
物流相关名词中英对照表alternate tiers row pattern交错码放AGV无人搬运车anchoring膨胀螺丝AS/RS (Automatic Storage Retrieval System) 自动存取机/系统自动存取仓储系统自动仓库系统assembly packaging集合包装average inventory平均存货battery电瓶beam橫撑,横梁belt conveyor皮带式输送机(带)block pattern row pattern整齐码放bonded warehouse国际物流中心保税仓库brick pattern砌砖式码放buffer stock缓冲储备cantilever shalving悬臂架cargo freight货物carrying搬运chain conveyor链条式输送机(带)charger充电机cold chain system冷冻链系统common carrier公共承运人consolidation装运整合container terminal集装箱中转站contract carrier契约承运人contract logistics契约物流counterbalance truck平衡式电动(柴油、电动、瓦斯)堆高机cycle inventory周期存货delivery配送depalletizer托盘拆垛机devanning拆箱diagonal bracing斜撑dock leveller月台调整板dock shelter月台门封(充气式,非充气式)double-deep pallet racking双层深式重型物料钢架drive-in pallet racking直入式重型物料钢架dry cargo干货dunnage填充electronic data interchange电子资料交换EDIexport processing zone加工出口区fill rate供应比率floor utilization percentage地面面积利用率flow(dynamic) racking重型流力架flow(dynamic) rack shelving 轻型(料盒、纸箱)流力架forklift truck叉车four-way reach truck四向式电动堆高机frame支柱组frame feet脚底板frame joint柱连杆freight container货物集装箱general cargo一般货物hand pallet truck油压拖板车horizontal bracing橫撑industrial door工业门industrial vehicle工业车辆intermodal transportation 复合一贯运输lashing捆扎加固levelling plate垫片LGV激光引导无人搬运车load efficient装载效率loading and unloading 装卸logistical utilities物流效用logistics物流materials handling物料搬运mezzanines floor积层架mini-load AS/RS料盒式自动仓库系統mobile dock leveller 月台桥板mobile shelving移动柜net unit load size净单元货载尺寸operation area理货区order picking truck电动拣料车order picking指令拣选order shipped complete 订货完成率packaged cargo包装货物packaging包装pallet托盘,(木质)栈板pallet container栈板笼架pallet pool system通用托盘系统pallet racking传统式重型物料钢架palletization托盘化palletizer托盘堆垛机palletizing pattern托盘装载方式pick up货物聚集picking拣货,拣选作业pictorial marking for handling 货运标识pinwheel pattern针轮式码放plan view size平面尺寸plastic bin物料盒plastic pallet塑胶栈板platform物流容器,站台,月台physical distribution model 物流标准powered pallet truck电动拖板车powered stacker自走式电动堆高机push-back pallet racking 后推式重型物料钢架rack货架rack notice标示牌reach truck前伸式电动堆高机returnable container通用容器roll container笼车roller conveyor滚筒式输送机(带)safety pin插销safety stock安全储备scrubber洗地机shed临时周转仓库shelving轻量型物料钢架shuttle car梭车slat conveyor条板式输送机(带)slotted-angle shelving角钢架sorting分类special cargo特殊货物spot stock现场储备stacker crane自动存取机高架吊车stacking堆垛stockout frequency缺货频率storage存储support bar跨梁surface utilization percentage 表面利用率sweeper扫地机table trolley物流台车third part logistics第三方物流third party logistics service provider第三方物流服务商transit inventory中转存货transportation运输transportation package size by modular coordination 运输包装系列尺寸tray conveyor盘式输送机(带)truck terminal卡车货运站turntable转盘(变更输送方向)unit load单元货载unit load system单元货载系统upright支柱upright protctors护脚value added network—V AN加值网络vanning装箱vertical conveyor垂直输送机very narrow aisle truck窄巷道电动堆高机warehouse仓库WCS (Warehouse Control System)仓储控制系统WMS (Warehouse Management System)仓储管理系统海运常用词汇缩写MARITIME RELATED ABBREVIATIONS FREQUENTLY USEDABT - ABOUTACCT - ACCOUNTA/C - ACCOUNTAGW - ALL GOING WELLB/L - BILL OF LADINGB/N - BOOKING NOTEB/S - BILL OF SALEB4 - BEFOREBB - BREAKBULKBE - BOTH ENDSBL - BALEBLK - BULKBLT - BUILTBRKRS - BROKERSC&F - COST AND FREIGHTCBM - CUBIC METERCC - CARGO CAPACITYCFS - CONTAINER FREIGHT STATIONCGO - CARGOCHOPT - CHARTERER'S OPTIONCHRTS - CHARTERERSCIF - COST, INSURANCE & FREIGHTCOB - CLEAN ON BOARDCOB - CLOSE OF BUSINESSCOMB - COMBINABLECOMM - COMMENCECOMP - COMPLETECOMS - COMMISSIONSCOP - CUSTOM OF THE PORTCP - CHARTERER PARTYCQD - CUSTOMARY QUICK DISPATCHCYL - CYLINDERD.O. - DIESEL OILDA - DISBURSEMENT ACCOUNTDDC - DESTINATION DELIVERY CHARGEDELY - DELIVERYDEMS - DEMMURAGEDEQ - DELIVERED EX QUAYDES - DELIVERED EX SHIPDIMS - DIMENSIONSDLOSP - DROPPING LAST OUTWARD SEA PILOT DOP - DROPPING OUTWARD PILOTDWT - DEADWEIGHTEC - EAST COASTEIU - EVEN IF USEDER - ENGINEROOMETA - ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVALETD - ESTIMATED TIME OF DEPARTUREETS - ESTIMATED TIME OF SAILINGF.O. - FUEL OILFAC - FAST AS CANFAS - FREE ALONGSIDE SHIPFEU - 40 FT. EQUIVALENT UNITSFILO - FREE IN LINER OUTFIO - FREE IN OUTFIOS - FREE IN OUT STOWEDFLT - FULL LINER TERMSFMC - FEDERAL MARITIME COMMISSIONFOB - FREE ON BOARDFOR - FREE ON RAILFOT - FREE ON TRUCKFPT - FORE PEAK TANKFRT - FREIGHTFT - FREIGHT TONFW - FRESH WATERGMT - GREENWICH MEAN TIMEGRD - GEAREDGRLS - GEARLESSGRT - GROSS REGISTERED TONH/L - HEAVY LIFTHA - HATCHHO - HOLDHOHA - HOLDS/HATCHESINCL - INCLUDINGISO - INTERNATIONAL SAFETY ORGANIZATIONLT - LONG TONS; 2,240 LBSL/C - LAYCAN; LETTER OF CREDITL/D - LOADING/DISCHARGINGLAT - LATITUDELDG - LOADINGLIFO - LINER IN FREE OUTLOA - LENGTH OVERALLLOI - LETTER OF INDEMNITYLO-LO - LIFT ON LIFT OFFM - METERSM/V - MOTOR VESSELMIP - MARINE INSURANCE POLICYMT - METRIC TON; 1,000KGS;2,204.6LBSNOR - NOTICE OF READINESSNOS - NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIEDNRT - NET REGISTERED TONSNVOCC - NON VESSEL OPERATING COMMON CARRIER OWS - OWNERSP&C - PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIALP&I - PROTECTION & INDEMNITY-CLUBPANDI - PROTECTION & INDEMNITY CLUBPLS - PLEASEPLTS - PALLETSPOD - PORT OF DISCHARGEPOL - PORT OF LOADINGQTE - QUOTER - ARERDLY - REDELIVERYRDR - RADARRGE - RANGERND - ROUND (VOYAGE)RNGE - RANGERO-RO - ROLL ON ROLL OFFRQRD - REQUIREDRT - REVENUE TONSATCOM - SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONSHEX - SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS EXCLUDEDSHINC - SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS INCLUDEDSOC - SHIPPER OWNED CONTAINERSSHEX - SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS EXCLUDED SSHINC - SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS INCLUDED ST - SHORT TONS; 2,000LBSSTBD - STARBOARDSUB - SUBJECT TOSWL - SAFE WORKING LOADTA - TIME OF ARRIVALTC - TIME CHARTERTCT - TIME CHARTER TRIPTEU - 20 FT EQUIVALENT UNITTHC - TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGESU - YOUUCE - UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES EXPECTEDUSD - UNITED STATES DOLLARSUSEC - UNITED STATES EAST COASTUSGC - UNITED STATES GULF COASTUSWC - UNITED STATES WEST COASTUU - UNLESS USEDVOL - VOLUMEWCSA - WEST COAST SOUTH AMERICAWIBON - WHETHER IN BERTH OR NOTWIPON - WHETHER IN PORT OR NOTW/M - WEIGHT OR MEASUREWOG - WITHOUT GUARANTEEWP - WEATHER PERMITTING铁路运输术语(Common railroad terms )Boxcar - an enclosed car used for general serviceand especially for lading which must be protectedfrom weather.Bulk transfer - the transfer of bulk products, suchas plastic pellets or liquid sweeteners, from onemode of transportation to another. Bulk transfer permitsoff-rail shippers and receivers of varied commodities to combine rail's long-haul efficiencies with truck's convenient door-to-door delivery.Capitalized costs - expenditures that have future benefitand thus are recorded as assets.Car utilization - ways to measure railcar productivity.Among the measures are how much freight a car hauled and how many trips it made in a specified period of time.Carload - a shipment of not fewer than five tons of one commodity.Class I railroad - a railroad having operating revenuesof more than $256.4 million annually.Conductor - the individual responsible for the safe and proper management of the train.Connecting carrier - a railroad with a physical connection to another.Container - a large, weatherproof box designed for shipping freight in bulk by rail, truck or steamship.Cycle time - the length of time consumed by a freight car from one loading to the next.Distribution center - the centrally located warehouse where goods shipped long distances by rail are loaded onto trucks for short-haul delivery to receivers, orvice versa. Also called a reload center, it combinesthe economies of rail with the flexibility of truck pickup and delivery.Double-stack containers - containers that can be stacked atop one another on a flatcar.End-of-train device (EOT) - a telemetry device, required by federal law, that is installed at the rear of a trainto relay information to the locomotive engineer.Engineer - the individual responsible for the movementof the train.Flatcar - an open car without sides or roof.Gondola - a freight car with sides but without a roof.Grade crossing - the point at which a roadway intersectsa rail line.Gross ton-mile - the movement of the combined weight ofcars and their contents a distance of one mile.Haulage rights - rights obtained by one railroad tohave its trains operated by another railroad over that railroad's tracks.Hopper - an open-top car with pockets, or hoppers, opening on the underside of the car for unloading bulk commodities.Hump yard - a regional gathering point where freight is classified and forwarded to final destinations. The three components are a receiving yard, a classification yardin which railcars are pushed over a hump to various classification tracks and a forwarding yard.Intermodal service - freight moving via at least two different modes of transport. Intermodal service generally involves the shipment of containers and trailers by rail, truck, barge, or ship.Lading - freight or cargo making up a shipment.Less-than-truckload (LTL) - the quantity of freightthat's less than that required for application of a trailerload rate.Line capacity - the maximum number of trains that can operate safely and reliably over a given segment of track during a given period of time.Line-haul service - the movement over the tracks of a carrier from one city to another, not including the switching service.Main line - primary rail line over which trains operate between terminals. It excludes sidings, and yard and industry tracks.Multilevel car - a long flatcar designed with one or more deck levels in addition to the car's main deck; used to haul new automobiles and trucks.Net ton-mile - the movement of a ton of freight one mile.Operating ratio - the percentage of revenues that goes into operating the railroad. It is calculated by dividing railway operating expenses by railway operating revenues.Return on equity - net income divided by average stockholders' equity.Revenue ton-mile - the movement of a ton of freightone mile for revenue.Right-of-way - the property owned by a railroad over which tracks have been laid.Subsidiary - a company owned by another company that controls a majority of its stock.Switching - movement of freight cars between two nearby locations or trains. Switching is a term typically associated with activities that occur in a railcar classification yard or terminal.Terminal - a railroad facility used for handlingfreight and the receiving, classifying, assemblingand dispatching of trains.Through freight train - an express freight trainbetween major terminals.Total return to stockholders - stock-price changeplus reinvested dividends expressed as a percentageof the purchase price of the stock.Trackage rights - rights obtained by one railroad to operate its trains over another railroad's tracks.Trailer - a cargo-carrying highway vehicle without automotive power.Unit train - a freight train that moves carloads of asingle product between two points. By unloading on arrival and returning promptly for another load, such trains can cut costs because they eliminate intermediate stops in yards and reduce cycle times.Welded rail - the standard unit of track structureproviding safer, seamless service.Yard - a system of tracks branching from a commontrack. Yards are used for switching, making up trainsand storing cars.物流商贸、国际运输相关名词解释Commons terms and statements unique to the internationaltransportation and logistics business areexplained below in simple, easy to understanddefinitions.Absolute Quota Restrictions - which permit alimited quantity of merchandise to be entered withCustoms or withdrawn for consumption into the UnitedStates during specified periods of time.Act of God: - Marine Insurance term meaning an actbeyond man’s control, e.g., lightning, flood,earthquake, etc. The carrier is not legally responsibleunder most circumstances for such damage.Ad Valorem: - According to value. Rates are basedon value of goodsAdvising Bank: - The Bank which advises the sellerthat a Letter of Credit has been opened in his favorby the buyer; however, the advising bank does notnecessarily guarantee payment.AI - All Inclusive RatesAMS - Automated Manifest System. Electronic computerlink with U.S. Customs that allows for faster processingand clearance of cargo.Arbitrary: - A stated amount over a fixed rate to onepoint to make a rate to another point.Arrival Notice: - Notice sent by the carrier informingthe consignee, notify party, and also notify party ofthe arrival date of the cargo. Other pertinent informationfor shipment may be included, such as bill of ladingnumber, weight, charges due and location of cargo.Awkward Cargo: - Cargo of irregular size that is either containerized or un-containerized. It requi res priorapproval, depending on the circumstances, beforeconfirmation of booking.BAF or (BSC): - Bunker Adjustment Factor (or BunkerSurcharge). Surcharge assessed by carrier to freightrates to supplement increased fuel costs.Bank Guarantee: - Document accepted in lieu of originalbill of lading to release cargo. Protected in writingto carrier for performing a deviation from normalbusiness, guaranteed by a bank.BB- Break bulk: - A term used to describe cargowhich does not constitute a full container, orwhich is palletized, boxed, etc., or large machinery,trucks, etc. Also used to describe cargo, whichcannot be containerized due to its size and/or nature.B/L- Bill of Lading: - A receipt for the cargo anda contract for transportation between a shipper andthe ocean carrier. It may also be used as aninstrument of ownership, which can be bought, sold ortraded while the goods are in transit. To be usedin this manner, it must be a negotiable ―Order Billof Lading‖.A ―Clean B/L‖ is issued when the shipment is receivedin good order. If damage or a shortage is noted, aclean bill of lading will not be issued. An ―OnBoard B/L‖ certifies that the cargo has been placedaboard the named vessel and is signed by the master ofthe vessel or his representative. On letter of credittransactions, an On Board B/L is usually necessary forthe shipper to obtain payment from the bank.When all bills of lading are processed, a ―shipsmanifest‖ is prepared by the steamship line. Thissummarizes all cargo aboard the vessel by port ofloading and discharge.