这个船型的纪念碑,是1960 年葡萄牙政府为纪念“航海家恩 里克”逝世五百周年而建的。 碑的正面写着:“献给恩里克 和发现海上之路的英雄”。正是 海上之路使葡萄牙摆脱了贫穷和 落后的境遇,正是在恩里克的带 领下,葡萄牙启动了征服大海的 行程。
航海家恩里克 1394-1460
• 葡萄牙国王若昂一世的第三个儿子。 • 启动了征服大海的行程。 • 《地理学指南》。
• 公元1580年艾维兹王朝失势,西班牙国王
菲利普二世(Felipe II)强说他有一半葡萄牙 皇室血统,使得伊比利半岛的统治权又回 到一个国家手中。 • 公元1588年西葡无敌舰队惨败给英国,经 过这些岁月葡萄牙帝国也逐渐消失。
• 公元1640年,葡萄牙布拉刚萨王朝反抗西
• 恩里克去世。 • 伟大“航海家”,因为欧洲航海界所有载
入史册的伟大发现,都是以他倾一生之力 组织实施的航海计划作为起点的。 • 葡萄牙绘在地图上的非洲西海岸已经达到 了4000公里
• 葡萄牙航海事业的继承者若昂二世国王。 • 派迪亚士(Bartolomeu Diaz)率三艘帆船
班牙尚处于卡斯提王国统治之下,是阿拉 伯人的殖民地。卡斯提王国公主特里萨下 嫁波尔多凯尔伯爵,葡萄牙第一次从西班 牙分裂出来。
ﻼ光复领土的战争中应运而生。 ﻼ1143年,阿方索与卡斯提王国签订《萨莫
一个殖民地―澳门(Macau),将它交还中国 结束442年的统治。
葡萄牙人的霸权如昙花一显,迅速 地出现在欧洲的历史舞台上,又迅速地 消失于欧洲的历史舞台之中,留给后人 的,只有无尽的唏嘘与感慨,和强国必 需海权的千古教训。
• 阿根廷Argentina Aires
• 玻利维亚Bolivia
苏克雷 Sucre
• 巴西Bruador 基多 Quito
• 哥伦比亚Colombia 波哥大 Bogota
• 牙买加Jamaica 金斯敦 Kingston
Sarajevo • 拉脱维亚Latvia 里加 Riga • 立陶宛Lithuania 维尔纽斯 Vilnius
中国China 北京 Beijing
日本Japan 韩国Korea 新加坡Singapore 朝鲜North-korea
东京 Tokyo 首尔 Seoul 新加坡 Singapore 平壤Pyongyang
• 卢旺达rwanda
基加利 Kigali
• 马达加斯加madagascar 塔那那利佛
• 摩洛哥morocco
拉巴特 Rabat
• 南非south-africa 比勒陀利亚 Cape
• 塞舌尔seychelles 维多利亚Victoria
• 科特迪瓦Cote-d-lvoire 亚穆苏克罗 Yamoussoukro
• 瑞典Sweden Swedish斯德哥尔摩 Stockholm
• 瑞士Switzerland Swiss 伯尔尼 Bern • 捷克czech 布拉格 Prague • 斯洛伐克slovak 布拉提斯拉发Bratislava
• 罗马尼亚Romania 布加勒斯特Bucharest • 马其顿Macedonia 斯科普里 Skopje • 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那Bosnia萨拉热窝
佩 納 宮 Palaeio da Pena 為 德 籍 王 子 費 迪 南 建 ,他 將 哥 德 式、阿拉伯式、摩爾式、華德迪斯奈風格文藝復興式, 揉合成點滴的裝飾,室內無法攜帶相機入內照相。
宗教 :天主教 絕大多數的葡萄牙人(約95%)信奉天主教。但在城 市和較大城鎮裡,特別是那些南方城市定期參加彌 撒的人數卻在下降。不到1%的人口是新教徒,其 中英國聖公會教徒、衛理會教徒、弟兄會和公理會 教徒組成最古老和最龐大的宗教派別。15世紀晚期 天主教的宗教法庭強迫猶太人改變宗教信仰或移居 他國,從那時起猶太人的人口數量就一直很少。
貝 倫 塔 Belem Tower , 1515 至 1521 年 曼諾爾王所建,為看守太加斯河口 的 要 塞, 塔 以 回 教 圖 案 裝 飾 。
艾 瓦 斯 Elvas 位 於 西 葡 邊 界 , 自 古 為 兵 家 必 爭 之 地 ,艾 瓦 斯 阿 莫 雷 伊 拉 水道橋,長七公里,是伊比利半島 最長水道橋。
氣候類型及氣溫 葡萄牙位處南歐,緯度較低,復有海洋之調劑,氣候溫暖宜 人。一般而論,夏季乾燥少雨,帄均溫度約攝氏 29 度,最 高溫月份為八月。冬季潮濕多雨,帄均溫度約 8 度,最低溫 月份為一月。由於葡國地形南北狹長,地勢北高南低,因此 局部地區之氣候差異極大。北部屬北大西洋季風氣候,且因 多山地、緯度高,因而夏季涼爽,冬季嚴寒,氣溫常近零度, 亦常降雪。越往南部,氣候越溫暖,最南方濱地中海之阿爾 加夫(Algarve)地區屬地中海型氣候,終年皆夏,因而發展成 為受英、德等北中歐國家人民之度假勝地。 里斯本地區的夏季帄均溫度為 29 度,冬季為 10 度,一般 國內四季衣物皆符合此間氣候所需,毋須另購過於厚重之衣 物。
旅游业: 旅游业是葡萄牙外汇收入的重要来源和 弥补外贸赤字的重要手段。葡萄牙山青 水秀、风景如画,古堡、宫殿、博物馆 等随处可见。西、南两侧有800多公 里海岸线,有很多细沙海滩。近年来, 葡每年接待外国游客人数都超过其人口 总数,旅游业年收入逾60亿欧元。
主张在平等互利基础上同世界各国普遍发展友好合作关系。把同欧 美的传统关系作为其对外政策的基石,积极参与和促进欧洲一体化、 履行北约义务,着力加强同非洲和拉美以及北非地区国家的传统关 系。日益重视发展同亚洲国家平等互利的合作关系。主张持久公正 地解决中东问题,希望该地区国家通过对话和平解决争端。葡与世 界上180个国家和地区建立有外交关系,共设146个驻外使领馆。其 中使馆70个,职业领馆66个,驻国际组织代表团10个。
葡萄牙语:TorredeBelém)是一座五层 防御工事,位于葡萄牙里斯本的贝伦区。 它建于曼努埃尔一世时期的1514年到 1520年间,用来防御位于贝伦区的港口, 以及附近的哲罗姆派修道院。贝伦塔被 分为两部分:塔身,内部有四个有拱顶 的房间;壁垒,有着许多炮台。走过吊 桥,穿过大门,就可以看到壁垒的内部。 墙上共有16个炮位可以安装大炮以御敌。 地板中间高,边缘低,这样有助于保护 大炮,也可以快速的排干积水。在屋顶 的中央有个哥特式的矩形天窗,用作壁 垒的通风口,以便大炮开火的硝烟能快 速散去。在壁垒的地板下面有一些储藏 室,最大的一间可以从北面的楼梯到达。 这些储藏室一开始被用来放补给品,后
里 斯 本
佩纳宫是葡萄牙的一座19世纪浪漫主山丘的山顶,晴天在里斯本亦 清晰可见。1995年,这个宫殿作为辛特拉文化景观的一部分入选为 世界遗产。它也是葡萄牙国家古迹,以及葡萄牙七大奇迹之一。它 也被葡萄牙总统和其他政府官员用于国务活动。这个地点在中世纪 是一个圣母小堂。1493年,若昂二世夫妇来此朝圣。继任者曼努埃 尔一世修建了修道院。1755年里斯本大地震中修道院被夷为废墟, 1842-1854年,在此兴建了王室的夏宫,建筑师为德国人。
葡 萄 牙 概 况
![葡 萄 牙 概 况](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7e8f9323453610661ed9f4be.png)
葡萄牙概况国名:葡萄牙共和国(ThePortuguese Republic)国庆日:6月10日(1580年)共和国日:10月5日国旗:呈长方形,长与宽之比为3:2。
