Matrox Odyssey eCL XCL 相机接口应用注释说明书
The DCFs mentioned in this application note are also attached (embedded) to this PDF file – use the Adobe Reader’s View File Attachment to access the DCF files. The information furnished by Matrox Electronics System, Ltd. is believed to be accurate and reliable. Please verify all interface connections with camera documentation or manual. Contact your local sales representative or Matrox Sales office or Matrox Imaging Applications at
Mode 2: Pseudo-continuous
Mode 3: Asynchronous reset
2352 × 1726 × 10-bit. Camera Link MEDIUM interface (Quad tap). Progressive scan. Matrox Odyssey eCL/XCL receiving external trigger signal. Matrox Odyssey eCL/XCL sending EXPOSURE1 (CC1) signal to camera
Setting 4 taps 10 Bits ExSync, Level-controlled
工业相机接口标准详解来源:本站作者:admin 点击:517面对市面上出现的越来越多的工业相机品牌,各相机厂商都给出了大量的相机参数,例如:相机接口、芯片类型、量子效应、帧率等。
其主要性能比较如下表所示:USB2.0USB 即“Universal Serial Bus ”,中文名称为通用串行总线。
这是近几年逐步在PC 领域广为应用的新型接口技术。
2000年制定的USB 2.0标准是真正的USB 2.0,被称为USB 2.0的高速(High-speed)版本,理论传输速度为480 Mbps,即60 MB/s,但实际传输速度一般不超过30 MB/s,采用这种标准的USB设备也比较多。
USB3.0USB3.0 ——也被认为是SuperSpeedUSB——为那些与PC或音频/高频设备相连接的各种设备提供了一个标准接口。
新的USB 3.0在保持与USB 2.0的兼容性的同时,还提供了下面的几项增强功能:(1)极大提高了带宽——高达5Gbps全双工(USB2.0则为480Mbps半双工)(2)实现了更好的电源管理(3)能够使主机为器件提供更多的功率,从而实现USB——充电电池、LED照明和迷你风扇等应用。
从上往下第二个接口是USB接口,尼康D850使用的是USB 3.0接口,同很多移动硬盘的接口一样,具有高速传输效果,配件通用性也很强。
而如果是使用Z 6或者Z 7微单相机,通过HDMI接口可以连接外录设备,能够录制4:2:2 10bit的4K视频,获得更高的视频画质,同时HDMI接口能够连接直播传输设备,可以用于视频直播,主要针对现在十分火热的直播需求。
Matrox Pulsar DALSA CL-C3-1024A相机接口应用指南说明书
DALSA CL-C3-1024A May 29, 1996DALSA CL-C3-1024A May 29, 1996Cabling Requirements (Continued)•the connections between the OS1 20-pin dual row connector of the camera and the 68-pin SCSI-2 connector of the PULSAR/DIG/MOD are as follows:DALSA CL-C3-1024A PULSAR/DIG/MOD(20-pin dual row connector - OS1)(68-pin SCSI-2 connector)Pin name Pin no. Pin name Pin no.AD7+1→DATA7+10AD7−2→DATA7−44AD6+3→DATA6+11AD6−4→DATA6−45AD5+5→DATA5+13AD5−6→DATA5−47AD4+7→DATA4+14AD4−8→DATA4−48AD3+9→DATA3+15AD3−10→DATA3−49AD2+11→DATA2+16AD2−12→DATA2−50AD1+13→DATA1+19AD1−14→DATA1−53AD0+15→DATA0+20AD0−16→DATA0−54STROBE+17→CLKIN+29STROBE−18→CLIKIN−63LVAL+19→HSYNC+26LVAL−20→HSYNC−60•the connections between the OS2 20-pin dual row connector of the camera and the 68-pin SCSI-2 connector of the PULSAR/DIG/MOD are as follows:DALSA CL-C3-1024A PULSAR/DIG/MOD(20-pin dual row connector - OS2)(68-pin SCSI-2 connector)Pin name Pin no. Pin name Pin no.BD7+1→DATA15+2BD7−2→DATA15−36BD6+3→DATA14+3BD6−4→DATA14−37BD5+5→DATA13+4BD5−6→DATA13−38BD4+7→DATA12+5BD4−8→DATA12−39BD3+9→DATA11+6BD3−10→DATA11−40BD2+11→DATA10+7BD2−12→DATA10−41BD1+13→DATA9+8BD1−14→DATA9−42BD0+15→DATA8+9BD0−16→DATA8−43DALSA CL-C3-1024A 29/05/96DALSA CL-C3-1024A May 29, 1996DALSA CL-C3-1024A 29/05/96 When timer1 reaches the value set for CTRL_T1START, the EXPOSURE1 signal beingsent to the camera goes high. When timer1 reaches zero, the EXPOSURE1 signal goeslow. The EXPOSURE1 signal should be sent immediately to the camera upon arrival ofan external trigger signal to indicate that exposure should begin, thereforeCTRL_SET1CNT and CTRL_T1START must be set equal to each other; this isaccomplished by setting CTRL_SET1CNTL equal to CTRL_T1STARTL andCTRL_SET1CNTH equal to CTRL_T1STARTH. The Pulsar indicates to the camerathat exposure should stop by sending the EXPOSURE2 pulse. For a given setting ofCTRL_SET2CNT, which is the time set on the timer for EXPOSURE2 (timer2), the timeat which the EXPOSURE2 pulse is sent is controlled by CTRL_T2START, the width ofthe EXPOSURE2 pulse. Timer2 starts counting down from CTRL_SET2CNT; when itreaches the value set for CTRL_T2START, the EXPOSURE2 signal being sent to thecamera goes high. When timer2 reaches zero, the EXPOSURE2 signal goes low. Sinceboth timers start at the same time, the exposure time is then CTRL_SET2CNT −CTRL_T2START. Finally, it should be noted that the EXPOSURE1 pulse must remainhigh until the LVAL pulse goes low; therefore the time set on timer1 (CTRL_SET1CNT)must be greater than the exposure time, plus the maximum possible delay between theEXPOSURE2 pulse and the LVAL pulse, plus the width of the LVAL pulse (the linetransfer time). The maximum possible delay between the EXPOSURE2 pulse and theLVAL pulse is taken to be 8.9µs (64 pixel times at a clock rate of 7.159 MHz); the linetransfer time is 71.5µs (512 pixel times, since there are two outputs, at a clock rate of7.159 MHz).So to summarize:CTRL_T1START = CTRL_SET1CNT, i.e., CTRL_T1STARTL = CTRL_SET1CNTLand CTRL_T1STARTH = CTRL_SET1CNTH EXPOSURE TIME = CTRL_SET2CNT − CTRL_T2STARTCTRL_SET1CNT > exposure time + maximum delay between EXPOSURE2 andLVAL pulses (8.9µs or 64 pixels) + line transfer time (71.5µsor 512 pixels)Remember that each 16-bit register is split into a low byte and a high byte. These valuesmust be in pixels and must be set in hexadecimal; the value of each 16-bit register canvary between 0 (0000 in Hex) and 65 535 (FFFF in Hex). The default time set on timer1as well as the default width of the EXPOSURE1 pulse is 6400 pixels, which inhexadecimal is 1900 (Here the low byte corresponds to 0H and the high byte to 19H).The default time set