A SHORT HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE1. the Angles, Saxons and Jutes were three tribes from Northern Europe.2.English literature began with the Anglo-Saxon settlement in England. It is Beowulf, the national epic of the English people.3.Features of Beowulf 贝奥武普: the most striking feature in its poetical form is the use of alliteration头韵.(definition)In alliterative verse, certain accented words in a line begin with the same consonant sound. Other features of Beowulf are the use of metaphors and of understatements.4. The French-speaking Normans under Duke William came in 1066.(the Norman Conquest)5. The Romance 罗曼司---the most prevailing kind of literature in feudal England. It was a long composition, sometimes in prose, describing the life and a adventures of a noble hero.Adventures of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table6. The Class Nature of the RomanceThe theme of loyalty to king and lord was repeatedly emphasized in romance , as loyalty was the corner-stone of feudal morality, without which the whole structure of feudalism would collapse.They were composed for the noble, of the noble, and in most cases by the poets patronized by the noble.7.the Ballads 民谣The most important department of English folk literature is the ballad. A ballad is a story told in song; usually in 4-line, with the second and fourth lines rhymed.8. The Robin Hood Ballad --- the various ballads of Robin Hood are gathered into a collection called The Geste of Robin Hood.绿林好汉罗宾汉的故事9. The founder of English poetry is Geoffrey Chaucer. 乔叟The Canterbury Tales ---(1) a collection of 24 stories (2)close links---stories are closely connected to each other (3)stories into groups on different subjects -- story-tellers, from ranks, professions, religions (4)variation in form三大著名教堂:Westminster Cathedral 西敏寺大教堂Saint Pail’s Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂Canterbury Cathedral 坎特布雷大教堂10.The Renaissance and HumanismThe rise of the bourgeoisie soon showed its influence in the sphere of cultural life. The result is an intellectual movement known as the Renaissance, or, the rebirth of letters. It spang first in Italy in the 14th century and gradually spread all over Europe. Two features are striking of this movement. The one is a thirsting curiosity for the classical literature. Old manuscripts were dug out. There arose a current for the study of Greek and Latin authors. While people learned to admire the Greek and Latin works as models of literary form, they caught something in spirit very different from the medieval Catholic dogma. So the love of classics was but an expression of the generation dissatisfaction at the Catholic and feudal ideas.Another feature of the Renaissance is the keen interest in the activities of humanity. Humanism is the key-note of the Renaissance.Humanism reflected the new outlook of the rising bourgeois class. According to the humanists, both man and world are hindered onlyby external checks from infinite improvement. Man could mould the world according to his desires, and attain happiness by removing all external checks by the exercise of reason.11.Edmund Spenser 斯宾塞The poet’s poet of the period was Edmund Spenser.The Faerie Queene : nationalism, humanism , puritanismThe Faerie Queene (definition)i s written in a special verse form that consists of eight iambic pentameter lines followed by a ninth line of six iambic feet(an alexandrine), with the rhyme scheme ababbcbcc. This form has since been called the Spenserian Stanza.12.Drama 戏剧: the Miracle Play 奇迹剧, The Morality Play 道德剧, The Interlude 幕间剧, The Classical Drama 古典剧12.Marlowe(马洛)’s best includes three of his plays, Tamburlaine 帖木耳(1587), The Jes of Malta马耳他的犹太人(1592), and Doctor Faustus浮士德博士(1588).13.Social significance of Marlowe’s Plays:These plays show, in various ways, the spirit of the rising bourgeoisie , its eager curiosity for knowledge, its towering pride, its insatiable, appetite for power whether that be won by military might, knowledge, or gold.In Tamburlaine, it is ambition; in Doctor Faustus, desire for knowledge; in The Jew of Malta, greed for wealth. They were typical images of the era of the primitive accumulation of capital.14.William Shakespeare莎士比亚was born on April 23, 1564, died on April 23, the anniversary of his birth, in 1616.A Chronological List of Shakespeare’s Plays: 四大悲剧Hamlet 哈姆雷特,Macbeth麦克白,Othello 奥赛罗,King Lear 李尔王.The reasons of the Melancholy(忧郁)of Hamlet: (1)he seems to understand that his mere revenge upon his uncle would in no way solve the problems that trouble and upset him.(2)he does not want to include the Britain into the chaos.(3)the crisis of humanism---the root of the murder is the political system.ton米尔顿--Paradise Lost 失乐园,Samson Agonistes 力士参孙16.Bunyan 班扬---the Pilgrim’s Progress 天路历程17.Metaphysical玄学派PoetsThe works of the Metaphysical Poets are characterized, generally speaking, by mysticism in content and fantasticality in form.John DonneAnother school of poetry prevailing in the period was that of Cavalier Poets.18.The Enlightenment 启蒙运动in Europe:The 18th century marked the beginning of an intellectual movement in Europe, known as the Enlightenment, which was, on the whole, an expression of struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism. The enlighteners fought against class inequality, stagnation, prejudices and other survivals of feudalism. They attempted to place al branches of science at the service of mankind by by connecting them with the actual needs and requirements of people.Steele and The Tatler闲话者Addison and The Spectator观察家To sum up Steele’s and Addison’s contribution to the English literature:1. Their writings afford a new code of social morality for the rising bourgeoisie/2. They give a true picture of the social life of England in the 18th century.3. In the hands of Addison and Steele, the English essay had completely established itself as a literary genre. Using it as a form of character sketching and story -telling, they ushered in the dawn of modern English novel.19.Jonathan Swift 乔纳森斯威夫特---Gulliver’s Travels 格列佛游记Pamphlets on Ireland 关于爱尔兰问题的小册子--A Modest Proposal 一个温柔的建议20.Richardson--he was noted as a storyteller, letter writer and moralizer.Pamela:Pamela was a new thing in three ways,firstly,it discarded the “improbable and marvelous”accomplishments of the former heroic romances, and pictured the life and love of ordinary people. Secondly,its intention was to afford not merely entertainment but also moral instruction. Thirdly, it described not only the sayings and doings of the characters but also their secret thoughts and feelings.22. Fielding 菲尔丁---Joseph Andrews(a parody 戏仿to Pamela)23.(约翰逊)Johnson’s Dictionary:(1)it marked an epoch in the study of the English language.(2)also marked the end of English writers’reliance on the patronage of noblemen for support.24.Sentimentalism感伤主义: it came into being as the result of a bitter discontent among the enlightened people with social reality. The representatives of Sentimentalism continued to struggle against feudalism, but they sensed st the same time the contradictions in the process of capitalist development. Dissatisfied with reason, which classicists appealed to, sentimentalists appealed to sentiment, “to the huamn heart.”25.Blake 布莱克----Songs of Innocence contains poems which were apparently written for children, using a language which even little babies can learn by heart, and in Songs of Experience, a much maturer work,entirely different themes are to be found, for in this collection of poems the poet drew pictures of neediness and distress and showed the sufferings of the miserable.The contrast between Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience is of great significance. It marks a progress in the poet’s outlook on life.26.Burns 彭斯peasant poet 农民诗人(前浪漫主义诗人)27.Romanticism 浪漫主义prevailed in England during the period 1798-1832. Generally speaking, the romanticists expressed the ideology and sentiment of those classes and social strata who were discontent with, and opposed to, the development of capitalism. But owing to difference in social and political attitudes, they split into two schools. Some romantic writers reflected the thinking of classes ruined by the bourgeoisie, and by way of protest against capitalist development turned to the feudal past, i.e. The “”merry Old England,”as their ideal, or “frightened by the coming of industrialism and the nightmare towns of industry, they were turning to nature of protection.”These were the elder generation of romanticists, sometimes called escapist romanticists, including Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey, who have also benne called the Lake Poets because they had lived in the Lake District in the northwest of England and shared acommunity of literary and social outlook in their work. Other expressed the aspirations of the classes created by capitalism and held out an ideal, though a vague one, of a future society free from oppression and exploitation. These were the younger generation of romanticists and sometimes called active romanticists represented by Byron, Shelley and Keats.So the general feature if the works of the romanticists is a dissatisfaction with the bourgeois society, which finds expression in a revolt against or an escape from the prosaic, sordid daily life, the “prison of the actual”under capitalism. Their writings are filled with strong-willed heroes, formidable events, tragic situations, powerful conflicting passions, and exotic pictures. Sometimes they resort to symbolic methods. With the active romanticists, symbolic pictures represent a vague idea of some future society, while with the escapist romanticists, these often take on a mystic color. In contrast to the rationalism of the enlighteners and classicists in the 18th century, the romanticists paid great attention to the spiritual and emotional life of man. Nature, often personified, also plays an important role in their works. The passions of man and the beauties of nature appealed strongly to the imagination of the Romantic writer, and the glory of the lakes and mountains, the little joys or sorrows of children, the weal and woe of ordinary, uncultured peasants, the wonder of the fairy world, and the splendor of the Greek art all because the fountain-heads of the writer’s inspiration. Poetry, of course, is the best medium to express all these sentiments. In fact, all the romanticists mentioned above were poets. The Romantic Period was one of poetical revival.28.Wordsworth: in 1798 Wordsworth and Coleridge jointly published the Lyrical Ballads. The publication marked the break with the conventional poetical tradition of the 18th century, i.e. With classicism, and the beginning of the Romantic revival in England. “all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling.”His “Lucy” poems are a series of short pathetic lyrics on the theme of harmony between humanity and nature.29.Shelley 雪莱: Queen Mab 麦布女王The Revolt of Islam 伊斯兰暴动Prometheus Unbound 解放了的普罗米修斯30.Keats济慈: ode 颂Ode to Autumn, Ode on Melancholy, Ode on a Grecian Urn 古瓮颂, Ode to a Nightingale 夜莺颂An Analysis of Jane EyreThe novel is rich in poetry, symbolism and metaphor. It does not fit easily into a definite pattern, being neither a novel of "manners" in the tradition of Austen, or a straightforward Gothic Romance in the style of Mrs Radcliffe. What Charlotte Bronte did was to create a work which cleverly blends elements of the two styles, and which remains uniquely independent of them at the same time, since it addresses issues which were at the time rather controversial.The novel is written in the first person, and thus magnifies the central character - the reader enters the world of Jane Eyre and is transported through her experiences at first hand. This at once makes the work subjective, especially since we know that Charlottes Brontes own life and experiences were so closely interwoven with the heroine's. As well as this we learn only at the end of the novel that the events are being related to us ten years after the reconciliation with Rochester - thus the narrative is RETROSPECTIVE (looking back). CB is clever in blending the narrative so that at times Jane seems to be speaking as an adult with adult hindsight , while at others she she is "in the middle" of them, as a child or young woman. The indecision which is a central issue in the book, is heightened by this device. We never know, as readers, whether to be entirely trustful of Janes actions and thoughts, because we are never sure wheher she is speaking impulsively or maturely.This intensifies the readers dilemma as to what is "right" and "wrong" in the dramatic relationships which are part of JE's life. Can we believe what the heroine says, or is she deceiving herself? The novel is primarily a love story and a "romance" where wishes come true but only after trials and suffering. The supernatural has its place, as do dreams, portents and prophesies. The heroine begins poor and lonely and ends up rich and loved; the orphan finds a good family to replace the wicked one; all the basic ingredients of classic romantic fairytale are present.The romantic element is present in two forms in Jane Eyre; the "family" aspect is dealt with in the Gateshead, Lowood and Moor House episodes, which involve the