本题得3 分正确错误参考答案:正确试题解析:无显示答案2、“一带一路”建设构成了中国全方位对外开放的战略新格局和周边外交战略新框架。
本题得3 分正确错误参考答案:正确试题解析:无显示答案3、我国是受境外黑客攻击破坏最严重的国家之一,西方媒体、政客渲染中国黑客攻击,丑化唱衰中国。
本题得3 分正确错误参考答案:正确试题解析:无显示答案4、政府在处理非秘密信息时,不可以采用和互联网进行逻辑隔离的办法。
本题得3 分正确错误参考答案:错误试题解析:无显示答案5、互联网与传统行业的融合越来越明显,并且呈现出发展快、融合度高的趋势。
本题得3 分正确错误参考答案:正确试题解析:无显示答案6、互联网改变了人们思维的空间维度,带来了社会领域的全新变革和变化。
本题得3 分正确错误参考答案:正确试题解析:无显示答案7、关于网络信息治理工作胡锦涛曾说过:“积极发展,加强管理,趋利避害,为我所用。
”本题得0 分正确错误参考答案:错误试题解析:无显示答案8、公共利益是社会共同利益,那它就是特定的、部分人的利益,而应该由全体社会成员所共享。
本题得0 分正确错误参考答案:错误试题解析:无显示答案9、政府在处理非秘密信息时,不可以采用和互联网进行逻辑隔离的办法。
本题得3 分正确错误参考答案:错误试题解析:无显示答案10、在支付安全里,我认为最重要的是防止钓鱼网站的安全。
本题得3 分正确错误参考答案:正确试题解析:无显示答案二、单选题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)1、下列哪项不属于对科学素养的统一理解()本题得3 分A、科学方法、能力B、科学知识、技能C、科学态度D、科学新闻参考答案:D、科学新闻试题解析:无显示答案2、下列哪一项不属于信息安全的特征()本题得 3 分A、网络信息安全是跨时空、无边界的安全B、网络信息安全不动态的安全C、网络信息安全是系统的安全D、网络信息安全是非传统的安全参考答案:B、网络信息安全不动态的安全试题解析:无显示答案3、下列哪一项不具备良好的安全策略()本题得 3 分A、约束不具有强制性B、组织上可执行C、技术上可实现D、职责范围明确参考答案:A、约束不具有强制性试题解析:无显示答案4、推进“互联网+”行动重大意义是()本题得3 分A、增加网民数量B、使国民有更好的上网体验C、顺应世界经济科技发展的必然要求参考答案:C、顺应世界经济科技发展的必然要求试题解析:无显示答案5、下列哪个不属供给侧基本要素()本题得0 分A、土地和自然资源B、管理制度C、科技创新D、工业发展参考答案:D、工业发展试题解析:无显示答案6、下列哪一项不属于信息安全的特征()本题得0 分A、网络信息安全是跨时空、无边界的安全B、网络信息安全不动态的安全C、网络信息安全是系统的安全D、网络信息安全是非传统的安全参考答案:B、网络信息安全不动态的安全试题解析:无显示答案7、下列哪一项不属于网络病毒()本题得0 分A、震网B、特洛伊木马C、蠕虫D、木马参考答案:D、木马试题解析:无显示答案8、知识产权主要包括()和()两部分。
西南大学网络与继续教育学院课程考试试题卷类别:网教2019 年12 月课程名称【编号】:兽医生物制品学【0886】 B 卷大作业满分:100 分请从以下题目中任选2题进行作答,每题50 分,共100分。
1. 叙述猪细小病毒病灭活疫苗的制造流程。
2. 叙述鸭病毒性肝炎卵黄抗体的制备过程。
3. 结合我国兽医生物制品的现状,试述我国兽医生物制品的发展趋势。
3、生物技术研究接近国际先进水平而工艺研究相当落后我国已有多个实验室研制出若干达到国际先进水平的基因工程疫苗,如以禽痘病毒为载体表达鸡马立克病毒抗原、表达新城疫病毒 F 蛋白的重组病毒、表达新城疫 F 蛋白的重组传染性喉气管炎病毒、伪狂犬病的基因缺失疫苗等。
最新山西省继续教育网考试答案(1)2009-12-17 09:16教师课堂教学技能指导考题课堂教学技能指导试题及答案(仅供参考)一、判断题1、意义建构是探究学习中学生学习能力发展最为困难的一个阶段。
对21、教师在给学生提供交流机会的现时,要重视“学生之间的相互倾听” 对22、教师要重视并给学生提供交流合作的机会。
西南大学网络与继续教育学院《网络文化与伦理》作业及答案1.病毒肆意传播、黑客侵扰和网络犯罪2. 侵犯个人隐私、知识产权等3. 使信息的真实可靠性增加4. 过量信息加大人们对有用信息的选择难度3、从人类精神的维度出发来探讨道德自律,认为自律是人类社会整体的内在制约和人类理性的把握的是()1. 孔子2. r康德3. r马克思4. r罗尔斯4、作为一种信息搜索方式,“人肉搜索”的正当性直接与人们“为何运用”以及“如何运用”相关。
但另一方面, )。
3. 使信息的真实可靠性增加3.对于“人肉搜索”来说,偏执一端的做法是可取的4. 对“人肉搜索”给予一定限制但忽视其造成的后果5、关于网络问政,以下说法正确的是()。
①自觉抵制网上不良信息②避免沉溺于网络游戏③相信网络上的信息皆是正确的2. "②③"④善于利用网络进行学习1."①③"3."①②④"汐"4."①②③"7、网络规范是网络伦理的重要内容,以下关于网络规范的说法不正确的是()。
学位考试模拟试题一一、简答题1. 请简述云计算的概念和主要特点。
其主要特点包括:- 弹性伸缩:云计算平台能根据实际需求自动进行资源的动态分配和释放,可以根据用户的需求自由扩展或缩减计算能力。
- 资源共享:云计算平台可以将底层的计算、存储和网络资源共享给多个用户,提高资源利用率和经济效益。
- 虚拟化技术:云计算平台通过虚拟化技术将物理资源抽象化为逻辑资源,提供更灵活、高效的资源管理和利用方式。
- 高可靠性和可用性:云计算平台采用分布式架构和冗余技术,能够提供高可靠性和高可用性的计算服务。
- 自助服务:云计算平台提供用户自助式的服务管理和资源配置,用户可以根据自身需求进行灵活配置和管理。
2. 请解释虚拟化技术在云计算中的作用。
虚拟化技术在云计算中起到了关键的作用,主要包括以下几个方面:- 资源抽象化:虚拟化技术可以将物理资源(如服务器、存储设备)抽象化为逻辑资源,使得用户可以以虚拟化的方式使用和管理资源,并将资源按需分配给用户。
- 资源池化:通过虚拟化技术,云计算平台可以将多个物理资源汇集为一个资源池,进行统一管理和分配,提高资源的利用效率。
- 灵活性和可扩展性:虚拟化技术可以将一台物理服务器分割为多个虚拟机,使得用户可以根据实际需求灵活配置虚拟机的计算能力和资源,实现弹性扩缩容。
- 安全性和隔离性:通过虚拟化技术,云计算平台可以为每个用户提供独立的虚拟环境,实现用户间的安全隔离,提高系统的安全性和稳定性。
- 故障隔离和恢复:虚拟化技术可以将虚拟机与物理环境解耦,实现虚拟机的迁移和备份,从而实现故障隔离和恢复,提高系统的可靠性和可用性。
二、分析题1. 请分析边缘计算与云计算的关系和区别。
继续教育考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 继续教育的主要目的是()。
A. 提高学历B. 提升专业技能C. 获得职业资格D. 增加就业机会答案:B2. 继续教育的实施主体通常是()。
A. 个人B. 企业C. 教育机构D. 政府部门答案:C3. 以下哪项不是继续教育的特点?()。
A. 灵活性B. 针对性C. 强制性D. 实用性答案:C4. 继续教育的课程设置通常以()为基础。
A. 市场需求B. 个人兴趣C. 学科体系D. 考试大纲答案:A5. 继续教育的受众群体主要包括()。
A. 学生B. 教师C. 职场人士D. 退休人员答案:C6. 继续教育的授课方式不包括()。
A. 面授B. 在线学习C. 自学D. 封闭式培训答案:D7. 继续教育的学分通常可以()。
A. 兑换成学历证书B. 兑换成学位证书C. 用于职业晋升D. 用于个人兴趣发展答案:C8. 继续教育的课程内容通常()。
A. 与工作无关B. 与工作紧密相关C. 只涉及理论知识D. 只涉及实践技能答案:B9. 继续教育的发展趋势是()。
A. 逐渐减少B. 逐渐增加C. 保持不变D. 时增时减答案:B10. 继续教育的评估方式通常包括()。
A. 考试B. 论文C. 实践报告D. 所有以上答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 继续教育的类型包括()。
A. 在职研究生教育B. 职业资格认证C. 短期培训课程D. 远程教育答案:ABCD12. 继续教育的实施方式可能包括()。
A. 网络课程B. 工作坊C. 研讨会D. 讲座答案:ABCD13. 继续教育的评估方法可能包括()。
A. 考试B. 项目作业C. 口头报告D. 小组讨论答案:ABCD14. 继续教育的受众可能包括()。
A. 在职人员B. 失业人员C. 自由职业者D. 学生答案:ABCD15. 继续教育的课程内容可能涉及()。
A. 专业知识B. 技能培训C. 个人发展D. 兴趣爱好答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题2分,共20分)16. 继续教育是终身教育的一部分。
西南大学网络与继续教育学院课程试题类别:网教(网教/成教)专业:土木工程20匚年星月1、桁架计算的结点法所选分离体包含几个结点匚任意个匚最多两个匚最少两个C单个22、固定较支座有儿个约束反力分童c A・3个匚2个2匚4个匚1个3、从一个无多余约束的儿何不变体系上去除二元体后得到的新体系是匚几何瞬变体系匚几何可变体系匚有多余约束的几何不变体系匚无多余约朿的几何不变体系▽4、两刚片用三根延长线交于一点的链杆相连组成匚C.有两个多余约束的儿何不变体系c有一个自由度和一个多余约束的可变体系c无多余约朿的几何不变体系5、定向滑动支座有几个约束反力分量C 1个匚3个匚2个"*C 4个6、结构的刚度是指C结构保持原有平衡形式的能力C结构抵抗破坏的能力C结构抵抗失稳的能力C结构抵抗变形的能力97、桁架计算的截面法所选分离体包含儿个结点匚E.最少两个匸C单个c最多两个匚任意个8、对结构进行强度计算的目的,是为了保证结构C不发生刚体运动匚既经济又安全c美观实用匚不致发生过大的变形9、可动较支座有几个约束反力分量C 2个匸匚4个匚3个匚2个10、固定支座(固定端)有儿个约束反力分量匚4个C 2个匚3个7匚1个判断题11>改变荷载值的大小,三较拱的合理拱轴线不变。
匚 A.V ▽匚B.x12、多余约束是体系中不需要的约束。
C A.V匚B.X 913、复较是连接三个或三个以上刚片的狡匚 A.V a匚B.x14、结构发生了变形必然会引起位移,结构有位移必然有变形发生。
C A.VC B.X 915、如果梁的截面刚度是截面位置的函数,则它的位移不能用图乘法计算。
匚 A.V V匚B.x16、一根连杆相当于一个约束。
C A.V 9匚B.x17、单较是联接两个刚片的较。
匸 A.V 9匸B.x18、连接四个刚片的复较相当于四个约束。
E A.V匚 B.x 919、虚功原理屮的力状态和位移状态都是虚设的。
继续教育考试题及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共10题)1. 继续教育是指对已经脱离正规教育的成年人实施的教育,其主要目的是什么?A. 提高学历B. 提升职业技能C. 娱乐休闲D. 政治宣传答案:B2. 继续教育的实施主体通常包括哪些?A. 政府机构B. 企业C. 学校D. 所有以上选项答案:D3. 继续教育的形式通常包括哪些?A. 远程教育B. 面授课程C. 在职培训D. 所有以上选项答案:D4. 继续教育对于个人发展的意义主要体现在哪些方面?A. 增加收入B. 提升个人竞争力C. 扩大社交圈D. 所有以上选项答案:D5. 在继续教育中,哪种学习方式更受在职人员欢迎?A. 全日制学习B. 兼职学习C. 自学D. 网络学习答案:D6. 继续教育的课程设置通常以什么为基础?A. 市场需求B. 个人兴趣C. 学科体系D. 政策导向答案:A7. 继续教育的评估和认证通常由哪些机构负责?A. 教育部门B. 劳动部门C. 行业协会D. 所有以上选项答案:D8. 继续教育的发展趋势是什么?A. 形式多样化B. 内容专业化C. 管理规范化D. 所有以上选项答案:D9. 继续教育对于企业的意义主要体现在哪些方面?A. 提高员工素质B. 增强企业竞争力C. 促进企业文化建设D. 所有以上选项答案:D10. 继续教育的国际化趋势主要表现在哪些方面?A. 课程资源共享B. 教师资源共享C. 学生交流D. 所有以上选项答案:D二、多选题(每题3分,共5题)11. 继续教育的类型包括哪些?A. 学历教育B. 非学历教育C. 职业教育D. 终身教育答案:ABCD12. 继续教育的实施方式可能包括哪些?A. 线上课程B. 线下研讨会C. 工作坊D. 实地考察答案:ABCD13. 继续教育的评估方法可能包括哪些?A. 考试B. 论文C. 项目报告D. 作品集答案:ABCD14. 继续教育的参与者可能包括哪些?A. 在职人员B. 失业人员C. 退休人员D. 学生答案:ABCD15. 继续教育的国际化合作可能包括哪些形式?A. 国际课程认证B. 教师交流C. 学生交换D. 国际研讨会答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题2分,共5题)16. 继续教育只针对已经工作的成年人。
A:非政府组织B:公益组织C:基础设施D:社区A:无家可归、无亲可投、无业可就的三无人员B:收入低的职工C:家庭困难的五保户D:有残疾人的家庭A:吸纳民意B:充分开放C:政务公开D:信息量大A:人民群众自己的事业B:集体的事业C:国家的事业D:团体的事业A:粗放化B:细化C:单一性D:复杂性A:预警期B:爆发期C:调解期D:山后期A:质量B:生产C:生命D:信息8 、在计划经济体制时期,我国实行的是( )经济结构。
A:城乡一元B:城乡二元C:城乡三元D:城乡四元A:民情热线B:市长热线C:游行示威D:党代表热线A:十六届六中全会B:十六大C:十六届四中全会D:十七大A:社区服刑人员管理B:精神病人管理C:社区闲散青少年管理D:从业人员管理A:瓦斯治理B:安全生产问题C:设施陈旧问题D:应急管理问题A:水旱灾害B:口蹄疫C:高温D:核辐射A:社会转型加快B:现有的社会管理方式不能满足社会需求C:社区建设完善D:社会组织发育不成熟A:公民B:各类社会组织C:单位D:政府16 、支持教育事业发展一直是财政支出的重中之重要保证财政性教育经费的增长幅度( )财政经常性收入的增长幅度逐步提高财政性教育经费占财政支出的比重。
A:明显高于B:稍微高于C:等同于D:明显低于A:生产规模B:管理水平C:经营水平D:准入门槛A:地方主要领导B:上级企业负责人C:有关部门D:安全技术人员A:缺位B:错位C:越位D:侵权A:十六大B:十六届四中全会C:十六届六中全会D:十七大A:突发事件应急体系B:安全生产监管体制C:食品药品安全预警和风险评估体系D:严格安全生产管理体制A:维护社会公平B:决社会矛盾C:建设服务型政府D:健全维护群众利益机制A:80 B:90C:80 D:70A:《中药材生产质量管理规范》B:《药品再评价管理办法》C:《药物临床试验质量管理规范》D:《药品非临床试验质量管理规范》A:年龄结构趋于成年化B:性别结构逐步均衡C:举家迁移比列下降D:在流入地长期定居倾向明显A: 2.1 B: 3.2C: 2.21 D: 2.5A:政府B:党C:国家D:国家B:是实现党在社会主义初级阶段奋斗目标的具A:是实现党的最终奋斗目标的具体体现C:是实现党的根本宗旨的具体体现D:是践行党的根本宗旨的具体体现A:一定会带来社会和谐与稳定B:不一定会带来社会和谐与稳定C:一定会使一切矛盾得到解决D:不一定会使一切矛盾得到解决A:建设共同富裕的的社会B:建设公平正义社会C:全面建设小康社会D:建设A:B:C:D:A:B: C:D:A:B: C:D:A:B: C:D:A:B: C:D:A:B: C:D:A:B: C:D:A:B: C:D:A:B:C:D:A:B: C:D:A:B: C:D:A:B: C:D:A:B:C:D:A:B:C:D:A:B:C:D:正确错误2 、虽然社会组织的业务和类型涉及方方面面,但我们应该制定出统一的政策,进行统一指导和管理。
