
第二局部英语专业根底知识Ⅰ.Vocabularyandstructure15%Directions:Thereare15incompletesentencesinthe following.ForeachsentencetherearefourchoicesmarkedA,B,CandD.ChoosetheONE thatbestcompletesthesentence.()1.Thoughheisseventyyearsold,hetakesexerciseeveryday.A.PastB.aboveC.OnD.over()2.—Whichwouldyoulike,Madam,teaorcoffee?—,thanks.I'dlikeaglassofwater,please.A.EitherB.BothC.NeitherD.OK()3.—Howsoonwillyoufinishthebuilding?—.A.IntwomonthsB.TwomonthsC.AbouttwomonthsD.Aftertwomonths()4.Theydidtheirfathertoldthem.A.LikeB.asC.AboutD.with()5.Oneoftheboysis,alltheotherboysare.A.English;ChinaB.anEnglish;ChineseC.England;ChinaD.English;Chinese()6.Eitheryouorhetheteam.A.isinB.areonC.isonD.arein()7.Hewasmadethirteenhoursadaybyhisboss.A.toworkB.workC.isonD.arein()8.Mrs.HuaskedLiuFangandtotakepartintheEnglishmeeting.A.IB.myC.MeD.mine()9.TellthestudentstheirEnglishbooks.A.totakeB.tocarryC.tobringD.bring()10.Itustwohourswalktogettoourschool.A.TakeB.takesC.SpendD.paid()11.Mylittlesisterissotired,shecanhardlywalk,?A.doessheB.cansheC.doesntsheD.cantshe()12.YellowRiveristhesecondlongestriverinourcountry.A./B.TheC.AnD.A()13.—Doyouwanttoatthemeeting?—No,Ihavenothingto.A.say;speakB.tell;talkC.say;sayD.speak;say()14.Sheaskedmehecoulddanceorsing.A.IfB.whatC.WhetherD.that()15.—Aren'tyouMary'ssister?—I'mheraunt.A.Yes,IamB.No,ImnotC.Yes,I'mnotD.No,IamⅡ.Close20%Directions:Thereare20blanksinthefollowingtext.Foreachblanktherearefourchoices markedA,B,CandD.ChoosetheONEthatbestfillstheblank.Duringourtwomonthsonthe road,BennettandIhadareally16experiencewithagood,honest17andsomehelpful mechanics.WeweredrivingeastonHighway10whenour“chickengine〞lightcameon.We limpedofa(n)18intoLasCruces.Wehadarealcar19.Bennettnursedthecarintoalocalgarage.Bythistimethecarwasmissing〔熄火〕so20itwasshakingallover.Thiswasthe21time toarriveatagarage—lateFridayafternoon.ServiceadviserScottwasbusy22paperworkand customersaswe23ourproblems.24hewasalready“tencarsbehind〞,hetoldustopullthecar intothegarage.Lincoln,whowelater25wasoneofthetwomotortechnicians,took26ofourcar repairing.HeandScottandsomeothermechanicsstayedseveralhoursafterclosing,27the car.Earlythenextmorning(theshopwasofficiallyclosedonSaturdays),Lincolnfinallylocatedthe28andfixediteasilywithinonly29.LaterScott30outtousthatitwasourattitudethat helped.“Youdidntcomeintotheplacedemandingthisorthat.Youshowedan31ofour problemsonabusyFridayafternoon.Customer'sattitudemeansalot.〞Hewasrightinsome way,customersshouldshow32andunderstandingtopeoplewho33them.34peoplewereextremely busy,theyfoundwaytoatleasttryandhelpwhentheyaremetwithpoliteness.Thepleasant experienceIhadshowsthat35forotherpeoplecanalwayshelp.()16.A.awfulB.pleasantC.wonderfulD.terrible()17.A.stationB.studioC.factoryD.garage()18.A.exitB.turningC.crossingD.entrance()19.A.difficultyB.examinationC.troubleD.disaster()20.A.busilyB.badlyC.quicklyD.weakly()21.A.highestB.easiestC.luckiestD.worst()22.A.atB.onC.withD.by()23.A.explainedB.introducedC.repeatedD.expressed()24.A.AsB.BecauseC.EvenD.Though()25.A.learnedB.understoodC.recognizedD.though()26.A.careB.controlC.chargeD.pride()27.A.buildingB.examiningC.repairingD.driving()28.A.problemB.diseaseC.dangerD.wound()29.A.daysB.hoursC.monthsD.minutes()30.A.spokeB.pointedC.brokeD.blew()31.A.understandingB.ignoranceC.appreciationD.awareness()32.A.cruelnessB.fairnessC.calmnessD.politeness()33.A.comfortB.protectC.serveD.rescue()34.A.EvenifB.EvenasC.EvensoD.Eventhen()35.A.obedienceB.respectC.patienceD.mercyⅢ.Readingcomprehension15%Directions:Therearethreepassagesinthefollowing.Foreachofthemtherearefour choicesmarkedA,B,C,andD.Youshoulddecideonthebestchoice.Passage1 JoeBiggswasabutcher.Hisshopwasinavillageinoneofthemostbeautifulpartsof southernEngland.Heworkedinitformanyyearswhilehisfatherwasthere.Then,whenhis fatherreachedtheageof65,hestoppedworkingintheshop.Joewasaloneinit,sohehadto workharder.Joeworkedfiveandahalfdayaweek.Hisshopshutatoneo'clockonThursday, anditwasshutthewholeofSunday.Saturdayswerethebusiestdays.Joehadabigrefrigeratorinhisshop,buthetriednottobuytoomuchmeatatatime.One Thursdayawomancameintotheshopatfiveminutestoone.“I'msorryImverylate,〞she said,“butsomepeoplehavejusttelephonedtosaythattheyaregoingtocometodinnertonight, andIneedsomemoremeat.〞Joeonlyhadonepieceofgoodmeatintheshop.Hehadsoldall therestearlierintheday.Hetookthepieceoutandsaidtothewoman.“T hisis£7.15.〞“T hat pieceistoosmall,〞thewomananswered.“H aventyougotanythingbigger?〞Joewentinto theroombehindhisshop,openedtherefrigerator,putthepieceofmeatintoit,tookitoutagain andshutthedooroftherefrigeratorwithalotofnoise.Thenhebroughtthepieceofmeatback tothewomanandsaid,“Thispieceisbiggerandmoreexpensive.It's£9.30.〞“G ood,〞the womanansweredwithasmile.“G ivemebothofthem,please.〞()36.Joeworkedaloneintheshop.A.onSaturdaysB.onThursdaysC.afterhisfatherdiedD.afterhisfatherstoppedworking()37.Joesoldmeatinhisshop.A.onThursdayafternoonsB.onSundaysC.onFridaysD.everyday()38.Onedayawomancametohisshop.A.at1:55,TuesdayB.at1:05C.tosaysorrytohimD.becausesomeonehadsuddenlytelephonedher()39.Whichofthefollowingistrue?A.Peopleboughtallthemeatfromhim.B.Thewomandidn'twanttheexpensivepieceofmeat.C.Joebroughtthewomanadifferentpiece.D.Thewomanwantedtobuythetwopiecesofmeattogether.()40.Joeonlyhadonepieceofgoodmeatbecause.A.Joesrefrigeratorhadbroken.B.hetriednottobuytoomuchmeatatatime.C.heknewthatthemeatwouldgobad.D.hehadnomoneytobuymore.Passage2 Ifyougointotheforestwithfriends,staywiththemalways.Ifyoudont,youmayget lost.Ifyoureallygetlost,thisiswhatyoushoulddo.Sitdownandstaywhereyouare.Don't trytofindyourfriends-letthemfindyoubystayinginoneplace.Thereisanotherwaytohelpyourfriendsorothernearbypeopletofindyou.Givethema signalbyshoutingorwhistlingthreetimes.Stop.Thenshoutorwhistlethreetimes.Any signalgiventhreetimesisacallforhelp.Keepuptheshoutingorwhistlingalwaysthreetimestogether.Whenpeoplehearyou,they willknowthatyouarenotjustmakingnoiseforfun.Theywillletyouknowthattheyhaveheard yoursignal.Theywillgivetwoshouts,twowhistlesortwogunshots.Whensomeonegivesa signal,itisananswertoacallforhelp.Ifyoudon'tthinkthatyouwillgethelpbeforenightcomes,trytomakealittlehousecover uptheholeswithbranchesandlotsofleaves.Makeyourselfasoftbedwithleavesand grass.Whatshouldyoudoifyougethungryorneeddrinkingwater?Youwouldhavetoleave yourlittlebranchhousetolookforariver.Don'tjustwalkaway.Pickoffsmallbranchesand dropthemasyouwalksothatyoucanfindyourwayback.Themostimportantthingtodowhenyouarelostis——stayinoneplace.()41.Ifyougetlostintheforest,youshould.A.staywhereyouareandgiveasignalthreetimesB.walkaroundtheforestandshoutsothatyourfriendsmighthearyouC.trytofindyourfriendsassoonaspossibleD.trytogetoutoftheforestandshoutforhelp()42.Ifyouwanttoletpeoplebelievethatyouarenotjustmakingnoiseforfunyou should.A.shoutthatyouarelostB.keepuptheshoutingorwhistlingalwaysthreetimestogetherC.shoutatthetopofyourvoiceD.shoutorwhistleonceinawhile()43.Whenyouhearshoutsorwhistlesorgunshots,youknowthat.A.two;peoplewillsooncometohelpyouB.three;someoneisaskingforhelpC.three;peoplewillsooncometohelpyouD.two;someoneisaskingforhelp()44.Whenyouarelostintheforest,butyouwanttoleaveyourplacetogetwater,you should.A.justgototheriverB.findabowloraglass,andthengoC.makeafiresothatyoumightmakeyourselfsomehotteaD.leavemarksasyougototheriversothatyoucanfindyourwayback()45.Thisstorymainlytellsyou.A.thatwhensomeonegivesasignalalwaysthreetimes,itisacallforhelpB.whatyoushoulddoifyougetlostintheforestC.thatwhenanysignalgiventwicemeansananswertoacallforhelpD.thatwhensomeonemakesafire,itisacallforhelpPassage3 Theoldestformsofmedicineareenjoyingacomeback.Modernholisticmedicineisan approachthattreatsthewholepatient,notjustthedisease.Itisawaytomaintaingoodhealth ratherthancureillness.Themostimportantinfluencesontoday'sholisticmedicineareancient ChinesemedicineandIndianAyurvedicmedicine,bothofwhichpromotedwholebodyhealth.Holisticmedicineusuallycombinesdiet,physicalexerciseandmeditation,togetherwithother alternativetechniquessuchasmassage〔按摩〕andacupuncture〔针灸〕.Herbaltreatment,a practiceoftreatingillnessbyusingplants,isinfluencedbythewritingsofCulpeperaswellas ChineseandAyurvedicmedicine.Homeopathy〔顺势疗法〕isoneoftheformsofholistic medicinewhichiswidelypracticedinEuropeandtheUSA.HomeopathybeganinGermanyintheearly1800s,whenSamuelHahnemanndescribedhowverytinydoses〔剂量〕ofadrughadan effectonhispatients.AccordingtoHahnemann,themorethedrugwasdiluted〔稀释〕,thestronger itseffects.Thesubstanceselectedwouldproducesimilareffectstothediseaseitselfifgivenin largedoses.IntheUKhomeopathyisregardedasanontraditionalbutjustaboutacceptable treatment.Meditationandcontemplationhaveanimportantroleinholisticmedicine.Theywere broughttoEuropebyIndianteacherswhocombinedIndianAyurvedicmedicinewithWestern beliefs.Transcendentalmeditation〔超脱静坐〕isoneofthebestknownofthese techniques.Peoplerepeatwordsinsidetheirheadtoreachastateofdeeprelaxation.Theholisticmovementhasmademanydoctorslookatthewholepatient,notjustthe disease.Lifestyle,emotionalproblemsanddietarejustsomeofthefactorsthatcanaffecta personshealth.Holisticmedicineemphasizesgooddiet,exerciseandfreshair,allofwhich contributetohealth.Someclinicsnowofferholisticmedicinealongwithtraditionaltreatments, sothattheirpatientscanchooseacombinationoftreatmentsthatsuitsthem.Oneproblemwith holisticmedicineisthatitisdifficultforpeopletobesureadoctorisreliable.Tosolvethis, manycountrieswantalternativedoctorstoformprofessionalbodies.()46.Modernholisticmedicinecentersupon.A.curingadiseaseB.herbaltreatmentC.continuousdevelopmentD.keepingpatientshealthy()47.WhichofthefollowingdoesNOTbelongtoholisticmedicine?A.MassageB.meditationC.abalanceddietD.akneeoperation()48.Theprincipleofhomeopathyisthat.A.thelargedosesofmedicinethatwillnotbeharmfulwilltakebettereffectB.thediseasewillbecuredsoonerbytakinglargerdosesofmedicineC.asmallthinnerdoseofmedicinewillbemoreeffectiveD.thedosesofmedicinedependonhowserioustheillnessis()49.Whichofthefollowingtitlesbestsumsupthepassage?A.HolisticMedicineB.TraditionalMedicineReturnsC.HistoryofMedicineD.CombinationofTreatmentsWorks()50.Whatcanweinferfromthepassage?A.Relaxationisthekeyofholistictreatment.B.Holisticmedicineneedstobecomemoretrustworthy.C.Holistictreatmentismorebeneficialthantraditionaltreatments.D.Holisticmedicinewillbecomethemostwelcometreatmentsoon.Ⅳ.Translation10%Directions:Thereare5sentencesinthefollowing.TranslatethemintoEnglish.51.我甚至在下雨天都不喜欢整天呆在家里。