exchanging of the wicked Reed family for the benevolent Rivers one; and the Love romance is dealt with in the Thornfield and Ferndean episodes. Both aspects are, of course linked and interwoven throughout the novel.There is also a strong element of realism in the novel, which, married to the romantic aspect, enhances the novel's strength.The sense of place is very strong; we are able to experience both exterior and interior settings with startling clarity throughout the story, in a series of vivid deive passages. The central characters are also realistic and their confrontations and sufferings change them in a believable way.Even the unlikely is made plausible, with a unique blend of high drama and perceptive low comedy (the attack on Mason, for instance)The more fantastic romantic aspects; the coincidences; the secrets; the supernatural occurrences, are balanced by the realism, and this is of course a major strength.The Gothic influence cannot be ignored, although CB has refined the technique considerably from the "authentic" Gothic of the 1790's. In the original genre, the heroine would typically be abductedand threatened with seduction, or worse!. There would be a lover - a respectable, well-bred young man - who would endeavor to rescue the heroine and would succeed after many trial. the seducer would be a brigand "Know that I adore Corsairs!" and he would lock the girl up in a remote castle.There was little freedom for middle class women during the period of the Gothic novel, and this was still the case in the time of CB. Marriage especially was often a bargain, whereby fortunes were secured by using the female as a pawn. A woman's value largely depended therefore on her sexual purity and she was guarded and secured as a result. Men, on the contrary, were potent and free; lovers and mistresses were common. Ironically the women who provided their services were social outcasts as a result.In Jane Eyre we see elements of the Gothic romance, in that Thornfield Hall and Rochester are described very much in the brigand/castle style BUT Jane Eyre is not abducted by R. On the contrary she chooses to go there of her own free will. AND she is clear in her determination to have Rochester as a husband. Neither is there a gentleman rescuer; St John Rivers may look like a Greek God, but he is neither kind nor benevolent; driving Jane back to Ferndean, not rescuing her from it.The trials which the hero is supposed to undergo in a Gothic romance are in fact undergone by the heroine in Jane Eyre. The bandit Rochester is only skin-deep. Underneath the brooding exterior is a sensitive soul, which a WOMAN frees. In this way we see that CB created rather a daring departure from conventional fiction, although there are still many aspects of the novel which remain true to Victorian convention.!3. The Joys of Writing (by Winston Churchill)【导读】温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill), 英国首相、保守党领袖。
英国文学简史期末考试复习要点一、中世纪文学(约5世纪—1485)•《贝奥武甫》(Beowulf)•《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》(Sir Gawain and the Green Knight )杰弗利·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer)“英国诗歌之父”。
(Father of English Poetry)《坎特伯雷故事》(The Canterbury Tales)二、文艺复兴时期文学(15世纪后期—17世纪初)•托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More )《乌托邦》(Utopia)•埃德蒙·斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser)《仙后》(The Faerie Queene)•弗兰西斯·培根(Francis Bacon)《论说文集》(Essays)克里斯托弗·马洛 Christopher Marlowe•《帖木儿大帝》(Tamburlaine)•《浮士德博士的悲剧》(The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Dr. Faustus)•《马耳他岛的犹太人》(The Jew of Malta)威廉·莎士比亚William Shakespeare )《哈姆莱特》(Hamlet) SONNET18三、17世纪文学约翰·弥尔顿 John Milton《失乐园》(Paradise Lost)•约翰·班扬(John Bunyan)《天路历程》(The Pilgrim’s Progress)四、启蒙时期文学(17世纪后期—18世纪中期)18世纪初,新古典主义成为时尚。
亚历山大·蒲柏(Alexander Pope)是新古典主义诗歌的代表。
•乔纳森·斯威夫特 Jonathan Swift《格列佛•丹尼尔·笛福 Daniel Defoe 英国小说之父《鲁滨孙漂流记》(Robinson Crusoe)•亨利·菲尔丁 Henry Fielding《汤姆·琼斯》(Tom Jones)•乔纳森·斯威夫特 Jonathan Swift《格列佛游记》Gulliver’s Travels•亨利·菲尔丁 Henry Fielding《汤姆·琼斯》(Tom Jones)托马斯·格雷 Thomas Gray《墓园哀歌》(Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard)五、浪漫主义时期文学(1798-1832)•罗伯特·彭斯 Robert Burns•威廉·布莱克 William Blake•威廉·华兹华斯 William Wordsworth•塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治 Samuel Taylor Coleridge《抒情歌谣集》(Lyrical Ballads)一. Old English Literature & The Late Medieval Ages中世纪文学(约5世纪—1485)<Beowulf>贝奥武夫:the national epic of the Anglo-SaxonsEpic: long narrative poems that record the adventures or heroic deeds of a hero enacted in vast landscapes. The style of epic is grand and elevated.e.g. Homer’s Iliad and OdysseyArtistic features:ing alliterationDefinition of alliteration: a rhetorical device, meaning some words in a sentence begin with the same consonant sound (头韵)Some examples on P5ing metaphor and understatementDefinition of understatement: expressing something in a controlled way Understatement is a typical way for Englishmen to express their ideasGeoffery Chaucer 杰弗里•乔叟1340(?)~1400(首创“双韵体”,英国文学史上首先用伦敦方言写作。
英国文学史资料British Writers and WorksI。
Old English Literature & The Late Medieval Ages<Beowulf>贝奥武夫:the national epic of the Anglo—SaxonsEpic: long narrative poems that record the adventures or heroic deeds of a hero enacted in vast landscapes. The style of epic is grand and elevated。
Homer's Iliad and OdysseyArtistic features:ing alliterationDefinition of alliteration: a rhetorical device, meaning some words in a sentence begin with the same consonant sound(头韵)Some examples on P5ing metaphor and understatementDefinition of understatement: expressing something in a controlled way Understatement is a typical way for Englishmen to express their ideasGeoffery Chaucer 杰弗里•乔叟1340(?)~1400(首创“双韵体",英国文学史上首先用伦敦方言写作。
约翰·德莱顿(John Dryden)称其为“英国诗歌之父"。
代表作《坎特伯雷故事集》.)The father of English poetry。
英国文学简史完全版A Concise History of British LiteratureChapter 1 English Literature of Anglo-Saxon PeriodI.Introduction1. The historical background(1)Before the Germanic invasion(2)During the Germanic invasiona. immigration;b. Christianity;c. heptarchy.d. social classes structure: hide-hundred; eoldermen (lord)– thane - middle class (freemen)- lower class (slave or bondmen: theow);e. social organization: clan or tribes.f. military Organization;g. Church function: spirit, civil service, education;h. economy: coins, trade, slavery;i. feasts and festival: Halloween, Easter; j. legal system.2. The Overview of the culture(1)The mixture of pagan and Christian spirit.(2)Literature: a. poetry: two types; b. prose: two figures.II.Beowulf.1. A general introduction.2. The content.3. The literary features.(1)the use of alliteration(2)the use of metaphors and understatements(3)the mixture of pagan and Christian elementsIII.The Old English Prose1.What is prose?2.figures(1)The Venerable Bede(2)Alfred the GreatChapter 2 English Literature of the Late Medieval Ages I.Introduction 1. The Historical Background.(1)The year 1066: Norman Conquest.(2)The social situations soon after the conquest.A. Norman nobles and serfs;B. restoration of the church.(3)The 11th century.A. the crusade and knights.B. dominance of French and Latin;(4)The 12th century.A. the centralized government;B. kings and the church (Henry II and Thomas);(5)The 13th century.A. The legend of Robin Hood;B. Magna Carta (1215);C. the beginning of the ParliamentD. English and Latin: official languages (the end)(6)The 14th century.a. the House of Lords and the House of Commons—conflict between the Parliament and Kings;b. the rise of towns.c. the change of Church.d. the role of women.e. the Hundred Years' War—starting.f. the development of the trade: London.g. the Black Death.h. the Peasants' Revolt—1381.i. The translation of Bible by Wycliff.(7)The 15th century.a. The Peasants Revolt (1453)b. The War of Roses between Lancasters and Yorks.c. the printing-press—William Caxton.d. the starting of Tudor Monarchy(1485)2. The Overview of Literature.(1)the stories from the Celtic lands of Wales and Brittany—great myths of the Middle Ages.(2)Geoffrye of Monmouth—Historia Regum Britanniae—King Authur. (3)Wace—Le Roman de Brut.(4)The romance.(5)the second half of the 14th century: Langland, Gawin poet, Chaucer. II.Sir Gawin and Green Knight.1. a general introduction.2. the plot.III.William Langland.1. Life2. Piers the PlowmanIV.Chaucer1. Life2. Literary Career: three periods(1)French period(2)Italian period(3)master period3. The Canterbury TalesA. The Framework;B. The General Prologue;C. The Tale Proper.4. His Contribution.(1)He introduced from France the rhymed stanza of various types.(2)He is the first great poet who wrote in the current English language. (3)The spoken English of the time consisted of several dialects, and Chaucer did much in making the dialect of London the standard for the modern English speech.V. Popular Ballads.VI.Thomas Malory and English ProseVII.The beginning of English Drama.1. Miracle Plays.Miracle play or mystery play is a form of medieval drama that came from dramatization of the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church. It developed from the 10th to the 16th century, reaching its height in the 15th century. The simple lyric character of the early texts was enlarged by the addition of dialogue and dramatic action. Eventually the performance was moved to the churchyard and the marketplace.2. Morality Plays.A morality play is a play enforcing a moral truth or lesson by means of the speech and action of characters which are personified abstractions – figures representing vices and virtues, qualities of the human mind, or abstract conceptions in general.3. Interlude.The interlude, which grew out of the morality, was intended, as its name implies, to be used more as a filler than as the main part of an entertainment. As its best it was short, witty, simple in plot, suited for the diversion of guests at a banquet, or for the relaxation of the audience between the divisions of a serious play. It was essentially an indoors performance, and generally of an aristocratic nature.Chapter 3 English Literature in the Renaissance I.A Historical Background II. The Overview of the Literature (1485-1660)Printing press—readership—growth of middle class—trade-education for laypeople-centralization of power-intellectual life-exploration-new impetus and direction of literature.Humanism-study of the literature of classical antiquity and reformed education.Literary style-modeled on the ancients.The effect of humanism-the dissemination of the cultivated, clear, and sensible attitude of its classically educated adherents.1. poetryThe first tendency by Sidney and Spenser: ornate, florid, highly figured style.The second tendency by Donne: metaphysical style—complexity and ingenuity.The third tendency by Johnson: reaction——Classically pure and restrained style.The fourth tendency by Milton: central Christian and Biblical tradition.2. Dramaa. the native tradition and classical examples.b. the drama stands highest in popular estimation: Marlowe – Shakespeare –Jonson.3. Prosea. translation of Bible;b. More;c. Bacon.II.English poetry.1. Sir Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard (courtly makers)(1)Wyatt: introducing sonnets.(2)Howard: introducing sonnets and writing the first blank verse.2. Sir Philip Sidney—poet, critic, prose writer(1)Life:a. English gentleman;b. brilliant and fascinating personality;c. courtier.(2)worksa. Arcadia: pastoral romance;b. Astrophel and Stella (108): sonnet sequence to Penelope Dvereux—platonic devotion.Petrarchan conceits and original feelings-moving to creativeness—building of a narrative story; theme-love originality-act of writing.c. Defense of Poesy: an apology for imaginative literature—beginning of literary criticism.3. Edmund Spenser(1)life: Cambridge - Sidney's friend - “Areopagus” –Ireland - Westminster Abbey.(2)worksa. The Shepherds Calendar: the budding of English poetry in Renaissance.b. Amoretti and Epithalamion: sonnet sequencec. Faerie Queene:l The general end——A romantic and allegorical epic—steps to virtue.l 12 books and 12 virtues: Holiness, temperance, justice and courtesy.l Two-level function: part of the story and part of allegory (symbolic meaning)l Many allusions to classical writers.l Themes: puritanism, nationalism, humanism and Renaissance Neoclassicism—a Christian humanist.(3)Spenserian Stanza.III.English Prose1. Thomas More(1)Li fe: “Renaissance man”, scholar, statesman, theorist, prose writer, diplomat, patron of artsa. learned Greek at Canterbury College, Oxford;b. studies law at Lincoln Inn;c. Lord Chancellor;d. beheaded.(2)Utopia: the first English science fiction.Written in Latin, two parts, the second—place of nowhere.A philosophical mariner (Raphael Hythloday)tells his voyages in which he discovers a land-Utopia.a. The part one is organized as dialogue with mariner depicting his philosophy.b. The part two is a description of the island kingdom where gold and silver are worn by criminal, religious freedom is total and no one owns anything.c. the nature of the book: attacking the chief political and social evils of his time.d. the book and the Republic: an attempt to describe the Republic in a new way, but it possesses an modern character and the resemblance is in externals.e. it played a key role in the Humanist awakening of the 16th century which moved away from the Medieval otherworldliness towards Renaissancesecularism.f. the Utopia(3)the significance.a. it was the first champion of national ideas and national languages; it created a national prose, equally adapted to handling scientific and artistic material.b. a elegant Latin scholar and the father of English prose: he composed works in English, translated from Latin into English biography, wrote History of Richard III.2. Francis Bacon: writer, philosopher and statesman(1)life: Cambridge - humanism in Paris – knighted - Lord Chancellor –bribery - focusing on philosophy and literature.