继续教育“网络教学的设计与实施〞在线测试题〔全集〕极简教育技术应用——第四章一、单项选择题1. 慧教育门户的网址是什么A.正确B.只想搜索“鸡兔同笼〞的PPT,应该输入什么关键词呢A.鸡兔同笼B.鸡兔同笼filetype:pptC.鸡兔同笼-pdf正确D.鸡兔同笼filetype:pdf3. 课程中保举的能一键生成导图的极简思维导图东西叫对A.瀑布B.幕布C.破布D.吕布正确4. 课程中保举PPT多使用哪种字体错A.仿宋B.宋体C.楷体D.微软雅黑高版本的后缀名是对正确A.PPTTB.PPTBC.PPTX 正确D.PPTY6. 无需额外硬件撑持的课堂互开东西是哪一个对A.PlickersB.SeewoC.ProdocSHD.Office正确二、多项选择题1. 慧教育门户提供了哪些优质资源〔全选〕A.探究学习平台B.百度文库√√√C.知网期刊D.. 国家云平台√排版的2 个重要原那么是〔选B、C〕A.摆列B.对齐√C.比照D.组合√3. 课程中所介绍的学科教学东西包罗哪些学科〔全选〕A.语文B.数学C.物理D.体育√√√√4. 目前的高版本PPT具备以下哪些功能〔全选〕A.电子相册B.录制微课C.音视频编纂D.录制屏幕√√√√网络教学的设计与实施——第一章一、单项选择题1. 数字化原那么是否属于信息化五大原那么对A.是B.不是正确2. 接龙报名是效率最高的方式对A.是B.不是正确3. 下面哪一种软件自带功能可以实现不消接龙答复来报名或者收集信息错A.微信B.QQC.钉钉正确D.微课掌上通二、多项选择题1. 学校网络教学体系的根本布局有哪些〔全选〕A.组织沟通系统B.资源分享系统C.教学应用系统D.教务办理网络教学的设计与实施——第二章一、单项选择题1. 以下哪个软件是专业的屏幕录像软件A.Camtasia 正确B.万彩动画大师C.After EffectsD.PhotoShop2. 以下哪个软件内置了大量动画角色A.CamtasiaB.万彩动画大师正确C.After EffectsD.PhotoShop二、多项选择题Office 是一款由金山推出的非常好用的办公软件。
教师继续教育网络考试题及答案一: [判断题]1、三维目标是三种目标。
1:[判断题]条件响应交互类型是在执行图标前后判断条件,如果条件满足,则执行所属图标,判断的条件和图表的名称相同.正确9:[判断题]判断图标和条件交互,均可以实现选择执行某一图标.正确10:[判断题]声音的数字化质量是通过采样频率和样本精度来衡量的.正确12:[判断题]我们通常把数字格式的字符数据称作文本.错误16:[判断题]CBL和CAI是同意.错误24:[单项选择题]截取计算机屏幕上的图像,最简捷的方法是.DA:拷贝屏幕B:用数字照相机摄取C:用扫描仪扫描D:用抓图软件28:[单项选择题]下列图标中,不能显示课件文件的是.DA:显示图标B:交互图标C:视频图标D:框架图标31:[单项选择题]下列方法不能触发热区的响应是.BA:双击该区B:输入该区名C:单击该区域D:将鼠标移动到演示窗口的某一矩形区域内33:[单项选择题]要想调整热区的位置或大小,第一步应做的工作是.CA:改变字体B:改变字号C:用鼠标拖动热区D:用Ctrl+P击活热区域40:[单项选择题]不是素质教育的内容是BA:思想品德素质教育B:应变素质教育C:文化素质教育D:业务和身心素质教育43:[多项选择题]教育包括以下哪些方面ABCDEA:思想品德素质教育B:文化素质教育C:美育素质教育D:业务素质教育E:身心素质教育46:[多项选择题]在Authorware中有几种返回状态决定了程序继续执行的路径.CA:1B:4C:2D:3E:650:多媒体课件的基本特征是ABCDA:教学信息载体的多样性B:教学信息处理的数字性C:教学信息组织的超文本性D:教学信息表现的交互性E:教学过程的可诊断性判断题1.多媒体计算机辅助教学简称MCAI.正确2.多媒体技术的核心是计算机.正确3.超媒体是用超文本方式组织和处理多媒体信息.正确8.使用Aauthoeware时,在文本中输入图标"",表示只有第一个输入的字符有效.正确9.在Authorware中,只能限制用户交互的次数,无法限制交互的时间.错误10.在Authorware中,一个Authorware程序后,执行"control/restart"命令,程序将从流程线的起点开始执行,直到结束.错误11.重试限制响应是先给出执行交互响应的最大限度的数值,当超过了设定的次数后,将退出多媒体程序.错误13.图式是指个体对世界的知觉理解和思考的方式.正确14.同化是指学生个体对刺激输入的过滤和改变的过程.正确15.建构主义是认知心理学派中的一个分支,是在皮亚杰的"认知结构说"的基础上提出的.正确16.我们通常把数字格式的字符数据称作文本.错误单选题21.下列哪一项不是多媒体技术的主要特点.DA.集成性B.可控性C.交互性D.可视行22.计算机辅助教育简称.AA.CAIB.CBEC.CALD.CBI23.在下列教学目标中,多媒体课件难以实现的是.DA.优化课堂教学结构,提高教学效率B.突出教学重点,突破教学难点C.创造多层次的学习目标,培养学生多维化的思维方式D.培养学生实验的动手能力24.多媒体课件中的人机交互主要是指.DA.反映式交互B.主动式交互C.双向交互D.以上三种交互25.屏幕设计的基本内容包括.DA.屏幕版面设计和颜色搭配设计B.显示方式设计C.字体形象设计和修饰D.以上都是26.多媒体技术由谁等构成.DA.音频技术B.视频技术C.压缩和解压技术D.以上都是27.和CAI相关的概念有.DA.CALB.CBIC.CBLD.以上都是28.将一特定对象拖到特定区域以后,计算机立即产生相应,这是何种响应.DA.目标区交互B.按钮交互C.条件交互D.热区交互多选题41.多媒体技术主要包括哪些技术ABCEA.音频技术B.视频技术C.大容量光学存储技术D.数据压缩和解压技术E.媒体同步技术44.根据多媒体课件教学功能的不同,多媒体课件的类型分BCDEA.顺序型B.助教型C.助学型D.综合型E.积件型45.要制作,设计多媒体课件,应根据教和学具体情况,一般应经哪些方面的分析ABCDEA.需求分析B.内容分析C.差距分析D.资源分析E.必要性分析试卷号题号题目类型题目内容题目附件答案选项答案内容答案附件是否正确11判断题我们通常把数字格式的字符数据称作文本.A对Y11判断题我们通常把数字格式的字符数据称作文本.B错N12判断题声音的数字化质量是通过采样频率和样本精度来衡量的.A 对N12判断题声音的数字化质量是通过采样频率和样本精度来衡量的.B 错Y13判断题在Authorware中,可以通过双击"编辑"工具箱的椭圆工具按钮,打开"颜色"工具盒.A对Y13判断题在Authorware中,可以通过双击"编辑"工具箱的椭圆工具按钮,打开"颜色"工具盒.B错N14判断题建构主义是认知心理学派中的一个分支,是在皮亚杰的"认知结构说"的基础上提出的.A对Y14判断题建构主义是认知心理学派中的一个分支,是在皮亚杰的"认知结构说"的基础上提出的.B错N15判断题在显示图标中,显示对象的叠放次序是无法改变的.A对N 15判断题在显示图标中,显示对象的叠放次序是无法改变的.B错Y 16判断题计算图标是存放程序代码的地方.A对Y16判断题计算图标是存放程序代码的地方.B错N17判断题同化是指学生个体对刺激输入的过滤和改变的过程.A对Y 17判断题同化是指学生个体对刺激输入的过滤和改变的过程.B错N 18判断题交互图标是交互过程的核心内容,但其交互图标本身并不具备交互性.A对Y18判断题交互图标是交互过程的核心内容,但其交互图标本身并不具备交互性.B错N19判断题条件响应交互类型是在执行图标前后判断条件,如果条件满足,则执行所属图标,判断的条件和图表的名称相同.A对Y19判断题条件响应交互类型是在执行图标前后判断条件,如果条件满足,则执行所属图标,判断的条件和图表的名称相同.B错N110判断题图式是指个体对世界的知觉理解和思考的方式.A对Y 110判断题图式是指个体对世界的知觉理解和思考的方式.B错N 111判断题CBL和CAI是同意.A对Y111判断题CBL和CAI是同意.B错N112判断题authorware的所有交互都是用户利用键盘,鼠标进行操作而产生响应的.A对N112判断题authorware的所有交互都是用户利用键盘,鼠标进行操作而产生响应的.B错Y113判断题authorware的所有交互都是延长一段时间而产生响应的.A对N113判断题authorware的所有交互都是延长一段时间而产生响应的.B错Y114判断题CAI国内称之为计算机辅助教育.A对N114判断题CAI国内称之为计算机辅助教育.B错Y115判断题Authorware以其丰富的交互方式而着称,他共提供了按钮响应等5种交互方式.A对N115判断题Authorware以其丰富的交互方式而着称,他共提供了按钮响应等5种交互方式.B错Y116判断题Flash是一个矢量动画软件.A对Y116判断题Flash是一个矢量动画软件.B错N117判断题超媒体是用超文本方式组织和处理多媒体信息.A对Y 117判断题超媒体是用超文本方式组织和处理多媒体信息.B错N 118判断题当框架结构中的页与页之间进行跳转时,每一页都可使用过虑效果的自行擦除.A对Y118判断题当框架结构中的页与页之间进行跳转时,每一页都可使用过虑效果的自行擦除.B错N119判断题导航图标的功能是定义一个定向目标或超文本链接.A对Y119判断题导航图标的功能是定义一个定向目标或超文本链接.B错N120判断题多媒体技术的核心是计算机.A对Y120判断题多媒体技术的核心是计算机.B错N121单选题下列响应方式中,不是Authorware交互图标提供的响应方式是.A按钮图标N121单选题下列响应方式中,不是Authorware交互图标提供的响应方式是.B敲击区响应N121单选题下列响应方式中,不是Authorware交互图标提供的响应方式是.C托动相应N121单选题下列响应方式中,不是Authorware交互图标提供的响应方式是.D强制响应Y122单选题根据建构主义的基本学习观点,下列哪一个不是多媒体课件的设计策略.A开放性策略N122单选题根据建构主义的基本学习观点,下列哪一个不是多媒体课件的设计策略.B自上而下的策略N122单选题根据建构主义的基本学习观点,下列哪一个不是多媒体课件的设计策略.C自下而上的策略Y122单选题根据建构主义的基本学习观点,下列哪一个不是多媒体课件的设计策略.D情境性策略N123单选题下列图标中,不能显示课件文件的是.A显示图标N123单选题下列图标中,不能显示课件文件的是.B交互图标N123单选题下列图标中,不能显示课件文件的是.C视频图标Y123单选题下列图标中,不能显示课件文件的是.D框架图标N124单选题建构主义学习理论认为,学习环境中不应包括哪种要素A 情境N124单选题建构主义学习理论认为,学习环境中不应包括哪种要素B 情景Y124单选题建构主义学习理论认为,学习环境中不应包括哪种要素C 协作N124单选题建构主义学习理论认为,学习环境中不应包括哪种要素D 会话和意义建构N125单选题下列哪一项不是多媒体课件的交互类型.A反应式交互N 125单选题下列哪一项不是多媒体课件的交互类型.B友好交互Y 125单选题下列哪一项不是多媒体课件的交互类型.C主动式交互N 125单选题下列哪一项不是多媒体课件的交互类型.D双向交互N 126单选题windows中的录音机可以制作和编辑课件中的.A音频素材Y126单选题windows中的录音机可以制作和编辑课件中的.B视频素材N126单选题windows中的录音机可以制作和编辑课件中的.C动画素材N126单选题windows中的录音机可以制作和编辑课件中的.D文字素材N127单选题windows中的"图画"不能进行何种操作.A捕捉屏幕上的图像Y127单选题windows中的"图画"不能进行何种操作.B修改图像N 127单选题windows中的"图画"不能进行何种操作.C为图像添加文字说明N127单选题windows中的"图画"不能进行何种操作.D修改图像颜色N128单选题不是素质教育的内容是A思想品德素质教育N128单选题不是素质教育的内容是B应变素质教育Y128单选题不是素质教育的内容是C文化素质教育N128单选题不是素质教育的内容是D业务和身心素质教育N129单选题多媒体课件中的数字化音频素材一般可以通过何种方法获得.A自行制作和购买N129单选题多媒体课件中的数字化音频素材一般可以通过何种方法获得.B上网下载N129单选题多媒体课件中的数字化音频素材一般可以通过何种方法获得.C购买和收集N129单选题多媒体课件中的数字化音频素材一般可以通过何种方法获得.D自行制作,收集和购买Y130单选题不能作为课件素材直接使用的是.A数字化图片N130单选题不能作为课件素材直接使用的是.B数字化视频N130单选题不能作为课件素材直接使用的是.C数字化音频N130单选题不能作为课件素材直接使用的是.DVCD图像Y131单选题多媒体技术由谁等构成.A音频技术N131单选题多媒体技术由谁等构成.B视频技术N131单选题多媒体技术由谁等构成.C压缩和解压技术N131单选题多媒体技术由谁等构成.D以上都是Y132单选题"quit"是authorware的系统函数,其作用是.A产生随机数N132单选题"quit"是authorware的系统函数,其作用是.B改变数据类型N132单选题"quit"是authorware的系统函数,其作用是.C产生一个固定数N132单选题"quit"是authorware的系统函数,其作用是.D退出Y133单选题当流程图中的分支图上显示"a"字样时,表示该分支为.A 顺序分支路径N133单选题当流程图中的分支图上显示"a"字样时,表示该分支为.B 随机分支路径Y133单选题当流程图中的分支图上显示"a"字样时,表示该分支为.C 计算分支路径N133单选题当流程图中的分支图上显示"a"字样时,表示该分支为.D 在未执行过的路径中随机选择N134单选题多媒体课件中的人机交互主要是指.A反映式交互N 134单选题多媒体课件中的人机交互主要是指.B主动式交互N 134单选题多媒体课件中的人机交互主要是指.C双向交互N134单选题多媒体课件中的人机交互主要是指.D以上三种交互Y 135单选题Authorware是由哪家公司开发的.AMicrosoftN135单选题Authorware是由哪家公司开发的.BAdobeN135单选题Authorware是由哪家公司开发的.CSymantecN135单选题Authorware是由哪家公司开发的.DMacromediaY136多选题素质教育包括以下哪些方面A思想品德素质教育Y136多选题素质教育包括以下哪些方面B文化素质教育Y136多选题素质教育包括以下哪些方面C美育素质教育N136多选题素质教育包括以下哪些方面D业务素质教育Y136多选题素质教育包括以下哪些方面E身心素质教育Y137多选题认知学习理论认为多媒体课件在知识内容的设计上应采取以下策略A自上而下策略N137多选题认知学习理论认为多媒体课件在知识内容的设计上应采取以下策略B逐步分化策略Y137多选题认知学习理论认为多媒体课件在知识内容的设计上应采取以下策略C综合协调策略Y137多选题认知学习理论认为多媒体课件在知识内容的设计上应采取以下策略D类别化处理策略Y137多选题认知学习理论认为多媒体课件在知识内容的设计上应采取以下策略E积极参与策略Y138多选题多媒体发展的趋势是AWEBCAIY138多选题多媒体发展的趋势是BICAIY138多选题多媒体发展的趋势是CVRCAIY138多选题多媒体发展的趋势是DUCAIN138多选题多媒体发展的趋势是EVCAIN139多选题多媒体课件的信息表达元素主要有一下那些元素组成A 文本Y139多选题多媒体课件的信息表达元素主要有一下那些元素组成B 静图Y139多选题多媒体课件的信息表达元素主要有一下那些元素组成C 动画Y139多选题多媒体课件的信息表达元素主要有一下那些元素组成D 音频Y139多选题多媒体课件的信息表达元素主要有一下那些元素组成E 