秘书英语课程标准课程编码:205226总学时: 64 理论学时:48 实践学时:16学分:4适用专业:第一部分前言一、课程性质:《文秘英语》是英语专业开设的一门专业拓展课,内容涉及办公室工作职责、秘书行为、岗位设计及管理、人员和组织管理、员工间的交流和交际、国际雇员、文化冲突、产品开发,以及个人履历表、接待来访者、员工评估表、会展调查、预约安排、会议议程等常见的涉外实用性文章的阅读与翻译;也包括涉外业务应用文模拟套写和听力与会话等。
• formal: Dear + title (Mr./ Ms./ Dr. etc.) + the last name e.g. Dear Mr. Johnson: • Informal Dear + the first name e.g. Dear Mary, Taboo: Mr. Donald Johnson
Starter Activities
3. If you are required to provide three references, whom are you going to ask for recommendations? Why? K I may invite people who are senior and well known, and have known me long enough to write with authority, say, a research supervisor, professors in the case of academic applications, a departmental chair, etc.
Checklist for resume writing
1. 简历可分为三种:按时间顺序排列的简历、按功能排列的简历 和结合前两者特点的综合简历。 2. 时间顺序简历是最常用的简历,包含申请人完整的教育、工作 及其他业绩记录;功能简历也称技能简历,侧重申请人与目标 职位相符的技能和成就,适合于工作经历少的申请人;综合简 历结合以上两者简历的特点,在强调申请人的技能和成就的同 时,保留个人完整的教育、工作等记录。 3. 简历通常需要同附函一起发出。附函也称求学信或求职信;附 函不要照搬简历上的内容,而应强调自己的长处,引起对方的 注意和兴趣,争取面试或录取的机会。 4. 推荐信的目的是使收信人全面了解申请人。写信人最好是被推 荐者的导师、上级主管及有关领域的专家。推荐信的语言要诚 挚、谦恭。
文秘英语:安排约见句型Could you make an appointment for Wednesday afternoon, please?您能约在星期三下午吗?I'll check Mr. Jackson's diary and see if I can arrange an appointment for you.我查看一下杰克逊先生的日程后再给您预约。
He's expecting you at 3:00 in the afternoon in his office.他将在下午3点在他的办公室等您。
Any day except Monday would be convenient/ all right for me.除周一外任何一天我都方便。
I wonder if we could change t he time of…to… You see,something unexpected has come up.不知我们能否将约定时间改在…你知道,发生了意想不到的事情。
I'd like to make an appointment with Mr.White.我想约见怀特先生。
I'd like to meet you at three o'clock in the afternoon.我想下午3点跟您见面。
What time is it?什么时间?When will you have time?您什么时候有空?Next Wednesday would be all right for me.下周三我方便。
He has a full schedule next week.他下周的时间都排满了。
Then,I'll be expecting you at nine tomorrow.那么,我明天9点等您。
办公文秘英语Chapter 1 Reservation1、预订飞机票Reservation of the plane ticket敬启者:北京文化代表团团长杨和平先生预订于6月8日或9日前往东京,在东京停留约一周后,再前往曼谷。
谨上Dear Sir ,Mr. Yang Heping , Head of the Beijing Culture Delegation , is due to arrive in Tokyo on June 8 or 9 and after spending about seven days will continue his journey to Bangkok.Will you please reserve a seat for him on the first available plane leaving Beijing for Tokyo on or after June 8 and send your account for the fare and reservation fee to me? The amount due will then be paid in good time for you to issue the air ticket and details of the flight booked.Yours faithfully,2、要求告知航班时刻表Asking for the information on flight schedule敬启者:您能否帮我安排一下飞机路线吗?我将乘飞机从北京飞往东京,如下是途径都市和所逗留的时刻:上海一天广州一天香港两天我将于3月6日早晨离开北京,必须在3月10日晚到达东京。
文秘英语:安排招聘There'll be a vacancy in your office.你们办公室将会有个空缺。
We plan to have all the hiring done by the end of this month.我们计划在这个月底前结束所有的招聘工作。
Please pay special attention to their English skills.请特别留意他们的英语能力。
I want someone with at least two years of experience.我想要至少有2年工作经验的人。
A good salesperson should have three important qualities:quick reaction, high efficiency,and enthusiastic service attitude.优秀的销售员应该有三大特色:反应快、效率高、服务热诚。
I decided to advertise in the newspaper for a junior secretary to help you.我决定通过报纸招聘一个初级文员来帮你。
We need to replace her.我们得找人替补她。
Who is going to take over his work after he leaves?他走了之后,谁将接管他的工作?I need a replacement.我需要一个替补人选。
Now,help me outline the requirements for a job ad.We should place an ad. in the paper.现在帮我想想这个招聘广告里要写哪些工作要求吧。
