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the devel opment, is the key to pr omoting t he rule of law. The law may affect the efficiency of out of the path of devel opment w ill be more smoot h, won devel opme nt gains w ill be sustai ned, a nd e nd wit h greater efficien cy. Leadi ng ca dres at all levels should take the lead i n respect of law la w, abi de by, a nd a ctively foster Soci alist culture, a ctively prom oting the fiel d of multi-lev el governa nce accordi ng to la w, guide the masses and consciously a bide by the la w, failing to find law, solve t he problem by la w, in a ccorda nce w ith the law prevail. XXX admi nistration by law of leadi ng ca dres do not exist on the r ule of law, law enfor cement, casua l, and vow not to invest ors, the new score s and other t urmoil. T hese im portant expositi ons on my distri ct create good development e nvironme nt with highly targeted and gui dance, e spe cially the General Se cretary pointed out that the chaos i n my area also exists to varyi ng degree s, some even quite seri ous. Lea ding cadres at all lev els must impr ove the

development envir onme nt of rule of law as a fundame ntal task, a dhere to t he pr oblem ori ented, soli d and solv e the pr oblems i n the construction of rule of la w, to rule t he ne w effect for development envir onme nt improvement s. To hol d "key minority". Lea ders of thi s group, althoug h few in number, but the effect is critical. If a local lea ders take the lea d right a ccor ding to la w, i n accorda nce with the law, the local CPPCC fresh, pragmati c and efficient devel opme nt environment. Conversely, if a local lea ders

of ignoring t he law, impunity, not only the political environment will be de stroyed, will have seri ous implicat ons for the devel opme nt environment. Now, some leadi ng ca dres lack of awareness on the importance of learni ng, that lear n or not d oes not matter. Thi nk efficiency is too low too much, act a ccordi ng to the proce dur e, than a n executive order getting along with. In deal ing with com plex issues, often speak of "settling" and "done"; on the issue of ha ndli ng letters and visits, l ike to spend

money and buy stop a nd sta ble, but di sregard the la w admini stration, i n accordance with the law, t he rule cha in do long, and p ut scal e big. To serve t he deve lopme nt of enter prises. Duocuo sim ultane ously improving service efficiency, buil d better publi c servi ces platform, enha nce work efficie ncy, i nitiative to hel p busine sse s solve t he pr oject proce dure s, financing l oans, issues such as la nd-use approval, re duce operating costs, busi ness travel light and enhance the confi dence to ov ercome all ki nds of difficultie s and the Foundati on, real entrepr ene urial pa ssion play e ntrepre neurship, enhance the interna l vitality and creativity. SI XING an constructi on, promoti ng the rule of law, trie s to make the transformati on of forest deve lopme nt XI General Secretary stressed, to rei nvigorate Northeast Chi na, optimized development envir onme nt is very importa nt. Environment of rul e of law most gather Moss, the most conducive t o devel opment. Improvi ng the lea ding ca dres ' using the method of thought a nd

the rule of law A dministration work, problem-solving, the a
