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At least 5.59 million students will⑴colleges this year, 13 percent more than last year, the Ministry of Education has said.

They face⑵pressure in the job market as about 700,000 graduates, who could not find work last year will⑶them for e mployment; the People’s Daily website has ⑷the minister of human resources and social security, as saying.

But this could mean⑸graduates in rural areas and small towns. About 20,000 graduates hav e⑹to work in the countryside, in fields such as education, agriculture, and poverty-alleviation. And many others, including 200 from Tsinghua University, have⑺work in the regions hit by the May 12 quake. College graduates are encouraged to work in western and rural areas where many jobs ar e ⑻, Ministry of Education spokesman said.

Those who have worked in rural areas for two years enjo y ⑼treatment in recruitment for government organs and state enterprises, and get bonus points if they take th e ⑽exams.

“We encourage college graduates to start their own business, too, and get⑾treatment,” said Wang Yadong, deputy director of the training and employment department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

Such graduates enjoy a 20 percent income tax cut for start-ups, and the government⑿them to start a business.

Passage 2

Multiculturalism is a⑴with many meanings. But it often⑵acceptance of immigrant and minority groups as distinct communities,⑶from the majority population. Like bilingualism, multiculturalis m⑷debate. Advocates of multiculturalism believe that members of minority groups should enjoy⑸in American society without giving up their diverse⑹cultures. Multicultural education programs, for instance,⑺teach the content of different cultures, to build tolerance of these cultures, and to eliminate discrimination. The hope is t o⑻students to understand how other culture s ⑼the world. Multiculturalists reject the idea of a ⑽pot and assimilation (同化); they dismiss the idea that national identity must⑾ a common heritage and values.

Critics argue that multicultural education creates conflict among groups more than it fosters⑿of one group for another. Cultural pluralism, critics contend,⒀rivalry (敌对) and divisions. Moreover, they assert, European traditions remain central to American culture and institutions (风俗). Some critics find multiculturalism a token (象征性的) gesture⒁to hide continuing domination of American culture by the majority group. Others argue that⒂of cultural differences and grou p ⒃does not help address social and economic disadvantages.


Students Offer⑴into Exam-time Stress

Finals week means different things to different students. For some students, exams are no sweat (不费力地). First-year business student J oe Tirpak said, “I don’t let exams stress me out because I’m⑵I’m as⑶as I can be.”

For others,⑷is the key to ⑸their exam jitters(神经过敏). Second-year marine science student Zac Duval said, “Having a year of experience has helped me know how to⑹my time and be well-prepared.”

Then there’s the⑺of students on⑻who acquire that sweaty, wild-eyed look from spending⑼hours hunched (弓起背部) over a book under a hot desk lamp. First-year sports management student Steve McMenamin said he was usually one of those⑽students. “I’m thinking I’ll be spending a lot of time on my porch (走廊) studying,” he said.

The problem of stress is not a new one.