(2)philosophical ideas: advancement of science—people:servants and interpreters of nature—method: a child before nature—facts and observations: experimental.(3)“Essays”: 57.a. he was a master of numerous and varied styles.b. his method is to weigh and balance maters, indicating the ideal course of action and the practical one, pointing out the advantages and disadvantages of each, but leaving the reader to make the final decisions. (arguments)IV.English Drama1. A general survey.(1)Everyman marks the beginning of modern drama.(2)two influences.a. the classics: classical in form and English in content;b. native or popular drama.(3)the University Wits.2. Christopher Marlowe: greatest playwright before Shakespeare and most gifted of the Wits.(1)Life: first interested in classical poetry—then in drama.(2)Major worksa. Tamburlaine;b. The Jew of Malta;c. The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus.(3)The significance of his plays.V. William Shakespeare1. Life(1)1564, Stratford-on-Avon;(2)Grammar School;(3)Queen visit to Castle;(4)marriage to Anne Hathaway;(5)London, the Globe Theatre: small part and proprietor;(6)the 1st Folio, Quarto;(7)Retired, son—Hamnet; H. 1616.2. Dramatic career3. Major plays-men-centered.(1)Romeo and Juliet——tragic love and fate (2)The Merchant of Venice.Good over evil.Anti-Semitism.(3)Henry IV.National unity.Falstaff.(4)Julius CaesarRepublicanism vs. dictatorship.(5)HamletRevengeGood/evil.(6)OthelloDiabolic characterjealousygap between appearance and reality.(7)King LearFilial ingratitude(8)MacbethAmbition vs. fate.(9)Antony and Cleopatra.Passion vs. reason(10)The TempestReconciliation; reality and illusion.3. Non-dramatic poetry(1)Venus and Adonis; The Rape of Lucrece.(2)Sonnets:a. theme: fair, true, kind.b. two major parts: a handsome young man of noble birth; a lady in dark complexion.c. the form: three quatrains and a couplet.d. the rhyme scheme: abab, cdcd, efef, gg.VI.Ben Jonson1. life: poet, dramatist, a Latin and Greek scholar, the “literary king” (Sons of Ben)2.contribution:(1)the idea of “humour”.(2)an advocate of classical drama and a forerunner of classicism in English literature.3. Major plays(1)Everyone in His Humour—“humour”; three unities.(2)V olpone the FoxChapter 4 English Literature of the 17th Century I.A Historical BackgroundII.The Overview of the Literature (1640-1688)1. The revolution period(1)The metaphysical poets;(2)The Cavalier poets.(3)Milton: the literary and philosophical heritage of the Renaissance merged with Protestant political and moral conviction2. The restoration period.(1)The restoration of Charles II ushered in a literature characterized by reason, moderation, good taste, deft management, and simplicity. (school of Ben Jonson)(2)The ideals of impartial investigation and scientific experimentation promoted by the newly founded Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge (1662)were influential in the development of clear and simple prose as an instrument of rational communication.(3)The great philosophical and political treatises of the time emphasize rationalism.(4)The restoration drama.(5)The Age of Dryden.III.John Milton1. Life: educated at Cambridge—visiting the continent—involved into therevolution—persecuted—writing epics.2. Literary career.(1)The 1st period was up to 1641, during which time he is to be seen chiefly as a son of the humanists and Elizabethans, although his Puritanism is not absent. L'Allegre and IL Pens eroso (1632)are his early masterpieces, in which we find Milton a true offspring of the Renaissance, a scholar of exquisite taste and rare culture. Next came Comus, a masque. The greatest of early creations was Lycidas, a pastoral elegy on the death of a college mate, Edward King.(2)The second period is from 1641 to 1654, when the Puritan was in such complete ascendancy that he wrote almost no poetry. In 1641, he began a long period of pamphleteering for the puritan cause. For some 15 years, the Puritan in him alone ruled his writing. He sacrificed his poetic ambition to the call of the liberty for which Puritans were fighting.(3)The third period is from 1655 to 1671, when humanist and Puritan have been fused into an exalted entity. This period is the greatest in his literary life, epics and some famous sonnets. The three long poems are the fruit of the long contest within Milton of Renaissance tradition and his Puritan faith. They form the greatest accomplishments of any English poet except Shakespeare. In Milton alone, it would seem, Puritanism could not extinguish the lover of beauty. In these works we find humanism and Puritanism merged in magnificence.3. Major Works(1)Paradise Losta. the plot.b. characters.c. theme: justify the ways of God to man.(2)Paradise Regained.(3)Samson Agonistes.4. Features of Milton's works.(1)Milton is one of the very few truly great English writers who is also a prominent figure in politics, and who is both a great poet and an important prose writer. The two most essential things to be remembered about him are his Puritanism and his republicanism.(2)Milton wrote many different types of poetry. He is especially a great master of blank verse. He learned much from Shakespeare and first used blank verse in non-dramatic works.(3)Milton is a great stylist. He is famous for his grand style noted for its dignity and polish, which is the result of his life-long classical and biblical study.(4)Milton has always been admired for his sublimity of thought and majesty of expression.IV.John Bunyan1. life:(1)puritan age;(2)poor family;(3)parliamentary army;(4)Baptist society, preacher;(5)prison, writing the book.2. The Pilgrim Progress(1)The allegory in dream form.(2)the plot.(3)the theme.V. Metaphysical Poets and Cavalier Poets.1. Metaphysical PoetsThe term “metaphysical poetry” is commonly used to designate the works of the 17th century writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne. Pressured by the harsh, uncomfortable and curious age, the metaphysical poets sought to shatter myths and replace them with new philosophies, new sciences, new words and new poetry. They tried to break away from the conventional fashion of Elizabethan love poetry, and favoured in poetry for a more colloquial language and tone, a tightness of expression and the single-minded working out of a theme or argument.2. Cavalier PoetsThe other group prevailing in this period was that of Cavalier poets. They were often courtiers who stood on the side of the king, and calledthemselves “sons” of Ben Jonson. The Cavalier poets wrote light poetry, polished and elegant, amorous and gay, but often superficial. Most of their verses were short songs, pretty madrigals, love fancies characterized by lightness of heart and of morals. Cavalier poems have the limpidity of the Elizabethan lyric without its imaginative flights. They are lighter and neater but less fresh than the Elizabethan's.VI.John Dryden.1. Life:(1)the representative of classicism in the Restoration.(2)poet, dramatist, critic, prose writer, satirist.(3)changeable in attitude.(4)Literary career—four decades.(5)Poet Laureate2. His influences.(1)He established the heroic couplet as the fashion for satiric, didactic, and descriptive poetry.(2)He developed a direct and concise prose style.(3)He developed the art of literary criticism in his essays and in the numerous prefaces to his poems.Chapter 5 English Literature of the 18th Century I.Introduction1. The Historical Background.2. The literary overview.(1)The Enlightenment.(2)The rise of English novels.When the literary historian seeks to assign to each age its favourite form of literature, he finds no difficulty in dealing with our own time. As the Middle Ages delighted in long romantic narrative poems, the Elizabethans in drama, the Englishman of the reigns of Anne and the early Georges in didactic and satirical verse, so the public of our day is enamored of the novel. Almost all types of literary production continue to appear, but whether we judge from the lists of publishers, the statistics of public libraries, or general conversation, we find abundant evidence of the enormous preponderance of this kind of literary entertainment in popular favour.(3)Neo-classicism: a revival in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries of classical standards of order, balance, and harmony in literature. John Dryden and Alexander Pope were major exponents of the neo-classical school.(4)Satiric literature.(5)SentimentalismII.Neo-classicism. (a general description)1. Alexander Pope(1)Life:a.Catholic family;b.ill health;c.taught himself by reading and translating;d.friend of Addison, Steele and Swift.(2)three groups of poems:e.An Essay on Criticism (manifesto of neo-classicism);f. The Rape of Lock;g.Translation of two epics.(3)His contribution:h.the heroic couplet—finish, elegance, wit, pointedness;i.satire.(4)weakness: lack of imagination.2. Addison and Steele(1)Richard Steele: poet, playwright, essayist, publisher of newspaper. (2)Joseph Addison: studies at Oxford, secretary of state, created a literary periodical “Spectator” (with Steele, 1711)(3)Spectator Club.(4)The significance of their essays.a. Their writi ngs in “The Tatler”, and “The Spectator” provide a new code of social morality for the rising bourgeoisie.b. They give a true picture of the social life of England in the 18th century.c. In their hands, the English essay completely established itself as aliterary genre. Using it as a form of character sketching and story telling, they ushered in the dawn of the modern novel.3. Samuel Johnson—poet, critic, essayist, lexicographer, editor.(1)Life:a.studies at Oxford;b.made a living by writing and translating;c.the great cham of literature.(2)works: poem (The Vanity of Human Wishes, London); criticism (The Lives of great Poets); preface.(3)The champion of neoclassical ideas.III.Literature of Satire: Jonathan Swift.1.Life:(1)born in Ireland;(2)studies at Trinity College;(3)worked as a secretary;(4)the chief editor of The Examiner;(5)the Dean of St. Patrick's in Dublin.2. Works: The Battle of Books, A Tale of a Tub, A Modest Proposal, Gulliver's Travels.3. Gulliver's Travels.Part I. Satire—the Whig and the Tories, Anglican Church and Catholic Church.Part II. Satire—the legal system; condemnation of war.Part III. Satire—ridiculous scientific experiment.Part IV. Satire—mankind.IV.English Novels of Realistic tradition.1. The Rise of novels.(1)Early forms: folk tale – fables – myths – epic – poetry – romances –fabliaux – novelle - imaginative nature of their material. (imaginative narrative)(2)The rise of the novela.picaresque novel in Spain and England (16th century): Of or relating to a genre of prose fiction that originated in Spain and depicts in realistic detail the adventures of a roguish hero, often with satiric or humorous effects.b.Sidney: Arcadia.c. Addison and Steele: The Spectator.(plot and characterization and realism)(3)novel and drama (17the century)2. Daniel Defoe—novelist, poet, pamphleteer, publisher, merchant, journalist.)(1)Life:a.business career;b.writing career;c.interested in politics.(2)Robinson Cusoe.a. the story.b. the significance of the character.c. the features of his novels.d. the style of language.3. Henry Fielding—novelist.(1)Life:a.unsuccessful dramatic career;b.legal career; writing career.(2)works.(3)Tom Jones.a.the plot;b.characters: Tom, Blifil, Sophia;c.significance.(4)the theory of realism.(5)the style of language.V. Writers of Sentimentalism.1. Introduction2. Samuel Richardson—novelist, moralist (One who is unduly concerned with the morals of others.)(1)Life:a.printer book seller;b.letter writer.