新外研版七年级下Module 4 Life in the future 导学案

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Module 4 Life in the future 导学案








in the future, not....any more, traffic jam, come true, here is/are…, not only…but also…,as well, by email, on the Internet, heavy rain, strong winds, a change of weather, no more, heavy rain, on farms, in the country, play with, be able to do, in twenty years’time, be different, have a lot of homework to do,over land, over the sea, ,in the air, in spring


(1)Everyone will study at home in the future. 2)I’m not su re. 说不好(不确定)。

(3)Students will use computers, but school is good fun.(4)I n twenty years’time, maybe there won’t be any schools! (5)Computers won’t be able to do that.(6)Will students have a lot of homework to do.

(7)What will life be like in the future?(8)There’ll be no more light rain and cold wind in spring.

(9)It’ll be cheap to travel everywhere by plane.

(10)Working hours will be short so people will have long holidays.

语法:will 表示一般将来时的用法: 1.will + 动词原形无人称和数的变化

2.否定形式:won’t +动词原形

3.疑问句形式:把will 提前

4.注意:There will be 句型表达


1.Everyone will study at home in the future. 将来人人都在家里学习。

句中的in the future 指的是―在未来,将来‖,注意短语中的the不能掉了,因为in future指的是―今后,从今天起‖,例如:In future you must be more careful with your work. 今后你必须更仔细地对待工作。

此处in future 可以改为in the future但下句中的in the future 不可改为in future。What are you going to be in the future? 因为in the future 可表―从今以后‖或―(较远的)未来‖,而in future仅表―从今以后‖的意思。

everyone相当于everybody,是代词,是―每个人;人人;大家‖的意思,不指具体哪一个人,作主语时,谓语用第三人称单数形式。如:Everyone can do it. Everyone is here except Tom.

但是当everyone或everybody作主语时,其后的代词现在一般用they, them, their等,以避免he, him, his可能带来的性别歧视。如:Everyone will have a chance to take part in if they would like to. 如果愿意,每个人都有机会参加。

2.There’ll be no more light rain and cold wind in spring.

英语表示―某地/某时有某物/某人‖时,常用There be... 结构,其句型为:There be + 名词+ 介词+ 地点(时间).

(1)There is接单数名词或不可数名词:

There is an English book on the desk.(肯定句) There isn't any milk in the cup.(否定句) Is there a pen in the pencil case?(疑问句)

(2)There are接复数名词:

There are many animals in the zoo.(肯定句) There aren't any apples in the bag.(否定句) Are there 31 days this month?(疑问句) (3)用There is还是用There are,应该看邻近主语,邻近主语是单数用There is;邻近主语是复数用There are:

There is a river and many trees near the house. There are many trees and a river near the house.

(4)there be 的一般将来时则是there will be或there is/are going to be,而其疑问句形式则是将will或is/are提到句首,例如:

Will there be a meeting tomorrow morning? There is going to be a football match this Sunday.
