
第一章外汇与外汇汇率Foreign Exchange & Exchange Rate练习题一、填空题练习说明:请结合学习情况在以下段落空白处填充适当的文字,使上下文合乎逻辑。
金融学部分练习与讲解(doc 39页)

金融学部分练习与讲解(doc 39页)金融学部分练习与讲解一、单项选择题(共60题,每题1分,每题的备选项中,只有一个最符题意的)1.在金融市场中,既是重要的资金需求者和供给者,又是金融衍生品市场上重要的套期保值主体的是()。

答案:国家货币主权二、单项选择题:1、与货币的出现紧密相联的是()A、金银的稀缺性B、交换产生与发展C、国家的强制力D、先哲的智慧答案:B2、商品价值形式最终演变的结果是()A、简单价值形式B、扩大价值形式C、一般价值形式D、货币价值形式答案:D3、中国最早的铸币金属是()A、铜B、银C、铁D、贝答案:A4、在下列货币制度中劣币驱逐良币律出现在()A、金本位制B、银本位制C、金银复本位制D、金汇兑本位制答案:C5、中华人民共和国货币制度建立于()A、1948年B、1949年C、1950年D、1951年答案:A6、欧洲货币同盟开始使用“欧元EURO”于()A、1998年B、1999年C、2001年D、2002年答案:B7、金银复本位制的不稳定性源于()A、金银的稀缺B、生产力的迅猛提高C、货币发行管理混乱D、金银同为本位币答案:D8、中国本位币的最小规格是()A、1分B、1角C、1元D、10元答案:C9、金属货币制度下的蓄水池功能源于()A、金属货币的稀缺性B、金属货币的价值稳定C、金属货币的自由铸造和熔化D、金属货币的易于保存答案:C10、单纯地从物价和货币购买力的关系看,物价指数上升25%,则货币购买力()A、上升20%B、下降20%C、上升25%D、下降25% 答案:B11、在国家财政和银行信用中发挥作用的主要货币职能是()A、价值尺度B、流通手段C、支付手段D、贮藏手段答案:C12、下列货币制度中最稳定的是()A、银本位制B、金银复本位制C、金铸币本位制D、金汇兑本位制答案:C13、马克思的货币本质观的建立基础是()A、劳动价值说B、货币金属说C、货币名目说D、创造发明说答案:A14、对商品价格的理解正确的是()A、同商品价值成反比B、同货币价值成正比C、商品价值的货币表现D、商品价值与货币价值的比答案:C15、货币的本质特征是充当()A、特殊等价物B、一般等价物C、普通商品D、特殊商品答案:B二、多项选择题1、一般而言,要求作为货币的商品具有如下特征()A、价值比较高B、金属的一种C、易于分割D、易于保存E、便于携带答案:ACDE2、中国最古老的铜铸币的三种形制是()A、五铢B、布C、刀D、元宝E、铜贝答案:BCE3、信用货币包括()A、银行券B、支票C、活期存款D、商业票据E、定期存款答案:ABCDE4、货币支付职能发挥作用的场所有()A、赋税B、各种劳动报酬C、国家财政D、银行信用E、地租答案:ABCDE5、对本位币的理解正确的是()A、本位币是一国的基本通货B、本位币具有有限法偿C、本位币具有无限法偿D、本位币的最小规格是一个货币单位E、本位币具有排他性答案:ABCDE6、信用货币制度的特点有()A、黄金作为货币发行的准备B、贵金属非货币化C、国家强制力保证货币的流通D、金银储备保证货币的可兑换性E、货币发行通过信用渠道答案:BCE7、货币的两个基本职能是()A、流通手段B、支付手段C、贮藏手段D、世界货币E、价值尺度答案:AE8、对货币单位的理解正确的有()A、国家法定的货币计量单位B、规定了货币单位的名称C、规定本位币的币材D、确定技术标准E、规定货币单位所含的货币金属量答案:ABE9、我国货币制度规定人民币具有以下的特点()A、人民币是可兑换货币B、人民币与黄金没有直接联系C、人民币是信用货币D、人民币具有无限法偿力E、人民币具有有限法偿力答案:BCD10、货币制度的基本类型有()A、银本位制B、金银复本位制C、金本位制D、信用本位制E、银行券本位制答案:ABCD三、判断题1、最早的货币形式是金属铸币。
《金融学》 教案大纲及习题解答(姜法芹 )

《金融学》教案大纲及习题解答第一章:金融学导论1.1 金融学的定义与意义金融学的概念金融学的研究对象与内容金融学的重要性1.2 金融市场与金融体系金融市场的概念与类型金融体系的组织结构金融市场与金融体系的关系1.3 金融学的应用领域企业金融个人金融宏观金融第二章:金融市场与金融工具2.1 金融市场的概念与类型金融市场的定义金融市场的类型与特点金融市场的作用与功能2.2 金融工具与金融产品金融工具的定义与分类金融产品的特点与功能金融工具与金融产品的选择与运用2.3 金融市场的参与者金融市场的主体与客体金融市场的投资者与融资者金融市场的服务机构第三章:金融市场的基本原理3.1 供求关系与价格机制金融市场的供求关系价格机制的作用与影响市场均衡与市场失灵3.2 金融市场的基本原理与应用金融市场的效率与有效性金融市场的风险与收益金融市场的信息与信号传递3.3 金融市场的微观结构金融市场的交易机制金融市场的信息不对称问题金融市场的交易成本与效率第四章:金融机构与金融体系4.1 金融机构的概念与类型金融机构的定义与特点商业银行与其他金融机构的比较金融机构的职能与作用4.2 金融体系的组织结构金融体系的构成要素金融体系的层次结构金融体系的监管与调控机制4.3 金融体系的功能与目标金融体系的基本功能金融体系的宏观调控目标金融体系的微观审慎监管目标第五章:金融市场与宏观经济5.1 金融市场与经济增长金融市场对经济增长的影响金融市场的规模与经济增长的关系金融市场的结构与经济增长的关系5.2 金融市场与货币政策货币政策的概念与目标金融市场在货币政策传导中的作用货币政策对金融市场的影响5.3 金融市场与金融稳定性金融稳定性的概念与意义金融市场在金融稳定性维护中的作用金融市场风险管理与监管的策略与措施《金融学》教案大纲及习题解答第六章:商业银行与存款货币银行6.1 商业银行的组织结构与运营模式商业银行的定义与特点商业银行的组织结构与管理体系商业银行的运营模式与业务流程6.2 存款货币银行的存款创造与信贷扩张存款创造的概念与机制信贷扩张的过程与影响存款货币银行的风险管理与信贷政策6.3 商业银行的金融服务与产品商业银行的存款与贷款产品商业银行的支付结算服务商业银行的金融服务创新第七章:资本市场与证券交易7.1 资本市场的概念与类型资本市场的定义与特点股票市场与债券市场的比较资本市场的功能与作用7.2 证券交易与投资分析证券交易的基本流程投资分析的方法与工具投资者偏好与投资组合的选择7.3 资本市场的效率与有效性资本市场效率的定义与衡量资本市场的有效性假说资本市场效率与有效性的实证研究第八章:金融衍生品市场8.1 金融衍生品的概念与类型金融衍生品的定义与特点期货、期权和掉期的比较金融衍生品市场的功能与作用8.2 金融衍生品的定价与风险管理金融衍生品的定价原理金融衍生品的风险类型与风险管理策略金融衍生品市场的风险监管与调控8.3 金融衍生品市场的应用与影响金融衍生品在企业金融中的应用金融衍生品在个人理财中的应用金融衍生品市场对金融体系的影响第九章:国际金融与外汇市场9.1 国际金融市场的概念与类型国际金融市场的定义与特点国际资本市场与国际外汇市场的比较国际金融市场的作用与影响9.2 外汇市场的运行机制与交易策略外汇市场的组织结构与交易机制外汇市场的汇率决定与变动外汇市场的交易策略与风险管理9.3 国际金融市场的关系与影响国际金融市场之间的联系与互动国际金融市场对国内经济的影响国际金融市场风险的识别与应对第十章:金融监管与金融政策10.1 金融监管的概念与目标金融监管的定义与意义金融监管的目标与原则金融监管的机构与体系10.2 金融政策的概念与工具金融政策的定义与类型货币政策与财政政策的比较金融政策的工具与传导机制10.3 金融政策的效应与评估金融政策的宏观经济效应金融政策的微观经济效应金融政策的评估方法与指标《金融学》教案大纲及习题解答第十一章:金融创新与金融科技11.1 金融创新的定义与类型金融创新的含义与动力金融创新的产品与服务金融创新的风险与监管11.2 金融科技的发展与应用金融科技的概念与特点数字货币与区块链技术金融科技在金融服务中的应用11.3 金融创新与金融监管的关系金融监管对金融创新的影响金融创新对金融监管的挑战金融监管与金融创新的平衡策略第十二章:金融风险与管理12.1 金融风险的定义与类型金融风险的概念与特征市场风险、信用风险和流动性风险的比较金融风险的管理与控制12.2 金融风险评估与度量金融风险评估的方法与模型金融风险度量的指标与工具金融风险评估的实践应用12.3 金融风险管理的策略与工具金融风险管理的框架与程序金融风险规避、分散与转移金融风险管理的创新与挑战第十三章:企业金融与公司财务13.1 企业金融的概念与功能企业金融的定义与目标企业金融的资本结构与投资决策企业金融的融资与理财策略13.2 公司财务的理论与实践公司财务的基本原则与目标公司财务的财务报表分析与估值公司财务的资本预算与资本结构13.3 企业金融与公司财务的挑战与趋势企业金融与公司财务的国际化企业金融与公司财务的可持续发展企业金融与公司财务的创新与发展第十四章:个人金融与理财规划14.1 个人金融的概念与内容个人金融的定义与意义个人资产与个人负债的管理个人金融产品的选择与运用14.2 理财规划的理论与方法理财规划的基本原则与步骤理财规划的工具与技术理财规划的实际操作与案例分析14.3 个人金融与理财规划的挑战与趋势个人金融市场的变化与趋势理财规划在个人金融中的应用个人金融与理财规划的创新与发展第十五章:金融伦理与职业道德15.1 金融伦理的概念与重要性金融伦理的定义与特点金融伦理在金融行业中的重要性金融伦理的挑战与问题15.2 职业道德的标准与原则职业道德的内涵与要求职业道德的实践与遵守职业道德的监督与教育15.3 金融伦理与职业道德的发展趋势金融伦理与职业道德的改进与完善金融行业职业道德建设的措施与方法金融伦理与职业道德的未来发展重点和难点解析本文档详细地编写了《金融学》教案大纲及习题解答,涵盖了金融学的基本概念、原理和应用。

4. 广义货币答按照金融资产的流动性不同,将货币划分为三个不同层次,即M0、M1和M2。
5. 准货币答:准货币,也称亚货币。
6. 实物货币答:实物货币是指以自然界存在的某种物品或人们生产出来的某种物品来充当的货币。
7. 流动性答:在经济学中,“流动性”是指某种资产以较小的代价转化为现实购买力的便利性。

影响:金融自由化对经济的积极影响:1. 有助于增加储蓄。
金融自由化使得实际利率为正, 金融资产的多样化, 使储蓄者有可能分散国内资产的结构,金融机构的实际增长, 增加了投资者获取借款的途径, 这也会刺激他们进行储蓄。
2. 提高了资源配置的效率。
在金融自由化经济中, 储蓄者有较大的资产选择范围。
各种投资竞相争夺储蓄支配权,资金在产品间、银行间流动障碍的减少, 会使有限的储蓄资源通过竞争方式流向收益率最高的投资项目或产业。
3. 提高了发展中国家金融部门的经营效益。
首先, 金融创新大大减少了金融活动的时间和交易成本, 也提高了工作效率。
其次, 金融自由化在很大程度上强化了金融部门间的竞争, 促使金融机构提高效率。
再次, 在银行传统的存贷业务之外, 与证券有关的业务及各种表外业务得到了迅速发展。
4. 有利于国家引进外资。
金融自由化对经济的消极影响:1. 利率自由化不一定会导致投资水平的提高。
利率水平的提高对资本形成的影响是双重的, 既有促进投资增长的作用, 又有减少投资需求的作用。
如果没有配套措施的保障和政府的正确引导, 利率管制的放松就不一定会提高投资水平。
2. 削弱了一国货币政策的自主性,实施货币政策及金融监管困难增大。
由于不同货币资产具有相互替代性, 一种资产的价格会直接影响到其他资产的价格, 这样会影响货币政策的自主性。
3. 容易造成虚假的繁荣, 增大金融风险。
当利率上升时, 所有投资项目的回报率下降, 低风险低收益的项目就无法获利, 激励效应会引致企业追求收益更高但风险也更大的项目。
如果缺乏强有力的金融监管措施, 仅仅根据借款人对贷款出价的高低来决定储蓄的流向, 则可能致使许多储蓄资源盲目地介入非生产项目或高风险生产项目, 增大了银行经营的风险, 同时又不利于经济的增长。

2. 货币层次划分的依据是什么?我国货币层次的内容是什么?各国中央银行在确定货币供给统计口径时,最主要的依据是流动性的强弱。
我国货币供给划分为以下三个层次:M0 = 流通中现金M1 = M0+企业单位活期存款+农村存款+机关团体部队存款+个人持有的信用卡类存款M2 = M1+城乡居民储蓄存款+企业存款中具有定期存款性质的存款(单位定期存款和自筹基建存款)+外币存款+信托类存款+证券公司客户保证金存款3. 我国人民币制度的基本内容有哪些?我国法定货币是人民币人民币是我国惟一合法的通货人民币的发行权由国务院授权中国人民银行独家统一掌管人民币的发行实行高度集中统一发行和经济发行原则人民币实行有管理的货币制度4. 香港的联系汇率制度的内容是什么?香港联系汇率制度,是指将香港本地的货币与某种特定的外币挂钩,按照固定汇率进行纸币发行与回收的一种货币制度。


《金融学(第二版)》讲义大纲及课后习题答案详解 第五章