(2)Pamela, Virtue Rewarded.a.the storyb.the significancePamela was a new thing in these ways:a)It discarded the “improbable and marvelous” accomplishments of the former heroic romances, and pictured the life and love of ordinary people. b)Its intension was to afford not merely entertainment but also moral instruction.c)It described not only the sayings and doings of characters but their also their secret thoughts and feelings. It was, in fact, the first English psycho-analytical novel.3. Oliver Goldsmith—poet and novelist.A. Life:a.born in Ireland;b.a singer and tale-teller, a life of vagabondage;c.bookseller;d.the Literary Club;e.a miserable life;f. the most lovable character in English literature.B. The Vicar of Wakefield.a.story;b.the signicance.VI.English Drama of the 18th century1. The decline of the drama2. Richard Brinsley SheridenA. life.B. works: Rivals, The School for Scandals.C. significance of his plays.a. The Rivals and The School for Scandal are generally regarded as important links between the masterpieces of Shakespeare and those of Bernard Shaw, and as true classics in English comedy.b. In his plays, morality is the constant theme. He is much concerned with the current moral issues and lashes harshly at the social vices of the day.c. Sheridan's greatness also lies in his theatrical art. He seems to have inherited from his parents a natural ability and inborn knowledge about the theatre. His plays are the product of a dramatic genius as well as of a well-versed theatrical man.d. His plots are well-organized, his characters, either major or minor, are all sharply drawn, and his manipulation of such devices as disguise, mistaken identity and dramatic irony is masterly. Witty dialogues and neat and decent language also make a characteristic of his plays. Chapter 6 English Literature of the Romantic Age I.Introduction1. Historical Background2. Literary Overview: RomanticismCharacteristics of Romanticism:(1)The spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings(2)The creation of a world of imagination(3)The return to nature for material(4)Sympathy with the humble and glorification of the commonplace (5)Emphasis upon the expression of individual genius(6)The return to Milton and the Elizabethans for literary models (7)The interest in old stories and medieval romances(8)A sense of melancholy and loneliness(9)The rebellious spiritII.Pre-Romantics1. Robert Burns(1)Life: French Revolution(2)Features of poetrya. Burns is chiefly remembered for his songs written in the Scottish dialect.b. His poems are usually devoid of artificial ornament and have a great charm of simplicity.c. His poems are especially appreciated for their musical effect.d. His political and satirical poems are noted for his passionate love forfreedom and fiery sentiments of hatred against tyranny.(3)Significance of his poetryHis poetry marks an epoch in the history of English literature. They suggested that the spirit of the Romantic revival was embodied in this obscure ploughman. Love, humour, pathos, the response to nature –all the poetic qualities that touch the human heart are in his poems, which marked the sunrise of another day – the day of Romanticism.2. William Blake(1)life: French Revolution(2)works.l Songs of Innocencel Songs of Experience(3)featuresa. sympathy with the French Revolutionb. hatred for 18th century conformity and social institutionc. attitude of revolt against authorityd. strong protest against restrictive codes(4)his influenceBlake is often regarded as a symbolist and mystic, and he has exerted a great influence on twentieth century writers. His peculiarities of thought and imaginative vision have in many ways proved far more congenial to the 20th century than they were to the 19th.III.Romantic Poets of the first generation1. Introduction2. William Wordsworth: representative poet, chief spokesman of Romantic poetry(1)Life:a.love nature;b.Cambridge;c.tour to France;d.French revolution;e.Dorathy;f. The Lake District;g.friend of Coleridge;h.conservative after revolution.(2)works:a. the Lyrical Ballads (preface): significanceb. The Prelude: a biographical poem.c. the other poems(3)Features of his poems.a.ThemeA constant theme of his poetry was the growth of the human spirit through the natural description with expressions of inward states of mind.b.characteristics of style.His poems are characterized by a sympathy with the poor, simple peasants, and a passionate love of nature.3. Samuel Taylor Coleridge: poet and critic(1)Life:a.Cambridge;b.friend with Southey and Wordsworth;c.taking opium.(2)works.l The fall of Robespierrel The Rime of the Ancient Marinerl Kubla Khanl Biographia Literaria(3)Biographia Literaria.(4)His criticismHe was one of the first critics to give close critical attention to language. In both poetry and criticism, his work is outstanding, but it is typical of him that his critical work is very scattered and disorganized.IV.Romantic Poets of the Second Generation.1. Introduction2. George Gordon Byron(1)Life:a.Cambridge, published poems and reviews;b.a tour of Europe and the East;c.left England;d.friend with Shelley;e.worked in Greece: national hero;f. radical and sympathetic with French Revolution.(2)Works.l Don Juanl When We Two Partedl She Walks in Beauty(3)Byronic Hero.Byron introduced into English poetry a new style of character, which as often been referred to as “Byronic Hero” of “satanic spirit”. People imagined that they saw something of Byron himself in these strange figures of rebels, pirates, and desperate adventurers.(4)Poetic style: loose, fluent and vivid3. Percy Bysshe Shelley: poet and critic(1)Life:a.aristocratic family;b.rebellious heart;c.Oxford;d.Irish national liberation Movement;e.disciple of William Godwin;f. marriage with Harriet, and Marry;g.left England and wandered in EUrope, died in Italy;h.radical and sympathetic with the French revolution;i. Friend with Byron(2)works: two types – violent reformer and wanderer (3)Characteristics of poems.a.pursuit of a better society;b.radian beauty;c. superb artistry: imagination.(4)Defense of Poetry.4. John Keats.(1)Life:a.from a poor family;b.Cockney School;c.friend with Byron and Shelley;d.attacked by the conservatives and died in Italy.(2)works.(3)Characteristics of poemsa.loved beauty;b.seeking refuge in an idealistic world of illusions and dreams. V. Novelists of the Romantic Age.1. Water Scott. Novelist and poet。
1. 《英国文学的发展与演变》(The Development and Evolution of British Literature):这本书提供了英国文学史的全面概述,从中世纪到现代不同时期的文学作品和文学流派都有介绍。
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英国文学复习要点〔教材X炳善《英国文学简史》〕Part One: Early and Medieval1.Beowulf: national epic of the English people; Denmark story; alliteration, metaphors and understatements.*2. Romance 〔名词解释〕(1).The basic material of medieval romance is knightly activity and adventure; we might best define medieval romance as a story of adventure--fictitious, frequently marvelous or supernatural--in verse or prose.(2).A long composition describing the life and adventures of a noble hero. The central character was the knight, a man of noble birth skilled in the use of weapons who was very devoted to the king or to the church.(3).One who wanted to be a knight should serve patiently until he was admitted to the knighthood with solemn ceremony and the swearing of oaths.The Nature of the Romance:(4).The Nature of the Romance:1)Themes: Loyalty to the king and the lord, which was the corner-stone of feudal morality.2)The audience was of noble people from the court or the castle.3)The Romance had nothing to do with the common people.4)The Romance were written for the noble, of the noble and in most cases by the poets patronized by the noble.*3. Piers the Plowman. Over 7000 lines, written by William Langland.*4. Ballad民谣〔名词解释〕1.A short narrative poem with stanzas of two or four lines and usually a refrain. The story,folklore popular legends. straightforward verse, s with graphic simplicity and force. suitable for singing generally written in ballad meter, with the last words of the second and fourth lines rhyming.2.the subjects of Ballad:(1) the struggle of young lovers who are fight against the feudalism(2) the conflict between love and wealth(3) the cruelty of jealousy(4) the criticism of the civil war(5) the matters of class struggles.5. Character of Robin Hood1.Robin Hood--- A legendary English hero of many ballads, who robbed the rich to give to the poor; a popular model of courage, generosity and justice.2. strong, brave, clever, tender-hearted, affectionate. Hatred to the cruel oppressors, love for the poor and the downtrodden*6. Geoffrey Chaucer桥搜: founder of English poetry; The Canterbury Tales (main contents; 124 stories planned, only 24 finished; written in Middle English; significance; form: heroic couplet)7. Heroic couplet (名词解释)A heroic couplet is a traditional form for English poetry, commonly used for epic and narrative poetry; it refers to poems constructed from a sequence of rhyming pairs of iambic pentameter lines.Troditional form for english poetry, commonly used for epic and narrative poetry, a sequence of rhyming paris of iambic pentameter.8. The Authorized Version of English Bible and its significance.*9. Renaissance〔名词解释〕1.a cultural and artistic movement in England from the early 16th century to the early 17th century.The Renaissance marks a transition from the medieval to the modern world. The Renaissance is a historical period in which the European humanist thinkers and scholars made attempts:(1)to get rid of those old feudalist ideas in medieval Europe,(2)to introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie,(3)to recover the purity of the early church from the corruption of the RomanCatholic Church.*10.Thomas More——Utopia*11. Sonnet〔名词解释〕The sonnet is a poem in 14lines with one or the other rhyme schme,a form much in vogue in Renaissance Europe, expecially in Italy ,France and England.In 1609 appeared Shakespeare’s sonnets.The Sonnets were written over a number of years, probably beginning in the early 1590s.12. Blank verse〔名词解释〕13. Edmund Spenser“The Faerie Queene〞; Amoretti (collection of his sonnets)Spenserian Stanza〔名词解释〕Stanza form developed by Edmund Spenser and almost certainly influenced by rhyme royal and ottava rima. Spenser's stanza has nine lines and is rhymed a-b-a-b-b-c-b-c-c. The first eight lines of the stanza are in iambic pentameter and the last line in iambic hexameter. He used this form in his epicpoem The Faerie Queene. JohnKeats, a great admirer of Spenser, used this stanza in his poem The Eve of St. Agnes.*14. Francis Bacon “essays〞esp. “Of Stud ies〞〔本文用词正式优雅,多排比句和长句,语言造诣非常高,里面很多话都可以引用做格言警句,非常值得一读〕*16.William Shakespeare可以说是英国文学史中最重要的作家。
英国文学史复习资料整理篇一:英国文学史复习资料整理(1)? historical background: the making of BritainA. Briton (Celtic tribes)B. the Roman Conquest---Roman Briton1thJulius CaesarA.D.43ClaudiusC. mid-5thAnglo-Saxons (Angles, Saxons, Jutes)Anglo-Saxon periodD. Danish invasionlate 8th, Daneslate 9th, Alfred the Greatthe literaturethe literature of this period falls naturally isto two divisions—pagan and Christianpagan represents the poetry which the Anglo-Saxons probably brought with them in the form of oral sagasChristian represents the writings developed under teaching of the monks..All of the earliest poetry of England was copied by the monks, and seems to have been more or less altered to give it a religious coloring.The angles, an important Teutonis tribe, furnished the name for the new home, which was called Angle-land afterward shortened into England. The language spoken by these tribes is generally called Anglo-Saxon or Saxon.Literary term★ Epic: a long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a great hero and reflecting the values of the society from which it originated. Many epics were drawn from an oral tradition and were transmitted by song and recitation before they were written down.(examples: Iliad, Odyssey, Chanson de Roland)2. Beowulf– national epic★ the longest and most monument of A-S poems★ the oldest surviving epic in British literature.? oral form (6th), earliest written record (7th or 8th)? set in Denmark and SwedenBeowulf1. 3183 lines2. contents:Beowulf centers on the narration of the exploits of the heroic figure beowulf.3 adventuresMonster---GrendelGrendel’s motherfiery dragonTheme: primitive peo ple’s struggle against hostile forces of the natural world under a wise and mighty leader.Beowulf is not simply a man of great military prowess but he is forever eager to help others in distress and in his last adventure with the dragon he shows himself a worthy leader ready to sacrifice his own life for the welfare of his people.Features:*part-historical and part legendary*heathen tribal society, feudal elements, Christian coloring*A-S or old English; alliteration metaphorIn the year 1066, at the battle of Hastings, the Normans headed by William, Duke of Normandy, defeated the Anglo-Saxons.Brought to England is remarkable for its bright, romantic tales of love and adventure.England literature is also a combination of French and Saxon elements.The three chief effects of the conquest were1. the bringing of Roman civilization to England2. the growth of nationality a strong centralized government, instead of the loose union of Saxon tribes3. the new language and literature were proclaimed in Chaucer1the Norman conquest accelerated the development of feudalism.? on land: the ruling class possessed large tracts of land? on society: distinct class division, miseries of peasants? on language: scholar wrote in French and Latin; eiched English.The developmentof romance and knights’ legends★ Romance: A long composition, sometimes in verse, sometimes in prose, describing the life and adventures of a noble man. The central character is the Knight, who has a noble birth, is skillful in the use of weapon and devotes to the church or King. The rules governing the manners and morals of a knight are known as chivalry.? Themes of romance:the matter of Britain— king Arthur and his knights of the Round Table (Arthurian romances) the matter of France— Charlemagne and his knights (Chanson deRoland)the matter of Rome— from the Trojan War to Alexander the GreatKing Arthur:*historical figure of Celts; mythological figure in Welsh literature;*legendary hero in ? Geoffery of Monmouth: “History of the Kings of Britain” ?Layamon:“Brut”? Sir Tomas Malory: “Le Morte D?Arthur”? Anglo-Saxon? Later legends about a hero named Arthur were placed in this period of violence. The invaders were variously Angles, Saxons, Frisians, Jutes, but were similar in culture and eventually identified themselves indifferently as Angles or Saxons.The most outstanding single romance on the Arthurian legend—―Sir Gawain and the Green Knig ht‖ (four sections)a.The fight between Sir Gawain and the Green Knight at King Arthur?s Christmas feast.b. Gawain?s adventures on the way to find the Green Knight of the Green Chapel篇二:英国文学史及选读__复习要点总结《英国文学史及选读》第一册复习要点1. Beowulf: national epic of the English people; Denmark story; alliteration, metaphors and understatements (此处可能会有填空,选择等小题)2. Romance (名词解释)3. “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”: a famous roman about King Arthur’s story4. Ballad(名词解释)5. Character of Robin Hood6. Geoffrey Chaucer: founder of English poetry; The Canterbury Tales (main contents; 124 stories planned, only 24 finished; written in Middle English; significance; form: heroic couplet)7. Heroic couplet (名词解释)8. Renaissance(名词解释)9.Thomas More——Utopia10. Sonnet(名词解释)11. Blank verse(名词解释)12. Edmund Spenser“The Faerie Queene”13. Francis Bacon “essays” esp. “Of Studies”(推荐阅读,学习写正式语体的英文文章的好参照,本文用词正式优雅,多排比句和长句,语言造诣非常高,里面很多话都可以引用做格言警句,非常值得一读)14. William Shakespeare四大悲剧比较重要,此外就是罗密欧与朱立叶了,这些剧的主题,背景,情节,人物形象都要熟悉,当然他最重要的是Hamlet这是肯定的。