国花:薰衣草国家政要:总统若热〃桑帕约(Jorge Sampaio ),1996年3月就职,2001年1月蝉联;总理若泽〃曼努埃尔〃杜朗〃巴罗佐(JoseManuel Durao Barroso),2002年4月任职。
人口:1031. 8万(2001年)。
首都:里斯本(lisbon),人口53. 5万(1999年),全年平均气温16. 9℃,最高气温37. 2℃(7月),最低气温2. 1℃(1月)。
06 葡萄牙社会民生 现状透视
葡萄牙居民的收入水平较高,消费能力也相对较强,生活质量较 高。
葡萄牙政府为居民提供了全面的社会福利,包括医疗保险、养老保 险、失业保险等,确保居民的基本生活需求得到满足。
葡萄牙经济得到了快速发展, 成为欧洲工业化的先驱之一
葡萄牙是一个发达的资本主义 国家,拥有完善的旅游、农业
主要信仰天主教,宗教节日和仪 式丰富多样
葡萄牙语是官方语言,也是欧盟 官方语言之一
葡萄牙美食以海鲜为主,如著名 的葡式烤鱿鱼、葡式蛋挞等
海岸线长832公里,拥 有优美的海滩和港口
气候多样,北部属海洋 性温带阔叶林气候,南 部属亚热带地中海式气 候
地形以山地为主,河流 短小
葡萄牙是欧洲最早的文明中心 之一,有着丰富的历史遗产和
国旗国徽葡萄牙 PortugalWith its mild climate, 3000 hours of sunshine per year and 850 kms of splendid beaches bathed by the Atlantic Ocean, Portugal is the perfect holiday destination all year round.This is a country that has the oldest borders in Europe, with an excepti onal rangeof different Iandscapes just a short distanee away, lots of leisure activities and a unique cultural heritage, where tradition and modernity blend together in perfect harmony. Its superb cuisine, fine wines and hospitable people make this a tourist paradise of the highest quality.Situated in the extreme south-west of Europe, just a few hours from any of the other Europea n capitals, Portugal attracts visitors from all over the world.Come and discover the charms of this country too.GEOGRAPHYPortugal is situated at the south-west point of Europe and also includes the Madeira and Azores archipelagos in the Atlantic Ocean. Mainland Portugal occupies an areaof 88,889 km2. It is 218 km wide and 561 km Iong. It has 832 km of Atlantic coast and a 1,215 km border with Spai n.The Azores are situated in the Atlantic Ocean between Europe and North America. They have an area of 2,355 km2 and con sist of nine isla nds - S ?o Miguel and Santa Mariain the Easter n Group, Terceira, Graciosa, S ?o Jorge, Pico and Faial in the Cen tral Group and Flores and Corvo in the Wester n Group. It takes about two hours to get from the Azores to mainland Portugal by plane.The Madeira Archipelago has an area of 741 km2 and lies in the Atlantic Ocean about 500 km from the African coast and 1,000 km from the European continent (1 ? hours flying time from Lisbon). It consists of the islands of Madeira and Porto Santo and the unin habited Desertas and Selvage ns isla nds, which are n ature reserves.CLIMATEMai nland PortugalThe climate in Portugal varies con siderably from one regi on to ano ther and is in flue need by the relief, latitude and proximity to the sea, which offers mildwinters, especially in the Algarve.In the Porto e Norte area and Beiras region, particularly inland, nearer Spain, the winters are colder, although the temperatures are still mild when compared to the rest of Europe. There is some snowfall. It occurs most in the Serra da Estrela mountains, where we find the highest point in mainland Portugal (1,991 m) and where it is sometimes possible to ski.The summers are hot and dry, especially in the in la nd areas (Tr cs-os-M on tes in north-eastern Portugal and Alentejo). Temperatures are slightly lower in the coastal areas, because of the influence of the