

Part-time job: a teacher in School.
Chicago Law
The meeting with Michele in 1988.
After 4 years, they got married and gave birth 2 daughters Maria and Natasha .
During 1976-1979 in high school,he drank, used marijuana and cocaine.
Following high school,he attended the Colombia University.
Obama entered Harvard Law School in late 1988.
妹妹玛雅 现年37岁的玛雅从夏威夷大学毕业,是当地一所私立女 子中学的历史老师,在夏威夷大学夜校部兼职教课;她嫁给了加拿 大籍华人康拉德· 伍,有一个2岁的女儿。
弟弟马克 奥巴马同父异母弟弟马克有斯坦福大学物理学学士学位 和埃默里大学工商管理硕士学位;在中国深圳居住了6年,有一家 咨询公司和9家木屋烧烤连锁店;已与一位河南姑娘结婚。
Then he returned back to Hawaii and lived with his grandparents and younger sister.
1973-1976,he attended a private middle school and he was the only black boy in his class.
At the end of his first year, he was selected, based on his excellent grades and behavior, as an editor of the Harvard Law Review(《哈佛法律评论》).

奥巴马主题演讲在奥巴马为联邦参议员竞选过程中,他在波士顿举行的2004年民主党 全国代表大会上发表了主题演讲。 在谈到自己的外祖父在第二次世界大战作为老兵,并且是罗斯福新政中联邦房屋 管理(FHA)和退伍军人法(GI Bill)的受益人时,他说到: “ 不。人民并不指望政府解决他们所有的问题。但他们能感到,深入骨髓地感受到, 只要我们稍微改变一下政策优先权,美国每一个孩子都能有机会获得良好的生活,机 会能向每个人敞开。他们知道我们能做得更好。他们希望这样的选择。 ” 在谈到乔治· 布什政府看待伊拉克战争的问题时,奥巴马提及一位来自伊利诺伊州 应征海军的谢默斯· 埃亨下士时,问道:“当谢默斯为我们服务的时候,我们在为他服 务吗?”他继续说道: “ 当我们送我们的年轻人去战场时,我们有绝对的义务不去捏造数字、不去掩盖他们 上战场的原因事实,要在他们离去时关怀他们的家庭,在他们归来时以他们为荣,并 且永远不要在没有足够军队去取得胜利的时候就仓皇上路,要保卫和平,从而赢得世 界对美国的尊重。 ” 最后他谈到国家团结: “ 政治评论员们喜欢把我们的国家切割分开成“红色州和蓝色州”,红色州代表支持 共和党人,蓝色州代表支持民主党人。但我向他们带来了新的消息:我们崇敬蓝色州 里伟大的主;我们不喜欢红色州里的联邦探员在图书馆里闲逛;我们在蓝色州里指导 小联盟的训练,是的,我们在红色州里也有一些同性恋朋友。然而有爱国者反对伊拉 克战争,有爱国者支持伊拉克战争。我们是一体的,我们都宣誓效忠星条旗,我们都 在保卫美利坚合众国! ” 这场演讲让美国许多政要和民间闻人都注意到了奥巴马,并且赋予他“即时名人”的 称号。
• 奥巴马的支持者2006年11月1日,《芝加哥论坛报》报道在奥巴马在 芝加哥南边购下新居的同一天,属于该房屋的、新主人不想要的一块 空地就被伊利诺州商人安东尼· 雷兹科(Antoin Rezko)的妻子买下, 这名商人目前正面临涉嫌试图勒索、洗钱和诈骗的联邦指控 。该报 道出版后两天,该报发表社论要求奥巴马解释该事件,为什么他要让 自己与这种“意图丑恶地将自己与政治任务联系起来,以获得商业利 益,并引起公众持续怀疑”的发展商“有任何瓜葛”。次日,《芝加 哥论坛报》报道了奥巴马的声明,指自己“与雷兹科或任何一人在这 件事情或任何私人交易上的瓜葛,使人误认为自己受益”是错误的, “基于这一个理由,我承认自己的错误并感到后悔。”12月24日, 奥巴马的发言人确认奥巴马在2005年雇佣的一名实习生与雷兹科有 联系,但否认任何偏袒。奥巴马的办公室当年夏天雇佣了将近100名 实习生。 论坛报的报道没能指控奥巴马任何错误及不道德的行为,也没有 发现任何相关证据。2006年12月,“新共和”(The New Republic) 网站的一篇文章,批评《芝加哥论坛报》、Slate网络杂志和《华盛 顿邮报》对这一事件的追踪报道,指他们没有为这个故事提供价值: “新闻媒介的角色应该是基于事实,加入符合事实的洞察、观点;而 非鼓吹一种观点、盲目提高其背后不确定事07年1月1日奥巴马在2004年民主党全国代表大会上的演讲使人们预料到他最终将 参与美国总统的竞选。这种推测在2004年他赢得联邦参议员选举之后更加确切,促使他向记者澄清:“我可 以肯定地说,我不会在4年后参加竞选”。但在2006年10月的电视访谈节目《会面新闻界》时,奥巴马亦曾 表示自己可能参与2008年的总统大选。随后民意机构将他的名字加入到民主党候选人的民意调查表中,首次 的民意调查显示奥巴马获得17%民主党人的支持,仅次于获得28%支持度的纽约州参议员希拉里· 克林顿。最 近的“拉斯穆森报告“(Rasmussen Reports)指出两人在民主党基本选民中的支持度“事实上持平”。 2006年12月底出版的《新闻周刊》封面故事以“竞赛开始”(The Race is On)为题,其专栏作家 Jonathan Alter提出了“美国为希拉里或奥巴马做好准备了吗?”的封面问题。 民主党参议员理查· 杜宾(Richard Durbin)和伊利诺州审计长丹尼尔· 海恩(Daniel Hynes)为2008年 奥巴马总统竞选的早期倡议者。著名电视主持人奥普拉· 温芙瑞和影星乔治· 克鲁尼都表态支持奥巴马竞选总 统。评论员曾指出奥巴马在2008年获胜的机会将大于在2012年及之后。 在2006年10月出版的《芝加哥论坛报》中,牛顿· 迈诺(Newton Minow)将2008年奥巴马的总统竞选 与1960年约翰· 肯尼迪的胜选相提并论,保守派专栏作家乔治· 威尔(George Will)则详列出他认为奥巴马应 该在此时参选的四个理由。 2006年9月,奥巴马成为艾奥瓦州议员汤姆· 哈金(Tom Harkin)的野餐会上的主要演讲者,这一年度政 治活动传统上由艾奥瓦州政党核心会议(Iowa Caucus)中有希望的总统候选者参加[。2006年12月,奥巴 马在新罕布什尔州发表演讲,庆祝民主党在全国中期选举中的首场胜利(新罕布什尔州初选),吸引了1500 人。 2007年1月14日的《芝加哥论坛报》报道,奥巴马已经开始建立自己的竞选团队,且将其竞选总部设于 芝加哥。2007年2月10日在伊力诺州首府春田市正式宣布参选。2008年1月4日的艾奥瓦民主党初选大会上, 取得38%的支持率,领先知名度颇高的约翰· 爱德华兹和希拉里· 克林顿,成为民主党候选人中的领跑者。 2008年5月10日奥巴马超级党代表票首次超越希拉里· 克林顿,连同领先数月的一般党代表票,使奥巴马入主 白宫之路气势大增。 2008年6月3日,最后两场预选在南达柯塔州和蒙大拿州举行,希拉里· 克林顿旋即确定在党代表票数上落 后,奥巴马初定成为民主党总统提名人,是美国历史上首次有主要政党提名参与总统大选的黑人。2008年8 月23日的民主党全国大会上,他被正式提名,并且选择了参议员乔· 拜登为副总统候选人。 11月4日总统大选正式举行,结果奥巴马击败共和党候选人麦凯恩成功当选为美国第44任总统,更成为美 国有史以来第一位非洲裔总统。 奥巴马当选后,2008年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者克鲁格曼发表文章,分析美 国政经局面,支持他进行激进改革。