教师公开招聘考试小学英语-英语专业基础知识(一)(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、{{B}}单项选择{{/B}}(总题数:50,分数:90.00)1.A vowel is different from a consonant in English because of______.∙ A. absence of obstruction∙ B. presence of obstruction∙ C. manner of articulation∙ D. place of articulation(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[解析] 英语语音分为元音和辅音两大类。
2.∙ A. en{{U}}ou{{/U}}gh∙ B. ab{{U}}ou{{/U}}t∙ C. t{{U}}ou{{/U}}ch∙ D. y{{U}}ou{{/U}}ng(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[解析] B项中的ou发[au],其他选项发[?]。
3.∙ A. {{U}}th{{/U}}irsty∙ B. {{U}}th{{/U}}roat∙ C. you{{U}}th{{/U}}∙ D. {{U}}th{{/U}}ose(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[解析] D项中的th发[e],其他选项发[θ]。
4.∙ A. sh{{U}}u{{/U}}t∙ B. c{{U}}u{{/U}}t∙ C. f{{U}}u{{/U}}nny∙ D. {{U}}u{{/U}}se(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[解析] D项中的u发[ju:],其他选项发[?]。
5.∙ A. thank{{U}}s{{/U}}∙ B. pill{{U}}s{{/U}}∙ C. new{{U}}s{{/U}}∙ D. film{{U}}s{{/U}}(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[解析] A项中的s发[s],其他选项发[z]。

