






1.感冒 - Common Cold2.发烧 - Fever3.肺炎 - Pneumonia4.流感 - Influenza5.哮喘 - Asthma6.鼻炎 - Rhinitis7.咳嗽 - Cough8.胃炎 - Gastritis9.病毒性肝炎 - Viral Hepatitis10.糖尿病 - Diabetes11.高血压 - Hypertension12.心脏病 - Heart Disease13.中风 - Stroke14.肺癌 - Lung Cancer15.乳腺癌 - Breast Cancer16.糖尿病 - Diabetes17.结肠癌 - Colon Cancer18.肾炎 - Nephritis19.结石 - Kidney Stones20.脑炎 - Encephalitis21.关节炎 - Arthritis22.精神分裂症 - Schizophrenia23.抑郁症 - Depression24.帕金森氏综合症 - Parkinson's disease25.带状疱疹 - Shingles26.痔疮 - Hemorrhoids27.溃疡 - Ulcer28.白血病 - Leukemia29.贫血 - Anemia30.哮喘 - Asthma31.癫痫 - Epilepsy32.脑震荡 - Concussion33.鼻窦炎 - Sinusitis34.失眠 - Insomnia35.口腔溃疡 - Mouth Ulcer36.胰腺炎 - Pancreatitis37.食道炎 - Esophagitis38.乙肝 - Hepatitis B39.皮炎 - Dermatitis40.耳聋 - Hearing Loss41.近视 - Myopia42.视力矫正 - Vision Correction43.青光眼 - Glaucoma44.白内障 - Cataract45.斑秃 - Alopecia Areata46.牙龈炎 - Periodontitis47.口腔癌 - Oral Cancer48.食管癌 - Esophageal Cancer49.脑膜炎 - Meningitis50.心肌梗塞 - Myocardial Infarction51.胃溃疡 - Gastric Ulcer52.胆囊炎 - Cholecystitis53.甲状腺癌 - Thyroid Cancer54.乙状结肠炎 - Ulcerative Colitis55.脑瘤 - Brain Tumor56.胰腺癌 - Pancreatic Cancer57.子宫肌瘤 - Uterine Fibroids58.子宫内膜异位症 - Endometriosis59.前列腺炎 - Prostatitis60.尿道感染 - Urinary Tract Infection61.卵巢癌 - Ovarian Cancer62.霍奇金淋巴瘤 - Hodgkin's Lymphoma63.肺气肿 - Emphysema64.动脉硬化 - Arteriosclerosis65.心律失常 - Arrhythmia66.肾功能衰竭 - Renal Failure67.脂肪肝 - Fatty Liver68.颈椎病 - Cervical Spondylosis69.胆结石 - Gallstones70.乳腺纤维瘤 - Breast Fibroadenoma71.淋巴结炎 - Lymphadenitis72.胰腺瘤 - Pancreatic Tumor73.高血脂 - Hyperlipidemia74.直肠癌 - Rectal Cancer75.食管瘤 - Esophageal Tumor76.胰腺囊肿 - Pancreatic Cyst77.肝脏肿瘤 - Liver Tumor78.子宫颈炎 - Cervicitis79.子宫肌腺症 - Adenomyosis80.乳腺增生 - Breast Hyperplasia81.肠胃炎 - Gastroenteritis82.胰腺功能不全 - Pancreatic Insufficiency83.髋关节炎 - Hip Arthritis84.慢性阻塞性肺疾病 - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)85.痤疮 - Acne86.甲状腺炎 - Thyroiditis87.脂溢性皮炎 - Seborrheic Dermatitis88.扁平苔藓 - Tinea Versicolor89.神经性斑秃 - Androgenic Alopecia90.子宫肌瘤 - Uterine Leiomyoma这是一份医学常见疾病的中英文名称对照表,仅供参考。

