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1. Some people argue that the technology such as mobile phone (cell phone) destroys social interaction. Do you agree or disagree? (100109)

2. Young people have different ideas and attitudes with their parents and grandparents. What are the differences? What problems may be caused? (100211)

3. Many people are moving to big cities. Why is that? Do you think it

is a good trend? (100123)

4. Some people argue that the purpose of zoos is only to entertain people. What do you think? What other purposes of zoos? (100220)

5. Wearing fashionable clothes is becoming important today. Is the attitude to wearing fashionable clothes leading to a positive development or negative development? (100306)

6. Some people who failed at school can be highly successful in their adult life. Discuss why does this happen? And what are the main factors to get a successful life? (100320)

7. In some societies, more and more people choose to live on their own. What is the reason for this, and is it a positive or negative trend? (100410)

8. More and more young children have mobile phone. Some people say it

is a good thing for them, while others say it is a bad thing. What is your opinion? (100417)

9. In some countries, age of 18 means adults, while in other countries, it should be older. Give your own opinion and talk about the

responsibility of an adult. (100520)

10. Travel to and from work has become more difficult for many people,

to solve this situation; employers should allow people to do some work

at home. What’s your opinion and discuss the advantage and disadvantage. (100605)

11. In many countries, workers over 60 can still be found in the workplace. However, some people think it may cause some social problems and they should get retired. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (100626)

12. People nowadays are more easily influenced by fashion, especially

on their clothes and hairstyle. What factors lead to the phenomenon? Is

it a positive or negative trend? (100717)

13. Nowadays, some people believe advertising is useful and informative. Others believe advertising gives false information about the products

and increase the price of goods, what is your opinion? (100731)

14. Money makes people's life much easier, but too much money can bring problems. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having lots of money? (100805)

15. Students in school should learn practical skills such as car maintenance and managing a bank account, as well as the traditional academic subject. Do you agree or disagree? (100821)

16. Schools should teach children good behaviour and introduce ideas of 'right' and 'wrong’. It should not only be left to parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (100911)

17. Modern lifestyles make many people hard to lead active and health lives. What are the factors contributing to that? How to suggest the governments and other large companies to help them do more exercise? (100925)

18. In many parts of the world, shopping is no longer just buying what you need. It has been transformed into a form of entertainment. Why does this happen? Is it a positive or negative development? (101009)

19. In some countries, young criminals were not put in prison; instead, they are required to do unpaid work in community. Do you think it has more advantages or disadvantages? (101104)

20. Nowadays people have unhealthy diet and do not get enough exercise. What is the reason in your opinion? What have to be done to improve this?(101120)

21. Travelling by air becomes cheaper. Describe your opinion, and the advantage and disadvantage of this development. (101204)

22. Some people say that it is impossible to live comfortably in big cities. What problems are faced by the people living in big cities? What solutions can be taken to solve those problems?(101211)