―Inland Bill of Lading‖ is also known as the―Waybill‖ on rail or the ―Pro Forma B/L‖ in trucking.It’s used to document the transportation of the goods between the port and the point of origin or destination.It should contain information, such as marks, numbers, steamship line, etc., to match with a dock receipt.Booking: - The arrangement of space of cargo in a container (CFS or CY), or as a break bulk or bulk. One would call an international carrier and reserve spacefor the cargo.Bonded Warehouse: - A warehouse, section of a warehouse, or secured area designated by U.S. Customs as a bondedwarehouse. It is a temporary storage area (limitedfor five years) for goods until duties are paid or otherwise properly released and the cleared from Customs.Box: - Slang term for an ocean container for cargo.Brokerage: - Fee paid to freight forwarder by thecarrier for services performed.Bulk Freight: - Not in packages or containers,shipped loose in the hold of the ship. Grain, coaland sulfur are usually bulk freight.CAF - Currency Adjustment Factor: Surcharge percentage applied to freight rates to adjust currency fluctuationsin order to equalize different currency values.Carrier Certificate and Release Order (Carrier Certificate): - Used to advise Customs of the detailsof the shipment, its ownership, port of lading, etc.By means of this document, the carrier certifies thatthe firm or individual named in the certificate isthe owner or consignee of the cargo.CBM - Cubic MeterCertificate of Origin (C/O) - Formal document,required at destination, stating the origin of cargoand relevant cargo details.CFS - Container Freight Station. Storage/warehousefacilities for loading/unloading less than full containerorders.CFS/CFS - Cargo movement delivered loose at origin point,devanned by carrier at destination, and picked up loose at destination terminal.CFS/CY - Loose cargo received at origin point, loaded ina container by carrier, then delivered intact at destination.Chassis:- A wheeled flat bed trailer on which tomount a cargo container for transport.CHB (Custom House Broker)- - A person or companywho is licensed to transact customs business onbehalf of the United States importer. Licensingis by U.S. Customs. Also referred to as Customs Broker.CIF: - Cost Insurance and Freight.Claim: - When used in Marine Insurance, means ademand made by a shipper or insurance companyupon a carrier for payment of a loss sustainedthrough its negligence.Clean B/L: - See B/LCOD- - Collect (Cash) on DeliveryCarried on Docket (pricing)Change of DestinationCOFC: - Container on Flat Car. Containers movingon articulated flat cars without chassis.Commercial invoice: - A bill for the goods fromthe seller to the buyer. It is often used bygovernment to determine the true value of goodsfor the assessment of customs duties. It is alsoused in the preparation of consular documentation.Governments using the commercial invoice to controlimports often specify its form, content, number ofcopies, language to be used, etc.Conference - Group of carriers allowed by FMC to determine a level of rates, services and rules of a given trade route bound together by a common tariff.Connecting Carrier - An intermediary carrier utilized to connect cargo to/from the mother vessel.Also known as ―feeder service‖.Consignee - Receiver of shipmentConsolidator- - A company who combines small shipments to a common point for convenienceand special rate to accommodate the customer.Consortium - Group of carriers pooling resourcesin a trade lane to maximize their resources efficiently.Consular Invoice - Required by some countries,this document is used to control and identify goods shipped to them. It usually must be prepared on special forms and may require legalization bytheir Consul.Consumption Entry - See Custom EntriesContainer - A vehicle designed to transportcargo of many types in continuous transportation. They are constructed as to not fail under stressor handling over a long period of time. Most ocean vessels can accommodate 20’ and 40’ length ocean containers for below deck storage and any size above deck. Containers may be ventilated, insulated, flat rack (open sided), reefer (refrigerated), vehicle rack, or open top.Container Load Plan (CLP) - A document prepared to show all details of cargo loaded in a container, e.g. weight (individual and total), measurement, markings, shipper, the origin of goods and destination, as well as location of the cargo within the container.Containership - An ocean vessel specifically designedto carry ocean cargo containers. It’s fitted with vertical cells for maximum loading/discharge efficiency.Country of Origin - The country of manufacture, growth or production of cargo.Credit Agreement - Agreement between carrier and shipper for release of cargo with promise to payocean freight within specified time.CST - Commodity Specialist TeamCustoms EntriesConsumption Entry – A form required by U.S. Customs for entering goods into the U.S.The form contains information as to the originof the cargo, a description of the merchandise,and estimated duties applicable to the particular commodity. Estimated duties must be paid whenthe entry is filed.Immediate Delivery Entry (I.D. Entry) – Procedure used to expedite the clearance of cargo. It allowsup to ten days for the payment of estimated dutyand processing of the consumption entry. In addition, it permits delivery of the cargo priorto payment of the estimated duty and then allows subsequent filing of the consumption entry and duty.Immediate Transportation Entry (I.T. Entry) – Allows the cargo to be moved from the pier to an inland destination via a bonded carrier without the paymentof duties or finalization of the entry at the portof arrival. Cargo must clear Customs at the inland destination point.Transportation and Exportation Entry (T&E Entry) –Allows goods coming from or going to a thirdcountry (such as Canada or Mexico) to enter theU.S. for the purpose of Trans-shipments.Cut-Off - Last possible date cargo may be deliveredto vessel or designated point.CY- Container Yard - Storage area where full containers are received and picked up.CY/CFS - Cargo loaded in a full container by a shipper at origin, delivered to pier facility at destination, and then devanned by carrier for loose pick up.CY/CY - Cargo loaded by shipper in a full containerat origin and delivered to carrier’s terminal at destination for pick up intact by consignee.DDC – A charge assessed by the carrier forhandling positioning of a full container withinthe container yardDelivery Instructions - These instructionsprovide specific information to the inlandcarrier about the merchandise to the particularpier or steamship line. This term is not to be confused with ―D elivery Order‖ which is usedfor import cargo.Delivery Order (Pier Release) - Issued by the consignee or his customs broker to the ocean carrieras authority to release the cargo to the inland carrier. Includes all data necessary for the pier delivery clerk to determine that the cargo can be released to the domestic carrier.Demurrage - A penalty charge against shippers or receivers for delaying carriers equipment beyond allowed time.Devanning - The process of unloading cargo from a container. Also referred to as un-stuffing, unloading, or stripping.Diversion - A change made in the route of a shipment.Dock Receipt - Receipt given for a shipment received or delivered at a pier or dock. When delivery ofan overseas shipment is completed, the dock receiptis surrendered to the carrier and a bill of ladingis issued.Door to Door - Shippers use the container to carrygoods directly from his premises to his customer’s location. Shipper is responsible for proper stowageand security of cargo within container.DOT - Department of Transportation.DST- Double Stack Train – Rail car train capable of carrying two forty-foot equivalent containers, one ontop of each other.Duty Rates - Tax imposed by U.S. Customs on imported merchandise. There are three basic types:(1) ad valorem – based on the entered value,(2) specific – an amount per unit of quantity,(3) compound – combination of ad valorem and specific rates.DWT - Deadweight capacity of vessel to carry cargo.Entry - The document or set of documents requiredto be filed with U.S. Customs to secure the releaseof imported merchandise. The entry is the appropriate Customs document accompanying required supporting documentation. The final disposition of theimported cargo will determine the type of entryto be filed.Export Declaration - Required by the U.S. Departmentof Commerce to control exports and to act as asource document for export statistics. It includescomplete particulars on the shipment. Common abbreviation is Ex Dec.FAK - Freight All Kinds.FCL (Full Container Load) - A container of goodswith the shipper being responsible for the packingand the consignee being responsible for the unpackingof the container at his own premises.Feeder Service - See Connecting CarrierFEU - Forty Foot Equivalent Unit. A 40’ container equals 2 TEUSFF (Freight Forwarder) - Federally licensed company that handles documentation details for shipper of export cargo.Flat Car - Platform rail car on which trailers, containers, etc. , are loadedFMC (Federal Maritime Commission) - U.S. Government Agency responsible for overseeing regulatory aspects of all maritime activities.Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) - A facility which –under license issued by the Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) board – has acquired extra-territorialstatus. Merchandise entered into a FTZ are considered as having been ―exported‖ and can be subjectedto manipulation or manufacturing processes without Customs supervision, but will be subject toother applicable federal or state laws and termsof the storage contract.Free Time - Storage time allowed at carriers’facility without penalties being assessed.Free On Board (FOB) – An international term of sale. The goods are placed on board a ship by the sellerat a port of shipment named in the sales contract. The risk of loss or damage to the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer when the goods pass the ship’s rail.Freight Brokerage - A commission paid to a licensed Freight Forwarder or Custom House Broker by the steamship line concerning export transactions. Commission is paid either as a percentage or the freight charges or as a lump sum amount per container, depending on the carrier and/or trade lane.Freight Release (Freight Bill Receipt) - Evidencethat the freight charges for the cargo havebeen paid. If in writing, it may be presentedat the pier to obtain release of the cargo. (Normally, once the freight is paid, releasesare usually arranged without additional documentation).General Average (GA) - Coverage for loss resulting from voluntary sacrifice, e.g., jettison, or theact of expending cargo to prevent loss of vessel, crew, passengers, or total cargo. The value ofsuch a loss is averaged among all interested parties.GO – General Order - Cargo seized by customs dueto failure on part of consignee to make customsentry within allotted free time.GRI - General Rate Increase.Gross Weight - The weight of the goods including packaging, wrapping, and internal and external containers.Heavy Lift - Single commodities too heavy to belifted by the ship’s regular equipmentH/H - House to House (same as CY/CY)H/P - House to Pier (same as CY/CFS)HH/Goods - Household goodsHM - Hazardous MaterialsIA – Independent Action - A carrier can takean independent action within a conference resultingin a unique rate for that carrier, ability tofile a rate independently of other carrier’s action.ICTF - Immediate Container Transfer FacilityIFM – Inward Foreign ManifestImmediate Delivery Entry – See Customs Entries Immediate Transportation Entry (IT) – See。