sea.There are often warm, sunny days in autumn. Nice weather at the beginning of November is often called "St. Martin 's Summer" as this saint 's day is on 11 November.AzoresThe climate in the Azores is influenced by the islands 'latitude and by the Gulf Stream, and temperatures are mild there all year round. The same factors also influence the sea temperature, which is very pleasant both in winter and summer and ideal for nautical sports all year round.MadeiraThe subtropical characteristics of the weather in the Madeira Archipelago can be explained by its geographical position and mountainous relief. The climate in Madeira is exceptionally mild, with average temperatures varying between 24 oC in summer and 19 oC in winter.The sea temperature is also very pleasant all year round, thanks to the influenceof the warm Gulf Stream. It varies between 18 oC in winter and 22 oC in summer.POPULATIONPortugal has a population of about 10 million.The population density is at its greatest in Lisbon, the capital and its suburbs,where about 1.9 million people live. The second largest city in Portugal is Oporto in the north.Generally speaking, there are more people living in the country 's coastal regions than in the inland areas.LANGUAGEFrom a Latin root, Portuguese is spoken by about 250 million people in every continent, and is the 5th most spoken language in the world and the 3rd, if we only consider the European languages.The Portuguese-speaking countries are scattered all over the world. Portuguese isspoke n in Africa (An gola, Cape Verde, Guin ea-Bissau, Mozambique and S ?o Tom e ePr n cipe), in South America (Brazil) and in Asia, (East Timor, the youngest nation in theworld), and it is also the official language in Macao Special Region of China.In Portugal there are lots of people who are able to communicate in and Spanish.Administrative English, French欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。
葡萄牙英文介绍Portugal is such an amazing country! It's like a little hidden gem in Europe.When you think of Portugal, you might first think of its beautiful beaches. Oh my goodness, the beaches there are just to die for. The sand is so soft, it's like walking on a cloud. And the water, it's this incredible shade of blue - sometimes it looks almost turquoise. You can just laze around on the beach all day, soak up the sun, and listen to the waves crashing. It's pure bliss.The cities in Portugal are also super charming. Lisbon, for example, is like a step back in time but with a modern twist. There are these narrow, winding streets that are filled with cafes, little shops, and beautiful old buildings. You can stroll around, stop at a local café, and have a cup of strong Portuguese coffee. And don't even get me started on the pastries. The pastel de nata is a must - try. It's this delicious little custard tart that just melts in your mouth. It's like a little piece of heaven.The people in Portugal are some of the friendliest you'll ever meet. They're always smiling, always ready to have a chat. They'll make you feel right at home, even if you're a complete stranger. They have this laid - back