所得税1720元。




税收英语对话之境外所得Do I pay tax on my income sourced from Japan ?纳税人:我是日本ABC公司北京代表处首席代表。

请问我在日本的收入在中国纳税吗?Taxpayer1 : excuse me ,I am the chief representative office Beijing representative ofice of ABC company in JAPAN .my question is whether I should pay personal income tax on my income sourced from Japan ?税务局:这取决于您在中国呆多久。

Tax official : well ,it depends on how long you have been in china .纳税人:能详细解释一下吗?Taxpayer : can you explain it in detail ?税务局:在中国境内居住不满一年的外国公民,只就境内收入纳税,境外收入不纳税。

Tax official : yes , I will try . any individual who has resided in china for less than one year will be subject to tax only on his income sourced from china .纳税人:如果满一年呐?taxpayer if I will have resided in china for a full year ,what will happen ?税务局:首先,满一年的概念是在一个历年中,在境内居住满365天,不扣除临时离境天数。



外籍个人所得税Individual Income Tax for Foreign Individuals-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------一、哪些外籍个人应缴纳个人所得税(纳税人的确定)?What kind of foreign individuals shall pay Individual Income Tax (IIT) in China? (Definition of Foreign Individuals)1、由于在中国境内企业或中国境内机构担任职务或者由于受雇或履行合同而在中国境内从事工作,取得工资薪金的外籍、港澳台人员(以下简称外籍人员);Foreigners and residents of the regions of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan (hereinafter referred to as “Foreign Individuals”) who derive income from work or employment with enterprises or organisations within the territory of China2、在中国境内提供独立劳务(如设计、表演、经纪等)而取得所得的外籍人员(劳务报酬所得);Foreign individuals who derive income from personal services provided (including design work, shows, performances, advisory positions, brokerage services, agency services, etc.)3、从中国境内取得稿酬所得,特许权使用费所得,利息、股息、红利所得,财产租赁所得,财产转让所得,偶然所得和其他所得的外籍人员。

外籍人员在中国缴纳个税的咨询解答 中英对照版本

外籍人员在中国缴纳个税的咨询解答 中英对照版本










非居民个人所得税指南 英文版

非居民个人所得税指南 英文版

非居民个人所得税指南英文版Guide to Non-Resident Individual Income Tax.Introduction.As a non-resident individual working or investing in a foreign country, it's crucial to understand the intricacies of personal income tax regulations. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of non-resident individual income tax, covering essential topics such as taxability, calculation methods, and compliance requirements.1. Taxability of Non-Resident Individual Income.Non-resident individuals are taxed on their income earned in a foreign country, depending on the tax treaties and domestic laws of that country. Generally, income earned within the country's borders is taxable, regardless of the taxpayer's residency status. Common types of taxable income for non-residents include employment income, businessincome, investment income, and capital gains.2. Calculating Non-Resident Individual Income Tax.The calculation of non-resident individual income tax varies depending on the country's tax system. Many countries follow a progressive tax system, where higher income levels are taxed at higher rates. Other countries may have a flat tax rate or a mixed system.When calculating tax, non-residents need to consider factors such as the taxable income threshold, the number of dependents, and any available deductions or allowances.It's important to note that non-residents may be subject to special tax rates or rules, which can affect the overall tax burden.3. Tax Compliance Requirements for Non-Residents.Complying with tax regulations as a non-resident can be complex. Here are some key requirements to consider:Filing Tax Returns: Non-residents are required to file tax returns in the country where they earn income. These returns must be filed by the designated deadline, typically at the end of the fiscal year.Paying Taxes: Once the tax return is filed, non-residents are responsible for paying the taxes due. Payment methods and deadlines vary by country, so it's important to follow the specific instructions provided.Tax Treaties: If the non-resident's home country has a tax treaty with the country where they are earning income, they may be able to claim certain tax benefits or exemptions. It's advisable to consult with a tax expert or the relevant tax authorities to understand the specific provisions of the treaty.Record-Keeping: Non-residents are required to keep accurate records of their income and expenses. These records may be audited by the tax authorities, so it's crucial to maintain complete and accurate documentation.4. Tips for Minimizing Non-Resident Individual Income Tax.While tax avoidance is illegal, there are legitimate ways for non-residents to minimize their tax burden. Here are some tips:Understand the Tax System: Take the time to understand the tax system of the country where you are earning income. This will help you identify any potential tax savings opportunities.Claim Allowable Deductions: Make sure to claim all allowable deductions and exemptions that apply to your situation. This could include deductions for travel expenses, home office expenses, or dependent allowances.Seek Professional Advice: Consulting with a tax expert can help you identify tax-saving strategies and ensure that you are complying with all relevant tax regulations.Plan Ahead: Plan your financial activities in advanceto minimize tax exposure. For example, timing capital gains or losses can affect your tax bill.Conclusion.As a non-resident individual, understanding and complying with income tax regulations is crucial. By following the guidelines provided in this article, you can ensure that you are taxed correctly and take advantage of any available tax savings opportunities. Remember to consult with a tax expert or the relevant tax authorities if you have any questions or concerns about your tax obligations.。




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外籍人员个人所得税如何计算什么是个人所得税?个人所得税personal income tax是调整征税机关与自然人居民、非居民人之间在个人所得税的征纳与管理过程中所发生的社会关系的法律规范的总称。













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1.Policy summary:
1)Days in China refers to the entry-departure history of your passport, both the entry date and departure will be deemed as half an day in China
Any 30 successive days or 90 days in total off China in a calendar year constitute a “less than 1 year”
For those foreign countries that reached double taxation agreement with China, 183 days is very important. (90 days for those not yet)
2)Days in China less than 183 days
a)Get paid from China, taxable;
b)Get paid from outside China, but relevant expense will finally be Charge back to Chinese enterprises, taxable;
c)Get paid from outside China and expense borne by foreign country, exempted from IIT in China.
When you are off China, those portion of incomes get paid from neither China or outside China will be exempted from IIT. This will be shown as a ratio in IIT calculating.
If a foreign guy now working in China luckily get paid from 3 party, A RMB from China, B RMB from HQ but will later charge back to the Chinese Company, and C RMB from another affiliate company that will not be borne by the Chinese company. (B and C RMB amount are foreign currency amount multiply month end exchange rate) And in Sep he has 12 days in China and the other 18 days off China.
then Calculation formula:

Incomes get paid by either China or out
Tax to be calculated first for all incomes Determines the Ratio of taxable income out of total income
3)Days in China more than 183 days but less than one year
a)Get paid from China, taxable;
b)Get paid from outside China, taxable;
when you are off China, those portion of incomes get paid from neither China or outside China will be exempted from IIT.
Calculation formula:

Incomes get paid by either China or out China when off China are tax free
Tax to be calculated first for all incomes All incomes get paid when stay in China will be taxable
4)Days in China more than one year but less than 5 years
a)Get paid from China, taxable;
b)Get paid from outside China, taxable;
when you are off China, those portion of incomes get paid from China will be charged with IIT while those paid from outside China will be exempted from IIT. Which is different from the said above 2 situations.
Calculation formula:
Only those portion of income get Tax to be calculated first for all incomes
5)Days in China more than one year but less than 5 years
a)Get paid from China, taxable;
b)Get paid from outside China, taxable;
c)No portion of income to be treated as tax free even for those days off China.。