物流常用英语50句2009-11-08 21:392009年06月29日星期一18:381.Modern logistics is one of the most challenging and exciting jobs in the world.现代物流是世界上最富挑战性和最激动人心的工作。
2.Logistics is part of a supply chain.物流是供应链的整体组成部分。
3.Logistics is anything but a newborn baby.物流不是新鲜事。
4.Logistics is a unique global “pipeline”.物流是独特的全球通道。
5.Logistics is related to the effective and efficient flow of materials and information.物流所涉及的是物料和信息有效、快速的流动。
6.Logistics operation and management include packaging, warehousing, material handling, inventory control, transport, forecasting, strategic planning, customer service, etc.物流操作和管理包括包装、仓储、物料搬运、库存控制、运输、预测、战略计划和客户服务等方面。
7.Logistics consists of warehousing, transportation, loading and unloading, handling, carrying, packaging, processing, distribution and logistics information.物流由仓储、运输、装卸、搬运、包装、加工、配送和物流信息所组成。

物流英语1-货运常用语货物goods | | freight | | cargo运输transportation | | transit | | conveyance运送to transport | | to carry | | to convey运输业transportation business | | forwarding business | | carrying trade运输代理人a forwarding agent承运人a freight agent | | a carrier船务代理人a shipping agent陆上运输transportation by land海上运输transportation by sea货物运输goods traffic | | freight traffic | | carriage of freights | | carriage of goods 货轮cargo boat | | freighter | | cargo steamer | | cargo carrier火车goods-train | | freight-train卡车goods-van | | goods wagon | | freight car | | truck货运办公室goods-office | | freight-department运费率freight | | freight rates | | goods rate运费carriage charges | | shipping expenses | | express charges车费cartage | | portage运费预付carriage prepaid | | carriagepaid运费到付carriage forward | | freight collect运费免除||免费carriagefree协定运费conference freight | | freight rate运费清单freight account托运单way-bill || invoice运送契约contract for carriage装运shipment | | loading装上货轮to ship | | to load | | to take on a ship装运费shipping charges| | shipping commission装运单||载货单shipping invoice装运单据shippingdocuments大副收据mate's receipt装船单shipping order提货单deliveryorder装船通知shippingadvice包裹收据parcel receipt准装货单shipping permit契约charter party人charterer程租船||航次租赁voyagecharter期租船time charter允许装卸时间lay days | | laying days工作日working days连续天数running days | | consecutive days滞期费demurrage滞期日数demurrage days速遣费despatch money空舱费dead freight退关short shipment | | goods short shipped | | goods shut out | | shut-outs赔偿保证书(信托收据) letter ofindemnity | | trust receipt装载loading卸货unloading | | discharging | | landing装运重量shipping weight | | in-take-weight卸货重量landing weight压舱ballasting压舱货in ballast舱单manifest船泊登记证书ship's certificate of registry航海日记ship's log船员名册muster-roll(船员,乘客)健康证明bill of health光票clean bill不清洁提单foul bill有疑问提单suspected bill物流英语2-交货相关条件交货delivery轮船steamship(缩写S.S)装运、装船shipment租船charter (the chartered ship)交货时间time of delivery定程租船voyage charter;装运期限time of shipment定期租船time charter托运人(一般指出口商)shipper,consignor收货人consignee班轮regular shipping liner驳船lighter舱位shipping space油轮tanker报关clearance of goods陆运收据cargo receipt提货to take delivery of goods空运提单airway bill正本提单original B\L选择港(任意港)optional port选港费optional charges选港费由买方负担optional charges to beborne by the Buyers 或optional charges for Buyers account一月份装船shipment during January 或January shipment一月底装船shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipment on or beforeJan.31st.一/二月份装船shipment during Jan./Feb.或Jan./Feb. shipment在......(时间)分两批装船shipment during....in two lots在......(时间)平均分两批装船shipment during....in two equal lots分三个月装运in three monthly shipments分三个月,每月平均装运in three equal monthly shipments立即装运immediate shipments即期装运prompt shipments收到信用证后30天内装运shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C允许分批装船 partial shipment not allowed partial shipment not permitted partial shipment not unacceptable物流英语3-搬运注意事项小心搬运Handle with care/With care此端向上This side up/This end up请勿用钩Use no hooks /Do not use dog hooks/No hooks不可滚转Don’t turn over不可掉落Don’t drop/Not to be dropped保持干燥Keep dry不可横置Keep flat/Stow level保持直立Stand on end/To be kept upright易腐物品perishable goods保持冷冻(不可近热) Stow in a cool place/Keep cool/Keep from heat/Stow cool不可平放Not to be laid flat/Never lay flat不可抛掷Not to be thrown down不可接近锅炉或机器Away from boilers and engines小心易碎Fragile-with care防止潮湿Guard against damp。

1、aborted journey (车辆空驶、车船空驶) 2、“after-the-fact” customs clearance (事后报关) 3、average (海损) 4、block row pattern (整齐码放) 5、cargo arrival notice (到货通知) 6、container bridge hoist (集装箱装卸桥) 7、core competency (核心能力) 8、cost-to-service trade-off (成本对服务的利益互换) 9、distribution (配送、分拨) 10、E-Procurement (电子采购) 11、humidity controlled space (控湿储存区) 12、inventory control (库存控制) 13、live cargo tracing (实时货物跟踪) 14、market forecasting (市场预测) 15、one-stop serv (一站式服务)
物 流 英
二 零 一 二
1、all risks 2、box car 3、commodity inspection 4、containerized transport 5、core business 6、drop and pull transport 7、EDI billing 8、export supervised warehouse 9、first-in, fiபைடு நூலகம்st-out operation 10、freight forwarder 11、gantry crane 12、goods shelf 13、hazardous goods 14、inland container depot 15、warehouse-to-warehouse cover

国际物流常用英语汇总Gross Registered Tonnage(GRT)注册(容积)总吨Net Registered Tonnage(NRT)注册(容积)净吨Deadweight Tonnage (AllTold)(DWT or D.W.A.T)总载重吨位(量)Gross Dead Weight Tonnage 总载重吨位Dead Weight Cargo Tonnage(DWCT)净载重吨Light Displacement 轻排水量Load (Loaded)Displacement 满载排水量满载排水量Actual Displacement 实际排水量Over weight surcharge 超重附加费Bunker Adjustment Factor(Surcharge)(BAS or BS)燃油附加费Port Surcharge 港口附加费Port Congestion Surcharge 港口拥挤附加费Currency Adjustment Factor(CAF)货币贬值附加费Deviation surcharge 绕航附加费Direct Additional 直航附加费Additional for OptionalDestination 选卸港附加费Additional for Alterationof Destination 变更卸货港附加费Fumigation Charge 熏蒸费Bill of Lading 提单On Board (Shipped)B/L 已装船提单Received for shipment B/L 备运(收妥待运)提单Named B/L 记名提单Bearer B/L 不记名提单Order B/L 指示提单Blank Endorsement 空白备书Clean B/L 清洁提单In apparent good order andcondition 外表状况良好Unclean (Foul, Dirty)B/L不清洁提单Direct B/L 直航提单Transshipment B/L 转船提单Through B/L 联运提单Multi-modal (Inter-modal,combined)transport B/L 多式联运提单Long Form B/L 全式提单Short Form B/L 简式提单Anti-dated B/L 倒签提单Advanced B/L 预借提单Stale B/L 过期提单On Deck B/L 甲板货提单Charter Party B/L 租约项下提单House B/L 运输代理行提单Seaworthiness 船舶适航Charter Party (C/P)租船合同(租约)Voyage charter party 航次租船合同Time Charter Party 定期租船合同Bareboat (demise)CharterParty 光船租船合同Common carrier 公共承运人Private carrier 私人承运人Single trip C/P 单航次租船合同1206Consecutive single tripC/P 连续单航次租船合同Return trip C/P 往返航次租船合同Contract of Affreightment(COA)包运合同Voyage Charter Party onTime Basis 航次期租合同Fixture Note 租船确认书Free In (FI)船方不负责装费Free Out (FO)船方不负责卸费Free In and Out (FIO)船方不负责装卸费Free In and Out ,Stowed and Trimmed (FIOST)船方不负责装卸、理舱和平舱费Declaration of ship'sDeadweight Tonnage of Cargo 宣载通知书Dunnage and separations 垫舱和隔舱物料Lump-sum freight 整船包价运费Weather working days(W.W.D)良好天气工作日Notice of Readiness (NOR)船舶准备就绪通知书Idle formality 例行手续Laytime statement 装卸时间计算表Damage for Detention 延期损失Customary Quick Despatch(CQD)习惯快速装运International MaritimeDangerous Goods Code (IMDG)国际海上危险品货物规则(国际危规)Booking Note 托运单(定舱委托书)Shipping Order (S/O)装货单(下货纸)Mate's Receipt 收货单Loading List 装货清单Cargo Manifest 载货清单(货物舱单)Stowage Plan 货物积载计划Dangerous Cargo List 危险品清单Stowage Factor 积载因素(系数)Inward cargo 进港货Outward cargo 出港货Container yard (CY)集装箱堆场Container Freight Station(CFS)集装箱货运站1209 Container Load Plan 集装箱装箱单Conventional ContainerShip 集装箱两用船Semi-container Ship 半集装箱船Full Container Ship 全集装箱船Full Container Load (FCL)整箱货Less Container Load (LCL)拼箱货Delivery Order (D/O)提货单(小提单)Dock receipt 场站收据Twenty equivalent unit(TEU)二十尺集装箱换算单位Equipment InterchangeReceipt (EIR)集装箱设备交接单Demurrage 滞期费Crew List 船员名册Log book 航行日志Liner transport 班轮运输Tramp transport 不定期(租船)运输Minimum Freight 最低运费Maximum Freight 最高运费Accomplish a Bill ofLading (to)付单提货Ad valorem freight 从价运费Address commission(Addcomm)回扣佣金Adjustment 海损理算Average adjuster 海损理算师Average bond海损分摊担保书Average guarantee 海损担保书Act of God 天灾All in rate 总运费率Annual survey 年度检验All purposes (A.P)全部装卸时间All time saved (a.t.s)节省的全部时间Always afloat 始终保持浮泊Anchorage 锚地Anchorage dues 锚泊费Arbitration award 仲裁裁决Arbitrator 仲裁员Arrest a ship 扣押船舶Area differential 地区差价Addendum (to a charterparty)(租船合同)附件Apron 码头前沿Bale or bale capacity 货舱包装容积Back (return)load 回程货Back to back charter 转租合同Backfreight 回程运费Ballast (to)空载行驶Barge 驳船Barratry 船员不轨Barrel handler 桶抓Base cargo (1)垫底货Base cargo (2)起运货量Bundle (Bd)捆(包装单位)Beam 船宽Bearer (of a B/L)提单持有人Both ends (Bends)装卸两港Boatman 缆工Buoy 浮标Bunker escalation clause 燃料涨价条款Derrick 吊杆Fork-lift truck 铲车Boom of a fork-lift truck 铲车臂Both to blame collisionclause 互有过失碰撞条款Book space 洽订舱位Bottom 船体Bottom stow cargo 舱底货Bottomry loan 船舶抵押贷款Breakbulk 零担Breakbulk cargo 零担货物Broken stowage 亏舱Brokerage 经纪人佣金Bulk cargo 散装货Bulk carrier 散货船Bulk container 散货集装箱American Bureau ofShipping (A.B.S.)美国船级社Bureau Veritas (B.V.)法国船级社Cabotage 沿海运输Canal transit dues 运河通行税Capsize vessel 超宽型船Captain 船长Car carrier 汽车运输船Car container 汽车集装箱Cargo hook 货钩Cargo sharing 货载份额Cargo superintendent 货物配载主管Cargo tank 货箱Cargo tracer 短少货物查询单Cargoworthiness 适货Certificate ofseaworthiness 适航证书Cesser clause 责任终止条款Chassis 集装箱拖车1210Claims adjuster 理赔人Classification certificate船级证书Classification register 船级公告Classification society 船级社Classification survey 船级检验Paramount clause 首要条款Clean (petroleum )products 精练油Clean the holds (to)清洁货舱Closing date 截至日Closure of navigation 封航Collapsible flattrack 折叠式板架集装箱Completely knocked down(CKD)全拆装Compulsory pilotage 强制引航Conference 公会Congestion 拥挤Congestion surcharge 拥挤费Con-ro ship 集装箱/滚装两用船Consecutive voyages 连续航程Consign 托运Consignee 收货人Consignor 发货人Consignment 托运;托运的货物Consolidation (groupage)拼箱Consortium 联营Constants 常数Container barge 集装箱驳船Container leasing 集装箱租赁Containerization 集装箱化Containerised 已装箱的,已集装箱化的Containership 集装箱船Contamination (of cargo )货物污染Contributory value 分摊价值Conveyor belt 传送带Corner casting (fitting)集装箱(角件)Corner post 集装箱(角柱)Crane 起重机Crawler mounted crane 履带式(轨道式)起重机Custom of the port (COP)港口惯例Customary assistance 惯常协助Daily running cost 日常营运成本Deadfreight 亏舱费Deadweight (weight)cargo 重量货Deadweight cargo(carrying)capacity 载货量Deaiweight scale 载重图表Deck cargo 甲板货Delivery of cargo (a ship)交货(交船)Despatch or Despatch money速遣费Destuff 卸集装箱Det Norske Veritas(D.N.V.)挪威船级社Deviation 绕航Direct discharge (车船)直卸Direct transshipment 直接转船Dirty(Black)(petroleum)products ( D.P.P.)原油Disbursements 港口开支Discharging port 卸货港Disponent owner 二船东Dock 船坞Docker 码头工人Door to door 门到门运输Downtime (设备)故障时间Draft (draught)吃水;水深Draft limitation 吃水限制Dropping outward pilot(D.O.P.)引航员下船时Dry cargo 干货Dry cargo(freight)container 干货集装箱Dry dock 干船坞Demurrage half despatch(D1/2D)速遣费为滞期费的一半Efficient deck hand(E.D.H.)二级水手Elevator 卸货机Enter a ship inwards(outwards)申请船舶进港(出港)Entrepot 保税货Equipment 设备(常指集装箱)Equipment handover charge 设备使用费Estimated time ofcompletion (ETC)预计完成时间Estimated time ofdeparture (ETD)预计离港时间Head charter (charterparty)主租船合同Head charterer 主租船人Heavy lift 超重货物Heavy lift additional(surcharge)超重附加费Heavy lift derrick 重型吊杆Heavy weather 恶劣天气Heavy fuel oil (H.F.O)重油Hire statement 租金单Hold 船舱Home port 船籍港Homogeneous cargo 同种货物Hook 吊钩Hopper 漏斗House Bill of Lading 运输代理行提单Hovercraft 气垫船Husbandry 维修Inland container depot 内陆集装箱Ice-breaker 破冰船Identity of carrier clause承运人责任条款Idle (船舶、设备)闲置Immediate rebate 直接回扣International MaritimeOrganization (IMO)国际海事组织Import entry 进口报关(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)。

