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Unit1 (M3)

1.hearing(n.) 听力,听觉the sense of

hearing/sight/taste/smell/to uch

2.raised(adj.) 凸起的

3.dot(n.) 点,小圆点

4.sign(n.) 符号,标志;迹象(v.)签字

sign language

road signs 路标

no sign of life

He signed his name on the cheque.

sign up for sth

5.confuse(vt.) 使糊涂,




confusion(n.) 困惑;混淆confuse A and/with B=mix up A with B

6. vase(n.)花瓶

7. fog(n.) 雾foggy(adj.) 有雾的,雾茫茫的

8.mist(n.) 薄雾;水汽

9.forecast(vt.)/(n.) 预报,预测

forecast-forecast-forecast foresee v.

the weather forecast

10.conduct or(n.)( 公交车 ) 售票员;(乐队)指挥

conduct (v). 实施,执行;指挥;引导

conduct a survey/an experiment

11. fare(n.) 车费

taxi fares

12.observe(vt.) 观察;注意到;评论;遵守;庆祝

observation n. observer n.

observe sb do/doing

observe stars/traffic


13.overcoat(n.) 长大衣

14.glance(vi.)/(n.) 瞥一眼,匆匆看

glance at: to look quickly at sb/sth

15.nowhere(adv.) 无处,到处都不

My camera is nowhere to be found.

16.footstep(n.) 脚步(声)follow in the footsteps of sb

17.wherever(adv.)/conj. 无论哪里

18.in sight 看得见,在视力范围内

Out of sight, out of mind.

at the sight of

love at first sight

19.narrow (adj.) 狭窄的;勉强的 v.

narrow-minded 小心眼的,狭隘的,气量小的

a narrow escape/victory narrow the generation gap be beaten narrowly 20.approach(v.) 靠近;着



with the approach

of winter=with

winter approach ing What ’s the best way

of approaching this problem?

a different approach

to sth/doing

____ winter approach ed, the weather

became colder.

____ winter approach ing, the weather

became colder.

21.wish for 盼望,企盼wish for sth=hope for sth We tend to wish for

what we don't have.

22.darkness(n.) 黑暗

23.hesitate(vi.) 犹豫,迟疑不决 hesitation(n.)

I If you get into trouble,

don't hesitate to ask for help.

He agreed to do it

without hesitation.

24.reach out 伸出(手)

reach out for sth reach

into one ’s pocket

withinone’s reach beyond/out of one ’s reach 25.grasp(vt.) 抓紧,抓牢 ; 领会

grasp an opportunity

I grasped the main

point of the speech.

26.stare(vi.) 凝视,盯着

看 stare at =look at sb/sth for a long time

glare at =look at sb/sth in an angry way

27.beard(n.) 胡须,络腮胡子

28.watch out for 留心,密切注意 =look out for

29.crossroads(n.) 十字路口

at a/the crossroads (人生


30.anxious(adj.) 焦急的,


be anxious about sth=be worried about sth

be anxious to do/for sth=be eager to do/for sth

31.firmly(adv.) 牢牢地,定地

I firmly believe that ⋯ 32. grateful(adj.) 感激的,

表示感的 gratitude n.
