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2020年检察个人工作总结(Summary of Personal Procuratorial Work in 2020)民事检察制度是检察制度的重要组成部分,在现代法治社会中,民事检察制度对保障司法公正,今天我为大家精心挑选了关于检察个人工作总结的文章,希望能够帮助到大家。(The civil procuratorial system is an important part of the procuratorial system. In a modern society under the rule of law, the civil procuratorial system guarantees judicial justice. Today I have carefully selected articles on the summary of personal procuratorial work for you, and I hope to help you.)

20xx年检察个人工作总结篇一(Summary of Personal Procuratorial Work in 20xx)

201x年的11月17日,我怀揣着梦想走进了德城区检察院的大门,开始了我在检察院的生活。时光飞逝,岁月如梭,转眼间一年就过去了。相对于人的一生来说,一年的时间不算长,但是我深切感受到在德城区检察院的这一年当中自己真的学到了很多的东西。现将一年来的工作学习情况汇报如下:(On November 17, 201x, I walked into the gate of the Decheng District Procuratorate with a dream and started my life in the Procuratorate. Time flies, time flies, and a year passed in a blink of an eye. Compared to a person's life, a year is not long, but I deeply feel that I have really

learned a lot during this year at the Decheng District Procuratorate. The report of work and study in the past year is as follows:)

一、加强学习,不断提高政治、业务素质和执法水平(1. Strengthen learning and continuously improve political, professional quality and law enforcement level)


科学发展观"重要思想,积极参加共产党员先进性教育。在检察工作中坚决贯彻执行党的路线、方针、政策,恪守检察官的职业道德,要求干警做到的,自己首先做到,要求干警不做的,自己坚决不做,时时刻刻用共产党员的标准规范自己的言行。并结合当前在检察系统开展的"强化法律监督,维护公平正义"的活动,加强学习,牢固树立了公正执法,文明办案,全心全意为人民服务的思想。在努力学习政治理论的同时,我也紧抓业务理论学习,结合反贪局工作实际需要,我认真学习了《刑法》、《刑事诉讼法》及高检院、高法有关国家工作人员贪污贿、赂犯罪案例及相关司法解释。在学习中我注意始终坚持理论联系实践的优良学风,注意理论学习着眼于解决现实问题,注意实践工作中遇到的问题联系所学理论,尽量避免失误。在学习理论的同时,我也注意从实践中学习,向身边的每一个人学习,从身边每一件事中学习。一年里,领导和同志们教了我很多做人做事的道理,学到了很多书本上学不到的东西。(Over the past year, I have always

set high standards and strict requirements on myself, strengthened my moral cultivation and party spirit training, strengthened political acumen and discernment, consciously studied the party’s xx-major spirit and the important ideas of the "Scientific Outlook on Development", and actively participated in the Communist Party Education of the advanced nature of members. In the procuratorial work, we must resolutely implement the party’s line, guidelines, and policies, and abide by the professional ethics of prosecutors. If the policemen are required to do it, they must do it first. If they are not required by the policemen, they must not do it themselves and use Communist Party members at all times. The standards regulate their own words and deeds. In combination with the current activities of "strengthening legal supervision and safeguarding fairness and justice" carried out in the procuratorial system, strengthened learning, and firmly established the idea of fair law enforcement, civilized case handling, and wholehearted service to the people. While working hard to study political theory, I also paid close attention to the study of business theory, combined with the actual needs of the work of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, I carefully studied the "Criminal Law", "Criminal Procedure Law", and the