lecture 11.American Production and Inventory Control Society(APICS)美国生产与库存控制学会2.Supply Chain Council(SCC)供应链管理委员会3.Quick response(QR)快速反应4.Universal Product Code (UPC) 通用产品编码5.Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 电子数据交换6.Point of sale (POS) 销售终端7.Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) 有效客户反应8.Continuous Replenishment Program (CRP) 连续库存补充计划9.Distribution requirements planning (DRP) 分配需求规划10.Vendor managed inventory (VMI) 供应商管理库存11.Supply chain operations reference model( SCOR) 供应链管理的参考模型12.Management information system (MIS) 管理信息系统13.Electronic order system(EOS)电子订货系统14.Radio frequency (RF) 射频15.Bar code(BC)条形码16.Global Position System (GPS) 全球定位系统17.Geographic Information System (GIS) 地理资讯系统18.Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 企业资源计划19.Decision Support Systems (DSS) 决策支持系统20.Integrated information system9 (IIS) 综合信息系统21.Electronic commerce (EC) 电子商务22.Raw materials 原材料23.Finished Product成品24.Work-in-process 在制品25.Value-chain价值链26.Marketplace市场27.Manufacturer 制造商28.Supplier供应商29.Carrier承运商30.Third-party company 第三方公司rmation systems provider信息系统供应商32.Retailer零售商33.Ultimate customer 最终客户34.Internal logistics 内部物流35.External logistics 外部物流36.Third party logistics 第三方物流37.Supply chain model供应链的模式38.Agile SC 敏捷供应链39.lean SC 精益供应链40.Supply and demand management供应和需求的管理41.Procument/Purchase 采购42.Order entry订单录入43.Order processing订单处理44.Order management订单管理45.Inbound 进货46.Outbound 出货47.Distribution center配送中心48.Channel distribution渠道分销49.Delivery交货50.Assembly装配51.Conveyer 传送带52.Pallet 托盘53.Warehousing仓储54.Inventory management库存管理55.Inventory tracking库存跟踪56.In process inventory 在制品库存57.Inventory turnover 库存周转率58.Outsoucing 外包59.Production scheduling生产调度60.Customer service/logistics cost客户服务/物流成本61.Vertical integration纵向一体化62.Horizontal integration 横向一体化63.Mass production大规模生产64.Customized product定制产品65.Employee empowerment员工授权rmation sharing信息共享lecture21.Facility Location 设施定位2.Facility layout 设施布置3.Strategy level 战略层次4.Tactical level 战术层次5.Operational level 运作层6.Inventory Management 库存管理yout Planning 布置计划8.Metric 度量标准9.Vendor 供应商10.Quantity discount 数量折扣11.Minimize 最小化12.Maximum 最大化13.Simultaneously 同时地14.Intricate 复杂的15.Transportation facilities 运输设备bor supply 劳动力供应17.Raw materials 原材料18.Proximity to existing plany 靠近现存工厂19.Floor space 地面空间20.cost of installation 安装成本21.work flow 工作流22.in-process inventory 在制品库存23.Qualitative methods 定性法24.weight average method 加权平均法25.Quantitative methods 定量法26.p-Median problem p-中值问题27.p-Center problem p-中心问题28.uncapacitated facility location problem 无容量限制设施定位问题29.capacitated facility location problem 有容量限制设施定位问题30.quadratic assignment problem 二次分配问题31.Point locations 点定位32.Line locations 线定位33.Two-dimensional locations/layouts 二维定位/布置34.Three-dimensional locations/lauouts 三维定位/布置35.Euclidean Metric 欧几里得度量36.The simple plant location problem (SPLP) 简单工厂定位问题37.capacitated plant location problem 有容量限制的定位问题38.undesirable facility locations 不想要的设施定位问题39.Process layout/function layout 程序布置/功能布置40.Product layout/ flow line layout 产品布置/流水线布置41.Fixed position layout/static layout 固定的定位布局/不变的布局42.work-in-process(WIP) 进程中的工作43.Back flow 回流44.Cross flow 交叉流动/横向流动45.From-to-Charts 从制表法46.Systematic layout Planning (SLP) 彻底的布局计划47.Deployment 部署48.Positioning 位置/placement 布置49.Sitting 选址50.sitting models 选址模型work location 网络定位52.Pragmatic/real 务实的/真实的53.SIAM: Society for Industry and Applied mathematics 工业和应用数学协会54.Distribution pattern 分配结构55.Optimum location 最优定位56.Duplicating/redundant facilities 多余的设备57.Feasible location 可行的位置58.Hub 中心59.Shuttle air traffic 空运60.PCB board /printed circuit board 印刷电路板61.Concession 特许(权)62.Subcontractor 转包合同者63.Agency 机构64.Maintenance department 维修部门65.Panel 控制盘、仪表盘66.Obnoxious/unlike 令人讨厌的67.Intricate /complex 复杂的68.Site selection 地址选择69.Proximity (n)/close/nearness 接近70.Turnover or labor unrest 周转率或者劳动骚乱71.Bulky items /big or heavy 大量货物72.Foundry items 铸造73.By-products 副产品74.Sawdust 锯屑75.Ample /enough 足够的76.Rights-of-way 通行权/筑路权77.Dispersed 分散的,散布的78. A rating procedure/ evaluation procedure 路线调度work configuration 网络结构80.Supply chain design 供应链设计81.Logistics system strategy 物流系统战略82.Warehouse location 仓库定位83.Mathematical programming 数学规划84.Linear programming 线性规划85.Mixed integer programming 混合整数规划86.Heuristics 启发法87.Dynamic programming 动态规划88.Aggregate planning 整合规划89.Hierarchical sitting problems 分等级的选址问题90.Hub location problems 中心定位问题Lecture 31.tacking 堆码2.Goods stack 货垛3.Handing/carrying 搬运4.Loading and unloading 装卸Unit loading and unloading 单元装卸5.Package/packaging 包装6.Palletizing 托盘包装7.sorting 分拣8.Goods collection 集货9.Automatic warehouse 自动化仓库10.Stereoscopic [,steriə'skɔpik] warehouse 立体化仓库11.Receiving space 收货区12.Shipping space 发货区13.Goods yard 货场Goods shelf 货架14.pallet 托盘15.Fork (lift) truck 叉车16.conveyor 运送机输送带17.Automatic guided vehicle自动导引车18.Box car 箱车19.Goods shed 料棚20.Dock月台21.Pallet Jacks板台起重机22.Depth道(Lane)/ 深度23.rack货架托盘货架(Pallet Rack)24.Container集装箱/容器架子/箱子/抽屉(Shelves/Bins/Drawers)25.Barcode条形码26.Swing mast转柱式堆高机27.Storage/Retrieva存贮和拣取[ri'tri:vəl]28.Crossdocking直接换装接驳式转运(Cross Docking)/交叉配送29.repository [ri'pɔzitəri] n. 贮藏室30.consolidation[kən,sɔli'deiʃən]装运整合31.crucial ['kru:ʃiəl, 'kru:ʃəl] adj. 关键的,决定性的32.production line生产线33.category ['kætigəri] n. 种类,类别34.vehicle ['vi:ikl]车辆35.conveyor [kən'veiə]运送带36.Terminal 中转37.dispatch [dis'pætʃ] 派遣38.reorder point在订货点39.Lead time 提前期40.safety inventory安全库存41.Periodic [piəri'ɔdik] inventory周期性库存42.Perpetual [pə'petjuəl] inventory永久库存43.stocktake ['stɔkteik]盘点44.gross profit毛利45.seasonal fluctuations[,flʌktju'eiʃən] 季节波动46.crude measure 粗略计算47.coupon ['ku:pɔn] 配给票48.preceding 前面的,先前的49.FIFO 先进先出50.Holding cost 库存保持成本51.Gross Margin Return on Inventory or GMROI库存总利润回报52.inbound trucks53.Outbound trucks54.the turnaround times for customer orders(卸货加油检修及再装货所需时间)55.Receiving, sorting, storing, retrieving [ri'tri:v]检索and shipping56.delivery and pickup57.Throughput(吞吐量)58.Product damages59.Product obsolescence [,ɔbsə'lesns] n. 荒废,退化ne/ the path in one way/direction61.Trailer ['treilə] n. 追踪者,拖车62.Implication/meaning63.Lever/杠杆,途经,工具,手段64.Consolidation /the places that pickup items together 整合65.Consolidation warehouse 拼货仓库66.Literature/papers67.Overlook忽略68.Payback投资回收率69.Whereby 靠什么? 靠那个70.Less than truck-load(LTL)71.Truck-load(TL)72.Reshipment重装,转载,重装货物73.Tactical/战术上的74.Skeleton ['skelitən] /structure 框要骨架75.Stage for /plan for76.Terminal77.Break-bulk terminal分装的,分件的78.Dispatch 分发79.Constant demand一致性需求80.Forecast81.Third-party logistics provider(3PL)82.Lease/出租83.Pack/Package84.Hassle 混乱,激战85.QR86.VMI87.UPC通用产品代码88.SCOR供应链运作参考模型89.EDI90.SPLP91.POS 销售点92.UFL93.ECR94.WIP Work In Process95.CRP能力需求计划96.SLP97.DRP配送需求计划98.LTL/TLLecture 41.Space Utility 空间效用2.Time Utility 时间效用3.Utility Creation 效用创造4.Road/highway 公路5.Train/rail way 铁路6.Water way/Ocean way 水路7.Aircraft way 航空8.Pipeline way 管道9.Coupon 优惠10.seat ratio上座率11.Scale effect 规模效应12.barge 泊船13.loading capacity 装载能力14.Transit time 在途时间15.Nature of the goods 货物的性质16.Freight 运费17.rates运价18.Cost of service pricing 服务成本定价法19.Full-cost pricing 全成本定价法20.Value-of-service pricing 服务价值定价法21.The variables cost 变动成本22.The fixed cost 固定成本23.third degree price discrimination 三级价格歧视24.Differential pricing:差别定价法25.Head-haul 去程26.Backhaul 返程27.Volume 体积28.Density 密度29.Stowability积载能力30.Accessibility 获得性31.Responsiveness 响应能力32.Claims record 索赔记录33.Reliability 可获得性34.Private Fleet 私人/自营车队35.For-Hire Carriage 雇佣运输36.asset-based logistics firms 以资产为基础的物流公司37.brokers 经纪人、掮客38.Hub terminal 枢纽终端39.satellite terminal 卫星终端40.Contract negotiations 合同谈判41.Efficiency improvement改进效率42.Evaluation of customer service quality levels 客户服务水平评估43.Supervision监控44.Skill requirements 技术要求45.deregulation [di:,regju'leiʃən] 撤消管制规定46.Asset utilization 资产利用率47.terms of sale 销售条款48.credit arrangement 信贷安排49.door to door transit time门到门在途时间50.transit time reliability or consistency 在途时间可靠性和一致性51.detention charge and demurrage fee 滞留费52.Break-bulk services 散货服务53.Transit privileges 在途特权54.Product tracking产品跟踪Lecture 51.Letter of Credit(L/C,信用证)2.Revocable/ irrevocable L/C; (可取消/不可取消信用证)3.Confirmed/unconfirmed L/C;(保兑信用证和不保兑信用证)4.Transferable/untransferable L/C (可转让信用证和不可转让信用证)5.Quay crane 岸桥(QC)6.Yard crane场桥(YC)7.Yard Truck集卡(MT)8.Multi-trailer多箱拖车9.Straddle carrier叉车10.AGV自动导引车11.Automated Loft vehicle自动提升车12.Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit标箱13.Stowage planning problem装船计划问题14.Berth Allocation problem泊位分配问题15.Storage Allocation problem堆场分配问题16.QC Scheduling problem岸桥调度问题17.YT scheduling Problem集卡调度问题18.YC Scheduling problem场桥调度问题19.Vehicle Routing problem车辆调度问题20.Counter-sign确认21.Clearance 清关22.Antidumping 反倾销政策的23.An import license system 进口许可证制24.In the covering letter 说明书25.Import Quota system 进口配额制26.Call for 需要plete Set of Bills of Lading 整套提单28.Shipped on board Bill of lading 已装船提单29.Marked Freight Prepaid (or Paid) 注明运费已付30.On Deck Bill of lading 甲板货提单31.Charter party bill of lading 租船契约提单32.En route在途中33.Oncarrier转运人/ shipowner船舶所有人34.FAS(Free alongside ship) 船边交货35.CIF(Cost,Insurance,Freight) 成本+保险费+运费(到岸价)36.CFR(Cost+Freight) 成本加运费37.Licence 出口许可证38.Quota 配额39.Proforma Invoicemercial Invoice 商业发票41.Consular Invoice 领事发票42.Letter of Credit 信用证43.Draft 汇票44.Custom Document 海关单据45.Certification of Origin 产地证46.bill of lading 提单47.Packing List 装箱单48.certificate of insurance 保险单49.E&O.E. (Errors and Omissions Excepted) 有错当查50.Consignment 货物的交托, 交货51.Tariffs 关税52.Bill of Lading B/L提单53.bill of receipt 收货单pensating limitation 赔偿限额55.Shipped on Board B/L 已装船提单56.Received for shipment B/L 备运提单57.Clean B/L 清洁提单58.unclean B/L 不清洁提单59.Straight B/L 记名提单60.Open B/L 不记名提单61.order B/L 指示提单62.direct shipment B/L 直达提单63.through B/L 联运提单64.transshipment B/L 转船提单65.On Deck B/L 舱面提单/甲板货提单66.Charter Party B/L 租船提单67.Modal-transport联合运输68.through transport直达运输69.transfer transport中转运输70.containerized transport集装运输71.container transport集装箱运输72.door-to-door门到门73.International modal-transport国际多式联运nd bridge transport大陆桥运输75.full container load (FCL)整箱货76.less than container load (LCL)拼箱货77.Less than a truck load (LTL)零担78. a truck load (TL)整担79.bulk goods大件货物80.valued goods高价值的货物81.Brokers经纪人82.Agency代理人83.Association 协会84.Custom海关85.Insurance保险86.Harbor港口87.International Commercial Terms国际商务条款88.Invoice发票89.Bills of lading提单90.Contract合同91.term of payment支付条款92.charge费用93.EXW:Work/ExFactory 工厂交货94.FCA:货交承运人(指定地点)Free Carrier95.FAS:船边交货(指定装运港)96.FOB:船上交货Free On Board97.CFR(cost and freight)成本加运费价98.CIF:成本、保险加海运费COST,INSURANCE,FRIGHT99.CPT:运费付至目的地Carriage Paid To100.CIP:运费、保险费付至目的地Carriage and Insurance Paid To101.DAF:边境交货Delivered At Frontier102.DES:目的港船上交货Delivered Ex Ship103.DEQ:目的港码头交货Delivered Ex Quay104.DDU:未完税交货Delivered Duty Unpaid ,DDP:完税后交货Delivered Duty Paid 105.Obligation义务106.transfer boundary货物权的运输边界107.title权利108.price off shore离岸价109.Ex-Works price 工厂内的费用110.clear customs dues清关费111.quality inspection charges质检费112.weight measurement charges 称重费113.shipment term装运条款114.Shipped on Board装上船115.Boarded越过船舷116.pays freight货运费117.transfer expenses递送费118.collecting vehicle收集车辆119.custody 保管120.nominates 负责121.FAS(Free alongside ship)船边交货/只适用海运/水运122.inland waterway 国内水路运输123.export clearance obligation 清关责任124.vessel 大船。