英语常见疾病英文 (1).docx

英语常见疾病英文 (1).docx

常见疾病Common Diseases1.癌症cancer2.肠癌cancer of the intestine3.肺癌lung cancer4.肝癌liver cancer5.食管癌cancer of esophagus6.胃癌gastric carcinoma7.胰腺癌cancer of the pancreas8.子宫颈癌cancer of the cervix9.鼻炎rhinitis10.鼻窦炎sinusitis11.扁桃体炎tonsillitis12.病毒性心肌炎viral myocarditis13.肠胃炎enterogastritis14.胆囊炎cholecystitis15.蜂窝组织炎cellulitis16.风湿性关节炎rheumarthritis17.腹膜炎peritonitis18.关节炎arthritis19.肺炎pneumonia20.睾丸炎orchitis21.宫颈炎cervicitis22.巩膜炎scleritis23.过敏性鼻炎allergic rhinitis24.喉炎laryngitis25.急性胃炎acute gastritis26.脊髓灰质炎poliomyelitis/ infantile paralysis27.甲沟炎paronychia28.角膜炎keratitis29.腱鞘炎tenosynovitis30.接触性皮炎dermatitis31.结肠炎colitis32.结膜炎conjunctivitis33.口角炎angular stomatitis34.泪腺炎dacryoadenitis35.流行性脑膜炎epidemic encephalitis36.流行性腮腺炎mumps37.流行性乙型肝炎epidemic hepatitis B38.阑尾炎appendicitis39.卵巢炎oophoritis40.面神经炎facial neuritis41.脑膜炎cerebral meningitis42.黏膜炎catarrh43.尿道炎urethritis44.膀胱炎urocystitis45.盆腔炎pelvic inflammatory disease46.皮炎dermatitis47.气管炎tracheitis48.前列腺炎prostatitis49.乳腺炎mastitis50.腮腺炎parotiditis51.神经炎neuritis52.神经性皮炎neurodermatitis53.肾炎nephritis54.肾盂肾炎pyelonephritis55.食管炎esophagus56.输卵管炎salpingitis57.外耳炎otitis externa58.胃炎gastritis59.牙髓炎pulpitis60.牙周炎periodontitis61.牙龈炎gingivitis62.咽炎pharyngitis63.阴道炎vaginitis64.支气管炎bronchitis65.中耳炎otitis media66.艾滋病AIDS67.白化病albinism68.白血病leukemia69.败血病septicemia70.风湿病rheumatism71.疯牛病mad cow disease72.高血压hypertension73.冠心病coronary heart disease74.黑死病black death75.黄热病yellow fever76.蛔虫病ascariasis77.结核病tuberculosis78.精神病insanity79.佝偻病richets/ rickets80.狂犬病rabies81.痨病phtisis82.淋病gonorrhoea83.慢性肺源性心脏病chronic cor pulmonale84.皮肤真菌病dermatomycosis85.伤科病disease of the traumatology86.糖尿病diabetes87.外科病surgical diseases88.胃病gastropathy89.心脏病heart disease90.性病veneral disease91.癔症hysteria92.硬皮病scleroderma93.偏头痛migraine/ splitting headache94.三叉神经痛trigeminal95.神经痛neuralgia96.头痛headache97.心绞痛angina pectoris98.坐骨神经痛sciatica99.流产abortion100.习惯性流产habitual abortion 101.先兆流产threatened abortion 102.自然流产miscarriage103.恶性肿瘤malignant tumor 104.骨瘤osteoma105.良性肿瘤benign tumor106.神经瘤neuroma107.脂肪瘤lipoma/ adipoma108.肿瘤tumor109.胆石症cholelithiasis110.肥胖症obesity111.精神分裂症schizophrenia112.神经过敏症neuroticism113.厌食症anorexia114.抑郁症depression115.营养不良症malnutrition116.中风后遗症sequela of wind stroke 117.白喉diphtheria118.白癜风vitiligo119.白内障cataract120.百日咳whooping cough121.斑疹伤寒typhus122.鼻子过敏nasal allergy123.扁桃体肥大hypertrophy of tonsils 124.便秘constipation125.不孕sterility126.痤疮acne127.带状疱疹zona128.丹毒erysipelas129.单纯性肥胖simple obesity 130.癫痫epilepsy131.冻伤frostbite132.非典SARS/ Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 133.痱子prickly heat/ sudamen134.肺结核pulmonary tuberculosis135.肺脓肿pulmonary136.肺气肿pulmonary emphysema137.粉碎性骨折comminuted fracture138.风湿热rheumatic fever139.风疹German measles140.肝硬化cirrhosis141.肝肿大hepatomegaly142.感冒,伤风,着凉cold143.肛裂anal fissure144.肛瘘anal fistula145.高脂血症hyperlipidemia146.鼓膜穿孔performation of the tympanic membrane 147.骨折fracture148.红斑狼疮lupus erythematosus149.坏疽gangrene150.黄疸jaundice151.黄褐斑chloasma152.霍乱cholera153.晕厥syncope154.甲状腺功能亢进hyperthyroidosis155.甲状腺肿goitre156.疥疮scabies157.精神错乱mental disorder158.近视near sight159.开放性骨折open fracture/ compound fracture 160.咳嗽cough161.口疮aphtha162.流感influenza/ flu163.痢疾dysentery164.麻痹paralysis165.麻疹measles166.马耳他热Malta fever167.麦粒肿sty168.慢性菌痢chronic bacillary dysentery169.梅毒syphilis170.面瘫facial paralysis171.尿崩症diabetes insipidus172.牛皮藓psoriasis173.疟疾malaria174.偏瘫hemiplegia175.皮肤过敏allergic skin reaction176.贫血anemia/ anaemia177.葡萄胎hydatidiform mole178.破伤风tetanus179.青光眼glaucoma180.禽流感bird flu/ avian influenza181.褥疮bedsore/ pressure score182.沙眼trachoma183.烧伤burn184.上呼吸道感染upper respiratory infection 185.神经衰弱neurasthenia186.肾结石kidney stone187.湿疹eczema188.水痘chicken pox, varicella189.天花smallpox190.痛风gout191.胃溃疡gastric ulcer192.胃下垂gastroptosis193.消化不良indigestion194.小儿肌性斜颈infantile myogenic torticollis 195.哮喘asthma196.斜颈torticollis/ wryneck197.心肌梗死miocardial infarction198.心律不齐arrhythmia199.猩红热scarlet fever200.夏季热summer heat201.血栓形成thrombosis202.荨麻疹urticaria203.癣tinea/ ringworm204.阳痿impotence205.羊水过多hydramnios206.遗精emission207.遗尿enuresis208.婴儿腹泻infantile diarrhea209.营养不良malnutrition210.再生障碍性贫血aplastic anemia211.早产premature labor212.沼地热swamp fever213.支气管哮喘bronchitic asthma214.重症肌无力myasthenia gravis215.子宫出血metrorrhagia216.子痫eclampsia217.痔疮hemorrhoid。



常见肿瘤英文名1.乳腺癌: breast cancer2.非霍奇金淋巴瘤: non-hodgkin lymphoma3.霍奇金淋巴瘤: hodgkin lymphoma4.奥沙利铂: Oxaliplatin5.吉西他滨:Gemcitabine6.多发性骨髓瘤: multiple myeloma7.胸膜间皮瘤: pleural mesothetioma8.贲门癌: cancinoma of gastric cardia9.阴茎癌: penis cancer10.氟尿嘧啶: Fluorouracil11.洛铂: Lobaplatin12.培美曲塞: pemetrexed13.胰腺癌: pancreatic cancer14.前列腺癌: prostatic cancer15.卵巢癌: ovarian cancer16.食管癌: esophageal cancer17.绒毛膜癌: chorioblastoma18.宫颈癌: cervical cancer19.胃癌: gastric cancer20.肝癌:liver cancer21.结肠癌: colonic cancer22.直肠癌:rectal cancer23.肺癌:lung cancer24.子宫内膜癌:cancer of endometrium25.肾癌:renal cancinoma26.膀胱癌:bladder cancer27.鼻咽癌:nasopharyngeal cancinoma28.上颌窦癌:cancinoma of maxillary sinus29.喉癌:cancinoma of larynx30.下咽癌:Hypopharyngeal cancer31.睾丸肿瘤:tumor of testis32.恶性黑色素瘤:chromoma;malignant melanoma33.皮肤癌:skin cancer34.胆管癌:cancinoma of bile duct35.甲状腺癌:thyroid cancer36.脑恶性肿瘤:malignant brain tumor37.垂体瘤:pituitary tumors38.急性白血病:acute leukemia (AL)39.慢性粒细胞性白血病: chronic myelocytic leukemia (CML)40.慢性淋巴细胞性白血病: chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)41.多毛细胞性白血病: hairy cell leukemia (HCL)42. malignant neoplasm of spermatic cord(精索恶性肿瘤)43.prolactinoma(泌乳素瘤)44.Hypopituitarism(垂体功能减退症)。


包括开胸手术、胸腹腔镜联合手术和机器人辅 助手术等,其中开胸手术最为常见。
手术后患者需要逐步恢复身体状况,包括呼吸 功能、心肺功能和消化功能等。
放疗可以杀死癌细胞并缓解患者的症状,对于不能手术的患 者,放疗是常用的治疗方法。
化疗可以通过药物杀死癌细胞,通常与放疗联合应用,对于 晚期食管癌患者,化疗可以提高生活质量并延长生存期。
内镜治疗适用于早期食管 癌,尤其是Tis和T1期肿 瘤。
包括内镜下黏膜切除术 (ESD)、内镜下黏膜剥离 术(EMD)和激光治疗等。
内镜治疗对患者损伤较小 ,术后恢复较快,对于早 期食管癌患者,其效果与 手术治疗相似。
增加蔬菜、水果、全谷类 和富含蛋白质食物的摄入 ,减少高盐、高脂、油炸 、霉变食物的摄入。
包括普通白光内镜和色素内镜,可以观察到食管黏膜的病变情况 。
通过吞食含有钡剂的钡条,在X线下观察钡剂通过食管的情况, 可以间接观察食管黏膜的病变情况。
食管癌在全球范围内的发病率逐渐上升,尤 其在发展中国家,发病率较高。
食管癌的死亡率也较高,主要与发现时已处 于晚期、治疗不彻底、复发和转移等因素有



