1. 王道计组的概述
2. 课后题的类型及重要性
3. 课后题的解答方法与技巧
4. 总结
第7章习题答案 计算机组成原理课后答案(清华大学出版社 袁春风主编)
• 159 •
7. 假定以下 MIPS 指 令序列在图 7.18 所示 的流 水线数据通路中 执行:
addu $s3, $s1, $s0
subu $t2, $s0, $s3
流水线深度( Pipeline Depth) 流 水 线 冒 险 ( Hazar d) 控制冒险(Control hazard) 流水线阻塞( Pipeline stall) 空 操 作 ( nop) 分支预测(Branch predict) 动态分支预测(Dynamic predict) 分支 延迟槽(Delayed branch slot) 旁 路 ( Bypassing) IPC(Instructions Per Cycle) 动态多发射(Dynamic multiple issue) 超长指令字 VLIW 动态流水线(Dynamic pipelining) 指令分发(Instruction dispatch) 无序发射( out-of-order issue) 重排序缓冲(Reorder buffer) 乱序执行( out-of-order execution) 无序完成( out-of-order completion)
(1)插入 一个流水段寄 存器,得到 一个两级 流水线 (2)插 入两个流水段 寄存器,得 到一个三 级流水线 (3)插入 三个流水段寄 存器,得到 一个四级 流水线 (4)吞 吐量最大的流 水线 参考答案:
(1)两级流水线的平衡点在 C 和 D 之间,其前面一个流水段的组合逻辑延时为 80+30+60=170ps,后 面一 个流水 段的 组合逻 辑延时 为 50+70+10=130ps。这 样每个 流水段 都 以 最 长 延 时 调 整 为 170+20=190ps , 故 时 钟 周 期 为 190ps , 指 令 吞 吐 率 为 1/190ps=5.26GOPS,每条 指令的执行时 间为 2x190=380ps。
7 答案: 这个程序先读入文件 original 中的内容, 然后对每个字母进行后移 2 位的编码转 换工作,最后把重新编码后的字符串写 到文件 savetoo 内。 文件“savetoo”内存储的内容: Write a program. Ytkvg c rtqitco.
for i in range( len(str) ): (num) num = ord(str[i]) output..append print output
2. i3 = i3 + 1 while i1 < len(lst1): lst3[i3] = lst1[i1] i1 = i1 + 1 i3 = i3 + 1 while i2 < len(lst2): lst3[i3] = lst2[i2] i2 = i2 + 1 i3 = i3 + 1 def mergeSort(lst): n = len(lst) if n > 1: m=n/2 lst1, lst2 = lst[:m], lst[m:] mergeSort(lst1) mergeSort(lst2) merge(lst1, lst2, lst) 3. def f(a,b,c): max = min = a return max, min 4. from random import randrange from string import * def main(): lines=input("please input the lines of triangle: ") for i in range(lines): space=' '*(lines-i-1) character='' for j in range(2*i+1): if randrange(2)==0: mark='*' else: mark='#' character=character+mark print space+character main() # item added to lst3
Noip2007普及组复赛答案1——奖学金typeaa=recordy,s,w:integer;end;bb=recordf,h:integer;end;var a:array[1..300]of aa;b:array[1..5]of bb;n,i,j,k,t:integer;f:boolean;beginreadln(n);for i:=1 to 5 dowith b[i] do beginf:=0;h:=0;end;for i:=1 to n do beginwith a[i] do read(y,s,w);j:=1;f:=true;t:=a[i].y+a[i].s+a[i].w;while (j<=5)and f do beginif (t>b[j].f)or((t=b[j].f)and(a[i].y>a[b[j].h].y)) then begin for k:=5 downto j+1 do beginb[k].f:=b[k-1].f;b[k].h:=b[k-1].h;end;b[j].f:=t;b[j].h:=i;f:=false;end else if (t=b[j].f)and(a[i].y=a[b[j].h].y) then beginfor k:=5 downto j+2 do beginb[k].f:=b[k-1].f;b[k].h:=b[k-1].h;end;b[j+1].h:=i;b[j+1].f:=t;f:=false;end;j:=j+1;end;for i:=1 to 5 dowith b[i] do writeln(h,' ',f);end.Noip2007普及组复赛答案2——纪念品var a:array[1..30000]of byte;b:array[1..30000]of boolean;w,n,i,zu,k,ma,t:integer;beginreadln(w);readln(n);for i:=1 to 30000 do b[i]:=true;for i:=1 to n do read(a[i]);zu:=0;for i:=1 to n do beginma:=0;t:=0;if b[i] then for k:=i+1 to n doif (a[i]+a[k]<=w)and(a[i]+a[k]>ma)and b[i] and b[k] then begin ma:=a[i]+a[k];t:=k;end;if t<>0 then beginb[i]:=false;b[t]:=false;zu:=zu+1;end;end;for i:=1 to n do if b[i] then zu:=zu+1;writeln(zu);end.Noip2007普及组复赛答案3——守望者的逃离var maxs,mintime,t,m,s,t1,m1,s1:longint;procedure aa(m1,s1,t1:integer);beginif (s1>0)and(t1>0) then begins1:=s1-m1 div 10*60;t1:=t1-m1 div 10;m1:=m1 mod 10;m1:=m1+4;t1:=t1-1;aa(m1,s1,t1);m1:=m1-4;aa(m1,s1,t1);end else beginif maxs<s-s1 then maxs:=s-s1;if (t1>=0)and(mintime>t-t1) then mintime:=t-t1;end;end;beginreadln(m,s,t);maxs:=0;mintime:=2000000;t1:=t;m1:=m;s1:=s;aa(m1,s1,t1);if maxs<s then beginwriteln('No');writeln(maxs);end else beginwriteln('Yes');writeln(mintime);end;end.(pascal语言)Noip2007普及组复赛答案4——Hanoi双塔问题2007年11月21日星期三18:40var a:array[1..62]of integer;i,j,n:integer;f:boolean;beginreadln(n);for i:=2 to 62 do a[i]:=0;a[1]:=2;for i:=2 to n do beginfor j:=1 to 62 doa[j]:=a[j]*2;a[1]:=a[1]+2;for j:=1 to 62 doif a[j]>9 thenbegina[j+1]:=a[j+1]+1;a[j]:=a[j] mod10;end;end;f:=false;for i:=62 downto 1 dobeginif a[i]<>0 thenf:=true;if f then write(a[i]);end;writeln;end.