日立HITACHI KFR-72LW_J3 air conditioner Manual1说明书






容积型1):全封闭式.(Q)开启式.半封闭式.(B)2):活塞式从2缸-----多缸(8个缸)3):速度型:螺杆式离心式4):所用制冷剂工质为:R22:-40.5℃ R12:-29.8℃134a-26.50℃502-45 ℃4.冷凝器作用:它主要是将高温高压气态制冷剂冷凝变成中温高压制冷剂,进入蒸发器吸热.冷凝器分为:风冷却型水冷却型风冷却型:自然冷却强制自然对流水冷却型:必需要配备冷却水塔使用.5.蒸发器的作用:1):利用制冷剂在蒸发器内吸热,使之被冷却空间温度逐渐降低.2):蒸发器分为两种:蛇型盘管型(铜管.无缝钢管)冷风机型6.节流装置的作用:作用:制冷剂流经节流装置时,在压缩机吸气的作用下,变成低压低温制冷剂在蒸发器内吸热,达到制冷吸热的目的.节流装置可分为:热力膨胀阀(内平衡.外平衡)节流毛细管电磁阀的作用:当制冷压缩机运转时电磁阀打开制冷剂流过电磁阀,当压缩机停止运转时电磁阀关闭.切断制冷剂流向防止再次开机时发生湿冲程(液击).电磁阀在制冷系统中为串联.电磁阀在电路中为并联.7.制冷系统正常工作状态:制冷剂经过压缩机压缩后从排气管路进入冷凝器进行冷凝散热进入液储器(油分离器),在经过干燥过滤器,视液镜,电磁阀,节流装置,在蒸发器内吸热,然后回到压缩机,形成制冷循环.(制冷流程)排气压力: 3.0Mpa以下(运转下)吸气压力:0-0.1Mpa(运转下)09G801二.制冷设备故障,原因,分析,排除:1.检修工具,设备:压力表,万用表,兆欧表,扳手,套筒扳手,真空泵,氮气瓶,连接管,钢瓶,焊接工具,组合工具,常用板手,胀管器,吸潮剂,割刀,专用方榫扳手.2.制冷系统故障判断及分析:1word格式支持编辑,如有帮助欢迎下载支持。



⽇⽴空调故障代码速查<故障代码查询>直接点击公众号主页下⽅“便利查询——故障代码”可查询各空调品牌产品故障代码!也可输⼊品牌或品牌⾸字母简称即可快速查询:例如⽇⽴故障代码,只需要输⼊:⽇⽴或rl⽇⽴商⽤分体空调故障代码根据报警代码显⽰⽤ LED 的闪烁形式,可判定下表异常停机的理由。

(下表的○表⽰闪烁,×表⽰关灯)遥控器显⽰报警代码(报警代码显⽰⽤LED:LD4-LD3-LD2-LD1)01(×××○):室内保护装置动作浮动开关(排⽔管堵塞、接⽔盘内⽔位上升)02(××○×):室外保护装置动作⾼压切断装置(OFF:3.0MPa)03(××○○):传送异常(室内~室外间)室内外机组间操作回路配线端⼦部松动、误接线、断线等05(×○××):相检出异常(单相机除外)室外机电源配线错误引起的逆相,端⼦部松动引起的缺相08(×○○×):压缩机上温度过⾼压缩机上温度 127℃以上(制冷)、120℃以上(制热)连续10分钟,或140℃以上(制冷,制热)、120℃以上(除霜)连续5秒钟11(×○○○):吸⼊温度热敏电阻异常(室内机组)热敏电阻连接部松动、脱落、断线12(×○○○):排出温度热敏电阻异常(室内机组)热敏电阻连接部松动、脱落、断线13(×○○○):冻结温度热敏电阻异常(室内机组)热敏电阻连接部松动、脱落、断线19(×××○):室内风扇马达⽤保护器动作室内风扇电机⽤保护器20(○×××):压缩机上温度热敏电阻异常(室外机组)热敏电阻连接部松动、脱落、断线22(○×××):环境温度热敏电阻异常(室外机组)热敏电阻连接部松动、脱落、断线24(○×××):配管温度热敏电阻异常(室外机组)热敏电阻连接部松动、脱落、断线31(○××○):室内外机组组合容量错误室外容量与室内容量相差范围80%~120%以上,容量设定错误35(○×○×):室内机机号设定异常室内机机号设定重复36(○××○):P型室外机与J型室内机组合错误室外容量与室内容量相差范围80%~120%以上,容量设定错误38(○×○○):保护检出回路异常(室外机组)室外机保护检出回路故障39(○○××):过电流异常压缩机因电流值过⼤或0A在30分钟内停机3次41(××○×):制冷过负载(⾼压装置动作的可能性⼤)室外保护装置动作时压缩机上 95℃以上42(××○×):制热过负载(⾼压装置动作的可能性⼤)室内配管温度 55℃以上47(○○×○):低压压⼒过低保护动作因蒸发温度异常低下(不到-35℃),1⼩时内停⽌3次EE(○○○○):压缩机保护报警6⼩时内因压缩机引起的报警有3次遥控器的运转灯每4秒闪⼀次,表⽰室内机组与遥控器间的信号传输异常(连接部松动、脱落、断线、误接线等)。



IVX mini系列
九)VAM mini系列
VAM mini系列
VAM mini系列 4-12HP 最多可拖 10 台室内机
3HP、4HP、5HP,3档冷量 最多可托 4 台室内机
室内机 1)天花板内置薄型风管机 RPIZ-22~71HRN2Q(/P) 2)天花板内置薄型风管机窄型 RPIZ-22~40HRN2Q(/P)S 3)壁挂机 第40页R/共PK65-2页8/36HRN2Q
十二)商用分体系列(R22系列/N系列/ 直流变频风管机)
ES产品 特点
3HP、4HP、5HP,3档冷量 最多可托 4 台室内机



普通薄天 天花板内置 薄型风管式
7814 7829 8143 8286 9286 11857 14357 857
全直流室外机 涡旋压缩机
1、标配水泵 2、可选配超低温 除湿功能 3、标配PCARF(Qபைடு நூலகம்2) 4、单独购买价格 650元
VAM II两模块组合机型
VAM II三模块组合机型
单相电室外机 RAS-140FSVN3Q RAS-160FSVN3Q RAS-180FSYN3Q RAS-112FSVN2Q 三相电 室外机 RAS-140FSVN2Q RAS-160FSVN2Q RAS-140FSYN2Q 15243 16171 20814 15571 16114 17071 16114 17071 27071 5400 5557 5586 5614 5900 5929 5971 6057 4643 4757 4786 4814 5029 5057 5100



使用产品前,请仔细阅读本使用、安装说明书,并请妥善保管使用安装说明书KFR-50W/BpA KFR-50W/BpAWP 适用机种型号:适用机种制品号:HITACHIRAQ-1F50EVY/RAQ-1F50EVYWP/RAC-1F50EVYRAC-1F50EVY执行标准:GB/T7725-2004GB4706.32-2004GB4343.1-2009GB17625.1-2003使用说明目 录注意事项......................................................................................................................................1产品主要技术参数........................................................................................................................3.....................................................................................................................................................9.....................................................................................................................................................10.....................................................................................................................................................11一键清洁功能.............................................................................................................................................11.....................................................................................................................................................12遥控器电池的更换法.................................................................................................................................12.............................................................................................................................13.....................................................................................................................................14故障查找......................................................................................................................................2机组介绍.....................................................................................................................................................4接收器指示说明.........................................................................................................................................4室内机部品名称.........................................................................................................................................5运转之前.....................................................................................................................................................5遥控器各部分名称和功能.........................................................................................................................6自动运转.....................................................................................................................................................8制热运转除湿运转制冷运转送风运转睡眠定时器的设定功能定时器的设定功能自动控制.. (15)安全须知......................................................................................................................................16安装所需的工具及仪器.............................................................................................................................16运输及吊装.................................................................................................................................................17室内机的安装.............................................................................................................................................17排水管的安装.....................................................................................................................................21接收器(显示接受操作系统)的安装.......................................................................................23保护和控制装置室外机的安装 制冷剂管道安装真空排气顺序电线连接试运行...............................................................................................................................................................23............................................................................................................................................24室外机冷凝水处理.....................................................................................................................................25.........................................................................................................................................25.............................................................................................................................................28.....................................................................................................................................................29.........................................................................................................................................................31附图 (32)安装说明图例意义如下注意事项•电源为单相 220V~ 电压如电压低于或高出正常电压10%以上,空调器将不能正常工作甚至烧断保险丝,易损坏空调器,建议配用220V~ 稳压器。

日立室内 室外分体空调说明书

日立室内 室外分体空调说明书

I L G N EINDOOR UNIT/OUTDOOR UNITSPLIT TYPE AIR CONDITIONERTI N U R O O D N I T I N U R O O D T U O S H Instruction manualRAS-DX10HNK /RAC-DX10HNK RAS-DX13HNK /RAC-DX13HNK RAS-DX18HNK /RAC-DX18HNKRAS-DX10HNK RAS-DX13HNKRAC-DX10HNK RAC-DX13HNK RAC-DX18HNKRAS-DX18HNKSleep Right/Left SilentF .Wash To obtain the best performance and ensure years of trouble free usage, please read this instruction manual completely.請詳細閱讀這本使用說明書以了解正確使用方法,及使機器可長期地發揮最高性能。