Unit 11. What are the major jobs of a professional secretary?First, a secretary is expected to relieve the executive of various administrative details. Second, a secretary is required to coordinate and maintain effective office procedures and efficient work flow. Third, a secretary must be able to implement policies and procedures set by the employer. Fourth, a secretary should be able to establish and maintain harmonious working relationships with superiors,co-workers, subordinates, customers or clients, and suppliers.2. What should a secretary do when the executive is away?A secretary is expected to take action authorized during the executive’s absence and use initiative and judgment to see that matters requiring attentionare referred to adelegated authorityor handled in amanner so as tominimize the effectof the employer’sabsence.Unit 21. Why is itimportant to behaveproperly in theoffice?Those who breakthese rules,unintentionally ordeliberately, showtheir lack ofconsideration forothers. Either way, itis at bestembarrassing and atworst difficult orimpossible to gainconfidence, respect,and cooperation ofothers when widelyaccepted practicesare cast aside. Soobserving properoffice etiquette isimportant.2. What kind ofclerks(秘书)dopeople dislike towork with?People areuncomfortablearound someonewho views the worlddarkly. Moreimportant, theydistrust and want toavoid someone whooften appears to beangry or unhappy,fearing that such aperson might treatboth workassignments andclients or coworkersunfairly andirresponsibly.3. What can a clerkdo to keep companysecrets?Keep importantdocuments and filefolders locked incabinets or othercontainers. Do notleave confidentialcorrespondence andother materials faceup on your deskwhere anyone mightsee it. Carefullysafeguard drafts,note, and shorthandnotebooks. Bewarehow you dispose ofmaterials too. Taketime to shred carboncopies andphotocopies that notused.Unit 41. How does 麦当劳encourage itsemployees tocontinue theirstudies?When face with achoice betweeneducation and anemploymentcommitment,education alwayscomes first. Theyhave programs toreward good gradesand schoolattendance. Theyprovide tuition foremployees tocontinue education.2. What does M doto ensure safety andquality?A food safety checklist is used daily ineach restaurant tovalidate those safetystandards andprocedures are inplace.3. What is the themeof the Five PeoplePrinciples?①Respect andRecognition. ②Values andLeadershipBehaviors.③Competitive Payand Benefits.④Learning,Development andPersonal Growth.⑤Resources to Get theJob Done.Unit 51. What iscommunication?Communication isthe process throughwhich people andorganizationsaccomplishobjectives. Bycommunicating withothers we shareattitudes, values, emotions, ambitions, wants, and needs. Behind most successes is effective communication—that which is well planned and thoughtfully executed.2. Why is ‘listening’to everyone necessary?To push responsibility down in your organization, and to force good ideas to bubble up within it, you must listen to what your associates are trying to tell you.3. What is the author’s view toward communicating with people in the company?People in organizations need each other. They must coordinate and pool their efforts to achieve their goals and avoid waste and confusion. They must focus on the needs of customers, those inside as well outside the company. They must be able to articulate their needs so that they can workcooperatively. Theymust be free toexpress what theyknow and believe inorder to capitalizeon opportunities formeaningful change.4. What is theessence of HP’shuman relations?HP believes that theachievements of anorganization are theresult of thecombined efforts ofeach individualemployee. As aresult, the companytries to make surethat it has innovativepeople at all levelsand has takenseveral steps toensure that HPemployees work inan environment thatfosters creativity.Every employee istreated