(pascal语言)Noip2007普及组复赛答案4——Hanoi双塔问题2007年11月21日星期三18:40var a:array[1..62]of integer;i,j,n:integer;f:boolean;beginreadln(n);for i:=2 to 62 do a[i]:=0;a[1]:=2;for i:=2 to n do beginfor j:=1 to 62 doa[j]:=a[j]*2;a[1]:=a[1]+2;for j:=1 to 62 doif a[j]>9 thenbegina[j+1]:=a[j+1]+1;a[j]:=a[j] mod10;end;end;f:=false;for i:=62 downto 1 dobeginif a[i]<>0 thenf:=true;if f then write(a[i]);end;writeln;end.问题转述:给出一个一元多项式各项的次数和系数,按照规定的格式要求输出该多项式。
PC homewer answer 5
12345 接口5.1 什么叫端口?通常有哪几类端口?计算机对I/O端口编址时通常采用哪两种方法?在8086/8088系统中,用哪种方法对I/O端口进行编址?接口中可被CPU访问的寄存器称为端口。
5.2 CPU和输入/输出设备之间传送的信息有哪几类?数据信息、状态信息、控制信息。
5.3 一般的IO接口电路中有哪三类寄存器?它们各自的作用是什么?数据寄存器:存放CPU与外设之间传送的数据信息。
5.4 简述CPU与外设进行数据交换的几种常用方式。
5.5 无条件传送方式用在哪些场合?画出无条件传送方式的工作原理图并说明。
5.6 查询方式的工作原理是怎样的?主要用在什么场合?画出查询方式输出过程的流程图。
计⽹第五次作业Review Questions:1. What are some of the possible services that a link-layer protocol can offer to the network layer? Which of these link-layer services have corresponding services in IP? In TCP?链路层协议提供给⽹络层的服务有哪些?哪些是给IP的?哪些是给TCP 的?Link access, framing, reliable delivery between adjacent nodes, flow control, error detection, error correction, half-duplex and full-duplex.In IP: framing, error detection.In TCP: framing, reliable delivery between adjacent nodes, error detection, half-duplex and full-duplex.2. If all the links in the Internet were to provide reliable delivery service, would the TCP reliable delivery service be redundant? Why or why not? 不会多余,因为TCP保证的是传输层的数据传送,⽽link提供稳定可靠传输保证链路层的传输稳定,⼆者不完全重叠,所以TCP可靠传输也不会多余。
3. In Section 5.3, we listed four desirable characteristics of a broadcast channel. Which of these characteristics does slotted ALOHA have? Which of these characteristics does token passing have?4. Suppose two nodes start to transmit at the same time a packet of length Lover a broadcast channel of rate R. Denote the propagationdelay between the two nodes as dprop. Will there be a collision if dprop< L / R? Why or why not?因为L / R = 包传递的时间,如果dprop < L / R,也就意味着A的信号跑到B 的时候B的最后⼀个分组还没离开B,所以发⽣碰撞。
4 2
1 null
(没有写出权的扣一分,分开的扣一分) 四、 (7+7 分) (因为程序编制方法较多,答案供参考,题目有综合性) (1) void insert (tree,x) { if(tree!=NULL) { if(x<tree->data) insert(tree->lchild,x) elseinsert(tree->rchild,x); } else { tree=new TreeNode; tree->lchild=tree->rchild=NULL; tree->data=x; } }(综合题,没有空间分配扣一分,无递归扣 1 分,左右指针没置空扣 1 分) (2)void DelArc(adj,u,v) { p=adj[u-1].firstarc; q=NULL; while(p->vex!=v) { q=p; p=p->nextarc;} if(q= =NULL) adj[u-1].firstarc=p->nextarc; else q->nextarc=p->nextarc; delete p; } (提高题) 空间没释放扣 1 分,没考虑第一个删除点扣 1 分。
Байду номын сангаас
3(综合题) (3 分) (1) (2)(3 分) <1,2>,<2,4>,<4,6>
1 2 3 4 5 6 ve 0 2 2 6 5 8 vl 0 2 5 6 7 8
(3) 分) (3
1 2 3 4 5 6
例如,原字符串" File Name ",处理变成"File Name" 。
流程图1-2、流程图1-3 、流程图1-4分别详细描述了流程图1-1中的框A、B、C。
假设原字符串中的各个字符依次存放在字符数组ch 的各元素ch(1) 、ch(2) 、?、ch(n) 中,字符常量KB表示空白字符。
流程图1-1的处理过程是:先从头开始找出该字符串中的第一个非空白字符ch(i),再从串尾开始向前找出位于最末位的非空白字符ch(j) ,然后将ch(i) 、?、ch(j) 依次送入ch(1) 、ch(2)、?中。
在流程图中,strlen 是取字符串长度函数。
[流程图1-1][流程图1-2][流程图1-3][流程图1-4][问题]在流程图1-1中,判断框P中的条件可表示为:i > ___(5)___试题二(15,每空3分)阅读以下函数说明和C语言函数,将应填入___(n)___处的字句写在答题纸的对应栏内。
[说明]函数int find_Max_Min(int a[ ],int n) 的功能是:找出n个元素的数组a中的最大元素和最小元素并输出,返回查找过程中元素的比较次数。
查找方法如下:比较a[0] 和a[n-1], 若a[0] 大,则交换a[0] 和a[n-1] 的值;再比较a[1] 和a[n-2] ,若a[1] 大,则交换a[1] 和a[n-2] 的值;依此类推,直到所有的元素都比较完。