活动视频Y140多选题多媒体课件的基本特征是A教学信息载体的多样性Y 140多选题多媒体课件的基本特征是B教学信息处理的数字性Y 140多选题多媒体课件的基本特征是C教学信息组织的超文本性Y 140多选题多媒体课件的基本特征是D教学信息表现的交互性Y 140多选题多媒体课件的基本特征是E教学过程的可诊断性Y141多选题Authorware交互图标共提供了几种响应方式.A12N141多选题Authorware交互图标共提供了几种响应方式.B13N141多选题Authorware交互图标共提供了几种响应方式.C11Y141多选题Authorware交互图标共提供了几种响应方式.D14N141多选题Authorware交互图标共提供了几种响应方式.E15N142多选题多媒体课件设计时,屏幕界面设计应注意哪些问题.A避免使用专用术语Y142多选题多媒体课件设计时,屏幕界面设计应注意哪些问题.B屏幕和各组成元素的直观性Y142多选题多媒体课件设计时,屏幕界面设计应注意哪些问题.C屏幕元素的一致性Y142多选题多媒体课件设计时,屏幕界面设计应注意哪些问题.D考虑使用对象的特点Y142多选题多媒体课件设计时,屏幕界面设计应注意哪些问题.E应具有艺术表达力和感染力Y21判断题在Authorware中,只能限制用户交互的次数,无法限制交互的时间.A对N21判断题在Authorware中,只能限制用户交互的次数,无法限制交互的时间.B错Y22判断题在Authorware中,一个Authorware程序后,执行"control/restart"命令,程序将从流程线的起点开始执行,直到结束.A对Y22判断题在Authorware中,一个Authorware程序后,执行"control/restart"命令,程序将从流程线的起点开始执行,直到结束.B错N23判断题重试限制响应是先给出执行交互响应的最大限度的数值,当超过了设定的次数后,将退出多媒体程序.A对Y23判断题重试限制响应是先给出执行交互响应的最大限度的数值,当超过了设定的次数后,将退出多媒体程序.B错N24判断题图式是指个体对世界的知觉理解和思考的方式.A对Y24判断题图式是指个体对世界的知觉理解和思考的方式.B错N25判断题同化是指学生个体对刺激输入的过滤和改变的过程.A对Y 25判断题同化是指学生个体对刺激输入的过滤和改变的过程.B错N 26判断题建构主义是认知心理学派中的一个分支,是在皮亚杰的"认知结构说"的基础上提出的.A对Y26判断题建构主义是认知心理学派中的一个分支,是在皮亚杰的"认知结构说"的基础上提出的.B错N27判断题我们通常把数字格式的字符数据称作文本.A对Y27判断题我们通常把数字格式的字符数据称作文本.B错N28判断题声音的数字化质量是通过采样频率和样本精度来衡量的.A 对N28判断题声音的数字化质量是通过采样频率和样本精度来衡量的.B 错Y29判断题在Authorware中,可以通过双击"编辑"工具箱的椭圆工具按钮,打开"颜色"工具盒.A对Y29判断题在Authorware中,可以通过双击"编辑"工具箱的椭圆工具按钮,打开"颜色"工具盒.B错N210判断题在显示图标中,显示对象的叠放次序是无法改变的.A对N 210判断题在显示图标中,显示对象的叠放次序是无法改变的.B错Y 211判断题多媒体技术的核心是计算机.A对Y211判断题多媒体技术的核心是计算机.B错N212判断题超媒体是用超文本方式组织和处理多媒体信息.A对Y212判断题超媒体是用超文本方式组织和处理多媒体信息.B错N 213判断题CAI国内称之为计算机辅助教育.A对N213判断题CAI国内称之为计算机辅助教育.B错Y214判断题多媒体计算机辅助教学简称MCAI.A对Y214判断题多媒体计算机辅助教学简称MCAI.B错N215判断题CBL和CAI是同意.A对Y215判断题CBL和CAI是同意.B错N216判断题authorware的所有交互都是用户利用键盘,鼠标进行操作而产生响应的.A对N216判断题authorware的所有交互都是用户利用键盘,鼠标进行操作而产生响应的.B错Y217判断题authorware的所有交互都是延长一段时间而产生响应的.A对N217判断题authorware的所有交互都是延长一段时间而产生响应的.B错Y218判断题Authorware以其丰富的交互方式而着称,他共提供了按钮响应等5种交互方式.A对N218判断题Authorware以其丰富的交互方式而着称,他共提供了按钮响应等5种交互方式.B错Y219判断题Flash是一个矢量动画软件.A对Y219判断题Flash是一个矢量动画软件.B错N220判断题当框架结构中的页与页之间进行跳转时,每一页都可使用过虑效果的自行擦除.A对Y220判断题当框架结构中的页与页之间进行跳转时,每一页都可使用过虑效果的自行擦除.B错N221单选题在下列教学目标中,多媒体课件难以实现的是.A优化课堂教学结构,提高教学效率N221单选题在下列教学目标中,多媒体课件难以实现的是.B突出教学重点,突破教学难点N221单选题在下列教学目标中,多媒体课件难以实现的是.C创造多层次的学习目标,培养学生多维化的思维方式N221单选题在下列教学目标中,多媒体课件难以实现的是.D培养学生实验的动手能力Y222单选题屏幕设计的基本内容包括.A屏幕版面设计和颜色搭配设计N222单选题屏幕设计的基本内容包括.B显示方式设计N222单选题屏幕设计的基本内容包括.C字体形象设计和修饰N222单选题屏幕设计的基本内容包括.D以上都是Y223单选题和CAI相关的概念有.ACALN223单选题和CAI相关的概念有.BCBIN223单选题和CAI相关的概念有.CCBLN223单选题和CAI相关的概念有.D以上都是Y224单选题将一特定对象拖到特定区域以后,计算机立即产生相应,这是何种响应.A目标区交互Y224单选题将一特定对象拖到特定区域以后,计算机立即产生相应,这是何种响应.B按钮交互N224单选题将一特定对象拖到特定区域以后,计算机立即产生相应,这是何种响应.C条件交互N224单选题将一特定对象拖到特定区域以后,计算机立即产生相应,这是何种响应.D热区交互N225单选题要想调整热区的位置或大小,第一步应做的工作是.A改变字体N225单选题要想调整热区的位置或大小,第一步应做的工作是.B改变字号N225单选题要想调整热区的位置或大小,第一步应做的工作是.C用鼠标拖动热区Y225单选题要想调整热区的位置或大小,第一步应做的工作是.D用Ctrl+P击活热区域N226单选题多媒体课件中的人机交互主要是指.A反映式交互N226单选题多媒体课件中的人机交互主要是指.B主动式交互N226单选题多媒体课件中的人机交互主要是指.C双向交互N226单选题多媒体课件中的人机交互主要是指.D以上三种交互Y 227单选题多媒体技术由谁等构成.A音频技术N227单选题多媒体技术由谁等构成.B视频技术N227单选题多媒体技术由谁等构成.C压缩和解压技术N227单选题多媒体技术由谁等构成.D以上都是Y228单选题不是素质教育的内容是A思想品德素质教育N228单选题不是素质教育的内容是B应变素质教育Y228单选题不是素质教育的内容是C文化素质教育N228单选题不是素质教育的内容是D业务和身心素质教育N229单选题windows中的录音机可以制作和编辑课件中的.A音频素材Y229单选题windows中的录音机可以制作和编辑课件中的.B视频素材N229单选题windows中的录音机可以制作和编辑课件中的.C动画素材N229单选题windows中的录音机可以制作和编辑课件中的.D文字素材N230单选题windows中的"图画"不能进行何种操作.A捕捉屏幕上的图像Y230单选题windows中的"图画"不能进行何种操作.B修改图像N 230单选题windows中的"图画"不能进行何种操作.C为图像添加文字说明N230单选题windows中的"图画"不能进行何种操作.D修改图像颜色N231单选题多媒体课件中的数字化音频素材一般可以通过何种方法获得.A自行制作和购买N231单选题多媒体课件中的数字化音频素材一般可以通过何种方法获得.B上网下载N231单选题多媒体课件中的数字化音频素材一般可以通过何种方法获得.C购买和收集N231单选题多媒体课件中的数字化音频素材一般可以通过何种方法获得.D自行制作,收集和购买Y232单选题不能作为课件素材直接使用的是.A数字化图片N232单选题不能作为课件素材直接使用的是.B数字化视频N232单选题不能作为课件素材直接使用的是.C数字化音频N232单选题不能作为课件素材直接使用的是.DVCD图像Y233单选题"quit"是authorware的系统函数,其作用是.A产生随机数N233单选题"quit"是authorware的系统函数,其作用是.B改变数据类型N233单选题"quit"是authorware的系统函数,其作用是.C产生一个固定数N233单选题"quit"是authorware的系统函数,其作用是.D退出Y 234单选题Authorware是由哪家公司开发的.AMicrosoftN。
华东理工大学继续教育与网络学院学位英语考试模拟试卷一English for Qualification TestPart I Use of Language (10 minutes)Directions:There are 10 incomplete dialogues in this part. For each dialogue there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. — What do you do, Danny ?— ___B_____A) Thanks a lot. B) I’m a college student.C) Don’t mention it. D) I’m fine. Thank you.2. — Mary, ___C_____— He is not very well.A) Who is Mark? B) What is Mark?C) How is Mark? D) Who Mark is?3. — What kind of movies do you like?— _____A___A) I prefer romance. B) I enjoy going to the movies.C) Well, I’m not a party animal. D) Sorry, but I’m a night person.4. —____C____— I major in computer science.A) Why do you go to college? B) How can I help you?C) What’s your field of study? D) Which subject do you like?5. — Could I ask you for a favor?— Of course, _____C____A) that’s right. B) good idea.C) never mind. D) go ahead.6. — Jenny, do you mind if I turn down the radio?— ____A_____ I wasn’t listening.A) Of course not. B) I’d rather you didn’t.C) Good for you! D) I bet it is!7. — Let’s have a coffee break after finishing this, OK?—____B_____A) Not at all. B) So do I.C) Why not? D) How about it?8. — Thank you so much for picking me up at the airport.—____C_____A) Be my guest. B) Hey, what are friends for?C) Sure, no problem. D) How come?9. — What’s the weather like outside?—___D_____A) Yes, isn’t it? B) It depends.C) Like what? D) It seems to be clearing up.10. —_____A____— I have T-shirts, shorts, and my sandals.A) What are you packing for your trip? B) What have you got for the party?C) How do you like your new outfit? D) Have you got a gift for your boyfriend?Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions:There are 4 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by somequestions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.We all know that panic-stricken moment. You drop your mobile phone, frightened, as it drops towards the floor, fearing it will land screen-side down — with shattering results.But now Apple plans to spare you that worry, with an invention that will stop your iPhone hitting the ground face first.The technology giant was granted a patent last week on an invention that can detect when a phone is falling and ensure the screen doesn’t hit the ground. The idea could also work with iPads and other devices.Apple’s design features on-board sensors that measure the speed at which the phone is falling and predict when it will land and which side of the phone will hit the floor.If sensors calculate the screen or camera will hit the ground, a motor in the phone is caused to start working instantly. The motor then affects other parts of the device, making it turn quickly around a central point as it falls, so that it lands on a hard area. The effect is similar to how a falling cat always manages to land on its feet.What’s more, the patent even includes a system that would avoid damage to the connector.Victor Seidel, a lecturer in science entrepreneurship at Oxford University, said, “This does what a lot of successful new