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四, 常用动词的词义与搭配


1. have sth. done

have sb. (sth.) doing

have sb. do

have sb. (sth.) done / doing … / do …


e.g. We'll not have you tell him what to do.(不允许)

They can't have that sort of thing happening.(容忍)

I've never had anything said against her.(不容忍)

2. 表示"有"时带不定式做定语表"将来",带分词做定语表"正在进行"

【比较】He has a lot of work to do. (带to的不定式做定语,逻辑主语是句子主语,to do与work 之间是动宾关系且不定式为及物动词或相当于及物动词(vi.+介)的主动式)

I'll go to the post office; do you have a letter to be posted (post不是由句子主语执行,故用及物或相当于及物动词的被动式)


•句型:make + 宾语,make + 双宾语,make

+ 宾语+ 名词,make + 宾语+ adj.,make + it

+ adj. / n. +to do sth. / that-clause,make

sb. / sth. do, make sth. / oneself done

2. 短语:

make an apology to …;make a face;make a living;make a mistake;make a speech(作演讲);make friends with;make fun of;make room for;make use of;make the best of(尽量利用,善用);make preparations for;make sentences with;make repairs;make great / rapid progress;make trouble(引起麻烦);make one's way(前进,行进);make up one's mind;make up(构成,弥补,虚构,打扮);make sure / certain;make a bed(铺床);

make a decision;make a discovery;make a journey;make a plan for;make an effort(努力);make difference(区别);make laws(制订法律);make tea(沏茶);make a record(录制唱片);make money;make a choice(进行选择);make a suggestion(提建议),make war(开战) DO


do business(做买卖),do sb. a favour,do some / much / my cooking,do wrong,do sb. good / harm / wrong(do good to sb.)(对……有益/有害/冤枉),do the room(整理房间),do away with(取消,废除),do copies(复制),do one's hair(做头发),do one's duty,do the opposite(做相反的事),do the deed(生效)


go upstairs,go to prison,go to sea (去航海),go to the sea(去海滨),go to the cinema / movie / pictures,go shopping,be gone((人)不在,走了;(物)丢失,用完了),go hungry,go

by((时间)过去;经过(地点)),go down(下去;(船等的)下沉),go on((时间)过去,流逝(相当于go by);继续),go out(出去;(灯或火的)熄灭),go over,go on doing sth.,go on to do sth.,go on with sth.,go for a walk,go a visit to,go to college



e.g. I suppose he'll trouble you again, won't he?

He doesn't suppose you are right, does he ?

简略答语常说:I suppose so / I don't

suppose so (I suppose not.)

具备这种用法的词还有:think, imagine, believe

注意:常说I hope so (not), I‘m afraid so (not), I fear so (not), I’m sure so (not).

2. 作插入语

e.g. Who do you suppose telephoned me yesterday ?

3. 接复合宾语用to be做补足语,不用to do结构,但有时可用完成式或进行式.

e.g. I suppose him to be fifty.

She was supposed to have left home / to be writing.

4. be (not) supposed to do "应当(不应该)"

e.g. He was supposed to arrive there an hour ago.(是否到不知道,表示按道理应该……) He should have come an hour ago.(表责备,说明没有按时到)


1)He is supposed to be a student.

2)He is supposed to come early.

5. 提出建议,请求

Suppose we go / went for a walk = What about us going for a walk (用went语气更婉转) 6. 假设

Suppose / Supposing that he comes, what shall we do?


1. consider + 宾语(名词,代词,从句,动名词或不定式的疑问式) 考虑

2. consider + 宾语+ 宾补(名词,形容词,不定式to be或to have done)认为

3. consider it + 名词或形容词+ to do sth.

4. consider … as …认为,把…看做



1. 抓住catch sb. by the arm,catch sb. by surprise(乘其不备抓住……)

2. 钩住,挂住She caught her dress on the nail. = Her dress got caught on the nail.

3. 染(患)上;搭(赶)上(交通工具);听(懂,清)

catch a cold,catch the bus,catch what you said,catch up with

4. 偶然(突然)撞见,发觉;偶然碰上(风雨等),常用被动结构.

catch sb. stealing money,be / get caught in / by the storm


give a concert,give lessons to,give a lecture,give sb. advice on …,give sb. a message,give sb. a ring,give a report to sb.(向……汇报),give birth to(产仔),give medical care to(对……进行治疗),give out(耗尽),give off(发出(光,热等)),give up,give away(泄露),give one's life for(为……而献身),give in