on timer2 is 6144 pixels (1800H) and the default width of theEXPOSURE2 pulse is 256 pixels (100H). The default exposure time is therefore6144 − 256 = 5888 pixels, which at a clock rate of 7.159MHz corresponds to 0.82ms.The registers are set in the following way:CTRL_SET1CNTL0H CTRL_SET2CNTL0HCTRL_SET1CNTH19H CTRL_SET2CNTH18HCTRL_T1STARTL0H CTRL_T2STARTL0HCTRL_T1STARTH19H CTRL_T2STARTH1HDALSA CL-C3-1024AMay 29, 1996When computing the hardware registers, the following question may be asked: “Some registers have been manually edited. Ok to overwrite them all? (y/n)”. Answer “no” to this question and to all questions that follow.IMPORTANT! These instructions must be followed very carefully ; the only registers that should be modified are those mentioned above . Please consult Matrox Imaging Applications at (514) 822-6061 if assistance is required.•the maximum trigger rate is the reciprocal of the width of the EXPOSURE1 pulse, or in other words, it is the reciprocal of the sum of the exposure time and 80.4µs. This last number is the sum of the maximum delay between the EXPOSURE2 and LVAL pulses (taken to be 8.9µs) and the line transfer time (71.5µs). The default max trigger rate is 1.1kHz•an RS-422 external trigger input may also be used once the following connectionsbetween the 68-pin SCSI-2 connector of the PULSAR/DIG/MOD and the external trigger source are made:PULSAR/DIG/MODExternal trigger source (68-pin SCSI-2 connector)Pin name Pin no. Pin nameTRIGGER+27←“RS-422 TRIGGER+”TRIGGER-61←“RS-422 TRIGGER-”•use Matrox Intellicam in order to modify the DCF for an RS-422 external trigger input.Consult the Matrox Intellicam User Guide for more informationThe DCF(s) mentioned in this application note can be found on the MIL and MIL-Lite CD, or our FTP site ().The information furnished byMatrox Electronics System, Ltd. is believed to be accurate and reliable. Please verify all interface connections with camera documentation or manual.Contact your local sales representative or Matrox Sales office or Matrox Imaging Applications at 514-822-6061 for assistance.CorporateHeadquarters:Canada and U.S.A.Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.1055 St.Regis Blvd.Dorval, Quebec, Canada H9P 2T4Tel: (514) 685-7230Fax: (514) 822-6273。
HDMI是High Definition Multimedia Interface的缩写,即高清晰度多媒体接口。
单反相机的HDMI标准通常分为两种类型,mini HDMI和micro HDMI。
一般来说,相机厂商会在产品说明书中明确说明相机的HDMI 接口类型,用户可以根据说明书来选择合适的连接线。
Matrox Corona JAI CV-M70 相机接口应用说明说明书
Interfacing non-standard cameras to Matrox CoronaJAI CV-M70 March 22, 2000VIDEO RGBVIDEO RGBHDWENTRIG INPUTPIXEL CLOCKJAI CV-M70 March 22, 2000JAI CV-M70 March 22, 2000JAI CV-M70March 22, 2000•Connections between the 6-pin multi connector (RS-232C) of the camera and the 44-pin connector of the Matrox Corona are as follows:JAI CV-M70(6-pin multi connector) CORONA/_/E (44-pin connector) Pin name Pin no. Pin namePin no.CablingRequirements (continued)TRIGGER INPUT 05 ← EXP(1)38 WEN OUTPUT06→VSYNC_TTL32•Connections between the 12-pin multi connector (DC/Ext. Sync) of the camera and the 44-pin connector of the Matrox Corona are as follows:JAI CV-M70(12-pin multi connector) CORONA/_/E (44-pin connector)Pin namePin no. Pin name Pin no. EXTERNAL HD OUTPUT06→HSYNC_TTL02•Connections between the H/W trigger source and the 44-pin connector of the Matrox Corona are as follows:H/W Trigger Source CORONA/_/E (44-pin connector) Pin namePin no. Pin name Pin no.H/W TRIG Cable -- → OPTOTRIG+ 35GND --OPTOTRIG-34The DCF(s) mentioned in this application note can be found on the MIL and MIL-Lite CD, or our FTP site (). The information furnished by Matrox Electronics System, Ltd. is believed to be accurate and reliable. Please verify all interface connections with cameradocumentation or manual. Contact your local sales representative or Matrox Sales office or Matrox Imaging Applications at 514-822-6061 for assistance.Corporateheadquarters:Canada and U.S.A.Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.1055 St. Regis Blvd. Dorval, Quebec H9P 2T4 CanadaTel: (514) 685-2630 Fax: (514) 822-6273。
千兆网工业相机技术之Gigabit Ethernet (GigE)接口介绍关键词:GIge接口介绍,GIGE技术
GigE 接口是工业应用所新开发的一种图像接口技术,以Gigabit Ethernet 协议为标准,主要用做高速、大数据量的图像传输,远距离图像传输及降低远距离传输时电缆线的成本。
10/100 Mb/s, 1 Gb/s (GigE), 10 Gb/s (10GigE)
Matrox Corona-II 相机接口应用说明(SENTECH STC-1100b)说明书
SENTECH STC-1100b July 22, 2002 Basics about thecameraCamera Descriptions§659 × 494 × 8-bit @ 30/60 fps.§Single channel analog video output.§Interlaced or progressive scan.§Internal (composite) or external sync.§Internal or external exposure control.§24.5454/12.2726 MHz pixel clock rate.Mode of operations as per Matrox Imaging (in parentheses as per camera manufacturer)Interface Modes§Continuous (Double speed)§Asynchronous reset (One-pulse Variable Integration Shutter Trigger)Basics about theinterface modesCamera Interface BriefsMode 1: Continuous (Double speed)§640 × 480 × 8-bit @ 60 fps.§Single channel analog video.§Progressive scan.§Matrox Corona-II receiving video signals from camera.§ DCF used:1100BDPC.DCFMode 2: Asynchronous Reset§640 × 480 × 8-bit.§Single channel analog video.§Progressive scan.§Matrox Corona-II receiving TTL external trigger signal.