物流英语1-货运常用语货物goods | | freight | | cargo运输transportation | | transit | | conveyance运送to transport | | to carry | | to convey运输业transportation business | | forwarding business | | carrying trade运输代理人a forwarding agent承运人a freight agent | | a carrier船务代理人a shipping agent陆上运输transportation by land海上运输transportation by sea货物运输goods traffic | | freight traffic | | carriage of freights | | carriage of goods 货轮cargo boat | | freighter | | cargo steamer | | cargo carrier火车goods-train | | freight-train卡车goods-van | | goods wagon | | freight car | | truck货运办公室goods-office | | freight-department运费率freight | | freight rates | | goods rate运费carriage charges | | shipping expenses | | express charges车费cartage | | portage运费预付carriage prepaid | | carriagepaid运费到付carriage forward | | freight collect运费免除||免费carriagefree协定运费conference freight | | freight rate运费清单freight account托运单way-bill || invoice运送契约contract for carriage装运shipment | | loading装上货轮to ship | | to load | | to take on a ship装运费shipping charges| | shipping commission装运单||载货单shipping invoice装运单据shippingdocuments大副收据mate's receipt装船单shipping order提货单deliveryorder装船通知shippingadvice包裹收据parcel receipt准装货单shipping permit契约charter party人charterer程租船||航次租赁voyagecharter期租船time charter允许装卸时间lay days | | laying days工作日working days连续天数running days | | consecutive days滞期费demurrage滞期日数demurrage days速遣费despatch money空舱费dead freight退关short shipment | | goods short shipped | | goods shut out | | shut-outs赔偿保证书(信托收据) letter ofindemnity | | trust receipt装载loading卸货unloading | | discharging | | landing装运重量shipping weight | | in-take-weight卸货重量landing weight压舱ballasting压舱货in ballast舱单manifest船泊登记证书ship's certificate of registry航海日记ship's log船员名册muster-roll(船员,乘客)健康证明bill of health光票clean bill不清洁提单foul bill有疑问提单suspected bill物流英语2-交货相关条件交货delivery轮船steamship(缩写S.S)装运、装船shipment租船charter (the chartered ship)交货时间time of delivery定程租船voyage charter;装运期限time of shipment定期租船time charter托运人(一般指出口商)shipper,consignor收货人consignee班轮regular shipping liner驳船lighter舱位shipping space油轮tanker报关clearance of goods陆运收据cargo receipt提货to take delivery of goods空运提单airway bill正本提单original B\L选择港(任意港)optional port选港费optional charges选港费由买方负担optional charges to beborne by the Buyers 或optional charges for Buyers account一月份装船shipment during January 或January shipment一月底装船shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipment on or beforeJan.31st.一/二月份装船shipment during Jan./Feb.或Jan./Feb. shipment在......(时间)分两批装船shipment during....in two lots在......(时间)平均分两批装船shipment during....in two equal lots分三个月装运in three monthly shipments分三个月,每月平均装运in three equal monthly shipments立即装运immediate shipments即期装运prompt shipments收到信用证后30天内装运shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C允许分批装船 partial shipment not allowed partial shipment not permitted partial shipment not unacceptable物流英语3-搬运注意事项小心搬运Handle with care/With care此端向上This side up/This end up请勿用钩Use no hooks /Do not use dog hooks/No hooks不可滚转Don’t turn over不可掉落Don’t drop/Not to be dropped保持干燥Keep dry不可横置Keep flat/Stow level保持直立Stand on end/To be kept upright易腐物品perishable goods保持冷冻(不可近热) Stow in a cool place/Keep cool/Keep from heat/Stow cool不可平放Not to be laid flat/Never lay flat不可抛掷Not to be thrown down不可接近锅炉或机器Away from boilers and engines小心易碎Fragile-with care防止潮湿Guard against damp。

物流常用英语大杂烩(3)物流常用英语大杂烩物流容器,站台,月台 physical distribution model 物流标准 powered pallet truck电动拖板车 powered stacker自走式电动堆高机 push-back pallet racking后推式重型物料钢架 rack货架 rack notice标示牌 reach truck前伸式电动堆高机 returnable container 9.0pt通用容器 roll container笼车 roller conveyor滚筒式输送机safety pin插销 safety stock安全储备 scrubber洗地机 shed临时周转仓库 shelving轻量型物料钢架 shuttle car梭车 slat conveyor条板式输送机slotted-angle shelving角钢架 sorting分类 special cargo特殊货物 spot stock现场储备 stacker crane自动存取机高架吊车 stacking堆垛 stockout frequency 9.0pt 缺货频率 storage 存储 support bar跨梁 surface utilization percentage表面利用率 sweeper扫地机 table trolley物流台车 third part logistics 9.0pt第三方物流 third party logistics service provider第三方物流服务商 transit inventory中转存货 transportation运输 transportation package size by modular coordination 运输包装系列尺寸 tray conveyor盘式输送机truck terminal卡车货运站 turntable转盘unit load单元货载 unit load system单元货载系统 upright支柱 upright protctors护脚 value added network-VAN加值网络 vanning装箱 vertical conveyor垂直输送机 very narrow aisle truck窄巷道电动堆高机 warehouse仓库 WCS仓储控制系统THC T eminal Handling Charge 码头操作费ORC Receiving Charger at Origin 出运港货运费ARB Arbitariec 中转费MSC BAF\CAF\PSS\STF\RPF\RPS\PCS\NPS\WRSBAF Bunker Adjustment Factor 燃油附加费CAF Crecy Adjustment Factor 币值附加费PSS Peak Season Charge 旺季附加费STF Suez Transit Fee 苏伊士运河附加费RPS 吊箱费PCS Port Congestion Surcharge 港口拥挤费NPS Niertian Port Srucharge 尼日利亚港口附加费WRS War Risk Srucharge 战争风险附加费DDC Delivevry Charges at Destination 目的港交货费EBS Emergency Bunker Srucharge 紧急燃油附加费R/R Rate / Restoration 费率恢复费EBA Emergency Bunker Additional 应急燃油费YAS Yen Appreciation Surcharge 币值附加费GRIGeneral Rate Increase 正常费率增加PTFPanama Canal Transit Fee 巴拿马运河费IFPInterim Fuel Participation 暂时燃油附加费ETSEmergency Truking Surcharge 应急卡车附加费DOCDocument Fee 文件费ERCEquuipency Repositioning Charge 集装箱返回费CGSContingency Surcharge 拥挤附加费IFAInterim Fnel Assessment 暂时燃油费SPSShanghai Port Surcharge 上海港口附加费FRCFnel Recovery Charge 燃油恢复费CUCChassis Usage Charge 底盘使用费MCSMetal Coil Surcharge 卷钢附加费RFCRail Fuel Recovery Charge 铁路燃油恢复费CDSCalcutta Draft Srucharge 加尔各达附加费TARTempoary Additional Risk Surcharge 临时战争风险附加费CY Container Yard 集装箱堆场CFSContainer Feright Station 集装箱中转站FAFFuel Additional Fee 燃油附加费CFS Container Freight Station 集装箱货运站TEU Twenty-feet Equivalent Unit 换算箱THC Teminal Handling Charge 码头操作费ORC Receiving Charger at Origin 出运港货运费ARB Arbitariec 中转费MSC BAF\CAF\PSS\STF\RPF\RPS\PCS\NPS\WRS BAF Bunker Adjustment Factor 燃油附加费CAF Crecy Adjustment Factor 币值附加费PSS Peak Season Charge 旺季附加费STF Suez Transit Fee 苏伊士运河附加费RPS 吊箱费PCS Port Congestion Surcharge 港口拥挤费NPS Niertian Port Srucharge 尼日利亚港口附加费WRS War Risk Srucharge 战争风险附加费DDC Delivevry Charges at Destination 目的港交货费EBS Emergency Bunker Srucharge 紧急燃油附加费R/R Rate / Restoration 费率恢复费EBA Emergency Bunker Additional 应急燃油费YAS Yen Appreciation Surcharge 币值附加费GRIGeneral Rate Increase 正常费率增加PTFPanama Canal Transit Fee 巴拿马运河费IFPInterim Fuel Participation 暂时燃油附加费ETSEmergency Truking Surcharge 应急卡车附加费DOCDocument Fee 文件费ERC下载文档。

国际物流费用中英文用语(大全)与物流费用分析外贸与报关的重要词汇海运费 ocean freight集卡运费、短驳费 Drayage订舱费 booking charge报关费 customs clearance fee操作劳务费 labour fee or handling charge商检换单费 exchange fee for CIP换单费 D/O fee拆箱费 De-vanning charge港杂费 port sur-charge电放费 B/L surrender fee冲关费 emergent declearation change海关查验费 customs inspection fee待时费 waiting charge仓储费 storage fee改单费 amendment charge拼箱服务费 LCL service charge动、植检疫费 animal & plant quarantine fee移动式其重机费 mobile crane charge进出库费 warehouse in/out charge提箱费 container stuffing charge滞期费 demurrage charge滞箱费 container detention charge卡车运费 cartage fee商检费 commodity inspection fee转运费 transportation charge污箱费 container dirtyness change坏箱费用 container damage charge清洁箱费 container clearance charge分拨费 dispatch charge车上交货 FOT ( free on track )电汇手续费 T/T fee转境费/过境费 I/E bonded charge空运方面的专用术语空运费 air freight机场费 air terminal charge空运提单费 airway bill feeFSC (燃油附加费) fuel surchargeSCC(安全附加费) security sur-charge抽单费 D/O fee上海港常用术语内装箱费 container loading charge(including inland drayage)疏港费 port congestion charge他港常用术语场站费 CFS charge文件费 document charge物流费用分析常见的物流费用包括以下几种:海洋运费:Ocean Freight, 从装运港到卸货港的海洋运输费用,按照货物运输方式及性质计价方式回不一样,如集装箱运输,按照每个集装箱收费,集装箱分为普通干箱(General Purpose, Dry)和特种集装箱,按照集装箱大小分为20’, 40’, 20’H(High, 高箱), 40’H(High,高箱),45’等;特种集装箱分为挂衣箱、平板箱、框架箱、冷冻箱、开顶箱、半封闭箱等。