PRECAUTIONS DURING SHIFTING OR MAINTENANCEW A R N I N G Should abnormal situation arises (like burning smell), please stop operatingthe unit and turn off the circuit breaker. Contact your agent. Fault, shortcircuit or fire may occur if you continue operating the unit under abnormalsituation.Please contact your agent for maintenance. Improper self maintenance may cause electric shock and fire.Please contact your agent if you need to remove and reinstall the unit.Electric shock or fire may occur if you remove and reinstall the unit by yourself improperly.PRECAUTIONS DURING OPERATIONW A R N I N GFor the sake of health, avoid facing to direct airflow for a long period of time.Do not use any conductor as fuse wire, this could cause fatal accident.During thunderstorm, disconnect and turn off the circuit breaker.If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer,qualified persons in order to avoid a hazardits service agent or SAFETY PRECAUTIONPlease read the “Safety Precaution” carefully before operating the unit to ensure correct usage of the unit.Pay special attention to signs of“ Warning” and “ Caution”. The “Warning” section contains matters which,if not observed strictly, may cause death or serious injury. The “Caution” section contains matters which may resultin serious consequences if not observed properly. Please follow all instructions strictly to ensure safety.The signs indicate the following meanings.Make sure to connect earth line. The sign in the figure indicates prohibition.Indicates the instructions that must be followed.Please keep this manual after reading.PRECAUTIONS DURING INSTALLATIONWARNING Do not reconstruct the unit.Water leakage, fault, short circuit or fire may occur if you reconstruct the unitby yourself.Please ask your sales agent or qualified technician for the installation of your unit. Water leakage, short circuit or fire may occur if you install the unit by yourself.Please use earth line.Do not place the earth line near water or gas pipes, lightning-conductor, orthe earth line of telephone. Improper installation of earth line may causeelectric shock.CAUTIONA circuit breaker should be installed depending on the mounting site of theunit. Without a circuit breaker, the danger of electric shock occurs.Do not install in the location nearby or with flammable gas. The outdoor unit may catch fire if flammable gas leaks around it.Please ensure smooth water flow when installing the drain hose.Do not put your fingers or rods into the air outlet or suction port.If the fans of indoor and outdoor units are running at high speed, which may cause injury or malfunction.PRECAUTIONS DURING OPERATIONW A R N I N GThe product shall be operated under the manufacturer specification and notfor any other intended use.•Do not attempt to operate the unit with wet hands, this could cause fatal accident.•When operating the unit with burning equipments, regularly ventilatethe room to avoid insufficiency of oxygen.•Do not direct the cool air coming out from the air-conditioner panel to facehousehold heating apparatus as this may affect the working of apparatus such asthe electric kettle, oven etc.•Please ensure that outdoor mounting frame is always stable, firm andwithout defect. If not, the outdoor unit may collapse and cause danger.•Do not splash or pour water to the body of the unit when cleaning as this maycause short circuit.•Do not use any aerosol or hair sprays nearby the indoor unit. The chemicalcan adhere on heat exchanger fin and block the evaporation water flowing todrain pan. The water will drop on tangential fan and cause water splashing outfrom indoor unit.•Please switch off the unit and turn off the circuit breaker during cleaning, the high-speed fan inside the unit may cause danger.•Turn off the circuit breaker if the unit is not to be operated for a long period.•Do not climb on the outdoor unit or put objects on it.•Do not put water container (like vase) on the indoor unit to avoid waterdripping into the unit. Dripping water will damage the insulator inside the unitand cause short circuit.•Do not place plants directly under the air flow as it is bad for the plants.•••This appliance is not intended for use by young children or infirm persons unless they have beenYoung children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.adequately supervised by a responsible person to ensure that they can use this appliance safely.••This appliance is not to be used by children or persons with reduced physical, sensory ormental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been givensupervision or instruction. Children must be supervised not to play with the appliance.•When operating the unit with the door and windows opened, (the room humidity is always above80%) and with the air deflector facing down or moving automatically for a long period of time,waterwill condense on the air deflector and drip down occasionally. This will wet your furniture.Therefore,do not operate under such condition for a long time.If the amount of heat in the room is above the cooling or heating capability of the unit (for example:more people entering the room, using heating equipments and etc.), the preset room temperaturecannot be achieved.ENGLISHNAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF EACH PARTINDOOR UNIT OUTDOOR UNITAIR FILTERTo prevent dust from coming into the indoor unit. (Refer page 23)Sleep Right/Left Silent F .Wash RAS-DX10HNK RAS-DX13HNK RAS-DX18HNK780792280420215299RAC-DX10HNK/RAC-DX13HNK/RAC-DX18HNK RAS-DX10HNK/RAS-DX13HNK 1050290220RAS-DX18HNK CAUTIONTurn off the circuit breaker or pull outthe power plug if the unit is not beoperated for a long period.INDOOR UNIT INDICATORSLight indicators showing the operating condition.(Refer page 5)FRONT PANEL(Refer page 5)HORIZONTAL DEFLECTOR • VERTICALDEFLECTOR (AIR OUTLET)(Refer page 18)REMOTE CONTROLSend out operation signal to the indoor unit so as tooperate the whole unit.(Refer page 7)Condensed water will drain to outside.C ONNECTION CORDATTACHING AND REMOVING FRONT PANELRECEIVABLE INDICATOR FUNCTIONSOPERATION INDICATORTEMPORARY SWITCHWhen the remote control device is not functioning, use the t emporary s witch mode .(1)When the Temporary Switch is pressed, the unit will operate as per the previous setting. After the power source is turne d off and turn on again, the operation is done in automatic mode.(2)Press the Temporary Switch again will stop the operation of the air conditioner.TEMPORARY SWITCHOPERATION LAMP (Yellow)This lamp lights during operation.FROST WASH LAMP (Green)TEMPORARY SWITCHTIMER LAMP (Orange)This lamp lights when the timer is working.RAS-DX10HNKRAS-DX13HNK RAS-DX18HNKEN G L I S H While gripping both the left and right edges [recessed in the front ] of the front panel, lift up to open the front panel.After completion, slightly lift up the front panel and pull down to close the front panel. Ensure that the 3 sets of left, centre and right clips are fully secured.••AUTO RESTART FUNCTIONPerforms heating operation when the room temperature is below 23°C.Set the temperature to be around 23°C.Performs dehumidifying operation when the room temperature is 23~27°C.The preset temperature will be the room temperature at the start time of air conditioner operation.Performs cooling operation when the room temperature is above 27°C.Set the temperature to be around 27°C.The auto restart feature prompts the air-conditioner to restart in its previous setting right after the power failure. In case of the power failure during the use of timer mode (Sleep Timer or ON/OFF Timer), timer mode is cancelled and the air conditioner stops.Please reset the remote control to restart the unit after the power has been restored.AUTOMATIC OPERATIONHeating Dehumidifying Cooling Air Filter Claw Filter FrameC-caseAir purifying filterAttaching the air purifying filters (Accessories) to the filter frame.•Attach the air purifying filters to the designated position.•The cooling capacity is slightly weakened and the cooling speed becomes slower when the air purifying filters are used.•The air purifying filters are not washable. It is recommended to use vacuum cleaner to clean. It can be used for 1 year. When you want to replace it, please ask your sales agent.HOW TO REPLACE THE BATTERIES IN THE REMOTE CONTROL12Remove the cover as shown in the fi gure and take outthe old batteries.Push and pull to thedirection of arrowInstall the new batteries.The direction of the batteries should match the marksin the case.1.Do not mix the new and old batteries, or use differentkinds of batteries together.2.Take out the batteries when you do not use the remotecontrol for 2 or 3 months.CAUTIONAir purifying filterF-coverRAS-DX10HNKRAS-DX13HNK RAS-DX18HNKEN G L I S H NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF REMOTE CONTROLThis controls the operation function and timer setting of the room air conditioner. The applicable range of control is about 7 meters. lf indoor lighting is controlled electronically, the range of control may be shorter.Precautions for Use•Do not put the remote control under direct sunlight or high temperature.•Do not drop it on the fl o or, and prevent from water.•If you press the MODE selector button during operation, the compressor may stop for about 3 minutes for protection before you can start it again.Signal Transmission(DEHUMIDIFY) (COOL) and cyclically.( Page 8)ECO Button Use this button to set theECO mode.( Page 17)TIMER OFF Button Select the Timer OFF.( Page 12)TIMER ON Button Select the Timer ON .( Page 12)SLEEP TIMER Button Use this button to set the sleep timer. ( Page 19)POWERFUL Button Press this button to start powerful operation.( Page 13)Transmission Sign The transmission sign blinks when a signal has been sent .ON/OFF ButtonPress this button to startoperation.Press it again to stop operation. TEMPERATURE ButtonRoom temperature setting.Value will change quicker whenkeep pressing.FAN SPEED ButtonSelect the fan speed for coolingmode.UP/DOWN (Horizontal) Button Control the angle of the horizontal air deflector. ( Page 18)RIGHT/LEFT (Vertical) ButtonControls the angle of the vertical air deflector.( Page 18)SILENT ButtonUse this button to set the SILENT mode.( Page 20)FROST WASH Button( Page 14)Sleep Right/Left Silent F .Wash MODE selector Button Use this button to select the operating mode. Every time you press this button, themode will change from (AUTO)(HEAT)(FAN)AUTOMATIC OPERATIONThe device will automatically determine the mode of operation, HEAT or COOL depending on the current room temperature. The selected mode of operation will change when the room temperature varies.-8 -HEATING OPERATIONDefrosting will be performed about once an hour when frost forms on the heat exchange of the outdoor unit , it takes about 5-10 minutes of each cycle.During defrosting operation, the operation lamp blinks in cycle of 2 seconds on and 1 second off. The maximum time for defrosting is 20 minutes.(If the piping length used is longer than usual, frost will likely to form.)●Use the unit for heating when the outdoor temperature is under 27°C.When it is too warm (over 27°C), the heating function may not work in order to protect the unit .●In order to keep reliability of the unit , please use this device above –2°C of the outdoor temperature.-9 -EN G L I S HDEHUMIDIFYING OPERATION■Dehumidifying FunctionUse the unit for dehumidifying when the room temperature is over 16°C.When it is under 15°C, the dehumidifying function will not work.● When the room temperature is higher than the temperature setting: The unit will dehumidify the room,reducing the room temperature to the preset level.When the room temperature is lower than the temperature setting: Dehumidifying will be performed at the temperature setting slightly lower than the current room temperature, regardless of the temperature setting.●The preset room temperature may not be reached depending on the number of people present in the roomor other room conditions.Set the desired room temperature with the ROOMTEMPERATURE setting button (the display indicates the setting).The range of 20°C to 26°C is recommended asthe room temperature for dehumidifying.Temperature range can be set between 16°C and32°C.Press the (ON/OFF) button. Dehumidifying operationstarts with a beep. Press the button again to stop operation.■As the settings are stored in the memory of the remote control, youonly have to press the (ON/OFF) button next time.START STOP Press the MODE selector button so that the displayindicates (DEHUMIDIFY).The fan speed is set at LOW.Press (FAN SPEED) button to select SILENT or LOW fanspeed.12Sleep Right/LeftSilent F .Wash Sleep Right/LeftSilentF .WashEN G L I S H COOLING OPERATIONPress the MODE selector button so that the display indicates(COOL).