第一部分教材教法第一章小学英语课程标准1、英语课程的性质工具性 instrumentality 人文性 humanity2、小学英语课程的基本理念1)注重素质教育,体现语言学习对学生发展的价值2)面向全体学生,关注语言学习者的不同特点和个体差异3)整体设计目标,充分考虑语言学习目标渐进性和持续性4)强调学习过程,重视语言学习的渐进性和持续性5)优化评价方式,着重评价学生的综合语言运用能力6)丰富课程资源,拓展英语学习渠道3、英语课程的设计思路:共九级,从小学三年级开始,一级为三四年级水平,二级为五六年级的目标要求,九年级结束达到五级,6年级结束达到二级P18九级 6年级2级九年级五级4、英语课程总目标:使学生形成初步的综合语言运用能力,促进心智发展,提高综合人文素养5、小学英语课程的内容标准:1)语言技能一级语言技能:听做说唱玩演读写视听,二级语言技能:听说读写,玩演视听2)语言知识语音 pronunciation词汇语法 grammar以及用于表达常见话题和功能的语言形式3)情感态度affect 兴趣动机自信意志合作精神4)学习策略P25:认知:为了完成具体的学习任务而财务的步骤和方法调控:学生对学习加以计划、实施、反思、评价和调整的行动和步骤交际:学生为了争取更多的交际机会、维持交际以及提高交际效果而采取的行动资源策略:学生合理并有效利用多种媒体进行学习和运用英语的方式和方法5)文化意识cultural understanding▲小学英语教学中,如何渗透策略的培养:反思与监控、根据学习风格调整、注重交流和相互学习、提供必要指导(题)6、教学建议:1)面向全体学生,为每个学生学习英语奠定基础2)注重语言实践,培养学生的语言运用能力3)加强学习策略指导,培养学生的自主学习能力4)培养学生跨文化交际意识,发展跨文化交际能力7、小学英语教材编写建议原则:思想性原则、科学性、趣味性、灵活性科学性原则:教材内容的编排要符合学生认知发展水平和语言习得的过程8、教材的特征(英语教材是学生学习和教师教学的重要内容和手段,使英语课程资源的核心部分)1)引发学生的好奇、兴趣和注意力make students feel at ease2)帮助学生建立自信,满足学生的需求meet students’ needs3)可以为学生提供运用目的语进行交际的机会,注重语言运用的真实性(expose students to language in authentic use)4)能够考虑到语言教学的积极影响往往会延迟以及学生之间学习风格learning style和情感态affective factors的差异。

小学英语辅导教师招聘教师考试试题及答案第一部分:单选题1. 下列哪个选项是正确的?A. She is have a swimming lesson.B. He likes play basketball.C. They are going to the park.D. I can sings very well.正确答案:C2. 请选出与“happy”同义的词语:A. sadB. angryC. tiredD. joyful正确答案:D3. 下列哪个句子的语法是正确的?A. She doesn't likes ice cream.B. They is going to the movies.C. He loves playing the guitar.D. We don't going to the park.正确答案:C第二部分:填空题1. My father _______________ (cook) dinner every evening.正确答案:cooks2. We _______________ (not have) a soccer match on Saturday. 正确答案:don't have3. She _______________ (play) the piano very well.正确答案:plays第三部分:阅读理解阅读下面的短文,然后回答问题。
My name is Lucy. I am seven years old. I have a pet dog named Max. Max is two years old. He is friendly and loves to play fetch. I take Max for a walk every day in the park. My favorite color is pink, and I like to wear pink dresses.4. How old is Lucy?正确答案:seven5. What is Lucy's dog's name?正确答案:Max6. What color does Lucy like?正确答案:pink第四部分:写作题请用英语写一篇60个字左右的短文,介绍你自己。

小学教师业务考试英语试题及答案一、单项选择:1.Binbin gets up about 8:30 Saturdays. A. on, at B. in , on C. at, on2.— What,s he like ? —.A. He likes beef. B. He,s Mr Carter C. He,s short.3.How is the cinema from here? A. much B. many C. far4.I'd like Kate soon. A. to write B. to write to C. to writing to5.---What Amy ? ---She's writing an e-mail to her pen-friend. A. did…do B. is…doing C. is…going to do6.---Your homework is very good. ---.A . Yes, it is B. Thank you C. No , thanks7.I'm eleven years old. My little sister is nine. So __ .A. She 's older than me. B. She's taller than me. C. I'm two years older.8.You and I like swimming . We have the same .A. both…hobbies B. are…hobbies C.both…hobby9.---is this walkman? ---my daughter,s. A. Who, It,s B. Whose, Its C. Whose, It7s10.---Would you like tea? --- Yes, just.A. some, little B. any, a little C. some, alittlee in and have a look. This is bedroom.A. Lucy's and Lily B. Lucy's andLily's C. Lucy and Lily's1 2.I can play football. My sister can play piano.A.不填,the B. the,不填 C. the,the13. Mr Carter teaches English.all love.A .our, We, him B us, Us,her C us, We, him114.sheep are there on the farm? A. How old B. How many C. How much15. My throat sore. My nose.A. is, hurt B. are, hurts C. is,hurts16. There are many apples the tree. ---Yes. There are some birds the tree, too. A. in,in B. in, on C. on, in17. ---What,s the date today? --- It,s. A. sunny B. Monday C. August 1st18.your pen pal in Beijing? A. Do, lives B. Does, live C. Do, live19. Sometimes I TV in the evening. But this evening I,m. A. watching, sleeping B.watch, sleeping C. watch, sleep20. It,s 8:30. It,s time have English class. A. for B. to C. at21.《英语课程标准》(实验稿)对小学毕业生的英语词汇要求是______ 。

