广岛核爆炸 ppt讲解
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The Atomic bombing in Hiroshima
The damage that nuclear explosion brought
• 烧灼伤 • 原子弹引发的大量热线和放射线,爆心1千米以内的人,均受到了5度的重度烧伤,表皮全部碳化。
热线的影响范围是3.5千米以内。此范围内的木质房屋大都自燃,更是造成了二次烧伤。爆心1千米 以内而又在屋外的人,90%在7天内死亡。 • 外伤 • 冲击波本身会对被害者造成损伤;冲击波毁坏的建筑物的碎片以高速冲向被害者,也会造成二次外 伤。有人的眼球和内脏甚至直接从体内飞了出去,惨不目睹。 • 放射能症 • 原子弹爆炸发射出的大量放射线,使大量被害者得了急性放射能症。症状是恶心、呕吐、食欲不振、 腹泻、发热、脱毛症、皮下出血等等。也有人因此得了白血病。被害者大部分在一个月内死亡。 • 二次放射能症 • 随后赶来救援的人,因为防护措施不到位,也有人得了放射能症,不过数量较少。受黑雨(核辐射 尘和云中的水汽混合在一起,形成了黑色的雨落在广岛一带 )影响的人,也得了二次放射能症。 • 核辐射 • 染上核辐射,会得原子病,失明、脱发、肌体萎缩,最后痛苦地死去。而且受辐射的人很难与健康 的人结婚,他们结婚后出生的婴儿,全部智力迟钝。甚至出现畸形,这样,侥幸大难不死的人,也 有无尽的痛苦与他们终生为伴。
3.The center of the city contained several reinforced concrete buildings and lighter
structures. Outside the center, the area was congested by a dense collection of small wooden workshops set among Japanese houses.(市中心有几个钢筋混凝土建筑物及较松 散的建筑物,市中心以外则是拥挤的日本木造房 屋-----容易受到火灾破坏)
Specific performance
Victims of Hiroshima
The bombing have a great impact on Japanese people, especially those who survived. They have to suffer from
Injuries (1)
Why was Hiroshima chosen as the
1.At the time of its bombing, Hiroshima was a city of both industrial and military significance. A number of military camps were located nearby, including the headquarters of Field Marshal Shunroku Hata's 2nd General Army which commanded the defense of all southern Japan.(广岛是日本重要的工业及军事中 心,有一些军事设施就位于广岛附近,包含负责 防御日本南部的畑俊六第二陆军总部 )
4.The population of Hiroshima had reached a peak of over 381,000 earlier in the war .广岛的人口在 第二次世界大战早期达到巅峰,人口超过381,000 人------人多,伤亡则大,可崩溃日本国民的心防, 打击士气,促进投降
Atomic bombings of Hiroshima
• Background • process • Impact • Why was Hiroshima chosen as the target?
• Following a firebombing campaign that destroyed many Japanese cities, the Allies prepared for a costly invasion of Japan. The war in Europe ended when Nazi Germany signed its instrument of surrender on 8 May, but the Pacific War continued. Together with the United Kingdom and the Republic of China, the United States called for a surrender of Japan in the Potsdam Declaration on 26 July 1945, threatening Japan with "prompt and utter destruction". The Japanese government ignored this ultimatum. American airmen dropped Little Boy on the city of Hiroshima on 6 August 1945, followed by Fat Man over Nagasaki on 9 August.
2.Hiroshima was a minor supply and
logistics base for the Japanese military
but it also had large depots of military
supplies and was a key center for shipping.(广岛是一个小型的日军补给及物 流基地,也是一个军队的通讯、存储中心 与集结区域 )
radiation sickness for ever. It seems that Japanese people have recovered from the bombing, however, there are still something that they cannot forget.
The Atomic bombing in Hiroshima
The damage that nuclear explosion brought
• 烧灼伤 • 原子弹引发的大量热线和放射线,爆心1千米以内的人,均受到了5度的重度烧伤,表皮全部碳化。
热线的影响范围是3.5千米以内。此范围内的木质房屋大都自燃,更是造成了二次烧伤。爆心1千米 以内而又在屋外的人,90%在7天内死亡。 • 外伤 • 冲击波本身会对被害者造成损伤;冲击波毁坏的建筑物的碎片以高速冲向被害者,也会造成二次外 伤。有人的眼球和内脏甚至直接从体内飞了出去,惨不目睹。 • 放射能症 • 原子弹爆炸发射出的大量放射线,使大量被害者得了急性放射能症。症状是恶心、呕吐、食欲不振、 腹泻、发热、脱毛症、皮下出血等等。也有人因此得了白血病。被害者大部分在一个月内死亡。 • 二次放射能症 • 随后赶来救援的人,因为防护措施不到位,也有人得了放射能症,不过数量较少。受黑雨(核辐射 尘和云中的水汽混合在一起,形成了黑色的雨落在广岛一带 )影响的人,也得了二次放射能症。 • 核辐射 • 染上核辐射,会得原子病,失明、脱发、肌体萎缩,最后痛苦地死去。而且受辐射的人很难与健康 的人结婚,他们结婚后出生的婴儿,全部智力迟钝。甚至出现畸形,这样,侥幸大难不死的人,也 有无尽的痛苦与他们终生为伴。
3.The center of the city contained several reinforced concrete buildings and lighter
structures. Outside the center, the area was congested by a dense collection of small wooden workshops set among Japanese houses.(市中心有几个钢筋混凝土建筑物及较松 散的建筑物,市中心以外则是拥挤的日本木造房 屋-----容易受到火灾破坏)
Specific performance
Victims of Hiroshima
The bombing have a great impact on Japanese people, especially those who survived. They have to suffer from
Injuries (1)
Why was Hiroshima chosen as the
1.At the time of its bombing, Hiroshima was a city of both industrial and military significance. A number of military camps were located nearby, including the headquarters of Field Marshal Shunroku Hata's 2nd General Army which commanded the defense of all southern Japan.(广岛是日本重要的工业及军事中 心,有一些军事设施就位于广岛附近,包含负责 防御日本南部的畑俊六第二陆军总部 )
4.The population of Hiroshima had reached a peak of over 381,000 earlier in the war .广岛的人口在 第二次世界大战早期达到巅峰,人口超过381,000 人------人多,伤亡则大,可崩溃日本国民的心防, 打击士气,促进投降
Atomic bombings of Hiroshima
• Background • process • Impact • Why was Hiroshima chosen as the target?
• Following a firebombing campaign that destroyed many Japanese cities, the Allies prepared for a costly invasion of Japan. The war in Europe ended when Nazi Germany signed its instrument of surrender on 8 May, but the Pacific War continued. Together with the United Kingdom and the Republic of China, the United States called for a surrender of Japan in the Potsdam Declaration on 26 July 1945, threatening Japan with "prompt and utter destruction". The Japanese government ignored this ultimatum. American airmen dropped Little Boy on the city of Hiroshima on 6 August 1945, followed by Fat Man over Nagasaki on 9 August.
2.Hiroshima was a minor supply and
logistics base for the Japanese military
but it also had large depots of military
supplies and was a key center for shipping.(广岛是一个小型的日军补给及物 流基地,也是一个军队的通讯、存储中心 与集结区域 )
radiation sickness for ever. It seems that Japanese people have recovered from the bombing, however, there are still something that they cannot forget.