■As the settings are stored in memory in the remote control, you only have to press the (ON/OFF) button next time.123Set the desired FAN SPEED with the (FAN SPEED) button (thedisplay indicates the setting).START STOP ■During AUTO fan, the fan speed automatically changes as below:●When the difference between room temperature and setting tem-perature is large, fan starts to run at HI speed.●After room temperature reaches the preset temperature, fan speedwill be changed to lower speed to obtain optimum room temperaturecondition for natural healthy airflow .(AUTO) (HIGH) (MED)(SILENT) (LOW)Set the desired room temperature with the TEMPERATURE button(the display indicates the setting).The temperature setting and the actual room temperature may varyd epending on conditions.Temperature range can be set between 16°C and 32°C.Press the (ON/OFF) button. Cooling operation starts with abeep. Press the button again to stop operation. The cooling functiondoes not start if the temperature setting is higher than the currentroom temperature (even though the (OPERATION) lamp lights).The cooling function will start as soon as you set the temperaturebelow the current room temperature.Use the unit for cooling when the outdoor temperature is 7 to 43°C.If indoor humidity is very high (over 80%), some dew may form on the air outlet grille of the indoor unit.Sleep Right/LeftSilent F .Wash Sleep Right/Left Silent F .WashFAN OPERATIONUser can use the unit simply as an air circulator.START STOP 12Press the MODE selector button so that the display indicates(FAN).Press the (ON/OFF) button. Fan operation starts with a beep.Press the button again to stop operation.Press the (FAN SPEED) button.(HIGH) (MED) (LOW) (SILENT)Timer ReservationOFF TIME setting•Select the OFF TIME by pressing the Button.•Setting time will change according to the below sequence when you press the button.1 hour intervalTIMER RESERVATIONON Timer and OFF Timer are available.21 ON TIME setting •Select the ON TIME by pressing the Button.•Setting time will change according to the below sequence when you press the button.Timer off1 hour intervalTimer on Operation stop at setting time .Operation will start for settingtemperature at setting time.Sleep Right/LeftSilentF .Wash Right/LeftF .Wash Right/LeftF .WashSTART●The dust and dirt adhering to indoor heat exchanger is the cause of the smell. They are washed away by freezing and thawing of the heat exchanger.●●Indoor Frost Wash function can work when the outdoor temperature is 1℃ to 43℃ and indoor humidity is 30%to 70%. There are two kinds of Indoor Frost Wash operation, auto mode and manual mode.INDOOR FROST WASH OPERATION※ It depends on the conditions of the room.The process of Indoor Frost WashAbout 8 min About 20 min to 90 min.Operation such as cooling operation Freezing and thawing heat exchanger Auto StopRunning Stop The deflectors remain opened duringfan operation, freezing, thawing.●If you want to stop Indoor Frost Wash operation, press the (ON/OFF ) button twice.● lamp on the indoor unit lights up during Indoor Frost Wash operation.Indoor Frost Wash starts Indoor Frost Wash ends●When pressing the button such as cooling during Indoor Frost Wash operation, Indoor Frost Wash operation is discontinued and start the cooling operation after about 3 minutes.●When Indoor Frost Wash is stopped during Indoor Frost Wash operation, the unit automatically restart Indoor Frost Wash operation when the next operation stops.●In order to protect the unit , Indoor Frost Wash function cannot be carried out again for about 60 minutes after Indoor Frost Wash operation is completed." "Fan operation ■ Indoor Frost Wash (Auto mode)Indoor Frost Wash auto start conditions●When the outdoor temperature or indoor humidity are not suitable for Indoor Frost Wash operation, only fan operation is carried out, Indoor Frost Wash operation will be done again after the next operation stops.●Sometimes the heat exchanger may not freeze depending on the conditions of the room.●When the ON timer reaches the set time during Indoor Frost Wash operation, it will stop the Indoor Frost Wash operation and start the operation of setting mode.●If the interval of the Off to On timer is less than 2 hours, Indoor Frost Wash operation may not be completed. In that case, it will restart Indoor Frost Wash operation after the next operation stops.Once the auto mode of Indoor Frost Wash operation interval (42 hours) is reached, stop operating the air conditioner and activate Indoor Frost Wash in Auto or Manual mode.Accumulated operating hours of the air conditioner have exceeded 42 hoursAir conditioner is stopped operating for more than 30 minutes, such as coolingoperation Indoor Frost Wash startIndoor Frost Wash end About 20 min to 90 min.About 30 minutes or more Operation such as cooling operation Operation such ascooling operation Last Indoor Frost Wash Running Stop Running StopAuto StopIndoor Frost Wash Accumulated operating hours of the air conditionerhave exceeded 42 hoursFROST WASH OPERATION-15 -EN G L I SH Precautions for Use● Hissing, fizzy or squeaking noise may generate during Indoor Frost Wash operation.●After turning on the power, please wait a moment if you want to start Indoor Frost Wash.Upon completion of Indoor Frost Wash with manual mode, operation interval (42 hours) of Indoor Frost Wash with auto mode will be re-calculated.● ●Do not open windows or doors during Indoor Frost Wash operation. Water will condense on the air deflector and drips down occasionally. This will wet your furniture.●Do not open or remove the front panel during Indoor Frost Wash operation. It may cause injury or malfunction.●Indoor Frost Wash operation does not wash away all dust and dirt.●If the air conditioner is continuously running, Indoor Frost Wash function is not effective.●During Indoor Frost Wash operation, if power is turned off and then power is restored, Indoor Frost Wash function will not restart.-16 -STARTCANCELIn case the power consumption is already low,AUTO SWING OPERATIONVERTICAL SWING■To start Vertical Auto Swing■To cancel Horizontal Auto Swing●Press (UP/Down (HORIZONTAL)) button. The deflectors willis displayed on the LCD.●Press (Right/L eft (VERTICAL )) button. The defl ectors willstart to swing right and left.is displayed on the LCD.●Press (UP/Down (HORIZONTAL )) button again. The deflectorswill stop at the current position.disappeared from the LCD.●Press (Right/Left (VERTICAL)) button again. The defl ectorswill stop in the current position.disappeared from the LCD.NOTEstart to swing up and down.Sleep Right/LeftF .Wash Silent Sleep Right/Left F .Wash SilentHORIZONTAL SWING■To start Horizontal Auto Swing■To cancel Vertical Auto Swing●●During cooling and dehumidifying operation, do not keep the de fl ectors swinging or in the lower position (in the case of vertical auto swing) for a long time. It may cause dew condensation on the de fl ectors.To avoid accidents, do not adjust deflectors with your hands.EN G L I S H SLEEP TIMER OPERATIONThe timer can be set up to a duration of 7 hours.By pressing (SLEEP) button during AUTO, DEHUMIDIFYING, COOLING or FAN operation, the unit shifts the room temperature and reduces the fan speed. It results in energy saving.■To start SLEEP TIMER operationPress (SLEEP) button during operation.● “”, “”, “ ” and number of hours are displayedon the remote control display.●During SLEEP TIMER operation, fan speed will be ultra●slow.● A beep sound emitted from indoor unit and the TIMER lampon the indoor unit lights up.Pressing (SLEEP) button repeatedly, the number of hourswill change as below:●During SL EEP TIMER operation, air conditioner willcontinue operating for the designated number of hours andthen turn off.■To cancel SLEEP TIMER operation■Press (On/Off) button.●Air conditioner will switch off.Press (SLEEP) button again until “”, “”,“ ” and number of hours disappear from the remotecontrol display.1 1 H2 H3 H 7 HSLEEP TIMER offSleep Sleep Sleep SleepSleep Sleep Right/Left F .Wash SilentSILENT OPERATION●By pressing (SIL ENT) button during DEHUMIDIFYING, COOL ING or FAN operation, the fan speed will change to ultra slow.■To start SILENT operation■To cancel SILENT operation●Press (SILENT) button during operation.“ ” is displayed on the LCD. Fan speed will be ultra slow.●Press (On/Off) button.●Press (SIL ENT) button again or (FAN SPEED)button.Fan speed will return to previous fan speed before SIL ENToperation starts.SILENT operation stops , “ ” disappears from the LCD.1SilentSilentSilentSleep Right/Left F .Wash Silent NOTE●●When POWERFUL operation is selected, SILENT operation is cancelled. Fan speed wil l return to previous fan speed before SILENT operation.After auto restart, SILENT operation is cancelled. Fan speed will return to previous fan speed before SILENT operation." (SLIENT), fan speed will not change even if p ressing ●If the operation is running with fan speed " " " (SLIENT) button.THE IDEAL WAYS OF OPERATIONSuitable Room TemperatureWarningFreezing temperatureis bad for health and awaste of electric power.Install curtain or blindsI t i s p o s s i bl eto reduce heatentering the roomthrough windows.VentilationCautionDo not close the room for a long period of time. Occasionally open the door and windows to allow theentrance offresh air.Effective Usage Of Timer At night, please use the " sleep timer " mode, together with your wake up time in the morning. This will enable you to enjoy a comfortable room temperature. Please use the timer effectively.Do Not Forget T o Clean The Air Filter Dusty air filter will reduce the air volume and the cooling efficiency. To prevent from wasting electric energy, please clean the filter every 2 weeks.TemperaturenPlease Adjust Suitable TemperatureFor Baby And ChildrenPlease pay attention to the room temperatureand air flow direction when operating the unitfor baby, children and old folks who havedifficulty in movement.(The ideal temperaturedifference betweenoutdoor and indooris about f5°C).ENGLISHFOR USER’S INFORMATIONThe Air Conditioner And The Heat Source In The Room CautionIf the amount of heat in the room is above thecooling capability of the air conditioner (for example:more people entering the room, using heatingequipments and etc.), the preset room temperaturecannot be achieved.Not Operating For A Long TimeWhen the indoor unit is not to be used for a longperiod of time, please pull out the power plug. Or theindoor unit still consumes about 1W in the operationcontrol circuit even if it is in “OFF” mode.OFFWhen Lightning OccursWarningTo protect the whole unit during lightning, pleasestop operating the unit and remove the plug from thesocket.Interference From Electrical ProductsCautionTo prevent interference, place at least 1m away.TV Inverter-type fluorescent lamp.To avoid signal interference, please place the indoor unit and its remote control at least 1m away from electrical products.MAINTENANCE OF THE UNITS CAUTIONEnsure that the unit is not in operation and all power supply has been disconnected before cleaning the unit.Dust Filter ScreenDust filter screens are installed to remove the indoor dust particles hence they should be kept clean at all times. They should be cleaned at each machine operation cycle of approximately 100 hours. Excessive dust collected at the dust filter screen will block the air flow, reduce the cooling capability and could produce noise. Therefore the dust filter screen should be cleaned as per instructions given below:Cleaning Instructions(1)Removing the dust filter screen•While holding both edges of the front panel, open up and lift the front panel and push in to park at the secured position.Front panelFront cabinet•Slightly lift up the dust filter screen, release the latch clips [2 places] located at the bottom of the front cabinet and move the dust filter screen downward to remove it from the unit.(2)U se a vacuum cleaner to vacuum clean the dust accumulated at the dust filter screen. If the accumulated dustis too much to be removed by vacuum cleaning, apply mild detergent and flush the dust from the dust filter screen with water. After thorough rinsing, leave the dust filter screen at a cool shaded place to dry.(3)R e-install the dust filter screen to its original position (With “FRONT” marker facing front). Slightly lift up theopened front panel and close it by returning it to its original position.(4)E ach year before using the air conditioner, clean the heat exchanger (evaporator) with a fine soft brush or avacuum cleaner and take care to avoid damaging the evaporator fins.Front panelDust filter screenLatch clipCAUTION•Do not use hot water (40e C or above) to rinse the dust filter screen, otherwise the screen will warp and get distorted. After rinsing, shake the dust filter screen to rid off all remaining water droplets and place it at a cool shaded place to dry. Avoid placing the dust filter screen under direct sunlight, otherwise the screen will warp and get distorted.Do not operate the air conditioner unit without the dust filter screen, otherwise the ingress of dust into the air conditioner unit will cause breakdowns.E N G L I S H。


