英美文学赏析 ode on solitude

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Poetry Reading
About the poem
Alexander Pope (1688-1744), English essayist, critic, satirist, was one of the greatest poets of Enlightenment(启蒙运动).
Stanza 4
Sound sleep by night; He enjoys quiet day
study and ease,
Together mixed;
and night.
sweet recreation;
He expressed his concrete
And innocence,
Stanza 4
Sound sleep by night; 夜来安睡,
study and ease, Together mixed;
sweet recreation;
And innocence, which most does please还有一种最大的快乐:
With meditation.
Stanza 2
Whose heard with milk, whose fields with bread, Whose flocks supply him with attire,
Whose trees in summer yield him shade, In winter fire.
Stanza 1
Happy the man, whose wish and care A few paternal acres bound,
Content to breathe his native air, In his own ground.
IInntsetrap参nrzeat考i1n,g翻t:he译spe:aker describes a farmer whose wish and
, and it
uses iambic tetrameter (four feet), with exceptions in
the fourth line of each stanza (two feet).
Additionally, Alexander Pope used very simple language, structure and ideas in this poem to successfully communicate the meaning of "Ode on Solitude."
peaceful country life. It
sweet recreation;
tells us that we don’t
And innocence,
need to care about other
which most does please people’s views but to
With meditation.
Pope wrote this poem when he was only 12. He
loved nature and hated city, and this poem expressed
his longing for a pastoral life.
The poem’s rhyme scheme is
Stanza 3
Blest, who can
unconcernedly find Hours, days, and years
slide soft away, We can interpret as that
In health of body, his heart is peaceful and
Pope wrote his first verses at the age of 12. His breakthrough work, AN ESSAY ON CRITICISM (1711), appeared when he was 23 year-old.
During most of his time, Pope abandoned himself to writing when spending time reading books from his father‘s library, which made great contribution to his works later.
It tells us that fame and
unconcernedly find wealth don’t matter that
Hours, days, and years
much, the health of our
slide soft away,
In health of body,
body and soul does. A
live in our own way.
Stanza 4
Thus let me live,unseen,unknown; Thus unlamented let me die;
Steal from the world,and not a stone Tell where I lie.
让我就这样幽独地活在世上, 让我去世时无人悼念痛惜, 悄悄离开人间,死于何时何地, 无需石碑铭记。
I think this poem delivery an attitude toward life. It tells us that everyone can live in their own way and there is no need to care about other’s opinion. Wealth and fame are only clouds. What is the most important is health! A person who enjoys living in solitude and peace and doing what he likes is a happy person.
Thus let me live,unseen,unknown; Thus unlamented let me die; Steal from the world,and not a stone Tell where I lie. Pope was determined to lead a secluded,pastoral life,for he believe that this life could bring peace to his mind and provide him with sources and environments for his writing. It shows Alexander Pope’s hope to have a peacefully seccluded life.
daily routine: he mixes his
which most does pleΒιβλιοθήκη Baiduse
With meditation.
study and ease together
Stanza 4
Sound sleep by night;
He express his desire for
study and ease, Together mixed;
His writings: The Rape of the Lock (1714: mock-heroic satire) Essay on Man (1732-4: poetical defense of deism) Essay on Criticism (1711: outlines contemporary critical tastes and standards) His translations: The Odyssey of Homer The Iliad of Homer
peace of mind, Quiet by day,
free of worry and when he is faced with time passing, he does not care.
He even does not realize
time lapse.
Stanza 3
Blest, who can
cbItarmereaati他只yhs erae定 关hffeeisw是 心rntpoa有 父attithve福 辈eernas之 留apirleia人下anckrhe,的eirss’sob几owowu亩nnngd土droiesu地shinrade,p.tpoylaivnedahseimispcloenatnednt to comfo满rt足abl于e li呼fe 吸. 家乡的空气,
peace of mind,
person who enjoys living
Quiet by day,
in solitude and peace is
a happy person.
Stanza 3
The third stanza expresses Pope's wish to live a secluded(隔绝的) and pastoral (乡村的,田园式的)life.
I参nte考rpr翻etin译g: :
Tswa牛羊树冬uhelfeo奶群木天lflit.scpHi自 供 夏 让teeoena取 他 天 他tghkeleiimtfr, 穿 为 炉esg.noi面 衣 他 火vefectse包 , 遮 不hstesh自阴熄ifrtaeimee给,seefr,xr.oaTmmhophuliesgshotwohendlefiavscermraiblaoenntdeh,ethrseeeelcsfa-bnrliinvge
Stanza 3
Blest, who can
unconcernedly find 胸中一无牵挂,
Hours, days, and years 只见岁月
slide soft away,
In health of body,
peace of mind,
Quiet by day,