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摘要......................................................... I Abstract......................................................... II 引言 (1)

1地产广告文案概述 (2)

1.1地产广告文案的发展 (2)

1.2地产广告文案的特色分析 (3)

2地产广告文案中古诗词修辞的使用分析 (5)

2.1地产广告文案中古诗词修辞的使用情况 (5)

2.2地产广告文案中古诗词修辞的使用方式 (6)

2.2.1拟人修辞手法的使用 (6)

2.2.2夸张修辞手法的使用 (6)

2.2.3比喻修辞手法的使用 (6)

2.2.4对偶修辞手法的使用 (7)

3地产广告文案中修辞错误现状及原因 (8)

3.1地产广告文案修辞错误存在的现状 (8)

3.2出现修辞错误的原因 (9)

3.2.1对修辞手法的认知差异 (9)

3.2.2对华丽词句的盲目追求 (9)

4地产广告文案引用古诗词过程中修辞错误及建议 (10)

4.1引用古诗词过程中修辞错误案例分析 (10)

4.1.1拟人修辞的误用 (10)

4.1.2夸张修辞的误用 (10)

4.1.3比喻修辞的误用 (11)

4.1.4对偶修辞的误用 (11)

4.2地产广告文案中修辞错误的改进建议 (11)

4.2.1加强修辞使用能力 (12)

4.2.2加强跨学科运用能力 (13)

4.2.3减少对华丽词句的追求 (14)

结语 (15)

参考文献 (16)

致谢 (18)







The Chinese poetry culture artistic conception is beautiful, the society today to the ancient poetry quotation, the application is still a big trend. The rise of the real estate industry has promoted the development of real estate advertising copy. Now the real estate advertising copy has been integrated into all aspects of social life. People love poetry culture, so real estate copywriters seize this psychology and combine ancient poetry culture with real estate advertising copy to meet the needs of consumers. In this process, the problem of the wrong use of ancient poetry rhetoric also came.

When using the ancient poetry, the real estate advertisement copy floats on the surface and can't stand the scrutiny. At the same time, it randomly quotes, borrows and uses the ancient poetry, even disregarding the rhetorical correctness, mechanically copies and lists them. It is common for people to accept and acquiesce in the vague concept of rhetoric, which is often conceived by subjective experience and without compulsive measures to stop it. This situation leads to the phenomenon of wrong use of rhetoric.

Aiming at the analysis of the above problems, the paper proposes to standardize and guide the use of ancient poetry rhetoric in the real estate advertisement copy by strengthening the rhetoric use ability, strengthening the interdisciplinary use ability and improving the market guidance, so as to reduce the use of rhetoric errors.

Key words: advertising copy; ancient poetry; rhetoric; error analysis