故障排除: 设备不能启动 1.电源是否接上? 2.保险丝是否烧掉?
制冷能力不足 1.检查机组的冷却水供应是否充足? 2.检查温控器之设定是否正确。 3.检查空气滤网是否堵塞。
保养工作 1.请清洗或更换空气滤网。 2.请使用中性清洁剂清洁机体外盖板。 3.请清洗露水盘及管路。 4.请清洗冷却水管路(此工作建议找有专业经
136 144 155 145 730 670 360
132 141 189 142 730 670
171 191 189 189 830 870
RP-25WSL1 220 186 225 189 860 840 495
RP-30WSL1 266 245 291 225 1030 970 495
拉引。 4. 逆相保护继电器-在于主电源为 415V(额定电压)时,请按照图示,将(A)连接线去除后,再将(B)套子(标
准附件)套在两端子上。(请参照下图) 5. 当安装冷却水塔时,需按照图 7 指示之端子之间提供连锁回路。
1 2 R S T Mp (L 1 (L 2 (L 3 (N) )))
吸入风管时的状态。若须安装吸入风管时,“D”尺寸须变为 1500mm。
3. 尺寸 C 是指 RP-25WSL1、RP-30WSL1、RP-40WSL 的滤网,
“B”尺寸须变为 1000mm。
图 2 最大倾斜角度
主电源 电源开关
图 7 现地配线 备注: 1. 只有在三相四线的电源下才配线到 MP 端子。 2. CMT:冷却水塔用电磁接触器之辅助触点。

日立 冷暖多联式热泵式空调 安装及保养说明书 室内机

日立 冷暖多联式热泵式空调 安装及保养说明书   室内机


提 示感谢您购买热泵空调。



多联式热泵空调MULTI-SPLIT AIR-CONDITIONER型号:22-71型号:80-160P00945Q尊敬的用户:您好!感谢您选择和使用本公司产品。













●●● ●●●●在标明各种危害严重程度时会使用标志性词语(危险、警告和注意)。



温 度(℃)不要让机器的出风口直接面对动植物,这样对动植物有不利的影响。






●*23WB 15WB -5DB*15DB 43DB* 27DB 15WB*室内室外室内室外制冷运行制热运行最高最 低*这个温度值可能随不同的室外机而改变。


1 日立水冷螺杆机组历史 2 水冷螺杆机组性能特点 3 水冷螺杆机组部分项目实例
1943年 1959年 1966年 1972年
1982年 1998年
可以根据客 户的需求, 提供更多的 解决方案和 成套的系统 设备。
➢ 日立机组无备品备件、易损易耗品,原因如下: 在生产制造阶段,日立通过先进生产工艺,确保机组 内部不含水分,因此不需要干燥过滤器,同时由于机 组长期处于正压,空气、水也不会进入机组内部,不 会污染冷冻机油。
相比其它机组,日立水冷螺杆机组年运行维修节省费 用如下:
离心式油分没有油过滤网产生的阻力,降低压缩机的能耗。油分离效果好; 滤网式油分离时阻力增大,压缩机克服过滤时阻力增加耗能,机组效率下降。



