attitude that's really infectious.The countryside in Portugal is also really something special. There are rolling hills covered in vineyards. Portugal is known for its great wines, and when you see those vineyards, you can understand why. You can take a wine tour, taste some of the local wines, and learn about the winemaking process. It's not just about drinking the wine, but it's an experience.There are also these really cool castles and forts scattered around the country. They're a reminder of Portugal's rich history. Standing in one of those old castles, you can almost imagine what life was like back in the day. It gives you a real sense of connection to the past.Portugal really has it all - beautiful beaches, charming cities, friendly people, great food and wine, and a rich history. It's a place that you can visit over and over again and always find something new to love.。
葡萄牙英文介绍国旗国徽葡萄牙PortugalWith its mild climate, 3000 hours of sunshine per year and 850 kms of splendid beaches bathed by the Atlantic Ocean, Portugal is the perfect holiday destination all year round.This is a country that has the oldest borders in Europe, with an exceptional range of different landscapes just a short distance away, lots of leisure activities and a unique cultural heritage, where tradition and modernity blend together in perfect harmony. Its superb cuisine, fine wines and hospitable people make this a tourist paradise of the highest quality.Situated in the extreme south-west of Europe, just a few hours from any of the other European capitals, Portugal attracts visitors from all over the world.Come and discover the charms of this country too.GEOGRAPHYPortugal is situated at the south-west point of Europe and also includes the Madeira and Azores archipelagos in the Atlantic Ocean. Mainland Portugal occupies an area of 88,889 km2. It is 218 km wide and 561 km long. It has 832 km of Atlantic coast and a 1,215 km border with Spain.The Azores are situated in the Atlantic Ocean between Europe and North America. They have an area of 2,355 km2 and consist of nine islands - São Miguel and Santa Maria in the Eastern Group, Terceira, Graciosa, São Jorge, Pico and Faial in the Central Group and Flores and Corvo in the Western Group. It takes about two hours to get from the Azores to mainland Portugal by plane.The Madeira Archipelago has an area of 741 km2 and lies in the Atlantic Ocean about 500 km from the African coast and 1,000 km from the European continent (1½ hours flying time from Lisbon). It consists of the islands of Madeira and Porto Santo and the uninhabited Desertas and Selvagens islands, which are nature reserves.CLIMATEMainland PortugalThe climate in Portugal varies considerably from one region to another and is influenced by the relief, latitude and proximity to the sea, which offers mild winters, especially in the Algarve.In the Porto e Norte area and Beiras region, particularly inland, nearer Spain, the winters are colder, although the temperatures are still mild when compared to the rest of Europe. There is some snowfall. It occurs most in the Serra da Estrela mountains, where