[函数]int find_Max_Min(int a[ ],int n) {/* 找出n个元素的数组a中的最大元素、最小元素并输出,返回查找过程中元素的比较次数*/int i,Count = 0;int temp,Maxnum,Minnum;for(i = 0; i < n/2; i++){Count = Count + 1; /*元素比较次数计数*/if(a[i]>a[_____(1)_____ ]{ /* 数组元素交换代码略*/ }}Maxnum=a[n-1];Minnum=a[0];for(i = 1; i < n/2+ n%2; i++){Count = _____(2)_____ ; /* 元素比较次数计数*/Minnum = _____(3)_____ ? a[i]:Minnum; /*找出最小元素*/Maxnum = _____(4)_____ ? _______(5)_____:Maxnum; /* 找出最大元素*/} printf("Max=%d\n,Maxnum"); printf("Min=%d\n",Minnum); return Count;}[NextPage]试题三(15分,每空3分)阅读以下说明和C语言函数,将应填入___(n)___处的字句写在答题纸的对应栏内。
46、我们若已接受最坏的,就再没有什么损失。——卡耐基 47、书到用时方恨少、事非经过不知难。——陆游 48、书籍把我们引入最美好的社会,使我们认识各个时代的伟大智者。——史美尔斯 49、熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。——孙洙 50、谁和我Байду номын сангаас样用功,谁就会和我一样成功。——莫扎特
36、“不可能”这个字(法语是一个字 ),只 在愚人 的字典 中找得 到。--拿 破仑。 37、不要生气要争气,不要看破要突 破,不 要嫉妒 要欣赏 ,不要 托延要 积极, 不要心 动要行 动。 38、勤奋,机会,乐观是成功的三要 素。(注 意:传 统观念 认为勤 奋和机 会是成 功的要 素,但 是经过 统计学 和成功 人士的 分析得 出,乐 观是成 功的第 三要素 。
第七章 精简指令系统计算机..................................................... 91 7.1 计算机的指令系统 ....................................................... 91 7.2 基于 RISC 技术的模型计算机设计实验 .................................... 92 7.3 完整指令集的 RISC 模型计算机设计实验................................... 98
附件 1 键、指示灯说明.......................................................... 131 1 指示灯.................................................................. 131 2 按 键.................................................................. 132
第九章 流水线处理机.......................................................... 121 9.1 流水线的原理及基本思想 ................................................ 121 9.1.1 流水的基本概念 .................................................. 121 9.1.2 流水的特点..................................................... 122 9.1.3 相关处理....................................................... 122 9.2 基于流水技术的模型计算机设计实验 ..................................... 123
int tsub_ovf(int x, int y){int w = sizeof(int)<<3;int t = x - y;x>>=(w-1);y>>=(w-1);t>>=(w-1);return (x != y) && (y == t);}顺便整理一下汇编中CF,OF的设定规则(个人总结,如有不对之处,欢迎指正)。
t = a + b;CF: (unsigned t) < (unsigned a) 进位标志OF: (a<0 == b<0) && (t<0 != a<0)t = a - b;CF: (a<0 && b>=0) || ((a<0 == b<0) && t<0) 退位标志OF: (a<0 != b<0) && (b<0 == t<0)汇编中,无符号和有符号运算对条件码(标志位)的设定应该是相同的,但是对于无符号比较和有符号比较,其返回值是根据不同的标志位进行的。
根据2-18,不难推导, (x'*y')_h = (x*y)_h + x(w-1)*y + y(w-1)*x。
unsigned unsigned_high_prod(unsigned x, unsigned y){ int w = sizeof(int)<<3;return signed_high_prod(x, y) + (x>>(w-1))*y + x*(y>>(w-1));}当然,这里用了乘法,不属于整数位级编码规则,聪明的办法是使用int进行移位,并使用与运算。
1. 数组和链表:包括数组的查找、排序、插入和删除操作,链表的节点插入、删除和遍历等。
2. 栈和队列:包括栈的实现、队列的实现以及它们的各种操作。
3. 树和图:包括二叉树、二叉搜索树、图的各种遍历算法等。
4. 排序和查找:包括各种排序算法(如冒泡排序、选择排序、插入排序、快速排序等)和查找算法(如二分查找、哈希查找等)。
5. 动态规划:包括各种经典的动态规划问题,如背包问题、最长公共子序列等。
6. 字符串处理:包括字符串的匹配、替换、加密和解密等操作。
7. 系统设计:包括分布式系统设计、数据库设计和缓存系统设计等。
8. 数据结构优化:包括各种数据结构的优化,如使用哈希表优化数据结构等。
《运算器》P61 3.4写出下列各机器数的二进制真值X:(1)[X]补=0,1001 X=1001(2)[X]补=1,1001 X=-111(3)[X]原=0,1101 X=1101(4)[X]原=1,1101 X=-1101(5)[X]反=0,1011 X=1011(6)[X]反=1,1011 X=-100(7)[X]移=0,1001 X=-111(8)[X]移=1,1001 X=+1001(9)[X]补=1,0000000 X=-10000000B,X=-128(10)[X]反=1,0000000 X=-1111111B,X=-127(11)[X]原=1,0000000 X=-0(12)[X]移=1,0000000 X=0P107 4.1X=0.1101 Y=-0.0110(设机器数长度为8位)[X]补=0.1101000[-X]补=1.0011000[2X]补=溢出[-2X]补=溢出[X/2]补=0.0110100[-X/2]补=1.1001100[Y]补=1.1010000[-Y]补=0.0110000[2Y]补=1.0100000[-2Y]补=0.1100000[Y/2]补=1.1101000[-Y/2]补=0.0011000[-Y/4]补=0.0001100P61:5、(1) X=-25/64=-0.011001B ,Y=2.875=10.111B[X]浮=0,11111 1.11001=7F9H [Y]浮=1,00010 0.10111=897H (2) [Z]浮=9F4H=1,00111 1.10100=-80P61:6、机器数字长16位 (1) 无符号整数:12~016-(2) 原码表示的定点整数:1,111…11~0,111…11即12~)12(1515--- (3) 补码表示的定点整数:1,00…000~0,111…11即12~21515--(4) 补码表示的定点小数:1.00…000~0.111…11即1521~1---(5) 非规格化浮点数:ER M N ⨯=最大数=12772)21(--⨯-最小数=12721-⨯-最大负数=72722--⨯-最小正数=72722--⨯(6) 最大数=12772)21(--⨯-最小数=12721-⨯-最大负数=72712)22(---⨯+-最小正数=72122--⨯P107:2、(1)(2)P108:4-14-2P108:55-1补码BOOTH算法5-2补码BOOTH算法P108:6、6-1原码恢复余数算法6-2原码加减交替算法P108 