(基本项目)设备名称:分体式空调设备编号:SIU-1 / SOU-1概述规格要求分包商提供所需到货时间(星期)制造商请参阅供货商名单青岛海信日立空调系统有限公司产地请参阅供货商名单青岛型号要求提供RAS-50HNQ/ RPIZ-50HNQ室外机安装位置T1 (RF)消防电梯机房外T1 (RF)消防电梯机房外室内机安装位置T1 (RF)消防电梯机房T1 (RF)消防电梯机房服务区域T1 (RF)消防电梯机房T1 (RF)消防电梯机房冷媒R410或其他环保冷媒R410室外机类型分体机室外机分体机室外机室内机类型天花外挂风管式天花板内置薄型风管机功能制冷制冷制冷量(kW) 4.7 5制冷能效比≥2.6 3.1进风温度(干球/湿球)(℃) 24/1824/18夏季室外气温(℃) 3535风量(立方米/小时) 要求提供660-780-900风扇总压(Pa) 要求提供10骨架尺寸(长x阔x高)(毫米) 要求提供447x1170x192空气过滤器可清洗式可清洗式电源220/1/50220/1/50室外机输入功率(Kw) 2.0 1.61室内机马达功率(Kw) 0.10.1室外机距离1 米的声压力压水<6056室内机距离1 米的声压力压水<4129-32-35减震方式要求提供橡胶减震备注:1. 数量按图纸为准2. 制冷量数据为已考虑冷媒管长度及室内温湿度系数的净制冷量分体式空调设备名称:分体式空调设备编号:SIU-2/ SOU-2概述规格要求分包商提供所需到货时间(星期)制造商请参阅供货商名单青岛海信日立空调系统有限公司产地请参阅供货商名单青岛型号要求提供RAS-125HYNQ/RPI-125HNQ室外机安装位置详见平面图详见平面图室内机安装位置T1各电梯机房,详见平面图T1各电梯机房, 详见平面图服务区域T1各电梯机房T1各电梯机房冷媒R410或其他环保冷媒R410室外机类型分体机室外机分体机室外机室内机类型天花外挂风管式天花板内置风管机低静压功能制冷制冷制冷量(Kw) 14.012.5制冷能效比≥2.6 2.72进风温度(干球/湿球)(℃) 24/1824/18夏季室外气温(℃) 3535风量(立方米/小时) 要求提供1860-2040-2280 风扇总压(Pa) 要求提供20-50骨架尺寸(长x阔x高)(毫米) 要求提供690x1380x270 空气过滤器可清洗式可清洗式电源220/1/50220/1/50室外机输入功率(Kw) 5.5 4.6室内机马达功率(kW) 0.430.4室外机距离1 米的声压力压水<6061室内机距离1 米的声压力压水<4137-41-45减震方式要求提供橡胶减震备注:1. 数量按图纸为准2. 制冷量数据为已考虑冷媒管长度及室内温湿度系数的净制冷量设备名称:分体式空调设备编号:SIU-1 / SOU-1概述规格要求分包商提供所需到货时间(星期)制造商请参阅供货商名单青岛海信日立空调系统有限公司产地请参阅供货商名单青岛型号要求提供RAS-50HNQ/RPIZ-50HNQ 室外机安装位置T2 (RF)消防电梯机房外T2 (RF)消防电梯机房外室内机安装位置T2 (RF)消防电梯机房T2 (RF)消防电梯机房服务区域T2 (RF)消防电梯机房T2 (RF)消防电梯机房冷媒R410或其他环保冷媒R410室外机类型分体机室外机分体机室外机室内机类型天花外挂风管式天花板内置薄型风管式功能制冷制冷制冷量(kW) 4.7 5制冷能效比≥2.6 3.1进风温度(干球/湿球)(℃) 24/1824/18夏季室外气温(℃) 3535风量(立方米/小时) 要求提供660-780-900 风扇总压(Pa) 要求提供10骨架尺寸(长x阔x高)(毫米) 要求提供447x1170x192 空气过滤器可清洗式可清洗式电源220/1/50220/1/50室外机输入功率(kW) 2.0 1.61室内机马达功率(kW) 0.10.1室外机距离1 米的声压力压水<6056室内机距离1 米的声压力压水<4129-32-35减震方式要求提供橡胶减震备注:1. 数量按图纸为准2. 制冷量数据为已考虑冷媒管长度及室内温湿度系数的净制冷量分体式空调设备名称:分体式空调设备编号:SIU-2 / SOU-2概述规格要求分包商提供所需到货时间(星期)制造商请参阅供货商名单青岛海信日立空调系统有限公司产地请参阅供货商名单青岛型号要求提供RAS-125HYNQ/RPI-125HNQ 室外机安装位置详见平面图详见平面图室内机安装位置T2各电梯机房,详见平面图T2各电梯机房, 详见平面图服务区域T2各电梯机房T2各电梯机房冷媒R410或其他环保冷媒R410室外机类型分体机室外机分体机室外机室内机类型天花外挂风管式天花板内置风管机低静压功能制冷制冷制冷量(kW) 14.012.5制冷能效比≥2.6 2.72进风温度(干球/湿球)(℃) 24/1824/18夏季室外气温(℃) 3535风量(立方米/小时) 要求提供1860-2040-2280 风扇总压(Pa) 要求提供20-50骨架尺寸(长x阔x高)(毫米) 要求提供690x1380x270 空气过滤器可清洗式可清洗式电源220/1/50220/1/50室外机输入功率(kW) 5.5 4.6室内机马达功率(kW) 0.430.4室外机距离1 米的声压力压水<6061室内机距离1 米的声压力压水<4137-41-45减震方式要求提供橡胶减震备注:1. 数量按图纸为准2. 制冷量数据为已考虑冷媒管长度及室内温湿度系数的净制冷量设备名称:多联空调室内机设备编号:VIU(D)-4概述规格要求分包商提供所需到货时间(星期)制造商请参阅供货商名单青岛海信日立空调系统有限公司产地请参阅供货商名单青岛型号要求提供RPI-45FSNQL类型天花板内藏风管式天花板内置风管式安装位置B5至B3停车场三号大楼电梯厅B5至B3停车场三号大楼电梯厅服务区域B5至B3停车场三号大楼电梯厅B5至B3停车场三号大楼电梯厅冷媒R410A或其他环保冷媒R410A功能冷暖冷暖制冷量(kW) 4.5 4.5制热量(kW) 5.0 5夏季进风温度(干球/湿球)(℃) 24/1824/18夏季室外气温(℃) 3535冬季进风温度(℃) 2020风量(立方米/小时) 要求提供540-660-780 风扇总压(Pa) 要求提供30骨架尺寸(长x阔x高)(毫米) 要求提供720x650x270 空气过滤器可清洗式可清洗式电源220/1/50220/1/50 风机功率(kW) 0.0650.04距离1 米的声压力压水平≤4127-29-31 减震方式要求提供橡胶减震备注多联空调室内机设备名称:多联空调室内机设备编号:VIU(C)-6概述规格要求分包商提供所需到货时间(星期)制造商请参阅供货商名单青岛海信日立空调系统有限公司产地请参阅供货商名单青岛型号要求提供RCI-71FSNQ类型天花板卡式嵌入型四面出风嵌入式安装位置B5至B4停车场四号大楼(住宅)电梯厅B5至B4停车场四号大楼(住宅)电梯厅服务区域B5至B4停车场四号大楼(住宅)电梯厅B5至B4停车场四号大楼(住宅)电梯厅冷媒R410A或其他环保冷媒R410A功能冷暖冷暖制冷量(kW) 7.17.1制热量(kW) 8.08.5夏季进风温度(干球/湿球)(℃) 24/1824/18夏季室外气温(℃) 3535冬季进风温度(℃) 2020风量(立方米/小时) 要求提供720-840-960 风扇总压(Pa) 要求提供—骨架尺寸(长x阔x高)(毫米) 要求提供840x840x248 空气过滤器可清洗式可清洗式电源220/1/50220/1/50 风机功率(kW) 0.090.056距离1 米的声压力压水平≤4128-30-32 减震方式要求提供橡胶减震备注(选择项目2)设备名称:多联空调室外机设备编号:VOU-7概述规格要求分包商提供所需到货时间(星期)制造商请参阅供货商名单青岛海信日立空调系统有限公司产地请参阅供货商名单青岛型号要求提供RAS-560FSN1Q类型多联机室外机日立直流变频多联机室外机安装位置B4停车场三号大楼电梯厅B4停车场三号大楼电梯厅服务区域B5至B3停车场三号大楼电梯厅B5至B3停车场三号大楼电梯厅冷媒R410A或其他环保冷媒R410A室外机多联机室外机日立直流变频多联机室外机功能冷暖冷暖制冷量(kW) 55.956制热量(kW) 62.563制冷效能比≥3.2 3.51夏季进风温度(干球/湿球)(℃) 24/1824/18夏季室外气温(℃) 3535冬季进风温度(℃) 2020风量(立方米/小时) 要求提供20640风扇总压(Pa) 要求提供80骨架尺寸(长x阔x高)(毫米) 要求提供750x1910x1745 空气过滤器可清洗式可清洗式电源380/3/50380/3/50输入功率(kW) 17.4715.93距离1 米的声压力压水平<60减震方式弹簧减震弹簧减震备注多联空调室外机设备名称:多联空调室外机设备编号:VOU-8概述规格要求分包商提供所需到货时间(星期)制造商请参阅供货商名单青岛海信日立空调系统有限公司产地请参阅供货商名单青岛型号要求提供RAS-690FSN1Q类型多联机室外机日立直流变频多联机室外机安装位置B4停车场四号大楼(住宅)电梯厅B4停车场四号大楼(住宅)电梯厅服务区域B4至B3停车场四号大楼(住宅)电梯厅B4至B3停车场四号大楼(住宅)电梯厅冷媒R410A或其他环保冷媒R410A室外机多联机室外机日立直流变频多联机室外机功能冷暖冷暖制冷量(kW) 67.469制热量(kW) 75.077.5制冷效能比≥3.2 3.32夏季进风温度(干球/湿球)(℃) 24/1824/18夏季室外气温(℃) 3535冬季进风温度(℃) 2020风量(立方米/小时) 要求提供22920风扇总压(Pa) 要求提供80骨架尺寸(长x阔x高)(毫米) 要求提供750x2430x1745 空气过滤器可清洗式可清洗式电源380/3/50380/3/50输入功率(kW) 28.420.78距离1 米的声压力压水平<6056-60减震方式弹簧减震弹簧减震备注分体式空调设备名称:分体式空调设备编号:SIU-1 / SOU-1概述规格要求分包商提供所需到货时间(星期)制造商请参阅供货商名单青岛海信日立空调系统有限公司产地请参阅供货商名单青岛型号要求提供RAS-50HNQ/RPIZ-50HNQ 室外机安装位置T3 各电梯机房T3 各电梯机房室内机安装位置T3 各电梯机房T3 各电梯机房服务区域T3 屋顶T3 屋顶冷媒R410或其他环保冷媒R410室外机类型分体机室外机分体机室外机室内机类型天花外挂风管式天花板内置薄型风管式功能制冷制冷制冷量(kW) 4.7 5制冷能效比≥2.6 3.1进风温度(干球/湿球)(℃) 24/1824/18夏季室外气温(℃) 3535风量(立方米/小时) 要求提供660-780-900风扇总压(Pa) 要求提供10骨架尺寸(长x阔x高)(毫米) 要求提供447x1170x192空气过滤器可清洗式可清洗式电源220/1/50220/1/50室外机输入功率(kW) 1.93 1.61室内机马达功率(kW) 0.20.1室外机距离1 米的声压力压水<6056室内机距离1 米的声压力压水<4129-32-35减震方式要求提供橡胶减震备注:1. 数量按图纸为准2. 制冷量数据为已考虑冷媒管长度及室内温湿度系数的净制冷量设备名称:分体式空调设备编号:SIU-1 / SOU-1概述规格要求分包商提供所需到货时间(星期)制造商请参阅供货商名单青岛海信日立空调系统有限公司产地请参阅供货商名单青岛型号要求提供RAS-50HNQ/RPIZ-50HNQ室外机安装位置三号大楼RF电梯机房,详见平面图三号大楼RF电梯机房,详见平面图室内机安装位置三号大楼RF电梯机房,详见平面图三号大楼RF电梯机房,详见平面图服务区域三号大楼RF电梯机房三号大楼RF电梯机房冷媒R410或其他环保冷媒R410室外机类型分体机室外机分体机室外机室内机类型天花外挂风管式天花板内置薄型风管式功能制冷制冷制冷量(kW) 5.0 5制冷能效比≥3.2 3.1进风温度(干球/湿球)(℃) 24/1824/18夏季室外气温(℃) 3535风量(立方米/小时) 要求提供660-780-900 风扇总压(Pa) 要求提供10骨架尺寸(长x阔x高)(毫米) 要求提供447x1170x192 空气过滤器可清洗式可清洗式电源220/1/50220/1/50室外机输入功率(kW) 2.0 1.61室内机马达功率(kW) 0.040.1室外机距离 1 米的声压力压水<6056室内机距离 1 米的声压力压水<4129-32-35减震方式要求提供橡胶减震备注:When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true, But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,And loved the sorrows of your changing face; And bending down beside the glowing bars, Murmur, a little sadly, how love fledAnd paced upon the mountains overheadAnd hid his face amid a crowd of stars.The furthest distance in the worldIs not between life and deathBut when I stand in front of youYet you don't know thatI love you.The furthest distance in the worldIs not when I stand in front of youYet you can't see my loveBut when undoubtedly knowing the love from both Yet cannot be together.The furthest distance in the worldIs not being apart while being in loveBut when I plainly cannot resist the yearningYet pretending you have never been in my heart. The furthest distance in the worldIs not struggling against the tidesBut using one's indifferent heartTo dig an uncrossable riverFor the one who loves you.。