§Matrox Corona-II sending EXPOSURE1 (M-TRIG IN) signal to camera toinitiate and control exposure time.§Matrox Corona-II receiving video signals from camera.§ DCF used:1100BDPA.DCFSENTECH STC-1100b July 22, 2002Specifics about theinterface modesCabling details for theinterface modesSENTECH STC-1100b July 22, 2002Cabling details for theinterface modesThe DCF(s) mentioned in this application note can be found on the MIL CD or our FTP site (). The information furnished by MatroxElectronics System, Ltd. is believed to be accurate and reliable. Please verify all interface connections with camera documentation or manual. Contact your local sales representative or Matrox Sales office or Matrox Imaging Applications at 514-822-6061 for assistance.Corporate headquarters:Canada and U.S.A.Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd. 1055 St. Regis Blvd. Dorval, Quebec H9P 2T4 CanadaTel: (514) 685-2630 Fax: (514) 822-6273。
Matrox Helios eA XA 摄像头接口应用说明 SONY XC-HR70说明书
(12-pin connector)
Pin name
Pin no.
Pin name
Pin no.
← HD
← VD
Camera Switch settings: Internal/External synchronization switch and DIP switches are set as follows, refer to the camera manual for additional information:
Camera Interface Application Note
August 2, 2006
Specifics about the interface modes
Camera Interface Details
Mode 1: Continuous
Camera Switch settings: Internal/External synchronization switch and DIP switches are set as follows, refer to the camera manual for additional information:
signal to camera to initiate and control exposure time. Matrox Helios eA/XA receiving video signal (with sync) from camera. DCF used: XCHR70_1024x768_8bitPcon.DCF (Non-binning, 30 fps) DCF used: XCHR70_1024x370_8bitPcon.DCF (Binning, 60 fps)
工业相机SDK 接口设计说明书目录1.简介 (3)1.1目标及范围 (3)1.2相关术语 (3)1.3参考资料 (3)2.分析设计 (5)2.1设计思想 (5)2.2接口结构 (5)2.3数据流分析 (6)3.接口描述(C++接口) (8)3.1传输层工厂类 (8)3.2设备控制类 (11)3.3G EN A PI (16)4.接口描述(C接口) (21)4.1相机控制通用接口 (21)4.2XML相关接口 (37)4.3G IG EV ISION相机特有的接口 (41)4.4U3V相机特有的接口 (43)5.数据结构描述 (44)5.1MV_GIGE_DEVICE_INFO(G IG E设备信息) (44)5.2MV_USB3_DEVICE_INFO(USB3设备信息) (45)5.3MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO(相机信息统一结构体) (45)5.4MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO(输出帧信息) (46)5.5MV_XML_NODE_FEATURE(XML节点基本信息) (47)6.修订记录 (48)1.简介1.1目标及范围本文档的目的是设计一套工业相机SDK的统一接口,兼容GigEVision、1394、U3V 和CameraLink等标准协议。
1.2相关术语1.3参考资料1.《GigEVisionSDK产品需求规格说明书.doc》.2.《USB3VisionSDK产品需求规格说明书.doc》.3.《GenICam_Standard_v2_0.pdf》.4.eBUS SDK C++ API.chm.5.FlyCapture2 C Documentation.chm.6.FlyCapture2SDKHelp.chm7.JAI SDK.chm8.ImagingSource.chm.9.PylonCSDK.chm2.分析设计2.1设计思想工业相机SDK的设计首先考虑的是支持多个相机协议,提取共性后设计通用的接口和结构体,使得上层应用软件不需要关心具体的相机协议。
camera link接口标准
Camera Link是一种数字图像传输接口标准,用于连接相机和计算机。
Camera Link接口标准由三个部分组成:相机端接口、帧同步接口和计算机
相机端接口包括一个或多个Camera Link接口连接器,用于传输图像数据和控制信号。
计算机端接口包括一个或多个Camera Link接口连接器,用于接收图像数据和控制信号。
Camera Link接口标准支持多种数据传输模式,包括Base、Medium和Full。
Camera Link接口标准还支持多种数据格式,包括8位、10位、12位和14位。
总之,Camera Link接口标准是一种高速、可靠和实时的数字图像传输接口,适用于高速图像采集和处理应用。
HDMI是High Definition Multimedia Interface的缩写,是数字高清多媒体接口。HDMI接口一开始主要应用于机顶盒、媒体播放机、电视机、摄像机输出等消费领域,因为HDMI兼容DVI接口,同时HDMI可以内嵌声音,所以HDMI接口应用越来越广泛,同时HDMI接口的连接器体积小,现在很多工业相机也开始使用HDMI作为信号输出口。HDMI 1.2的最大视频带宽为3.96 Gbps,这在工业相机应用比较广泛,但是在消费电子领域HDMI目前已经发展到2.0版本,最大视频带宽为14.4 Gbps,随着时间的发展,很多高速相机也会采用该接口作为图像输出口。HDMI接口的最大缺点就是紧固性不好,所以如果相机需要移动的话,容易导致信号接触不良。
CoaXPress该标准容许相机设备通过单根同轴电缆连接到主机,以高达6.25G比特/秒的速度传输数据,4根线缆可达25 Gbit/s.标准同轴电缆和带宽的采用,使得CoaXPress不仅可以引起机器视觉应用领域的兴趣,还适合广泛采用同轴电缆的医疗与安保市场的应用。
五、与其他接口标准的比较B接口:Cameralink是基于USB接口的协议,与传统的USB 接口相比,它具有更高的速度和更简单的连接方式。
Matrox Solios eCL XCL 相机接口应用指南说明书
LORD Ingénierie DVLC2098K August 9, 2006 –Basics about thecameraCamera DescriptionsEffectiveresolution:Upto2098pixels/***************************.Camera Link BASE interface (8-bit RGB or 16-bit multiplexed).External and internal sync.External or internal exposure control.20/60 MHz pixel clock rate.Mode of operations as per Matrox Imaging (in parentheses as per camera manufacturer)Interface ModeFixed line scan rate (exposure control or continuous)Variable line scan rate (exposure control)Fixed line scan rate with frame trigger (exposure control or continuous)Variable line scan rate with frame trigger (exposure control)Fixed line scan rate with variable frame size (exposure control or continuous) Variable line scan rate with variable frame size (exposure control)Basics about theinterface modesCamera Interface BriefsMode 1: Fixed line scan rate2098 pixels/line.Camera Link BASE interface (8-bit RGB).DCF configured for 1000 lines per virtual frame.Matrox Solios eCL/XCL sending periodic EXPOSURE1 (CIEXT) signal tocamera.Matrox Solios eCL/XCL receiving LVAL, PIXEL CLOCK (CLK @ 20 MHz) andvideo data from camera.DCF used:DVLC2098k_2098_8bitRGBFLS.DCFLORD Ingénierie DVLC2098K August 9, 2006 Basics about theCamera Interface Briefs (cont.)interface modesMode 2: Variable line scan rate2098 pixels/line.Camera Link BASE interface (8-bit RGB).DCF configured for 1000 lines per virtual frame.Matrox Solios eCL/XCL receiving external TTL line trigger signal.Matrox Solios eCL/XCL sending EXPOSURE1 (CIEXT) signal to camera.Matrox Solios eCL/XCL receiving LVAL, PIXEL CLOCK (CLK @ 