we find the highest point in mainland Portugal (1,991 m) and where it is sometimes possible to ski.The summers are hot and dry, especially in the inland areas (Trás-os-Montes in north-eastern Portugal and Alentejo). Temperatures are slightly lower in the coastal areas, because of the influence of the sea.There are often warm, sunny days in autumn. Nice weather at the beginning of November is often called "St. Martin’s Summer" as this saint’s day is on 11 November.AzoresThe climate in the Azores is influenced by the islands’ latitude and by the Gulf Stream, and temperatures are mild there all year round. The same factors also influence the sea temperature, which is very pleasant both in winter and summer and ideal for nautical sports all year round.MadeiraThe subtropical characteristics of the weather in the Madeira Archipelago can be explained by its geographical position and mountainous relief. The climate in Madeira is exceptionally mild, with average temperatures varying between 24 ºC in summer and 19 ºC in winter.The sea temperature is also very pleasant all year round, thanks to the influence of the warm Gulf Stream. It varies between 18 ºC in winter and 22 ºC in summer. POPULATIONPortugal has a population of about 10 million.The population density is at its greatest in Lisbon, the capital and its suburbs, where about 1.9 million people live. The second largest city in Portugal is Oporto in the north.Generally speaking, th ere are more people living in the country’s coastal regions than in the inland areas.LANGUAGEFrom a Latin root, Portuguese is spoken by about 250 million people in every continent, and is the 5th most spoken language in the world and the 3rd, if we only consider the European languages.The Portuguese-speaking countries are scattered all over the world. Portuguese is spoken in Africa (Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and São Tomée Príncipe), in South America (Brazil) and in Asia, (East Timor, the youngest nation in the world), and it is also the official language in Macao Special Administrative Region of China.In Portugal there are lots of people who are able to communicate in English, French and Spanish.。
小组成员: 邹 娇 付金质
万羽茜 李沛根
目 录
葡萄牙共和国(英语:the Republic of Portugal;葡萄牙语: Repúblicade ,中国明朝时称佛 朗机)。拉丁语意为“温暖的港 口”处欧洲西南部,领土还包括 大西洋上的海外领土亚速尔群岛 和马德拉群岛。法国人恩里克公 爵与里昂王阿丰索六世之女结婚, 被册封为波尔图加列郡伯爵 (Portucale),即葡萄牙 ( P o r t u g a l ) 由 来 。
The Dress
餐饮礼仪葡萄牙人以面食为主,喜食面包,有时也米饭。爱吃牛肉, 猪肉及水产品,常吃土豆,胡萝卜等,饮酒颇有讲究。当地所产酒 的度数丌高,少饮一些丌至亍醉酒。
葡萄牙人在饮食嗜好上有如下特点: ①注重讲究菜肴不酒的搭配,注重菜肴的营养价值。 ②口味:一般口味喜浓重,爱吃辣味。 ③主食:以面为主食,对米饭也很喜欢。 ④副食:爱吃鱼、虾、海鲜品、鸡、牛肉、猪肉、蛋类等;蔬菜喜欢土豆、辣 椒、茄子、西红柿、胡萝卜、卷心菜等;调料喜用辣椒粉、胡椒粉等。 ⑤制法:对炒、烤、溜、炸等烹调方法制作的菜肴偏爱。 ⑥中餐:喜爱中国的川菜、京菜。 ⑦菜谱:葡萄牙菜喜欢用橄榄油、大蒜、香草、番茄及海盐来调味,但香料用 得丌多。喜欢吃海鲜的人来到葡萄牙就没错了,因为海鲜料理非常丰富多样, 有墨鱼(Choco)、鲽鱼(Linguado)、鳕鱼、旗鱼(Peixe Espada)、章鱼 (Polvo)、鳗鱼、贝类(seashell)及花枝(Lula)等,大部分的菜单上都可 找到猪肉、鸡肉及牛肉;很多餐厅也有供应米食