CHAPTER 5LIFE-CYCLE FINANCIAL PLANNINGObjectivesIn this chapter you will learn how to analyze:•How much to save for retirement.•Whether to defer taxes or pay them now.•Whether to get a professional degree.•Whether to buy or rent an apartment.•How to minimize estate taxes.Outline5.1 A Life-Cycle Model of Saving5.2 Taking Account of Social Security5.3 Deferring Taxes Through Voluntary Retirement Plans5.4 Should You Invest in a Professional Degree?5.5 Should You Buy or Rent?Summary•In making lifetime saving/consumption decisions:(1) Do the analysis in real terms (constant dollars) to simplify the calculations and to avoid having toforecast inflation.(2) Start by computing the present value of your lifetime resources. The present value of your lifetimespending cannot exceed this amount.•Social security or any other forced saving program will offset voluntary saving. It may have a positive or a negative effect on the present value of your total lifetime resources.•Tax-deferred retirement accounts are advantageous because they allow you to earn a before-tax rate of return until money is withdrawn from the account. They are advantageous if you are in the same tax bracket before and after you retire, and even more so if your tax bracket is lower after you retire. •Getting a professional degree can be evaluated as an investment in human capital. As such, it should be undertaken if the present value of the benefits (such as increase in your earnings) exceeds the present value of the costs (such as tuition and forgone salary.)•In deciding whether to buy or rent an apartment or a consumer durable, choose the alternative with the lower present value of costsSolutions to Problems at End of ChapterSaving for Retirement1. Assume that you are 40 years old and wish to retire at age 65. You expect to be able to average a 6% annual rate of interest on your savings over your lifetime (both prior to retirement and after retirement). You would like to save enough money to provide $8,000 per year beginning at age 66 in retirement income to supplement other sources (social security, pension plans, etc.). Suppose you decide that the extra income needs to be provided for only 15 years (up to age 80). Assume that your first contribution to the savings plan will take place one year from NOW.a.How much must you save each year between now and retirement to achieve your goal?b.If the rate of inflation turns out to be 6% per year between now and retirement, how much willyour first $8000 withdrawal be worth in terms of today’s purchasing power?SOLUTION:a. Age 40 41 65 66 80Time 0 1 25 26 40. . . .X X 8,000 8,000It is a 2 part computation. First compute the amount needed at age 65 to finance the $8,000 per year annuityin terms of today’s purchasing power.2. You are saving for retirement and you come across the following table. It shows the percentage of your current salary that you should save for your retirement in order to retire with an annuity equal to 70% of your salary if you have not yet saved anything. It assumes that your annual salary will remain constant in real terms until retirement, and that you will live for 25 years after retiring. For instance, if you have 35 years left before you retire and earn3.5% per year on your investments, then you should save 17.3% of your current salary.a. Fill in the missing number in Table A.SOLUTION:The method for computing how much saving is needed to reach the desired target (70%) consists of two steps:First compute the amount you need to have accumulated in your personal retirement account when you reach the retirement age. (We’ll do the calculations as percentages of real salary)Then compute the annual amount of saving needed to reach that future value59.79% if you have 15 years to retire29.62% if you have 25 years to retire17.30% if you have 35 years to retireb. Now fill in Table B. It assumes that instead of targeting a 70% replacement rate of preretirement income, your goal is to maintain the same level of consumption spending both before and after retirement.First compute the amount you need to have accumulated in your personal retirement account when you reach the retirement age. (We’ll do the calculations as percentages of real salary)Then compute the annual amount of saving needed to reach that future value85.41% if you have 15 years to retire42.31% if you have 25 years to retire24.72% if you have 35 years to retire3. You are saving for retirement and you come across the following the table. It shows the increase in the annual benefit you can receive in retirement per dollar that you increase your annual retirement saving in the years before retirement. It assumes that you will live for 20 years after retiring. For instance, if you have 30 years left before you retire and earn an interest rate of 3% per year, then you will obtain an increase of $3.20 in your annual retirement benefit for every $1 per year increase in annual saving. Fill in the missing table values.4. George Thriftless is 45 years old, earns $50,000 per year, and expects that his future earnings will keep pace with inflation, but will not exceed inflation. He has not yet saved anything towards his retirement. His company does not offer any pension plan. George pays Social Security taxes equal to 7.5% of his salary, and he assumes that when he retires at age 65, he will receive $12,000 per year in inflation-adjusted Social Security benefits for the rest of his life. His life expectancy is age 85.George buys a book on retirement planning that recommends saving enough so that when private savings and Social Security are combined, he can replace 80% of his preretirement salary. George buys a financial calculator and goes through the following calculations:First, he computes the amount he will need to receive in each year of retirement to replace 80% of his salary: .8 x $50,000 = $40,000.Since he expects to receive $12,000 per year in Social Security benefits, he calculates that he will have to provide the other $28,000 per year from his own retirement fund.Using the 8% interest rate on long-term default-free bonds, George computes the amount he will need to have at age 65 as $274,908 (the present value of $28,000 for 20 years at 8% per year). Then