1. 词汇
- 了解基本的英语单词,如数字、颜色、家庭成员等。
- 熟悉常用动词、名词、形容词等的用法和搭配。
2. 语法结构
- 熟悉简单句的基本结构,包括主语、谓语、宾语。
- 掌握基本的时态和语态,如一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时等。
- 了解并能正确使用一些常用的句型,如疑问句、否定句等。
3. 句子的连贯性
- 学会使用连词和连接词,如and、but、because等,使句子更加连贯。
- 掌握句子的基本结构,如主谓宾、主系表等。
1. 听懂基本的日常英语对话,如问候、介绍自己、询问他人情
2. 培养听力理解能力,可以通过听录音、看英语电影等方式进
3. 注意细节和关键词,帮助理解整个对话的内容。
1. 提高口语表达能力,包括语音语调、正确发音等。
2. 学会运用简单的日常用语,如问路、购物、点餐等。
3. 练日常情景对话,增加口语流利度和表达自如的能力。
1. 阅读简单的英语短文,理解文章的主题和大意。
2. 提高阅读速度和准确度,通过不断阅读来增加词汇量和语感。
3. 注意上下文的关联,理解词语和句子之间的逻辑关系。
1. 学会书写基本的英文字母和单词,保持字迹清晰。
2. 练写作简单的句子和段落,如日记、介绍自己等。
3. 锻炼写作思维,提高表达清晰、逻辑性强的能力。

第一部分小学英语教学内容第一章小学英语语音知识考点聚焦知识框架第一节字母、音素和音标一、英文字母的发音二、英语音素三、英语音标第二节语音的变化一、音节二、读音规则2014试题猜想第二章小学英语词汇知识考点聚焦知识框架第一节构词法一、转化法(Inversion)二、派生法(Derivation)三、合成法(Compounding)第二节常用词类一、名词二、冠词三、代词四、数词五、介词六、连词七、形容词和副词八、情态动词九、动词2014试题猜想第三章小学英语语法知识考点聚焦知识框架第一节动词的时态和语态一、动词的时态二、动词的语态——主动语态和被动语态第二节非谓语动词一、动词不定式二、动名词三、分词第三节句法一、句子种类二、句子成分三、句型第四节主谓一致一、语法一致二、意义一致三、就近原则第五节虚拟语气一、动词的四种语气二、虚拟语气第六节直接引语和间接引语一、需要注意的几种变化二、直接引语改为间接引语的运用(如何变句型)三、直接引语变为间接引语时需注意的几个问题2014试题猜想第四章小学英语话题教学考点聚焦知识框架第一节利用情境进行说话教学一、让学生在生活中自觉地运用英语说话二、利用生活情境进行说话教学三、让学生在生活中寻找真实的语言环境第二节利用图画进行说话教学一、利用生活中的图画进行说话教学二、利用学生自己的图画进行说话教学三、看图说话案例附录日常生活英语话题知识第二部分高等教育对应于小学英语教学内容第一章阅读理解考点聚焦知识框架一、阅读方法技巧二、常见题型突破三、如何提高阅读理解能力2014试题猜想第二章英汉互译考点聚焦知识框架一、常用的翻译技巧和手法二、翻译的注意事项三、翻译能力的培养2014试题猜想第三章英语写作考点聚焦知识框架一、题型特点及注意事项二、写作技巧三、常见写作题型及示例2014试题猜想第四章英美概况考点聚焦知识框架一、地理位置二、历史三、政治四、文化2014试题猜想第五章英美文学考点聚焦知识框架一、英国文学二、美国文学2014试题猜想第六章语言学考点聚焦知识框架一、Phonetics and Phonology(语音学与音系学)二、Morphology(形态学)三、Syntax(句法学)四、Semantics(语义学)五、Pragmatics(语用学)2014试题猜想第三部分小学英语课程与教学论内容第一章义务教育英语新课程标准考点聚焦知识框架第一节新课程改革的背景与目标一、新课程改革的背景二、新课程改革的目标三、英语新课程改革的背景第二节课程性质、基本理念与设计思路一、课程性质二、课程基本理念三、课程设计思路第三节课程目标一、总目标二、分级目标第四节分级标准一、语言技能二、语言知识三、情感态度四、学习策略五、文化意识第五节实施要点一、教学建议二、评价建议三、教材编写建议四、课程资源开发与利用建议2014试题猜想第二章小学英语教学基础知识考点聚焦知识框架一、英语教学法流派二、小学英语常用教学法2014试题猜想第三章小学英语教学基本能力考点聚焦知识框架一、教学设计能力二、课堂教学三、学习方法指导2014试题猜想第四章小学英语教学评价考点聚焦知识框架一、评价的种类二、小学英语教学评价的理念、特殊性及评价方式三、小学英语教学评价原则四、小学英语教学评价的内容和功能六、小学英语测试的设计与评价能力附录教学设计经典范例中公教育·教师招聘笔试面授课程中公教育·教师招聘面试面授课程中公教育·全国分校一览表。

完整版)教师招聘考试真题(小学英语科目)及答案XXX Exam ns [Primary School English Subject]Full marks: 100 points)Part One: XXXI。
XXX) (5%)1.The "n Law of the People's Republic of China" came into effect on _______.A。
September 1.1990B。
September 1.1995C。
September 1.1996D。
August 1.19972.The "XXX Law of the People's Republic of China" was promulgated on April 12.1986.as the 38th order of the People's Republic of China by _______.A。
The State CouncilB。
The Prime Minister's signatureD。
Local government3.The statement "The school's student source will sharply decrease next academic year。
and teachers XXX and evening self-study and make-up classes can go to other schools to seek better opportunities!" lates _______.A。
"School Management ns"B。
"Teacher Law"C。
"n Law"D。



2023年教师公开招聘《小学英语》考试历年真题摘选附带答案第1卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.【单选题】When you"re reading a document, underlining may help to keep your mind ______on the material.A.focusB.focusedC.to focusD.having focused2.【单选题】The English language teaching business will become the victim of its own success,______ may be astonishing to you.A.whichB.thatC.whatD.as3.【单选题】I'm eleven years old. My little sister is nine. So __?A.She 's older than me.B.She's taller than me.C.I'm two years older.4.【单选题】It is suggested that you use specific strategies ______ your way of learning.A.getting overB.making forC.turning intoD.fitting into5.【单选题】______ a long way ahead of you if you want to be a good English teacher.A.It wasB.It hasC.There seemsD.There seems to be6.【单选题】---Would you like _____ tea?--- Yes, just _____.A.some, littleB.any, a littleC.some, a little7.【单选题】If it ______ rain heavily, the city would have great trouble because of its poordrainage system.A.shouldB.wouldC.couldD.might8.【单选题】I'd like__ Kate soon.A.to writeB.to write toC.to writing to9.【单选题】英语课程资源的核心部分是______。

