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washing machines, refrigerators and
color televisions.
(n. 电器用具)
6. Word Formation 构词法:
和词尾(后缀)所组成。词根是单词最基本 的部分,表达单词的基本含义。在词根前或 后加上前缀或后缀,可以用来引申或转变原 词的意义。只要我们掌握了各种词根、词头 和词尾的基本含义,那么就可以很容易猜测 出由其构成的新词的含义了。
A. see clearly B. understand C. expect
2)Tom saw an owl last night. A.a bird BB.an animal C. a star
Tom saw an owl in a tree last night. A.a bird B.an animal C. a star
Tom saw an owl in a tree last night but it flew away when he got near. (n. 猫头鹰) A.a bird B.an animal C. a star
3)The children are looking at an ape.
A.a kind of monkey BB.a kind of tree
1. Definition 定义法: 一般通过定义、定语 (从句)或同位语(从句)来确定词义。
It will be very hard but very brittle — that is , it will break easily.
(adj. 易碎的, 脆的)
The herdsman , who looks after sheep, earns about 650 yuan a year.
A. on time B. late C. slowly D. quickly
3. Similarity 相似法:利用同义 词、近义词或词组猜测词义。
Cleaning up waterways is an enormous task .The job is so large, in fact, that the government may not be able to save some of the rivers and lakes which have been polluted.
(adj. 巨大的;极大的)
4. Cause Effect 因果法:从原因推 测结果,从结果推测原因。
One who is destitute has a great need for food and clothing.
(adj. 贫穷的,穷困的)
That museum is so immense that it will be impossible to see all the exhibits in one day.
extremes, from penury to great wealth.
A. 便士 B. 温饱 C. 非常贫困 D. 虚弱
7. Mrs. Smith is loquacious while her husband is the silent type. A. 活泼的 B. 好动的 C. 多嘴多舌的 D. 可爱的 8. Those new comers were not used to the life in the suburbs which was so different from that inside the city. A. town B. capital C. countryside D. house 9. This boy is not stupid, on the contrary, no one could be more intelligent. A. 勤奋的 B. 愚蠢的 C. 聪明的 D. 情报
micro+bus 微型公共汽车
7. Context 上下文:利用语境及前后的 提示来猜测词义。
1) He sounded quite nervous and he had been talking for a minute or so before I understand anything. Even then all I could make out was that someone called Milly had had a very bad accident.
(n. 牧羊人)
2. Contrast 对比法:
利用文中的反义词以及表对比 关系的词(组)猜测词义。
表示对比的词有but、while、 however、 otherwise等。
Most of us agreed, however, Bill dissented.
(v. 不同意)
She is usually prompt for all her classes, but today she arrived in the middle of her first class.
10. Children are always boasting. They say things like “My Dad’s car is bigger than your Dad’s,” “My Mom is smarter than yours.” and “My family has more money than yours.”
(n. 猿)
A.a kind of monkey B.a kind of tree
C.a kind of bird
8. Common sense 普通常识:根据普通常识和 生活经验来猜测词义。
在阅读的过程中,如遇到生词,有时可以根据 自身的直接或间接的经验,或运用自己已有的常识 将其推测出来。比如了解一些英美国家的天文地理、 风俗习惯、宗教信仰、政治结构、社会制度等,可 以帮助加深对文章的理解,遇到生词时,猜测词义 的能力自然就会增强。
C..a kind of bird
The children are looking at an ape at the zoo.
A.a kind of monkey B.a kind of tree
C.a kind of bird
The children are looking at a large, hairy ape at the
super- (超)
mini- (极小的, 微小的)
micro-(极微小的) re- (再,反复)
mis-(误,恶) im-(不)
non-(不,非) -able(能…的 )
-less(不,无) -wards (向)
Can you guess the right meanings?
A. weak BB. firm C. kind D. clever
3. Mr. Brown is now working at Princeton University far away from home. For this reason he has to rent a
room near the office where he works.
(adj. 大的)
5. Example 例举法:利用文中的举例 猜测词义。常见的举例的提示词有for instance, for example, such as等 。
Today young couples often spend lots of
their money on appliances, for instance,
5. The old woman has a strange habit to
keep over 100 cats in her house. Her
neighbor all call her an eccentric lady.
A. 爱猫的
B. 古怪的
C. 闲不住
D. 动物保护主义者
6. In many countries there are two financial
1. The word “…” refers to / probably means / could best be replaced by _______.
2.The word “…” is most likely to mean ______.
When a doctor performs an operation on a patient,
he usually gives an anesthetic to make him unconscious,because he does not want his
patient to feel pain or to know what
superman (超人)
nonnatural (非自然的)
homeless (无家可归的)
rebuild (重建)
microwave (微波)
mispronouce (发错音)
nonsmoker (非烟民)
eastwards (向东)
Eg. I’m going to buy a microbus.
is happening to him. n. 麻醉剂(药)
Inquiry-based Activities (I)
探究活动 (1)
Can you guess the correct meanings of the
following words?
1. There are some glaciers moving down the mountain valleys. A glacier is a river of ice.
A. 雪山 B. 树枝 C. 冰河 D. 冰 2. He is a resolute man. Once he made up his mind to do something, he won’t give it up halfway.
3. What do you think the expression “…” stands for?
4. The underlined word “…” means ______. ......
猜 测 词 义
1. Definition 定义法 2. Contrast 对比法 3. Similarity 相似法 4. Cause and effect 因果法 5. Example 例举法 6. Word Formation 构词法 7. Context 上下文 8. Common Sense 普通常识
A. 租用 B. 借出 C. 购买 D. 参观
4. The official asked the man what his
occupation was. The man told him that
he worked as an engineer.
A. work B. study C. name D. interest
The word “boasting” means _____.
A. 骄傲 B. 吹牛 C. 顽皮 D. 幼稚
Inquiry-based Activities (II)
探究活动 (2)
Passage 1 Tens of thousands of baby penguins face starvation after two giant icebergs broke off the Antarctic ice sheet and blocked their parents’ road to the feeding areas. Adeline and emperor penguins nesting on the Ross island rookeries are now forced to walk long distances over the icebergs to obtain food for their chicks, born during the November-December breeding season.