【疾病名】食管癌【英文名】esophageal carcinoma【缩写】【别名】膈症;食道癌;噎膈;carcinoma of esophagus【ICD号】C15.9【概述】食管癌是(esophageal carcinoma)人类常见的恶性肿瘤,占食管肿瘤的90%以上,在全部恶性肿瘤死亡回顾调查中仅次于胃癌而居第2位。



域外2世纪时,Calen 医师描述过阻塞食管之新生物。














Neoadjuvant chemotherapy After 55.4 months, Kelsen et al there were no sig

Randomize N=440 Adeno & squamous
Immediate surgery N=227

Chemotherapy & surgery N=213 Cisplatin 100 mg/M2 day 1 5 FU1000mg/m2/ddays1-5 Pre op 3 cycles q 4 weeks Surgery 2-4 weeks after chemo Post op chemo for 2 cycles

differences between the two groups Median survival: Combination: 14.9 months Surgery alone:16.1 months (P=0.53) One year survival: Combination: 59% Surgery alone:60% Two Year survival: Combination: 35% Surgery alone:37%
Changing trends
Recently adeno-carcinoma associated with Barrett’s metaplasia and seen almost exclusively in middle-aged Caucasian men with GERD has become the most predominaቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱt form. In 1994 60% of all esophageal cancers were adenocarcinoma. Reasons for this change are not known.



Power Bar niche

The surrounding of the
tumor become bulged ,
and the folds of mucous
become damaged. (周围隆
b .Mushroom type
Filling defect
Power Bar
Early 中国专业PPT设计交流论坛 ulcerative type
Power Bar
Early constrictive type
(2). Middle and advanced stage
• a. Ulcerative type(溃疡型)
Prevalence and mortality
• There are more than 300,000 people
worldwide died frPoomweesroBpahrageal cancer
each year , and 150,000 of 中国专业PPT设计交流论坛 them are Chinese.
Power BarAn 中国专业PPT设计交流论坛 expand over
the tumor
• c . Constrictive type
• 1. Nitrosamine(亚硝胺)
• 2. Fungus(真菌) Power Bar 中国专业PPT设计交流论坛
• 3. Vitamin deficiency • 4. Dietary habits