he computes the amount he will have to save in each of the next 20 years to reach that future accumulation as $6,007 (the annual payment that will produce a future value of $274,908 at an interest rate of 8% per year). George feels pretty confident that he can save 12% of his salary (i.e., $6,007/$50,000) in order to insure a comfortable retirement.a.If the expected long-term real interest rate is 3% per year, approximately what is the long-term expected rate of inflation?b.Has George correctly taken account of inflation in his calculations? If not, how would youcorrect him?c.How much should George save in each of the next 20 years (until age 65) if he wants tomaintain a constant level of consumption over the remaining 40 years of his life (from age 45 to age 85)?Ignore income taxes.SOLUTION:a. The long-term expected rate of inflation can be approximated by subtracting the expected real rate ofinterest (3% per year) from the long-term nominal interest rate (8% per year). The expected rate of inflation is therefore approximately 5% per year.The exact value can be calculated using:1+nom= (1+real)(1+inf)hence, the inflation rate is 4.854% per year.b. George has used the nominal interest rate to discount real cash flows. As a result, he has seriouslyunderestimated how much saving he must do to achieve an 80% replacement rate. The time line for this problem is:Age 45 46 65 66 85Time 0 1 20 21 40. . . .X X 28,000 28,000Using the real rate of 3% per year in the calculations results in a needed accumulation at age 65 of $416,569.30:The annual saving needed to achieve this accumulation at a 3% real rate is $15,502.92:So instead of $6,007 per year, George must save $15,502.92 per year. This is 31% of his salary rather than 12%.c. The time line for this problem is:Age 45 46 65 66 85Time 0 1 20 21 40. . . .Inflows 46,250 46,250 12,000 12,000Outflows C CIf George wants to maintain a constant level of consumption both before and after retirement, he must find C , where C is the solution to the following equation:∑∑∑===+=40140212010310001203125046031t t tt t t .,.,.C Equation 1 says that the present value of consumption spending over the next 40 years equals the present value of labor income over the next 20 years (after paying Social Security taxes) plus the present value of Social Security benefits received after retirement.First we find the value on the right side of the equation, the PV of George’s lifetime resources:Step 4: Find PV of lifetime resources as of age 45:688,083.21 + 98,847.56 = 786,930.78So each year between the ages of 46 and 65 George must save $12,205.50, the difference between his income after SS tax ($46,250) and his consumption spending ($34,044.50).Now let us check to make sure that by saving this amount George will indeed have enough to provide the same constant level of consumption spending after retirement as before.Thus, by saving $12,205.50 per year for 20 years earning a real rate of 3% per year, he will have at age 65 an accumulation of $327,966.36.Adding this annuity to the SS benefit we get:$22,044.50 + $12,000 = $34,044.505. George’s company has a defined-benefit pension plan. Suppose the plan pays a benefit equal to 1% of final salary per year of service. George is 40 years old and has worked for the company for 15 years. His last year’s salary was $50,000 and is expected to remain so in real terms until retirement. The expected rate of inflation is 4%.a.If normal retirement age is 65, the interest rate is 8%, and Geor ge’s life expectancy is 80, what isthe present value of his accrued pension benefit?b.What effect should his pension benefit have on George’s planned saving assuming he has a 75%target replacement rate?SOLUTION:a.George’s last year salary $50,000 has a r eal growth rate of 0%, hence it will keep up with inflation untilretirement but not beat it. At retirement, he would have worked for the company for a total of forty years. Hence his annual pension benefit will be equal to 1% x (50,000x 1.0425) x 40 = $53,316.73. We must first find the value of those annual payments in the year when he retires, then discount that back to today.PV65 = $456,363.4140b.For a 75% replacement rate, George expects to have an annual income of 0.75 x 50,000 =$37,500 inreal terms after retirement. Since his pension benefit is providing him with part of his financial needs after retirement, he would only need to worry about the difference between his target income and what the pension is providing him, hence decreasing his planned savings before retirement.6.Analyze the “expert’s” responses to the following questions:Question: How early do you recommend people begin saving for retirement? Would it be too early for my 14-year-old to start saving?Expert: It’s never too early.Question: For a college student , what would you suggest for a savings plan?Expert: I’d suggest deciding on a specific a mount to set aside each month, then making sure you do it, no matter the temptations not to.SOLUTION:a.Because of the time value of money, obviously, the earlier you start saving for retirement the morevalue you’ll have for each dollar saved.Suppose you save $1 at age 15 and you expect to retire at age 65, this dollar will be worth at 8% interest rate $46.9. Of course there’s a trade-off because you’ll also be postponing your spending (enjoying life) to your retirement.b.Again, because of the time value of money, each dollar you save as a college student will earn youmore than a dollar saved later on in your life. That’s why, you must decide on a certain amount you can afford to save and stick with it.Investing in Human Capital7. You are 30 years old and are considering full-time study for an MBA degree. Tuition and other direct costs will be $15,000 per year for two years. In addition you will have to give up a job with a salary of $30,000 per year. Assume tuition is paid and salary received at the end of the year. By how