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班级__高一(12)班_ 姓名_______ 出题人__孙晨__得分______ 第一节单项填空:

1. When he got to ______ top of the mountain, he was almost out of ______ brea th .

A. the; a

B. the; the

C. the; /

D. a; /

2. Australia is such a splendid country that we’ve decided to stay for ______ two weeks.

A. another

B. other

C. the other

D. other’s

3.—May I smoke here?

—If you ______, choose a seat in the smoking section.

A. should

B. could

C. may

D. must

4. As she is looking forward to ______ from me, please remember ______ this le tter on your way to school.

A. hear; post

B. hearing; to post

C. be heard; posting

D. be hearing; to postin


5. ______ the employees’ working efficiency, the supervisor will allow them to have a coffee break.

A. Improving

B. To improve

C. Having improved

D. Improved

6. The road is covered with ice. I can’t understand they insist on going by bike.

A. why

B. when

C. how

D. whether

7. When I said someone cheated in the English exam, I ______ you.

A. wasn’t referring to

B. had referred to

C.hasn’t referred to

D. will refer to

8. News came from the school office ______ Wang Lin had been admitted to Bei jing University.





9.—Could you be so kind as to close the window? —______.

A. With pleasure

B. Go ahead

C. Y es, please

D.That ’s OK

10. I want to buy that kind of cloth because I ______ the cloth ______ well.

A. have told; washed

B. have been told; washes

C. have been told; is washed

D. was told; was washed

11. It’s the same in China

many people, some ______ are not overweight at all, are always going on diets or taking weight-loss pills, ______ are often dangerous.

A. whose; which

B. of which; who

C. of whom; which

D. who; that

12. Come and see me whenever .

A. you are convenient

B. you will be convenient

C. it is convenient to you

D. it will be convenient

13.—Here’s the key to my car. —Thanks, but I must know where you ______ it.

A.will park

B. park

C. had parked

D. Parked

14. With few people _______ pigs, the price of pork ______.

A. rising; rises

B. raising; raises

C. rising; raises

D. raising; rises

15.—How soon do you think the economy will recover? —________?

A. What for

B. Who knows

C. Why not

D. How come

16. Nowhere else in the world _______ such a quiet, beautiful place.

A. can there be

B. you can find

C. there can be

D. can find you

17. --- W ere y ou bu sy last weeken d?

--- V ery. Rather than ________ time playing cards as usual, I devoted every effort to ______ an advertisement.

A. waste; make

B. wasting; m aking

C. to waste; make

D. a waste of; making

18. This factory is quite different from _______ before.

A. what it was

B. that it was

C. which it was

D. what was it

19. Our dream has come true at last ________ 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.

A. when

B. that

C. while

D. whether

20. Many Americans eat ________ as they actually need every day.

A. twice as much protein (蛋白质)

B. twice protein as much

C. protein as much twice

D. protein as twice much


1. Don‘t always play a t______ on others. It is impolite

2. The doctor has c____ him of his disease .He is well now.

3. Smoking has a bad e_____ on our health.

4.Iwas s_____ with his progress, and I praised him in public.

5. How lucky the passengers were. Although the weather was terribly bad, the plane Landed s _____ at last.

6. In my o____, we should make some changes to our formal plan.

7. They are twins. They are so s_____ to each other th

at I can‘t tell them apart.

8. Factories g____ out bad smell, which pollutes the air.

9. Some commercial ads often cheat us. Don‘t f_____ for them.

10. H_____, it will be fine tomorrow so that we can go outing.

11. Harry Potter is such an e____________ film that children throughout the world lo ve it.

12. After an unusual e _______________ in Africa, he is now more aware of (清楚,了解) the racial discrimination in the third world.

13. The college student i__________ that he should be sent to the west, where he was most needed.

14. In China most t ________ still depend on their parents, while those in the USA at t heir age try to be independent.

15. Before the college entrance exam, the students work like c__________.