奥巴马中英文介绍Barack Hussein Obama, born on August 4, 1961, is the junior United States Senator from Illinois and presidential nominee of the Democratic Party in the 2008 United States presidential election.Obama graduated with a B.A. from Columbia in 1983, then at the start of the following year worked for a year at the Business International Corporation and then at the New York Public Interest Research Group.After four years in New York City, Obama moved to Chicago, where he was hired as director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP) and worked there for three years from June 1985 to May 1988.Obama entered Harvard Law School in late 1988. At the end of his first year, he was selected, based on his grades and a writing competition, as an editor of the Harvard Law Review. In February 1990, in his second year, he was elected president of the Law Review, a full-time volunteer position functioning as editor-in-chief and supervising the Law Review's staff of eighty editors.After graduating with a Juris Doctor (J.D.) magna cum laude from Harvard in 1991, he returned to Chicago.He served from 1994 to 2002 on the board of directors of the Woods Fund of Chicago, and also from 1994 to 2002 on the board of directors of The Joyce Foundation.Obama was elected to the Illinois Senate in 1996, In January 2003, Obama became chairman of the Illinois Senate's Health and Human Services Committee. He resigned from the Illinois Senate in November 2004 following his election to the US Senate.巴拉克•侯赛因•奥巴马,出生于1961年8月4日,是代表美国伊利诺州的联邦参议员,2008年美国总统选举民主党候选人。

幸福的四口之家 的萨莎。
奥巴马婚姻稳定,家庭幸福。 如果说同为哈佛法学院毕业、现年 43岁且事业有成的妻子是贤妻良母;那 么,身为法学博士、国会参议员的丈夫 则是慈夫严父。奥巴马公务再忙也会抽 空陪陪家人。奥巴马家有很严的家规: 1.不能有无理的抱怨、争吵或者惹人讨 厌的取笑。 2.一定要铺床,不能只是看上去整洁。 3.自己设置闹钟,自己起床穿衣。 4.保持玩具房的干净。 5.帮爸爸分担家务,有每周一美 元的报酬。 6.每逢生日或是圣诞节,没有豪 华的礼物和华丽的聚会。 7.每晚8点30分准时熄灯。
“美国梦”的注解 不凡的经历,执著的梦想,7年的州参议员生涯, 3年的国会参议员生涯,一次精彩的演说,两本畅销书,年轻选民、 少数族裔和底层平民的支持,好莱坞明星的造势……奥巴马的从政 路书写了一部从社会底层奋斗出头的个人成长史。
美国历史上第一位黑人总统 遗传自父亲的黑色皮肤在奥巴马的 政治生涯中成为一面旗帜,而遗传自母亲的坚忍不拔和自信更使他 成为了今天的奥巴马。
母亲邓纳姆 生于堪萨斯州一个白人家庭,后随父母移居夏威夷,在 夏威夷大学就读人类学硕士课程,1992年完成硕士论文;是一位女 教师及自由主义者和人道主义者;1995年11月7日病逝,年仅52岁。
父亲和母亲 在夏威夷大学俄语班里邓纳姆认识了老贝拉克· 奥巴 马 ,并成了他的 “超级粉丝”,1961年2月2日18岁的邓纳姆嫁给 了相识七个月的老奥巴马;1964年1月离婚。
奥巴马在总统办公室内与负责立法事务的总统助理 Phil Schiliro 交谈,期间将脚搁在了总统办公桌上。
小奥其人,命运多舛。 他的母亲是美国人,结过两 次婚;父亲是肯尼亚人,结 过三次婚。因此他有两父四 母七弟妹,亲戚现遍布几大 洲。奥巴马曾形容自己家好 比是“小型联合国”。 当初,生父是肯尼亚留美学生,生母是位 具有叛逆性格的美国女孩。1961年,在美国还 非议异族婚姻时二人结婚,同年生下奥巴马。 奥巴马在他的自传《我父亲的梦想》一书中说: “母亲像牛奶而父亲像煤炭”,“我了解两个 世界,却不属于其中任何一个”,“一个西方 人,西方却不是我的家;一个非洲人,非洲却 是陌生的土地”。奥巴马生长在困惑中„„。
历届美国总统介绍 第44任总统 巴拉克·奥巴马