approaches do: combine ideas in a way others had not considered. But integrating this idea into current slimline designs may be a challenge. Of course, no one will really know the possible benefits and limitations until Apple gets products into the hands of users — hands that are indeed sometimes clumsy.”Industry insiders say an iPhone featuring the new technology may appear within three years.11. What does Apple plan to do?A) Recall mobile phones with broken screens. B) Invent a new way of protecting the phone.C) Design a new type of smart phone. D) Produce new products in otherfields.12. We can know from the passage that ___________.A) the patent will prevent the phone fallingB) the patent will make the screen more solidC) the sensors can measure the phone’s falling speedD) the camera on the phone will record the falling process13. What is the function of the motor on the phone?A)It turns off the phone before it lands. B) It predicts where the phone will land.C) It rings the bell when the phone is falling. D) It protects the screen when the phone falls.14. According to the passage, we can learn_________.A) the patent is complex to use B) the patent has been put into practiceC) the patent can also protect the connector D) the patent can only be applied to iPhones15. What’s the best title of the passage?A) A Patent to Protect Your Phone. B) A Way to Prevent Your Phone Falling.C) A New Phone with a Firm Screen. D) An Advertisement of a New Phone.Passage TwoQuestions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.Statuses are marvelous human inventions that enable us to get along with one another and to determine where we “fit”in society. As we go about our everyday lives, we mentally attempt to place people in terms of their statuses. For example, we must judge whether the person in the library is a reader or a librarian, whether the telephone caller is a friend or a salesman, whether the unfamiliar person on our property is thief or a meter reader, and so on.The statuses we assume often vary with the people we encounter, and change throughout life. Most of us can, at very high speed, assume the statuses that various situationsrequire. Much of social interaction consists of identifying and selecting among appropriate statuses and allowing other people to assume their statuses in relation to us. This means that we fit our actions to those of other people based on a constant mental process of appraisal and interpretation. Although some of us find the task more difficult than others, most of us perform it rather effortlessly.A status has been compared to ready-made clothes. Within certain limits, the buyer can choose style and fabric. But an American is not free to choose the costume (服装) of a Chinese peasant or that of a Hindu prince. We must choose from among the clothing presented by our society. Furthermore, our choice is limited to a size that will fit, as well as by our pocketbook (钱包). Having made a choice within these limits we can have certain alterations made, but apart from minor adjustments, we tend to be limited to what the stores have on their racks. Statuses too come ready made, and the range of choice among them is limited.16. In the first paragraph, the writer tells us that statuses can help us ________.A) determine whether a person is fit for a certain jobB) behave appropriately in relation to other peopleC) protect ourselves in unfamiliar situationsD) make friends with other people17. According to the writer, people often assume different statuses ________.A) in order to identify themselves with others B) in order to better identifyothersC) as their mental processes change D) as the situation changes18. The word “appraisal” (Line 5, Para. 2) most probably means “________”.A) involvement B) appreciation C) assessment D) presentation19. In the last sentence of the second paragraph, the pronoun “it”refers to “________”.A) fitting our actions to those of other people appropriatelyB) identification of other people’s statusesC) selecting one’s own statusesD) constant mental process20. By saying that “an American is not free to choose the costume of a Chinese peasantor that of a Hindu prince” (Line 2-3, Para. 3), the writer means ________.A) different people have different styles of clothesB) ready-made clothes may need alterationsC) statuses come ready made just like clothesD) our choice of statuses is limitedPassage ThreeQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.After the violent earthquake that shook Los Angeles in 1994, earthquake scientists had good news to report: The damage and death toll (死亡人数) could have been much worse.More than 60 people died in this earthquake. By comparison, as earthquake of similar intensity that shook America in 1988 claimed 25,000 victims.Injuries and deaths were relatively less in Los Angeles because the quake occurred at 4:31 a.m. on a holiday, when traffic was light on the city’s highways. In addition, changes made to the construction codes in Los Angeles during the last 20 years have strengthened the city’s buildings and highways, making them more resistant to quakes.Despite the good news, civil engineers aren’t resting on their successes. Pinned to their drawing boards are blueprints (蓝图) for improved quake-resistant buildings. The new designs should offer even greater security to cities where earthquakes often take place.In the past, making structures quake-resistant meant firm yet flexible materials, such as steel and wood that bend without breaking. Later, people tried to lift a building off its foundation, and insert rubber and steel between the building and its foundation to reduce the impact of ground vibrations. The most recent designs give buildings brains as well as concrete and steel supports. Called smart buildings, the structures respond like living organisms to an earthquake’s vibrations. When the ground shakes and the building tips forward, the computer would force the building to shift in the opposite direction.The new smart structures could be very expensive to build. However, they would save many lives and would be less likely to be damaged during earthquakes.21. One reason why the loss of lives in the Los Angeles earthquake was comparativelylow is that ________.A) new computers had been installed in the buildingsB) it occurred in the residential areas rather than on the highwaysC) large numbers of Los Angeles residents had gone for a holidayD) improvements had been made in the construction of buildings and highways22. The function of the computer mentioned in the passage is to ________.A) counterbalance an earthquake’s action on the buildingB) predict the coming of an earthquake with accuracyC) help strengthen the foundation of the buildingD) measure the impact of an earthquake’s vibrations23. The smart buildings discussed in the passage ________.A) would cause serious financial problemsB) would be worthwhile though costlyC) would increase the complexity of architectural designD) can reduce the ground vibrations caused by earthquakes24. It can be inferred from the passage that in minimizing the damage caused byearthquakes attention should be focused on ________.A) the increasing use of rubber and steel in capital constructionB) the development of flexible building materialsC) the reduction of the impact of ground vibrationsD) early forecasts of earthquakes25. The author’s main purpose in writing the passage is to ________.A) compare the consequences of the earthquakes that occurred in the U.S.B) encourage civil engineers to make more extensive use of computersC) outline the history of the development of quake-resistant building materialsD) report new developments in constructing quake-resistant buildingsPassage FourQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.