国旗国徽葡萄牙PortugalWith its mild climate, 3000 hours of sunshine per year and 850 kms of splendid beaches bathed by the Atlantic Ocean, Portugal is the perfect holiday destination all year round.This is a country that has the oldest borders in Europe, with an exceptional range of different landscapes just a short distance away, lots of leisure activities and a unique cultural heritage, where tradition and modernity blend together in perfect harmony. Its superb cuisine, fine wines and hospitable people make this a tourist paradise of the highest quality.Situated in the extreme south-west of Europe, just a few hours from any of the other European capitals, Portugal attracts visitors from all over the world. Come and discover the charms of this country too.GEOGRAPHYPortugal is situated at the south-west point of Europe and also includes the Madeira and Azores archipelagos in the Atlantic Ocean. Mainland Portugal occupies an area of 88,889 km2. It is 218 km wide and 561 km long. It has 832 km of Atlantic coast and a 1,215 km border with Spain.The Azores are situated in the Atlantic Ocean between Europe and North America. They have an area of 2,355 km2 and consist of nine islands - São Miguel and Santa Maria in the Eastern Group, Terceira, Graciosa, São Jorge, Pico and Faial in the Central Group and Flores and Corvo in the Western Group. It takes about two hours to get from the Azores to mainland Portugal by plane.The Madeira Archipelago has an area of 741 km2 and lies in the Atlantic Ocean about 500 km from the African coast and 1,000 km from the European continent (1½hours flying time from Lisbon). It consists of the islands of Madeira and Porto Santo and the uninhabited Desertas and Selvagens islands, which are nature reserves.CLIMATEMainland PortugalThe climate in Portugal varies considerably from one region to another and is influenced by the relief, latitude and proximity to the sea, which offers mildwinters, especially in the Algarve.In the Porto e Norte area and Beiras region, particularly inland, nearer Spain, the winters are colder, although the temperatures are still mild when compared to the rest of Europe. There is some snowfall. It occurs most in the Serra da Estrela mountains, where we find the highest point in mainland Portugal (1,991 m) and where it is sometimes possible to ski.The summers are hot and dry, especially in the inland areas (Trás-os-Montes in north-eastern Portugal and Alentejo). Temperatures are slightly lower in the coastal areas, because of the influence of the sea.There are often warm, sunny days in autumn. Nice weather at the beginning of November is often called "St. Martin’s Summer" as this saint’s day is on 11 November.AzoresThe climate in the Azores is influenced by the islands’ latitude and by the Gulf Stream, and temperatures are mild there all year round. The same factors also influence the sea temperature, which is very pleasant both in winter and summer and ideal for nautical sports all year round.MadeiraThe subtropical characteristics of the weather in the Madeira Archipelago can be explained by its geographical position and mountainous relief. The climate in Madeira is exceptionally mild, with average temperatures varying between 24 ºC in summer and 19 ºC in winter.The sea temperature is also very pleasant all year round, thanks to the influence of the warm Gulf Stream. It varies between 18 ºC