历届美国总统介绍:第44任总统巴拉克·奥巴马Barack Obama is the 44th President of the USA. Hewas born in Hawaii in 1961 to a Kenyan father andAmerican mother. His parents divorced and hismother married an Ind onesian man, thus Obamalived in Ind onesia between the ages of six to ten,before returning to Hawaii in 1972. He worked hisway through college with the help of scholarships andstudent loans and went on to Harvard Law School.巴拉克·奥巴马是美国第44任总统。
Barack’s story is the American story —values from the heartland, a middle-class upbringing ina strong family, hard work and education as the means of getting ahead, and the convictionthat a life so blessed should be lived in service to others. At Harvard, he became the firstAfrican—American president of the Harvard Law Review. After graduating, he taught law at theUniversity of Chicago.巴拉克的故事是典型的美国故事,美国价值观、在中产阶级中长大,教育以及自身的努力拼搏是其前进的途径,并深信人们应该服务于他人。

贝拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马(英语:Barack Hussein Obama)1961年8月4日生,美国民主党籍政治家,第44任美国总统,为第一位非裔美国总统,同时拥有黑(卢欧族)白(英德爱混血)血统,于2008年初次当选美国总统,并于2012年成功连任。
中文名贝拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马外文名Barack Hussein Obama II 别名欧巴马国籍美国出生地美国夏威夷州檀香山出生日期1961年(辛丑年)8月4日职业政治家、律师毕业院校哥伦比亚大学,哈佛大学信仰新教主要成就1996年伊利诺伊州参议员主要成就美国第56届、57届总统2009年诺贝尔和平奖获得者时代周刊年度风云人物2008、2012击毙本·拉登代表作品《我相信变革》《无畏的希望》《我父亲的梦想》所属政党美国民主党专业1政治学和国际关系(哥大)专业2法学(哈佛大学)血型AB学院西方学院人物生平家庭背景贝拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马的身世复杂,出生于美国的夏威夷,但他的血脉渊源却可追溯到美国的几位前任总统。

奥巴马能当上总统的原因一来他较年轻而且他的参政计划很多年轻人支持二者他是非洲裔的美国人三来一般总统是两大政党轮流来而且人们认为布什做的不好然而麦凯恩的政策基本上与布什一样并且经济危机的问题所以美国人希望有一个改变奥巴马的个人介绍贝拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马(Barack Hussein Obama)[1],1961年8月4日出生于美国夏威夷州檀香山,美国民主党籍政治家,第44任美国总统,为美国历史上第一位非洲裔总统。
成功当选美国第44任总统后的奥巴马在芝加哥发表讲话,表示“这是属于大家的胜利(this is your victory),美国开始改变(change has come to America)”。
奥巴马生平 奥巴马

這是奧巴馬與外祖父母在一起的生活照。他的母親鄧納姆則帶著她與印尼前夫生 的女兒又回到了印尼。從那時起,他就失去了母親的近距離關愛。從此母子天各一方, 在奧巴馬青年時,曾到印尼看望過母親一次,母親鄧納姆在1995年去世。
這樣 有本事, 真讓人感動!
音樂︰How fair this spot 納卡利柯夫演奏小號
兒時在夏威夷 奧巴馬是普通人家的孩子──1961年出生 於夏威夷,父親老貝拉克‧奧巴馬是來自肯亞的一名黑人留 美學生,母親鄧納姆則是一名白人女教師。
這是奧巴馬的生母,叫“鄧納姆”,有印地安血統,很漂亮.後來,她與印尼遊學生素 托羅結婚,並於1967年來到印尼,也把 6歲的奧巴馬帶到了印尼,4年後,兩人離婚。 這樣,奧巴馬在雅加達度過四年後,回到夏威夷,和外祖父、外祖母擠在一個很小的公 寓裡生活。

下面为大家介绍他的简介,下面是店铺给大家整理的奥巴马个人简介,供大家参阅!奥巴马简介贝拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马(英语:Barack Hussein Obama),1961年8月4日出生于檀香山,美国民主党籍政治家,第44任美国总统,为美国历史上第一位非裔美国人(美国黑人)总统。

关于奥巴马的励志故事贝拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马(Barack Hussein Obama),1961年8月4日出生,美国民主党籍政治家,第44任美国总统,为美国历史上第一位非洲裔总统。