7-1补码加减交替算法7-2补码加减交替算法P108:8-1(1)X=-1.625=-1.101B Y=5.25=101.01B X+YX-Y:1、对阶同上2、尾数相减:11.1100110+ 11.01011[E X-Y]补= 11.00100103、结果不需规格化4、舍入处理:[E X-Y]补=1.00101[X-Y] = 0,0011 1,00101X=0.2344 = 0.00111 Y= -0.1133=-0.00011X-Y:1、对阶同上2、尾数相减:00.11100+ 00.01100[E X-Y]补= 01.01000 发生正溢尾数右移,阶码加1[E X-Y]补= 0.10100[M x-y] = 1.11113、结果不需规格化4、舍入处理:[E X-Y]补=0.10100[X-Y] = 1,1111 0,10100(1)X=5.25=101.01B Y=-1.625=-1.101B X*Y9-1 X/Y:9-2 X*Y9-2 X/Y《存储体系》P225:2、 (1) 片641641161664=⨯=⨯⨯K K(2) s msμ625.151282=(3) s ns μ64500128=⨯ P225:3、(1) 最大主存容量=bit 16218⨯(2) 共需片6416416416218=⨯=⨯⨯bitK bit芯片;若采用异步刷新,则刷新信号的周期为s msμ625.151282= (3) 每块8字节,则Cache 容量为行925128162==⨯BytebitK ,即c=9,Cache 采用2路组相联映射,则r=1。
计算机组成与设计 第五版答案_CH06_Solution
Chapter 6 Solutions S-3 6.1 Th ere is no single right answer for this question. Th e purpose is to get studentsto think about parallelism present in their daily lives. Th e answer should have atleast 10 activities identifi ed.6.1.1 Any reasonable answer is correct here.6.1.2 Any reasonable answer is correct here.6.1.3 Any reasonable answer is correct here.6.1.4 Th e student is asked to quantify the savings due to parallelism. Th e answershould consider the amount of overlap provided through parallelism and should beless than or equal to (if no parallelism was possible) to the original time computedif each activity was carried out serially. For this set of resources, we can pipeline the preparation. We assume thatwe do not have to reheat the oven for each cake.Preheat OvenMix ingredients in bowl for Cake 1Fill cake pan with contents of bowl and bake Cake 1. Mix ingredients forCake 2 in bowl.Finish baking Cake 1. Empty cake pan. Fill cake pan with bowl contents forCake 2 and bake Cake 2. Mix ingredients in bowl for Cake 3.Finish baking Cake 2. Empty cake pan. Fill cake pan with bowl contents forCake 3 and bake Cake 3.Finish baking Cake 3. Empty cake pan.6.2.2 Now we have 3 bowls, 3 cake pans and 3 mixers. We will name them A, B,and C.Preheat OvenMix incredients in bowl A for Cake 1Fill cake pan A with contents of bowl A and bake for Cake 1. Mix ingredientsforCake 2 in bowl A.Finish baking Cake 1. Empty cake pan A. Fill cake pan A with contents ofbowl A for Cake 2. Mix ingredients in bowl A for Cake 3.Finishing baking Cake 2. Empty cake pan A. Fill cake pan A with contentsof bowl A for Cake 3.S-4 ChapterSolutions6Finish baking Cake 3. Empty cake pan A.Th e point here is that we cannot carry out any of these items in parallelbecause we either have one person doing the work, or we have limitedcapacity in our oven.6.2.3 Each step can be done in parallel for each cake. Th e time to bake 1 cake, 2cakes or 3 cakes is exactly the same.6.2.4 Th e loop computation is equivalent to the steps involved to make one cake.Given that we have multiple processors (or ovens and cooks), we can executeinstructions (or cook multiple cakes) in parallel. Th e instructions in the loop (orcooking steps) may have some dependencies on prior instructions (or cookingsteps) in the loop body (cooking a single cake).Data-level parallelism occurs when loop iterations are independent (i.e., noloop carried dependencies).Task-level parallelism includes any instructions that can be computed onparallel execution units, are similar to the independent operations involvedin making multiple cakes. While binary search has very good serial performance, it is diffi cult toparallelize without modifying the code. So part A asks to compute the speedupfactor, but increasing X beyond 2 or 3 should have no benefi ts. While we canperform the comparison of low and high on one core, the computation for midon a second core, and the comparison