I. Old English Literature & the Late Medieval Ages<Beowulf>贝奥武夫:the national epic of the Anglo-SaxonsGeoffrey Chaucer 杰弗里•乔叟1340(?)~1400The father of English poetry.①<The Canterbury Tales>坎特伯雷故事集:first time to use ‘heroic couplet’(双韵体) by middle English②<Troilus and Criseyde>特罗伊拉斯和克莱希德③ <The House of Fame>声誉之宫II The Renaissance PeriodA period of drama and poetry. The Elizabethan drama is the real mainstreamof the English Renaissance.Renaissance: the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world.Three historical events of the Renaissance – rebirth or revival:1.new discoveries in geography and astrology2.the religious reformation and economic expansion3.rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek cultureThe most famous dramatists:Christopher MarloweWilliam ShakespeareBen Johnson.William Shakespeare威廉•莎士比亚1564~1616①Historical plays:Henry VI 亨利六世; Henry IV : Richard III 查理三世; Henry V ;Richard II;Henry VIII②Four Comedies: <As You Like It>皆大欢喜; <Twelfth Night>第十二夜;< A Midsummer Night’S Dream>仲夏夜之梦;<Merchant Of Venice>威尼斯商人③Four Tragedies: <Hamlet>哈姆莱特; <Othello>奥赛罗;<King Lear>李尔王; <Macbeth>麦克白④Shakespeare Sonnet :154 <The Sonnets>Three quatrain and one couplet, ababcdcdefefggA sonnet is a lyric consisting of 14 lines, usually iniambic pentameter restricted to a definition rhyme scheme.⑤the comedy of errors 错中错,Titus Andronicus泰特斯·安特洛尼克斯,The Taming of the shrew 驯悍记Love's labour's lost (爱的徒劳)Romeo and Juliet 罗密欧与朱丽叶Much ado about nothing(无事生非)The merry wives of Windsor. 温莎的风流娘们King John 约翰王All's well that ends well 终成眷属Measure for measure(一报还一报)Bacon: Of Studies;Of Beauty; Of Marriage and Single Life EnglishBourgeois Revolution,<The Advancement of Learning>学术的推进III:the period of the English bourgeois revolution.Milton:1608~1674Paradise Lost; Samson Agonistes (力士参孙);On the morning of Christ’s Nativity,<Paradise Regained>复乐园<On His Blindness>我的失明<Areopagitica>论出版自由<The Defence of the English People>为英国人民声辩Bunyan: 1628~1688①Religionary Allegory:<The Pilgrim’s Progress>天路历程Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinner;the Holy WarJohn Don: the Metaphysical poet(玄学派诗人).Metaphysical Poetry(玄学诗):(用语)the diction is simple, the imagery is from the actual, (形式)the form is frequently an argument with the poet’s beloved, with god, or with himself.(主题:love, religious, thought)The Flea; 跳蚤Forbbiding Mourning,Songs And Sonnets歌与十四行诗,emergent occasions 突变引起的诚念Hely sonnetsIV The 18th Century:EnlightenmentA revival of interest in the old classical works, order, logic, restrained emotion(抑制情感) and accuracyThe Age of Enlightenment/Reason:the movement was a furtherance of the Renaissance of the 15th and 16th centries, a progressive intellectual movement, reason(rationality), equality&science(the 18th century)小说崛起:In the mid-century, the newly literary form, modern English novel rised(realistic novel现实主义小说)Gothic novel(哥特式小说):mystery, horror, castles(from middle part to the end of century)Jonathan Swift乔纳森•斯威夫特1667~1745(十八世纪杰出的政论家和讽刺小说家a master satirist。
英国⽂学简史重点汇总及简答题(完整)英国⽂学简史Conquests & InfluencesA. Early period: The Roman conquest(1) The Roman civilization 罗马⽂明(2) Christianity 基督教(3) Flouring (兴旺) of towns along military roadsB. The English conquest:(1) Three tribes : the Angles, Saxons and Jutes(2) Tribal society-feudalism 社会封建制度C. Medieval period: The Danish and Norman conquest(1) The French-Speaking Normans under Duke William came in 1066(2) Establishment of feudalism 封建制度(3) French words came to EnglishD. Anglo-Saxon Poetry (499-1066)1.Anglo-Saxons: the ancestors of today’s Englishmen2.The beginning of history of English literature3.Features: Alliteration 头韵Rhymes metaphors押韵的⽐喻Understatements保守陈述4.The only great work: Beowulf【Beowulf】贝奥武夫( A folk song or poem )1. A national epic (史诗般的作品) of the English people.2. Pagan (异教徒的) poetry & No representative figure(没有代表性⼈物)3. A folk legend brought to England by Anglo-Saxon from Northern Europe.4. Praises man’s energy, intellect and love of life; and exposes the social vices. (社会的⿊暗⾯)Features of Beowulf: 1.Alliteration 2.Metaphors 隐喻3.UnderstatementsThe significance of Beowulf1.This glorious (辉煌的) epic presents us a vivid picture of the life of Anglo-Saxon people and highly praises the brave and courageous spirit of the fighting against the vices.2.The epic reflects the situations the pagan tribalism (部落⽂化) and of the era of the Christianized (基督教化) feudal society.3.The epic gives the vivid portrayal (写照) of a great national hero, strong andcourageous people and his kinfolk. (亲属)Feudal England1.The chief features of the society was division into two classes: Landlords and peasants. ( 地主和农民)2.The peasants’ rising shook the feudal system in England to the root.The Romance1.The code of manners and morals of a knight is known as chivalry (骑⼠精神).2.The English versions of romances were translated from French or Latin.3.The romance of King Arthur is the most important for the history of English literature.4.The romance’s culmination (顶点) in 《Sir Gawain and the Green Knight》国王与他的圆桌骑⼠(metrical romance )5.The romance’s summing up in (托马斯·马洛⾥)Tho mas Malory’s《Le Morte D’Arthur》亚瑟王之死(in English prose散⽂)6.《Le Morte D’ Arthur》is a collection of stories about King Arthur, and translated from French by Sir Thomas Malory.【Langland】朗格兰《Piers the plowman》农民⽪尔斯written by William Langland shows the existence of English popular literature.The English Ballads 英国民谣Ballad:a story told in song, usually in four-line stanzas, with the second and fourth lines rhymed. (The most important department of English folk literature is the ballad.)The various ballads of Robin Hood(罗宾汉) are gathered into a collection called: The Geste of Robin Hood 罗宾汉事迹【Chaucer】乔叟(the founder of English poetry)The three periods of C haucer’s career1. Works translated from French, as《The Romaunt of the Rose》玫瑰传奇2. Works adapted from the Italian, as《Troilus and Criseyde》特洛伊罗斯与克丽西达3.《The Canterbury Tales》坎特伯雷故事集which is purely EnglishThe Canterbury Tales’ Social Significance1. A true-to-life picture of Chaucer’s time2. Taking the stand of the rising bourgeoisie资产阶级, Chaucer affirms men’s rights to pursue their earthly happiness and opposes the dogma of asceticism preached by the church3. As a forerunner先驱者of humanism, he pr aises man’s energy, intellect and love of life4. Attack social evils of his timeChaucer’s Language,now called Middle English, is vivid and exact. He is a master of world-pictures. His verse (诗) is among the smoothest in English. There are pages where, in spite of trifling (微不⾜道的) differences in spelling and grammar, hardly a single word will offer difficulties to a man of tolerable (可容忍的) readingin modern English.Chaucer’s Contribution1. He introduced heroic couplet to English poetry, instead of the old Anglo-Saxon alliterative verse.2. He was the first great poet who wrote in English language (Middle English) , thus establishing English as the literary language.3. He did much in making the London dialect the foundation for modern English language.名词解释1.Alliteration is regular repetition of the same sounds---usu. Initial consonants of words or of stressed syllables----in Old and Middle English verse:’ Kindest to kinsmen and keenest for fame’ in Beowulf Alliteration is also known as ‘initial rhyme’or‘head rhyme’.2.Epic史诗is a long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a great hero and reflecting the values of the society from which it originated.3.Ballad : a story told in song, usually in four-line stanzas, with the second and fourth lines rhymed.4.Heroic Couplet:A traditional form for English poetry: it reflects to rhymed iambic pentameter lines in pairs. Use of the heroic couplet was first pioneered by Geoffrey Chaucer in the Canterbury Tales.Part two:Old English in Transition (P27)1.The New Monarchy 新君主制(the Tudor dynasty, a centralized monarchy 都铎王朝:君主集中制)2.The Reformation(the Protestant Reformation 新教改⾰;宗教⽂化精神改⾰)3. The English Bible:Then appeared the Authorized Version, which was made in 1611 under the auspices of James Ⅰ and so was sometimes called the King James Bible. (The result is a monument (不朽的作品) of English language and English literature.)3. The Enclosure Movement (圈地运动)4. The Renaissance (⽂艺复兴) and Humanism (⼈道主义)(1). The Renaissance: an intellectual movement sprang first in Italy in the 14th century and gradually spread all over Europe.(2). People had a thirsting curiosity好奇⼼for the classical literature.(3) People showed the keen interest in the activities of humanity.(4). People ceased to look upon themselves as living only for God and a future world.5. Humanism is the essence(本质)of the Renaissance.A. The Renaissance, therefore, is a history period in which the Europe humanist thinkers and scholars tried to get rid of those old feudalistic ideas in Medieval Europe, to introduce new ideas that express the interests of the rising bourgeoisie, and to recover the purity of the early church from the corruption of the Roman catholic church.B. Humanism(1).Humanism emphasized the dignity and potential of the individual and theworth of life in this world.(2) .Man is the measure of all things.(3) .Man has ability to perfect themselves, to develop the individual.(4) .Man should enjoy the present life.【Thomas More】托马斯·莫尔1.《Utopia》is More’s masterpiece, written in the form of a conversation (dialogue)between More and Hythloday, a returned voyager (航海者).2. The name ‘Utopia’ comes from two Greek words meaning ‘no place’ and was adopted by More as the name of his ideal commonwealth.The Flowering of English Literature (P38Drama and Prose 散⽂)【Sir Philip Sidney】西德尼Sir Philip Sidney is well-known as a poet and critic of poetry.His collection of love sonnets (⼗四⾏诗),《Astrophel and Stella》1591爱星者与星星, His《Apology for Poetry》为诗辩护is one of the earliest English literary essays. It“the school of abuse.”【Edmund Spenser】斯宾塞( The Poet’s Poet of the period )The Shepheardes Calendar 《牧⽺⼈⽇历》1579Spenser’s greatest work, The Faerie Queene 《荣光⼥王》/《仙后》It is an allegorical work(寓⾔作品)dedicated to Queen Elizabeth Ⅰ.Spenserian stanza 斯宾塞诗节:A nine-line stanza of 8 lines in iambic pentameter plus an iambic hexameter 6-foot line. ⼀共九⾏诗,前⼋⾏⾏扬格五步⾳,第九⾏抑格六步⾳(abab baba c)Spenser’s position in English literature : Spenser has held his position as a model of poetical art among the Renaissance English poets, and his influence can betraced in the works of Milton, Shelley and Keats.【Francis Bacon】培根(famous for his Essays;Of Studies随笔集)The founder of English materialist philosophy. 唯物主义哲学1)his inductive method of reasoning and learning(归纳推理法) proved to be seminaland critically important to the development of modern science and the progress of humankind2)his thought system represented the beginnings of materialism in Englishphilosophy(英国唯物主义哲学)Bacon was the founder of modern science in England.The English version of his part forms his《Advancement of Learning》学问的发展.Then followed his《New Instrument》新⼯具论.A wide variety of subjects: love, truth, friendship, studies, youth and many others.作品⽂风:Clearness, brevity and forceEnglish Drama : the miracles(神迹剧)—the morality(道德剧)—the interlude (幕间剧)—the classical dramaThere was a group of so-called “university wits”⼤学才⼦(Lyly,Peele,Marlowe,Greene,Lodge and Nash)who wrote for the stage of the time.【Marlowe】马洛:the most gifted of the “university wits”works:《Tamburlaine》帖⽊⽿⼤帝《The Jew of Malta》马⽿他岛的犹太⼈《Doctor Faustus》浮⼠德博⼠(Marlowe’s masterpiece)Marlowe was the greatest of the pioneers(拓荒者)of English drama.Marlowe first made blank verse(留⽩:对莎⼠⽐亚影响重⼤)the principal medium of English drama.P55【William Shakespeare】Drama:37四⼤悲剧Great tragedies:《》麦克⽩《King Lear》李尔王《Othello》奥赛罗四⼤喜剧Great comedies: 《A Midsummer Night’s Dream》仲夏夜之梦《The Merchant of Venice》威尼斯商⼈(“grave comedy”) 《As You Like It》皆⼤欢喜《Twelfth Night》第⼗⼆夜In Sonnet 18, he eulogizes the power of artistic creation Blank verse is the principal form of his dramasShakespeare’s sonnets, 154 in total, were first published as a collection in 1609 The Shakespearean or English sonnet rhymed “abab cdcd efef gg”Themes: love、Beauty、mortality、the effects of timeStyle: grace in form, depth in thought, and vivacity in toneFeatures of Shakespeare’s Drama:(1)Shakespeare is one of the founders of realism in world literature.