美国总统奥巴马简历贝拉克·奥巴马 (Barack Obama) 1961年8月4日出生在美国夏威夷檀香山,父亲是来自肯尼亚的留学生,母亲是堪萨斯州人。

下面是店铺为你整理的奥巴马英文简介,希望对你有用!贝拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马主要事件financial crisisOn January 21, 2010, Obama announced that the government will formulate effective measures to strengthen the supervision of large financial institutions, limiting its size and high-risk transactions, in order to prevent new financial risks.Export strategyJanuary 27, 2010, Obama issued a State of the Union address five years to make the export doubled the goal, March 11, Obama at the US Export-Import Bank annual meeting speech, the US government's export promotion strategy outline gradually clear.Obama said that for every $ 1 billion increase in exports, it would create about 6,000 jobs in the United States. In terms of promoting growth, changing past spending habits, export-led manufacturing recovery. In the international competitiveness, to promote the US product in the global market leading position. Its core goal comes down to one sentence, that Obama said, "to ensure that the 21st century is still the American century."Green New DealSince Obama signed to develop new energy as an important part of the economic stimulus plan, the US government in just six months action frequently: increase investment in new energy areas, develop strict vehicle exhaust emission standards, the introduction of "US Clean Energy Security Act" , The outside world will be regarded as Obama's "Green New Deal."August 3, 2015, Obama in the White House East Hall launched the ultimate version of "clean power plan", proposed by 2030 power plant carbon emissions target will be based on the 2005 reduced by 32%. Compared to the previous year, the US Environmental Protection Agency issued a draft plan to slightly improve the emission reduction standards, expanding the state implementation plan flexibility, but also increased support for renewable energy. The White House believes that the new "Clean Electricity Plan" will provide new impetus to the success of the Paris Climate Change Summit at the end of the year.In November 2015, Obama attended the Paris Climate Change Conference, and Obama tried to achieve tangible results on climate change at the summit to honor his seven years of election and make the policy a political legacy. On 13 December, negotiators from 196 countries adopted the six-year Paris Agreement, which was considered the most important agreement reached by the international community in the area of global climate change since the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, Will make arrangements for global action on climate change after 2020.University of the United States Rice University presidential historian Bours said that Obama is the first in the climate change on the establishment of "moral authority" of the president. If Obama succeeds in implementing the climate agenda at home and abroad, climate policy will become the core and soul of his political heritage.Health care reform New DealStarting from the presidential election, Obama has always stressed the need to completely reform the health care system. In power, the more medical reform as the "New Deal" one of themajor projects. In the process of reform, Obama learned the lessons of the failure of the medical reform of the Clinton administration in the 1990s, and adopted some new strategies.Obama's health care program plans to achieve three goals, to provide more security for those who have insurance; to those who do not have insurance in their economic capacity to provide the choice; to ease the health care system to the US family, business and government The cost of growth.On February 22, 2010, Obama announced a new health care reform program. The new healthcare reform program will allow more than 31 million Americans who are not yet secured to have health insurance. The plan will reduce the US government budget deficit by $ 100 billion in the first 10 years of implementation and $ 1 trillion in the second decade. On March 3, Obama announced a revised final version of the medical reform proposal. On March 23, Obama signed the "parity medical bill".June 25, 2015 The US Supreme Court ruled on the Obama Healthcare Act by 6 votes to 3 votes. US Supreme Court Justice John Roberts announced the ruling that Congress passed the Medicare bill to improve the health insurance market, rather than destroy the market. According to the Obama administration reform bill passed in 2010, states can establish a state health insurance trading platform, can also use the federal government to provide health insurance network trading system.The reform of health care was a policy that had been a major force since Obama's administration, and suffered a heavy obstacle to the Republican Party. The Supreme Court twice rejected the legal challenge to the health care reform bill in three years and succeeded in preserving the political heritage.After the announcement of the Supreme Court ruling,Obama said at the White House that the ruling would allow the medical reform bill to continue and would help every ordinary American citizen get health insurance without letting Medicare become a minority privilege.2015 data show that a total of 11.7 million people have signed to participate in the Obama health care reform. The number of people enrolled in the Medicaid program has soared to 70 million, an increase of 20% since mid-2013. The proportion of unsafe Americans fell to a record low of 10%, health insurance prices slowed down, showing the sustainability of health care reform.Education New DealIn March 2009, in his speech on education reform, Obama elaborated that the prosperity of the United States did not have much material wealth, but that the offspring had good education. He believed that education was "the root of American prosperity" and a prerequisite for success.Obama in education basically follow the Bush administration's existing education framework, but put forward the "0 years old to 5 years old education plan" and "American opportunity tax preferential treatment plan" two new ideas. The former refers to the annual grant of $ 10 billion by the federal government to finance the advancement of pre-school education in the states, providing equal access to all schoolchildren. The latter provides tuition fees for college students' tuition fees, but subsidized college students Free community service as a condition. The Bush administration's education bill "there is no class to teach the bill" made a number of improvements, emphasizing the quality of education and teacher performance linked to the reform of the examination for the drawbacks ofteaching, advocacy education subjects to be comprehensive, more concerned about the failure of students, Increase funding for education, etc .; a significant reduction in the federal government's impact on the school's education policy, the assessment of the development of standards to the state or local government; he is not satisfied with the existing situation of public schools, requiring states to increase the Funding, to support the development of charter schools, but its effectiveness has yet to be time to test. The issuance of federal government education funds will shift from competition in accordance with the assessment criteria to competition. In addition, he believes that in order to improve the long-term competitiveness of the United States in the international community, we must strengthen national education and improve the quality of school education, will reduce the dropout rate of high school students as an important task of the country. With regard to the treatment of teachers, he advocated the implementation of performance wage system, proposed to strengthen the teacher hiring, training, retention and reward of preferential programs.On December 10, 2015, at the White House, Obama signed the "Every Student Succeeds Act" (ESSA), replacing the "no teachings" (translated as "no one child Leaving the law ", No Child Left Behind Act, NCLB), for the US public schools to establish a new line of responsibility. Obama says the new "Every student is successful" bill reduces reliance on standardized exams and unified tasks, ensuring that the US education system prepares every child at high school for graduation or employment. The new law retains the basic examination requirements, but removes the incentive measures depending on the student's performance. The new bill is conducive topromoting the progress of the laggards, narrowing the degree of "differentiation"; for different places, communities, schools will be more flexible adaptation; English learners will have more available projects and resources.Housing New