withconsideration andrespect. An informalwork setting helps tobuild employeeenthusiasm andmorale. Thecompany tries toselect enthusiasticpeople for importantmanagerial positionsin hope thatenthusiasm will becontagious. Themanagement style atHP includes‘management bywandering around’so that managerskeep in touch withemployees are doingand can encouragethem to offer ideas.The informality atHP extends into itsorganizationalstructure.Communicationbetween differentgroups isencouraged. Inaddition, topmanagers encourageemployees to thinkof the company asone big family inwhich all membersare striving togetherto reach corporateobjectives.Unit 71. What is the bestapproach for anegotiator?Keep yourobjectives in mindand try to keep aclear head. This willhelp you toconcentrate on yourkey points.Listening attentivelyat every stage ofyour negotiation andtry to resist thetemptation tointroduce newarguments all thetime.2. What languageshall we use fornegotiation?Be simple and clear.There is no pointcomplicating adifficult task withdifficult language.Don’t be afraid toask questions ifthere is anythingyou don’tunderstand. It isvital to avoid anymisunderstandingthat might harm thesuccess of yournegotiation.Unit 91. What’sMultinationalCorporation?Refers to a companywhich owns orcontrols productionor service facilitiesoutside the countryin which it is based.2. What areoperation modes ofMNCs?In the process, theparent firm usuallyprovides its foreignaffiliates withmanagerial expertise,technical know-howand a marketingorganization inreturn for some ofthe affiliate’s outputand earnings.Besides, MNCs canenter foreignmarkets by establishing overseas subsidiaries and production bases, buying stocks of listed companies of a particular country, even acquiring those local firms to avoid future competition.3. What competitive advantages do MNCs have?The basic reason for the existence of M is its competitive advantage of a global network of production and distribution, which is formed through the vertical and horizontal integration with foreign affiliates. Another reason is the economics of scale in production, financing, research and development. M can also collect information from its worldwide foreign affiliates to evaluate, anticipate and take advantage of changes in comparative costs, consumer’s tastes and market conditions generally. M can also in a much better position to control or changeto their advantagethe environment inwhich they operatethan are purelydomestic firms.4. What issues areMultinationalCorporation mostconcerned with?These includemaximizing profits,meeting customerdemands, andupdatingtechnologies. Inaddition, theyshould pay closeattention toinvestmentenvironment, marketconditions andpolitical situationsof differentcountries andregions.5. What headachesdoes a MC havewhen operating in aforeign country?One is localprotectionism. Theother is violation ofintellectual propertyrights6. What trend andcriteria do MNCsuse when theyemploy their staff?Employees,including keyexecutives, are oftennatives of thecountry whereoperations arelocated. There areno genericrequirements forentry-level positions.Top executives,however, usuallyhave at least agraduate degree,usually a Master ofBusinessAdministration.。