(2)Shakespeare was a great master of the English language.(3)Shakespeare was skilled in many poetic forms:the song, the sonnet, the couple, and the dramatic blank verse.(4)Shakespeare’s dramatic creation often used the method of adaptation.(5)Shakespeare’s long experience with the stage and his intimate knowledge of dramatic art thus acquired make him a master hand for playwriting.评价:1.Shakespeare has been universally acknowledged to be the summit of the English Renaissance, and one of the greatest playwright or poet in the whole world.2.All English writers of any importance cannot escape from Shakespeare’sinfluence.(影响单⼀:⽂艺复兴)【Ben Jonson】本·琼森(他的去世标志着伊丽莎⽩时代的结束)he was the last great Elizabethan and probably the first poet laureate(桂冠诗⼈)and the first literary dictator(⽂学泰⽃)in English history.Roman Tragedies:Sejanus 《席阶纳斯》Cateline 《克蒂琳》Comedies:Every Man in His Humor《个性互异》V olpone, or the Fox 《福尔彭奈,或狐狸》The Alchemist 《炼⾦术⼠》Bartholomew Fair 《巴梭罗缪市集》his reputation as a playwright was established by the success of his first comedy,Every Man in His Humour《个性互异》Jonson’s comedies are “comedies of humours”幽默的喜剧(behaviour, thoughts and manner of speech)In 1616 he published his Works《作品》, the complete collection of his poetrybring the classic form of the tree unities——unity of action, unity of time, andunity of place——back to the stage(把古典的三⼀原则——情节⼀致,时间⼀致和地点⼀致带回舞台)the heroic couplet(英雄双韵体)that he used in the poem was to become atyrannical bogue in the next century, and his emphasis on “nature” the basicprinciple in 18th century literary criticism【King James’ Bible】(最终形成于3世纪初)1)consists of 2 parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament旧约和新约2)The Old Testament: history and religious beliefs of the Jews3)The New Testament: the life of Jesus Christ and the birth and the growth of theChristian faith (创世)4)the authorized bible came into being in 1611【The 17th Century】basic features of the literature of the period:Seek certainty and intellectual harmony on the one hand, and to address thequestion of values through violence and sexualityThe main literary form of the early 17th century was poetry.P116【John Donne】约翰邓恩Metaphysical Poetry/Poe t ⽞学派诗歌/诗⼈Basic features: wit or conceit巧智&奇思妙喻The Flea《跳蚤》Valediction: Forbidden Mourning 《告别》The novelty consists in the comparison of two separate lovers to the legs of acompass圆规【John Milton】约翰弥尔顿The third greatest English poet after Chaucer and Shakespeare, and the greatest to come out of the 17th century.His life can be roughly divided into three phrases:1)The early phase of reading and lyric writing 抒情2)The middle phrase of service in the Puritan Revolution (清教)andpamphleteering(⼩册⼦)for it3)The last phrase of epic writing史诗( the greatest)作品:Two influential writings in Latin:In Denfense of the British People《为英国⼈民辩护》More in Defense of the British People《再为英国⼈民辩护》Paradise Lost《失乐园》:religious work, blank verse;One notable feature of the epic is evident ambiguity in the poet’s attitude toward God, the devil, and man.Samson Agonistes《⼒⼠参孙》:Verse drama, can be seen as objectifying(物化)the poet’s own unflinching spirit ;Samson is Milton.Lycidas《利西达斯》【John Dryden】约翰德莱顿:第⼀位新古典主义作家He was notorious for his frequent face-about in face of the changing politicalclimate of his day.In historical retrospect, Dryden is remembered for 2 things he did admirablywell for his country’s literature.His successful effort to prune the Elizabethan language of its formless exuberance and turn it into a cool, lucid, plain and natural medium for English writing.He was the first Neoclassic writer in English literary history.第⼀位新古典主义作家He made the heroic couplet(英雄双韵体)almost the one poetic medium acceptable for poetry.English literary criticism英语⽂学批评:The father of English criticismH is tragedy All for Love deals with the same story as William Shakespeare’sAntony and Cleopatra.【John Bunyan】约翰班扬When he was in prison he wrote--The Pilgrim’s Progress.《天路历程》is areligious allegory. 宗教寓⾔The Celestial City in The Pilgrim’s Progress is the vision of an ideal happy society dreamed by a poor tinker in the 17th century, through a veil of religious mist.One of the most remarkable passages is that in which Vanity Fair.名利场It is popular speech ennobled by the solemn dignity and simplicity of the language of the English Bible. 《天路历程》被称为“英国⼈的圣经”Chapter 6P127【Neo-classicism】新古典主义:18世纪中期到19世纪盛⾏【Alexander Pope】亚历⼭⼤蒲柏Essay on Criticism《论批评》The Rape Of the Lock 《卷发遇劫记》:Mock epic讽刺史诗: of five cantos about “a Homeric struggle of the tea cups”Essay on Men《⼈论》An Epistle to Dr.Arbuthnot《致阿布斯诺医⽣书》The Dunciad《群愚史诗》P178【Richard Brinsley Sheridan】谢⽴丹:He is considered to be the only important English dramatist of the 18th century.作品:The Rivals《情敌》The School for Scandal《造谣学校》:a great comedy of mannersa great comedy of manners (风俗喜剧)【Romanticism】浪漫主义P195【William Blake】布莱克pre-romantic writerHis major works, Songs of Innocence《天真之歌》and Songs of Experience《经验之歌》are his voluminous prophetic and mystical writings.天真:The Little Black Boy and The Chimney Sweeper扫烟囱的孩⼦经验:A Little Boy Lost and The Tiger ⽼虎【Robert Burns】罗伯特·彭斯pre-romantic writer (regard as the national ofScotland)His Poems : Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect 《苏格兰⽅⾔诗集》Numerous are Burn’s songs of love and friendship :A Red, Red RoseMain Works:“John Anderson, my Jo ”约翰.安德⽣,我的爱⼈The Tree of Liberty ⾃由树A Red Red Rose⼀朵红红的玫瑰Auld Lang Syne 友谊地久天长My Heart's in the Highland 我的⼼在⾼原P138【Jonathan Swift】乔纳森斯威夫特1) one of the realist writers.2) expresses democratic ideas in his works.3 ) one of the greatest masters of English prose.The Battle of the Books《书战》A Tale of a Tub 《⼀只⽊桶的故事》, one of his greatest satires Pamphlets: The Drapier’s Letters 《布商来信》A Modest Proposal 《⼀个温和的建议》Gulliver’s T ravels 《格列夫游记》:the novel is a bitter satire and harsh criticism of all aspects in the then English and European life philosophically, socially, politically, scientifically, religiously, and morally.Swift: a man intensively critical of his fault, and believing in progress and the goodness of human nature and all the 18th century values.Swif t is one of the greatest masters of English prose. His language is simple, clear and vigorous.P146【Daniel Defoe】丹尼尔·笛福Pamphleteer 政治宣传册作家Defoe was a kind of jack-of –all-trades. 多才多艺He was a radical nonconformist (不信奉国教的⼈) in religion.His works:Robinson Crusoe《鲁滨孙漂流记》, Captain Singleton , Moll Flanders and Colonel Jacque (adventure)P153【Samuel Richardson】查理孙epistolary novel 书信体⼩说Pamela《帕梅拉》became a “best-seller” of the day .Clarissa is the best of Richardson’s novel.His main achievement as a novelist lies in his technique to show characters as personalities, thinking and feeling for themselves.P156【Henry Fielding】亨利菲尔丁“Father of the English realistic novel”He was the first to give the modern novel its structure and genre (style). Joseph Andrews 《约瑟夫安德鲁斯》The History of Jonathan Wild the Great《伟⼤的乔纳森·王尔德》Tom Jones the Founding《弃⼉汤姆琼斯》H e n r y F i e l d i n g’s m e t h o d o f r e l a t i n g a s t o r y i s t e l l i n g t h e s t o r y d i r e c t l y b y t h ea u t h o r.S a t i r e ab o u n d s e v e r y w h e r e i n h i s w o r k.Fielding is a master of style. His style is easy, smooth and familiar, but extremely vivid and vigorous.P128【Addison and Steele】The two names linked together because of their life-long friendship and the partnership in literary career.Steele and The Tatler闲谈者Addison and The Spectator旁观者1)They give a true picture of the social life of England in the 18th century. Intheir hands, English essay has completely established itself as a literature genre.2)Literary Term: Free EssayP265【Scott】司各特W a l t e r S c o t t was a prolific Scottish historical novelist and poet popular throughout Europe during his time. Many of his works remain classics of both English-language literature and of Scottish literature.O n t h e h i s t o r y o f S c o t l a n dWaverleyOld MortalityRob RoyThe Heart of MidlothianO n E n g l i s h h i s t o r yIvanhoeO n t h e h i s t o r y o f F r a n c e a n d o t h e r E u r o p e a n c o u n t r i e sQuentin DurwardP244【Keats】济慈His aesthetic theory of “negative capability”Main Works:Poems,《诗集》,his first book.Five long poemsEndymion,《恩底弥翁》his first long poemIsabella《伊莎贝拉》The Pot of Basil芳⾹的草本植物The Eve of St. Agnes《圣·爱格尼斯节前⼣》Lamia 《莱⽶亚》Hyperion 《赫坡⾥昂》Ode on a Grecian Urn 希腊古瓮颂Ode To A Nightingale 夜莺颂Ode to Autumn 秋颂Ode on Melancholy 忧郁颂Ode to Psyche ⼼灵颂Ode on Indolence 懒惰颂【Shelley】雪莱Shelley is one of the greatest English lyrical poets. He expresses his love for freedom and his hatred towards tyranny. Shelley is one of the most important dramatists of English Romanticism. His greatest achievement in theater lies in his poetic drama Prometheus Unbound.His Works:Ode to the West Wind西风颂To a Skylark云雀颂The Cloud云Prometheus Unbound 《解放了的普罗⽶修斯》Queen Mab 麦布⼥王The Masque of Anarchy 《专治魔王的化装游⾏》The Necessity of Atheism《⽆神论的重要性》A Defence of Poetry《诗辩》【Byron】拜伦Main Works:Don Juan(Byron’s masterpiece)《唐?璜》Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage《恰尔德?哈罗德游记》When We Two Parted 《昔⽇依依别》She walks in Beauty《她在美中⾏》Poetic Drama:ManfredCainThe Two FoscariOriental Tales:The GiaourThe CorsairLaraB y r o n i c H e r o:a proud revolutionary figure of noble origin, rising single handed against any kind of tyrannic rules in government or religion or moral society with unconquerable wills and inexhaustible energies.His hero is known as “Byronic Hero”, a proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble origin. . For such a hero, the conflict is usually one of rebellious individual against outworn social systems and conventions.【Coleridge】柯勒律治In 1797 he began his friendship with Wordsworth. In 1798 they published The Lyrical Ballads.Demonic poems神祗诗The Rime of the Ancient Mariner《古⾈⼦吟》Kubla Khan 《忽必烈汗》ChristabelConversational poems 对话诗Frost at MorningDejection: An OdeEssaysBiographia Literaria ⽂学传记Lectures on Shakespeare.Coleridge is a great Romantic poet. His poetic imagination is unique. He is fond of unusual and supernatural things.【William Wordsworth】威廉·华兹华斯1)L y r i c a l B a l l a d s《抒情歌谣集》f o l l o w e d b y“T h e P r e f a c e t o t h e L y r i c a lB a l l a d s”—s e r v e d a s t h e m a n i f e s t o o f t h e E n g l i s h R o m a n t i c M o v e m e n t i n p o e t r y.2)f a m o u s s h o r t p o e m s:A b o u t n a t u r e:“I w o n d e r e d L o n e l y a s a C l o u d”“独⾃漫游似浮云”,o r“T h eD a f f o d i l s”“咏⽔仙”“I n t i m a t i o n o f I m m o r t a l i t y”“不朽颂”【George Eliot】(Victorian era)She is the author of seven novels, including Adam Bede, The Mill on the Floss , Silas Marner , Middlemarch , and Daniel Deronda , most of themset in provincial England and known for their realism and psychologicalinsight.【Thackeray】1.Thackeray was a representative of critical realists of the 19th century England2.Thackeray is a satirist. His satire is caustic(刻薄的,尖锐的) and hishumor subtle(精妙的).3.Thackeray is a moralist. His aim is to produce a moral impression in all hisnovels.1) The Book of Snobs《势利⼈脸谱》2) Vanity Fair《名利场》(A Novel Without a Hero)3) The History of Pendennis《彭登尼斯》4) The Newcomes《纽克姆⼀家》5) The History of Henny Esmond《亨利?埃斯蒙德》6) The Virginians《弗吉尼亚⼈》P277【Dickens】The Pickwick Papers《匹克威克先⽣外传》Oliver Twist《奥列佛?特维斯特》:FaginNicholas Nickleby《尼古拉斯?尼克尔贝》The Old Curiosity Shop《⽼古玩店》Barnaby Rudge《巴纳⽐?拉奇》American Notes《游美札记》Martin Chuzzlewit《马丁?朱什尔维特》A Christmas Carol《圣诞欢歌》Dombey and Son《董贝⽗⼦》David Copperfield《⼤卫?科波菲尔》Bleak House《荒凉⼭庄》Hard Times《艰难时事》Little Dorrit《⼩杜丽》A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》(Dickens takes the French Revolution as the subject of his novel, and the “two cities” are Paris and London in the time of that revolution) Great Expectations《远⼤前程》Our Mutual Friend《我们共同的朋友》Dickens’ novels offer a most complete and realistic picture of the English bourgeois society of his age. Dickens is a great humorist. His novels are full of humor and laughter.【Charlotte Bronte】Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte’s masterpiece, tells the story of an orphan girl.S h i r l e y,《舍丽》V i l l e t t e,《维莱特》【Emily Bronte】Emily Bronte published only one novel, Wuthering Heights .【Jane Austen】简?奥斯丁Works:Sense and Sensibility《理智与情感》Pride and PrejudiceMansfield ParkEmmaNorthanger AbbeyPersuasionRomanticism has five prominent characteristics:1. The Romantic Movement was a strong reaction and protest against the bondage of rule and custom, which generally tend to fetter the free human spirit.2. Romanticism returned to nature and to plain humanity for its material.3. It is marked by renewed interest in medieval ideals and literature.4. Romanticism was marked by intense human sympathy, an understanding of the human heart. The sympathy for the poor, and the cry against oppression grew stronger.5. The Romantic Movement was the expression of individual genius rather than of established rules.A Comparison Between Byron, Shelley, Keats:1. Under the influence of the ideas behind the revolutions in America,especially in France, all three looked at the world in a new and striking way.Their poetry reflected discontent against outworn tradition and conditions.But their attitudes, resulted from frustrations of their efforts in revoltingagainst the established code and the ugliness of society, are different. Byron turned somewhat pessimistic, even cynical; Keats showed certain aloofness from the interests of worldly life and seemed seeking refuge in an idealistic world of illusions and dreams; only Shelley never lost his optimism. All his life he cherished the hope for a better world.2.All of their poetry excels in imagery. In Byron’s poems, the imagelargely created through allusions; in Keats’s poems they are createdchiefly through elaborate and decorative description of nature, showingthe beauty of line, color, shape, odor and taste; in Shelley’s theexquisiteness of figurative language and symbolism extols 赞美thevisionary scenes, while the spontaneous flow from the poet’s heart isfull of youthful freshness and enthusiasm.3. Their poetry has a powerful musical effect. The stirring rhythms of Byron’s poems grip and hold the reader like martial 战争的music; in Keats’s it is touching melody; Shelley’s Ode to the West Wind is a wild symphony交响乐, and his many other poems are like some ethereal 天上的music, seemly descending from some heavenly place, appealing profoundly to the heart.4.Byron employs a manly and racy有活⼒的style, Shelley’s poetry shows excellence of artistry and the unification of ideas and form; in many aspects, Keats’s the best workman of t hem all. His poetry shows the mastery of artistic form, and the harmony of word and thoughts shows more perfection of artistic finish 完美.Lake Poets 湖畔派诗⼈In English literature Lake Poets refer to such romantic poets as William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey who lived in the Lake District. They came to be known as the Lake School or “Lakers”.18~19世纪的英国浪漫主义诗歌流派。