DealThe Obama administration launched a housing bailout plan in the first quarter of 2009 to cover the $ 8,000 tax concession policy for new home buyers, which expires in November. On October 19, the US Treasury Department announced a new policy to stimulate the housing market, supporting low housing mortgage rates and helping low- and middle-income earners to buy housing or pay for rental costs. The new policy consists of two parts, part of which is a bond purchase plan that supports new loans to housing finance institutions, and the other is an interim loan and liquidity plan.Employment New DealIn December 2009, Obama announced that it would adopt a package of measures such as tax cuts, incentives and increased investment to create more jobs to cope with the current increasingly serious unemployment problem. In March 2010, Obama signed a bill to promote employment through tax cuts and increased spending.Nuclear strategyIn April 2009, Obama said in the Czech capital Prague, the US government will be committed to promoting the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free world. In April 2010, Obama said that the United States the primary threat is no longer a nuclear war between countries, but nuclear terrorism and nuclear proliferation, the US nuclear strategy's primary goal is to stop these threats.Energy strategyMarch 31, 2010, Obama in Washington near the Andrews Air Force Base announced that it will expand the development of offshore oil and gas fields in the United States, in order to ensure the US energy security. The US offshore oil and gas exploitation ban, which lasted for more than 20 years from 1990 to 2010, will lead to a major turning point in the US energy strategy, which will shift from a high degree of dependence on imports to imports and production.Iraq war withdrawalFebruary 27, 2009, Obama announced the US plan to withdraw troops from Iraq. Obama's withdrawal plan includes the withdrawal of most of the troops from Iraq by 31 August 2010, the end of the operational mission, leaving 35,000 to 50,000 troops to support the military operations of the Iraqi government and its security forces. Then, by the end of 2011 to withdraw all the remaining troops. August 31, 2010, Obama made a speech, officially declared the US military operations in Iraq to complete the evacuation, announced the focus of the United States to promote the sustained economic recovery, which is his "central task."Killed bin LadenObama became president, asked the US Central Intelligence Agency to pursue Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden as a top priority.At 2:30 am on May 2, 2011, Barack Obama ordered the Navy Seals to surprise the bin Laden's residence and kill and capture a large number of important documents. Osama bin Laden was killed, Obama's public support in the United States once surged by 6 percentage points, but this phenomenon failed, but slowlydown.Homosexual marriageJune 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court to 5 to 4 vote to determine the same sex marriage constitution. Judge Kennedy, who supports same-sex marriage, writes in his main submissions that marriage is the highest form of union, which represents love, loyalty, devotion, sacrifice and family. The combination of same sex partners will make them even more great. He said that some people think that same-sex marriage is a disrespect for marriage, this concept is a misreading, same-sex partner respect for marriage."I want to congratulate you on your efforts to change the country." That night, the White House staged a rainbow show to celebrate the New York Empire, "he said. The building also lights up the rainbow lights. Mr Obama made a speech at the White House Rose Garden that day and welcomed the ruling. Obama said that the ruling is not only the victory of Oberger and other plaintiffs, but also all the same sex partners and their children's victory, it is the victory of the United States. This is also another victory for the Obama administration and may have an impact on the Democratic presidential candidate in the 2016 US presidential election, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton supported gay marriage rights in his official speech on June 13, 2015.According to the Washington Post in April 2015, 61 percent of Americans support same-sex marriages, and the Wall Street Journal argues that the development of technology, media and social networks, as well as friends and family, let the Americans re-examine themselves Attitude towards homosexuality.Fishing island speechApril 2014, during Obama's visit to Japan, the "Yomiuri Shimbun" asked Obama whether it could make a clear statement that the Diaoyu Islands would be suitable for US-Japan security treaties. Obama said: "The US policy is clear, the Diaoyu Islands in Japan's scope of governance, therefore," US-Japan Security Treaty, "the scope of application of Article 5, and no matter what attempts to hinder Japan's attempt to govern these islands , We will all oppose. "US President personally confirmed that the Diaoyu Islands are within the scope of the US-Japan security treaty, is the first time in history. The remarks were opposed by the Chinese Foreign Ministry.Was suedJuly 30, 2014, the US House of Representatives by 225 votes in favor, 201 votes against the vote passed the motion, formally authorized House Speaker Bona to the President Obama abuse of administrative power to sue.November 21, 2014, the US House of Representatives Speaker Bona announced that the Obama administration in the implementation of the medical reform bill in the process of exercising "beyond the power of the Constitution," the House of Representatives has formally filed a lawsuit. Bona said the House of Representatives morning in the capital of Washington federal court formally sued the Obama administration, the Ministry of Health and Public Services Minister Boville and Finance Minister Jacob Lu as the defendant. The indictment lists "two counts", including the Obama administration's "two postponement of implementation" of the health care reform bill on the employer must purchase medical insurance for employees, the Obama administration violated the use of federal accounts funds to pay $ 175 billion insurance companies, the two Items are "illegal".Bona said that the move is to defend the authority of the US Constitution, not for a party's self-interest. One of the sponsors of the bill, the chairman of the House of Representatives Committee Sassen said that Obama "has gone too far", regardless of constitutional requirements, the selective implementation of the law.House minority leader Pelosi reacted strongly to the prosecution. She said that the American people want Congress to help increase employment and support the middle class, the Republican Party has chosen to spend $ 500 per hour attorney to prosecute the president, the lawsuit will encounter "embarrassing failure."Control gunsOn December 18, 2015, at the White House annual annual press conference, US President Barack Obama vowed in the New Year speech to solve the problem of gun violence in 2016, and set the first day of the fourth day of the new day, Minister Lolita Lynch, discuss how to bypass the Congress to deal with the thorny problem of firearms.January 5, 2016, US President Barack Obama held a press conference at the White House on gun control. Obama announced a series of gun control initiatives to expect the adoption of administrative means to curb the United States frequent gun violence. He also urged the US Congress to make a difference in the issue of gun control. Obama announced that all gun sellers will be asked to obtain business license, and the background of the gunmen to review, or will be subject to criminal penalties. The US government will employ more inspectors to participate in the background review of the gunmen, an increase of 200 agents to strengthen the law enforcement offire safety laws and regulations, and invested 500 million US dollars for the treatment of mental illness. Obama said that the United States is the world's only case of violent violence in the developed countries, each year more than 30,000 people died under the gun, so the gun problem urgent.Vow to eradicate ISOn the evening of January 12, 2016, US President Barack Obama made his last tenure in his presidencyState of the Union, is also the seventh time for the State of the Union. Obama said that US foreign policy must focus on combating the threat of "Islamic" and "al Qaeda" organizations, but stressed that the United States should avoid doing the "world police" but mobilize the power of the world to cooperate.Obama said in his speech, the highest priority