Send Orders of Reprints at bspsaif@.ae1292Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2013, 19, 1292-1300MicroRNA in the Pathogenesis and Prognosis of Esophageal CancerJian Gu, Yan Wang and Xifeng Wu*Department of Epidemiology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USAAbstract: Esophageal cancer (EC) is a deadly disease. EC usually occurs as either adenocarcinoma (EAC) or squamous cell carcinomas (ESCC). The development of EAC generally follows the metaplasia-dysplasia-carcinoma sequence. Barrett’s esophagus (BE) is a metas-plastic precursor of E AC. Multiple global miRNA expression profiling and candidate gene studies have been performed in E AC and ESCC that clearly support the important roles of miRNAs in the pathogenesis of EAC and ESCC. A number of consistently dysregulated miRNAs have been identified in E AC and/or E SCC, including upregulation of miR-21, miR-192, miR-194, miR-106-25 polycistron (miR-25, miR-93, and miR-106b), miR-10b, miR-151, and miR-93, and downregulation of miR-375, miR-203, miR-205, miR-145, miR-27b, miR-100, miR-125b, let-7c, etc. Most of these miRNAs are also dysregulated in other cancer types and their target genes have been extensively studied in different cancers. The prognostic value of miR-21 and miR-375 has been replicated in independent studies. Circu-lating miRNAs as potential biomarkers for early detection, prognosis, and treatment response have only been scarcely studied in EC. The association of genetic variations in miRNA regulatory pathway with EC risk or outcome is a largely uncharted territory. Future studies should be focused on the role of miRNAs in the prognosis of EC, the identification of circulating miRNAs and miRNA-related genetic variations as biomarkers in EC, and the biological mechanisms underlying the contribution of miRNA dysreguation to EC. A better un-derstanding of roles of miRNA in EC developemnt may provide new avenues for the early detection, diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy of this deadly disease.Keywords: microRNA, esophageal cancer, Barrett's esophagus, early detection, prognosis, circulating biomarker.INTRODUCTIONEsophageal cancer (EC) is the sixth most common cancer and the fifth leading cause of cancer death in men worldwide [1]. There was an estimated 482,300 new E C cases and 406,800 E C-caused deaths in 2008 worldwide [1]. The majority of EC patients are di-agnosed at advanced stages when current therapies are largely inef-fective, leading to an overall five-year survival rate of 16.8% [2]. This dismal prognosis highlights the need for early detection, better prediction of prognosis and treatment response, and novel therapies of EC. EC usually occurs as either ESCC or EAC. ESCC forms in squamous cells and mostly occurs in the upper third of the esopha-gus. EAC begins in glandular cells and usually forms in the lower one third of the esophagus near the stomach. There is a striking geographic differences in the incidences of these two histologies [3]. Once a rare tumor representing about 5% of E C in the U.S., EAC is the fastest growing cancer in the past few decades and cur-rently accounts for over 80% of new EC cases in the U.S. [4]. The incidence of E AC remains rare in Asian and African countries where ESCC still dominates. The etiology of these two subtypes is very different. Smoking and alcohol drinking are the predominant risk factors for E SCC, whereas E AC is associated with Barrett's esophagus (BE), gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GE RD) and obesity [4]. Smoking also contributes to an increased risk of EAC but its effect is much weaker on EAC than on ESCC, while alcohol drinking is not associated with EAC [3,4].MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small non-coding endoge-nous RNAs of 18-25 nucleotides highly conserved among a wide variety of species [5,6]. MiRNAs are capable of simultaneous regu-lation of hundreds of genes through binding to the 3'-untranslated region (3’-UTR) of target mRNAs resulting in either mRNA degra-dation or translation inhibition [7,8]. It was estimated that miRNAs may regulate one third to as many as two thirds of human and mammalian genes [9,10]. More than half of miRNA genes are *Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Epidemiology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Pressler Blvd., Houston, TX 77030, USA; Tel: 713-745-2485;E-mail: xwu@ located in cancer-associated genomic regions or in fragile sites in human genome [11]. Overexpressed miRNAs in cancers, such as miR-21 and miR-17 92 cluster, may function as oncogenes and promote cancer development by negatively regulating tumor sup-pressor genes, whereas underexpressed miRNAs, such as let-7 fam-ily and miR-34 family miRNAs, may function as tumor suppressor genes by regulating oncogenes [12]. Identification of miRNAs that are altered during the initiation, development, progression, metasta-sis, and treatment of cancer may not only elucidate the mechanisms of carcinogenesis, but also identify biomarkers of early detection, prognosis and treatment response, and as potential targets for pre-vention and therapy. There are a number of advantage for using miRNA as biomarkers: first, a single miRNA may regulate hun-dreds of mRNAs and therefore an array of a few hundreds of miR-NAs may contain much higher information than an array of tens of thousands of mRNAs [13]; second, the total number of miRNAs are much smaller than mRNAs and it is easier to screen and validate biomarkers from a pool of hundreds of miRNAs than thousands of mRNA transcripts; third, miRNAs are small in size, contain stem-loop structure, and are more stable than mRNAs, which makes it special attractive biomarkers formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues and bodily fluids.Many studies using either candidate miRNAs or global profil-ing have been conducted to investigate dysregulation of miRNAs in E C pathogenesis and prognosis and to explore the utilization of miRNAs as biomarkers for E C [14-20]. In this review, we will summarize current literature regarding the multi-faceted roles of miRNAs in EC.MiRNAs IN THE PATHOGENESIS OF ECDysregulation of miRNAs in EAC and its Precursor BE Most EAC cases arise from BE, a precursor lesion in which the squamous epithelium of the esophagus is replaced by a metaplastic columnar epithelium. BE is estimated to be present in 1% to 2% of the general population and confers a 30-fold increased risk of de-veloping EAC. The malignant progression of BE generally follows the sequence of metaplasia, low-grade dysplasia (LGD), high-grade dysplasia (HGD), and adenocarcinoma [21,22]. Clinically, the man-1873-4286/13 $58.00+.00 © 2013 Bentham Science PublishersMicroRNA in the Pathogenesis and Prognosis of Esophageal Cancer Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2013, Vol. 19, No. 7 1293agement of BE is completely dependent on the grading of dysplasia, which is subjective with substantial inter-observer variations. Inde-pendent objective biomarkers may improve the prediction of pro-gression from BE to E AC beyond relying solely on histology. MiRNA is among the most promising biomarkers for this purpose.There have been six miRNA expression profiling of E AC tis-sues and paired normal tissues, most of which also included BE tissues as a comparison (Table 1).Feberet al. [23] compared the expression of 328 human miR-NAs in 10 EAC, 10 ESCC, 5 BE, 1 HGD, and 9 normal squamous epithelium (NSE) tissues. Unsupervised hierarchic clustering showed that miRNA expression profiles could clearly separated disease tissues from NSE tissues. BE and EAC miRNA expression profiles were similar. The single HGD specimen had a miRNA expression profile similar to EAC samples. Thirteen miRNAs were significantly altered in E AC tissues compared to NSE, such as upregulation of miR-21, miR-192, mir-194 and miR-93 and down-regulation of miR-203, miR-205, miR-27b, miR-100, miR-125b, and let-7c. In addition, it appeared that miR-21, miR-194, and miR-192were progressively upregulated from NSE to BE and to EAC, suggesting that miRNA dysfunction is an early event during malig-nant progression of BE and therefore may become valuable bio-markers for malignant progression of the BE patients.In the second study, Yang et al. [24] profiled the expression of 470 human miRNAs in 16 disease tissues (including 5 LGD, 5 HGD, and 6 E AC) and their paired normal tissues. Unsupervised hierarchical clustering and class comparison analyses showed that the miRNA expression profiles clearly separated HGD and E AC tissues from their corresponding paired NSE. Eight miRNAs (miR-27b, miR-203, miR-205, let-7c, miR-342, miR-100, miR-21, and miR125b) were consistent with the previous study of Faber et al.