much does your salary have to increase (in real terms) as a result of getting your MBA degree to justify the investment? Assume a real interest rate of 3% per year and ignore taxes. Also assume that the salary increase is a constant real amount that starts after you complete your degree (at the end of the year following graduation) and lasts until retirement at age 65.SOLUTION:Buy or Rent?8. Suppose you currently rent an apartment and have an option to buy it for $200,000. Property taxes are $2,000 per year and are deductible for income tax purposes. Annual maintenance costs on the property are $1,500 per year and are not tax deductible. You expect property taxes and maintenance costs to increase at the rate of inflation. Your income tax rate is 40%, you can earn an after-tax real interest rate of 2% per year, and you plan to keep the apartment forever. What is the “break-even” annual rent such that you would buy it if the rent exceeds this amount? SOLUTION:The after-tax annual outlay if you buy is:$1,500 + .6 x $2,000 = $2,700The PV of this is $2700/.02 = $135,000.The PV of the costs of owning are $135,000 + $200,000 = $335,000.The break-even rent is .02 x $335,000 = $6,700 per year.Buy or lease a car9. You have decided to acquire a new car which costs $30,000. You are considering whether to lease it for 3 years or to purchase it and finance the purchase with a 3-year installment loan. The lease requires no down payment and lasts for 3 years. Lease payments are $400 monthly starting immediately, whereas the installment loan will require monthly payments starting a month from now at an annual percentage rate (APR) of 8%.a.If you expect the resale value of the car to be $20,000 3 years from now, should you buy or leaseit?b.What is the break-even resale price of the car 3 years from now, such that you would beindifferent between buying and leasing it?SOLUTION:a.We have to compare the NPVs of the two alternatives:Since in this case, the car is costing me more, I should choose the first alternative of leasing the car.b. In order to be indifferent among the two alternatives, their respective NPV must be equal, i.e. –12,850.Hence, the PV of the resale price is 30,000-12,850=17,15010. Analyze the following newspaper column:“Many of us who started families late share a nightmare image: having to pay huge college bills just as we’re giving up paychecks and shouldering the ste ep costs of retirement. In fact, the double whammy might not be so bad, assuming the parents have prepared properly. On the plus side, older parents are likely to have enjoyed their best earnings years before the college costs begin, allowing them to put a side more than younger parents can. They’ve also had more years for investments to compound. In the ideal situation, older parents can avoid borrowing to meet college costs, taking the preferred route of earning interest on investments rather than paying i t on student loans.” (Excerpted from Jeff Brown’s Personal Finance column in the Philadelphia Inquirer, May 11, 1998.) SOLUTION:As it is mentioned in the newspaper column, ideally older parents can avoid borrowing to meet college costs provided that they had prepared properly and started saving early in their lives.However, one can argue that with no children in the household, parents have less incentive to save (and enjoy their younger years) and might in fact be faced with this nightmare image of having to pay huge college bills just as they are giving up paychecks.11. Analyze the following newspaper column:“What’s the best age for a person to start collecting Social Security benefits? According to conventional wisdom, retirement starts at age 65. I t’s true that full benefits don’t start until age 65, but 62 year olds can retire and collect 80% of their benefits.Take the hypothetical cases of John and Mary, who have the same birthday and who are both slated to start drawing $1,000 a month in Social Security benefits at age 65. On his 62nd birthday, John decides to go ahead and start claiming his benefits of $800 a month (80% of $1000). Mary decides to wait until she’s 65, when she can claim the full $1000. Three years later, Mary turns 65 and begins receiving $1,000 a month from the Social Security Administration. John continues to receive $800 a month. But he has already been paid $28,800 while Mary received nothing.Five years go by, with Mary drawing $1,000 a month and John $800 a month. At 70, John has received $76,800, compared to Mary’s $60,000. When they reach 77, Mary will pull ahead. So, it seems if a person doesn’t live past 76, it would better to start collecting Social Security benefits at 62. For those who reach their upper 70’s, it pays to wait until they are 65 to collect Social Security. (adapted from 1998, Atlanta Business Chronicle, Gary Summer Contributing writer, June 29, 1998.) SOLUTION:The analysis in this newspaper column ignores the time value of money. The best way to look at this situation is to assume an interest rate, say 5%.The FV at age 65 of the $800 payments that John was taking is:At age 65, when Mary decides to start receiving the benefits from SSA, John has been paid $31,003. Not $28,800 as mentioned in the article.Now, in order to see when Mary will pull ahead, we have to see how many $200 payments (=1000-800) are the $31,003 worth.After 250 month, i.e. at age 85 and 10 months, Mary will eventually pull ahead.Personal Balance Sheets12. Using the finance concepts presented in this chapter, construct a personal balance sheet showing your assets, liabilities and net worth.a.Did you value your assets at cost or at current market value? Why?b.Did you include your human capital as an asset? Why?c.Did you include deferred taxes as a liability? Why?a.I valued my assets at current market value because their cost is irrelevant to me.b.Even though human capital is probably anyone’s biggest asset, I didn’t include it in the