物流行业常用英语首页 > 行业宝典 > 物流行业求职宝典 > 6.2 物流行业常用英语:1 article 物品2 logistics 物流3 logistics activity 物流活动4 logistics operation 物流作业5 logistics modulus 物流模数6 logistics technology 物流技术7 logistics cost 物流成本8 logistics management 物流管理9 logistics center 物流中心10 logistics network 物流网络11 logistics information 物流信息12 logistics enterprise 物流企业13 logistics documents 物流单证14 logistics alliance 物流联盟15 supply logistics 供应物流16 production logistics 生产物流17 distribution logistics 销售物流18 returned logistics 回收物流19 waste material logistics 废弃物物流20 environmental logistics 绿色物流21 internal logistics 企业物流22 e某ternal logistics 社会物流23 military logistics 军事物流24 international logistics 国际物流25 Third Part Logistics (TPL) 第三方物流26 customized logistics 定制物流27 virtual logistics 虚拟物流28 value-added logistics service 增值物流服务29 supply chain 供应链30 bar code 条码31 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 电子数据交换32 tangible loss 有形损耗33 intangible loss 无形损耗二、物流作业术语34 transportation 运输35 combined transport 联合运输36 throuth transport 直达运输37 transfer transport 中转运输38 drop and pull transport 甩挂运输39 containerized transport 集装运输40 container transport 集装箱运输41 door-to-door 门到门42 door to cy 门到场43 door to cfs 门到站44 Full Container Load (FCL) 整箱货45 Less-than Container Load (LCL) 拼箱货46 storing 储存47 storage 保管48 article reserves 物品储存49 inventory 库存50 cycle stock 经常库存51 safety stock 安全库存52 inventory cycle time 库存周期53 lead time 前置期(或提前期)54 order cycle time 订货处理周期55 goods stack 货垛56 stacking 堆码57 handling carrying 搬运58 loading and unloading 装卸59 unit loading and unloading 单元装卸60 package/packaging 包装61 sales package 销售包装62 packing of nominated brand 定牌包装63 neutral packing 中立包装64 transport package 运输包装65 palletizing 托盘包装66 containerization 集装化67 in bulk 散装化68 cross docking 直接换装69 distribution 配送70 joint distribution 共同配送71 distribution center 配送中心72 sorting 分拣73 order picking 拣选74 goods collection 集货75 assembly 组配76 distribution processing 流通加工77 cold chain 冷链78 inspection 检验第三节物流技术装配及设施术语79 warehouse 仓库80 storehouse 库房81 automatic warehouse 自动化仓库82 stereoscopic warehouse 立体仓库83 virtual warehouse 虚拟仓库84 boned warehouse 保税仓库85 e某port supervised warehouse 出口监管仓库86 cargo under custom's supervision 海关监管货物87 chill space 冷藏区88 freeze space 冷冻区89 humidity controlled space 控湿储存区90 temperature controlled space 温度可控区91 receiving space 收货区92 shipping space 发货区93 goods shed 料棚94 goods yard 货场95 goods shelf 货架96 pallet 托盘97 fork lift truck 叉车98 converyor 输送机99 Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGV) 自动导引机100 bo某 car 箱式车101 container 集装箱102 Twenty-feet Equivalent Unit (TEU) 换算箱103 speciffic cargo container 特种货物集装箱104 full container ship 全集装箱船105 railway container yard 铁路集装箱场106 inland container depot 公路集装箱中转站107 container terminal 集装箱码头108 international through railway transport 国际铁路联运109 international multimodal transport 国际多式联运110 land bridge transport 大陆桥运输111 liner transport 班轮运输112 shipping by chartering 租船运输113 shipping agency 船务代理114 international freight forwarding agent 国际货运代理115 tally 理货116 international transportation cargo insurance 国际货物运输保险 117 customs declaration 报关118 customs broker 报关行119 commodity inspection 进出口商品检验第四节物流管理术语120 logistics strategy 物流战略121 logistics strategy management 物流战略管理122 warehouse management 仓库管理123 warehouse layout 仓库布局124 inventory control 库存控制125 Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) 经济订货批量126 Fi某ed Quantity System (FQS) 定量订货方式127 Fi某ed Interval System (FIS) 定期订货方式128 ABC classification ABC分类管理129 Electronic Order System (EOS) 电子订货系统130 Just-in-time (JIT) 准时制131 just-in-time logistics 准时制物流132 zero-inventory logistics 零库存技术133 logistics cost control 物流成本管理134 Material Requirements Planning (MRP) 物料需要计划135 Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP Ⅱ) 制造资源计划136 Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP) 配送需要计划137 Distribution Resource Planning (DRPⅡ) 配送资源计划138 Logistics Resource Planning (LRP) 物流资源计划139 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 企业资源计划140 Supply Chain Management (SCM) 供应链管理141 Quick Response (QR) 快速反应142 Efficient Customer Response (ECR) 有效客户反应143 Continuous Replenishment Program (CRP) 连续库存补充计划144 Computer Assisted Ordering (CAO) 计算机辅助订货系统145 Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) 供应商管理库存146 outsourcing 业务外包第五节其他常见术语147 accounting cost 会计成本148 accuracy audit 正确性审计149 Activity Based Classification ABC分类法150 actual weight 实际重量151 added value 附加价值152 after-sales service 售后服务153 aggregate shipments 合并出货154 air pollution 空气污染155 air freight 空运货件156 Application Service Provider (ASP) 应用供应商157 arbitrage 套利158 asset recovery 资源回收159 Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS) 自动仓储系统 160 Automated Vehicle Identification (AVI) 自动车辆识别161 automated warehouse 自动仓库162 Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) 自动车辆位置163 available vehicle capacity 车辆承载能力164 average clear stacking height 平均净堆叠高度165 back haul 回程166 backwardation 现货溢价167 bar code label 条形码标签168 bar code scanner 条形码扫描机169 base stock 基本存货170 batch numbers 批号171 bay 区域172 bear 卖空者173 bear market 熊市174 belt conveyor 皮带式输送带175 bi-directional read 双向读取176 Bill of Lading (B/L) 托运单177 Bill of Materials (BOM) 物料用量清单178 broken carton 已拆箱179 broker 经纪人180 bulk carrier 散装运送业181 bulk container 散装集装箱182 bull 卖空者183 bull market 牛市184 Business Process Reengineering (BPR) 业务流程重组 185 cancellation charge 取消订单费用186 cargo 货物187 cargo booking 预约托运188 cargo inspection 检查货物189 cash discount 现金折扣190 centralized dispatching 集中式派车191 centralized procurement 集中采购192 channel of distribution 分销渠道193 check in 进货清点194 Chief Logistics Officer (CLO) 物流主管195 claim 索赔196 closed distribution system 封闭式配送系统197 consumer physical distribution 消费者物流198 container terminal 集装箱码头199 cooperative buying 联合采购200 cost control 成本控制201 crane 起重机202 cubed out 装载率203 customer service 客户服务204 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 客户关系管理 205 data warehousing 数据仓库206 deadhead 空回头车207 declining conveyor 倾斜式输送机208 de-consolidation center 分货中心209 delivery costs 配送成本210 delivery cycle 配送周期211 delivery error 误送212 delivery note 出货清单213 delivery terminal 配送站214 demand forecasting 需求预测215 depalletizer 卸托盘机216 design for logistics 为物流而设计217 direct distribution 直接配送218 direct store delivery 直接配送到商店219 dispatct area 出货区220 Distributed Resource Planning (DRP) 分销资源计划 221 Decision Support System (DSS) 决策支持系统222 domestic intercity trucking 国内长途货运223 domestic logistics 国内物流224 double floor stacking 双层堆积225 double pallets handling 双托盘处理226 double - pallet jack 双托盘设备227 duty 关税228 economic stock 经济存货229 electronic clearance 电子通关230 e某port 出口231 e某clusive distribution 独家分销232 E某ecutive Support System (ESS) 高层主管支持系统 233 fact tag 产品说明标签234 factory price 出厂价235 firewall 防火墙236 fi某ed rack 固定式货架237 flatbed trailer 平台拖车238 fleet 车(船)队239 furniture removal carriers 搬家公司240 gateway 转运站241 Geographic Information System (GIS) 地理信息系统 242 Global Positioning System (GPS) 全球定位系统243 global logistics 全球物流244 hand truck 手推车245 handheld scanner 手提式扫描仪246 heat insulating material 隔热材料247 hot tag 紧急标签248 Industrial Engineering (IE) 工业工程249 integrated logistics 集成物流250 Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) 综合业务数据网 251 interchange terminal 联运站252 inventory control 库存控制253 joint distribution 共同配送254 kanban system 看板系统255 knowledge management 知识管理256 label making machine 标签机257 laser scanner 激光扫描仪258 logistician 物流师259 logisticis engineering 物流工程260 logistics management 物流管理261 loose packages 散装262 make to order 定单生产263 market orientation 市场导向264 marking machine 打标机265 market share 市场份额266 materials handing equipment 物料搬运设备267 middleware 中间件268 multi - story warehouse 多层仓库269 net weight 净重270 noise pollution 噪音污染271 number plate 牌照272 on season 旺季273 Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) 开放数据库互联274 optical scanners 光学扫描仪275 order processing 定单处理276 Order Point System (OPS) 定货点法277 overload 超载278 package 包裹279 process center 处理中心280 procurement 采购281 quality control 质量控制282 quarantine 检疫283 quotas 配额284 rack 货架285 regional distribution center 区域物流中心286 retail selling 零售287 safety stock 安全库存288 sealing machine 封装机289 supply chain 供应链290 Supply Chain Management (SCM) 供应链管理291 tank container 罐装集装箱292 temporary labor 临时工293 Theory of Constraint (TOC) 约束理论294 vacuum packaging 真空包装295 vehicle 车辆296 voice recognition 语音识别297 warehousing 仓储298 waste 废弃物299 wholesalers 批发商300 zero stock 零库存上一篇:物流行业基本知识下一篇:关于应届毕业生网第 11 页共 11 页。