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conference table4 air conditioner5 shield6 potted landscape DialogueA 1 ( d ) 2 ( a )3 ( b )4 ( c )ReadingA file box ( d ) baby bed ( c ) toy ( f )swing ( b ) mural ( e ) bike ( a )B Acceptable: file box muralUnacceptable: baby bed toy swing bikeLesson 4Look and Learn1 energy saving lamp2 recycle3 save waterDialogueA 1 regulate our power use2 get small plants in the office3 implement a recycling program4 turn off the lights when leaving the office5 use energy-saving equipmentB1—c 2—d 3—b 4—aReadingA 1 Yes 2 No 3 Yes 4 NoB significant replace unnecessary scratch incentive benefitUnit 2Lesson1Look and Learn1 calculator2 note book3 scissorsDialogueA 1 quite smooth2 greeting the visitors3 standing to greet a new guest at the tableReadingA 1 C 2B 3 AB business toward contactenthusiasm impression handshakeLesson 2Look and LearnB 1 equipment 2 reception desk 3 registerDialogueA 1 No 2 Yes 3 No 4 YesB1-c 2-d 3-b 4-aLesson 3Look and Learn1 cordless phone2 laptop3 headsetDialogueA 1 to try to answer the telephone by the second or third ring2 to say your name when you answer the telephone3 to have a smile on your face when talking to the customer on thetelephone4 to repeat the question5 to end the call with a warm “Thank you for your call”ReadingA record ( e ) smoke ( f ) eat ( a )noisy ( c ) sleepy( d ) smile ( b )B Acceptable: record smileUnacceptable: smoke eat noisy sleepyLesson 4Look and Learn1 scratch pad2 telephone answering machine3 messageDialogueA 1 Yes 2 No 3 Yes 4 NoB1-d 2-c 3-a 4-bUnit 3Lesson1Look and LearnB 1 airline 2 weather forecast 3 transportationDialogueA 1 New York2 six3 the lake viewReadingA 1 Destination2 Date and time of departure and arrival3 Transportation4 Hotel accommodation5 Appointment6 Reference materialsB 1 Details2 the boss3 the relevant personsLesson 2Look and Learn1 boarding pass/boarding card2 Electric Boarding Pass3 passport4 visa5 airline ticket6 train ticket7 coach ticket 8 steamer ticket DialogueA1-b 2-c 3-d 4-aB 1 B 2 B 3 CReadingA 1 Yes 2 No 3 No 4 YesB experience transportation destination developmentLesson 3Look and Learn1 lobby2 reception3 single room4 double room5 business suite6 double entry suiteDialogueA 1 A 2 A 3 CReadingA single room( d ) MGM Grand ( b ) Luxor ( c )Burj Al-Arab ( a ) double room ( e ) business suite ( f ) B Famous Hotel: Burj Al-Arab MGM Grand LuxorRoom Style: single room double room business suiteLesson 4Look and LearnA 1 soup 2 fish 3 beef4 fruit5 champagne6 dessertC 1 Excluding 2 concernedDialogueA1-b 2-a 3-d 4-cReadingA 1 in advance2 check3 early than lateB restaurant advance additionconcerned amount dependUnit 4Lesson1Look and Learn1 platform2 backdrop3 microphone4 scroll5 stationery6 document DialogueA 1 to ask yourself whether the meeting is necessary or not2 to prepare a notice3 to check the conference room againB 1 d 2 c 3 a 4 b ReadingA 1 C 2 C 3 AB 1 No 2 Yes 3 No 4 YesLesson 2Look and Learn1 white board2 board maker3 pin wallReadingA 1The relevant person or audience2 The subject matter3 The date and Time4 The place5 The things needed to be notified, etcB notice aspect audiencerelevant announcementLesson 3Look and Learn1 cup2 USB flash disk3 mouse matDialogueA pen ( b ) notepad ( d ) stamp ( e )clear bag( f ) pet ( c ) car ( a )B Can be sent to the guests: pen notepad stampC an’t be sent to the guests: clear bag pet carReadingA 1 Yes 2 No 3 Yes 4 NoC1-b 2-d 3-a 4-cLesson 4Look and Learn1 digital recorder/ voice tracer2 take the minutes3 message board ReadingA 1 minutes 2 tape recorder 3 transcribeCUnit 5Lesson1Look and Learn1 audience2 memo3 coworkersReadingA 1 organize your thoughts before writing the memo2 understand the basic format of a memo3 simplify the information4 avoid any statements that are not directly related to the purpose of thememo5 include everyone6 check your spellingB statement personal workplace distract understandLesson 2Look and Learn1 negotiate2 gummed label3 giftDialogueA 1B 2C 3 CReadingA 1 Yes 2 No 3 No 4 YesB1-c 2-d 3-a 4-bLesson 3Look