5分,满分5分)1. w [ dA ]2. z [ ]3. l [ ]4. beds [ ]5. reading [ ]6. worker [ ]7. kitchen [ ]8. begun [ ] 9. can’t [ ] 10.said [ ] 第二节:翻译题把下面的句子翻译成为英文(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)11.几经周折,我才在一家金矿找到一份工作。
14. 昨天我们见了面,我做自我介绍时,他靠得很近。
15. 事情得经过时这样的。
Since my family were not going to be helpful, I decided I would look for one all by myself and not tell them about it till I’d got one.I had seen an agency advertised in a local newspaper. I rushed out of the house in search of it. I was wildly excited, and as _16_ as if I were going on the stage. Finding the place quite easily, I ran breathlessly through a door which said “Enter without knocking, if you please.”The simple atmosphere of the office 17 me. The woman looked carefully at me for a while through her glasses, and then 18 me in a low voice. I answered softly. All of a sudden I started to feel rather hopeless She wondered why I was looking for this sort of 19 . I felt even more helpless when she told me that it would be difficult to get a job without 20 .I wondered whether I ought to leave, when the telephone on her desk rang. I heard her say:“ __21___, I’ve got someon e in the office at this very moment who might22 .” She wrote down a number, and held it out to me, saying: “Ring up thislady. She wants a __23 immediately. In fact, you would have to start tomorrow by cooking a dinner for ten people.”“Oh yes,” said I--- never having cooked for more than four in my life. I 24 her again and again, and rushed out to the nearest telephone box. I collectedmy thoughts, took a deep breath, and rang the number. I said confidently that I was just what she was looking for.I spent the next few hours 25 cook books.16. A. proud B. pleased C. nervous D. worried17. A. calmed B. excited C. frightened D. disturbed18. A. advised B. examined C. informed D. questioned19. A. place B. job C. advice D. help20. A. ability B. experience C. knowledge D. study21. A. Above all B. As a matter of fact C. As a result D. In spite of that22. A. hire B. accept C. suit D. offer23. A. cook B. help C. teacher D. secretary24. A. answered B. promised C. thanked D. told25. A. borrowing B. buying C. reading D. writing第四节:写作(1小题,满分10分)26.书面表达:现在越来越多的学生使用词典,有人选择使用传统词典,有人则喜欢使用电子词典。

姓名_________准考证号___________工作单位___________····················密·································封·································线···················· ★绝密★《英语教师学科专业知识》试卷题号 一 二 三 四 五 总 分总分人 得分答题须知:1、 本次考试时间为100分钟,满分为100分。
2、 请按题号在规定的区域内作答,否则不给分。
3、 考试试卷属于绝密资料,考完后原数回收,严禁带出考场。
第I 卷 选择题 (三部分,共70分)第一部分:单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 请从下列各题A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并将其字母代号填入题后表格内的相应番号下面。

)1.You can’t pass the exam _________ you study hard.A.if B.because C.unless D.so2.Look out! Don’t get too close to the house roof is under repair.A.whose B.which C.of which D.that3.If it were not for the fact that she _________ sing, l would invite her to the party. A.couldn’t B.shouldn’t C.can’t D.might not4.Always read the _________ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine. A.explanations B.instructionsC.descriptions D.introductions5.Green products are becoming more and more popular because they are environmentally . A.common B.various C.friendly D.changeable6.—What happened to you this morning—The teacher asked me for my _____ when I was late again.A.meaning B.idea C.excuse D.answer7.—Would you help me put away these things—_________.A.Yes, quite right B.Never mindC.You’re welcome D.With pleasure8.—Here’s coffee and tea. You many have ________.—Thanks.A.either B.each C.one D.it9.—Will you please stay here for the party—Sorry, I ________. I’ll have to go to an important meeting.A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.can’t D.won’t10.—What does the lady look like—_________.A.She’s fine and well B.She’s really a nice ladyC.She’s tall and thin D.She like wearing skirts11.—Are you going to buy a camera—Yes. But there are so many kinds that I can’t decide ________ to buy.A.what B.which C.how D.where12.—I hear the weather will _________ cold for another week.—I hope not. I hate cold weather.A.turn B.last C.stay D.get13.—Why don’t you do it yourself—Sorry, I don’t think I’m ______ to. I need someone’s help.A.possible B.ready C.afraid D.able14.—I tried to _________ you at home several times, but no one answered the phone.—I was traveling around last three months.A.touch B.reach C.receive D.meet15.—Can you tell me_________—He has just moved to another city.A.where does he live B.does he live whereC.where he lives D.he lives where16. The League secretary and monitor ______ asked to make a speech at the meeting held yesterday.A. isB. wasC. areD. were17. The exhibition, ______ is about the 60th anniversary of the victory of China's resistance war against Japanese aggression, consists of many things reflecting the war period.A. thatB. whereC. whichD. what18. —Jack!My bike was stolen yesterday, could you lend me yours—__________.A. Help yourselfB. Of course, I couldC. Never mindD. Don't mention it19. Facts prove that the world's economic development is not a win-lose game but one in which all ________ be winners.A. canB. shallC. mustD. would20. -Jim, have you finished reading Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince-No. I my father on the farm all day yesterday.A. would helpB. had helpedC. was helpingD. have been helping二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)Mrs. Ball had a son. His name was Mick. She 21 him very much and as he was not a 22child, she was always 23 that he might be ill. 24 she used to take him to see the best25 in the town four times a year to be looked 26 .27 one of these visits, the doctor gave Mick all kinds of tests and then said to him,“Have you had any 28 with your nose or ears recently”Mick 29 for a second and then answered. “Yes,I 30 ”. Mrs. Ball was very 31 . “But I’m sure you have 32 told me that, Mick !” She said worriedly.“ Oh, really”said the doctor 33 .“And what trouble have you with your nose and ears, my boy ” “Well,” answered Mick, “I always have trouble with them when I’m 34 my sweater off, because the 35 is very tight(紧的).”()21. A. loved B. hated C. missed D. looked()22. A. rich B. clever C. strong D. happy()23. A. afraid B. surprised C. glad D. sure()24. A. Which B. For C. But D. So()25. A. player B. teacher C. doctor D. lawyer()26. A. round B. over C. for D. after()27. A. At B. During C. For D. To()28. A. answer B. thing C. word D. trouble()29. A. waited B. thought C. stood D. looked()30. A. did B. will C. have D. do()31. A. excited B. interested C. pleased D. surprised()32. A. already B. just C. never D. always()33. A. angrily B. seriously C. happily D. carefully()34. A. turning B. taking C. keeping D. putting()35. A. collar(衣领)B. nose C. mouth D. ear三、阅读理解。
江西省中小学教师招聘考试小学英语学科 专业知识考试大纲(2022年版)

选择题用2B 铅笔在专用答题卡上填涂作答,非选择题用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔在专用答题纸上作答。
四、题型说明(一)第一部分:选择题(80分)1.语音词汇语法题(Phoneties,Vocabulary and Grammar)。
3.阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)。