20 MHz)and video data from camera.DCF used: DVLC2098k_2098_8bitRGBVLS.DCFMode 3: Fixed line scan rate with frame trigger2098 pixels/line.Camera Link BASE interface (8-bit RGB).DCF configured for 1000 lines per virtual frame.Matrox Solios eCL/XCL receiving external TTL frame (virtual) trigger signal.Matrox Solios eCL/XCL sending periodic EXPOSURE1 (CIEXT) signal tocamera.Matrox Solios eCL/XCL receiving LVAL, PIXEL CLOCK (CLK @ 20 MHz)and video data from camera.DCF used: DVLC2098k_2098_8bitRGBFLSFT.DCFLORD Ingénierie DVLC2098K August 9, 2006 Basics about theCamera Interface Briefs (cont.)interface modesMode 4: Variable line scan rate with frame trigger2098 pixels/line.Camera Link BASE interface (8-bit RGB).DCF configured for 1000 lines per virtual frame.Matrox Solios eCL/XCL receiving external TTL frame (virtual) and line triggersignals.Matrox Solios eCL/XCL sending EXPOSURE1 (CIEXT) signal to camera.Matrox Solios eCL/XCL receiving LVAL, PIXEL CLOCK (CLK @ 20 MHz)and video data from camera.DCF used: DVLC2098k_2098_8bitRGBVLSFT.DCFMode 5: Fixed line scan rate with variable frame size2098 pixels/line.Camera Link BASE interface (8-bit RGB).DCF configured for 1000 lines per virtual frame.Matrox Solios eCL/XCL receiving external TTL frame (virtual) trigger signal.Matrox Solios eCL/XCL sending periodic EXPOSURE1 (CIEXT) signal tocamera.Matrox Solios eCL/XCL receiving LVAL, PIXEL CLOCK (CLK @ 20 MHz)and video data from camera.DCF used: DVLC2098k_2098_8bitRGBFLSVF.DCFLORD Ingénierie DVLC2098K August 9, 2006 Basics about theCamera Interface Briefs (cont.)interface modesMode 6: Variable line scan rate with variable frame size2098 pixels/line.Camera Link BASE interface (8-bit RGB).DCF configured for 1000 lines per virtual frame.Matrox Solios eCL/XCL receiving external TTL frame (virtual) and line triggersignals.Matrox Solios eCL/XCL sending EXPOSURE1 (CIEXT) signal to camera.Matrox Solios eCL/XCL receiving LVAL, PIXEL CLOCK (CLK @ 20 MHz)and video data from camera.DCF used: DVLC2098k_2098_8bitRGBVLSVF.DCFSpecifics about theCamera Interface Detailsinterface modesMode 1: Fixed line scan rateLine rate: The frequency of the periodic EXPOSURE1 (CIEXT) signaldetermines the camera’s line rate. The maximum line rate for this cameraequals 3.09 kHz.Exposure time: For exposure control mode the exposure time is theinactive (low level) period between the falling and rising edges of theEXPOSURE1 (CIEXT) signal. The default exposure time for this DCF is 150μs. Maximum/minimum exposure time per line for this DCF is 839 ms and 50ns respectively. The exposure time can be modified in the DCF using MatroxIntellicam or with the MIL MdigControl() function. Consult the respectivemanual for more information.Camera communication: This DCF will work with the continuous andexposure control modes. Set the mode via the Camera Linkcommunication. Refer to the camera manual for additional information.Menu Cmd Value FunctionUser settings U 00 or 20 Continuous or exposure control modeUser settings C 4 3 × 8-bits parallel @ 20 MHz eachLORD Ingénierie DVLC2098K August 9, 2006 Specifics about theCamera Interface Details (cont.)interface modesMode 1: Fixed line scan rate (cont.)Timing diagram:Mode 2: Variable line scan rateLine rate: The line rate is controlled by the frequency of the external TTL linetrigger signal. The line trigger signal period must be larger than the totalduration of the exposure time (low level duration of the timer), the internaldelay of the camera (≈4.4 μs) and the line read out (104.9 μs).Exposure time: Refer to Mode 1: Fixed line scan rate.Camera communication: This DCF will work with exposure control modeonly. Set the mode via the Camera Link communication. Refer to the cameramanual for additional information.Menu Cmd Value FunctionUser settings U 20 Exposure control modeUser settings C 4 3 × 8-bits parallel @ 20 MHz eachTiming diagram:LORD Ingénierie DVLC2098K August 9, 2006 Specifics about theCamera Interface Details (cont.)interface modesMode 3: Fixed line scan rate with frame triggerLine/frame rate: The line rate is fixed and controlled by the frequency ofEXPOSURE1 (CIEXT) signal. The default exposure time for this DCF is 150μs (for exposure control mode). The virtual frame rate is variable andcontrolled by the period of the external frame trigger signal, however theexternal frame trigger period must always be greater than the total time of thenumber of lines captured. The number of lines per virtual frame (maximum of1000 for this DCF) is fixed and controlled by the vertical timing of the DCF.Capture of the lines will start with the rising edge of the frame trigger signal.Exposure time: Refer to Mode 1: Fixed line scan rate.C amera communication: Refer to Mode 1: Fixed line scan rate.Timing diagram:Mode 4: Variable line scan rate with frame triggerLine/frame rate: The line rate is controlled by the frequency of the externalTTL line trigger signal. The line trigger signal period must be larger than thetotal duration of the exposure time (low level duration of the timer), theinternal delay of the camera (≈4.4 μs) and the line read out (104.9 μs). Thedefault exposure time for this DCF is 150 μs. The virtual frame rate isvariable and controlled by the period of the external frame trigger signal,however the external trigger period must always be greater than the totaltime of the number of lines captured. The number of lines per virtual frame(1000 for this DCF) is fixed and controlled by the vertical timing of the DCF.Capture of the lines will start with the rising edge of the frame trigger signal.Exposure time: Refer to Mode 1: Fixed line scan rate.Camera communication:Refer to Mode 2: Variable line scan rate.Continued.