“... The two big advantages I had at birth were to have been born wise and to have been born in poverty...It gave me one big advantage: none of my troubles or problems as an adult could throw me.”Sophia Loren was born in a charity ward for unmarried women in Rome in 1934. Her father Riccardo Scicolone officially recognized the child, but refused to marry the mother. Though her mother had a hard time raising her, Loren still has vivid memories of her younger years. “When I was a child, fear was common to my life — fear of having nothing to eat, fear of other children taunting me at school because I was illegitimate (私生的), and particularly fear of the big bombers appearing overhead and dropping their deadly burst from the sky.”Loren was a very young girl, when she saw the first Hollywood films. “I was filled with the feeling that that’s what I was put on earth to do, to act, to let out whatever feelings I had inside.”However, it took a long time before Sophia was offered her first role in a film. She failed the screen tests one after the other, and it seemed as if there was no way for her to become an actress. What the cameramen could not see at first, was that her inner beauty made her stunning. Remembering the difficulties of the early days of her career, Sophia said, “I was so boldly confident about myself... I have never judged myself by other people’s standards. I would get to wherever I was destined to go and try to alter my fate.”Sophia’s acting career began at the age of eighteen in 1952 with her role in a film “ Africa Under the Seas”. The film did not make a sensation, but did give a good start to the young actress. The dream of a skinny little girl, sitting in a dark movie house, was finally to come true.26. According to the passage, what did Sophia regard poverty as?A) A blessing. B) A curse.C) A disadvantage. D. A way to become wise.27. What can we infer about Sophia’s school life?A. She was given much help by other students.B. She temporarily forgot her fear at school.C. She was laughed at by other students.D. She couldn’t keep up with other students.28. When Sophia was young, __________.A. her father supported her and her motherB. her mother supported the family aloneC. she was supported by a charity groupD. she had to make a living on her own29. What may be the reason why Sophia failed the screen tests?A. She was not famous enough.B. She had no experience in acting.C. She wasn’t pretty enough in appearance.D. She wasn’t suitable to become an actress.30. Sophia could be described as a woman with ________.A. great talents and wealthB. ambition and creativityC. a poor background but good luckD. wisdom and strong willPart III Vocabulary and Structure (25 minutes)Directions:There are 25 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.31. I will give you __________ to finish it.A) two week’s time B) two week timeC) two weeks’ time D) two weeks time32. The landlord of the apartment requests that they _____________ after 11:00 p.m.A) not to play loud music B) shouldn’t play loud musicC) don’t play loud music D) couldn’t play loud music33. —Who did it better, Bill or Henry?—I think Bill did just __________ Henry.A) as well as B) as better asC) more better than D) less worse than34. He didn’t tell me __________.A) which floor did he live on B) which floor he livedC) on which floor he lived D) he lived on which floor35. Never _____________ that Mr. Green was a loyal friend of our Party.A) we suspected B) we did suspectC) did we suspect D) do we suspect36. Don’t close the window, _________?A) won’t you B) shall weC) do you D) will you37. Tom’s mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but _______ didn’t help.A) he B) whichC) she D) it38. All _____________ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.A) what is needed B) that is neededC) the thing needed D) for our needs39. Some passengers were walking through one of the big halls at Paris Charles De GaulleAirport ________ the whole roof fell down.A) as soon as B) whenC) while D) as long as40. When I ________ by the station, I saw the accident ________.A) passed; happen B) passed; happenedC) past; happening D) past; to happen41. The conference ________ a full week by the time it ends.A) must have lasted B) will have lasted tC) would last D) has lasted42. People’s expectations about the future may have more influence on their sense ofwellbeing than their _______ state does.A) current B) initialC) modern D) primitive43. It was difficult to guess what her ______ to the news would be.A) impression B) reactionC) comment D) opinion44. After working all day, he was so tired that he was in no ________ to go to the partywith us.A) taste B) senseC) mood D) emotion45. Many women still feel that they are being _______ by a male culture, particularlyin the professional services sector.A) held forth B) held outC) held on D) held back46. When there are small children around, it is necessary to put bottles of pills ______.A) out of reach B) under controlC) at hand D) off limits47. It’s good to know that quite a few popular English expressions actually _______ from the Bible.A) rise B) acquireC) result D) derive48. Many personnel managers say it is getting harder and harder to ________ honestapplicants from the growing number of dishonest one.A) disguise B) dissolveC) distinguish D) discount49. Before he left for his vacation, he went to the bank to ______ some money.A) pull B) pickC) gain D) draw50. A study shows that students living in non-smoking dorms are less likely to _______the habit of smoking.A) pick up B) make upC) turn up D) bring up51. Students or teachers can participate in excursions to lovely beaches around theisland at regular ________.A) gaps B) rateC) length D) intervals52. Physics is ________ to the science which was called natural philosophy in history.A) alike B) equivalentC) likely D) uniform53. T he new appointment of our president ________ from the very beginning of next