for A[mid] on a third core, without somerestructuring or speculative execution, we will not obtain any speedup. Th e answershould include a graph, showing that no speedup is obtained aft er the values of 1,2, or 3 (this value depends somewhat on the assumption made) for Y.6.3.2 In this question, we suggest that we can increase the number of cores (toeach the number of array elements). Again, given the current code, we really cannotobtain any benefi t from these extra cores. But if we create threads to compare theN elements to the value X and perform these in parallel, then we can get idealspeedup (Y times speedup), and the comparison can be completed in the amountof time to perform a single comparison.6.4. Th is problem illustrates that some computations can be done in parallelif serial code is restructured. But more importantly, we may want to provide forSIMD operations in our ISA, and allow for data-level parallelism when performingthe same operation on multiple data items.Chapter 6 Solutions S-5 6.4.1 Th is is a straightforward computation. Th e fi rst instruction is executedonce, and the loop body is executed 998 times.Version 1—17,965 cyclesVersion 2—22,955 cyclesVersion 3—20,959 cycles6.4.2 Array elements D[j] and D[jϪ1] will have loop carried dependencies. Th esewill $f4 in the current iteration and $f0 in the next iteration.6.4.3 Th is is a very challenging problem and there are many possibleimplementations for the solution. Th e preferred solution will try to utilize the twonodes by unrolling the loop 4 times (this already gives you a substantial speedupby eliminating many loop increment, branch and load instructions). Th e loopbody running on node 1 would look something like this (the code is not the mosteffi cient code sequence):addiu $s1, $zero, 996l.d $f0, –16($s0)l.d $f2, –8($s0)loop:add.d $f4, $f2, $f0add.d $f6, $f4, $f2Send (2, $f4)Send (2, $f6)s.d $f4, 0($s0)s.d $f6, 8($s0)Receive($f8)add.d $f10, $f8, $f6add.d $f0, $f10, $f8Send (2, $f10)Send (2, $f0)s.d. $f8, 16($s0)s.d $f10, 24($s0)s.d $f0 32($s0)Receive($f2)s.d $f2 40($s0)addiu $s0, $s0, 48bne $s0, $s1, loopadd.d $f4, $f2, $f0add.d $f6, $f4, $f2add.d $f10, $f8, $f6s.d $f4, 0($s0)s.d $f6, 8($s0)s.d $f8, 16($s0)S-6 Chapter6SolutionsTh e code on node 2 would look something like this:addiu $s2, $zero, 0loop:Receive ($f12)Receive ($f14)add.d $f16, $f14, $f12Send(1, $f16)Receive ($f12)Receive ($f14)add.d $f16, $f14, $f12Send(1, $f16)Receive ($f12)Receive ($f14)add.d $f16, $f14, $f12Send(1, $f16)Receive ($f12)Receive ($f14)add.d $f16, $f14, $f12Send(1, $f16)addiu $s2, $s2, 1bne $s2, 83, loopBasically Node 1 would compute 4 adds each loop iteration, and Node 2would compute 4 adds. Th e loop takes 1463 cycles, which is much better thanclose to 18K. But the unrolled loop would run faster given the current sendinstruction latency.6.4.4 Th e loop network would need to respond within a single cycle to obtain aspeedup. Th is illustrates why using distributed message passing is diffi cult whenloops contain loop-carried dependencies. Th is problem is again a divide and conquer problem, but utilizes recursionto produce a very compact piece of code. In part A the student is asked to computethe speedup when the number of cores is small. When forming the lists, we spawn athread for the computation of left in the MergeSort code, and spawn a thread for thecomputation of the right. If we consider this recursively, for m initial elements in thearray, we can utilize 1 ϩ 2 ϩ 4 ϩ 8 ϩ 16 ϩ …. log2(m) processors to obtain speedup.6.5.2 In this question, log2 (m) is the largest value of Y for which we can obtainany speedup without