…LORD Ingénierie DVLC2098K August 9, 2006 Specifics about theCamera Interface Details (cont.)interface modesMode 4: Variable line scan rate with frame triggerTiming diagram:Mode 5: Fixed line scan rate with variable frame sizeLine/frame rate: The line rate is fixed and controlled by the frequency ofEXPOSURE1 (CIEXT) signal. The default exposure time for this DCF is 150μs (for exposure control mode). The number of lines per virtual frame(maximum of 1000 for this DCF) is variable and controlled by the frametrigger signal. Matrox Solios eCL/XCL captures lines during the high level ofthe frame trigger signal. To modify the maximum amount of lines captured,change the active vertical timing period in the DCF. Capture of the lines willstart with the rising edge of the frame trigger signal.Exposure time: Refer to Mode 1: Fixed line scan rate.Camera communication:Refer to Mode 1: Fixed line scan rate.Timing diagram:LORD Ingénierie DVLC2098K August 9, 2006 Specifics about theCamera Interface Details (cont.)interface modesMode 6: Variable line scan rate with variable frame sizeLine/frame rate: The line rate is variable and controlled by the external linetrigger frequency. The default exposure time for this DCF is 150 μs. Thenumber of lines per virtual frame (maximum of 1000 for this DCF) is variableand controlled by the frame trigger signal. Matrox Solios eCL/XCL captureslines during the high level of the frame trigger signal. To modify the maximumamount of lines captured, change the active vertical timing period in the DCF.Capture of the lines will start with the rising edge of the frame trigger signal.Exposure time: Refer to Mode 1: Fixed line scan rate.Camera communication:Refer to Mode 2: Variable line scan rate.Timing diagram:Cabling details for theCabling Requirementsinterface modesMode 1: Fixed line scan rateCable and Connection: Standard Camera Link cable.Mode 2: Variable line scan rateCable and Connection: Standard Camera Link.External trigger: External line trigger should be connected to the OPTOTRIG input of the 9-pin connector (pins 7 and 2) on the External I/O adapterbracket:EXTERNAL I/O BRACKET(9-pin connector) External Trigger SourcePin Name Pin no. Pin NameOPTO_AUX_IN0 + 07 ←LINE TRIGGER (TTL FORMAT)OPTO_AUX_IN0 - 02 ←LINE TRIGGER (GROUND)LORD Ingénierie DVLC2098K August 9, 2006 Specifics about theCabling Requirementsinterface modesMode 3: Fixed line scan rate with frame triggerCable and Connection: Standard Camera Link.External trigger: External line trigger should be connected to the OPTOTRIG input of the 9-pin connector (pins 4 and 5) on the External I/O adapterbracket:EXTERNAL I/O BRACKET(9-pin connector) External Trigger SourcePin Name Pin no. Pin NameOPTO_AUX_IN1 + 04 ←FRAME TRIGGER (TTL FORMAT)OPTO_AUX_IN1 - 05 ←FRAME TRIGGER (GROUND)Mode 4: Variable line scan rate with frame triggerCable and Connection: Standard Camera Link.External trigger: External frame and line triggers should be connected to theOPTO TRIG inputs of the 9-pin connector on the External I/O adapterbracket:EXTERNAL I/O BRACKET(9-pin connector) External Trigger SourcesPin name Pin no. Pin nameOPTO_AUX_IN1 + 04 ←FRAME TRIGGER (TTL FORMAT)OPTO_AUX_IN1 - 05 ←FRAME TRIGGER (GROUND)OPTO_AUX_IN0 + 07 ←LINE TRIGGER (TTL FORMAT)OPTO_AUX_IN0 - 02 ←LINE TRIGGER (GROUND)Mode 5: Fixed line scan rate with variable frame sizeCable and Connection: Standard Camera Link.External trigger: External trigger should be connected to the OPTO TRIGinput (pins 4 and 5) of the 9-pin connector on the External I/O adapterbracket:EXTERNAL I/O BRACKET(9-pin connector) External Trigger SourcesPin name Pin no. Pin nameOPTO_AUX_IN1 + 04 ←FRAME TRIGGER (TTL FORMAT)OPTO_AUX_IN1 - 05 ←FRAME TRIGGER (GROUND)LORD Ingénierie DVLC2098K August 9, 2006 Cabling details for theCabling Requirementsinterface modesMode 6: Variable line scan rate with variable frame size▪Cable and Connection: Standard Camera Link.▪External trigger: External frame and line triggers should be connected to theOPTO TRIG inputs of the 9-pin connector on the External I/O adapterbracket:EXTERNAL I/O BRACKET(9-pin connector) External Trigger SourcesPin name Pin no. Pin nameOPTO_AUX_IN1 + 04 ←FRAME TRIGGER (TTL FORMAT)OPTO_AUX_IN1 - 05 ←FRAME TRIGGER (GROUND)OPTO_AUX_IN0 + 07 ←LINE TRIGGER (TTL FORMAT)OPTO_AUX_IN0 - 02 ←LINE TRIGGER (GROUND)The DCFs mentioned in this application note are also attached (embedded) to this PDF file – use the Adobe Reader’s View File Attachment to access the DCF files. The information furnished by Matrox Electronics System, Ltd. is believed to be accurate and reliable. Please verify all interface connections with camera documentation or manual. Contact your local sales representative or Matrox Sales office or Matrox Imaging Applications at 514-822-6061 for assistance. © Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd, 2006-2011.Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.1055 St. Regis Blvd.Dorval, Quebec H9P 2T4CanadaTel: (514) 685-2630Fax: (514) 822-6273。