semester.A) takes effect B) takes partC) takes place D) takes turns54. The president made a ________ speech at the opening ceremony of the sports meeting,which encouraged the sportsmen greatly.A) vigorous B) tediousC) flat D) harsh55. It is useful to be able to predict the extent ________ which a price change willaffect supply and demand.A) from B) withC) to D) forPart IV Translation (20 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to translate the following paragraph into Chinese.The resource shortage is a global problem. This is more obvious in China. With the rapid growth of China’s population and fast development of its economy, China has a dramatic increase in demand for resources. For China whose per capita resources are relatively short, handling properly the conflict between the resources and development is the key to the maintenance of the sound development of the economy. In order to develop the economy stably under the conditions of limited resources, it is necessary for us to adopt the sound and rational development policy, save energy and encourage the development of the renewable energy.Part V Writing (30 minutes)Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled “Students’ Rating of Their Teachers”. You should write at least 120 words based on the following outline given in Chinese.1. 学生给老师打分已经普遍;2. 人们对其持不同态度;3. 我的看法。
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华东理工大学继续教育与网络学院学位英语考试模拟试卷一English for Qualification TestPart I Use of Language (10 minutes)Directions:There are 10 incomplete dialogues in this part. For each dialogue there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. —Would you like another cup of tea?— __________A. I don’t want it any more.B. Don’t bring me another cup.C. Forget it.D. No, thanks.2. —What’s the weather like today?— __________A. I like it very much.B. It’s rather windy.C. It’s very well.D. It looks like it.3. —Hello, ___________________—I’m afraid she is not here right now.A. may I speak to Ms. Sereno?B. I want to talk with Ms. Sereno.C. I’m going to speak to Ms. Sereno.D. I’m calling Mr. Sereno.4. —I cannot go out with you today because my mom is sick.—______________A. Not at all.B. I’m sorry to hear that.C. I would very much like to come.D. Certainly, here you are.5. —How is John’s homework done?—______________A. Good for him.B. Do it by yourself.C. Pretty well.D. As soon as possible.6. —Will you come to my graduation ceremony tomorrow?—______________, but I’ll have to attend an important meeting.A. No, thank youB. No problemC. I’d love toD. That’s all right7. —______________—A little.A. Do you speak German?B. Shall we speak German?C. How about speaking some German?D. What language do you speak?8. —It’s kind of you to give me a ride to the subway station.—______________A. It doesn’t matter.B. Fine.C. I believe so.D. It was my pleasure.9. —Haven’t you called your family this week?—______________A. Yes, I’m going to.B. Not yet, but I’m calling tomorrow.C. I’m sorry, but I have called.D. Yes, but I didn’t find the time.10. —______________—Yes. I’d like to have a look at this leather jacket.A. What are you look at, Sir?B. Nice to meet you, Sir.C. You’re welcome, Sir.D. May I help you, Sir?Part II Reading Comprehension(35 minutes)Directions:There are 4 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage OneQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.Within fifteen years Britain and other nations should be well on with the building of huge industrial complexes for the recycling of waste. The word rubbish could lose its meaning because everything which goes into the dumps would be made into something useful. Even the most dangerous and unpleasant wastes would provide energy if nothing else.The latest project is to take a city of around half a million inhabitants and discover exactly what raw materials go into it and what go out. The aim is to find out how much of these raw materials could be provided if a plant for recycling waste were built just outside the city. This plant would recycle not only metal such as steel, lead and copper, but also paper and rubber as well.Another new project is being set up to discover the best ways of sorting and separating the rubbish. When this project is complete, the rubbish will be processed like this: First, it will pass through sharp metal bars which will tear open the plastic bags in which rubbish is usually packed; then it will pass through a powerful fan to separate the lightest elements from the heavy solids; after that founders and rollers will break up everything that can be broken. Finally, the rubbish will pass under magnets(磁铁), which will remove the bits of iron and steel;the rubber and plastic will then be sorted out in the final stage.The first full-scale giant recycling plants are perhaps fifteen years away. Indeed, with the growing cost of transporting rubbish to more distant dumps, some big cities will be forced to build their own recycling plants before long.11. The phrase “should be well on with...”(Para. 1)most probably means _____.A. have completed what was startedB. get ready to startC. have achieved a great deal inD. put an end to12. W hat is NOT mentioned as a part of the recycling process described in Para.3?A. Breaking up whatever is breakable.B. Sharpening metal bars.C. Separating light elements from the heavy ones.D. Sorting out small pieces of metal.13. What’s the main reason for big cities to build their own recycling plants?A. To make better use of rubbish.B. To cope with air pollution.C. To get raw materials locally.D. To get big profits from those plants.14. According to the passage, the first full-scale huge recycling plants _______.A. have begun to operateB. will take the place of distant dumpsC. will not facilitate rubbish transportationD. will probably be in operation in fifteen years15. T he passage is mainly about _______.A. a cheaper way to get energyB. the choice of location of recycling plantsC. new ways of recycling wastesD. the protection of city environmentPassage TwoQuestions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.People across the world use Airbnb to offer their homes to travelers usually for a nightly fee. The home-sharing service provides some people a way to make extra money while they work other jobs.The company announced recently that one of its most popular professions among American Airbnb hosts is teaching. The information came from an Airbnb study to find out what industries its American hosts work in. The study found that almost 10 percent of U.S. Airbnb hosts in 2017 identified themselves as teachers or in the field of education. The home-sharing service estimated it has about 45,000 active teacher hosts in America. In addition, the study says there are an estimated 75,000 other hosts living in households with a teacher.American teacher hosts earned more than $160 million