2024年安徽教师招聘考试真题小学英语全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇12024 Anhui Primary School English Teacher Recruitment ExamPart I Reading Comprehension (30 points)Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line though the centre.Passage 1Linda is a primary school English teacher in Anhui. She believes that the most important part of teaching English is to make learning fun and engaging for her students. She loves to incorporate songs, games, and hands-on activities into her lessons to keep her students interested and motivated.1. What does Linda think is the most important part of teaching English?A. HomeworkB. Songs, games and activitiesC. GrammarD. Tests2. How does Linda make learning fun and engaging for her students?A. By giving a lot of homeworkB. By incorporating songs, games, and activities into her lessonsC. By lecturing for long periods of timeD. By not allowing any breaks during class3. What is Linda's job?A. A doctorB. A chefC. A police officerD. An English teacherPassage 2Tom is a primary school English teacher in Anhui. He believes that the key to successful language learning is practice. He encourages his students to practice speaking English as much as possible both in and out of the classroom. Tom also believes that it is important for students to make mistakes and learn from them.4. According to Tom, what is the key to successful language learning?A. Reading textbooksB. Practicing speaking as much as possibleC. Memorizing grammar rulesD. Avoiding making mistakes5. How does Tom encourage his students to practice speaking English?A. By only allowing them to speak in ChineseB. By encouraging them to practice speaking as much as possibleC. By making them write essays instead of speakingD. By never allowing them to speak in class6. What does Tom think is important for students to do?A. Make mistakesB. Never ask questionsC. Memorize everything perfectlyD. Never practice speakingPassage 3Emily is a primary school English teacher in Anhui. She believes that building relationships with her students is the key to a successful teaching experience. Emily spends time getting to know each of her students and understanding their individual needs. She believes that by building a strong relationship with each student, she is better able to help them succeed.7. What does Emily believe is the key to a successful teaching experience?A. Giving a lot of homeworkB. Taking attendance every dayC. Building relationships with studentsD. Ignoring student needs8. How does Emily build a strong relationship with her students?A. By not talking to themB. By understanding their individual needs and getting to know each studentC. By only teaching grammarD. By always being strict and never being friendly9. What does Emily think will help her students succeed?A. Memorizing everything perfectlyB. Building strong relationships with each studentC. Only focusing on grammarD. Not caring about student needsPart II Vocabulary (10 points)Directions: There are sentences in this part. Each sentence has one word underlined. Choose the one word that is not correct. Mark your answer on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.11. I enjoy listen to music in my free time.B. listenC. inD. time12. The cat's fur is soft and fluzzy.A. cat'sB. furC. fluzzyD. and13. Tom always do his homework before dinner.A. alwaysB. doC. beforeD. dinner14. Mary can plays the piano very well.A. canB. playsD. well15. The students are study hard for the exam next week.A. areB. studyC. forD. examPart III Dialogue Completion (10 points)Directions: There are five dialogue in this part. Each dialogue has one dialogue and five dialogues following it. Select the best dialogue to complete the conversation and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.16. A: What are you going to do this evening?B: _____.A. I go shoppingB. I go to the moviesC. I'm going to the moviesD. I'm going to shopping17. A: Can I help you with anything? B: _____.A. Yes, thank you. I need some helpB. No, thank you. I need some helpC. Yes, please. I need some helpD. No, I'm fine18. A: How do you like your coffee?B: _____.A. I don't like my coffeeB. I love itC. I like it with cream and sugarD. I like it with tea19. A: What do you do in your free time? B: _____.A. I go swimmingB. I am swimC. I like swimmingD. I swim20. A: Can you speak English?B: _____.A. Yes, I canB. Yes, I speakC No, I'm notD. No, I can'tPart IV Writing (50 points)Directions: Write an essay of 150-200 words according to the following topic. You are required to write in script and in order of fundraising, language organization, and grammatical accuracy.Topic: The Importance of Technology in EducationTechnology plays a vital role in education today, enhancing the learning experience for students and providing teachers with valuable tools for instruction. With the use of technology, students can access a wealth of information at their fingertips, collaborate with peers on projects, and engage with interactive learning materials. Teachers can utilize technology to createdynamic lesson plans, assess student progress, and provide personalized feedback. In today's digital age, technology has become an essential component of education, preparing students for the challenges of the modern world.In conclusion, the integration of technology in education is crucial for the success of both students and teachers. It provides opportunities for enhanced learning, increased engagement, and improved outcomes. As technology continues to evolve, it is important for educators to embrace new tools and methods to ensure that students are prepared for the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.Overall, the 2024 Anhui Primary School English Teacher Recruitment Exam covers a variety of topics including reading comprehension, vocabulary, dialogues, and writing. Candidates are encouraged to prepare thoroughly and showcase their English proficiency in order to succeed in the examination. Good luck to all participants in the exam!篇22024 Anhui Teacher Recruitment Exam - Primary School EnglishPart I: Listening ComprehensionSection 1: Listen and circle the correct picture.1. Where is the boy? A. In the bedroom B. In the classroom C. In the gardenSection 2: Listen and choose the correct answer.2. What does Sarah want to do this weekend?A. Go swimmingB. Watch a movieC. Have a picnicSection 3: Listen and fill in the blanks.3. The dog is _______ the table.4. The cat is _______ the sofa.Part II: Reading ComprehensionRead the passage and answer the questions.Saving WaterWater is an important resource that we should all try to conserve. Here are some tips on how to save water at home:1. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth.2. Use a watering can instead of a hose to water your plants.3. Fix any leaky faucets in your house.4. Take shorter showers.Questions:1. Why is it important to save water?2. What can you use to water your plants instead of a hose?3. What should you do if you have a leaky faucet in your house?4. How can you save water while showering?Part III: Grammar1. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:I _______ (go) to the park every weekend.2. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions:My book is _______ the desk.3. Rewrite the sentence in passive voice:The teacher is teaching the students.Part IV: WritingWrite a short paragraph about your favorite animal. Include information about what it looks like, where it lives, and what it eats.Overall, the 2024 Anhui Teacher Recruitment Exam for Primary School English covers listening comprehension, reading comprehension, grammar, and writing. Make sure to study and practice these areas before the exam to improve your chances of success. Good luck to all the applicants!篇32024 Anhui Teacher Recruitment Exam Real Test Elementary School EnglishPart I: Choose the right answer1. ( ) How are you today?A. I'm 10 years old.B. I'm fine, thank you.C. I'm a teacher.2. ( ) What's your name?A. My name is Li Lei.B. I'm 12 years old.C. I'm from China.3. ( ) Where are you from?A. I like swimming.B. I'm from Japan.C. I'm sorry.4. ( ) What is the weather like today?A. It's Tuesday.B. It's sunny.C. I'm a doctor.5. ( ) What do you like to eat?A. I like playing basketball.B. I like ice cream.C. I'm a student.Part II: Fill in the blanks with the right words1. My mother is a __________. She teaches English at a school.2. I have two brothers and one __________.3. Today is my __________ birthday. I am very happy.4. The sun is shining and the sky is __________.5. What is your favorite __________? Mine is orange.Part III: Read and answer the questionsMy name is Jack. I live in Anhui. I go to a primary school. I have a sister. Her name is Lily. We have a cat. Its name is Mimi. We play with Mimi every day. My favorite subject is English. I like to play basketball with my friends after school.1. What is the boy's name?2. How many siblings does he have?3. What is the name of their cat?4. What is Jack's favorite subject?5. What does Jack like to do after school?Part IV: Write a short paragraph about yourselfIntroduce yourself. Talk about your family, hobbies, favorite subject, and what you like to do after school.Remember to use capital letters and punctuation.Good luck with your exam!。