and Learn1 sign pen2 signature flag3 ink deviceDialogueA champagne ( d ) contract ( e ) wind bell ( f )flower( a ) balloon( b ) stage ( c )B suitable for the negotiation: champagne contract flowerunsuitable for the negotiation: wind bell balloon stage ReadingA 1 legal 2 signed 3 attorneyLesson 4Look and Learn1 envelope2 letter opener3 congratulationDialogueA 1 congratulation 2 confused 3 Mr. ThomsonB 1 write it as soon as possible2 brief and sincere3 express how much we hope for further cooperationReadingA1-C 2-A 3-CB deliver modest inexpensiveassociate sincerity faithfully。
实用文秘英语第二节日常事务处理一、处理信函1.常用词句Am I right in handing these letters, Mr. Kent? 肯特先生,我处理这些信件的方式对吗?As secretary here, you will assist me in my daily routine, including dealing with correspondence. 作为秘书,你要协助我应付日常事务,包括处理信函。
Mr. Black, I’d appreciate it if you would look over these letters before you leaving today. 布莱克先生,请您在今天走之前过目这些信件。
Please send an e-mail to Mrs. Williams and telling her that she will be invited to my office about payment for goods at 10:00 a.m. this Tuesday. 请给威廉姆斯夫人发封电子邮件,说本周二商务10点我邀请她到我办公室商谈货物付款事宜。
2.范例实例K: Well, Miss Luo. I have a letter I would like you to prepare. Could you take care of it now?S: Yes, Mr. Kent. Would you like it typed or handwritten?K: Type it please. It’s a business letter.S: I see. Shall I type it on our company stationery in the usual business letter format?K: Yes, it would be best. But don’t forget to polish it a bit and make the ideas more concise and clearer before typing.S: Yes, I’ll see to it.K: All right. Any other questions?S: Shall I sign this letter in your name?K: Well, leave it to me. I’ll sign my name.译文:K: 罗小姐,我有封信要你处理一下。
秘书英语unit 2 Office Etiquette
![秘书英语unit 2 Office Etiquette](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bbb49f68783e0912a2162aac.png)
Vocabulary • • • • 1. 2. 3. 4. Digital Corporation数码公司 be available to do 可以。。。 presentation 介绍,讲解 connect …to … 连接,接通
Listening • Sample 2 • 1. What‟s the message taken by the man? • 2. When and where will Mr. Taylor and Mr. Ronald meet next week?
• 3. Be prepared before you answer the telephone — have a pencil and a pad of paper ready when you answer the telephone. Be prepared to be an “active” listener, taking notes of what the caller says. It is important to write down the name of the person and to say it during the conversation. People “love” to hear their own names.
4. May I have your business card, please?
1. 您跟他约好了吗? 2. 我约了两点钟要见宋先生。 3. 请问您找他有什麽事? 4. 能给我一张您的名片吗?
Useful Expressions:
This is the best way to solve the problem. 这是解决这个问题的最好办法。
[2] This led the development of more efficient procedures, which involved a high degree of administrative specialization. 本句中,which引导一个非限定性定语从 句,此时which不能被that代替。
5. Mr. Liu is engaged in a meeting now.
6. Let me check his agenda.
7. I’m sorry, Mr. Liu has a full schedule this week.
8. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.
Text B 认识电子设备
• Sample Dialogue 1 • Sample Dialogue 2 • Useful Expressions • Situational Dialogues
Part 1 Dialogues:
Sample Dialogue 1 & 2:
• Situation: Zhang Mei, the secretary, is receiving a client, Mr. Miller.
• Text ---- reading • Dialogue---- speaking • Practical writing ---- writing • Exercise
Unit 1 Reading
Secretaries perform a variety of clerical and administrative duties needed to run an organization efficiently. Secretaries who coordinate office activities also make sure that correct information is given out to staff and clients. So managers, professionals, and other support staff rely on them to keep administrative operations under control. As a result, secretaries are needed in all types of firms and organizations.