常用物流英语单词基本概念术语1.物品 article2.物流 logistics3.物流活动 logistics activity4.物流作业 logistics operation5.物流模数 logistics modulus6.物流技术 logistics technology7.物流成本 logistics cost8.物流管理 logistics management9.物流中心 logistics center10.物流网络 logistics network11.物流信息 logistics information12.物流企业 logistics enterprise13.物流单证 logistics documents14.物流联盟 logistics alliance15.供应物流 supply logistics16.生产物流 production logistics17.销售物流 distribution logistics18.回收物流 returned logistics19.废弃物物流 waste material logistics20.绿色物流 environmental logistics21.企业物流 internal logistics22.社会物流 external logistics23.军事物流 military logistics24.国际物流 international logistics25.第三方物流 third-part logistics (TPL26.定制物流 customized logistics27.虚拟物流 virtual logistics28.增值物流服务 value-added logistics service29.供应链 supply chain30.条码 bar code31.电子数据交换 electronic data interchange (EDI32.有形消耗 tangible loss33.无形消耗 intangible loss物流作业术语1.运输 transportation2.联合运输 combined transport3.直达运输 through transport4.中转运输 transfer transport5.甩挂运输 _drop and pull transport6.集装运输 containerized transport7.集装箱运输 container transport8.门到门 door-to-door9.整箱货 full container load (FCL10.拼箱货 less than container load (LCL11.储存 storing12.保管 storage13.物品储存 article reserves14.库存 inventory15.经常库存 cycle stock16.安全库存 safety stock17.库存周期 inventory cycle time18.前置期(或提前期 lead time19.订货处理周期 order cycle time20.货垛 goods stack21.堆码 stacking22.搬运 handling/carrying23.装卸 loading and unloading24.单元装卸 unit loading and unloading25.包装 package/packaging26.销售包装 sales package27.定牌包装 packing of nominated brand28.中性包装 neutral packing29.运输包装 transport package30.托盘包装 palletizing31.集装化 containerization32.散装化 containerization33.直接换装 cross docking34.配送 distribution35.共同配送 joint distribution36.配送中心 distribution center37.分拣 sorting38.拣选 order picking39.集货 goods collection40.组配 assembly41.流通加工 distribution processing42.冷链 cold chain43.检验 inspection物流技术装备及设施术语1.仓库 warehouse2.库房 storehouse3.自动化仓库 automatic warehouse4.4立体仓库 stereoscopic warehouse5.虚拟仓库 virtual warehouse6.保税仓库 boned warehouse7.出口监管仓库 export supervised warehouse8.海关监管货物cargo under customs’s supervision9.冷藏区 chill space10.冷冻区 freeze space11.控湿储存区 humidity controlled space12.温度可控区 temperature controlled space13.收货区 receiving space14.发货区 shipping space15.料棚 goods shed16.货场 goods yard17.货架 goods shelf18.托盘 pallet19.叉车 fork lift truck20.输送机 conveyor21.自动导引车 automatic guided vehicle (AGV22.箱式车 box car23.集装箱 container24.换算箱 twenty-feet equivalent unit (TEU25.特种货物集装箱 specific cargo container26.全集装箱船 full container ship27.铁路集装箱场 railway container yard28.公路集装箱中转站 inland container depot29. station 29.集装箱货运站 container freight station (CFS 30. 30.集装箱码头 container terminal 31. 31.国际铁路联运 international through railway transport 32. 32.国际多式联运 international multimodal transport 33. 33.大陆桥运输 land bridge transport 34. 34.班轮运输 liner transport 35. 35.租船运输 shipping by chartering 36. 36.船务代理 shipping agency 37. 37.国际货运代理 international freight forwarding agent 38. 38.理货 tally 39. 39.国际货物运输保险international transportation cargo insurance 40. 40.报关 customs declaration 41.41.报关行 customs broker 42. 42.进出口商品检验 commodity inspection 奖罚物流管理术语 1.物流战略 logistics strategy logistics 2.物流战略管理 logistics strategy management 3.仓库管理 warehouse management 4.仓库布局 warehouse layout 5.库存控制 inventory control 66.经济订货批量 economic order quantity (EOQ fixed7.定量订货方式 fixed-quantity system (FQS fixed8.定期订货方式 fixed-quantity system (FIS 9.ABC 分类管理 ABC classification 10.电子订货系统 10.电子订货系统 Electronic order system (EOS 11. 11.准时制 just in time (JIT 12. just-in12.准时制物流 just-in-time logistics 13. zero13.零库存技术 zero-inventory logistics 14. 14.物流成本管理 logistics cost control 15. 15.物料需要计划 material requirements planning (MRP 16. (MRP 16.制造资源计划 manufacturing resource planning (MRP II 17.配送需要计划 distribution requirements planning (DRP 17. 18. 18.配送资源计划distribution resource planning (DRP II 19. 19.物流资源计划 logistics resource planning (LRP 20. 20.企业资源计划 enterprise resource planning (ERP 21. 21.供应链管理 supply chain management (SCM 22. 22.快速反映 Quick response (QR 23. 23.有效客户反映 efficient customer response(ECR 24. 24.连续库存补充计划 continuous replenishment program (CRP 25. 25.计算机付诸订货系统 computer assisted ordering ( 726. 26.供应商管理库存 vendor managed inventory (VMI 27. 27.业务外包outsourcing 8。

物流常用英语大杂烩(2)物流常用英语大杂烩packaging包装pallet托盘,栈板pallet container栈板笼架pallet pool system 9.0pt通用托盘系统pallet racking传统式重型物料钢架palletization托盘化palletizer托盘堆垛机palletizing pattern 9.0pt托盘装载方式pick up货物聚集picking拣货,拣选作业pictorial marking for handling货运标识pinwheel pattern针轮式码放plan view size平面尺寸plastic binplastic pallet塑胶栈板platform物流容器,站台,月台physical distribution model 物流标准powered pallet truck电动拖板车powered stacker自走式电动堆高机push-back pallet racking 后推式重型物料钢架rack货架rack notice标示牌reach truck前伸式电动堆高机returnable container 9.0pt 通用容器roll container笼车roller conveyor滚筒式输送机(带)safety pin插销safety stock安全储备scrubbershed临时周转仓库shelving轻量型物料钢架shuttle car梭车slat conveyor条板式输送机(带)slotted-angle shelving角钢架sorting分类special cargo特殊货物spot stock现场储备stacker crane自动存取机高架吊车stacking堆垛stockout frequency 9.0pt 缺货频率storage存储support bar跨梁surface utilization percentage表面利用率sweeper扫地机table trolley物流台车third part logistics 9.0pt第三方物流third party logistics service provider第三方物流服务商transit inventory中转存货transportation运输transportation package size by modular coordination 运输包装系列尺寸tray conveyor盘式输送机(带)truck terminal卡车货运站turntable转盘unit load单元货载unit load system单元货载系统upright支柱upright protctors护脚value added network-VAN加值网络vanning装箱vertical conveyor垂直输送机very narrow aisle truck窄巷道电动堆高机warehouse仓库WCS仓储控制系统油压拖板车 horizontal bracing横撑 industrial door工业门 industrial vehicle 9.0pt工业车辆 intermodal transportation复合一贯运输 lashing捆扎加固 levelling plate垫片 LGV激光引导无人搬运车 load efficient装载效率 loading and unloading 9.0pt 装卸 logistical utilities 9.0pt物流效用 logistics物流 materials handling 9.0pt物料搬运 mezzanines floor积层架 mini-load AS/RS料盒式自动仓库系统 mobile dock leveller 月台桥板 mobile shelving移动柜 net unit load size 9.0pt净单元货载尺寸 operation area理货区 order picking truck电动拣料车 order picking指令拣选 order shipped complete 9.0pt 订货完成率 packaged cargo包装货物 packaging包装 pallet托盘, 栈板 pallet container栈板笼架 pallet pool system 9.0pt通用托盘系统 pallet racking传统式重型物料钢架 palletization托盘化 palletizer托盘堆垛机 palletizing pattern 9.0pt托盘装载方式 pick up货物聚集 picking拣货, 拣选作业 pictorial marking for handling 货运标识 pinwheel pattern针轮式码放 plan view size平面尺寸 plastic bin物料盒 plastic pallet塑胶栈板 platform下载文档润稿写作咨询。