1. What is the weather like today?- A. Sunny- B. Rainy- C. Cloudy答案:A2. Where is the cat?- A. In the tree- B. Under the table- C. Behind the sofa答案:C3. How many students are there in the classroom? - A. Ten- B. Fifteen- C. Twenty答案:B4. What color is the book?- A. Blue- B. Red- C. Green答案:A5. What is the boy doing?- A. Playing soccer- B. Reading a book- C. Riding a bicycle答案:C第二部分:语法与词汇语法与词汇部分共有10道题目,请根据句子意思选择正确的单词或语法形式。
1. She _____ watching a movie when the phone rang.- A. is- B. was- C. has been答案:B2. I have _______ brother and two sisters.- A. an- B. a- C. the答案:B3. The cat is _______ the table.- A. on- B. at- C. in答案:A4. They ________ swimming every Sunday. - A. go- B. goes- C. going答案:A5. My favorite ________ is science.- A. subject- B. book- C. sport答案:A6. Are those ________ books?- A. yours- B. your- C. you答案:B7. _______ you help me with my homework? - A. Can- B. Could- C. May答案:A8. The students are ________ the classroom. - A. at- B. in- C. on答案:B9. She _______ for the bus when it started raining.- A. wait- B. waits- C. was waiting答案:C10. I ________ to visit my grandparents next week.- A. am going- B. going- C. goes答案:A第三部分:阅读理解阅读理解部分共有两篇短文,请根据短文内容选择正确的答案。
江西省教师招聘考试《小学英语》考试大纲 - 英语学科专业基础知识

江西省教师招聘考试《小学英语》考试大纲- 英语学科专业基础知识本部分的主要考查内容包括语音及词汇、语法、阅读理解、英美文化、书面表达等。
山东教师招聘考试资料 小学英语 第一部分 语言知识与能力