[23] when compared EAC to NSC tissues. This study also identified many miRNA candidates that were dysregulated in HGD, or exhib-ited gradual alteration from NSE to HGD to EAC.A third study profiled miRNAs in one normal esophageal epithelial cells, 3 BE-derived cell lines, and one EAC-derived cell line, followed by the validation of top 7 differentially expressed candidates in 22 NSE, 24 BE, and 22 E AC tissues. Notably, the three members of the miR-106b-25 polycistron (miRs-25, -93, and -106b) on chromosome 7q22.1 were gradually up-regulated from NSE to BE to E AC. Four miRNAs were significantly down-regulated in E AC, including miR-100, miR-125b, miR-205, and miR-19b [25].The fourth study analyzed 377 human miRNAs by Ambion’s miRNA array in NSE of esophagus, normal gastric epithelium, BE, and EAC tissues from 16 individuals [26]. Seven miRNAs (miR-21,Table 1. Summary of miRNA Profiling Studies in Esophageal CancerStudy Array Platform Upregulated miRNAs* Downregulated miRNAs* EACFeber et al. [23] Ambion miR-21, miR-192, mir-194, miR-93, miR-200c miR-203, miR-205, miR-27b, miR-100, miR-125b, let-7cYang et al. [24] Agilent miR-126, mirR-143, miR-145, miR-146a,miR-181a & b, miR-195, and 7 more miR-203, miR-205, miR-27b, miR-99a, miR-149, miR-494, miR-221, miR-210, miR-513, miR-617Kan et al. [25] Agilent miR-93, miR-25, miR-106b miR-205, miR-100, miR-125b, miR-19bWijnhoven et al. [26] Ambion miR-21, miR-194 miR-203, miR-205Mathe et al. [27] Ohio State University miR-21, miR-192, mir-194, miR-223 miR-203EAC vs. BE: miR-145, miR143, miR-215Fassan et al. [28] Ohio State University miR-192, miR-215miR-203, miR-205, let-7cESCCGuo et al. [32] Custom miR-25, miR-151, miR-424 miR-100, miR-99a, miR-29c, mmu-miR-140*Feber et al. [23] Ambion miR-21, miR-93, miR-342 miR-203, miR-205, miR-27b, miR-100,miR-125b, let-7cMathe et al. [27] Ohio State University miR-21 miR-375Lee et al. [33] Ambion miR-330, miR-340, miR-373, let-7dOgawa et al. [34] Applied Biosystem(Taqman gene card) miR-20b, miR-34b, miR-34c, miR-129,miR-130b, miR-138 (>4 fold), miR-21,miR-25, miR-151 and 13 more (2-4 fold)miR-133a, miR-133b,miR-145, miR-139Kano et al. [35] Applied Biosystem(Taqman gene card) miR-203, miR-100, miR-99a, miR-133a & b, miR-145, miR-143, and 7 moreKimura et al. [36] Ambion miR-21miR-205Hong et al. [37] Ohio State University miR-155, miR-100, miR-146, miR-296,miR-10b, miR-203, miR-483, miR-494,miR-220miR-143, miR-375, miR-339 *MiRNAs that are consistent in at least two studies (including candidate gene studies that are not listed in this table) are shown in bold.1294 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2013, Vol. 19, No. 7 Gu et al.miR-143, miR-145, miR-194, miR-203, miR-205 and miR-215) were chosen for validation using Taqman qRT-PCR in tissues from 32 different individuals. The expression of miR-21, miR-143, miR-145, miR-194 and miR-215 were significantly higher in columnar tissues than in squamous tissues, but the expression of miR-143, miR-145, and miR-215 was lower in EAC than in BE tissues, whereas levels of miR-203 and miR-205 were significantly lower in BE and EAC tissues than in NSE. In addition, there was a trend of progressive increase of miR-21 expression from NSE to BE and to EAC.In the fifth study, Mathe et al. [27] profiled miRNAs in 100 pairs of EAC/normal tissues (32 pairs for screening and 68 for vali-dation) using a miRNA array chip (version 3, Ohio State Univer-sity) containing 329 human and 249 mouse miRNA probes for screening followed by Taqman qRT-PCR to validate selected miR-NAs. The expressions of miR-21, miR-223, miR-192, and miR-194 were upregulated, whereas miR-203 expression was downregulated compared to normal tissues.The most recent profiling study by Fassan et al. [28] used the Ohio State University's miRNA array to profile tissue samples from 14 NSE, 14 Barett’s mucosa (BM), 7 LGD, 5 HGD and 11 EAC. They identified 13 miRNAs as the “progression signature” that were associated with the progression of BE. In the qRT-PCR vali-dation using a series of tissue samples including 15 NSE, 15 BM, 15 LGD, 15 HGD and 15 EAC, 5 miRNAs were consistently dys-regulated during BE progression, including the upregulation of miR-215 and miR-192 and downregulation of miR-205, let-7c and miR-203.In addition to the above 6 array analyses, there were a number of studies that focused on miRNA candidates. For example, Dijckmeester et al. [29] showed that the expression of miR-143 was significantly higher and that of miR-205 was significantly lower in BE than in NSE, consistent with the array analyses. Luthra et al.[30] reported that miR-196a was upregulated in E AC compared to NSE tissues, and Maru et al. [31] further showed that miR-196a expression progressively increased with higher histological grade, suggesting that miR-196a alteration is an early event in carcino-genesis of EAC.From these six independent array analyses and several candi-date gene validation, a number of miRNAs emerged as important players in the pathogenesis of EAC and may become valuable bio-markers of E AC and/or BE. MiR-21, miR-192,miR-194 were the most consistently upregulated miRNAs in EAC, whereas miR-203, miR-205, miR-100, miR-125b, miR-99a,miR-27b and let-7c were consistently downregulated in E AC (Table 1). Furthermore, for miR-21, miR-192, miR-203, miR-205, and let-7c, there appeared to be a gradual increase or decrease of expression from NSE to BE to EAC. For many other miRNAs that were identified in a single pro-filing study with small sample size, they need to be validated in independent studies.Dysregulation of miRNAs in ESCC DevelopmentESCC is the dominant histological subtypes in Far East and all of the published studies evaluating miRNAs in E SCC came from Asia [32-37].Guoet al. [32] published the first miRNA array analysis in ESCC in 31 pairs of ESCC and normal tissues (training set) and 24 paired samples and 1 unpaired ESCC sample (validation set). From a total of 191 evaluable miRNAs, 7 were identified as the best clas-sifier to distinguish E SCC tissues from normal tissues, among which 3 (miR-25, miR-424, and miR-151) were upregulated and 4 (miR-100, miR-99a, miR-29c, and mmu-miR-140*) were downre-gualted in ESCC versus normal tissues.Faberet al. [23] found that miR-21, miR-93, and miR-342 were overexpressed whereas miR-203, miR-205, miR-27b, miR-100, miR-125b, and let-7c were down-regulated in ESCC.In a small study of 5 pairs of ESCC and NSE issues, Lee et al.[33] found four miRNAs, let-7d, miR-330, miR-340, and miR-373, were upregulated by at least 1.5-fold in each of the 5 ESCC tumors. Ogawaet al. [34] quantified the expression of 73 miRNAs by qRT-PCR in 30 E SCC tumor and paired normal tissues. Twenty-one miRNAs were upregulated at least 2-fold, including afore-mentioned miR-21, miR-25, and miR-151; and 4 miRNAs were downregulated at least 2-fold (miR-133a, miR-133b, miR-139, and miR-145) in ESCC.In the study of Mathe et al. [27], 70 pairs of E SCC/NSE (44 pairs for screening and 26 for validation) were queried and the ex-pression of miR-21 was elevated while the expression of miR-375 was reduced [27].Kanoet al. [35] used Taqman human miRNA array to deter-mine the expression of 365 mature human miRNAs in 10 matched pairs of ESCC and NSE and identified 15 downregulated miRNAs in E SCC tissues, which contained 3 (miR-133a, miR-133b, and miR-145) out of the 4 downregulated miRNAs reported by Ogawa et al. [34] and 2 (miR-100 and miR-99a) out of the 4 reported by Guo et al. [32].Of interesting note, Kimura et al [36] recently showed that the expression of miR-205 was high in both malignant and benign squamous epithelia and low in cell lines and tissues other than squamous epithelia, suggesting that miR-205 may be a specific biomarker of squamous epithelia. This observation is in line with the consistent downregulation of miR-205 in EAC tissues compared to normal squamous epithelial tissues [23-26].Finally,Honget al. [37] identified a panel of 12 miRNAs dif-ferentially expressed between E SCC and normal tissues with 9 upregulated (miR-155, miR-100, miR-146, miR-296, miR-10b, miR-203, miR-483, miR-494 and miR-220) and 3 downregulated (miR-143, miR-375 and miR-339) in ESCC.In addition to the above profiling studies, there were also a number of candidate miRNA studies in ESCC. Tian et al. [38] re-ported that miR-10b was upregualted in 95% of ESCC tissues. MiR-17-92 cluster was found to be