1. 古代文学时期(公元前450年至公元1066年)古代英国文学时期主要包括凯尔特传统和盎格鲁-撒克逊文学。
2. 中世纪文学时期(1066年至1485年)中世纪英国文学时期由法国诺曼人的入侵而引入众多法语和拉丁语的作品。
3. 文艺复兴时期(1485年至1660年)文艺复兴时期是英国文学的黄金时期,以莎士比亚为代表。
4. 17世纪文学时期17世纪文学时期是英国社会和政治变革的时期,也是宗教分裂的时期。
5. 启蒙时期(1660年至1785年)启蒙时期是英国文学史上的一次重要转折点,代表了对理性、科学和自由思想的追求。
6. 浪漫主义时期(1785年至1837年)浪漫主义时期是对启蒙时期理性主义的反应。
7. 维多利亚时代(1837年至1901年)维多利亚时代是英国帝国的鼎盛时期,文学作品多样化。
英国文学史资料British Writers and Works一、中世纪文学(约5世纪—1485)•《贝奥武甫》(Beowulf)•《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》(Sir Gawain and the Green Knight )杰弗利·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer)“英国诗歌之父”。
(Father of English Poetry)《坎特伯雷故事》(The Canterbury Tales)二、文艺复兴时期文学(15世纪后期—17世纪初)•托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More )《乌托邦》(Utopia)•埃德蒙·斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser)《仙后》(The Faerie Queene)•弗兰西斯·培根(Francis Bacon)《论说文集》(Essays)克里斯托弗·马洛Christopher Marlowe•《帖木儿大帝》(Tamburlaine)•《浮士德博士的悲剧》(The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Dr. Faustus)•《马耳他岛的犹太人》(The Jew of Malta)威廉·莎士比亚William Shakespeare喜剧《仲夏夜之梦》(A Midsummer Night’s Dream)、《威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice)悲剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(Romeo and Juliet)、《哈姆莱特》(Hamlet)、《奥赛罗》(Othello)、《李尔王》(King Lear)、《麦克白》(Macbeth)历史剧《亨利四世》(Henry IV)传奇剧《暴风雨》(The Tempest)本·琼生Ben Johnson•《人人高兴》(Every Man in His Humor)•《狐狸》(V olpone)•《练金术士》(The Alchemist)三、17世纪文学约翰·弥尔顿John Milton《失乐园》(Paradise Lost)《复乐园》(Paradise Regained)诗剧《力士参孙》(Samson Agonistes)•约翰·班扬(John Bunyan)《天路历程》(The Pilgrim’s Progress)•威廉·康格里夫(William Congreve)《以爱还爱》(Love for Love)《如此世道》(The Way of the World)四、启蒙时期文学(17世纪后期—18世纪中期)18世纪初,新古典主义成为时尚。
英国文学史复习资料英国文学史复习资料第一章:中世纪文学1.1 安格鲁-撒克逊时期(5世纪-1066年)- 口头传统和史诗:《贝奥武夫》- 基督教文学:《凡尔登战役》1.2 后征服时期(1066年-1485年)- 基督教文学:《格尔罗与黛斯蒙德》- 骑士文学:《亚瑟王传说》、《罗宾汉传》第二章:文艺复兴时期(1485年-1603年)2.1 草原学派- 约翰·斯克利- 托马斯·莫尔2.2 伊丽莎白时代- 威廉·莎士比亚:《哈姆雷特》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 - 克里斯托弗·马洛:《第一部十诫》第三章:17世纪文学3.1 评剧派- 本·琼生:《伊丽莎白时代断头台上的十一个人》- 约翰·福特:《佩里克尔斯·普林》3.2 枪炮派- 约翰·洛克:《论人类理解》- 托马斯·霍布斯:《利维坦》第四章:启蒙时代(18世纪)4.1 洛克主义- 亚当·斯密:《国富论》- 大卫·休谟:《人性的研究》4.2 唯理主义- 亚历山大·波佩:《怪异小说》- 理查德·斯蒂文森:《金银岛》第五章:浪漫主义(19世纪)5.1 威廉·华兹华斯:《抒情诗》5.2 柯勒律治:《唐吉诃德》第六章:维多利亚时代6.1 珍奥斯汀:《傲慢与偏见》6.2 狄更斯:《雾都孤儿》6.3 奥斯卡·王尔德:《道林·格雷的画像》第七章:现代主义(20世纪)7.1 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫:《至灵宴》7.2 乔治·奥威尔:《1984》7.3 约瑟夫·康拉德:《黑暗之心》第八章:后现代主义(20世纪末至今)8.1 萨尔曼·鲁西迪:《午夜的孩子》8.2 伊恩·麦克尤恩:《第二个苏格拉底》8.3 泽拉尔·纳西莫夫:《洛丽塔》总结:英国文学史涵盖了从中世纪到现代的丰富多样的文学作品。
英国文学简史复习资料General introduction of English literature1. 1 Old English Literature 449-1066 古英语时期文学——The Song of Beowulf 贝奥武甫2 Medieval English Literature 1066-15th century 中世纪英语时期文学——Geoffrey Chaucer 1340_1400 杰弗里·乔叟2. Renaissance English literature late 15th century ~ early 17th century 文艺复兴——Francis Bacon 弗朗西斯·培根——William Shakespeare 威廉·莎士比亚——Ben Jonson 本·琼生——Christopher Marlowe 克里斯托弗·马洛3. English Literature of the Revolution and Restoration Period 1640-1688 资产阶级革命与王朝复辟时期的文学——John Milton约翰·弥尔顿——John Bunyan 约翰·班扬4. 18th century English literature-the age of Enlightenment 启蒙运动时期——Daniel Defoe丹尼尔·笛福——Jonathan Swift乔纳森·斯威夫特——Henry Fielding亨利·菲尔丁——William Blake威廉·布莱克——Robert Burns罗伯特·彭斯5. Romantic English Literature 1798-1832 浪漫主义时期——William Wordsworth; 威廉·华兹华斯——Samuel Taylor Coleridge; 塞缪·泰勒·柯勒律治——George Gordon Byron; 乔治·戈登·拜伦——Percy Bysshe Shelley 佩西·比舍·雪莱——John Keats; 约翰·济慈——Walter Scott 沃尔特·司各特——Jane Austen简·奥斯汀6. Critical Realistic Literature in the 19th Century 维多利亚时期批判现实主义——W.M. Thackeray; 萨克雷——C harles Dickens; 查尔斯·狄更斯——Robert Browning 罗伯特·布朗宁——Bronte sisters:Charlotte Bronte; Emily Bronte; Ann Bronte——George Eliot乔治·艾略特——Matthew Arnold 马修·阿诺德——Thomas Hardy 托马斯·哈代——Oscar Wilde 奥斯卡·王尔德7. 20th Century English Literature——George Bernard Shaw乔治·萧伯纳——Joseph Conrad 约瑟夫·康拉德——William Butler Yeats 威廉·巴特勒·叶芝——Virginia Woolf弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫——James Joyce詹姆斯·乔伊斯——D. H. Lawrence劳伦斯——T. S. Eliot 爱略特一、The Anglo-Saxon period 449-10661、这个时期的文学作品分类: pagan异教徒 ;Christian基督徒2、代表作: The Song of Beowulf贝奥武甫 national epic 民族史诗采用了隐喻metaphor 手法3、Alliteration 头韵写作手法例子: of m an was the m ildest and m ost beloved;To his k in the k indest; k eenest for praise.二、The Anglo-Norman period 1066-1350 盎格鲁—诺曼时期1、romance 传奇文学2、代表作: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 高文爵士和绿衣骑士是一首押头韵的长诗三、Geoffrey Chaucer 1340-1400 杰弗里·乔叟时期1、the father of English poetry 英国诗歌之父2、heroic couplet 英雄双韵体:a verse unit consisting of two rhymed押韵 lines in iambic pentameter五步抑扬格3、代表作:The Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷的故事集英国文学史的开端大致内容:the pilgrims are people from various parts of England; representatives of various walks of life and social groups. 朝圣者都是来自英国的各地的人;代表着社会的各个不同阶层和社会团体小说特点:each of the narrators tells his tale in a peculiar manner; thus revealing his own views and character. 这些叙述者以自己特色的方式讲述自己的故事;无形中表明了各自的观点;展示了各自的性格..小说观点:he believes in the right of man to earthly happiness. He is anxious to see man freed from superstitions迷信 and a blind belief in fate 他希望人们能从迷信和对命运的盲从中解脱出来..4、Popular Ballads 大众民谣:a story hold in 4-line stanzas with second and fourth line rhymedBallads are anonymous narrative songs that have been preserved by oral transmission 歌谣是匿名叙事歌曲;一直保存着口头传播的方式代表人物:Bishop Thomas Percy 托马斯·珀西主教代表作:Robin Hood and Allin-a-Dale 侠盗罗宾汉和阿林代尔四、The Renaissance 16世纪文艺复兴时期Greek and Roman 戏剧 dramaThe term Renaissance originally indicated a revival of classical Greek and Roman arts and sciences.文艺复兴最初是指经典艺术和科学在英国的复兴..The epoch of Renaissance witnessed a particular development of English drama文艺复兴时期的英国戏剧也得到了迅速的发展..1、key word: humanism 人文主义: admire human beauty and human achievement2、代表人物:1、Thomas More 托马斯·莫尔 Utopia 乌托邦2、Francis Bacon 弗朗西斯.培根第一个散文家essayist3、Thomas Wyatt 托马斯.怀亚特引入十四行诗的第一人sonnet十四行诗: form of poetry intricately rhymed间隔押韵 in 14 lines iambic pentameter4、Edmund Spenser 埃德蒙·斯宾塞poet’s poet诗人中的诗人 The Fairy Queen仙后epic poem 史诗5、Christopher Marlowe 克里斯托弗·马洛blank verse无韵体:不押韵的五步抑扬格是十六世纪英国戏剧的主要表现形式..6、William Shakespeare 威廉·莎士比亚戏剧 drama四大悲剧:Hamlet哈姆雷特;Othello奥赛罗;King Lear李尔王;The Tragedy of Macbeth麦克白五、The period of Revolution and Restoration 17世纪资产阶级革命与王权复辟1、文学特点:the Puritans清教徒 believed in simplicity of life、disapproved of the sonnets and the love poetry、breaking up of old ideals.清教徒崇尚俭朴的生活、拒绝十四行诗和爱情诗、与旧思想脱离..2、代表人物:1、John Donne 约翰·多恩“metaphysical”poets 玄学派诗人的代表人物sonnet 十四行诗“ Death be not proud”代表作品:The Flea跳蚤2、John Milton 约翰·弥尔顿 a great poet 诗人 poem 诗歌 blank verseDefense for the English People为英国人民辩护Paradise Lost失乐园“Satan is not a villain”撒旦不是坏人Paradise Regained复乐园3、John Bunyan 约翰·拜扬 a great prose writer “give us the only great allegory 寓言”The Pilgrim’s Progress天路历程该书采用的写作手法“written in the old-fashioned旧体形式; medieval form of allegory 寓言and dream”六、The Age of Enlightenment 18世纪启蒙运动 also known as “the Age of Reason”1、Emphasized formality or correctness of style; to write prose like Addison; or verse like Pope.强调正确的格式和写作规范;像艾迪生一样创作散文;和蒲柏一样创作诗歌..The Enlightenment was an expression of struggle of the then progressive class of bourgeoisie against feudalism. 启蒙运动实际上是当时先进的资产阶级同落后的封建主义斗争的一种形式..The enlighteners repudiate the false religious doctrines about the viciousness of human nature; and prove that man is born kind and honest; and if he becomes depraved; it is only due to the influence of corrupted social environment.启蒙主义者颠覆了宗教所宣扬的人类本恶的观点;论证了人生诚实而友善;而腐化堕落则是后天腐败的社会环境所致..Contrary to all reasoning; social injustice still held strong; found the power of reason to be insufficient; and therefore appealed to sentiment as a means of achieving happiness and social justice.无论怎样讲究理性;社会不平等现象仍然普遍存在;理性的力量明显不足..因此呼吁把情感的诉求作为一种谋求幸福和社会公平的手段..2、18th century 文学的三个方面:Neo-Classicism新古典主义、Sentimentalism伤感主义、Pre-romanticism 前浪漫主义诗歌、beginning of the modern novel刚启萌的现代派小说、drama戏剧3、代表人物:1、Daniel Defoe 丹尼尔·笛福 realistic novel 现实主义小说Novel:” Robinson Crusoe”鲁宾逊漂流记” The History of Tom Jones; a F oundling”弃婴汤姆.琼斯的故事 the best novel of him 2、Jonathan Swift 乔纳森·斯威夫特” Gulliver’s Travels”格列佛游记novel反讽作品特点:no visible sign of anger; nor raising the voice; the tone is cold; restrained; ironic; varied only by some flashes of fooling when Swift’s sense of the ridiculous gets the better of him.努不动颜;骂不扬声;语调冷酷;锋芒暗藏;讽刺辛辣;仅在讽喻之情难以抑制时才偶露揶揄之态..” A Modest Proposal”一个温和的建议猛烈地抨击了压迫爱尔兰人民的统治4、Samuel Richardson 塞缪尔·理查森” Pamela”帕美勒 The method of psychological analysis 心理分析的方法In the form of letters 书信体小说5、Richard B. Sheridan 理查德·B.谢里丹” School for Scandal”造谣学校;喜剧 comedy6、Oliver Goldsmith’s 奥利佛·.哥尔德斯密斯散文作家 essayist” The Vicar of Wakefield”威克菲尔德的牧师;小说 novel” She Stoops to Conquer”委曲求全;欢乐喜剧 rollicking comedy” The Deserted Village”荒村;诗歌 poems4、Sentimentalism 感伤主义 no belief 没有信仰The representatives of sentimentalism continued to struggle against feudalism but they vaguely sensed at the same time the contradictions of bourgeois progress that brought with it enslavement and ruin to the people. 感伤主义的代表人物在继续反对封建主义的同时又模糊的感觉到资本主义进程中出现的种种矛盾;感觉到资本主义制度对人性的奴役和破坏..代表人物:Thomas Gray 托马斯.格雷“ Elegy; Written in a Country Churchyard”墓园挽歌七、The Romantic Period 1798-1832浪漫主义1、前浪漫主义代表人物:1 William Blake 威廉·布莱克诗人 poet代表作品:诗集天真之歌Songs of Innocence: The Lamb; The Chimney Sweeper1789诗集经验之歌Songs of Experience: The Tiger; London; The Chimney Sweeper17942 Robert Burns 罗伯特·.彭斯苏格兰诗人 poet代表作品:A Red; Red Rose 一朵红红的玫瑰、My Heart’s on the Highland我的心在高原、天长Auld Lang Syne..Pre-Romanticism was greatly influenced by the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution前浪漫主义极大地影响了工业革命和法国大革命..2、教育意义Educational:liberty; equality and fraternity 自由;平等;博爱3、开始的标志:beginning with the publication of William Wordsworth and S. T. Coleridge’s “Lyrical Ballads” 从威廉.华兹华斯和柯勒律治一起发表的抒情歌谣集开始4、lake poets湖畔诗人:Wordsworth; Coleridge; Southey 骚塞5、代表人物:1、William Wordsworth 威廉·华兹华斯 poet-laureate 桂冠诗人“The Prelude”序曲自传性诗歌Autobiographical poetry作品特点:simplicity and purity of the language; fighting against the conventional forms of the 18th century poetry 简单而纯洁的语言;反传统形式的18世纪诗歌2、S. T. Coleridge 柯勒律治Demonic poems魔幻诗The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 古舟子咏、Kubla Khan忽必烈汗Christabel克里斯塔贝尔作品特点:unusual and supernatural things不寻常和超自然的事物3、Lord Byron 拜伦“ Childe Harold Pilgrimage”恰尔德·哈罗德游记成名作“ Don Juan”唐璜 satiric masterpiece 讽刺的杰作4、Percy Bysshe Shelley 雪莱“ Prometheus Unbound” 解放了的普罗米修斯 drama 戏剧“ Ode to the West Wind”西风颂 poem 诗5、John Keats 济慈 poet 诗人“ The Eve of St. Agnes”圣阿格尼斯之夜poem “ On a Grecian Urn”希腊古瓮颂poem “ To a Nightingale”夜莺颂poem “Beauty i s truth; truth beauty”美学原则6、Walter Scott沃尔特·司各特 He is the creator and a great master of the historical novel. 他是历史小说的创造者和大师作品:Ivanhoe艾凡赫、The Lady of The Lake湖上夫人7、Jane Austen 简·奥斯丁女“ Pride and Prejudice”傲慢与偏见“ Sense and Sensibility”理智与情感“ Emma”爱玛写作特点:the love-making of her young people; though serious and sympathetic; is subdued by humor to the ordinary plane of emotion on which most of us live. She was the founder of the novel which deals with unimportant middleclass people. 她是中产阶级小说的发起人..6、十九世纪散文的特点:In the first of these two periods Addison and Steele socialized the essay; so to speak; they brought it into everyday life and made it familiar and delightful to the multitude. 在这两个时期的开始;艾迪生和斯蒂尔的社会散文把散文带入日常生活;并使其熟悉和并令人愉快.. Early in the nineteenth century it became more definitely a means of intimate self-expression.在十九世纪前期;散文变得对自我的表达越来越肯定。
基础英语考研(英美文学简史)考研复习考点归纳一、《英国文学简史》考点笔记1.1 复习笔记早期英国文学Early English LiteratureⅠ.Background Knowledge—The Making of England(背景知识——英国的形成)1.The Roman Conquest (55B.C.-410A.D.) 罗马征服(公元前55年—公元410年)A. Brief Introduction(简介)Before the Roman Conquest, the early inhabitants in the island we call England were Britons, a tribe of Celts.In 55 B.C., Britain was invaded by Julius Caesar, the Roman conqueror. Britain was not completely subjugated to the Roman Empire until 78 A.D. But at the beginning of the fifth century, the Roman Empire was in the process of declining. In 410 A.D., all the Roman troops went back to the continent and never returned.罗马征服之前,在英格兰岛上居住的早期居民被称为不列颠人(Britons),不列颠人是凯尔特(Celt)部落的一支。