restructuring. But if we had m cores, we could perform sorting using a very diff erent algorithm. For instance, if we have greater than m/2 cores, we can compare all pairs of data elements, swap the elements if the left element is greater than the right element, and then repeat this step m times. So this is one possible answer for the question. It is known as parallel comparison sort. Various comparison sort algorithms include odd-even sort and cocktail sort.Chapter 6 Solutions S- Th is problem presents an “embarrassingly parallel” computationand asks the student to fi nd the speedup obtained on a 4-core system. Th ecomputations involved are: (m ϫ p ϫ n) multiplications and (m ϫ p ϫ(n Ϫ 1)) additions. Th e multiplications and additions associated with a singleelement in C are dependent (we cannot start summing up the results of themultiplications for an element until two products are available). So in this question,the speedup should be very close to Th is question asks about how speedup is aff ected due to cache misses causedby the 4 cores all working on diff erent matrix elements that map to the same cacheline. Each update would incur the cost of a cache miss, and so will reduce thespeedup obtained by a factor of 3 times the cost of servicing a cache miss.6.6.3 In this question, we are asked how to fi x this problem. Th e easiest way tosolve the false sharing problem is to compute the elements in C by traversing thematrix across columns instead of rows (i.e., using index-j instead of index-i). Th eseelements will be mapped to diff erent cache lines. Th en we just need to make surewe process the matrix index that is computed ( i, j) and (i ϩ 1, j) on the same core.Th is will eliminate false sharing. x ϭ 2, y ϭ 2, w ϭ 1, z ϭ 0x ϭ 2, y ϭ 2, w ϭ 3, z ϭ 0x ϭ 2, y ϭ 2, w ϭ 5, z ϭ 0x ϭ 2, y ϭ 2, w ϭ 1, z ϭ 2x ϭ 2, y ϭ 2, w ϭ 3, z ϭ 2x ϭ 2, y ϭ 2, w ϭ 5, z ϭ 2x ϭ 2, y ϭ 2, w ϭ 1, z ϭ 4x ϭ 2, y ϭ 2, w ϭ 3, z ϭ 4x ϭ 3, y ϭ 2, w ϭ 5, z ϭ 46.7.2 We could set synchronization instructions aft er each operation so that allcores see the same value on all nodes. If every philosopher simultaneously picks up the left fork, then there will beno right fork to pick up. Th is will lead to starvation.S-8 ChapterSolutions66.8.2 Th e basic solution is that whenever a philosopher wants to eat, she checksboth forks. If they are free, then she eats. Otherwise, she waits until a neighborcontacts her. Whenever a philosopher fi nishes eating, she checks to see if herneighbors want to eat and are waiting. If so, then she releases the fork to one ofthem and lets them eat. Th e diffi culty is to fi rst be able to obtain both forks withoutanother philosopher interrupting the transition between checking and acquisition.We can implement this a number of ways, but a simple way is to accept requestsfor forks in a centralized queue, and give out forks based on the priority defi nedby being closest to the head of the queue. Th is provides both deadlock preventionand fairness.6.8.3 Th ere are a number or right answers here, but basically showing a casewhere the request of the head of the queue does not have the closest forks available,though there are forks available for other philosophers.6.8.4 By periodically repeating the request, the request will move to the head ofthe queue. Th is only partially solves the problem unless you can guarantee thatall philosophers eat for exactly the same amount of time, and can use this time toschedule the issuance of the repeated request.6.9A3B1, B4A1, A2B1, B4A1, A4B2A1B3A1A2A1A1B1B2B1A3A4B2B4Chapter 6 Solutions S-9A1B1A1B1A1B2A2B3A3B4A46.10 Th is is an open-ended question. Th e