overexpressed in 75% of ESCC sam-ples [39]. MiR-31 was up-regulated in 78% of the E SCC tissues [40]. MiR-29c level was significantly lower in ESCC tumor tissues and cell lines compared to normal esophageal epithelia [41]. MiR-210 was downregulated in ESCC and derived cell lines, particularly in poorly differentiated carcinomas [42].In summary, the consistently upregulated miRNAs in ESCC (at least in two studies) include miR-21, miR-25,miR-151, and miR-10b, and downregulated miRNAs include miR205, miR-203, miR-145, miR-100, miR-99a, miR-27b, miR-125b, miR-133a,miR-133b, miR-143 and miR-375 (Table 1).MiRNA IN THE PROGNOSIS OF ECA number of recent studies have evaluated miRNAs as prog-nostic factors for EC as summarized in (Table 2), but the results are inconclusive for a number of reasons, including small sample size, tumor heterogeneity, treatment heterogeneity, and different assay methods.Guoet al. showed that high expression of human miR-103 or miR107 (the mature forms of these two miRNAs were nearly iden-tical) was associated with poor overall survival in Chinese E SCC patients in a training set (31 patients) and a testing set (22 patients) [32]. Ogawa et al. found that high expression of miR-129 conferred an 18-fold increased risk of death in 30 surgically treated Japanese E SCC patients (p=0.031) [34]. An additional 19 patients (testing set) was analyzed for independent validation (p=0.011). Mathe et al. showed that higher miR-21 expression in noncancerous tissue of 70 ESCC patients was associated with poor survival; and low levels of miR-375 in 100 EAC tissues were strongly associated with worse prognosis [27]. The prognostic effect of miR-21 has been furtherMicroRNA in the Pathogenesis and Prognosis of Esophageal Cancer Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2013, Vol. 19, No. 7 1295extended to lymph node metastasis in ESCC as shown by two other studies [43,44]. The inverse correlation of miR-375 with poor sur-vival in ESCC was later replicated by Kong et al. [45]. In addition, Nguyen et al. [46] also reported similar prognostic effect of miR-375 in EAC.A number of other miRNAs have also been reported to have prognostic value for ESCC, including miR-143 [43], miR-92a [47], miR-106 and miR-148 [44], miR-223 [48], miR-142-3p [49] and miR-133a [50]. Using a large study population (158 tissue speci-mens, 99 from EAC and 59 from ESCC patients), Hu et al. meas-ured the expression levels of 10 select miRNAs in these tissue specimens by in situ hybridization, which is capable of detect posi-tive signals at the cellular level. Kaplan-Meier analysis showed that miR-16-2 expression and miR-30e expression were associated with shorter survival in all EC patients; in addition, miR-16-2, miR-30e, and miR-200a expression were associated with shorter survival in E AC patients, but not in E SCC patients [51]. From a microarray study, Hong et al. identified that low expression of miR-296 was able to distinguish long-term survivors with node-positive disease from those dying within 20 months with an median survival time advantage of 10.8 months [37]. Feber et al. reported a combined prognostic score composed of five miRNAs (miR-100, miR-143, miR-145, miR-199a-3p, and miR-199a-5p) [52].Hummel et al. also demonstrated an inverse correlation of miR-148 expression with cancer differentiation in EAC [44].Apart from the consistent findings of miR-21 and miR-375, which were associated with poor and good survival, respectively, these mostly scattered, heterogeneous findings reflect the major challenges in clinical outcome study of rare cancers due to diffi-culty in obtaining well-characterized tissue specimens from homo-geneously treated patients. Collaborative efforts from investigators in the E C community are needed to conduct well-designed, suffi-ciently powered studies to identify miRNAs as biomarkers for the prognosis and treatment response of EC.Table 2. Summary of Studies Focusing on Prognostic Functions of miRNAs in Esophageal CancerStudy SampleSizeHistology MiRNA Prognosis Guo et al. (2008) [32] 53 ESCC miR-103/107 Poor survivalMathe et al. (2009) [27] 70 ESCC miR-21 Poor survival100E ACmiR-375 Good survivalOgawa et al. (2009) [34] 49 ESCC miR-129 Poor survivalHong et al. (2010) [37] 10 ESCC miR-296 Poor survivalNguyen et al. (2010) [46] 103 EAC miR-375 Good survivalAkagi et al. (2011) [43] 55 ESCC miR-21, miR-205 Lymph node positivity55E SCCmiR-143, miR-145 Recurrence of metastasisFeber et al. (2011) [52] 45 EAC miR-100, miR-143, miR-145, miR-199a-3p, miR-199a-5pPoor survival45E ACmiR-99b, miR-199a-3p, miR-199a-5pLymph node metastasisChen et al. (2011) [47] 107 ESCC miR-92a Poor survival, lymph node metastasis and TNMstagingHamano et al. (2011) [113] 98E SCCmiR-200c Induces chemoresistanceHu et al. (2011) [51] 158 EC miR-16-2, miR-30e Poor survival99E ACmiR-16-2, miR-30e, miR-200a Poor survivalHummel et al. (2011) [44] 21 ESCC miR-21 Lymph node metastasis21E SCCmiR-106, miR-148 Associated with lower rate of tumor-related deathand recurrence22E ACmiR-148 Inversely correlated with cancer differentiation Kong et al. (2012) [45] 60 ESCC miR-375 Inversely correlated with advanced stage, metastasis,poor overall survival and disease-free survival, nega-tively correlated with IGF1R expressionKurashige et al. (2012) [48] 109E SCCmiR-223 Poor prognosis, correlated with ubiquitin ligaseFBXW7Lin et al. (2012) [49] 91 ESCC miR-142-3p Poor prognosisSuzuki1et al. (2012) [50] 102 ESCC miR-133a Inversely correlated with CD47, an independentprognostic marker for lymph node metastasis*MiRNAs that are consistent in at least two studies are shown in bold.1296 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2013, Vol. 19, No. 7 Gu et al.MOLECULAR MECHANISMS OF MiRNAs IN EC One of the most challenging questions in miRNA research is the identification and experimental validation of miRNA targets, more importantly, the mechanistic elucidation of physiological and pathological roles of the specific miRNA and target gene. It is well known that each miRNA can target hundreds of genes, and the same mRNA can be targeted by multiple miRNAs. The currently available target prediction programs often produce hundreds of potential target genes due to imperfect complementarity between miRNA and its target, which makes experimental validation ex-tremely important. Most of the dysregulated miRNAs, such as miR-21, miR-205, miR-203, miR-375, are also dysregulated in other cancers and there were extensive functional studies in E C and/or other cancers for a number of these miRNAs. Here, we summarize the functional studies of oncogenic miRNAs and tumor suppressor miRNAs in EC (Table 3).MiRNAs Acting as OncogenesMiR-21MiR-21 is the most commonly upregulated miRNA in human cancers that exhibits the most consistent association with both EAC and ESCC development as well as the prognosis of ESCC. MiR-21 regulates a plethora of target genes that are involved in cellular survival, apoptosis and cell invasiveness, including a number of tumor-suppressor genes such as tropomyosin-1 (TPM1), PTEN, maspin, and programmed cell death 4 (PDCD4) [53]. Hiyoshi et al.[54] showed that the protein level of PDCD4 (tumor suppressor) in ESCC cells had an inverse correlation with miR-21 expression.MiR-106-25 PolycistronM iR-106-25 polycistronic miRNA cluster is located at chromo-some 7q22.1 and encodes three miRNAs, miR-25, miR-93, and miR-106b. M iR-106-25 was upregulated progressively from NSE, to BE, and to EAC [25]. MiR-106b-25 polycistron exhibited poten-tial proliferative, anti-apoptotic, cell cycle-promoting effects in vitro and tumorigenic activity in vivo [25]. MiR-93 and miR-106b targeted tumor suppressor gene p21 via mRNA degradation, whereas miR-25 targeted Bim(Bcl-2 interacting mediator of cell death) via translational inhibition in EAC [25]. Most recently, Xu et al. [55] demonstrated that miR-25 promotes E SCC cell migration and invasion by directly targeting the 3' UTR of E-cadherin gene (CDH1) and inhibited the expression of CDH1, providing another mechanism of the ongenic activity of miR-25.MiR-17-92 PolycistronMiR-17-92 cluster, also designated as oncomir-1, is one of the best-characterized oncogenic miRNAs [56,57]. The gene is located at 13q31.3, encodes six mature miRNAs: miR-17, miR-18a, miR-19a, miR-20a, miR-19b-1, and miR-92-1, and has been implicated in the oncogenesis of multiple cancers [56,57]. One study showed that miR-17-92 cluster was overexpressed 75% of E SCC tumors [39]. Furthermore, overexpression of the miR-17-92 cluster could promote cellular growth in vitro and in vivo, and