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FHV 嗜睡 打喷嚏 结膜炎 流涎 眼分泌物 鼻分泌物 溃疡 角膜炎 咳嗽 肺炎 跛行 +++ +++ ++ ++ +++ +++ + + (+) (+) -
FCV + + (+) + ++ + +++ + ++
Cf + + +++ +++ + + -
Bb + ++ (+) ++ ++ + -
susceptible cat self-limiting or life-long
FCV carrier state
cat with acute FCV infection
40% colony cats 25% show cats 8% household pets 20% practice cases
• • •
cough (rarely pneumonia) 咳嗽 lameness (“limping kitten syndrome”) 跛行(“小猫跳跃综合症” virulent systemic feline calicivirus disease (VSFCD) 猫卡里西病毒感染引起的恶性全身性疾病
Acute Oral Lesions 急性口腔损伤
www.pcweb.liv.ac.uk/ cpdvets/
Acute Oral Lesions 急性口腔损伤
Limping Kitten Syndrome Pedersen et al., 1983
• mainly in kittens of 6 - 12 weeks 主要见于6-12周龄的小猫 • often after vaccinations 常发于疫苗免疫后 • usually intermittent, often with fever 常见间歇热 • mostly self-limiting 大部分为自限性 • certain antigenic variant?

swabs (tongue, paws) 拭子 (舌,爪) => multiplex PCR (FCV, FHV, Chlamydophila felis) 多重PCR(FCV, FHV,猫支原体) virus isolation (for FCV) in cell culture 细胞培养以进行病毒分离(FCV)
www.the-scientist.library.upenn.edu/ yr2000/may/research
FHV lethargy sneezing conjunctivitis salivation ocular disch. nasal disch. ulceration keratitis coughing pneumonia lameness +++ +++ ++ ++ +++ +++ + + (+) (+) FCV + + (+) + ++ + +++ + ++ Cf + + +++ +++ + + Bb + ++ (+) ++ ++ + -
• • •
sneezing, nasal discharge 打喷嚏,鼻分泌物 conjunctivitis, ocular discharge 结膜炎,眼分泌物 lymphocytic/plasmocytic stomatitis 淋巴细胞/浆细胞性口炎 96 % 71 % 29 %
Mac Lachlan & Burgess, 1978
Viral Causes of Upper Respiratory Tract Disease: Feline Calicivirus 病毒性上呼吸道疾病:猫卡里西病毒
Katrin Hartmann
Prof. Dr. med. vet., Dr. habil., Dipl. ECVIM-CA
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
chronic sequelae
clinical recovery
50% cats still shedding 75 days post infection
virus eliminated non-carriers
many cats still shedding virus 30 days after infection Gaskell & Bennett, 1996
Virulent Systemic Feline Calicivirus Disease
• VSFCD • recently described syndrome Pedersen et al., 2000 最近才描述的综合症 • severe systemic hemorrhagic fever 急性全身性出血性发热 • high mortality 高死亡率 • no protection by common vaccines 普通疫苗无保护性
History 病史 • since 1 day problems to urinate 一天前出现排尿障碍 • stang uria 排尿疼痛 • today anorectic 今日厌食 physical examination 身体检查 • large and tense bladder 膀胱膨大,坚实 Diagnosis 诊断 FLUTD
Latein calyx = cup 拉丁语中 calyx是杯子的意思
Latein calyx = cup 拉丁语中 calyx是杯子的意思
Latein calyx = cup 拉丁语中 calyx是杯子的意思
FCV – Epidemiology 流行病学
Excretion 分泌 Transmission 传播 Tenacity 稳定性 carrier state 带毒状态 by oral and nasal discharge, saliva 经口鼻分泌物,唾液 (few days up to life-long period) 数日至终身 generally direct, 通常直接传播 indirect transmission possible 可能有间接传播 relatively stable in the environment 环境中相对稳定(三周) (up to 3 weeks) virus replication in tonsills and Lymphoepithelial tissue continuous virus shedding 病毒可在扁桃体及淋巴上皮组织内复制, 并持续脱落
易感猫 自限 或终身 40% 繁殖用猫 25% 赛级猫 8% 家养宠物 20% 临诊病历 急性FCV感染的猫
FCV – 带毒状态
50% 猫会在 感染75日后排毒
病毒消除 无带毒者
很多猫会在 感染30日后排毒
Gaskell & Bennett, 1996
FCV – Clinical Signs 临床症状
What is the diagnostic plan? 诊断计划如何? Is it important to find the underlying pathogen? 是否必须找到潜在病原体?
diagnostic tool to detect multiple pathogens 检测多重病原体的诊断工具 • multiplex PCR 多重PCR
the next day … 之后。。。
new problems 新问题 • fever 发热 • ocular discharge 眼分泌物 • nasal discharge 鼻分泌物 • sneezing 打喷嚏 • ulcerations on the tongue 舌溃疡 • ulcerations on the paws 爪溃疡
• FCV • FHV • Chymydophila felis 猫支原体

Material 病料
• conjunctival swabs 结膜拭子 • oral swabs (ulcerative lesions) 口腔拭子(溃疡面) • retropharyngeal swabs 咽后拭子
- FHV = feline herpesvirus (FHV) 猫疱疹病毒 = felines rhinotracheitis virus (FRV) 猫鼻气管炎病毒 = feline calicivirus 猫卡里西病毒
-Chlamydophila felis 猫披衣菌感染 -Bordetella bronchiseptica 支气管败血波氏杆菌 -Mykoplasma spp. (e. g. M. felis) 支原体 -other bacteria 其他细菌
Fra Baidu bibliotek


swabs (tongue, paws) 拭子(舌,爪) - PCR => positive for FCV FCV阳性 - virus isolation in cell culture 病毒分离 => positive for FCV FCV阳性
Feline Calicivirus
Chronic Proliferative Stomatitis 慢性增生性口炎
特定抗原变异? • related to vaccine? 与疫苗相关? • virus replication in joints? 病毒在关节内复制? • immune-mediated? 免疫介导? • increased in a1-acid glycoprotein? a1-酸性糖蛋白增加?
24 hours later …
24 hours later …
24 hours later …
What is the problem in these cats?
with cup-like impressions 茶杯样外形 high serological variability www.virology.net/ Big_Virology/ BVRNAcalici.html 血清型高变异性 Pathogenesis strains with different pathogenicity 发病机理 毒株具有拨通的病原性 - vesiculo-erosive lesions in oral and upper respiratory tissue 口腔和上呼吸道的水疱样病变 - Pneumonia 肺炎 - immune-mediated reactions 免疫介导反应 Etiology 病原学 small, unenveloped RNA virus
Treatment 治疗 • indwelling catheter 留置导尿管 • emptying of the bladder 排空膀胱 • fluid therapy (incl. electrolyte replacement) 输液疗法(包括电解质置换液) • pain medication 止疼药 follow-up 随访 • doing better shortly after treatment 治疗后短期改善 • started eating 开始进食 • catheter left in place for 24 hours 导管留置24小时
• DSH • 3 years old 三岁 • male neutered 绝育雄猫 • single cat household, indoor only 单猫家庭,室内饲养 • regularly vaccinated, 常规免疫 • complete primo-vaccination, 首免完全 last vaccination (HCP) 4 months ago 4个月前末次免疫