answer should include a MIPS program that includes 4 diff erentprocesses that will compute ¼ of the sums. Assuming that memory latency is notan issue, the program should get linear speed when run on the 4 processors (thereis no communication necessary between threads). If memory is being consideredin the answer, then the array blocking should consider preserving spatial locality sothat false sharing is not created.6.11.2 Since this program is highly data parallel and there are no datadependencies, a 8ϫ speedup should be observed. In terms of instructions, theSIMD machine should have fewer instructions (though this will depend upon theSIMD extensions).6.12 Th is is an open-ended question that could have many possible answers. Th ekey is that the student learns about MISD and compares it to an SIMD machine.6.13 Th is is an open-ended question that could have many answers. Th e key isthat the students learn about warps.6.14 Th is is an open-ended programming assignment. Th e code should be testedfor correctness.6.15 Th is question will require the students to research on the Internet both theAMD Fusion architecture and the Intel QuickPath technology. Th e key is thatstudents become aware of these technologies. Th e actual bandwidth and latencyvalues should be available right off the company websites, and will change as thetechnology evolves. For an n-cube of order N (2N nodes), the interconnection network cansustain NϪ1 broken links and still guarantee that there is a path to all nodes in thenetwork.6.16.2 Th e plot below shows the number of network links that can fail and stillguarantee that the network is not disconnected.S-10 Chapter 6Solutions11010010000100000Network order N u m b e r o f f a u l t y l i n k s6.176.17.1 Major diff erences between these suites include:Whetstone—designed for fl oating point performance specifi callyPARSEC—these workloads are focused on multithreaded programs6.17.2 Only the PARSEC benchmarks should be impacted by sharing and synchronization. Th is should not be a factor in Whetstone. Any reasonable C program that performs the transformation should be accepted.6.18.2 Th e storage space should be equal to (R ϩ R) times the size of a single precision fl oating point number ϩ (m + 1) times the size of the index, where R is the number of non-zero elements and m is the number of rows. We will assume each fl oating-point number is 4 bytes, and each index is a short unsigned integer that is 2 bytes. For Matrix X this equals 111 bytes.6.18.3 Th e answer should include results for both a brute-force and a computation using the Yale Sparse Matrix Format.6.18.4 Th ere are a number of more effi cient formats, but their impact should be marginal for the small matrices used in this problem. Th is question presents three diff erent CPU models to consider when executing the following code:if (X[i][j] > Y[i][j])count++;Chapter 6 Solutions S-11 6.19.2 Th ere are a number of acceptable answers here, but they should considerthe capabilities of each CPU and also its frequency. What follows is one possibleanswer:Since X and Y are FP numbers, we should utilize the vector processor (CPU C) toissue 2 loads, 8 matrix elements in parallel from A and 8 matrix elements from B,into a single vector register and then perform a vector subtract. We would thenissue 2 vector stores to put the result in memory.Since the vector processor does not have comparison instructions, we would haveCPU A perform 2 parallel conditional jumps based on fl oating point registers. Wewould increment two counts based on the conditional compare. Finally, we couldjust add the two counts for the entire