inhibition of miR-19a induced apoptosis in vitro and impaired tumor growth in vivoTable 3. MiRNAs with Validated Targets in ECmiRNA Histology Validated targets [references] Function OncogenicmiR-21E SCCPDCD4[54] Cellproliferation,Migration miR-106b EAC P21 [25] Cell cycle control, ApoptosismiR-93 EAC P21 [25] Cell cycle control, ApoptosismiR-25 EAC Bim [25], CDH1 [55] Cell cycle control, ApoptosismiR-19aE SCCTNF- [39]Tumor growth, Apoptosis miR-92aE SCCCDH1[58] Migration/InvasionmiR-10bE SCCKLF4[38] Migration/InvasionmiR-196aE ACANXA1 [30], SPRR2C, S100A9, KRT5 [31] Cell proliferation, Apoptosis miR-31 ESCC EMP1, KSR2, RGS4 [40] Colony formation, Migration/invasion miR-373E SCCLATS2[33] CellproliferationTumor SuppressormiR-375 ESCC PDK1 [71], IGF1R [45] Tumorigenesis, Migration, Metastasis miR-205E SCCZE B2[76] Migration/InvasionmiR-145 ESCC FSCN1 [35] Cell proliferation, InvasionmiR-203 ESCC Np63 [85] Cell proliferation miR-133a & b ESCC FSCN1 [35] Cell proliferation, Invasion miR-29c ESCC CCNE [41] Cell cycle control, Cell proliferation miR-210 ESCC FGFRL1 [42] Cell cycle control, Cell proliferationMicroRNA in the Pathogenesis and Prognosis of Esophageal Cancer Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2013, Vol. 19, No. 7 1297[39]. TNF- (tumor necrosis factor- ) was confirmed as a direct target of miR-19a [39]. In another study, miR-92a was found to modulate the migration and invasion but not apoptosis and prolif-eration of E SCC cells in vitro. In addition, miR-92a directly tar-geted the CDH1 and repressed the expression of CDH1 [58]MiR-10bMiR-10b is overexpressed in several types of cancer [59-62] including ESCC [38]. MiR-10b was the first miRNA found to affect invasion and metastasis of human cancer (breast cancer) [63]. Simi-larly, Tian et al. [38] found that cellular miR-10b expression level correlated with cell motility and invasiveness in several human E SCC cell lines. Additionally, they identified KLF4 (Krüppel-like factor 4), a known tumor suppressor gene that has been reported to suppress esophageal cancer cell migration and invasion, as a direct target of miR-10b. KLF4 regulates the expression level of p21 and mediates p53-dependent G1/S cell cycle arrest in response to DNA damage [64]. The oncogenic function of miR-10b is at least par-tially mediated by KLF4 in ESCC.MiR-196aMiR-196a is overexpressed in several types of cancer and pre-malignant esophageal tissues [31,65-67]. Luthra et al. [30] showed that miR-196a targets Annexin A1 (ANXA1), which is a critical mediator of apoptosis and is frequently suppressed or lost in E C [68-70]. MiR-196a promotes cell proliferation and anchorage-independent growth and suppresses apoptosis, which may be par-tially explained by its targeting of ANXA1 [30]. Maru et al. [31] further identified a few additional target genes of miR-196a, includ-ing KRT5 (keratin 5), SPRR2C (small proline-rich protein 2C), and S100A9 (S100 calcium-binding protein A9), all of which are down-regulated during BE progression.Two other potential oncogenic miRNAs and their validated targets have been reported in E SCC: miR-31 targets three tumor suppressor genes, EMP1 (epithelial membrane protein 1), KSR2 (kinase suppressor of Ras 2) and RGS4 (regulator of G-protein sig-naling 4) [40]; and miR-373 targets LATS2 (large tumor suppressor 2) [33].Tumor Suppressor miRNAs in ECMiR-375The promoter of miR-375 was frequently hypermethylated in E C and miR-375 is a negative regulator of 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 (PDK1) in EC [71]. Frequent promoter hypermethylation of miR-375 was also found in ESCC tissues [45]. MiR-375 also inhibits clonogenicity, cell motility, cell proliferation, tumor formation and metastasis in mice. Furthermore, miR-375 could interact with the 3'-untranslated region of IGF1R and down-regulate its expression in vitro and the expression of IGF1R was also negatively correlated with miR-375 expression in clinical sam-ples [45]. These studies provide compelling evidence supporting that the downregulation of miR-375, through promoter hypermethy-lation, is one of the molecular mechanisms involved in the devel-opment and progression of ESCC.MiR-205MiR-205 is downregulated in many different cancers [72-75]. MiR-205 plays an important role in the regulation of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), a process critical to tumor progres-sion and metastasis. EMT is characterized by the loss of E-cadherin and reduction of cell locomotion and invasion. Matsushima et al.[76] showed that knockdown of miR-205 expression in ESCC cells substantially increased the expression of zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 2 (ZEB2), accompanied by reduction of E-cadherin, supporting that miR-205 exerts tumor-suppressive activities with EMT inhibition by targeting ZEB2 in ESCC. MiR-145MiR-145 is downregulated in many cancers [77] and precancer-ous lesions [78,79]. A plethora of target genes of miR-145 have been experimentally validated [80-83]. In particular, Sachdeva et al.[82] showed that c-Myc is a direct target for miR-145.MiR-145 is induced by the tumor suppressor p53 transcriptionally. Therefore, miR-145 provides a direct link between p53 and c-Myc. Loss of heterogeneity (LOH) of 17p13 (p53 locus) and amplification of 8q24 (Myc locus) are both frequent molecular alterations in ESCC and EAC, suggesting that miR-145 may exhibit its tumor suppressor function in E C through the p53-Myc network. However, there has not been direct evidence showing miR-145 inhibits c-Myc in E C. On the other hand, Kano et al. [35] identified a novel target gene, FSCN1 (actin-binding protein, Fascin homolog 1), for miR-145. FSCN1 was overexpressed in E SCC tumors compared to normal epithelium, and FSCN1 overexpression was significantly associated with the extent of the tumor, lymph node metastasis, and poor prognosis [84]. These data suggest inhibition of FSCN1 may be one of the mechanisms for the tumor suppressor function of miR-145 in ESCC.Other potential tumor suppressor miRNAs and their validated targets include: miR-203 targets DeltaNp63 ( Np63), an alternative splice variant of p63 gene that has oncogenic function [85]; miR-133a and miR-133b target FSCN1 [35]; miR-29c induces cell cycle arrest by targeting CCNE (cyclin E) [41]; and miR-210 targets FGFRL1 (fibroblast growth factor receptor-like 1), an accelerator of cell proliferation [42].CIRCULATING MIRNAS AND ESOPHAGEAL CANCER Alterations of circulating miRNA expression profiles are poten-tially indicative of physiological and pathological changes. There has been great interest in the identification of circulating miRNA as a blood-based minimally invasive biomarker for early detection and prognosis of cancer since Mitchell et al. [86] reported that tumor-derived miRNA in human plasma exists in a remarkably stable form. Compared to extensive studies of circulating miRNAs in other cancer types [87-103], to date, systematic investigations of circulating miRNAs in EC were scarce and limited to ESCC. Using a two-phase study design, Zhang et al. [104] compared pooled se-rum samples by Solexa sequencing and identified 25 candidate miRNAs aberrantly expressed between samples of E SCC patients and normal subjects, which were then subjected to individual qRT-PCR validation. A panel of 7 serum miRNAs (miR-10a, miR-22, miR-100, miR-127-3p, miR-133a, miR-148b, and miR-223) was identified as potential biomarker for E SCC. Several other studies used candidate gene approach to evaluate specific circulating miR-NAs in E SCC. By comparing miRNA expression levels between tumor and adjacent normal tissues, as well as between serum sam-ples of patients and normal controls, a Chinese group reported that miR-31 is upregulated in ESCC tumor tissue and in serum of patient samples [40]. The same group also reported that miR-1322 was upregulated in both E SCC tissues and patients' serum samples [105]. Komatsu et al. [106] focused on previously reported onco-genic miR-21, miR-184 and miR-221, tumor suppressive miR-375 and confirmed the upregulation of miR-21 and downregulation of miR-375 in plasma samples of ESCC patients compared to normal subjects, and further suggested that the ratio of plasma levels of miR-21 to miR-375 was a better diagnostic marker than either markers alone. Moreover, the same Japanese group also evaluated the prognostic value of miR-21 and miR-375 and reported that high plasma level of miR-21 is correlated with higher risk of recurrence and poorer survival whereas high plasma level of miR-375 is in-dicative of better survival [106,107].。