Matrox Odyssey Xpro 相机接口应用说明文档(Photonfocus MV-D640
Photonfocus MV-D640-66-CL-10 March 16, 2006 Basics about thecameraCamera DescriptionsEffective resolution: 640 × 480 × 10-bit @ 200 fps.Camera Link BASE interface (10-bit, dual tap).Progressive scan.Internal sync.Internal exposure control.66 MHz pixel clock rate.Mode of operations as per Matrox Imaging (in parentheses as per camera manufacturer)Interface ModeContinuous (Free Running) Pseudo-continuous (Trigger) Asynchronous reset (Trigger)Basics about theinterface modesCamera Interface BriefsMode 1: Continuous640 × 480 × 10-bit @ 200 fps.Camera Link BASE interface (10-bit, dual tap).Matrox Odyssey Xpro receiving LVAL, FVAL, PIXEL CLOCK (CLK @ 66MHz) and video from camera.DCF used: MV-D640-66-CL-10_640x480_10bitCon.DCFMode 2: Pseudo-continuous640 × 480 × 10-bit.Camera Link BASE interface (10-bit, dual tap).Matrox Odyssey Xpro sending EXPOSURE1 (CC1) signal to camera toinitiate the exposure.Matrox Odyssey Xpro receiving LVAL, FVAL, PIXEL CLOCK (CLK @ 66MHz) and video from camera.DCF used: MV-D640-66-CL-10_640x480_10bitPcon.DCFContinued…Photonfocus MV-D640-66-CL-10 March 16, 2006 Basics about theCamera Interface Briefs (cont.)interface modesMode 2: Pseudo-continuousMode 3: Asynchronous reset640 × 480 × 10-bit.Camera Link BASE interface (10-bit, dual tap).Matrox Odyssey Xpro receiving external trigger signal.Matrox Odyssey Xpro sending EXPOSURE1 (CC1) signal to camera toinitiate the exposure.Matrox Odyssey Xpro receiving LDV, FDV, CLK and video from camera.DCF used: MV-D640-66-CL-10_640x480_10bitAsync.DCFPhotonfocus MV-D640-66-CL-10 March 16, 2006 Specifics about theCamera Interface Detailsinterface modesMode 1: ContinuousFrame rate: Matrox Odyssey Xpro receives the continuous video fromthe camera at 200 frames per second . To increase the frame rate,reduce exposure time in the PhotonFocus PFRemote CameraConfiguration utility (PFRemote.EXE).Exposure time: Exposure time is determined by the Exposure TimeField setting in the PFRemote utility. Refer to the camera manual formore information.Camera settings: The camera mode is set to the following setting in thePFRemote utility. Refer to the camera manual for more information.Mode SettingTrigger Free RunningOutput 10-bitSpecial clock FAST 66 MHzMode 2: Pseudo-continuousFrame rate: The frame rate is determined by the frequency of theEXPOSURE1 (CC1) signal.Exposure time: The rising edge of the EXPOSURE1 (CC1) signalinitiates the camera’s internal exposure time. To modify the exposuretime, change the Exposure Time Field setting in the PFRemote utility.Refer to the camera manual for more information.Camera settings: The camera mode is set to the following setting in thePFRemote utility. Refer to the camera manual for more information.Mode SettingTrigger External TriggerOutput 10-bitSpecial clock FAST 66 MHzMode 3: Asynchronous ResetFrame rate: The frame rate is determined by the frequency of theexternal trigger signal. The period between the external trigger signalsmust be larger than the frame readout period and the exposure time.Exposure time: The rising edge of the EXPOSURE1 (CC1) signalinitiates the camera’s internal exposure time. To modify the exposuretime, change the Exposure Time Field setting in the PFRemote utility.Refer to the camera manual for more information.Camera settings: Refer to Mode 2: Pseudo-continuous.Photonfocus MV-D640-66-CL-10 March 16, 2006 Cabling details for theCabling Requirementsinterface modesMode 1 and 2: Continuous and Pseudo-continous▪Cable and Connection: Standard Camera Link cable.Mode 2: Asynchronous reset▪Cable and Connection: Standard Camera Link.▪External trigger: External trigger should be connected to the OPTOTRIG input of the 9-pin connector (pins 7 and 2) on the Expanded I/Oadapter bracket.EXPANDED I/O BRACKET(9-pin connector) External Trigger SourceOPTOTRIG + 07 ←SIGNAL --OPTOTRIG - 02 ←GROUND --The DCFs mentioned in this application note are also attached (embedded) to this PDF file – use the Adobe Reader’s View File Attachment to access the DCF files. The information furnished by Matrox Electronics System, Ltd. is believed to be accurate and reliable. Please verify all interface connections with camera documentation or manual. Contact your local sales representative or Matrox Sales office or Matrox Imaging Applications at 514-822-6061 for assistance. © Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd, 2006-2011.Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.1055 St. Regis Blvd.Dorval, Quebec H9P 2T4CanadaTel: (514) 685-2630Fax: (514) 822-6273。
Matrox Radient eCL 相机接口应用说明书
