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of us.

these complex challenges require fresh and bold ideas, careful balancing of different goals,and close coordination across multiple agencies. this is what my new cabinet, with a mix ofexperienced and new ministers, is designed to do. many countries and cities, even in thedeveloped world, have found similar challenges too hard to resolve. but here in singapore, wecan get things done and we will make it happen. we have a government that enjoys strongsupport. we have a competent public service. more importantly, we have a sense of nationalpurpose. we can work together, think long-term, and focus the efforts of the wholegovernment, indeed of the whole nation, to take singa­pore forward. this is what makes usunique and will continue to keep us special.

my other major goal in forming this cabinet is to prepare the next team to take over from meand my senior colleagues. my responsibility, as it was with esm goh chok tong and mr leekuan yew, is not just to govern singa­pore well today, but also to prepare the next team totake over from us. this will secure

singapore's future beyond this generation, and take thecountry another step towards sg100.

leadership renewal was one of my major themes before and during the election campaign. iam grateful that with your support, i can reinforce my team and pursue renewalvigorously.

the clock is ticking; we have no time to lose. therefore, i have made a decisive move now. inthis new cabinet, nearly all ministries have new ministers, ministers of state and parliamentarysecretaries.

i have reinforced my team with backbenchers and newly-elected mps, and entrusted majorresponsibilities to younger ministers. they have to be tested, learn the ropes, prove themselves,and shake down as a team. increasingly they will carry the government's programme –initiating, explaining and executing policies, and persuading people to support these policies,which will increasingly be their policies.

the older ministers are staying on in cabinet. they will provide my team with depth andbreadth to think more deeply about issues and to plan more systematically for the future. theywill also help me to mentor and guide the younger ones. my overriding goal is to have a newteam ready to take over soon after the next

elections, to work with you, for you and forsingapore.

we are planning ahead because singaporeans expect their leaders to do so. you have entrustedsingapore to me and my team, not just because of what we have done, but also because youare confident of what we will do. you trust that we will act on our words and live up to ourpromises, and we will.

i ask you to have that same belief in our country. singapore is special not just because of whatwe have achieved today, but also because of what we can look forward to tomorrow.singaporeans are not defined by the accolades we receive, but by our constant striving toalways do better, whatever the circumstances.

in this sg50 year, we discovered what it means tobe singaporean. when our founding prime minister,mr lee kuan yew, passed away in march, we grievedtogether. during the week of national mourning, wecame together as one people, to pay tribute to mrlee and to reaffirm what our pioneers stood for. onthe 9th of august, we celebrated 50 years ofindependence, and remembered how a ruggedpeople overcame adversity together. at the nationalday parade, we sang majulah singapura, recited thepledge, and sang home in one voice, committing ourselves anew to the nation. this year, weshowed what singapore can do