balance sheetbecause it’s uncert ain, hard to quantify and I will need to make too many assumptions concerning the PV of my future earnings.c.Once again, I haven’t.Home ownership Over the Life Cycle13. Suppose you buy a house for $200,000 when you are 35 years old. You make a 20% down payment and borrow the other 80% from a mortgage lender. The mortgage loan is at a fixed interest rate of 8% per year for 30 years and requires level annual payments. At age 65, you plan to take out a “reverse-mortgage” loan which will allow you to borrow a constant annual amount for the rest of your life to be paid off by the sale of your house when you die. Your life expectancy is age 85. The interest rate on both the original mortgage loan and the reverse mortgage will be 8% per year.a.Suppose that you expect the inflation rate to be 3% per year and you can rent an equivalenthouse for $10,000 per year. Is it worth buying the house?b.Show how buying the house will affect your assets, liabilities and cash flow over the next 50 years.c.In Making the Most of your money, JB Quinn has written: “ Over the long run, the value ofhomes should follow the inflation rate. But over the time that you won your particular house, its value might rise or fall or stall. You can’t predict. But there are reasons other than profit for owning a house.•Mortgage payments force to save, while rental payments don’t.•You get tax deductions, and can tax-shelter your capital gains.•You’re landlord free.•You know the deep contentment of holding a spot of ground that others can enter by invitation only.•You won’t lose your lease.•You can renovate to suit.• A house is collateral for a loan.Comment.SOLUTION:a.In order to compare the two alternatives, we have to compare their NPVs.Buy Alternative:Basically, this alternative consists of buying the house now at $200,000 and selling it 50 years from now at its market value, accounting for inflation:The FV of the house is:The house will be worth : $876,781 when you are 85.Now, to calculate the NPV of this alternative, we have to discount at 8% to account for the mortgage and the reverse mortgage.Hence the NPV of this option is: -200,000 + 18,694 = -181,306Rent Alternative:We assume that rent will be $10,000 in real terms and hence must be discounted at the real interest rate = 4.854%Hence, it is more economical to buy the house.c. Most of the points mentioned by JB Quinn were discussed in this exercise, namely the fact thatmortgage payments force you to save and that a house can serve as collateral for a loan. She also presents in his discussion some “intangible” benefits from owning a house such as not having a landlord and renovating to suit.。

《金融学》习题集班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________ 学号:_____________新疆财经大学金融学院金融理论教研室20 11年1 0月第一章 货币概述)。
B .“货币起源”的问题 D .“货币产生”的问题 )。
B .“货币数量规模”的问题 D .“货币是什么”的问题C .商品生产D .商品与商品交换4 .用一般等价物表示所有商品的价值,即为( )。
A .货币形式B .扩大的价值形式C .一般的价值形式D .筒单的价值形式5.中国最早的货币是( )。
A.贝 B .朋 C .铜 D .银6.代用货币实质上是( )。
A.纸币 B •银行券 C •金、银铸币 D •可兑换的银行券7.信用货币与实物货币、金属货币最主要的区别是()。
A.是否为物权凭证 B•是否足值C. 否反映债权、债务关系 D .名义价值与实际价值是否相等 8.在价值形式发展史上,发生根本性变化的价值形式是()。
、单项选择1.货币“质”的规定性是解决(A . “货币是什么”的问题 C. “什么是货币”的问题确 2.货币“量”的规定性是解决(A . “什么是货币”的问题 C. “货币数量界限”的问题 3.货币起源于()。
A .商品 B .商品交换9. 作为价值尺度的货币其特点是()。
A.观念货币 B.现实货币C.金属货币 D .价值实体10. 积累和储存价值的典型形态是()。
11. 12. A.贮藏商品 B .贮藏金银发挥支付手段职能的货币是处在流通中的A.价值实体B .现实货币发挥流通手段职能的货币,必须是A.观念货币B .商品13.货币与商品相交换,是基于商品是.贮藏纸币 D .金属货币)。
.商品.金属货币 A.私人劳动的产物 般人类劳动的产物 C. 社会劳动的产物.具体劳动的产物A.扩大的价值形式 B .一般价值形式 C .简单的价值形式 D .货币形式14. 在货币层次的划分中,我国与西方国家最明显的差别是()。

《⾦融学(第⼆版)》讲义⼤纲及课后习题答案详解⼗⼆章CHAPTER 12CHOOSING AN INVESTMENT PORTFOLIOObjectivesTo understand the process of personal investing in theory and in practice.To build a quantitative model of the tradeoff between risk and reward.Outline12.1 The Process of Personal Portfolio Selection12.2 The Trade-off between Expected Return and Risk12.3 Efficient Diversification with Many Risky AssetsSummaryThere is no single portfolio selection strategy that is best for all people.Stage in the life cycle is an imp ortant determinant of the optimal composition of a person’s optimal portfolio of assets and liabilities.Time horizons are important in portfolio selection. We distinguish among three time horizons: the planning horizon, the decision horizon, and the trading horizon.In making portfolio selection decisions, people can in general achieve a higher expected rate of return only by exposing themselves to greater risk.One can sometimes reduce risk without lowering expected return by diversifying more completely either withina given asset class or across asset classes.The power of diversification to reduce the riskiness of an investor’s portfolio depends on the correlations among the assets that make up the portfolio. In practice, the vast majority of assets are positively correlated with each other because they are all affected by common economic factors. Consequently, one’s ability to reduce risk through diversification among risky assets without lowering expected return is limited.Although in principle people have thousands of assets to choose from, in practice they make their choices from a menu of a few final products offered by financial intermediaries such as bank accounts, stock and bond mutual funds, and real estate. In designing and producing the menu of assets to offer to their customers theseintermediaries make use of the latest advances in financial technology.Solutions to Problems at End of Chapter1. Suppose that your 58-year-old father works for the Ruffy Stuffed Toy Company and has contributed regularly to his company-matched savings plan for the past 15 years. Ruffy contributes $0.50 for every $1.00 your father puts into the savings plan, up to the first 6% of his salary. Participants in the savings plan can allocate their contributions among four different investment choices: a fixed-income bond fund, a “blend” option that invests in large