188 长途 Long-distance
189 短途 Short
190 市配 inter city distribution
191 外配 outer city distribution
192 高位货架 high bay rack
193 搬运 Handling
112 专线 Line
113 工厂 Factory
114 异常 Abnormal
115 数量 Amount
116 汇总 Summary
117 描述 Description
118 立方数 cube
119 吨位 Tonnage
120 重量 Weight
121 体积 Volume
179 备货区 section for delivery preparation
180 停放 Parking
181 堆码层数 Stacking lay
182 批次 Batch
183 制造 manufacture
184 日期 Date
185 代码 Code
186 加固 Reinforcement
序号 中文 英文
1 贝业新兄弟 boyol newbrother
2 物品 article
3 物流 logistics
4 物流活动 logistics activity
5 物流成本 logistics cost
6 物流管理 logistics management
194 提货 Picking up
195 配送 Distribution
196 退货 Return
国际物流常用英语[小编整理]第一篇:国际物流常用英语Voyage Charter Party on Time BasisFixture NoteFree In(FI)Free Out(FO)Free In and Out(FIO)Free In and Out,Stowed and Trimmed(FIOST)Declaration of ship's Deadweight Tonnage of CargoDunnage and separationsLump-sum freightWeather working days(W.W.D)Notice of Readiness(NOR)Idle formalityLaytime statementDamage for DetentionCustomary Quick Despatch(CQD)International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code(IMDG)Booking NoteShipping Order(S/O)Mate's ReceiptLoading ListCargo Manifest Stowage PlanDangerous Cargo ListStowage Factor Inward cargoOutward cargoContainer yard(CY)运输代理行提单船舶适航租船合同(租约)航次租船合同定期租船合同光船租船合同公共承运人私人承运人单航次租船合同连续单航次租船合同往返航次租船合同包运合同航次期租合同租船确认书船方不负责装费船方不负责卸费船方不负责装卸费船方不负责装卸、理舱和平舱费宣载通知书垫舱和隔舱物料整船包价运费良好天气工作日船舶准备就绪通知书例行手续装卸时间计算表延期损失习惯快速装运国际海上危险品货物规则(国际危规)托运单(定舱委托书)装货单(下货纸)收货单装货清单载货清单(货物舱单)货物积载计划危险品清单积载因素(系数)进港货出港货集装箱堆场Container Freight Station(CFS)Container Load PlanConventional Container Ship Semi-container ShipFull Container ShipFull Container Load(FCL)Less Container Load(LCL)Delivery Order(D/O)Dock receiptTwenty equivalent unit(TEU)Equipment Interchange Receipt(EIR)Demurrage Crew List Log bookLiner transportTramp transportMinimum Freight Maximum FreightAccomplish a Bill of Lading(to)Ad valorem freightAddress commission(Addcomm)AdjustmentAverage adjuster Average bond Average guaranteeAct of GodAll in rateAnnual surveyAll purposes(A.P)All time saved(a.t.s)Always afloatAnchorageAnchorage dues Arbitration awardArbitratorArrest a shipArea differentialAddendum(to a charter party)ApronBale or bale capacity Back(return)loadBack to back charter集装箱货运站集装箱装箱单集装箱两用船半集装箱船全集装箱船整箱货拼箱货提货单(小提单)场站收据二十尺集装箱换算单位集装箱设备交接单滞期费船员名册航行日志班轮运输不定期(租船)运输最低运费最高运费付单提货从价运费回扣佣金海损理算海损理算师海损分摊担保书海损担保书天灾总运费率年度检验全部装卸时间节省的全部时间始终保持浮泊锚地锚泊费仲裁裁决仲裁员扣押船舶地区差价(租船合同)附件码头前沿货舱包装容积回程货转租合同BackfreightBallast(to)BargeBarratryBarrel handler Base cargo(1)Base cargo(2)Bundle(Bd)BeamBearer(of a B/L)Both ends(Bends)BoatmanBuoyBunker escalation clauseDerrickFork-lift truckBoom of a fork-lift truckBoth to blame collision clause Book space Bottom Bottom stow cargo Bottomry loanBreakbulkBreakbulk cargoBroken stowageBrokerageBulk cargoBulk carrierBulk containerAmerican Bureau of Shipping(A.B.S.)Bureau Veritas(B.V.)CabotageCanal transit duesCapsize vessel Captain Car carrierCar container Cargo hook Cargo sharingCargo superintendentCargo tankCargo tracer回程运费空载行驶驳船船员不轨桶抓垫底货起运货量捆(包装单位)船宽提单持有人装卸两港缆工浮标燃料涨价条款吊杆铲车铲车臂互有过失碰撞条款洽订舱位船体舱底货船舶抵押贷款零担零担货物亏舱经纪人佣金散装货散货船散货集装箱美国船级社法国船级社沿海运输运河通行税超宽型船船长汽车运输船汽车集装箱货钩货载份额货物配载主管货箱短少货物查询单CargoworthinessCarryingsCertificate of seaworthinessCesser clauseChassisClaims adjuster 理赔人Classification certificate 船级证书Classification register 船级公告Classification society 船级社Classification survey 船级检验Paramount clause 首要条款Clean(petroleum)products 精练油Clean the holds(to)清洁货舱Closing date 截至日Closure of navigation 封航Collapsible flattrack 折叠式板架集装箱Completely knocked down(CKD)全拆装Compulsory pilotage 强制引航Conference 公会Congestion 拥挤Congestion surcharge 拥挤费Con-ro ship 集装箱/滚装两用船Consecutive voyages 连续航程Consign 托运Consignee 收货人Consignor 发货人Consignment 托运;托运的货物Consolidation(groupage)拼箱Consortium 联营Constants 常数Container barge 集装箱驳船Container leasing 集装箱租赁Containerization 集装箱化Containerised 已装箱的,已集装箱化的Containership 集装箱船Contamination(of cargo)货物污染Contributory value 分摊价值Conveyor belt 传送带Corner casting(fitting)集装箱(角件)Corner post 集装箱(角柱)Crane 起重机Crawler mounted crane 履带式(轨道式)起重机适货运输量适航证书责任终止条款集装箱拖车Custom of the port(COP)港口惯例Customary assistance 惯常协助Daily running cost 日常营运成本Deadfreight 亏舱费Deadweight(weight)cargo 重量货Deadweight cargo(carrying)capacity 载货量Deaiweight scale 载重图表Deck cargo 甲板货Delivery of cargo(a ship)交货(交船)Despatch or Despatch money 速遣费Destuff 卸集装箱Det Norske Veritas(D.N.V.)挪威船级社Deviation 绕航Direct discharge(车船)直卸Direct transshipment 直接转船Dirty(Black)(petroleum)products(D.P.P.)原油Disbursements 港口开支Discharging port 卸货港Disponent owner 二船东Dock 船坞Docker 码头工人Door to door 门到门运输Downtime(设备)故障时间Draft(draught)吃水;水深Draft limitation 吃水限制Dropping outward pilot(D.O.P.)引航员下船时Dry cargo 干货Dry cargo(freight)container 干货集装箱Dry dock 干船坞Demurrage half despatch(D1/2D)速遣费为滞期费的一半Efficient deck hand(E.D.H.)二级水手Elevator 卸货机Enter a ship inwards(outwards)申请船舶进港(出港)Entrepot 保税货Equipment 设备(常指集装箱)Equipment handover charge 设备使用费预计到达时间Estimated time of completion(ETC)预计完成时间Estimated time of departure(ETD)预计离港时间Estimated time of readiness(ETR)预计准备就绪时间Estimated time of sailing(ETS)预计航行时间Europallet 欧式托盘Even if used(E.I.U.)即使使用Excepted period 除外期间Exception 异议Exceptions clause 免责条款Excess landing 溢卸Expiry of laytime 装卸欺瞒Extend suit time 延长诉讼时间Extend a charter 延长租期Extension of a charter 租期延长Extension to suit time 诉讼时间延长Extreme breadth 最大宽度Fairway 航道Feeder service 支线运输服务Feeder ship 支线船Ferry 渡轮First class ship 一级船Flag of convenience(FOC)方便旗船Floating crane 浮吊Floating dock 浮坞Force majeure 不可抗力Fork-lift truck 铲车Forty foot equivalent unit(FEU)四十英尺集装箱换算单位Four-way pallet 四边开槽托盘Freeboard 干Freight all kinds(FAK)包干运费Freight canvasser 揽货员Freight collect(freight payable at destination)运费到付Freight prepaid 运费预付Freight quotation 运费报价Freight rate(rate of freight)运费率Freight tariff 运费费率表Freight ton(FT)运费吨Freight manifest 运费舱单Freighter 货船Fresh water load line 淡水载重线Fridays and holidays excepted(F.H.E.X.)星期五和节假日除外Full and complete cargo 满舱满载货Full and down 满舱满载Gantry crane 门式起重机(门吊)Gencon 金康航次租船合同General average 共同海损General average act 共同海损行为General average contribution 共同海损分摊General average sacrifice 共同海损牺牲General cargo(generals)杂货General purpose container 多用途集装箱Geographical rotation 地理顺序Germanischer Lloyd(G.L.)德国船级社Greenwich Mean Time(G.M.T.)格林威治时间Grabbing crane 抓斗起重机Grain or grain capacity 散装舱容Gross weight(GW)毛重Grounding 触底Gunny bag 麻袋Gunny matting 麻垫Hague Rules 海牙规则Hague-Visby Rules 海牙维斯比规则Hamburg Rules 汉堡规则Hand hook 手钩Handymax 杂散货船Handy-sized bulker 小型散货船Harbour 海港Harbour dues 港务费Hatch(hatch cover)舱盖Hatchway 舱口Head charter(charter party)主租船合同Head charterer 主租船人Heavy lift 超重货物Heavy lift additional(surcharge)超重附加费Heavy lift derrick 重型吊杆Heavy weather 恶劣天气Heavy fuel oil(H.F.O)重油Hire statement 租金单Hold 船舱Home port 船籍港Homogeneous cargo 同种货物Hook 吊钩Hopper 漏斗House Bill of Lading 运输代理行提单Hovercraft 气垫船Husbandry 维修Inland container depot 内陆集装箱Ice-breaker 破冰船Identity of carrier clause 承运人责任条款Idle(船舶、设备)闲置Immediate rebate 直接回扣International Maritime Organization(IMO)国际海事组织Import entry 进口报关Indemnity 赔偿Inducement 起运量Inducement cargo 起运量货物Inflation adjustment factor(IAF)通货膨胀膨胀调整系数Infrastructure(of a port)(港口)基础设施Inherent vice 固有缺陷Institute Warranty Limits(IWL)(伦敦保险人)协会保证航行范围Insufficient packing 包装不足Intaken weight 装运重量International Association of Classification国际船级社协会Societies(IACS)Inward 进港的 Inward cargo 进港货物International Transport Workers’ Feder ation国际运输工人联合会(ITF)Itinerary 航海日程表Jettison 抛货Joint service 联合服务Joint survey 联合检验Jumbo derrick 重型吊杆Jurisdiction(Litigation)clause 管辖权条款Knot 航速(节)Laden 满载的Laden draught 满载吃水Landbridge 陆桥Landing charges 卸桥费Landing,storage and delivery 卸货、仓储和送货费Lash 用绳绑扎Lashings 绑扎物Latitude 纬度Lay-by berth 候载停泊区Laydays(laytime)装卸货时间Laydays canceling(Laycan或L/C)销约期Laytime saved 节省的装卸时间Laytime statement 装卸时间记录Lay up 搁置不用Leg(of a voyage)航段Length overall(overall length ,简称LOA)(船舶)总长Letter of indemnity 担保书(函)Lien 留置权Lift-on lift-off(LO-LO)吊上吊下Lighter 驳船Limitation of liability 责任限制Line(shipping line)航运公司Liner(liner ship)班轮Liner in free out(LIFO)运费不包括卸货费Liner terms 班轮条件Lloyd's Register of Shipping 劳埃德船级社Loadline(load line)载重线Loading hatch 装货口Log abstract 航海日志摘录Long length additional 超长附加费Long ton 长吨Longitude 经度Lump sum charter 整笔运费租赁Maiden voyage 处女航Main deck 主甲板Main port 主要港口Manifest 舱单Maritime declaration of health 航海健康申明书Maritime lien 海事优先权Marks and numbers 唛头Mate's receipt 大副收据Mean draught平均吃水Measurement cargo 体积货物Measurement rated cargo 按体积计费的货物Measurement rules 计量规则Merchant(班轮提单)货方Merchant haulage 货方拖运Merchant marine 商船Metric ton 公吨Misdelivery 错误交货Misdescription 错误陈述Mixed cargo 混杂货Mobile crane 移动式起重机More or less(mol.)增减More or less in charterer’s option(MOLCHOP)承租人有增减选择权More or less in owner’s option(MOLOO)船东有增减选择权 Mother ship 母船Multideck ship 多层甲板船Multi-purpose cargo ship 多用途船Multi-purpose terminal 多用途场站Narrow the laycan 缩短销约期Net weight 净重New Jason clause 新杰森条款New York Produce Exchange charter-party 纽约土产交易所制定的定期程租船(NYPE)合同格式 Newbuilding 新船Nippon kaiji kyokai(NKK)日本船级社No cure no pay 无效果无报酬Not otherwise enumerated(N.O.E.)不另列举Nominate a ship 指定船舶进行航行To be nominated(TBN)指定船舶Non-conference line(Independent非公会成员的航运公司line ,Outsider)Non-delivery 未交货Non-negotiable bill of lading 不可流通的提单Non-reversible laytime 不可调配使用的装卸时间Non-vessel owning(operating)common carrier无船承运人(NVOCC)Not always afloat but safe aground 不保持浮泊但安全搁浅Note protest 作海事声明Notice of redelivery 还船通知书Notify party 通知方Ocean(Liner, Sea)waybill 海运单Off hire 停租Oil tanker 油轮On-carriage 货运中转On-carrier 接运承运人One-way pallet 单边槽货盘Open hatch bulk carrier 敞舱口散货船Open rate 优惠费率Open rated cargo 优惠费率货物Open side container 侧开式集装箱Open top container 开顶集装箱Operate a ship 经营船舶Optional cargo 选港货物Ore/bulk/oil carrier 矿石/散货/油轮Out of gauge 超标(货物)Outport 小港Outturn 卸货Outturn report 卸货报告Outward 进港的Overheight cargo 超重货物Overlanded cargo or overlanding 溢卸货Overload 超载Overstow 堆码Overtime(O/T)加班时间Overtonnaging 吨位过剩Owner's agents 船东代理人Package limitation 单位(赔偿)责任限制Packing list 装箱单Pallet 托(货)盘Pallet truck 托盘车Palletized 托盘化的Panamax 巴拿马型船Parcel 一包,一票货Performance claim 性能索赔Perishable goods 易腐货物Permanent dunnage 固定垫舱物Per freight ton(P.F.T.)每运费吨第二篇:国际物流复习题()1.FOB贸易方式下,货物在装运港装船时,越过船舷之前的风险由卖方承担,货物越过船舷之后的风险转移给买方承担。

国际物流常用英语词汇一、货物/商品类别1.Freight - 货物2.Cargo - 货物3.Parcel - 包裹4.Container - 集装箱5.Pallet - 托盘6.Bulk - 散装货7.LTL (Less than Truckload) - 零担货运8.FCL (Full Container Load) - 整箱货运9.Hazardous goods - 危险品二、运输方式10.Air freight - 空运11.Sea freight - 海运12.Road freight - 公路运输13.Rail freight - 铁路运输14.Courier service - 快递服务15.Express delivery - 快递16.Intermodal transportation - 多式联运17.Cross-border logistics - 跨境物流三、物流服务18.Warehouse - 仓库19.Inventory - 库存20.Distribution - 分销21.Supply chain - 供应链22.Third-party logistics (3PL) - 第三方物流23.Freight forwarding - 货运代理24.Customs clearance - 报关25.Track and trace - 跟踪查询四、贸易术语26.Incoterms - 贸易术语27.EXW (Ex Works) - 工厂交货条件28.FOB (Free On Board) - 装运港价格29.CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) - 成本、保险和运费30.DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) - 到岸交货价格五、支付方式31.Letter of Credit (L/C) - 信用证32.Bill of Lading (B/L) - 提单33.Payment terms - 付款条件34.Cash on Delivery (COD) - 货到付款35.Advance Payment - 预付款六、其他pliance - 合规性37.Lead time - 交货时间38.Freight rate - 运费率39.Demurrage - 滞期费40.CFS (Container Freight Station) - 集拼货站以上是国际物流中常用的英语词汇,了解这些术语可以更好地理解和处理国际物流业务。

物流行业常用英文汇总.货代常用英文(一)船代Shipping agent 船舶代理Handling Agent 操作代理Booking Agent 订舱代理Cargo Canvassing 揽货FFF:Freight Forwarding Fee 货代佣金Brokerage / Commission 佣金(二)订舱Booking 订舱Booking Note 订舱单Booking Number 订舱号Dock Receipt 场站收据M/F (Manifest ) :a manifest that lists only cargo, without freight and charges 舱单Cable/Telex Release 电放A Circular Letter 通告信/通知书PIC:Person in Charge 具体负责操作人员The said party 所涉及的一方On Board B/L:On Board提单 A B/L in which a carrier acknowledges that goods have been placed on board a certain vessel。
Used to satisfy the requirements of a L/CCancellation 退关箱(三)港口BP Base Port 基本港Prompt release 即时放行Transit time 航程时间/ 中转时间Cargo availability at destination in 货物运抵目的地Second Carrier (第)二程船In transit 中转Transportation hub 中转港(四)拖车Tractor 牵引车/拖头Low-bed 低平板车Trailer 拖车Transporter 拖车Trucking Company 车队(汽车运输公司)Axle load 轴负荷Tire-load 轮胎负荷Toll Gate 收费口(五)保税Bonded Area 保税区Bonded Goods ( Goods in Bond) 保税货物Bonded Warehouse 保税库Caged stored at bonded warehouse 进入海关监管Fork Lift 叉车Loading Platform 装卸平台(六)船期A Friday(Tuesday / Thursday)sailing 周五班A fortnight sailing 双周班A bi-weekly sailing 周双班A monthly sailing 每月班On-schedule arrival / departure 准班抵/离ETA :Estimated(Expected) Time of Arrival 预计到达时间ETB:Estimated(Expected)Time of Berthing 预计靠泊时间ETD Estimated(Expected) Time of Departure 预计离泊时间The sailing Schedule/Vessels are subject to change without prior notice。

常用物流英语词汇总结大全以下是一些常用的物流英语词汇:1. Shipment: 货物,装运2. Freight: 运费3. Carrier: 运输公司4. Consignment: 托运5. Warehouse: 仓库6. Cargo: 货物7. Packaging: 包装材料8. Customs: 海关9. Export: 出口10. Import: 进口11. Bill of lading: 提单12. Tracking number: 运单号13. Delivery: 交货14. Transit: 运输15. Supply chain: 供应链16. Distribution: 分销17. Logistics: 物流18. Inventory: 库存19. Pallet: 托盘20. Container: 集装箱21. Manifest: 舱单22. Clearance: 清关23. Invoice: 发票24. International: 国际25. Domestic: 国内26. ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival): 预计到达时间27. ETD (Estimated Time of Departure): 预计离港时间28. LTL (Less than Truckload): 零担货运29. FTL (Full Truckload): 整车运输30. Palletizing: 托盘包装31. Carton: 纸箱32. Air freight: 空运33. Sea freight: 海运34. Rail freight: 铁运35. Road freight: 公路运输36. Warehouse management: 仓库管理37. Reverse logistics: 逆向物流38. Cross-docking: 直通配送39. Supply chain management: 供应链管理40. Third-party logistics: 第三方物流。
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常见物流英语精编版 MQS system office room 【MQS16H-TTMS2A-MQSS8Q8-MQSH16898】
,implementingandcontrollingtheefficient,effectiveflowandstorageofgoods,servicesandrelatedinformationfromthepointoforigi ntothepointofconsumption
(JIT)techniquesaresometimesreferredtoasjust-in-timeproduction,just-in-time purchasingandjust-in-timedelivery.