日立空调显示01 室内机保护装置跳脱接水盘水位高,浮子开关动作日立空调显示02 室外机保护装置跳脱制冷剂管路堵塞,制冷剂过多、不凝缩气体混入;相序故障日立空调显示03 通讯问题室内机和室外机之间通讯异常操作回路的插线商子松脱、断线、接线故障室外机和室外机之间通讯异常室外机电源OFF、保险丝熔断日立空调显示04 室外机基板和压机驱动板通讯异常通讯故障、断线、接线故障日立空调显示05 电源相序电源相序异常相序故障、缺相日立空调显示06 电压波动变频电压异常电源电压波动,接线故障或供电线路容量不足日立空调显示07 制冷循环排气过热度减小制冷剂过多、电子膨胀阀锁定全开状态日立空调显示08 排气过热度过高(主机顶部) 制冷剂不足、泄漏、堵塞或电子膨胀阀锁定在关闭状态日立空调显示09 室外风扇电机保护装置跳脱风扇电机故障日立空调显示1日立空调显示1 室内机传感器回风温度传感器温度传感器故障,传感器连接不良日立空调显示12 出风温度传感器日立空调显示13 液管温度传感器日立空调显示14 气管温度传感器日立空调显示15线控器温度传感器异常日立空调显示16线控器开关内置温度传感器异常日立空调显示17 室外机传感器高压压力传感器传感器故障,传感器连接不良日立商用中央空调故障代码日立多联机通用空调故障代码代码种类非常情况主要原因日立空调显示0日立空调显示1 室内机保护装置跳风扇电机,排水,PBC,继电器有问题日立空调显示02 室外机保护装置跳主机,制冷剂过量,反相日立空调显示03 通讯系统内外机间或室内间通讯不正常电线接错,PCB问题,保险丝日立空调显示04 变频器室外机变频器问题PCB向变频器的通讯有问题日立空调显示05 通讯系统电源线不正常相接反日立空调显示06 电压波动室外机,室内机电压过低或过高电压波动,接错线,保险断日立空调显示07 制冷系统排气端过热度过小制冷剂过量,传感器或接线问题日立空调显示08 排气端过热度过高制冷剂不足,传感器或接线问题日立空调显示09 室外机保护跳风扇电机问题,接线故障日立空调显示1日立空调显示1 室内机传感器回风温度传感器温度传感器连接问题日立空调显示12 送风温度传感器日立空调显示13 防冻保护传告器日立空调显示14 气管温度传感器日立空调显示19 保护跳风扇电机问题,接线故障2日立空调显示1 室外机传感器高压传感器温度传感器及连接问题22 室外机环境温度传感器23 排气温度传感器24 蒸发温度传感器29 低压温度传感器3日立空调显示1 系统室内机,室外机设定不正确容量代码设定不正缺32 室内机通讯不正常电源线,接有其它系统的室内机35 室内机号设定不正确出现相同的室内机代码38 室外机保护回路不正常到室外机PCB的连线故障39 主机电流不正常接线故障43 压力压缩比过小,保护动作主机,变频器,电源问题44 低压过高,保护动作室内机制冷过负荷,室外机风温过高4546 低压过低,保护动作膨胀阀问题高压过高,保护动作过负荷,制冷剂过量47 高压过低,保护动作制冷剂不足5日立空调显示1 变频器变频器的热感应保护的电流不正常主机,PCB,IPM问题52 过电流保护动作过载,过电流,主机堵转53 IPM保护动作变频器或PCB过热59 AC斩波器AC斩波器保护动作电源问题,FET,CT问题EE 主机主机保护动作主机问题聚信口碑网致力于为用户提供便捷无忧家电维修报修方式,为广大的家电维修维修师傅提供零成本无压力接单途径。





















OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSRYOBISHIRoom Air ConditionerRB-07MC RB-07CC , RB-09MC RB-09CC ,RB-12MC RB-12CC ,RB-18MC RB-18CC ,RB-24MC RB-24CC,Thank you for choosing RYOBISHI air conditioner. Our design is based on the best efficiency and the lowest noise operation and it can keep the room comfortable. Please read this operating manual carefully before operating the unit and keep it for consultation.CONTENTSFunctionOperating condition Power requirement InstallationNotes for installation Part identification 8Air direction adjustment 8Main switch operation procedure 9Main control panel Operation tips 1516Caution17Care and maintenance 18Trouble shooting guide 19Remote control operation procedure 10Operation procedureStructure mechanism and InstallationCare and maintenance33472Precautions 1After service20This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible fortheir safety.Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.Please read this operating manual carefully before operating the unit.The appliance shall be installed in accordance with national wiring regulationsor similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent NOTICE:Explanation of SymbolsIndicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, willresult in death or serious injury.Indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, couldresult in death or serious injury.Indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, mayresult in minor or moderate injury.Indicates important but not hazard-related information,used to indicate risk of property damage.Indicates a hazard that would be assigned a signal wordWARNING or CAUTION.PrecautionsWarningWorking temperature range※ Operating Temperature RangeIndoor side DB/WB(°C)Maximum cooling 32/2343/-Maximum heating27/-24/18Outdoor side DB/WB(°C)The operating temperature range (outdoor temperature) for cooling only unit is electric shock.Please contact dealer when you need to repair air conditioner.injury or damage.sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction.● Do disconnect power supply when clea ning air conditioner. Otherwise, it may cause ● Do not repair air conditioner by yourself . It may cause electric shock or damage.● Maintenance must be performed by qualified professionals.Othe rwise, it may cause ● The appliance is not to be used by persons (including childre n) with reduced physical,● Children being supervised not to play w ith the appliance.Please install the devices for short-circuit protection and electrical leakage protection According to the local safety regulations, u se qualified power supply circuit and circuit when installing the air conditioner.break.Children shall not play with the appliance.Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision.The air conditioner should be installed in accordance with national wiring regulation.Air Conditioner should be properly grounded. Incorrect grounding may cause electric shock.hazard.broken.injury or damage.personal injury.● Do not connect air conditioner to multi-purpose socket.Otherw ● This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons ise, it may cause fire ● Do install the air switch. If not, it may cause malfunction.● Do not spill water on the remote controller’otherwise the rem ote controller may be ● Do not spray water on air conditioner. It may cause electric shock or malfunction.● Do not extend fingers or objects into air inlet or air outlet . It may cause personal ● Do not step on air conditioner, or put heavy objects. It may cause damage or ● Do not block air outlet or air inlet. It maycause malfunction .with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved.Function Cooling in summerIn hot summer, Air conditioner can cool down theroom air by transferring heat out.Without reducing the room temp., air conditionercan dehumidify and make the room air dry andcomfortable. Dehumidifying in rainy orhumid seasonExchange fresh airOpen storm door to keep the fresh air in the room.DryFresh AirHeating in winterIn cold winter, Air conditioner can heat up room air. (Only for heat unit)Operating ConditionPlease operate air conditioner in the correct conditions as following.Power requirementCOOL mode operationDRY mode operationOutdoor temperature should be in range of 18to 43,otherwise it is possible for air conditioner to breakdown.Outdoor temperature should be in range of 18to 43, otherwise it is possible for air conditionerto breakdown.Room humidity should be lower than 90%.Otherwise, it is possible for air conditioner to dew at air conditioner surface and even drop water af-ter running for so much time. But this is normal.Water pipeThe electric components will be damaged when the voltage is too high.If the voltage is too low, the compressor will vibrate violently to dam-age the refrigerant system and easily cause the compressor and elec-tric components not work.The ground must be connected.Special socket must be used. Furthermore, the socket and wiring must conform to the wiring regulations. And the earthing method must be reliable.In fixed circuit, there must be electricity leakage protection switch of enough power capacity and air switch with enough space.Earth wire To ensure the reliable earthing, please do not connect earth wire to the following places:Installation Location:The condensation water must be drained away conveniently.Install air conditioner unit far away from TV set or radio etc. to avoid disturbing video or voice.In salt and coastal area or place where is near thermal springs contact the seller before use.Avoid a place where is possible for inflammable gas to leak out.Avoid other heat sources or direct sun light. Avoid a place where is easy for children to touch. For window type air conditioner with remote control, install in a location where is strong elec-How to install:Choose a location where there are no any obstacle surrounding the unit, and the plug is accessible.Prepare the installation hole slightly bigger than unit size.Choose the installation space according to the following diagram.Don't use the unit in the immediate surrondings of a laundry,Horizontal linePut the unit into the installation hole.When installing the unit, it should be slanted(The installation place should be strong enoughUse iron supportat right figure.)Use sunshade boardDrain pan and drain hose must be installed before using reverse cycle models.Drain hose or tubing can be purchased locally to satisfy your particular needs.To get the maximum cooling efficiency, the air conditioner is designed to splash the condensate on the condenser coil.If the splashing sound annoys you, you can provide an outside drain by using the following procedure, which may however cause a small loss of performance.1. There is a drainage outlet at the back of the unit.2. Remove cover from the drainage outlet, and then connect drainage joint to it with screw.3. Connect the drain hose to the outlet.Note:Drain hose or tubing can be purchased locally to satisfy your particular needs.Drainage outletWasherDrainage jointInstallCoverRemoveNotes for installationNoiseInstall in a location where is firm enough to avoid the enlargement of noiseand vibration.Don’t put anything in front of the outlet of outdoor unit to avoid increasingnoise.Be sure that hot air or noise will not inconvenience neighbors.Please contact the seller as soon as there is strange noise during operation.Please use the safety support.Electric wiringMust connect with ground reliably.The exclusive circuit must be used. But removable socket can’t be used because poor contact of it can cause over heat or fire.Don’t pull the power cord strongly.In fixed circuit, there must be electricity leakage protection switch and leakage current is less than 30mA.Connecting method between air conditioners and power cord and interconnecting method of each individual element with one another should accord with wiring diagram on the unit.The air conditioner should be installed in accordance with national wiring regulation.An all-pole disconnection switch having a contact separation of at least 3mm in all poles should be connected in fixed wiringAir switch (thermal-magnetic breaker) should be installed in the circuitIf the supply cord is damaged,or a qualified person to avoid a hazard.All The dectrical work must be done according to the local wiring regulations.Vertical airflow direction vane(Airfl o w direction adjustment up and down).The vertical airflow direction vane is controlled by positioning the vane to discharge the air upwards, downwards or straight out.Air direction adjustmentPart identificationPanel outlook picture, just for reference, please take the real until as standard.Front grilleAir inlet louverCabinetAir filter(behind the front intake grille)Front intake grillemain control panelPanel outlook picture, just for reference, please take the real until as standard.Air filter(behind the front intake grille)Front intake grilleControl panel coverFront grilleAir inlet louverCabinetMain switch operation procedure1.Main Control KnobSet to Low Cool, Med Cool or High Cool as desired(FAN setting operates the fan only.)CAUTION: If the main control knob is turned off of changed to a fan setting from a cooling operation setting.WAIT at least 3 minutes before resetting to cooling operation.2.Thermostat control KnobSet the thermostat control knob to your desired setting (Usually 6-7 is recommended), If the room temperature is not as desired after a reasonable period, turn the thermostat. When the thermostat control know is set to 10moisture may freeze onto evaporator fins and the thermostat control knob counter clockwise. This will quickly defrost the evaporator fins so that normal cooling can be resumed.Buttons on remote controllerIntroduction for icons on display screen21345671352467ON/OFF buttonMODE button +/- button FAN button SWING button SLEEP buttonTIMER buttonSending signalswing operation sleep operation lockset speedSet timeSet temperatureheat operationfan operation dry operation cool operation Remote control operation procedureNote:● When power is connected (stand by condition), you can operate the air conditioner through the remote controller.● When unit is on, each time you press the button on remote controller, the sending signal icon " " on the display of remote controller will blink once. If the air con- ditioner gives out a beep sound, it means the signal has been sent.● When unit is o ff, set temperature will be displayed on the remote controller (If the light of indoor unit display is turned on, the corresponding icon will be displayed); When unit is on, it will display the icon of the on-going function.Press this button to turn unit on/off.ON/OFF button 1Pressing this button once can select your required mode circularly as below (the corresponding icon " " will be lit up after the mode is selected):● When selecting auto mode, air conditioner will operate automatically according to ambient temperature. Set temperature can't be adjusted and won't be displayed either. Press FAN button to adjust fan speed.● When selecting cool mode, air conditioner will operate under cool mode. Then press + or - button to adjust set temperature. Press FAN button to adjust fan speed.● When selecting dry mode, air conditioner will operate at low fan speed under dry mode. In dry mode, fan speed can't be adjusted.● When selecting fan mode, air conditioner will operate in fan mode only. Then press FAN button to adjust fan speed.● When selecting heat mode, air conditioner will operate under heat mode. Then press + or - button to adjust set temperature. Press FAN button to adjust fan speed. (Cooling only unit can’t receive heating mode signal. If set HEAT mode by remote controller, press ON/OFF button can’t turn on the air conditioner.)MODE button2● Pressing + or - button once will increase or decrease set temperature by 1°F(°C). Hold + or - button for 2s, set temperature on remote controller will change quickly. Release the button after your required set temperature is reached.● When setting Timer On or Timer Off, press + or - button to adjust the time. (See + / - button3● This is a general use remote controller, it could be used for the air conditioners with multifunction; For some function, which the model doesn't have, if press the corresponding button on the remote controller that the unit will keep the original running status.Introduction for buttons on remote controllerPress this button to turn on left & right air swing.SWING button5Under Cool, Heat mode, press this button to turn on Sleep function. Press this button to cancel Sleep function. Under Fan, Dry and Auto mode, this function is unavailable.(Cooling only unit can’t receive heating mode signal. If set HEAT mode by remote controller, press ON/OFF button can’t turn on the air conditioner.)SLEEP button6TIMER button7Note:● Under Auto speed, air conditioner will select proper fan speed automatically acc- ording to ambient temperature.● Fan speed can't be adjusted under Dry mode.FAN button4Speed 4 is the same with speed 3.).SPEED 1 (equals to low fan speed)SPEED 3 (equals to high fan speed)SPEED 4 (equals to high fan speed)SPEED 2 (equals to mid fan speed)● When unit is on, press this button to set Timer Off. T-OFF an d H icon will be blinking. Within 5s, press + or - button to adjust the time for Timer Off. Pressing + or - button once will increase or decrease the time by 0.5h. Hold + or - button for 2s, time will change quickly. Release the button after your required set time is reached. Then press TIMER button to confirm it. T-OFF and H icon will stop blinking.● When unit is off, press this button to set Timer On. T-ON and H icon will be blinking. Within 5s, press + or - button to adjust the time for Timer On. Pressing + or - button once will increase or decrease the time by 0.5h. Hold + or - button for 2s, time will change quickly. Release the button after your required set time is reached. Then press TIMER button to confirm it. T-ON and H icon will stop blinking.● Cancel Timer On/Off: If Timer function i s set up, press TIMER button once toNote:● Range of time setting is: 0.5~24h● The interval between two motions can't exceed 5s, otherwise the remote con- troller will exit setting status.Function introduction for combination buttons ArrayPress “+” and “-” buttons simultaneously can turn on or turn off child lock function.When child lock function is started up, LOCK indicator on remote controller is ON.If you operate the remote controller, remote controller won’t send signal.Under OFF status, press “-” button and “MODE” button simultaneously can switch between °C and °F.Operation guide1. After putting through the power, press "ON/OFF" button on remote controller to turn on the air conditioner.2. Press "MODE" button to select your required mode: AUT O, COOL, DR Y, FAN, HE AT.3. Press "+" or "-" button to set your required temperature. (T emperature can’t be adjusted under auto mode).4. Press "FAN" button to set your required fan speed: auto, low, medium and high speed.1. Press the mark “ ” on back cover of batteries box cover for remote controller with fingers as shown in the fig, and then remove the batteries box cover along the arrow direction.2. Replace with two #7 (AAA 1.5V) dry batteries. Make sure positions for “+” pole and “-” pole are correct.3. Reinstall batteries box cover.● The distance between signal sender and receiving window should be no more than 8m, and there should be no obstacles between them.●conditioner when using the remote controller.● Replace new batteries of the same model when replacement is required.● When you don’t use remote controller for a long time, please take out the batteries.NOTICEReplacement of batteries in remote controllerIf wireless remote controller is lost, open the surface panel and operate manually.Note:-"OPEN" position,the ventilation dooropens to allow air,smoke or odors tobe expelled from the room.-"CLOSE" position,the ventilation dooris closed and the air will be circulatedinside the room and conditioned.VENTILATION LEVERVentilation LeverWhen the slider at the:When the slider at the:Main control panelBUTTONwhen pressing this buttonagain.FAN SPEED BUTTONSelect the fan speed HIGH, MID, LOW and AUTO in sequence.Press the keypad also to increase the selected timein 1 hour increments,and Press the keypad todecrease the selected time in 1 hour decrements,Thetime seting range is from 0.5~24 hours.TEMP/TIMER BUTTONPress the keypad to increase the set(operating)temperature of the unit.and Press the keypad todecrease the set (operating) temperature of the unit.The temperature seting range is from 16~30℃MODE BUTTONSelect the operation mode, AUTO, HEAT, COOL, FAN,DRY (for reverse cycle model) or AUTO,COOL,FAN, DRY(for cooling only model).SIGNAL RECEIVERSWING BUTTONActivate the automatic air swing function.FILTER BUTTONThis feature is a reminder to clean the Air Filter (SeeCare and Cleaning) for more efficient operation andcooling. The LED (light) will illuminate after 250 hours"Check Filter" button and the light will go off.of operation. To reset after cleaning the filter, press theOperation TipsOperation for comfort and economyrection of air-in.Make sure that the doors and win-dows are tightly closed. Avoid open-ing doors and windows as much as possible to keep air conditioning in the room.Clean the air filter regularly.Blockages in the air filter re-duce dehumidifying effects.Clean the air filter at least onceevery two weeks.Ventilate the room occasionally.Since windows are kept closed, itis a good idea to open them andventilate the room now and then.When starting the unit, curtains orwindows should be closed to pre-vent the heat/cool leakage.CautionDo not use the air conditioner for other purposes except for cooling the room.Do not use the air conditioner for other purposes such as Do not block the air intake and outlet ventsmance and irregular operation.Do not insert sticks or other objects into these vents as it is Do not pull out the power cord.Damage to the cord may result in serious electric shocks.splastic parts will melt if exposed toDo not use heating apparatuses in vicinity.The air conditioner Operations for safety and health1) The plug must be accessible after the appliance is positioned.2) Do not use this appliance in the laundry.3) If the power cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacture or its service agent in void of hazard.Care and maintenanceAlways turn off the air conditioner and main power supply before cleaning to ensure safety. Cleaning unitdirty, dip cloth into warmwater below 40drythe cloth and then rub offTrouble shooting guidePlease check the following items before asking for repair,it saves your time and money.After serviceIf your air conditioner has the questions of quality or anything else, please contact the service center.。