公元前55年,该岛被罗马的朱利尤斯·凯撒(Julius Caesar)侵略。
B. Influence(影响)①The Roman mode of life was brought into Britain while the native Britons were treated as slaves.②The Romans brought Christianity to the island and this religion was spread widely. (This is a profound religious effect up to today).③Roman road was built for military purposes.④Along the Roman roads, many towns grew up, London was one of them, and it became an important trading center.①罗马人的生活方式被带到了英国,而当地的不列颠人却沦为奴隶。
I. Old English Literature & the Late Medieval Ages<Beowulf>贝奥武夫:the national epic of the Anglo-SaxonsGeoffrey Chaucer 杰弗里•乔叟1340(?)~1400The father of English poetry.①<The Canterbury Tales>坎特伯雷故事集:first time to use ‘heroic couplet’(双韵体) by middle English②<Troilus and Criseyde>特罗伊拉斯和克莱希德③<The House of Fame>声誉之宫II The Renaissance PeriodA period of drama and poetry. The Elizabethan drama is the realmainstream of the English Renaissance.Renaissance: the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world.Three historical events of the Renaissance – rebirth or revival:1.new discoveries in geography and astrology2.the religious reformation and economic expansion3.rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek cultureThe most famous dramatists:Christopher MarloweWilliam ShakespeareBen Johnson.William Shakespeare威廉•莎士比亚1564~1616①Historical plays:Henry VI 亨利六世; Henry IV : Richard III 查理三世; Henry V ;Richard II;Henry VIII②Four Comedies: <As You Like It>皆大欢喜; <Twelfth Night>第十二夜; < A Midsummer Night’S Dream>仲夏夜之梦;<Merchant Of Venice>威尼斯商人③Four Tragedies: <Hamlet>哈姆莱特; <Othello>奥赛罗;<King Lear>尔王; <Macbeth>麦克白④Shakespeare Sonnet :154 <The Sonnets>Three quatrain and one couplet,ababcdcdefefggA sonnet is a lyric consisting of 14 lines, usuallyin iambic pentameter restricted to a definitionrhyme scheme.⑤the comedy of errors 错中错,Titus Andronicus泰特斯·安特洛尼克斯,The Taming of the shrew 驯悍记Love's labour's lost (爱的徒劳)Romeo and Juliet 罗密欧与朱丽叶Much ado about nothing(无事生非)The merry wives of Windsor. 温莎的风流娘们King John 约翰王All's well that ends well 终成眷属Measure for measure(一报还一报)Bacon: Of Studies;Of Beauty; Of Marriage and Single Life English Bourgeois Revolution,<The Advancement of Learning>学术的推进III:the period of the English bourgeois revolution.Milton:1608~1674Paradise Lost; Samson Agonistes (力士参);On the morning of Christ’s Nativity,<Paradise Regained>复乐园<On His Blindness>我的失明<Areopagitica>论出版自由<The Defence of the English People>为英国人民声辩Bunyan: 1628~1688①Religionary Allegory:<The Pilgrim’s Progress>天路历程Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinner;the Holy WarJohn Don: the Metaphysical poet(玄学派诗人).Metaphysical Poetry(玄学诗):(用语)the diction is simple, the imagery is from the actual, (形式)the form is frequently an argument with the poet’s beloved, with god, or with himself.(主题:love, religious, thought)The Flea; 跳蚤Forbbiding Mourning,Songs And Sonnets歌与十四行诗,emergent occasions 突变引起的诚念Hely sonnetsIV The 18th Century:EnlightenmentA revival of interest in the old classical works, order, logic, restrained emotion(抑制情感) and accuracyThe Age of Enlightenment/Reason:the movement was a furtherance of the Renaissance of the 15th and 16th centries, a progressive intellectual movement, reason(rationality), equality&science(the 18th century)小说崛起:In the mid-century, the newly literary form, modern English novel rised(realistic novel现实主义小说)Gothic novel(哥特式小说):mystery, horror, castles(from middle part to the end of century)Jonathan Swift乔纳森•斯威夫特1667~1745(十八世纪杰出的政论家和讽刺小说家a master satirist。
一.作家作品连线1.Geoffrey Chaucer乔叟——The Canterbury Tales(坎特伯雷故事),The Book of The Duchess(公爵夫人之书)、The Parliament of Fowls(百鸟会议)The House of Fame(声誉之堂)、Troilus and Criseyde(特罗勒斯与克丽西德)2.William Shakespeare莎士比亚——Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, SonnetThe Merchant of Venice,Henry IV,Twelfth Night,King Lear,Macbeth 3.Francis Bacon培根——(Essays)Of Marriage and Single Life(轮婚姻和单身), Of Studies4.John Donne邓恩(Metaphysical poems玄学派诗人)-— Song and Sonnets (歌与十四行诗), Holy Sonnets(圣十四行诗)5.John Milton 弥尔顿—— Paradise Lost(失乐园)、Paradise Regained(复乐园)Samson Agonistes(力士参孙)6.Daniel Defoe笛福——The Life and strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe(鲁滨孙漂流记)、Captain Singleton(辛格顿船长)、Moll Flanders(摩尔·弗兰德斯)A Journal of the Plague Year(大疫年日记)、Roxana (罗克萨娜)7.Jonathan Swift斯威夫特——Gulliver’s Travel s(格列佛游记)A Tale of a Tub (一只桶的故事),A Modest Proposal(一个温和的建议)8.William Blake布莱克——Song of Innocence(天真之歌),Song of experience(经验之歌), Poetical Sketches(诗的素描), The Book of Thel(塞尔书)9.Robert Burns彭斯——Auld Lang Syne, A Red Red Rose,10.William Wordsworth华兹华斯——I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud11.Samuel Taylor Coleridge柯勒律治——Kubla Khan(忽必烈汗),BiographiaLiteria (文学传记)、Lyrical Ballads (抒情歌谣集)12.Jane Austen简·奥斯丁—- Pride and Prejudice二、术语解释1、Epic(史诗): A long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a great hero and reflecting the values of the society from which it originated. It started in the 5th century, Beowulf was an important epic。
英国文学史复习资料 (3)
1. 骑士文学骑士文学是中世纪文学的重要组成部分,主要描述骑士们的冒险故事和荣誉观念。
2. 宗教文学中世纪是宗教统治的时代,因此宗教文学也占据了重要地位。
主要作品包括《坎特伯雷故事集》(Geoffrey Chaucer)和《悲叹诗》(The Pearl Poet)等。
3. 民间传说民间传说是中世纪文学的另一个重要方面,通过口述传统流传下来。
1. 威廉·莎士比亚威廉·莎士比亚是文艺复兴时期最杰出的戏剧家和诗人之一。
2. 清教徒文学在文艺复兴时期,清教徒的宗教观念对文学也产生了重要影响。
3. 文艺复兴诗歌文艺复兴时期的诗歌也有很高的艺术价值。
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1.Romanticism(P210)*At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries romanticism appeared in England as a new trend in literature. It rose and grew under the impetus of the Industrial Revolution and French revolution.*Romanticism emphasized individual values and aspirations and pay attention ti the spiritual and emotional life of man ;*Romantic prose of the time was represented by Lamb ,Hazlitt, De Quincey and Hunt.*Lake Poets:they lived in the Lake District in the northwestern part of England.The three traversed the same path in politics and in poetry, beginning as radicals and closing as conservatives.注:Wordsworth,Coleridge,Southey是逃避现实的浪漫主义诗人;Byron,Shelley,Keats是激进的浪漫主义诗人;Lamb,Hazlitt,Leigh Hunt,De Quincey是写散文的。
#Wordsworth(P212))Lyrical Ballads (most)Lines Written in Early SpringTo the CuckooI Wandered Lonely as a CloudMy Heart Leaps UpIntimations of ImmortalityLines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey#Coleridge(P217)The Rime of the Ancient Mariner(1798)Kubla Khan(1797)Christabel(1797-1800)#Southey(P221))Joan of Arc(1793)Wat Tyler(1794)The Fall of Robespierre(1794)(with Coleridge)The Inchcape RockThe Battle of BlenheimMy Days among the Dead Are PassedThe life of Nelson(1813)Thalaba the Destroyer(1801)Madoc(1805)The Curse of Kehama(1810)Roderick,the Last of the Goths(1814)#Byron(P222)Song for the Luddites(1816)Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage(1809)Giaour(1813)The Bride of Abydos(1813)The Corsair(1814)Lara(1813)Parisina(1816)The Siege of Corinth(1816)Don Juan(1818-1823)#Shelley(P232)Queen Mab(1813)The Revolt of Islam(1818)Prometheus Unbound(1820)Ode to the West WindBest love lyric:Love’s PhilosophyOne Word Is Too Often ProfanedWith a Guitarto Jane and The Indian SerenadeA Defence of Poetry#Keats(P244)EndymionIsabellaThe Eve of St.AgnesLamiaHyperion#Lamb(P253)Old Familiar FacesOn an Infant Dying as soon as BornSpecimens of English Dramatic Poets Who Lived about the Time of Shakespeare(1808) Tales from ShakespeareThe Essays of Elia#Hazlitt(P258)The Characters of Shakespeare’s Plays(1817)Lectures on the English Poets(1818)Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of the Age of Queen Elizabeth(1820)Lectures on the English Comic Writers(1819)The Spirit of the Age(1825)Table TalkThe Plain SpeakerSketches and EssaysWinterslowMy First Acquaintance with poetsOngoing a JourneyThe Feeling of Immortality in YouthOn Reading Old BooksOn Reading New BooksOf Persons One Would Wish to Have SeenOn TasteOn Familiar StyleThe Sick ChamberThe Fight#Leigh Hunt(P262)The ExaminerThe Story of Rimini(1816)About Ben AdhemJenny Kissed MeThe LiberalImagination and Fancy(1844)Wit and Humour(1846)A Jar of Honey from Mount Hybla(1848)The Old Court Suburb(1855)#De Quincey(P263)The Confession of an English Opium-EaterAutobiographical SketchesLiterary ReminiscenceSuspiria de ProfundisThe English Mail-CoachOn the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth#Scott(P265){features of Scott’s historical Novels P269}The Lay of the Last MinstrelThe Lady of the Lake (1810)Marmion(1808)Rob Roy(1817)Waverley(1814)Guy Mannering(1815)Old Morality(1816)The Heart of Midlothian(1818)Ivanhoe (1820)Kenilworth(1821)2.English Critical Realism(P276)*English critical realism of the 19th century flourished in the forties and in the early fifties.*The greatest English realist of the time was Charles Dickens.*The English critical realists of the 19th century not only gave a satirical portrayal of the bourgeoisie and all the ruling classes, but also showed profound sympathy for the common people.#Dickens(P280)The Pickwick PapersOliver TwistNicholas NicklebyThe Old Curiosity ShopMartin chuzzlewitThe ChimesDombey and SonDavid CopperfieldBleak HouseHard TimesLittle DorritA Tale of Two Cities#Thackeray(P305)Vanity Fair#Jane Austen(P309)Northanger AbbeySence and SensibilityPride and PrejudiceMansfield ParkEmmaPersuasion#The Bronte Sisters(Charlotte,Emily,Anne)P310 Jane Eyre(Charlotte)Wuthering Heights(Emily)#Mrs.Gaskell(P314)Mary BartonTale of ManchesterNorth and SouthCranfordRuthHouseholdAll the Year Round#George Eliot(P316)Adam BedeThe Mill on the FlossSilas Marner3.Victorian Age(P321)*the reign of Queen Victoria covered the period 1837-1901 #Thomas Carlyle(P323)Sartor ResartusThe French RevolutionHeroes and Hero-WorshipPast and Present#Ruskin(P327)Art Criticism:Modern PaintersThe Seven Lamps of Architecture(1849)The Stones of VeniceSocial Criticism:Unto This LastMunera PulverisSesame and Lilies#Arnold(P331)Essays in CriticismEssays in Criticism,Second SeriesCulture and AnarchyLiterature and dogma#Macaulay(P334)Essay on MiltonThe History of England#Tennyson(P336)In MemoriamThe Idylls of the King#Browning(P341)Pippa PassesThe pied Piper of Hamelin#Elizabeth Barrett(Mrs.BrowningP342)The battle of MarathonThe Cry of the Children#D.G.Rossetti(P348)The Blessed Damozel#Christina Georgina Rossetti(P351)The GermGoblin Market and Other Poems#Fitzgerald’s Rubaiyat(P353)Rubaiyat#Algernon Charles Swinburne(P355)Queen Mother.Rosamond.Two Plays(1861)#William Morris(P356)A Dream of John BallNews from Nowhere4.Naturalism(P364)*Naturalism is a literary trend prevailing in Europe,especially in France and Germany,in the second half of the 19th century.*Literature must be ”true to life” and exactly reproduce real life,including all its details without any selection*George Gissing is one of the the English novelists who wrote under the influence of naturalism. #George Gissing(P364)New Grub Street5.Neo-Romanticism*Another literary trend prevailing at the end of the 19th century was neo-romanticism.*laid emphasis upon the invention of exciting adventures and fascinating stories to entertain the reading public.#Robert Louis Stevenson(P366)Treasure IslandKidnappedThe Black ArrowThe Master of BallantraeStrange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde6.Aestheticism(P367)*Aestheticism began to prevail in Europe at the middle of the 19th century.*The theory of “art for art’s sake” was first put forward by the French poet TheophileGautier(1811-1872)*The two most important representatives of aestheticists in English literature are Walter Pater and Oscar Wilde.#Oscar Wilde(P368)The Happy Prince and Other TalesA House of PomegranatesLord Arthur Savile’s Crime and Other StoriesThe Picture of Dorian grayLady Windermere’s FanA Woman of No ImportanceAn Ideal HusbandThe Importance of Being EarnestThe Ballad of Reading GaolThe Soul of Man under Socialism7.Imagism*Imagism was an Anglo-American poetic movement flourishing in the 1910s.*To use the language of common speech. To create new rhythms.To present an image. To produce poetry that is hard and clear.*The two most important English poets of the first half of 20th century are W.B. Yeats and T.S.Eliot. #W.B.Yeats(P397)The Wind Among the ReedsThe Countess Cathleen#T.S.Eliot(P399)The Love Song of J.Alfred PrufrockThe West LandBurnt NortonEast CokerThe Dry SalvagesLittle Gidding8.Modernism(P402)*Modernism in English literature prevailed during the 20s and 30s if the 20th century.*Modernist fiction put emphasis on the description of the characters’ psychological activities.*One of its pioneers is wrence who is well-known for his novels written under the influence of Freud’s theory of psychological analysis.#wrence(P403)Sons and LoversLady Chatterley’s LoverThe RainbowWomen in Love9.The “Stream of Consciousness”School of novel(P405)*The “Stream of consciousness”is a psychological term indicating “the flux of conscious and subconscious thoughts and impressions moving in the mind at any given time independently of the person’s will.”#James Joyce(P406)DublinersA Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManUlyssesFinnegans Wake#Virginia Woolf(P408)The Voyage OutNight and DayJacob’s RoomMrs.DallowayTo the LighthouseOrlandoThe WavesThe YearsBetween the ActsP415-End 自己拿书随便看!!!!20th century English Literature(P371-P396)。