Situational Dialogues
Job interview
• Present yourself in a favorable way • Stress your areas of competence • Do not exaggerate, tell the truth • Listen carefully and get involved in what
关于职业的英语单词有哪些关于职业的英语单词有:secretary 秘书、policeman 警察、journalist 记者、editor 编辑、interpreter 通译者、director 导演、actor 男演员、actress 女演员、photographer 摄影师、scholar 学者。
短语搭配:executive secretary 行政秘书 ; 总经理秘书 ; 总裁秘书。
Senior Secretary 高级秘书 ; 高级文秘 ; 初级秘书 ; 资深秘书。
permanent secretary 常任秘书。
双语例句:I have an affair with my secretary. 我和我的秘书有暧昧关系。
What should a secretary do during the meeting? 那么在会议期间秘书要做些什么呢?policeman简明释义:名词,作名词时意为“警察,警员。
短语搭配:policeman uniform警服。
freshly policeman新警学员。
armed policeman武警。
双语例句:We should thank the policeman for his help.我们应该感谢这个警察的帮助。
I like policeman because they have motorcycles.我喜欢警察,因为他们有摩托车。
短语搭配:Sports Journalist 体育记者。
Television Journalist 电视记者。
Radio Journalist 电台记者。
双语例句:Journalist, was once one of my dreams.记者,曾经是我的一个梦想。
Every journalist in Africa seemed to be there.非洲的每个记者似乎都在那里。
文秘的工作内容英文版文秘的工作内容英文版A secretary keeps an office running smoothly.Secretaries have a wide range of duties,depending on the offices that they work for,but as a general rule,they are extremely efficient and well organized.Qualification requirements for a position as a secretary vary; a minimum,clerking skills like typing and operating office equipment are needed.Employment prospects in this field are generally good,especially for skilled individuals.Secretaries may be known by a variety of other titles,like administrative assistants,clerks,or personal assistants.These titles may reflect different types of secretarial jobs,although all of these positions share the common theme of administrative tasks.Secretarial positions are quite old; Greek and Roman businessmen and politicians,for example,used personal secretaries and clerks to manage their affairs.At a minimum,a secretary handles correspondence,keeps track of a schedule,manages a filing system,and operates office equipment like phones,fax machines,and copiers.Many secretaries also answer phones and route phone calls to the appropriate people.Some secretaries also handle supply ordering for an office,and they may deal with budgeting,bookkeeping,and personnel paperwork.A secretary is expected to have experience with computers and other electronics,as he or she will handle a great deal of electronic material,including correspondence.In addition to having clerical skills,a secretary is a skilled manager of time and people.Secretaries are often very important people in the offices that they work in,although they may not command the salary and respect from outsiders that higherranking people in the office do.A good secretary anticipates the needs of office staff,solves problems quickly,and works so efficiently that many people do not realize how valuable the secretary is until he or she leaves the job.Secretaries also have excellent people skills,and they are secure in handling confidential material,high-strung executives,and the chaos that is often present in a busy office.文秘的工作内容中文版1.拟定、办理公文拟定公文是指根据领导者意图和领导班子的决定精神起草公文或在领导者主持、指导之下,起草领导。
文秘专业英语(第二版)Unit1 Seeking Employment as a Secretary
![文秘专业英语(第二版)Unit1 Seeking Employment as a Secretary](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ea6434cf9a89680203d8ce2f0066f5335b816774.png)
If you are anxioudsigaibtaoluwt aintctehrviews, when you are actually called into the interview room , take two or
three slow, deep breaths
your breathing
in good tim.e
It may seem totally obvious, buttakswe aitclahstolfofok at youronroatensything else (such as a pager or
might make a noise.