1. 型号分类及特点1.1 型号概述日立风机盘管系列涵盖了多种型号,包括但不限于中央空调用盘管、分体空调用盘管等。


1.2 不同型号的适用场景不同型号的日立风机盘管适用于不同的场景,例如高层写字楼、商场、酒店等。


2. 主要性能参数说明2.1 制冷性能参数日立风机盘管的制冷性能参数包括制冷量、制冷效能系数等。


2.2 供暖性能参数供暖性能是在寒冷季节中尤为重要的参数。


2.3 风机性能参数风机性能直接关系到空气流通效果,影响整个空调系统的工作。


3. 使用注意事项3.1 安装要求不同型号的日立风机盘管在安装时可能有一些特殊的要求,如安装空间、支撑结构等。


3.2 维护保养定期的维护保养对于延长日立风机盘管的使用寿命至关重要。


3.3 常见故障及排除方法在使用过程中,可能会遇到一些常见的故障。


总结1. 选择合适型号是关键用户在选择日立风机盘管时,要充分了解各个型号的特点,并根据具体需求进行合理选择,以保证系统运行的高效稳定。



Hitachi RAS-S50YHABliving spaces.lifestyle. Our partnership with temperzone combines innovativeFrostWash TechnologyFROSTWASH1• FrostWash Technology • Eco motion sensor witheco motion detect mode • Nano Titanium Wasabi filter and Nano Titanium pre filter• Eco sleep mode • Powerful mode • Weekly time clock • DC Inverter• 4 Way directional autoswing airflow• Leave home function • Power tracking display • Air purifying filter • Ultra low standby power • Comprehensive 6 year partsand labour warranty for your home or businessKEY FEATURESPremium WirelessController–'S' SERIESFROSTWASHWith FrostWash TechnologyHitachi RAS-S50YHABMotion detect modeThe sensor detects human movement when someone is in the room, during this time the unit will remain at the set temperature. Once the unit does not detect any movement for 20 minutes the set temperature shifts as described below, to save you power.+1˚C -1˚C+2˚C -2˚CCOOLING set temperatureHEATING set temperatureECO STEP 1 heating reduces by-1˚C cooling increases by+1˚CIf motion is not detected for 20 minutes the set temperature shiftsIf further motion is not detected for 40 minutes the set temperature shifts by another degreeECO STEP 2heating reduces by-2˚C cooling increases by+2˚CDuring occupation the room stays at the set temperatureWhen a person enters the room the unit returns to the set temperature.SLEEP MODEA function that adapts fan speed and temperature to provide comfort conditioning while you’re sleeping, Sleep Mode also prevents drafts that might disrupt a good night’s sleep.HEATING OPERATION T e m p e r a t u r e s e tCOOLING OPERATIONT e m p e r a t u r e s e tW a l l M o u n t e d S p l i t S y s t e m s03–FrostWash TechnologyWith FrostWash, a revolutionary new cleaning technology, you can depend on cleaner, fresher air all year round.The system cools the heat exchanger down to -15° C forming a thin layer of frost from the moisture within the air. While the frost is being formed, it lifts dust particles, mould and bacteria off the heat exchanger and traps it.FrostWash achieves a 91% reduction * ofbacteria and 87% reduction * of mould in your unit.FROSTWASH DUST PREVENTIONWATER DROPLET PREVENTION LONG LASTING HYGIENIC AIR*Feature introduction based on RAS/RAC-S35YHAB.Tested by Kitasato Research Centre of Environmental Science. Test No. 2019_0154. Reduction effects of bacteria and mould were observed by operating FrostWash once.The new Hitachi 'S' Series range of split systems offers many innovative features, from enhanced energy efficiency, to airflow control and ultra-quiet operation.As part of our commitment to constant improvement, we looked for an unprecedented need in our product offering that would allow us to improve our customer experience and create a point of difference that would set us apart. We identified that unmet need as cleanliness.Because air is always travelling across the surface of the heat exchanger, dust mould and bacteria can accumulate, leading to reduced performance and perceivable odours. Keeping the heat exchanger clean is the key to better quality air.FrostWash addresses an issue that had long stumped the air conditioning industry - how to effectively and efficiently clean the inside of room air conditioning units.While many customers will be familiar with the process of cleaning the filters inside air conditioners, cleaning inside the machine itself has usually required professionalservices. FrostWash was first introduced in the Japanese market, receiving overwhelming positive customerfeedback. So much so, the innovators of this development received the "Excellence Award" by the Japan Electrical Manufacturers Association in 2018.Once an adequate layer offrost has been formed, the system then melts the ice, flushing away the trapped dust particles, mould and bacteria hygienically through the drain pan.The unit then thoroughly dries the surfaces inside the unit before resuming normal operation.A clean heat exchanger not only keeps your unit operating at optimal efficiency, but also keeps the air in your home fresher and cleaner.23*Manual FrostWash not available in RAS-E50YHAW a l l M o u n t e d S p l i t S y s t e m s 05NANO TITANIUM PRE-FILTERFor those needing only the purest air quality, Hitachi's 'S' series features an additional Nano Titanium pre-filter as well as the unique Nano Titanium Wasabi air purifying filter.Nano Titanium Pre-FilterPower trackingindicationPress the info buttonTemperaturearound remotecontrollerTHIS month powerconsumption forHEATING (kWh)LAST month powerconsumption forINFOPOWERFULiNano Titanium Wasabi Air Purifying Filter Nano Titanium ConventionalAnti-bacterial agents:Bacteria OdoursLEAVE HOME FUNCTIONAllows you to preset your air conditioner to start automatically if the internal temperature drops belowa preset temperature (adjustable between 10-16C)Ideal for use in locations that experience very cold conditions, this function can be instrumental inExample of a programmed seven day schedule over summer 42 programs for each mode - 84 programs in total.WEEKLY TIMER FUNCTIONCompletely eliminating the need to manually control your air conditioner, the Weekly Timer function enables you to preset your unit to automatically turn on and off or change temperature to suit your weekly schedule. The seven-day timer function allows you to set up to six on/off time and temperature settings for each day of the week. You can even preset two seven-day schedules (mode A and B) and choose the desired schedule as required.This is useful for periods such as summer/ winter and extended holidays.EXTREME OUTDOORTEMPERATURE OPERATIONHitachi air conditioners can operate in outsidetemperatures down to as low as -15˚C and as high as 46˚C ensuring you stay comfortable when you need it.DC INVERTER TECHNOLOGYA DC compressor offers efficient performance during periods of extended operation. It also features a split rotor with displaced electrical poles, enabling the suppression of electromagnetic noise. Low-speed performance characteristics have also been improved, leading to significant reductions in annual running costs.ECO MODEProgrammed to run your system at a slightly reduced rate, Eco Mode helps keep your power consumption to a minimum enabling you to achieve significant energy savings.4 WAY AUTO DIRECTIONAL 3D AIR SWINGThe louvres not only move up and down automatically, but also left and right. This action disperses air over a much wider range to warm or cool the room efficiently and evenly. With the push of a button louvres can be set in any airflow direction to precisely control your comfort.WHISPER QUIETWith the newly improved seamless fan control system, Hitachi's air conditioners assure extremely quiet and smooth fan speed changes for even more comfort.POWERFUL MODEPowerful mode will run your system at maximum cooling or heating as well as maximum fan speed for 20-minutes projecting airflow further and faster to cool or heat a room rapidly.W a l l M o u n t e d S p l i t S y s t e m s 07SPX-WKT3WIRED CONTROLLERIn addition to essential functions, you will have access to:• Weekly programming: allows you to configure up to 5 different temperature ranges per day • Ventilation speed• The "holiday" function: deactivates the time clock to avoid operation when not required• Your monthly consumption is saved and displayed• Temperature limiting function • Operation mode lock • Error history• Key lock function: locks all buttons on the remote controller, ideal for homes and offices.REMOTE ON/OFF ADAPTORSwitches the unit on or off via a remote device such as a hotel room card key. Save energy by switching the unit off when the room is unoccupied.RUN AND ALARM SIGNALSignal indicates when a unit is running, or if the unit has stopped due to an internal fault. This is beneficial for projects where multiple units have been installed.DEMAND RESPONSE MODULE (DRED)Optional DRM module for instances where local requirements specify DRED compatibility.–Optional AccessoriesCONTROL FROM ANYWHEREMaking sure your home is at the perfect temperature for when you arrive has never been easier. Hitachi airCloud Home allows you to remotely monitor and control your system from a single app through your smartphone for convenient temperature management in the home.CONTROL WITH YOUR VOICEairCloud Home is fully compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, enabling you to control your air conditioner hands-free.SMART FENCEConnect your air conditioner to your location and automatically stop and start your AC as you leave and return home.AIR CLOUD FEATURES• On / Off Operation • ALL Units OFF• Operation Mode Selectable • Temperature Adjustment• Smart Speaker (Google Assistant & Amazon Alexa)• Smart Fence • Weekly Scheduling • On / Off Timer • Adjustable Louvre • Fan Speed• Free firmware updates to latest features• Unlimited units can be controlled through one app •Account Management- Access for up to 20 users - Set up user permissions • Customer Support• Personalisation - Indoor unit naming •Smart Notifications–air Cloud HomeA smarter way to control your air conditioner. Anytime, anywhere.Downloa d toda yCompatible with Android devices version 4.3 and above and IOS 8.0 and above.09W a l l M o u n t e d S p l i t S y s t e m s–What size air conditioner do you need?HITACHI SIZING GUIDENo matter where you are in New Zealand Hitachi have the air conditioner to perfectly match your home andlocation.Room Size (m 2)Average NZ Room Type10Single Bedroom 15Double Bedroom 20Large Double Bedroom 25Small Lounge / Family 30Average Lounge 35Average Lounge 40Large Lounge 45Large Lounge 50Open Plan Space 55Open Plan Space 60Large Open Plan Space 65Large Open Plan Space 70Large Open Plan SpaceApplicable to S and E Series units.Sizes are a guide only and based on a moderate to well insulated house with an average percentage of window area for the room type and a ceiling height of 2.7m max. The final selection must be verified by the installation contractor.W a l l M o u n t e d S p l i t S y s t e m s 11–S Series - Tech DataMODELIndoor RAS-S25YHAB RAS-S35YHAB RAS-S50YHAB RAS-S60YHAB RAS-S70YHAB RAS-S80YHAB Outdoor RAC-S25YHAB RAC-S35YHAB RAC-S50YHAB RAC-S60YHAB RAC-S70YHAB RAC-S80YHAB Capacity kWNominal Cooling 2.5 3.5 5.0 Heating 3.2 3.8 (Range) kWCooling 0.9 - 3.10.9 - 4.0 1.2 - 5.8 1.2 - 6.5 1.5 - 8.0 1.5 - 8.5 Heating 0.9 - 4.20.9 - 4.8 1.2 - 6.8 1.2 - 8.0 1.5 - 8.5 1.5 - 9.5Air Flow l/secHigh Cooling142189258258283283High Heating 158217250250300300Energy EfficiencyEER 5.10 4.22 4.31 3.80 3.54 3.27COP 5.08 4.94 4.29 4.05 4.04 3.80Sound Levels (dB(A))Indoor Unit (Sound Pressure)Cooling - Hi / Med / Lo / Sleep40 / 33 / 24 / 2243 / 36 / 26 / 2546 / 41 / 36 / 2846 / 41 / 36 / 2847 / 42 / 36 / 3048 / 44 / 39 / 33 Heating - Hi / Med / Lo / Sleep41 / 34 / 23 / 2044 / 36 / 27 / 2646 / 41 / 36 / 2846 / 41 / 36 / 2847 / 42 / 36 / 3048 / 44 / 40 / 34 Outdoor UnitCooling / Heating (Sound Pressure)47 / 4848 / 5050 / 5350 / 5351 / 5352 / 54Sound Power616263636466 Dimensions (mm)Indoor (W x H x D)780 x 280 x 230780 x 280 x 2301100 x 300 x 2601100 x 300 x 2601100 x 300 x 2601100 x 300 x 260 Outdoor (W x H x D)792 x 600 x 299792 x 600 x 299850 x 750 x 298850 x 750 x 298850 x 800 x 298850 x 800 x 298 Weights (kg)Indoor / Outdoor8.5 / 37.58.5 / 37.515 / 5015 / 5015 / 5215 / 52 Operating RangeOutdoor Op. Temp. (Cooling) -10°C to 46°C-10°C to 46°C-10°C to 46°C-10°C to 46°C-10°C to 46°C-10°C to 46°C Outdoor Op. Temp. (Heating) -20°C to 21°C-20°C to 21°C-15°C to 24°C-15°C to 24°C-15°C to 24°C-15°C to 24°C Refrigerant Type R32Pipe Sizes (mm)Ø6.35 / Ø9.52Ø6.35 / Ø9.52Ø6.35 / Ø12.7Ø6.35 / Ø12.7Ø6.35 / Ø15.88Ø6.35 / Ø15.88 Refig pre charge length (m)202030303030Min / Max Pipe Length / Lift (m) 3 / 20 / 10 3 / 20 / 10 3 / 30 / 20 3 / 30 / 20 3 / 30 / 20 3 / 30 / 20 Condensate Drain (mm (OD))16PowerPower Supply230 -240 Volt / 50 Hz / 1 PhaseRated Power Input - Cooling (kW)0.490.83 1.16 1.58 1.98 2.45Power Input Range - Cooling (kW)0.25 ~ 1.220.25 ~ 1.40.3 ~ 2.60.3 ~ 2.60.3 ~ 2.70.3 ~ 2.7Rated Power Input - Heating (kW)0.630.77 1.40 1.73 1.98 2.37Power Input Range - Heating (kW)0.25 ~ 1.20.25 ~ 1.60.3 ~ 2.650.3 ~ 2.650.5 ~ 2.80.5 ~ 2.8 Running current (C / H) (Amps) 1.09-5.30 / 1.09-5.22 1.09-6.09 / 1.09-6.96 2.31-8.55 / 1.67-9.66 2.31-8.55 / 1.67-9.66 2.50-9.79 / 2.19-10.722.50-9.79 / 2.19-10.72 Max Current (Amps)9.89.810.510.51212Power supply To Outdoor U nitInterconnecting Wire 3 Core + ERated capacity measured in accordance with AS/NZS 3823 conditions: Cooling: Indoor 27°C db / 19°C wb: Ambient 35°C dbHeating: Indoor 20°C db: Ambient 7°C db / 6°C wb.Mains power source - AC 230V and 50Hz.Refer to temperzone Warranty for full conditions.*Star Ratings based on 2013 GEMS determination.2.5 -3.5kWRAS/RAC-S25YHAB RAS/RAC-S35YHAB5.0 - 8.0kWRAS/RAC-S50YHAB RAS/RAC-S60YHAB RAS/RAC-S70YHAB RAS/RAC-S80YHABPremium Wireless ControllerOutdoor unit(RAC-S50YHAB)6 YEAR WARRANTYHitachi RAS-S50YHABW a l l M o u n t e d S p l i t S y s t e m s 13FROSTWASHRated capacity measured in accordance with AS/NZS 3823 conditions: C ooling: Indoor 27°C db / 19°C wb: Ambient 35°C dbHeating: Indoor 20°C db: Ambient 7°C db / 6°C wbMains power source - AC 230V and 50Hz*Manual FrostWash not available in RAS-E50YHA **Running Current RangeRefer to temperzone Warranty for full conditions.–E Series - Tech DataMODEL Indoor RAS-E25YHAB RAS-E35YHAB RAS-E50YHA*RAS-E60YHAB RAS-E70YHAB RAS-E80YHAB Outdoor RAC-E25YHABRAC-E35YHABRAC-E50YHARAC-E60YHABRAC-E70YHABRAC-E80YHABCapacity kW Nominal Cooling 2.5 3.5 5.0 Heating (Range) kW Cooling 1.0 - 3.2 1.0 - 4.0 1.2 - 5.8 1.2 - 6.5 1.5 - 8.0 1.5 - 8.5Heating 1.0 - 4.51.0 - 5.01.2 - 6.81.2 - 8.01.5 - 8.51.5 - 9.5Air Flow l/sec Hi / Med / Lo / Sleep 142/119/102/93189/135/117/98241/183/136/100233/183/133/100283/250/183/150283/250/183/150Energy Efficiency EER 4.55 3.85 3.38 3.33 3.41 3.27COP4.714.304.053.834.043.80Sound Levels (dB(A)) Indoor Unit (Sound Pressure)Hi / Med / Lo / Sleep 40 / 33 / 24 / 2243 / 36 / 26 / 2547 / 39 / 33 / 2649 / 42 / 33 / 3048 / 42 / 36 / 3049 / 44 / 39 / 33Outdoor UnitCooling / Heating (Sound Pressure)46 / 4747 / 4850 / 5350 / 5351 / 5352 / 54Sound Power 606163636466Dimensions (mm) Indoor (W x H x D)780 x 280 x 230780 x 280 x 230900 x 300 x 230900 x 300 x 2301100 x 300 x 2601100 x 300 x 260Outdoor (W x H x D)750 x 548 x 288750 x 548 x 288850 x 750 x 298850 x 750 x 298850 x 800 x 298850 x 800 x 298Weights (kg)Indoor / Outdoor 8.5 / 348.5 / 3411.5 / 5011.5 / 5015 / 5215 / 52Operating RangeOutdoor Op. Temp. (Cooling) -10°C to 46°C -10°C to 46°C -10°C to 46°C -10°C to 46°C -10°C to 46°C -10°C to 46°C Outdoor Op. Temp. (Heating) -15°C to 24°C-15°C to 24°C-15°C to 24°C-15°C to 24°C-15°C to 24°C-15°C to 24°CRefrigerant Type R32Pipe Sizes (mm)Ø6.35 / Ø9.52Ø6.35 / Ø9.52Ø6.35 / Ø12.7Ø6.35 / Ø12.7Ø6.35 / Ø15.88Ø6.35 / Ø15.88Refig pre charge length (m)202030303030Min / Max Pipe Length / Lift (m) 3 / 20 / 103 / 20 / 103 / 30 / 203 / 30 / 203 / 30 / 203 / 30 / 20Condensate Drain (mm (OD)) 16PowerPower Supply230 - 240 Volt / 50 Hz / 1 Phase Rated Power Input - Cooling (kW)0.550.911.48 1.802.05 2.45Power Input Range - Cooling (kW)0.25 ~ 1.290.25 ~ 1.460.3 ~ 2.10.3 ~ 2.60.3 ~ 2.70.3 ~ 2.7Rated Power Input - Heating (kW)0.680.931.48 1.83 1.982.37Power Input Range - Heating (kW)0.25 ~ 1.250.25 ~ 1.70.3 ~ 2.650.3 ~ 2.650.5 ~ 2.80.5 ~ 2.8Rated Running Current (C / H) (Amps) 2.81 /3.484.65 / 4.76 2.10-11.19/2.27-9.67**7.95 / 8.079.00 / 8.0710.8 / 10.45Max Current (Amps) supply To Outdoor Unit Interconnecting Wire3 Core + EOutdoor unit(RAC-E60YHAB)6 YEARWARRANTYW a l l M o u n t e d S p l i t S y s t e m s 15–Floor mounted - Tech DataRated capacity measured in accordance with AS/NZS 3823 conditions: C ooling: Indoor 27°C db / 19°C wb: Ambient 35°C dbHeating: Indoor 20°C db: Ambient 7°C db / 6°C wbMains power source - AC 230V and 50HzMODEL Indoor RAF-35NXA1RAF-50NXA1Outdoor RAC-35NXA1RAC-50NXA1Capacity kW Nominal Cooling 3.5 5.0Nominal Heating 4.26.0Capacity (Range) kW Cooling 1.1 - 4.2 1.1 - 5.2Heating 1.1 - 5.22.2 - 7.3Air Flow l/sec Hi / Med / Lo / Sleep 167 / 138 / 113 / 92180 / 147 / 120 / 103Energy Efficiency EER / AEER Cooling 3.80 / 3.74 3.34 / 3.30COP / ACOP Heating 3.96 / 3.903.87 / 3.83Noise Levels (dB(A))Indoor Unit Hi / Med / Lo / Sleep 42 / 35 / 29 / 2546 / 37 / 30 / 25Outdoor Unit Cooling / Heating 47 / 4952 / 52Sound Power Level 6467Dimensions (mm) Indoor (W x H x D)760 x 600 x 235760 x 600 x 235Outdoor (W x H x D)841 x 548 x 335887 x 600 x 345Weights (kg)Indoor / Outdoor 14 / 3614 / 40Operating RangeOutdoor Op. Temp. (Cooling) -10°C to 43°C -10°C to 43°C Outdoor Op. Temp. (Heating) -15°C to 24°C -15°C to 24°C Refrigerant Type R410A R410A Pipe Sizes (mm)Ø9.52 / Ø6.35Ø12.7 / Ø6.35Refrig pre charge length 2020Min / Max Pipe Length / Lift 3 / 20 / 103 / 20 / 10Power Power Supply230 - 240 Volt / 50 Hz / 1 Phase230 - 240 Volt / 50 Hz / 1 PhaseRun Amps / Phase (A/ph.)Cooling / Heating 4.12-4.5 / 4.61-5.04 6.36-6.93 / 6.99-7.62Power Supply To Outdoor U nitInterconnecting Wire2 Core + E2 Core + E3.5 - 5.0kWRAF/RAC-35NXA1RAF/RAC-50NXA1* Controllers and some control features differ from those featured in this brochure.Outdoor unit(RAC-35NXA1)StandardWirelessController*(RAR-3U1)6 YEARWARRANTYWallMountedSplitSystems17HIT0421–Temperzone Ltd–NEW ZEALAND Auckland: (09) 279 5250Hamilton: (07) 839 2705Wellington: (04) 569 3262Christchurch: (03) 379 3216–AUSTRALIA Sydney: (02) 8822 5700Melbourne: (03) 8769 7600Brisbane: (07) 3308 8333Adelaide:(08) 8115 2111DISTRIBUTORS Newcastle: (02) 4962 1155Perth: (08) 6399 5900Launceston: (03) 6331 4209ENQUIRIES**********************The specifications of this catalogue may change without prior notice to allow Hitachi Cooling & Heating to incorporate the latest innovations for its customers. The informationcontained in this catalogue is merely informative. Hitachi Cooling & Heating declines any responsibility in the broadest sense, for damage, direct or indirect, arising from the use and / or interpretation of the recommendations in this catalogue.–6 YEAR WARRANTY ON PARTS AND LABOUR** Refer to NZ Hitachi Warranty for fully conditions.WARRANTY。