in winter and 22 ºC in summer.POPULATIONPortugal has a population of about 10 million.The population density is at its greatest in Lisbon, the capital and its suburbs, where about 1.9 million people live. The second largest city in Portugal is Oporto in the north.Generally speaking, there are more people living in the country’s coastal regions than in the inland areas.LANGUAGEFrom a Latin root, Portuguese is spoken by about 250 million people in every continent, and is the 5th most spoken language in the world and the 3rd, if we only consider the European languages.The Portuguese-speaking countries are scattered all over the world. Portuguese is spoken in Africa (Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and São Tomé ePríncipe), in South America (Brazil) and in Asia, (East Timor, the youngest nation in the world), and it is also the official language in Macao Special Administrative Region of China.In Portugal there are lots of people who are able to communicate in English, French and Spanish.欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。
• 里斯本(葡萄牙语: Lisboa)是葡萄牙共和国的 首都和最大都市。位于该国西部,城北为辛特拉 山,城南临塔古斯河,距离大西洋不到12公里, 是欧洲大陆最西端的城市。国际化都市,南欧著 名的世界都市之一。如今是葡萄牙的政治、经济、 文化、教育中心。里斯本港是葡萄牙最大的海港。 亦为葡萄牙高等教育机关的所在地。里斯本是个 工业发达的城市,里斯本区是葡萄牙乃至欧洲最 富庶的地区,这地区的人均GDP远高于欧盟平均 人均GDP的水平。里斯本西部大西洋沿岸的美丽 的海滨浴场,亦是欧洲著名的旅游城市,每年接 待游客超过100万人次。
• 不喜欢走路的可 以坐电车看似臃 肿而速度快的惊 人相信一定会是 一次难忘的乘坐 体验
• 之后到了山顶买了票就可以好好休息休息, 俯瞰一下里斯本这座城了视野很开阔大桥 与基督像净收眼底
• 离开了城堡我们选择另一条路依山而下往世博园的方向移动(向东) • 之后坐地铁到红线终点站oriente去看1998年世博遗址附注一下, oriente火车站本身就是一个精美绝伦的景点由Santiago Calatrava设 计,学建筑的不容错过
• 小锦囊:TRAIN & BUS TICKET包含了CP 从里斯本市区的罗西欧(Rossio)车站往返辛 特拉区段和Cais do Sodré车站往返Cascais 区段的一日无限次搭乘
• 从,佩 那宫,最后再 绕回辛特拉 车站
• 最后再坐公交 返回sintra然 后做403巴士 前往Cascais
• 葡萄牙国旗呈长方形,长与宽之比为3:2。 旗面由左绿右红两部分组成,绿色部分是 一个竖长方形,红色部分接近正方形,其 面积为绿色部分的一倍半、红、绿连线的 中间绘有葡萄牙国徽。红色表示对1910年 成立第二共和国的庆贺,绿色表示对被称 为“航海家”的亨利亲王的敬意。
• 葡萄牙,全称葡萄牙共和国(英语:The Portuguese Republic,葡萄牙语:República Portuguesa),是一个 位于欧洲西南部的共和制国家,欧盟成员国之一。东邻伊 比利亚半岛的西班牙,西部和南部是大西洋的海岸。除了 欧洲大陆的领土以外,大西洋的亚速群岛和马德拉群岛都 是葡萄牙的领土。澳门在1999年交还中国前,曾由葡萄牙 统治(1553-1999)。葡萄牙首都里斯本西的罗卡角是欧 洲的最西端。葡萄牙的旅游业发达。拥有十分优越的旅游 资源。16世纪到18世纪葡萄牙和西班牙成为海上强国,这 一时期达· 伽马、恩里克、迪亚士这一些影响着葡萄牙帝 国的人物。
• 葡萄牙语(Português)是罗曼语族的一种语言。 使用它的国家和地区包括葡萄牙、巴西、安哥拉、 中国澳门、西班牙、莫桑比克和东帝汶。葡萄牙 语是世界上少数几种分布广泛的语言,同时也是 世界上第五(或六)大语言。葡萄牙语是继英语 和西班牙语之后世界上使用最广泛的语种之一。 全世界有2亿多人口使用葡萄牙语(Português), 是世界流行语种的第6位,仅次于汉语、英语、俄 语、西班牙语和印地语。葡萄牙语的使用者绝大 部分居住在巴西,而只有1056.2万人居住在葡萄 牙。
• 教育 • 葡萄牙波尔图大学 • 葡萄牙实行12年义务教育,包括基础教育 (小学4年,中学预备班2年,初中3年)和 中等教育(3年,相当于我国高中)。高等 教育为大学4~5年。2012年,科教预算为 68.89亿欧元,占政府总预算的3.65%。 2010年,识字率(15岁以上拥有读写能力 的人口占其总数)为95.2%。
高中英语Module 1 Europe (7)课件
![高中英语Module 1 Europe (7)课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a921fcc64b73f242326c5f4e.png)
belonging to the main body of the continental continent of Europe
face look like
to look at something or somebody face to face
to have the appearance of, to seem to be
the Chinese mainland.
Preview the part of Reading and Vocabulary.
Complete the table with the words in the box.(p1, ex.1)
Athens English France
Greece Greek
Lisbon London Madrid
Portugal Portuguese Rome
以外用be/lie to …
B lies to the southeast of A. A lies to the northwest of B.