companies, small companies, and the fixed-income bond fund, a growth-income mutual fund whose investments do not include other toy companies, and a fund whose sole investment is stock in the Ruffy Stuffed Toy Company. Over Thanksgiving vacation, Dad realizes that you have been majoring in finance and decides to reap some early returns on that tuition money he’s been investing in your education. He shows you the most recent quarterly statement for his savings plan, and you see that 98% of its current value is in the fourth investment option, that of the Ruffy Company stock..a.Assume that your Dad is a typical risk-averse person who is considering retirement in five years. Whenyou ask him why he has made the allocation in this way, he responds that the company stock has continually performed quite well, except for a few declines that were caused by problems in a division that the company has long since sold off. Inaddition, he says, many of his friends at work have done the same. What advice would you give your dad about adjustments to his plan allocations? Why?b.If you consider the fact that your dad works for Ruffy in addition to his 98% allocation to the Ruffy stockfund, does this make his situation more risky, less risky, or does it make no difference? Why? SOLUTION:a.Dad has exposed himself to risk by concentrating almost all of his plan money in the Ruffy Stock fund. This is analogous to taking 100% of the money a family has put aside for investment and investing it in a single stock.First, Dad needs to be shown that just because the company stock has continually performed quite well is no guarantee that it will do so indefinitely. The company may have sold off the divisions which produced price declines in the past, but future problems are unpredictable, and so is the movement of the stock price. “Past performance is no guarantee of future results” is the lesson.Second, Dad needs to hear about diversification. He needs to be counseled that he can reduce his risk by allocating his money among several of the options available to him. Indeed, he can reduce his risk considerably merely by moving all of his money into the “blend” fund because it is diversifi ed by design: it has a fixed-income component, a large companies component, and a small companies component. Diversification isachieved not only via the three differing objectives of these components, but also via the numerous stocks that comprise each of the three components.Finally, Dad’s age and his retirement plans need to be considered. People nearing retirement age typically begin to shift the value of their portfolios into safer investments. “Safer” normally connotes less variability, so that the risk of a large decline in the value of a portfolio is reduced. This decline could come at any time, and it would be very unfortunate if it were to happen the day before Dad retires. In this example, the safest option would be the fixed-income bond fund because of its diversified composition and interest-bearing design, but there is still risk exposure to inflation and the level of interest rates. Note that the tax-deferred nature of the savings plan encourages allocation to something that produces interest or dividends. As it stands now, Dad is very exposed to a large decline in the value of his savings plan because it is dependent on the value of one stock.Individual equities over time have proven to produce the most variable of returns, so Dad should definitely move some, probably at least half, of his money out of the Ruffy stock fund. In fact, a good recommendation given his retirement horizon of five years would be to re-align the portfolio so that it has 50% in the fixed- income fund and the remaining 50% split between the Ruffy stock fund (since Dad insists) and the “blend” fund.Or, maybe 40% fixed-income, 25% Ruffy, 15% growth-income fund, and 20% “blend” fund. This latterallocation has the advantage of introducing another income-producing component that can be shielded by the tax-deferred status of the plan.b.The fact that Dad is employed by the Ruffy Company makes his situation more risky. Let’s say that the companyhits a period of slowed business activities. If the stock price declines, so will th e value of Dad’s savings plan. If the company encounters enough trouble, it may consider layoffs. Dad’s job may be in jeopardy. At the same time that his savings plan may be declining in value, Dad may also need to look for a job or go onunemployment. Thus, Dad is exposed on two fronts to the same risk. He has invested both his human capital and his wealth almost exclusively in one company.2. Refer to Table 12.1.a.Perform the calculations to verify that the expected returns of each of the portfolios (F, G, H, J, S) in thetable (column 4) are correct.b.Do the same for the standard deviations in column 5 of the table.c.Assume that you have $1million to invest. Allocate the money as indicated in the table for each of the fiveportfolios and calculate the expected dollar return of each of the portfolios.d.Which of the portfolios would someone who is extremely risk tolerant be most likely to select? SOLUTION:d.An extremely risk tolerant person would select portfolio S, which has the largest standard deviation but also thelargest expected return.3. A mutual fund company offers a safe money market fund whose current rate is4.50% (.045). The same company also offers an equity fund with an aggressive growth objective which historically has exhibited an expected return of 20% (.20) and a standard deviation of .25.a.Derive the equation for the risk-reward trade-off line.b.How much extra expected return would be available to an investor for each unit of extra risk that shebears?c.What allocation should be placed in the money market fund if an investor desires an expected return of15% (.15)?SOLUTION:a.E[r] = .045 + .62b.0.62c.32.3% [.15 = w*(.045) + (1-w)*(.020) ]4. If the risk-reward trade-off line for a riskless asset and a risky asset results in a negative slope, what does that imply about the risky asset vis-a-vis the riskless asset?SOLUTION:A trade-off line wit h a negative slope indicates that the investor is “rewarded” with less expected return for taking on additional risk via allocation to the risky asset.5. Suppose that you have the opportunity to buy stock in AT&T and Microsoft.a.stocks is 0? .5? 