task of the US government is to protect the American people and fight against the terrorist network. "Islamic countries" and "al-Qaida" organizations are directly threatening the safety of the American people. He said that the Islamic (IS) extremists were "must kill, arrest and destroy the killers and extremists."Iranian nuclear agreementOn July 14, 2015, the Iranian nuclear issue of six countries (the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany) and Iran finally reached a historic Iranian nuclear issue agreement. After more than a year and a half of the negotiations, the parties reached a political consensus on resolving the Iranian nuclear issue that lasted for 12 years. Obama said the Iranian nuclear agreement reached that diplomacy can bring real change. Obama thanked Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China and the EU for the efforts to reach an agreement, saying the agreement to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the region, theworld becomes more secure. The "historic" agreement has also become an important diplomatic legacy of Obama.The agreement consists of the text and five technical annexes, covering nuclear, sanction, civil nuclear energy cooperation, joint committee and implementation. The agreement will ensure that the Iranian nuclear program is used for peaceful purposes, and Iran recognizes that it will never seek to develop or acquire any nuclear weapons. Iran will ensure that uranium enrichment extraction within 300 kilograms, the extraction concentration of 3.67%, the number of centrifuges will be reduced from about 19,000 units to 6104 units. The agreement also includes the lifting of sanctions imposed by the UN Security Council, multilateral and unilateral countries on the Iranian nuclear issue. After the implementation of the agreement, the largest arms embargo on Iraq will be able to maintain a maximum of five years, the ban on technology transfer to the Iranian ballistic missile will be canceled at least 8 years later. International inspectors are not free to authorize verification of Iranian sensitive facilities, including military bases. Iran has the right to object to the verification requirements of international inspectors, and an arbitration body composed of Iranian and six nationals will rule on the dispute.Iran agreed to make a compromise on its nuclear program by July 20, 2014, according to a phased agreement between Iran and the Iranian nuclear issue in November 2013. Western countries reduced the sanctions against Iraq accordingly, and the parties sought to negotiate Comprehensive agreement. Due to serious differences, the parties will extend the negotiation period to November 2014, and later postponed to the end of June this year. On April 2 this year, the six countries and Iran reached aframework solution for the Iranian nuclear issue, which laid the foundation for the final conclusion of a comprehensive agreement.The United States and the ancient "ice"On March 10, 2009, the US Senate passed a bill on the partial lifting of US sanctions against Cuba and amended the controversial law on the embargo against Cuba. In April the same year, Obama announced a series of restrictions on the Cuban restrictions;December 10, 2013, Obama in Johannesburg, South Africa to attend the Mandela official memorial service, and with the Cuban leader Raúl Castro shook hands to pay tribute. This i s the relationship between the United States and Cuba hostile for more than half a century, the two leaders shook hands for the second time.December 17, 2014, the highest leaders of the United States were delivered a speech, announced that the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries to start consultations;On May 29, 2015, the US State Department announced that it would remove Cuba from the blacklist of "support for terrorist countries"July 20, 2015, the United States in the capital of both sides to reopen the embassy;On August 14, 2015, Secretary of State Kerry visited Cuba, the first visit to the United States Secretary of State since 1945;December 11, 2015, the United States announced the restoration of the two countries will be interrupted more than half a century of direct mail service;February 16, 2016 US ancient official signed a twocommercial flight agreement, allowing US airlines to open direct flights to Cuba's commercial flights;On the afternoon of March 20, 2016, the Obama couple and two daughters, accompanied by US Secretary of State Kerry, four ministers, 23 members and a number of entrepreneurs, arrived in Havana, the capital of Cuba, for a three-day visit, Became the first US president to visit Cuba since 1928. During the visit, Obama visited the old town of Havana; met with the archbishop of Cuba, Jaime Otega; to the Cuban national hero José Marty statue dedicated wreath; in the revolutionary palace and Cuban leader Raúl Castro held a formal talks Attended the Cuban state banquet; delivered a speech to the Cuban people at the National Theater in Havana; met with Cuban human rights activists and civil society representatives at the US Embassy in Cuba; and watched the friendship between the Tampa Bay Baseball team in Florida and the Cuban national baseball team. Obama called on the United States and ancient reconciliation, "put down the past, look to the future." Obama's visit means "the last remnants of the burying the cold war".Character eventOn December 29, 2014, President Obama, who was keen on golf, forced two US officers to rearrange the wedding venue at the last minute. With Captain Natalie Haimel and Captain Edward Malu, who is ready for the Army Captain, have been ready to hold a wedding at the Kelipel Golf Course in Carnegie, Hawaii.But then, they learned that in their own wedding at the same time, Obama has been set in the same venue to kick the ball. Within 24 hours, they changed the place of the wedding to the lawn of the base commander's residence, from there overlooking the Pacific Ocean.Newlyweds later received the call from the commander of the armed forces. Obama congratulated them and apologized for the trouble of playing."Obama has just called my sister and brother-in-law in person," said Haimel's sister on Twitter, saying it was amazing because she had stirred her wedding. "Bride's friend Bekaa Dreyer told the New York Daily News that the phone was "really happy and bad."Quit the electionUS time on the evening of January 20, 2015, a video on the network "crazy pass". Video, the US President Barack Obama said self-evident, nothing new: "I will no longer be put into the election." November 2008 was elected, January 20 the following year as president, means that on January 20, 2017, Obama according to the law will retire.Farewell ceremonyJanuary 4, 2017, in the United States capital Washington near the Mayr Henderson military base, US President Barack Obama attended the military for his farewell ceremony. On the same day, US Defense Secretary Carter and US President of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Deng Fude held a farewell ceremony for outgoing US President Barack Obama.French petitionA French petition on a campaign site said the French had already had enough of these five years of "ghosts" to avoid a failed president, and the French had made a determined change: Foreigners come to the French president. They also want to have 100 million people signed in the petition to let Obama take office."Obama has just retired from the position of the President of the United States, he has the world's most perfect resume, whydo not we hire him as a French president?"贝拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马家庭生活Obama's wife is Michelle Obama, the two have two daughters. Obama was well disciplined during the campaign, and people occasionally saw him take them to the campaign. The Obama family has set up a lot of rules for her daughter, such as the following acts: complaints, crying, arguing, entanglement and malicious ridicule. In addition also need to organize their own beds, get up to wear clothes. If you do housework, you can get $ 1 pocket money from your father every week. Obama said he often told her daughter stories, coax them to sleep, and in the morning, the daughters will climb to his bed and call him up.In 2004 before and after Obama was elected senator, two daughters studied at a private school in Chicago - University of Chicago experimental school. After Obama was elected president, the two daughters needed to go to Washington to choose a new school, and eventually the two daughters entered the American Westville Friendship School, one of the top private schools in the United States, and trained numerous Washingtonese elites.。