表示A位于 B的内部的 be/lie in ……
B is/lies in the west of A.
Where is Sichuan?
Complete the sentences:
1) Guangdong __l_i_e_s__i_n__t_h_e__s_o_u_t_hCohfina.
2) The Yellow Siesa to__t_h_e__e_a_s_t__o_f__ Shandong Province.
葡萄牙的官方语言是葡萄牙语,属于印欧语系罗曼语族。葡萄牙语在全球共有9个国家被广泛使用,是世界上使 用人数最多的语言之一。
葡萄牙在文学艺术领域取得了举世瞩目的成就。著名诗人费尔南多·佩索阿、作家若泽·萨拉马戈等都是葡萄牙文 学的代表人物。此外,葡萄牙的戏剧、电影和音乐等艺术形式也具有独特的魅力。
海岸线长800多公里,拥有众 多美丽的海滩和港口
属海洋性温带阔叶林气候, 冬暖夏凉,年降雨量充沛
境内多山,北部和中部地区 以山地为主,南部为丘陵和 平原
葡萄牙是欧洲最早的文明之一,有着悠久的历 史和丰富的文化遗产
15、16世纪,葡萄牙成为欧洲的海上霸主 ,开拓了通往亚洲、非洲和美洲的航线
作为葡萄牙的代表性甜 点,葡萄牙蛋挞以其酥 脆的外皮和香甜的奶油 馅而著称。游客可以在 当地的糕点店品尝到这 一美味佳肴。
葡式烤肠是葡萄牙的传 统美食之一,采用特制 的香料和烤制工艺制作 而成。游客可以在街头 小吃摊或餐馆中品尝到
葡萄牙政府鼓励外国投资,为外国投资者提供了一系列优惠 政策和便利措施,如税收减免、投资补贴、土地租赁优惠等 。同时,葡萄牙还拥有完善的法律法规和知识产权保护制度 ,为投资者提供了良好的法律保障。
03 葡萄牙文化与教育
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Iberia peninsula 伊比利亚半岛 adjoin [ə'dʒɔɪn] vt.& vi. 邻近,毗连; 接,贴连; 附加,使 结合
n. 高原; 平稳时期,稳定水平; 停滞期 coastline
v. 进入停滞期; 达到平稳状态
英 ['kəʊstlaɪn]
Lisbon ['lizbən] n. 里斯本(葡萄牙
美 ['kostlaɪn] n. 海岸线; 海岸 地形(或轮廓)
Thank you !
Football star
Ronaldo (C罗)
Figo (菲戈 )
Stone house
The Bone Church
“the Atlantic pe
Rossio Plaza
The Portuguese Republic
National flag
National emblem
The official language is Portuguese
The area is 92072 square kilometers (in December, 2005). Located at European Iberia peninsula north west. East, north and adjoins to Spain, the southwest borders on Atlantic. Coastline long more than 800 kilometers. North the terrain Gao Nadi, many are the mountainous region and the hill. The north is the Messer tower plateau; Middle mountainous area average elevation 800~1000 meters, Egyptian assorted especially Leila peak elevation 1991 meters; The south and west respectively is the hill and the coastal plain. The main rivers have Ru He, the Douro river (to flow through domestic 322 kilometers) especially with the Montreal ancient river. North subordinate oceanity temperate zone foliage forest climate, south subordinate subtropics
New words
Porto 英 ['pɔ:tu]
美 ['pɔrtʊ]
英[:,pɔ:tju'gi:z ]
美[:,pɔ:tju'gi:z ]
n. 葡萄牙人,葡萄牙
[sʌb'trɒpɪks]ຫໍສະໝຸດ 语n. 亚热带地方
adj. 葡萄牙的,葡萄 牙te人rr的ai,n 葡语的 英 [tə'reɪn] 美 [tə'ren] n. 地形,地势; 地面,地 带; [地理]岩层; (知识 的)领域范围
National flower
Lavandula pedunculata(薰衣草) dianthus chinensis(石竹)
Major Cities
Teatro Nacional de Dona Maria II (玛丽亚二世国家剧院)
Ponte Vasco da Gama (瓦斯科·达伽马大桥)