➢ The incidence of esophageal cancer ranked fifth in all cancer sites in China.
➢ Males are more than females.
➢ More likely occurred in middle and lower thoracic esophagus .
recurrent laryngeal nerves) ➢ Aspiration/cough/recurrent pneumonia ➢ Hematemesis
If you have symptoms that may signal esophageal cancer, your doctor will examine you and ask you questions about your health; your lifestyle, including smoking and drinking habits; and your family medical history.
One or more of the following tests may be used to find out if you have esophageal cancer and if it has spread. These tests also may be used to find out if treatment is working.
➢ Esophageal pathology and the imaging performance of esophageal cancer
✓ Definition ✓ Epidemiology ✓ Classification ✓ Signs and symptoms ✓ Diagnosis and differential diagnosis ✓ Treatment



【疾病名】食管癌【英文名】esophageal carcinoma【别名】膈症;食道癌;噎膈;carcinoma of esophagus【ICD号】C15【病因和发病机制研究的进展】1.病因研究进展 动植物中广泛存在着一大类小的非编码蛋白质的RNA,21-25个核苷酸长度,被命名为micro RNA(miRNA)。













• Without mucosal fold break.
2. Esophageal varices
• Have a history of liver cirrhosis, portal hypertension.
• Beaded filling defect(串珠样充盈缺损)
The carcinoma can encroach on the whole-layer of esophagus and make a stenosis,with ulceration on it.
广泛侵犯食管全层,形成腔外肿物, 管腔狭窄,表面可见溃疡
2. CT
• 1. Esophageal wall circular or irregular thickening(>5mm).
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Ulcerative carcinoma
The end
• Thank you!
• c . Constrictive type
M,63Y, Progressive dysphagia 20d
• d. Medullary type
The carcinoma can encroach on the whole-layer of esophagus and make a stenosis,with ulceration on it.
2. Esophageal varices
• Have a history of liver cirrhosis, portal hypertension. • Beaded filling defect(串珠样充盈缺损) • Enhanced CT scan showed vascular tortuosity group remarkable enhancement and delayed enhancement. • Barium emptying delay, but no obstruction phenomenon.
• First: The junction of the pharynx(咽) and esophagus. • Second: located in the back of left principal bronchus. • Third: Esophageal hiatus(食管裂孔).
3 Sections of the esophagus
Enhanced scanning
3. MR
The high signal fat layer exist.
There is a synechia(黏连) between the cancer and the aortic arch.
Cancer invade the trachea
T2WI:The fat layer disappeared and the wall of trachea be damaged.
1. Achalasia of cardia and esophagus
• Intermittent dysphagia(间歇性吞咽困难) • On a widened upper segment with fluid level • Lower esophagus become thin like a beak(鸟嘴 征) • Without mucosal fold break.
The surrounding of the tumor become bulged , and the folds of mucous become damaged. (周围隆
b .Mushroom type
Filling defect An expand over the tumor
Carcinoma of Esophagus
• • • • • • • Anatomy of the Esophagus Summary Pathogeny(发病机制) Clinical feature Diagnose Differential diagnosis Exercise
• 1. Can u remember the 3 physiological stenosis of esophagus? (In this question u can answer it in Chinese) • 2. Please show us the four types of the carcinoma of esophagus. • 3. Tell me which esophagus disease it is in the following pictures.
Postoperation Recur
Small nodules(小结节)
protrude type(隆起型)
Early ulcerative type
Early constrictive type
(2). Middle and advanced stage
• a. Ulcerative type(溃疡型) • • niche •
• • • • 1. Nitrosamine(亚硝胺) 2. Fungus(真菌) 3. Vitamin deficiency 4. Dietary habits
Clinical feature
• In early stage Symptoms are often not obvious, but when swallowing the coarse food ,different degrees of uncomfortable feelings may occur.
Classification of esophageal cancer
• • • • 1. Ulcerative type(溃疡型) 2. Mushroom type(蕈伞型) 3. Constrictive type(缩窄型) 4. Medullary type(髓质型)
• 1. X-ray barium meal • 2. Computed Tomography(CT) • 3. Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MR)
3. Leiomyoma of the esophagus(食管平滑肌瘤)
• Smooth circular cavity filling defect without mucosal fold break and surrounding tissue invasion and metastasis.
Prevalence and mortality
• There are more than 300,000 people worldwide died from esophageal cancer each year , and 150,000 of them are Chinese.
T1W enhance scanning shows a lump in the trachea and be enhanced like the carcinoma.
Differential diagnosis
• 1. Achalasia of cardia and esophagus(食管贲门失 弛缓征) • 2. Esophageal varices(食管静脉曲张) • 3. Leiomyoma of the esophagus (食道平滑肌瘤).
1. X-ray barium meal
• (1). Early stage
Esophageal mucosal folds be beak(粘膜迂曲、断 裂) Single or multiple small niches(龛影) Limiting filling defect(局限性充盈缺损) Barium stream slow or temporary residence(钡剂 流动缓慢或一过性滞留)
• The upper segment
Tracheal bifurcation (气管分叉)
• The middle segment
(Carcinoma occur most frequent)
• The lower segment
• Carcinoma of the esophagus is a common malignant tumor that occurs in a population cover 40 years old ,and in predilection for male(好发于男性).
广泛侵犯食管全层,形成腔外肿 物,管腔狭窄,表面可见溃疡
2. CT
• 1. Esophageal wall circular or irregular thickening(>5mm). • 2. Cavity lump occurred. • 3. Paraesophageal fat layer fuzzy, disappear. • 4. Peripheral organ got involved or lymph node metastasis. • 5. Enhanced scanning showed mild enhancement of tumor.
Байду номын сангаас
Clinical feature
In the middle and advanced stage
Progressive dysphagia (进行性吞咽困难) When the tumor invade the trachea , tracheoesophageal fistula(气管食管瘘) Cachexia(恶病质)
Anatomy of the Esophagus
• The esophagus is a muscular tube, which is a digestive organ between the throat and stomach.
Physiological stenosis of esophagus