1? -1? What do you notice about the change in the allocations between AT&T andMicrosoft as their correlation moves from -1 to 0? to .5? to +1? Why might this be?b.What is the variance of each of the minimum-variance portfolios in part a?c.What is the optimal combination of these two securities in a portfolio for each value of the correlation,assuming the existence of a money market fund that currently pays 4.5% (.045)? Do you notice any relation between these weights and the weights for the minimum variance portfolios?d.What is the variance of each of the optimal portfolios?e.What is the expected return of each of the optimal portfolios?f.Derive the risk-reward trade-off line for the optimal portfolio when the correlation is .5. How much extraexpected return can you anticipate if you take on an extra unit of risk?SOLUTION:a.Minimum risk portfolios if correlation is:-1: 62.5% AT&T, 37.5% Microsoft0: 73.5% AT&T, 26.5% Microsoft.5: 92.1% AT&T, 7.9% Microsoft1: 250% AT&T, short sell 150% MicrosoftAs the correlation moves from -1 to +1, the allocation to AT&T increases. When two stocks have negativec orrelation, standard deviation can be reduced dramatically by mixing them in a portfolio. It is to the investors’benefit to weight more heavily the stock with the higher expected return since this will produce a high portfolio expected return while the standard deviation of the portfolio is decreased. This is why the highest allocation to Microsoft is observed for a correlation of -1, and the allocation to Microsoft decreases as the correlationbecomes positive and moves to +1. With correlation of +1, the returns of the two stocks will move closely together, so you want to weight most heavily the stock with the lower individual standard deviation.b. Variances of each of the minimum variance portfolios:62.5% AT&T, 37.5% Microsoft Var = 073.5% AT&T, 26.5% Microsoft Var = .016592.1% AT&T, 7.9% Microsoft Var = .0222250% AT&T, short 150% Microsoft Var = 0c. Optimal portfolios if correlation is:-1: 62.5% AT&T, 37.5% Microsoft0: 48.1% AT&T, 51.9% Microsoft.5: 11.4% AT&T, 88.6% Microsoft1: 250% AT&T, short 150% Microsoftd. Variances of the optimal portfolios:62.5% AT&T, 37.5% Microsoft Var = 048.1% AT&T, 51.9% Microsoft Var = .022011.4% AT&T, 88.6% Microsoft Var = .0531250% AT&T, short 150% Microsoft Var = 0e. Expected returns of the optimal portfolios:62.5% AT&T, 37.5% Microsoft E[r] = 14.13%48.1% AT&T, 51.9% Microsoft E[r] = 15.71%11.4% AT&T, 88.6% Microsoft E[r] = 19.75%250% AT&T, short 150% Microsoft E[r] = -6.5%f.Risk-reward trade-off line for optimal portfolio with correlation = .5:E[r] = .045 + .66/doc/31dbf23b580216fc700afd59.html ing the optimal portfolio of AT&T and Microsoft stock when the correlation of their price movements is 0.5, along with the results in part f of question 12-5, determine:a.the expected return and standard deviation of a portfolio which invests 100% in a money market fundreturning a current rate of 4.5%. Where is this point on the risk-reward trade-off line?b.the expected return and standard deviation of a portfolio which invests 90% in the money market fundand 10% in the portfolio of AT&T and Microsoft stock.c.the expected return and standard deviation of a portfolio which invests 25% in the money market fundand 75% in the portfolio of AT&T and Microsoft stock.d.the expected return and standard deviation of a portfolio which invests 0% in the money market fundand 100% in the portfolio of AT&T and Microsoft stock. What point is this?SOLUTION:a.E[r] = 4.5%, standard deviation = 0. This point is the intercept of the y (expected return) axis by the risk-rewardtrade-off line.b.E[r] = 6.03%, standard deviation = .0231c.E[r] = 15.9%, standard deviation = .173d.E[r] = 19.75%, standard deviation = .2306. This point is the tangency between the risk-reward line from 12-5part f and the risky asset risk-reward curve (frontier) for AT&T and Microsoft.7. Again using the optimal portfolio of AT&T and Microsoft stock when the correlation of their price movements is 0.5, take $ 10,000 and determine the allocations among the riskless asset, AT&T stock, and Microsoft stock for:a. a portfolio which invests 75% in a money market fund and 25% in the portfolio of AT&T and Microsoftstock. What is this portfolio’s expected return?b. a portfolio which invests 25% in a money market fund and 75% in the portfolio of AT&T and Microsoftstock. What is this portfolio’s expect ed return?c. a portfolio which invests nothing in a money market fund and 100% in the portfolio of AT&T andMicrosoft stock. What is this portfolio’s expected return?SOLUTION:a.$7,500 in the money-market fund, $285 in AT&T (11.4% of $2500), $2215 in Microsoft. E[r] = 8.31%, $831.b.$2,500 in the money-market fund, $855 in AT&T (11.4% of $7500), $6645 in Microsoft. E[r] = 15.94%, $1,594.c.