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I . 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项(听两遍)。

1. What did Jackson do yesterday?

A. B. C.

2. Which is not talked about in the conversation?

A. B. C.

3. What will Nick buy for his mother?

A. B. C.

4. What kind of TV programme is the man’s favourite?

A. B. C.

5. What’s the weather like today?

A. Snowy.

B. Fine.

C. Windy.

6. Where is the man going now?

A. The school.

B. His home.

C. The market.

7. How much might the scarf cost?

A. ¥ 25.

B. ¥ 73.

C. ¥ 97.

8. Who likes listening to soft music better while eating?

A. Linda.

B. Tom.

C. Sandy.

9. How is Bill going to Beijing?

A. By high-speed train.

B. By air.

C. By bus.

10. What does the woman mean?

A. The man can’t smoke at all.

B. The man can smoke.

C. Neither of them can smoke here.

II. 听下面1段对话。对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项(听两遍)。

11. Which way does Jack like to use most now?

A. By QQ.

B. By e-mail.

C. By microblog.

12. How many ways does Jack use to keep in touch with friends?

A. Six.

B. Five.

C. Four.

III. 听下面一段独白。独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,完成信息记录表(听两遍)。

13. A. “Endless Love” B. “Heal the World” C. “I believe I can fly”

14. A. sad B. happy C. sleepy

15. A. tell B. remind C. inform

IV. 听下面一篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案(听两遍)。

16. What did the man do in the bank?

A. He saved money.

B. He wanted a credit card.

C. He looked for his Benz car.

17. What was the code (密码) of the man’s credit card?

A. His birthday.

B. His telephone number.

C. The number of the Benz car.

18. Why did the man stop the speaker from calling the police?

A. Because he stole the car.

B. Because he was a robber.

C. Because he didn’t lose the car.

19. How many people were talked about in the passage?

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Three.

20. Why was the man so worried?

A. Because he didn’t find her car.

B. Because he didn’t remember the code.

C. Because he lost all his money.



21. ---Is the Bourne Identity __________ interesting film?

--- Y es, it is __________ film I’ve told you about many times recently.

A. the; the

B. an; a

C. the; a

D. an; the

22. ---What did the headmaster say?

--- He explained ________ why he didn’t come to our important meeting the day before last.

A. us

B. for us

C. with us

D. to us