your mobile
) that
The key to a good interview itself is good
: prepaprreeapnariantfioornmal opening and closing statement
that emphasizes why you want the job and why you think you are particularly well
the Student Union the League Committee work-study program the Volunteers’Association Students’the Public Relationship Department Canton Fair extracurricular activities social practice in summer Excellent League Member
Unit 1 Seeking Employment as a Secretary
文秘的工作内容英文版 导语: 文秘的工作内容是什么呢?应该如何用英文表述文秘的工作内容呢? 小编今日将为你推荐文秘的工作内容英文版,希望能够帮助到你! 文秘的工作内容英文版 A secretary keeps an office running smoothly.Secretaries have a wide range of duties,depending on the offices that they work for,but as a general rule,they are extremely efficient and well organized.Qualification requirements for a position as a secretary vary; a minimum,clerking skills like typing and operating office equipment are needed.Employment prospects in this field are generally good,especially for skilled individuals. Secretaries may be known by a variety of other titles,like administrative assistants,clerks,or personal assistants.These titles may reflect different types of secretarial jobs,although all of these positions share the common theme of administrative tasks.Secretarial positions are quite old; Greek and Roman businessmen and politicians,for example,used personal secretaries and clerks to manage their affairs. At a minimum,a secretary handles correspondence,keeps track of a schedule,manages a filing system,and operates office equipment like phones,fax machines,and copiers.Many secretaries also answer phones and route phone calls to the appropriate people.Some secretaries also handle supply ordering for an office,and they may deal with budgeting,bookkeeping,and personnel paperwork.A secretary is expected to have experience with computers and other electronics,as he or she will handle a great deal of electronic material,including correspondence. In addition to having clerical skills,a secretary is a skilled manager of time and people.Secretaries are often very important people in the offices that they work in,although they may not command the salary and respect from outsiders that higher ranking people in the office do.A good secretary anticipates the needs of office staff,solves problems quickly,and works so efficiently that many people do not realize how valuable the secretary is until he or she leaves the job.Secretaries also have excellent people skills,and they are secure in handling confidential material,high-strung executives,and the chaos that is often present in1/6a busy office. 文秘的工作内容中文版 1.拟定、办理公文 拟定公文是指根据领导者意图和领导班子的决定精神起草公文或在领导者 主持、指导之下,起草领导讲话稿。
Dear Hiring Manager,I am writing to express my interest in the Office Secretary position listed on your website. With a strong background in officeadministration and secretarial tasks, I believe that my skills and experience make me a suitable candidate for this role.I have completed my degree in Business Administration with a focus on Office Management. During my studies, I gained practical experience by working as a part-time secretary in a small business. In this role, I was responsible for a variety of tasks including managing the calendar, scheduling meetings, and preparing documents. I also developed strong communication skills, both written and verbal, and became proficient in using various office software programs.In addition to my formal education and work experience, I have also completed several courses in Microsoft Office applications, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. I am confident in my ability to quickly learn and adapt to new software and systems.One of my strengths as an office secretary is my attention to detail. I am meticulous in my work and ensure that all tasks are completed accurately and efficiently. I am also a strong organizer, able to manage multiple priorities and meet deadlines.Furthermore, I am a team player and thrive in fast-paced environments. I am able to work well under pressure and am adaptable to changing situations. I am also comfortable working with people from different backgrounds and levels of experience.In conclusion, I believe that my skills and experience make me a strong candidate for the Office Secretary position. I am eager to contribute to the success of your company and am confident that I can be an asset to your team. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.Sincerely,[Your Name]。
·secretary·n. ['sekrətri] ( secretaries )··双解释义·C 秘书employee in an office, usually working for another person, dealing with letters, typing, filing, etc.·C 书记official of a club, society, etc.·C 部长,大臣head of a government department·基本要点•1.secretary的基本意思是“秘书”,也可作“书记”“部长,大臣”解,是可数名词。
