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• We tried to find a table for seven, but they were all ______.
• A. given away • B. kept away • C. taken up • D. used up
• 3. guide
n. 指导;向导;导游 a tour guide a guide to sth./doing sth….指南,手册 a guide to Italy a guide to _fa_r_m__in_g___(farm)
1. 看见.. 2. 走出视野 3. 看得见,在视野范围内 4. 初见时 5. 一看见..就 6. 悄悄地溜进,染上坏习惯 7. 悄悄溜出 8. 一瞬间
1. in an instant 2. the instant =instantly
1. 立刻马上 2. 一..就
• slide on the ice
7. instant n. 瞬间;片刻 • for an instant 一瞬间 • in an instant 立即,马上 我马上就回来
I will be back in an instant.
3) the instant=the moment=the second=the minute=the second=immediately=directly=instantly
1. 农耕指南 2. 指引某人去某地 3. 缺乏自信 4. 什么都不缺 5. 缺乏 6. 缺水 7. 因为缺乏 8. 看不见
1. catch sight of-caught 2. be out of sight 3. be in/within sight 4. at first sight 5. at the sight of 6. slide into-slid 7. slide out of 8. for an instant
孩子们高兴地跳了起来 The kids jumped with delight. 2) to one’s delight To our delight, we will have a holiday. 3) take delight in 以…为乐 The children take delight in music. 4) delighting 令人高兴的,令人快乐的
A.in sight
B. out of sight
Байду номын сангаас
C. at first sight D. out of the sight
6.slide into (slide—slid---slid) • (快捷而悄声地)移动;溜进;慢慢进入(某种状
• 1) Tom slid in to the classroom without being noticed
delightful 讨人喜欢的,宜人的 a delightful boy/city
2. assist vt 帮助;协助;援助 1) assist sb with sth 这两个学生帮我做实验 The two students assisted me with the experiment 2) assist sb in doing sth 他帮她的父亲洗车 He assisted his father to clean the car. Vi. assist with sth
1. The farmers in this area had a good harvest last year thanks to the
2. The meeting _______________(结束)at eight o'clock.
3. He was ___________________(吸引,专心 于)in the book.
4. lack vt. 1) lack sth (抽象)
lack confidence lack common sense lack will(意志) vi 2) (否) lack for nothing adj.3) lacking 缺少的,不足的 be lacking in
她缺乏自信 ——SShh——ee——ilsa——clka——sck——cino——gnf— —iind— —ecno— —cne— —f.id——en——ce—————————————— 3) n. ① (a) lack of
5. 1) lose sight of-lost-lost be out of sight
2) catch sight of –caught-caught be in/within sight
3) at first sight at the sight of …
4)out of sight ,out of mind
4. He ______________(责备) me for my negligence(疏忽大意).
5. 1) lose sight of-lost-lost be out of sight
2) catch sight of –caught-caught be in/within sight
3) at first sight at the sight of …
4)out of sight ,out of mind
• 2) He slid into the bad habit of smoking.
• 3) slide out of • 4) slide sth into/out of 使..悄悄移动,潜行 • She slid a gun into her pocket.
• 5) slide along/across/on…
a lack of information /water/money Lack of food made us hungry.
② for lack of 因为缺水这棵花死了 The flower died for lack of water.
选择)Though ______ money, his parents sent him to the university.
it is certain that
13. 忍受做某事
tolerate doing
14. 对..作出调整
make adjustments to sth
15. 调整..使适应
adjust …to
16. 恢复,完全复原 be back on one’s feet
17. 按这个按钮 18. 逼迫某人做某事
in doing sth
My father assisted in building the new house. n. assistant 助手 assistance 帮助 with the assistance of be of assistance to sb come to one’s assistance 3.
7. 以最高速
at top speed
8. 一个被遗弃的孩子 a disserted boy
9.城市生活的方方面面 all aspects of city life
10. 对..不确定
be uncertain of/about
11. 肯定地
with certainty
12. ..是肯定的
A. lacking of
B. lacking
C. lacked
D. lack
5. 1) lose sight of-lost-lost be out of sight
2) catch sight of –caught-caught be in/within sight
3) at first sight at the sight of …
unit 4 new words
1.delighted adj. 快乐的,欣喜的 1)be delighted to do 他非常高兴的接受邀请
He was delighted to accept the invitation. 2) be delighted at/by/with 因..欣喜若狂 I was delighted with my present. 3) be delighted that 你能来我很高兴
19. 把A系到B上 20. 打开 21. 非常渴望得到 22. 非常渴望做某事
press the button press sb to do sth press sb into doing sth fasten A to B switch on be greedy for sth be greedy to do sth
I am delighted that you can come. V. delight sb with sth 取悦..使高兴 The news delighted all of us. U/N.1) with/in delight they were screaming with delight.
3) I recognized him _a_t _fi_r_s_t _s_ig_h_t_(第一眼)
4) I _c_a_u_g_h_t_s_i_g_h_t_o_f_ (看见)her hurrying away.
The mother saw her son get on the train and watched it until it was ________
vt.指引;指导 guide sb. to / through/across/around sth. We guided the guests _a_r_o_u_n_d_ our school. John guided the blind man __to____ his chair. He guided us t_h_r_o_u_g_h_ the forest.
1. 前一天
the previous day
2. 来这儿之前
previous to coming here
3. 打扫落叶
sweep up the fallen leaves
4. 对..乐观、自信 be optimistic about
5. 加速
speed up
6. 以..的速度
at a speed of
1. leave/make/have an impression on sb
1. 给某人留下..印象 n
2. impress sb with sth 3. impress sth on sb 4. take up the pen 5. take up the challenge 6. take up the time 7. take up English
拓展: take A for B 把A误认为B take charge of 负责,掌管 take in 吸收,收留,理解,欺骗,包括 take turns to do sth.轮流做某事 take off 起飞,成功,脱掉衣服,请假 take pride in 以…为傲 take over 接管,接替 take a chance 冒险
4)out of sight ,out of mind
At last, we _lo__s_t _s_ig_h_t_o__f _______ the bird.
2A) _t _th_e__s_ig__h_t _o_f_t_h_e_p(一oli看ce到警察), the thief ran away.
2. 给某人留下印象 3. 使铭记,强调..的重要性 4. 拿起钢笔 5. 接受挑战 6.占用时间 7.开始学英语
1. a guide to faming 2. guide sb to sp 3. lack confidence 4. lack for nothing 5. be lacking in 6. (a) lack of water 7. for lack of 8. lose sight of -lost