matrix. We would not need to use core B.6.19.3 Th e point of the problem is to show that it is diffi cult to perform an operationon individual vector elements when utilizing a vector processor. What might be a niceinstruction to add would be a vector comparison that would allow for us to comparetwo vectors and produce a scalar value of the number of elements where one vectorwas larger the other. Th is would reduce the computation to a single instruction forthe comparison of 8 FP number pairs, and then an integer computation for summingup all of these values.6.20 Th is question looks at the amount of queuing that is occurring in the systemgiven a maximum transaction processing rate, and the latency observed on averageby a transaction. Th e latency includes both the service time (which is computed bythe maximum rate) and the queue time.6.20.1 So for a max transaction processing rate of 5000/sec, and we have 4 corescontributing, we would see an average latency of .8 ms if there was no queuingtaking place. Th us, each core must have 1.25 transactions either executing or insome amount of completion on average.So the answers are:1 ms5000/sec 1.252 ms5000/sec 2.51 ms10,000/sec 2.52 ms10,000/sec56.20.2 We should be able to double the maximum transaction rate by doublingthe number of cores.6.20.3 Th e reason this does not happen is due to memory contention on theshared memory system.。
logistic计组代码 -回复
一、概述1.1 什么是logistic计组代码?logistic计组代码是使用logistic函数对输入进行编码和解码的一种方式。
1.2 logistic计组代码的优势相较于其他编码技术,logistic计组代码具有以下优势:- 通过使用logistic函数,可以将输入限定在[0,1]的范围内,避免了数值溢出和失真。
- 将数据映射到[0,1]的区间上,可以实现数据的归一化和压缩,提高数据的存储和传输效率。
- 由于logistic函数的非线性特性,logistic计组代码可以更好地处理非线性关系的数据。
- 经过logistic编码的数据,在解码时可以恢复原始的数据信息。
二、logistic计组代码步骤详解2.1 数据预处理在进行logistic计组代码之前,首先需要对数据进行预处理。
通常包括以下几个步骤:- 数据清洗:去除重复值、缺失值以及异常值,确保数据的质量和准确性。
- 特征选择:选取与目标密切相关的特征作为编码依据,提高编码的效果。
- 特征缩放:对特征进行归一化处理,使其数值范围在[0,1]之间。
2.2 logistic函数logistic函数是logistic计组代码的核心部分,它用于将输入映射到[0,1]的范围上。
logistic函数的表达式为:f(x) = 1 / (1 + e^(-x))其中,x为输入值,f(x)为经过logistic编码后的值。
2.3 编码与解码logistic计组代码的编码和解码过程如下:- 编码过程:将原始数据通过logistic函数进行映射,得到编码后的数据。
IT系统分析员考题 v1-answer
Answer: ER圖如下:2、請編一帶迴圈條件的程式,可分部門遍曆上例中的每一條記錄。
Answer:Declare cursor cur_DepartmentSelect Deptcode from Department order by deptcodeFetch cur_Department into @DeptcodeWhile @@Fetch_status= 0BeginSelect ‘部門’, ‘姓名’, A.Station ‘崗位’, A.Age ‘年齡’, A.Salary ‘工資’, (select staffname from staff where staff.staffcode = b.staffcode ) 部門領導from staff A, Department BWhere A.Deptcode = @Deptcode and A.Deptcode = B.DeptcodeFetch next cur_Department into @DeptcodeEndClose cursor cur_DepartmentDeallocate cursor cur_Department3、在編寫SQL語句時為了提高性能,與資料庫索引匹配時應注意哪些?舉例說明。
Answer:1. 匹配所有的索引2. 匹配盡可能多的主健3.高級(主)的表放在等式左邊,而低級(次)的表放在等式右邊。
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“计算机组织结构”作业 05参考答案
1.存储器中有一个8 位字11000010,假设在海明码中采用偶校验,请写出加
2.一个8 位字00111001,采用海明码生成校验位后存储。
3.已知下列字符的ACSII 编码:A=1000001,a=1100001,0=0110000,求E、e、
f、7、G、Z、5 的7 位ACSII 码和第7位前加入奇校验位后的8 位编码。
字母是根据排序编码的,若将A看作第1个,E为第5个,即E的编码为100 0101。
加入奇校验后的8位编码为0100 0101。
e:110 0101(7位),1110 0101(8位)
f:110 0110(7位),1110 0110(8位)
7:011 0111(7位),0011 0111(8位)
G:100 0111(7位),1100 0111(8位)
Z:101 1010(7位),1101 1010(8位)
5:011 0101(7位),1011 0101(8位)
C1 = D1 ⊕D2 ⊕D4 ⊕D5 ⊕D7
C2 = D1 ⊕D3 ⊕D4 ⊕D6 ⊕D7
C3 = D2 ⊕D3 ⊕D4 ⊕D8
C4 = D5 ⊕D6 ⊕D7 ⊕D8
8FH = 1000 1111B,校验码(C4C3C2C1)为1011
3CH = 0011 1100B,校验码(C4C3C2C1)为0010
ABH = 1010 1011B,校验码(C4C3C2C1)为0111
96H = 1001 0110B,校验码(C4C3C2C1)为0110
1000 1111 0111 0011 0110 0010 1010 0101 1111 1001 0011 1010
5.假设要传送的数据信息为100011,若约定的生成多项式位G(x) = x3 + 1,则
1001 / 100011000
统A使用RAID 1技术,系统B使用RAID 5技术。
A: 30ms
B: 120ms(最坏情况:两读两写)
7.假定在一个使用RAID 5的系统中,采用先更新数据块、再更新校验快的信息