•·词汇搭配•advertise for a new secretary 登广告招聘一位新秘书•employ a new secretary 雇用新秘书•train a secretary 培训秘书••capable secretary 精明能干的秘书•chief secretary 秘书长•first secretary 一等秘书•Foreign secretary 外交部长•general secretary 总书记•private secretary 私人秘书•social secretary 社交秘书••company secretary 公司干事•Defense secretary 国防部长•graduate secretary 有学位的秘书•Home secretary 内政大臣•Labor secretary 劳工部长•press secretary 新闻秘书••secretary general 秘书长•secretary general of the United Nations 联合国秘书长••secretary of the society 协会干事•secretary to the general manager 总经理的秘书•the secretary of Defence 国防部长,国防大臣•the secretary of State 国务大臣,国务卿•the secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (英国)外交大臣·句型例句•The First Secretary in the Embassy advised immediate settlement of the issue.大使馆的一秘建议立即解决这个问题。
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《办公文秘英语》江西科学技术出版社Chapter 1 Reservation1、预订飞机票Reservation of the plane ticket敬启者:北京文化代表团团长杨与平先生预订于6月8日或9日前往东京,在东京停留约一周后,再前往曼谷。
谨上Dear Sir ,Mr、 Yang Heping , Head of the Beijing Culture Delegation , is due to arrive in Tokyo on June 8 or 9 and after spending about seven days will continue his journey to Bangkok、Will you please reserve a seat for him on the first available plane leaving Beijing for Tokyo on or after June 8 and send your account for the fare and reservation fee to me? The amount due will then be paid in good time for you to issue the air ticket and details of the flight booked、 Yours faithfully,2、请求告知航班时刻表 Asking for the information on flight schedule 敬启者:您能否帮我安排一下飞机路线吗?我将乘飞机从北京飞往东京,如下就是途径城市与所逗留得时间:上海一天广州一天香港两天我将于3月6日早晨离开北京,必须在3月10日晚到达东京。
谨上Gentlemen,Will you please help route me, from Beijing by airline to Tokyo, via the following cities, with stopovers as indicated :Shanghai one dayGuangzhou one dayHong Kong two daysI expect to leave Beijing on the morning of March 6 , and must be in Tokyo on the evening of March 10、 I want to remain in Tokyo through March 10、 I want to remain in Tokyo through March 16, and then wish a direct flight back to Beijing if possible、Thanks for you to take into account in time、Cordially,3、预订会议室 Reservation of the conference room敬启者:请在1999年10月8、9日两天预留一间最大得行政商务套房。
谨上Gentlemen,Please reserve your largest executive business suite for October 8 and 9, 1999、After seeing your excellent facilities the other day , our executive manager , Mr、 Tom Ben has remended your hotel as the conference site of this year for all the managers of the branch 、Would you please make arrangements for a conference room with a “U-shaped table ” for 25 persons?An early confirmation of this reservation would be much appreciated、 Cordially ,4、预订旅馆 Hotel reservation敬启者:请来信告知带浴室得单间价格。
谢谢!谨上Gentlemen,Please send me rates for a single room with bath、Would you have something available from Wednesday afternoon, May 5, through the night of Friday , May 7? I’d appreciate an immediate reply so I can make reservations right away、 Thank you、Sincerely,5、预订车辆 Vehicle reservation亲爱得杰克、阿伦:我们办公室负责筹划9月21日公司举办得野餐活动,因此我在联系一些能够帮助我们安排活动得人。
谨上Dear Jack Allen,Our office is in charge of planning for the pany picnic on September 21, so I’m contacting a number of persons of who might be able to help us with arrangements、 Since you’re in chargeof the motor pool, I was wondering if you could make arrangements for transportation from the pany to Swan Lake and back again on the day of the picnic、Basically, what we will need are enough cars and drivers for about forty employees and guests、 The cars should leave from the motor pool entrance at noon and return from the Swan Lodge entrance at five o’clock、I’d very much appreciate your help in making these arrangements、 Please let me know right away if we can count on you for our transportation needs on September 21、 Thanks, Jack、Sincerely ,6、预订饭店席位并询问价格Ordering seats at a restaurant and inquiring about the price敬启者:我们希望于1月2日下午5点在西湖饭店吃饭。
谨上Gentlemen,We wish to entertain at dinner at West Lake Restaurant on Jan、2 at 5 in the afternoon、This will be a party of eight people, and a private dining room would be preferable、 We will need the services of a wine steward and we will choose our menu in advance、Please let us have information as to the acmodations available, and the approximate cost, including gratuities and tax, by return mail if possible、Yours,7、预订宴会 Making a reservation for a banquet亲爱得基蒂:该组织已计划好于10月18日在黑天鹅饭店举行一次年会,届时希望在18日晚安排一下由大约80人参加得宴会。
您真诚得露西娅Dear Kitty,This organization has pleted plans to hold its annual convention at Black Swan Hotel on October 18、 I wish to arrange for a banquet on the evening of October 18, with an attendance of approximately 80 people、 Will you estimate for me what it will cost to serve a first-class dinner in the Reception Room for 80 people? Your price should include two cocktails per person、 I’d like to you to send me several menu reservations so that I may make a selection、I hope you can give this your immediate attention so that I can notify the prospective guests promptly、Sincerely,Lucia8、询问旅馆设备与收费情况Inquiring about the facilities and price 敬启者;您能在回信中告知从5月8日到5月18日为我们得一位董事租一套房间所需要得费用吗?希望您能及时答复,因为我必须尽快作出预约。