小学英语教师招聘教师考试试题及答案1.You can pass the exam only if you study hard.2.Look out。
Don't get too close to the house。
the roof is under repair.3.If she could sing。
I would invite her to the party.4.Always read the XXX and take the right amount of medicine.5.Green products are XXX.6.- What happened to you this morning?The teacher asked for my excuse when I was XXX.7.- Would you help me put away these things?With pleasure.8.- Here's coffee and tea。
You may have either.XXX.9."Sorry。
I can't。
I'll have to go to an XXX." The correct answer is C。
can't.10."XXX." This is the correct answer.11."Yes。
But there are so many kinds that I can't decide which to buy."12."I hear the weather will stay cold for another week." The correct answer is C。
I don't think I'm able to。
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第一部分教材教法第一章小学英语课程标准1、英语课程的性质工具性instrumentality 人文性humanity2、小学英语课程的基本理念1)注重素质教育,体现语言学习对学生发展的价值2)面向全体学生,关注语言学习者的不同特点和个体差异3)整体设计目标,充分考虑语言学习目标渐进性和持续性4)强调学习过程,重视语言学习的渐进性和持续性5)优化评价方式,着重评价学生的综合语言运用能力6)丰富课程资源,拓展英语学习渠道!3、英语课程的设计思路:共九级,从小学三年级开始,一级为三四年级水平,二级为五六年级的目标要求,九年级结束达到五级,6年级结束达到二级P18九级6年级2级九年级五级4、英语课程总目标:使学生形成初步的综合语言运用能力,促进心智发展,提高综合人文素养5、小学英语课程的内容标准:1)语言技能一级语言技能:听做说唱玩演读写视听,二级语言技能:听说读写,玩演视听2)语言知识语音pronunciation词汇语法grammar以及用于表达常见话题和功能的语言形式3)情感态度affect 兴趣动机自信意志合作精神4)学习策略P25:}认知:为了完成具体的学习任务而财务的步骤和方法调控:学生对学习加以计划、实施、反思、评价和调整的行动和步骤交际:学生为了争取更多的交际机会、维持交际以及提高交际效果而采取的行动资源策略:学生合理并有效利用多种媒体进行学习和运用英语的方式和方法5)文化意识cultural understanding▲小学英语教学中,如何渗透策略的培养:反思与监控、根据学习风格调整、注重交流和相互学习、提供必要指导(题)6、教学建议:1)面向全体学生,为每个学生学习英语奠定基础2)注重语言实践,培养学生的语言运用能力3)加强学习策略指导,培养学生的自主学习能力】4)培养学生跨文化交际意识,发展跨文化交际能力7、小学英语教材编写建议原则:思想性原则、科学性、趣味性、灵活性科学性原则:教材内容的编排要符合学生认知发展水平和语言习得的过程8、教材的特征(英语教材是学生学习和教师教学的重要内容和手段,使英语课程资源的核心部分)1)引发学生的好奇、兴趣和注意力make students feel at ease2)帮助学生建立自信,满足学生的需求meet students’needs3)可以为学生提供运用目的语进行交际的机会,注重语言运用的真实性(expose students to language in authentic use)4)能够考虑到语言教学的积极影响往往会延迟以及学生之间学习风格learning style和情感态affective factors的差异。
5)能够有利于学生多元智能的发展,最大限度的发挥学习潜能maximize learning potencial 8、教材的结构:话题(主线)功能结构任务,9、教材的功能P31:国家课程标准的具体化,是教与学的主要凭借,是学生获取知识的主要源头10、教材的使用建议:1)对教材内容进行适当的补充和删减2)替换教学内容和活动3)扩展教学内容或活动步骤4)调整教学顺序5)调整教学方法6)总结教材使用情况11、课程资源的开发与利用:开发利用教材资源、学校资源、网络、学生第二章小学英语教学基础知识1、语言的特征:任意性Arbitrary,双重性duality,创造性creativity,文化的移入性cultural transmission,移位性displacement(掌握概括generalizations和抽象能力abstractions)2、语言的功能:信息功能informative、人际功能interpersonal、施为功能performative、情感功能emotive、寒暄功能phatic communication、娱乐功能recreational、元语言功能Metalingual function3、语言观:(结构语言观:语言学习本身是一种操练活动功能语言观:如何用语法规则和词汇来表达概念并执行功能交互语言观:international(强调交互性interaction和动态dynamics)4、语言学习理论1)行为主义学习理论Behavioral learning theory,语言不是先天具有而是后天习得,刺激-强化-反应2)认知主义学习理论Cognitive learning theory,观察、发现,学习者重新组织认知结构的过程3)建构主义学习理论Constructivist learning theory,39(最近发展区ZPD:Zone of proximal development)5、多元智能理论1.语言智力linguistic intelligence 2、数理智力Logical-Mathematical intelligence3.肢体运动智力Limb motor intelligence 4.音乐智力musical 5.视觉空间智力spatial6、人际交往智力inerpersonal 7.内省智力intrapersonal 8.自然智力naturalistic 6、教学观(小学英语教学方法):1)语法翻译法grammar translation method,母语2)直接法direct method外语本身,强调模仿3)听说法Audio-Lingual Method,刺激-反应,句型操练,先听说,后读写,有错必纠4)认知法cognitive approach,反对机械练习,注重创造性思维,提倡演绎法和讲授法,转换生成语法5)交际法communicative approach过程全方位接触语言-交际活动-自由表达-交流思想3P presentation practice production6)全身反应教学法total physical response method(TPR,45),基础是行为主义学习理论,优点,(儿童习得母语的表现)▲全身反应法的内涵(优缺点P45):口头发号施令,给予指示,并辅以肢体动作示范帮助了解指令的意义,学生充分了解语句的意义后,再以肢体动作做出正确的反应。
7、任务型教学内涵:以具体任务为学习动力或动机,以完成任务过程为学习过程,以展示任务成果来体现教学成就的一种教学方式,理论基础是建构主义任务的概念:以真实世界为参照,以形成语言意义为主旨的活动任务的四个元素目标objective(purpose)语境context 过程process 结果outcome Arbitrary 任意的arbitrary任务教学的四个元素:目标objective 语境context 策略strategy结果outcome任务型教学的程序(task-based):前任务pre-task 任务环task-cycle(task-planning-report)语言聚焦language focus(分析练习)8、任务型教学的优点与不足P50 在英语教学中的应用66优点:倡导以教师为主导,学生为主体;倡导体验、实践、探索、交流、合作;注重真实场景的交际活动\不足:课堂效率低,难以保证大班教学任务的完成、过分依赖教师的能力和水平,很难保证大面积教学质量的提升、课堂活动中,难以有效监督和控制学生的个体活动,反馈效率低▲组织英语教学游戏的基本要求:目的性,随教学内容改变,增加竞赛感,难度与能力相当9、语音教学的内容(teaching pronunciation):发音知识和单音教学,字母发音教学,语流教学原则:隐形原则、示范性原则、模仿性原则、整体性、可懂性方法:语流的教学、单音的教学(同中选异odd one out,填空completion,排序which order)▲词汇教学的内容(Teaching Vocabulary;):▲词汇的意义word meaning(概念意义conceptual meaning即字面意思literal meaning和关联意义associated meaning)、▲用法word use(搭配collocation,短语phrase,习语idiom,风格style,语域register)▲信息word information(词类parts of speech,词的前缀prefixes,词的后缀suffixes,词的拼写,发音,语法特征word grammer)▲记忆策略word memory strategies(避免死记硬背rote-learning)原则:直观性、情境性、趣味性、重复性@方法:单词音义形的结合,主题认读单词、活动认读单词语法教学的内容(Teaching grammar):语法的形式结构、语意、语用原则:隐性implict、趣味性interest、意义先行meaning go first(go for meaning)、适量原则ecomomy(讲解要适时适量)呈现语法的方法:演绎法deductive 归纳法inductive 引导发现法guided discovery 10、听力教学▲影响听力的主要因素:客观因素(听力材料types of language used、听力任务task in listening、文化背景知识context in which the listening occurs),主观因素(心理因素、知识技能、方法与策略因素)▲基本听力能力:辨音能力discrimination,交际信息辨别能力recognizing communication signals,大意理解能力Gist listening,细节理解能力listening for specific information ,词义猜测能力Word guessing,推理判断和预测能力inferring and predicting,记笔记Note taking▲小学听力课堂训练策略:坚持用英语组织教学、因材施教、加强听力技能指导,采取多种听力练习11、口语教学:▲口语的特点fragmentation结构的不完整性,与说话场合的紧密依存性involvement-语法特征(句子简单,口语化;具有明显的口语色彩的词语,时髦语fashionable word,歇后语two-part allegorical saying,口语词colloquialism,俚语slang,短语动词phrasal verbs结构特征(填补词remedy word)、形象特征(body language)▲口语教学技巧:营造口语表达的氛围,感知语音;采用多种口语教学活动为学生开口说英语创造条件▲小学英语口语的训练模式:机械型训练模式、交际型训练模式12、阅读教学▲小学阶段的阅读特点:从认读到阅读;阅读内容简单,形式简练;非语言输出▲阅读技巧精心渗透略读法skimming(主旨大意) 恰当运用寻读法scanning 整体阅读▲阅读能力培养:激发小学生阅读兴趣、积累sight words、鼓励自主阅读、创设丰富的展示平台,升华学生的阅读兴趣、家长的参与▲阅读教学模式:自下而上bottom-up(单词-句子-大意,解码编码过程)自上而下top-down(预测)交互补偿interactive compensatory 交互补偿模式13、写作教学:▲小学英语写作的教学内容:字母书写、单词及短语的书写、句子的书写、语篇的书写'▲写作教学原则:写作任务体现趣味性、真实性原则;要坚持整体把握、循序渐进原则;充分发挥教师的示范指导作用;坚持以学生为中心▲写作教学方法:写听结合、写说结合、写读结合▲写作教学模式:product-oriented注重结果的写作教学模式,content-oriented 内容,Process-oriented 过程第三章小学英语教学设计1、教学设计概念instructional design2、教学设计的原则:目的性aims,多样性variety,灵活性flexibility,可学行learnability,linkage 衔接性,feasibility (可行性)3、教学设计新理念:学生参与课堂设计的自主性,教学设计贯穿课堂教学的全过程,教学设计的确定性与不确定性相统一4、教学设计的实施过程(前反馈,不必有错必纠)725、教学设计要素分析(1)分析学习者特点2)分析教学内容(话题、语言功能、语言结构、任务活动)3)确立教学目标(教学目标的内容:知识与技能,过程与方法,情感态度与价值观)教学目标的描述方式;ABCD(audience,behavior,conditions,degree)4)确定教学的重点和难点(确定重难点的依据:教材和课程标准,学生的实际情况,教师的经验;突出重点、突破难点的方法:比喻说明法、列表对比法、练习法、多媒体辅助教学法、游戏活动法)5)设计教学步骤(warming-up revision presentation practice ending(总结和作业))6)小学英语作业设计(原则:趣味性、实践性、层次性、探究性、开放性、合作性)7)教学板书设计(提纲式板书、表格式板书、图文式、比较式。