IOD-40249/2016OPERATION MANUALMODELSAir Handling UnitFXTQ09TAVJUA FXTQ09TAVJUD FXTQ12TAVJUA FXTQ12TAVJUD FXTQ18TAVJUA FXTQ18TAVJUD FXTQ24TAVJUA FXTQ24TAVJUD FXTQ30TAVJUA FXTQ30TAVJUD FXTQ36TAVJUA FXTQ36TAVJUD FXTQ42TAVJUA FXTQ42TAVJUD FXTQ48TAVJUA FXTQ48TAVJUD FXTQ54TAVJUA FXTQ54TAVJUD FXTQ60TAVJUAFXTQ60TAVJUDSYSTEM Inverter Air ConditionersRead these instructions carefully before installation. Keep this manual in a handy place for future reference. This manual should be left with the equipment owner.Lire soigneusement ces instructions avant l’installation.Conserver ce manuel à portée de main pour référence ultérieure. Ce manuel doit être donnéau propriétaire de l’équipement.Lea cuidadosamente estas instrucciones antes de instalar.Guarde este manual en un lugar a mano para leer en caso de tener alguna duda. Este manual debe permanecer con el propietario del equipo.•Do not allow children to play on or around the unit to prevent injury.•The heat exchanger fins are sharp enough to cut. To avoid injury, wear gloves or cover the fins while work-ing around them.•Do not put a finger or other objects into the air inlet or air outlet. The fan is rotating at high speed and will cause injury.•Check the unit foundation for damage on a continu-ous basis, especially if it has been in use for a long time. If left in a damaged condition the unit may cause injury.•Placing a flower vase or other containers with water or other liquids on the unit could cause a shock or fire if a spill occurs.•Never touch the internal parts of the controller. Do not remove the front panel because some parts in-side are dangerous to touch. To check and adjustinternal parts, contact your dealer.•Do not use the heat pump for any other purposes other than comfort cooling or heating. Do not use the unit for cooling precision instruments, food, plants, animals or works of art.•Do not place items under the indoor unit as they may be damaged by condensates that may form if the humidity is above 80% or if the drain outlet gets blocked.•Before cleaning, stop the operation of the unit by turning the power off or by pulling the supply cord out from its receptacle. Otherwise, an electric shock and injury may result.•Do not wash the heat pump with excessive water. An electric shock or fire may result.•Avoid placing the controller in a spot splashed with water. Water entering the controller may cause an electric shock or damage the internal electronic parts.•Do not operate the heat pump when using a room fumigation type of insecticide. Failure to observe this could cause the chemicals to be deposited in the unit and can endanger the health of those who are hyper-sensitive to chemicals.•The appliance is not intended for use by young chil-dren or infirm persons without supervision.•The remote controller should be kept away from chil-dren so they cannot play with it.•Consult with the installation contractor for cleaning.•Incorrect cleaning of the inside of the heat pump could make the plastic parts break and cause water leakage or electric shock.•Do not touch the air inlet or aluminum fin of the heat pump as they can cut and cause injury.•Do not place objects in direct proximity of the out-side unit. Do not let leaves and other debris accumu-late around the unit. Leaves are a hotbed for small animals which can enter the unit. Once inside the unit, animals can cause the unit to malfunction and cause smoke or fire when they make contact withelectrical parts.•Never press the button of the remote controller with a hard, pointed object. The remote controller may be damaged.•Never pull or twist the electric wire of the remote con-troller. It may cause the unit to malfunction.•Do not place appliances that produce open flames in places that are exposed to the air flow of the unit or under the indoor unit. It may cause incomplete com-bustion or deformation of the unit due to the heat.•Do not expose the controller to direct sunlight. The LCD display can become discolored and may fail to display the data.•Do not wipe the controller operation panel with ben-zene, thinner, chemical dust cloth, etc. The panel may get discolored or the coating can peel off. If it is heavily dirty, soak a cloth in water-diluted neutral detergent, squeeze it well and wipe the panel clean.Then wipe it with another dry cloth.•Dismantling of the unit, disposal of the refrigerant, oil, and additional parts, should be done in accor-dance with the relevant local, state, and national regu-lations.•Operate the heat pump in a sufficiently ventilated area and not surrounded by obstacles. Do not use the heat pump in the following places.a.Places with a mist of mineral oil, such as cuttingoil.b.Locations such as coastal areas where there is alot of salt in the air.c.Locations such as hot springs where there is a lotof sulfur in the air.d.Locations such as factories where the power volt-age varies a lot.e.In cars, boats, and other vehicles.f.Locations such as kitchens where oil may splat-ter or where there is steam in the air.g.Locations where equipment produces electromag-netic waves.h.Places with an acid or alkaline mist.i.Places where fallen leaves can accumulate orwhere weeds can grow.•Do not attempt to do electrical work or grounding work, unless you are licensed to do so. Consult with your dealer for electrical work and grounding work.•Pay attention to operating sound. Be sure to use the following places:a.Places that can sufficiently withstand the weightof the heat pump yet can suppress the operat-ing sound and vibration of the heat pump.b.Places where warm air from the air outlet of theoutside unit or the operating sound of the out-side unit does not annoy neighbors.•Consult your dealer if the heat pump in operation gen-erates unusual noise.•Make sure that the drainpipe is installed properly to drain water. If no water is discharged from the drain-pipe while the heat pump is in the cooling mode, the drainpipe may be clogged with dust or dirt and water leakage from the indoor unit may occur. Stop oper-ating the heat pump and contact your dealer.2.3.MAINTENANCE•Only a qualified person is allowed to perform mainte-nance without daily maintenance.•Before touching any of the connection wirings, be sure to turn off all power supply switches.•For installation of optional parts, only a qualifited person is allowed to do so.Be sure to use optional parts specified by the manufac-turer. Installation in your own manner may result in wa-ter leakage, electric shock or fire.•Do not use flammable material (e.g. hair-spray or insec-ticide) near the product.•Only proceed with the unit cleaning after stopping the operation and turning the power supply off.Failure to do so may result in electric shocks or injury.•Do not wash the heat pump or air handler with water.Failure to do so may result in an electric shock.•Consult with installation contractor for cleaning the inside of the air handler.Wrong cleaning procedures may break plastic parts or cause water leakage or electric shock.•Use a stable prep stand.Pay extra attention when cleaning the air handler. (Maintenance and inspection)•Clean the drain pan periodically. The drain pipes clogged with dust will cause water leakage.•For cleaning, consult with your Daikin dealer. (Before each season when cooling or heating is required, clean the air handler.)•If the area around the indoor unit is very dusty, use a dust proof cover (local procurement).(Cleaning the inside of the indoor unit)•It is necessary to clean the inside of the indoor unit peri-odically.Since the cleaning requires special technologies, requesta Daikin dealer to clean them.(Electric heater replacement interval)•The electric heater should be replaced every ten years.This replacement interval is a guideline for ensuring safe and trouble-free operation of the product for many years. (Cleaning the air filter)•The air filter is an optional accessory.EXPLANATION:•Removing the air filter except when cleaning the air han-dler may result in accidents.•Replace the filter when one of the following messages displayed on the bottom of remote controller screen.- Time to clean filter & element- Time to clean filter•If using the air handler under very dusty environment, increase the frequency of air filter cleaning.•Reset the filter sign on main menu of remote controller.Refer an operation manual of remote controller for de-tail.•Consult dealer to change filter setting time to display fil-ter change alarm on remote controller screen. (The de-fault factory setting is 2500 hours.)•There are the following time, display pattern: 1250, 2500, 5000, 10000.•Do not allow the indoor unit to get wet as it may cause an electric shock or fire._______________________________________________ 4. PRECAUTIONSIf the following phenomenon occurs, contact your dealer.•Any abnormalities in the operation of the heat pump or air handler such as smoke or fire could result in severe injury or death.Turn off the power and contact your dealer immediately for instructions._______________________________________________ Phenomenon•The unit may operate with the airflow rate at high speed even though the airflow rate was set to low speed using the remote controller during ELECTRIC HEATER opera-tion.Take the following actions before contact.Check to see if an optional electric heater is installed.The unit operates with the airflow rate at high speed dur-ing ELECTRIC HEATER operation regardless of the re-mote controller airflow rate setting or display.Phenomenon•The safety devices such as fuse, breaker, ground fault interrupter, etc. often operate or operations of the opera-tion switch are unstable.Take the following actions before contact.Turn off the switch.•If the ON/OFF switch does not properly work, Take the following actions before contact.Turn off the main power switch.Phenomenon•Water leaks out from the air handle r.Take the following actions before contact.Stop the operation.Phenomenon•Error message is displayed. See the remote controller operation manual for details.Inform the dealer of the details being displayed on the remote controller.。




















以下是关于日立三匹风管机的详细参数:1. 制冷能力: 日立三匹风管机具有强大的制冷能力,能够在炎热的天气中快速降温。


2. 制热能力: 除了制冷功能,日立三匹风管机还具有出色的制热能力。


3. 能效比: 日立三匹风管机采用先进的压缩机和节能技术,具有出色的能效比。

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