Sentech STC‐CL152A March 16, 20110041Basics about the camera Camera Descriptions▪Effective resolution: 1360 ⨯ 1040 ⨯ 10‐bit @ 20 fps. ▪Camera Link BASE interface (Single tap).▪Progressive scan.▪Internal sync.▪Internal or external exposure control.▪28.6363 MHz pixel clock rate.Mode of operations as perMatrox Imaging (in parenthesesas per camera manufacturer)Interface Mode▪Continuous (Continuous Mode)▪Pseudo‐continuous (Pulse Width Trigger Mode) ▪Asynchronous reset (Pulse Width Trigger Mode)Basics about the interface modes Camera Interface Briefs Mode 1: Continuous▪1360 ⨯ 1040 ⨯ 10‐bit @ 20 fps.▪Camera Link BASE interface (Single tap).▪Matrox Radient eCL receiving LVAL, FVAL, PIXEL CLOCK (CLK @ 28.6363 MHz) and video from camera.▪DCF used: STCCL152A_1360x1040_10bitCon.DCFMode 2: Pseudo‐continuous▪1360 ⨯ 1040 ⨯ 10‐bit.▪Camera Link BASE interface (Single tap).▪Matrox Radient eCL sending TIMER 1 OUT (CC1) signal to camera to initiate andcontrol the exposure.▪Matrox Radient eCL receiving LVAL, FVAL, PIXELCLOCK (CLK @ 28.6363 MHz) and video from camera.▪DCF used: STCCL152A_1360x1040_10bitPcon.DCFSentech STC‐CL152A March 16, 20110042Basics about the interface modes Camera Interface Briefs (cont.) Mode 2: Pseudo‐continuousMode 3: Asynchronous reset▪1360 ⨯ 1040 ⨯ 10‐bit.▪Camera Link BASE interface (Single tap).▪Matrox Radient eCL receiving external trigger signal.▪Matrox Radient eCL sending TIMER 1 OUT (CC1) signal to camera to initiate and control the exposure.▪Matrox Radient eCL receiving LVAL, FVAL, PIXEL CLOCK (CLK @ 28.6363 MHz) and video from camera.▪DCF used: STCCL152A_1360x1040_10bitAsync.DCFSpecifics about the interface modes Camera Interface DetailsMode 1: Continuous▪Frame rate: Matrox Radient eCL receives the continuous video from the camera at 20 frames per second.▪Exposure time: Exposure time is set using the integration time setting in theCameraConfiguration utility. Refer to the camera manual for more information.Sentech STC‐CL152A March 16, 20110043Specifics about the interface modes Camera Interface Details (cont.) Mode 1: Continuous▪Camera control settings: Set the camera using the Sentech SOF‐Cube Camera Configuration Utility as follows: Trigger Mode = Normal | Output Mode = 10‐bitMode 2: Pseudo‐continuous▪Frame rate: The frame rate is determined by the frequency of the TIMER1 OUT (CC1) signal.▪Exposure time: The TIMER1 OUT (CC1) signal’s active duration initiates and controls the exposure time, which can be modified in the DCF using Matrox Intellicam or with the MIL MdigControl() function. Consult the respective manual for more information.▪Camera control settings: Set the camera using the Sentech SOF‐Cube Camera Configuration Utility as follows: Trigger Mode = Pulse Width Trigger | Output Mode = 10‐bit | Trigger Reset Mode = V‐ResetMode 3: Asynchronous Reset▪Frame rate: The frame rate is determined by the frequency of the external trigger signal. The period between the external trigger signals must be larger than the frame readout period plus the exposure time.▪Exposure time: Refer to Mode 2: Pseudo‐continuous.▪Camera settings: Refer to Mode 2: Pseudo‐continuous.Cabling details for the interfacemodesCabling RequirementsMode 1 and 2: Continuous and Pseudo‐continuous ▪Cable and Connection: One Mini‐To‐Mini Camera Link cable.Sentech STC‐CL152A March 16, 20110044Cabling details for the interfacemodesCabling Requirements (cont.) Mode 3: Asynchronous Reset▪Cable and Connection: One Mini‐To‐Mini Camera Link cable.▪External trigger: External trigger should be connected to the external auxiliary I/O (connector A on Matrox Radient eCL bracket).EXTERNAL AUX. I/O(connector A) External Trigger SourcePIN NAME PIN NO. PIN NAME PIN NO.OPTO_AUX_IN0 + 15 ← SIGNAL ‐‐OPTO_AUX_IN0 ‐ 09 ← GROUND ‐‐The DCFs mentioned in this application note are also attached (embedded) to this PDF file – use the Adobe Reader’s View File Attachment to access the DCF files. The information furnished by Matrox Electronics System, Ltd. is believed to be accurate and reliable. Please verify all interface connections with camera documentation or manual. Contact your local sales representative or Matrox Sales office or Matrox Imaging Applications at 514‐822‐6061 for assistance. © Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd, 2010‐2011.Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.1055 St. Regis Blvd.Dorval, Quebec H9P 2T4CanadaTel: (514) 685‐2630Fax: (514) 822‐6273。
Matrox Solios eCL XCL相机接口应用指南说明书
Photonfocus BLIZZARD-60-CL September 29, 2006 Basics about thecameraCamera DescriptionsEffective Resolution: 750 × 400 × 10-bit @ 60 fps.Camera Link BASE interface (10-bit).Progressive scan.Internal sync.Internal or external exposure control.20 MHz pixel clock rate.Mode of operations as per Matrox Imaging (in parentheses as per camera manufacturer)Interface ModesContinuousPseudo-continuous (Trigger Pulse Width) Asynchronous reset (Trigger Pulse Width)Basics about theinterface modesCamera Interface BriefsMode 1: Continuous750 × 400 × 10-bit @ 60 fps.Camera Link BASE interface (10-bit).Matrox Solios eCL/XCL receiving LVAL, FVAL, PIXEL CLOCK (CLK @20 MHz) and video signals from camera.DCF: BLIZZARD60_750x400_10bit1tapCon.DCFMode 2: Pseudo-continuous750 × 400 × 10-bit.Camera Link BASE interface (10-bit).Matrox Solios