$1140 in AT&T, $8860 in Microsoft. E[r] = 19.75%, $1,975.8. What strategy is implied by moving further out to the right on a risk-reward trade-off line beyond the tangency point between the line and the risky asset risk-reward curve? What type of an investor would be most likely to embark on this strategy? Why?SOLUTION:This strategy calls for borrowing additional funds and investing them in the optimal portfolio of AT&T and Microsoft stock. A risk-tolerant, aggressive investor would embark on this strategy. This person would be assuming the risk of the stock portfolio with no risk-free component; the money at risk is not onl y from this person’s own wealth but also represents a sum that isowed to some creditor (such as a margin account extended by the investor’s broker).9. Determine the correlation between price movements of stock A and B using the forecasts of their rate of return and the assessments of the possible states of the world in the following table. The standard deviations for stock A and stock B are0.065 and 0.1392, respectively. Before doing the calculation, form an expectation of whether that correlation will be closer to1 or -1 by merely inspecting the numbers.SOLUTION:Expectation: correlation will be closer to +1.E[r A] = .05*(-.02) + .15*(-.01) + .60*(.15) + .20*(.15) = .1175, or, 11.75%E[r B] = .05*(-.20) + .15*(-.10) + .60*(.15) + .20*(.30) = .1250, or, 12.50%Covariance = .05*(-.02-.1175)*(-.20-.125) + .15*(-.01-.1175)*(-.10-.125) +.60*(.15-.1175)*(.15-.125) + .20*(.15-.1175)*(.30-.125) =.008163Correlation = .008163/(.065)*(.1392) = .90210.Analyze the “expert’s” answers to the following questions:a.Question:I have approx. 1/3 of my investments in stocks, and the rest in a money market. What do you suggestas a somewhat “safer” place to invest another 1/3? I like to keep 1/3 accessible for emergencies.Expert’s answer:Well, you could try 1 or 2 year Treasury bonds. You’d get a little bit more yie ld with no risk.b.Question:Where would you invest if you were to start today?Expert’s answer:That depends on your age and short-term goals. If you are very young – say under 40 –and don’tneed the money you’re investing for a home or college tuition or such, you would put it in a stockfund. Even if the market tanks, you have time to recoup. And, so far, nothing has beaten stocks overa period of 10 years or more. But if you are going to need money fairly soon, for a home or for yourretirement, you need to play it safer.SOLUTION:a.You are not getting a little bit more yield with no risk. The real value of the bond payoff is subject to inflationrisk. In addition, if you ever need to sell the Treasury bonds before expiration, you are subject to the fluctuation of selling price caused by interest risk.b.The expert is right in pointing out that your investment decision depends on your age and short-term goals. In addition, the investment decision also depends on other characteristics of the investor, such as the special character of the labor income (whether it is highly correlated with the stock market or not), and risk tolerance.Also, the fact that over any period of 10 years or more the stock beats everything else cannot be used to predict the future.。

答案:国家货币主权二、单项选择题:1、与货币的出现紧密相联的是()A、金银的稀缺性B、交换产生与发展C、国家的强制力D、先哲的智慧答案:B2、商品价值形式最终演变的结果是()A、简单价值形式B、扩大价值形式C、一般价值形式D、货币价值形式答案:D3、中国最早的铸币金属是()A、铜B、银C、铁D、贝答案:A4、在下列货币制度中劣币驱逐良币律出现在()A、金本位制B、银本位制C、金银复本位制D、金汇兑本位制答案:C5、中华人民共和国货币制度建立于()A、1948年B、1949年C、1950年D、1951年答案:A6、欧洲货币同盟开始使用“欧元EURO”于()A、1998年B、1999年C、2001年D、2002年答案:B7、金银复本位制的不稳定性源于()A、金银的稀缺B、生产力的迅猛提高C、货币发行管理混乱D、金银同为本位币答案:D8、中国本位币的最小规格是()A、1分B、1角C、1元D、10元答案:C9、金属货币制度下的蓄水池功能源于()A、金属货币的稀缺性B、金属货币的价值稳定C、金属货币的自由铸造和熔化D、金属货币的易于保存答案:C10、单纯地从物价和货币购买力的关系看,物价指数上升25%,则货币购买力()A、上升20%B、下降20%C、上升25%D、下降25% 答案:B11、在国家财政和银行信用中发挥作用的主要货币职能是()A、价值尺度B、流通手段C、支付手段D、贮藏手段答案:C12、下列货币制度中最稳定的是()A、银本位制B、金银复本位制C、金铸币本位制D、金汇兑本位制答案:C13、马克思的货币本质观的建立基础是()A、劳动价值说B、货币金属说C、货币名目说D、创造发明说答案:A14、对商品价格的理解正确的是()A、同商品价值成反比B、同货币价值成正比C、商品价值的货币表现D、商品价值与货币价值的比答案:C15、货币的本质特征是充当()A、特殊等价物B、一般等价物C、普通商品D、特殊商品答案:B二、多项选择题1、一般而言,要求作为货币的商品具有如下特征()A、价值比较高B、金属的一种C、易于分割D、易于保存E、便于携带答案:ACDE2、中国最古老的铜铸币的三种形制是()A、五铢B、布C、刀D、元宝E、铜贝答案:BCE3、信用货币包括()A、银行券B、支票C、活期存款D、商业票据E、定期存款答案:ABCDE4、货币支付职能发挥作用的场所有()A、赋税B、各种劳动报酬C、国家财政D、银行信用E、地租答案:ABCDE5、对本位币的理解正确的是()A、本位币是一国的基本通货B、本位币具有有限法偿C、本位币具有无限法偿D、本位币的最小规格是一个货币单位E、本位币具有排他性答案:ABCDE6、信用货币制度的特点有()A、黄金作为货币发行的准备B、贵金属非货币化C、国家强制力保证货币的流通D、金银储备保证货币的可兑换性E、货币发行通过信用渠道答案:BCE7、货币的两个基本职能是()A、流通手段B、支付手段C、贮藏手段D、世界货币E、价值尺度答案:AE8、对货币单位的理解正确的有()A、国家法定的货币计量单位B、规定了货币单位的名称C、规定本位币的币材D、确定技术标准E、规定货币单位所含的货币金属量答案:ABE9、我国货币制度规定人民币具有以下的特点()A、人民币是可兑换货币B、人民币与黄金没有直接联系C、人民币是信用货币D、人民币具有无限法偿力E、人民币具有有限法偿力答案:BCD10、货币制度的基本类型有()A、银本位制B、金银复本位制C、金本位制D、信用本位制E、银行券本位制答案:ABCD三、判断题1、最早的货币形式是金属铸币。

1•价值2•时间3•复利4•贴现率5•普通年金6•终值1.ABCD2.ABE3.A4.B5.A6.A7.C8.C 1•什么是货币的时间价值,怎样计算货币的时间价值?货币资金的时间价值是指货币经历一定时间的投资和再投资所增加的价值。
货币时间价值有两种表示方法:(1)绝对数,即增值额(△G): (2)相对数,即增值额(△G)和本金(P)的比率,它是相当于在没有风险和通货膨胀条件下的社会平均资金利润率。
单利计算公式为:I=P • r•nS=P(l+r • n)式中,I表示利息额,P表示本金,r表示利息率,n表示借贷期限,S表示本金和利息Z 和,简称本息和。
其计算公式为:S=P - (1+r)*I=S - P在复利计息方式下,在到期R之前每一年所生的利息将被进行再投资并获得利息,即利滚利。
如果我们用PV表示初始的资金,用r表示利率, 用n表示计息的期数,则FV二PV(l+r)%现值是在复利计息方式下,未來一定金额按照某一利率折算到现在的价值,或者说为取得将来一定的本利和,现在需要付出的本金。
3.年度百分率和有效年利率之间的关系是怎样的?年度百分比率(annual percent age rate, APR )是指银行等金融机构提供 的利率,也叫做报价利率。
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2.(√)3. (×)将“政府”改为“市场”4. (√)5.(×)将“增加”改为“减少”6.(×)将“证券价格下跌”改为“证券价格上升”7.(√)8.(×)将“提高利率”改为“降低利率”9.(×)将“反向”改为“正向”;10.(×)将“正向”改为“反向”;11.(×)将“低于”改为“高于”;12.(×)将“存量”改为“流量”;13.(×)将“直接”改为“间接”;14.(×)将“存量”改为“流量”;15.(×)将“违约风险”改为“税收”;16.(×)将“纯粹预期假说”改为“分割市场假说”或“流动升水假说”。
五、填空题1.(机会成本)/(风险);2.(名义利率)/(预期通货膨胀);3.(提高)/(增加)/(减少)/(增加);4.(增加)/(提高)/(下降)/(减少)/(逆差);5.(年平均收益)/(市场价格);6.(贴现率);7.(税收差异);8.(风险结构);9.(向上倾斜);10.(向上倾斜);六.计算题1.一笔为期三年的投资,在三年内每年年末分别取得如下收益:第一年450元 ,第二年600元,第三年650 元,市场利率为10%,则该笔投资的终值是多少元?解:元终值50.1854650%)101(600%)101(4502=++++=答:该笔投资的终值是1854.50元。
计算公式是:持有期收益率 =%6.12%1009502950990%101000%100=⨯-+⨯=⨯+买入价持有年限卖出价-买入价年利息 答:该债券的持有期收益率为12.6%。
解:单利法 10000+10000×5%×5=12500复利法 10000×(1+5%)5=12762.8答:按单利计算的本息和是12500元,按复利计算和本息和是12762.8元。
假定电脑的价格是20 000元,而且在三年内完全折旧掉,即没有任何销售价值。
(1)如果电脑设备的融资成本为i ,请用公式表示这台电脑应该带来多少收入才使该公司认为值得购买之?(假定每年带来的收入相等)(2)如果电脑在三年内不完全折旧掉,问题(1)会有什么不同呢?假设其再销售价值为2500元;(3)如果电脑设备的融资成本为10%,请重新计算问题(2)。
解:(1)电脑应该带来的收入的计算过程,其实是运用现值的公式,将20000元看成是现值,贴现率为i ,未知数是未来现金流量,这个现金流量就是电脑应该带来的收入。
设未来每年带来的收入流量为CF ,因此,用公式表示是: 321)1()1(20000i CF i CF i CF +++++=)(1 (2)如果电脑在三年内不完全折旧掉,其再销售价值为2500元,这表明电脑的未来收益还有三年后的2500元,所以,公式应改写成:3321)1(2500)1()1(20000i i CF i CF i CF +++++++=)(1 (3)如果电脑设备的融资成本为10%,则计算问题(2)的答案是:3321%)101(2500%)101(%)101(%1020000+++++++=CF CF CF )(1 解得: CF=7287元, 即每年取得7287元的收益就可以收回电脑成本。