巴拉克·奥巴马(1961- ),1961年8月4日生于美国夏威夷,父亲是来自肯尼亚的黑人,母亲是堪萨斯州的白人。
1995年出版回忆录《我父亲的梦想》(Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance)。
2004年,奥巴马在美国民主党全国代表大会上发表题为“无畏的希望”(The Audacity of Hope)的政策演讲而引人注目。
巴拉克·奥巴马,1961年8月4日生于夏威夷,父亲Barack Obama, Sr.是来自肯尼亚的黑人,母亲Ann Dunham是堪萨斯州的白人。
1995年出版回忆录《我父亲的梦想》(Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance)。
2004年,奥巴马在民主党全国代表大会上发表题为“无畏的希望”(The Audacity of Hope)的政策演讲而引人注目。
Barack ObamaBarack Obama was born on August 4th, 1961, in Hawaii to Barack Obama, Sr. and Ann Dunham. Obama graduated from Columbia University in 1983, and moved to Chicago in 1985 to work for a church-based group seeking to improve living conditions in poor neighborhoods plagued with crime and high unemployment. In 1991, Obama graduated from Harvard Law School where he was the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review.奥巴马的父亲老奥巴马是肯尼亚人,母亲安·邓纳姆是美国一名白人女教师。

中文名称: 火奴鲁 鲁 外文名称: Honolulu 别名: 檀香山 行政区类别: 州首 府 所属地区: 美国夏 威夷州 面积: 面积217平方 千米 人口: 约37万 著名景点: 亚利桑 那纪念馆
Early Time of Obama
Nation Disagreement
After working his way through college with the help of scholarships and student loans, President Obama moved to Chicago, where he worked with a group of churches to help rebuild communities devastated by the closure of local steel plants.
He was elected the 44th President of the United States on November 4, 2008, and sworn in on January 20, 2009. He and his wife, Michelle, are the proud parents of two daughters, Malia, 12, and Sasha, 9
中文名: 普林斯顿大 学 外文名: Princeton University 校训: Dei sub numine viget 创办时间: 1746年 现任校长: 雪莉· 蒂 尔曼 知名校友: 约翰· 肯 F· 尼迪 詹姆斯· 麦迪逊 所属地区: 美国 新 泽西州
He went on to attend law school, where he became the first African—American president of the Harvard Law Review(1991). Upon graduation, he returned to Chicago to help lead a voter registration drive, teach constitutional law at the University of Chicago, and remain active in his community.

奥巴马简介African-American president of the United States if elected. Serving in the Senate since 2004, Obama introduced bipartisan legislation what allows Americans to learn online how their tax dollars are spent. He also serves on the Veterans' Affairs Committee, which helps oversee the care of soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.Previously, Obama worked as a community organizer and civil rights in Chicago, and served for eight years in the Illinois State Senate.Obama was born August 4,1961, in Hawaii and has lived in many places, including Indonesia. His mother was from Kansas and his father from Kenya. Obama attended Columbia University in New York and earned a law degree at Harvard University in. He and his wife, Michelle Obama, who also worked as a lawyer and later for the University of Chicago, have two young daughters.奥巴马的家庭简介(英文版)Bama was born in Hawaii, his father was a student from Kenya and his mother was a white Kansas. Obama graduated from Columbia University and Harvard University, for the first time in 1996, was elected Illinois senator in Illinois in 2004 for the first time elected as a Senator, to become the U.S. Congress in the history of the 5th session of Congress The only black senator.In July 2004, the convening of the Democratic Party National Congress, Obama has been designated to do the next day, "the keynote speech." The so-called "keynote speech", this is the Democrats on the party's program and policy statements, usually by the party's most promising political star to make 1988 a "keynote speech" that then-Arkansas governor Bill Clinton. Obama delivered the speech he wrote and published an impassioned speech. In his speech, he proposed the elimination of differences betweenpolitical parties and ethnic differences, "a U.S." dream.45-year-old speech highly charismatic Obama, the broad smiles on their faces even capture the hearts of many people. With the intention to run for president in the past of black people compared to their predecessors, Obama is the first in the primaries before the national poll was supported by the rising star in 2008 to become the Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton, one of the candidates of the rival.Obama in a short period of time for more than two years have been caused by a cyclone in the political arena, even the "Obama phenomenon" and used former President John F. Kennedy in 1960 taking into strong popularity to the White House in the same breath.But there are many black people that Obama does not identify with the critics that he run for president is a bit too tender, the need for Obama to the space is still not small.U.S. Democratic Senator blacks to participate in the next presidential electionXinhua Washington, Jan 16 (Reporter Pan pro Yang Qingchuan) of the United States Congressional Black Democratic Senator Barack Obama 16, announced his intention to participate in the 2008 presidential election. He was on the same day the U.S. Federal Electoral Institute has submitted the relevant documents, and set up a committee to assess the feasibility of the presidency.Obama 16 on its Web site issued a statement saying for months that he has been considering whether to participate in the 2008 presidential election, but will not take part or not depends on the media and personal ambitions. In the past six years, the federal government's decision to ignore the problem, as well as by the United States in a very unsafe situation, the United States into a should not have launched the "unfortunate, costly" war, and in Washington The leaders are not in a practical manner to cooperate.简介:Bama was born in Hawaii, his father was a student from Kenya and his mother was a white Kansas.Obama graduated from Columbia University and Harvard University, for the first time in 1996, was elected Illinois senator in Illinois in 2004 for the first time elected as a Senator, to become the U.S. Congress in the history of the5th session of Congress The only black senator.In July 2004, the convening of the Democratic Party National Congress, Obama has been designated to do the next day, "the keynote speech." The so-called "keynote speech", this is the Democrats on the party's program and policy statements, usually by the party's most promising political star to make 1988 a "keynote speech" that then-Arkansas governor Bill Clinton. Obama delivered the speech he wrote and published an impassioned speech. In his speech, heproposed the elimination of differences between political parties and ethnic differences, "a U.S." dream.45-year-old speech highly charismatic Obama, the broad smiles on their faces even capture the hearts of many people. With the intention to run for president in the past of black people compared to their predecessors, Obama is the first in the primaries before the national poll was supported by the rising star in 2008 to become the Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton, one of the candidates of the rival.Obama in a short period of time for more than two years have been caused by a cyclone in the political arena, even the "Obama phenomenon" and used former President John F. Kennedy in 1960 taking into strong popularity to the White House in the same breath.But there are many black people that Obama does not identify with the critics that he run for president is a bit too tender, the need for Obama to the space is still not small.U.S. Democratic Senator blacks to participate in the next presidential electionXinhua Washington, Jan 16 (Reporter Pan pro Yang Qingchuan) of the United States Congressional Black Democratic Senator Barack Obama 16, announced his intention to participate in the 2008 presidential election. He was on the same day the U.S. Federal Electoral Institute has submitted the relevant documents, and set up a committee to assess the feasibility of the presidency.Obama 16 on its Web site issued a statement saying for months that he has been considering whether to participate in the 2008 presidential election, but will not take part or not depends on the media and personal ambitions. In the past six years, the federal government's decision to ignore the problem, as well as by the United States in a very unsafe situation, the United States into a should not have launched the "unfortunate, costly" war, and in Washington The leaders are not in a practical manner to cooperate.早年经历罗曼史和家庭生活文化及政治形象Brief IntroductionBarack Hussein Obama, born on August 4, 1961, is the junior United States S enator from Illinois and presidential nominee of the Democratic Party in the 2 008 United States presidential election.Obama is the first African-American to be nominated by a major American po litical party for president and became the first African-American president in American history on November 4, 2008. A graduate of Columbia University a nd Harvard Law School, where he became the first black person to serve as p resident of the Harvard Law Review, Obama worked as a community organize r and practiced as a civil rights attorney before serving three terms in the Illin ois Senate from 1997 to 2004. He taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. Following an unsuccessful bid for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2000, he announced his camp aign for the U.S. Senate in January 2003. After a primary victory in March 2 004, Obama delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convent ion in July 2004. He was elected to the Senate in November 2004 with 70 pe rcent of the vote.As a member of the Democratic minority in the 109th Congress, he helped cr eate legislation to control conventional weapons and to promote greater public accountability in the use of federal funds. He also made official trips to Easte rn Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. During the 110th Congress, he helped create legislation regarding lobbying and electoral fraud, climate change, nucle ar terrorism, and care for returned U.S. military personnel. Obama announced his presidential campaign in February 2007, and was formally nominated at th e 2008 Democratic National Convention with Delaware senator Joe Biden as h is running mate.奥巴马简介巴拉克•侯赛因•奥巴马,出生于1961年8月4日,是代表美国伊利诺州的资深联邦参议员,2008年美国总统选举民主党候选人。