eCL/XCL sending periodic EXPOSURE1 (CC1) signal tocamera to initiate and control exposure time.Matrox Solios eCL/XCL receiving LVAL, FVAL, PIXEL CLOCK (CLK @20 MHz) and video signals from camera.DCF: BLIZZARD60_750x400_10bit1tapPcon.DCFPhotonfocus BLIZZARD-60-CL September 29, 2006 Basics about theCamera Interface Briefs (continued)interface modesMode 2: Pseudo-continuousMode 3: Asynchronous reset750 × 400 × 10-bit.Camera Link BASE interface (10-bit).Progressive scan.Matrox Solios eCL/XCL receiving external OPTO trigger signal.Matrox Solios eCL/XCL sending EXPOSURE1 (CC1) signal to camera toinitiate and control exposure time.Matrox Solios eCL/XCL receiving LVAL, FVAL, PIXEL CLOCK (CLK @20 MHz) and video signals from camera.DCF used: BLIZZARD60_750x400_10bit1tapAsync.DCFSpecifics about theCamera Interface Detailsinterface modesMode 1: ContinuousFrame Rate: With this DCF, the Matrox Solios eCL/XCL receives thecontinuous video from the camera at 20 frames per second.Exposure time: Exposure time is determined by the shutter setting.Refer to the camera manual for more information.Photonfocus BLIZZARD-60-CL September 29, 2006 Specifics about theCamera Interface Details (cont.)interface modesMode 1: ContinuousCamera Control: Set the camera mode to Free Run using thePFRemote utility. Refer to the camera manual for the commanddescriptions.Mode 2: Pseudo-continuousFrame Rate: With this DCF, the Matrox Solios eCL/XCL receives thepseudo-continuous video from the camera.Frame rate is controlled bythe frequency of the EXPOSURE1 (CC1) signal.Exposure time: The width (rising edge to falling edge) of theEXPOSURE1 (CC1) signal is the exposure time. To modify the exposuretime, change the active duration of Timer1 in Matrox Intellicam or with theMIL MdigControl() function. It is recommended that the total period(active and inactive) of Timer1 be set to greater than one frame duration.Furthermore, any increase or decrease to the exposure time willrespectively decrease or increase the frame rate.Camera Control: Set the camera mode to External Trigger using thePFRemote utility. Refer to the camera manual for the commanddescriptions.Mode 3: Asynchronous ResetFrame rate: The frame rate is determined by the frequency of theexternal trigger signal. The period between external trigger signals mustbe larger than the total duration of one frame.Exposure time: The width (rising edge to falling edge) of theEXPOSURE1 (CC1) signal is the exposure time. To modify the exposuretime, change the pulse duration of Timer1 in Matrox Intellicam or with theMIL MdigControl() function. Refer to the respective manual for moreinformation.Camera Control: Set the camera mode to External Trigger using thePFRemote utility. Refer to the camera manual for the commanddescriptions.Photonfocus BLIZZARD-60-CL September 29, 2006 Cabling details for theCabling Requirementsinterface modesMode 1 and 2: Continuous and Pseudo-continuous▪Cable and Connection: Standard Camera Link cable.Mode 3: Asynchronous reset▪Cable and Connection: Standard Camera Link.▪External trigger: External trigger should be connected to the OPTOTRIG input of the 9-pin connector (pins 7 and 2) on the Expanded I/Oadapter bracket.EXPANDED I/O BRACKET(9-pin connector) External Trigger SourceOPTOTRIG + 07 ←SIGNAL --OPTOTRIG - 02 ←GROUND --The DCFs mentioned in this application note are also attached (embedded) to this PDF file – use the Adobe Reader’s View File Attachment to access the DCF files. The information furnished by Matrox Electronics System, Ltd. is believed to be accurate and reliable. Please verify all interface connections with camera documentation or manual. Contact your local sales representative or Matrox Sales office or Matrox Imaging Applications at 514-822-6061 for assistance. © Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd, 2006-2011.Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.1055 St. Regis Blvd.Dorval, Quebec H9P 2T4CanadaTel: (514) 685-2630Fax: (514) 822-6273。
Matrox Odyssey eCL XCL相机接口应用说明书
Cabling Requirements
Modes 1 and 2: Continuous, Pseudo-continuous Cable and Connection: Two MDR26 Camera Link cables.
Mode 3: Asynchronous reset
Cable and Connection: Two MDR26 Camera Link cables. External trigger: External trigger should be connected to the OPTO TRIG
Interface Mode
Continuous Pseudo-con tinuous Asynchronous reset (EXSYNC Level-controlled)
Camera Interface Briefs
Mode 1: uous
1280 × 1024 × 8-bit @ 500 fps. Camera Link FULL interface (Ten taps). Progressive scan. Matrox Odyssey eCL/XCL receiving LVAL, FVAL, PCLK and video from
The DCFs mentioned in this application note are also attached (embedded) to this PDF file – use the Adobe Reader’s View File Attachment to access the DCF files. The information furnished by Matrox Electronics System, Ltd. is believed to be accurate and reliable. Please verify all interface connections with camera documentation or manual. Contact your local sales representative or Matrox Sales office or Matrox Imaging Applications at 514-822-6061 for assistance. © Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd, 2008-2011.
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