dollars from Airbnb in 2017, the company said. That includes about $54 million earned during the summer alone. The average amount earned by teacher hosts individually was $6,500 in 2017. The study did not provide data from hosts about why they choose to become part of Airbnb. But the company noted that many teachers in America face difficult economic situations. Airbnb says additional earnings from hosting can help.The U.S. Department of Education reported this year that 94 percent of public school teachers said they had spent their own money on some classroom supplies in the 2015-2016 school year. It also reported that the average pay for public school teachers in 2015–2016 was lower than in the 1990-1991 school year when the inflation rate was considered. Some states had even higher rates of teacher hosts than Airbnb’s estimated national average.Airbnb spokesman Christopher Nulty told The Atlantic magazine that the home-sharing industry was not a total solution for the current problems facing many teachers. But he said he thought Airbnb could be an “important tool” to help teachers make extra money and give them “the respect and dignity” they had earned.The report on the number of teacher hosts comes as Airbnb continues to face opposition by activists and officials in some areas. U.S. critics of the company say the service is driving up rental market prices in several cities. Elected officials in some areas have proposed or approved rules to limit the influence of the service. Hotel companies have also protested that the business presents unfair competition.16. According to the text, Airbnb is ________.A. one of the most popular professionsB. a home-sharing serviceC. a hotel companyD. an information company17. Teachers choose to become part of Airbnb because of ________.A. their economic difficultyB. respect and dignityC. the lack of classroom suppliesD. the high rental price18. Airbnb is opposed by some people or organizations except ________.A. officialsB. the Department of EducationC. activistsD. hotel companies19. We can learn from the passage that Airbnb ________.A. can solve teachers’ economic problemsB. drives up rental market prices in most citiesC. helps teachers find a new jobD. might be an “important tool” for teachers to make money20. The writer’s attitude towards Airbnb is ________.A. approvedB. indifferentC. neutralD. opposedPassage ThreeQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.When you’re a teenager with little life experience, it’s easy to build your entire life around what other people think. It can feel normal to let your friend’s ideas of what’s cool dictate (支配) the clothes you wear, how you behave yourself, and even the music you like. While this pressure is sometimes internal, teenagers are known for making each other feel ashamed if they don’t conform to social norms. And as we all know, young adults can be absolutely brutal in how they treat each other—not only those who are different, but even those who try really hard to fit in.Sadly, adulthood isn’t always a whole lot better in this respect. Not only will you experience pressure to look your best, but you’ll be forced to either keep up with—or ignore—the Joneses all throughout adulthood. That’s right, even adulthood has its groups of cool kids, rich kids, outsiders, and rebels. And sometimes, the way someone else spends their money can make you feel like you should be doing the same thing, too. After all, most people still want to fit in; it doesn’t matter whether they’re 15 or 50.But, should you give in to peer pressure and waste your hard-earned dollars? If you truly want to get ahead financially—and build a successful, impressive life—the answer should be a resounding “no.” The opportunities to spend money as an adult are nearly limitless, but they will drain your bank account if you give in every time. And at the end of the day, keeping up with your friends as an adult is just as pointless as it was in high school.Adulthood is a journey, not a race.Those who collect the most material possessions don’t earn a prize—no ribbon, no trophy, nothing. So, why does it feel like we need to compete?I’ll tell you why: Because every commercial on television, online, and the radio is aimed at getting us to spend our money. Every ad campaign on Earth was created to convince us that what we have is not enough, and that we need this item or that service—and that we’re depriving (使丧失) ourselves and our families if we don’t buy it.Don’t believe the hype (大肆宣传). You have nothing to prove, and you’ll be a lot better off if you ignore the commercials, your friends, and the hype, and do what is best for you.21. What does the author say about teenagers’inclination(倾向性) in their personal lives?A. To try to look cool.B. To be strongly influenced by their peers.C. To live their own way.D. To show others that they’ve grown up.22. How may young adults treat each other, according to the passage?A. They may support each other in the face of challenges.B. They may ignore those who don’t join their groups.C. They may fight with each other for opportunities.D. They may put pressure on others to make them fit in.23. What does the author discuss about adulthood experiences?A. Most adults’ need for acceptance by groups.B. Different stages of adults’development.C. A variety of interests to pursue with others.D. Most adults’ constant fear of competition.24. Why does the author think it is pointless to keep up with one’s friends?A. An adult should no longer think like a high school kid.B. An adult should know his own unlimited opportunities.C. It’s an endless competition until one uses up his money.D. It’s not your bank account that says about your success.25. What reason does the author give for adults’ competition for material possessions?A. Spending money brings us pleasure.B. We hope for more and better things.C. Commercials encourage our consumption.D. Competition brings out what’s the best in us.Passage FourQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.New Yorkers are gradually getting used to more pedaling (骑车的) passengers on those shining blue Citi Bikes. But what about local bike shops? Is Citi Bike rolling up riders at their expense?At Gotham Bikes in Tribeca, manager W. Ben said the shop has seen an increase in its overall sales due to the bike-share program. “It’s getting more people on the road,” he said. James Ryan, an employee at Danny’s Cycles also said Citi Bike is a good option for people to ease into biking in a city famed for its traffic jams and aggressive drivers. “They can try out a bike without committing to buying one,” he said.Rentals are not a big part of the business at either Gotham Bikes or Danny’s Cycles. But for Frank’s Bike Shop, a small business on Grand St., the bike-share program has been bad news. Owner Frank Arroyo said his rental business has