那么ab型血世界名人有哪些人呢?下面由店铺为你详细介绍吧,欢迎阅读!ab型血世界名人:奥巴马贝拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马(Barack Hussein Obama),1961年8月4日出生,美国民主党籍政治家,第44任美国总统,为美国历史上第一位非洲裔总统。
ab型血世界名人:巴菲特沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett,1930年8月30日— ) ,全球著名的投资商,生于美国内布拉斯加州的奥马哈市。
奥巴马生平 改PPT课件

“极优等” 生 1991年奥巴马在哈佛获得了“极优等”法学博士 学位,但仍留有一些早年桀骜不驯的作派,如违章停车的17张罚 单只付了2张,直到17年后准备竞选总统的两周前,才把账付清。
毕业后的选择 带着哈佛光环回到芝加哥后,奥巴马却选择了到一 家专门受理民权诉讼的小型律师事务所工作,当了多年的“穷人代 理人”。
与奥巴马相遇 1988年米歇尔进入芝加哥一家律师所担任律师; 奥巴马从哈佛法学院毕业后去米歇尔所在的律师事务所实习,而22 负 责指导他的律师就是米歇尔。
喜结良缘 1992年10月18日奥巴马与米切尔相恋4年后结为伉俪。 23
幸福的四口之家 奥巴马和米歇尔有两个女儿:9岁的马利亚和6岁 24
从政路的起步 2004年7月27日奥巴马以一个候选联邦参议员的身 份,应邀在民主党全国代表大会上发表主题演讲,他亲自撰写讲25 稿, 演说慷慨激昂,终于不负众望,一讲成名。
成功当选为联邦参议员 三个月后他以高票当选为联邦参议员, 成了美国历史上第五位、同时又是第三位普选产生的非洲裔联邦26 参 议员,也是目前国会中唯一一位非洲裔参议员。
美国历史上第一位黑人总统 遗传自父亲的黑色皮肤在奥巴马的
“美国梦”的注解 不凡的经历,执著的梦想,7年的州参议员生涯,
初选成功 经历26场辩论、耗费上亿美元经费之后,以在总共56场 预选中赢33场、领先于对手200多张宣誓代表票的优势击败希拉30里, 2008年6月3日奥巴马获得民主党总统竞选提名,夫妇俩击掌庆贺。

奥巴马,全名贝拉克·奥巴马,是美国第 44 任总统,也是美国历史上第一位非洲裔总统。
他于 2009 年至 2017 年担任美国总统,期间推动了一系列改革,如推出奥巴马医保、气候变化政策等,对美国乃至全球产生了深远影响。
2004 年,时任伊利诺伊州联邦参议员的奥巴马,受邀在民主党全国代表大会上发表演讲。
这次演讲不仅让奥巴马成为了全国瞩目的政治新星,还为他在 2008 年的总统大选中赢得了大量选民支持。
最终,奥巴马成功当选为美国总统,并在 2009 年 1 月 20 日就职。

奥巴马资料奥巴马,全名巴拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马(Barack Hussein Obama),是美国历史上第44任总统。
他的父亲是肯尼亚裔经济学家巴拉克·奥巴马·父(Barack Obama Sr.),母亲是美国人安·杜奇(Ann Dunham)。
奥巴马于同年11月的选举中击败了共和党候选人约翰·麦凯恩(John McCain),成功当选为美国历史上第一位非洲裔总统。
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Family Members
• 米歇尔· 拉沃恩· 奥巴马(Michelle LaVaughn Obama) 曾就读普林斯顿大学及哈佛大学法 学院 • 女儿:玛丽亚· 安· 奥巴马(Malia Ann Obama),娜塔莎· 奥巴马 (Natasha Obama)。
宠物:葡萄牙水犬。 名字为波· 奥巴马 (Bo)。
The superman of American
E1202 09
Barack Hussein bama II
• • • • • • • • • 中文名:贝拉克· 侯赛因· 奥巴马 外文名:Barack Hussein Obama II 别名:奥巴马 国籍:美国 出生地:夏威夷 出生日期:1961年8月4日 职业:总统,参议员 毕业院校:哥伦比亚大学,哈佛大学
2009年11月15日至18日, 奥巴马对中国进行国事访 问,他是首位就任一年内 访问中国的美国总统。
• 2012年11月7日,奥巴马 在 当地时间6日举行的美国大选 中获得超过270张选举人票, 成功连任。
Thank you!
Bye !
Barack Hussein Obama II
• 主要成就:1996年伊利诺伊州参议员 美国第四十四、四十五任总统 2009年诺贝尔和平奖获得者 • 代表作品:《美国的变革时代已到来》 • 所属政党:美国民主党 • 专业1:政治学和国际关系(哥大) • 专业2:法学(哈佛大学)
挪威诺贝尔奖 评审委员会将 2009年的诺贝 尔和平奖授予 奥巴马,以表 彰他在促进国 际外交和各国 人民合作所作 出的非凡努力。