decreased by 90%since Citi Bike was rolled out last month. Arroyo’s main rental customers are European tourists, who have since been drawn away by Citi Bikes.However, Ben said the bike-share is good for bike sales at his shop. “People have used the bike- share and realized how great it is to bike in the city, then decide that they want something nicer for themselves,” he noted.Christian Farrell of Waterfront Bicycle Shop, said initially he was concerned aboutbike-share, though, he admitted, “I was happy to see people on bikes.” Farrell’s early concerns were echoed by Andrew Crooks, owner of NYC Velo. “It seemed like a great idea, but one that would be difficult to implement,” Crooks said of Citi Bike. He worried about inexperienced riders’lack of awareness of riding rules and strong negative reaction from non-cyclists. However, he said, it’s still too early to tell if his business has been impacted.26. What is the author’s chief concern about the increasing use of Citi Bikes in New York?A. How non-cyclists will respond to it.B. Whether local bike shops will suffer.C. Whether local bike businesses will oppose it.D. How bike riders can be ensured the safety.27. What happened to Gotham Bikes as a result of the bike-share program?A. It found its bike sales unaffected.B. It shifted its business to rentals.C. It saw its bike sales on the rise.D. It rented more bikes to tourists.28. Why is the bike-share program bad news for Frank’s Bike Shop?A. It cannot meet the demand of the bike-share program.B. Its customers have been drawn away by Citi Bike.C. Its bike prices have to be lowered again and again.D. It has to compete with the city’s bike rental shops.29. W hy did Andrew Crooks think that the bike-share program would be difficult to execute?A. Inexperienced riders might break biking rules.B. Conflicts might arise among bike rental shops.C. Traffic conditions might worsen in the downtown area.D. There are not enough lanes to accommodate the bikes.30. W hat is the general attitude of local bike shops towards Citi Bike?A. Approving.B. Negative.C. Indifferent.D. Wait-and-see.Part III Vocabulary and Structure (25 minutes) Directions:There are 25 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.31. ___________ many years later did she learn the real cause of her parents’ divorce.A. HardlyB. Not onlyC. Not untilD. Never32. The waitress was so __________ that Jane didn’t tip her.A. cruelB. rawC. rudeD. remote33. Racing takes everything you’ve got —intellectually, emotionally, and ________.A. spirituallyB. virtuallyC. practicallyD. physically34. Although the ________ of the building hasn’t suffered, the surface is badly damaged.A. structureB. constitutionC. makingD. form35. We should have ___________ in ourselves and we will make it if we have a try.A. conquestB. confidenceC. convenienceD. conduct36. I looked at Tom’s pictures and found some of them so funny that I couldn’t help ________.A. chokingB. groaningC. chucklingD. yawning37. —Do you know the woman over there?—Yes, she’s ____________ aunt.A. Lily and lucyB. Lily’s and Lucy’sC. Lily’s and LucyD. Lily and Lucy’s38. There are fifty pupils in the class, _________ of them are League members.A. AllB. EveryC. EitherD. Neither39. We have only five months to make ________ for the trip to the South Pole.A. realizationsB. suggestionsC. inventionsD. preparations40. I’m not sure if I’m going to Tim’s party; I may go to the concert ___________.A. onlyB. insteadC. soonerD. better41. To reduce weight, I am now learning to play golf with my business ________, who plays like aprofessional.A. followerB. partnerC. associateD. alliance42. You have to know what is right for you and then go for it __________ what others may say.A. regardless ofB. in pursuit ofC. instead ofD. for the lack of43. We may say he stood ________ freedom and justice all his life.A. forB. onC. outD. up44. Most of the old buildings were pulled down in this area so that blocks of new apartmentscould be ________.A. put asideB. put onC. put offD. put up45. I bought a big refrigerator, which occupied about __________ of the kitchen space.A. two fiveB. second fifthC. two fifthsD. second five46. Don’t tell anybody about it. Keep it __________ you and me.A. amongB. besideC. withinD. between47. —Listen! Helen is singing in the next room.—It ___________ be Helen. She has gone to Beijing.A. mustn’tB. can’tC. needn’tD. wouldn’t48. ___________________, Napoleon inspected his Grand Army.A. Having been followed by some officialsB. Following some officialsC. With some officials followingD. Being followed by some officials49. You look very tired. Why _____________ and have a rest?A. not stopB. don’t stopC. not to stopD. to stop50. If Bruce goes scuba diving tomorrow, __________.A. so will IB. so do IC. neither do ID. neither will I51. Kate is crying in her room. Do you know ___________ ?A. what’s the matter with herB. what the matter is with herC. how about she isD. what about her52. Do you know the young soldier __________ you brother is talking?A. whoB. whomC. with whomD. which53. How long ________ to finish writing the thesis?A. you’ll take itB. you’ll spendC. will take youD. will it take you54. Don’t turn off the light, _________?A. won’t youB. will youC. do youD. shall we55. If only you __________ my Dad! He just wouldn’t let me do this.A. areB. wereC. would beD. will have beenPart IV Translation (20 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to translate the following paragraph into Chinese.Modern means of transportation, telecommunication and mass media have shortened geographical distances of the world. The international community appears to be no more than a global village, in which peoples of all nations experience the inevitable cultural exchanges and clashes, while seeking common development in a harmonious and respectful relationship. In this modern world the culture of any nation cannot develop in isolation, and different cultures should learn from each other’s strengths to offset their own weaknesses. The culture of a nation must withhold its own distinctive national characteristics in its extensive exchange with other cultures. Cultural exchange is by no means a process of losing one’s own culture to a foreign culture, but a process of enriching each other’s national cultures.Part V Writing(30 minutes)Directions: F or this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay of at least 120 words on the topic College Students’Consumption based on the pie chart below. Youshould give examples to illustrate your point.华东理工大学继续教育与网络学院学位英语考试模拟试卷一【参考答案】Part I Use of Language (10 points)1-5 DBABC 6-10 CADBDPart II Reading Comprehension (40 points)11-15 CBADC 16-20 BABDC 21-25 BDACC 26-30 BCBADPart III Vocabulary and Structure (25 points)31-35 CCDAB 36-40 CDADB 41-45 BAADC 46-50 DBCAA 51-55 ACDBBPart IV Translation (10 points)现代化的交通、电信与大众传媒手段缩短了地理上的距离。