



金融词典 - 英汉对照JAMES JIANG 编辑2005年English Terms 中文翻译详情解释 / 例子A accelerated Depreciation 加快折旧任何基于会计或税务原因促使一项资产在较早期以较大金额折旧的折旧原则Accident and Health Benefits 意外与健康福利为员工提供有关疾病、意外受伤或意外死亡的福利。


Accounts Receivable (AR) 应收账款客户应付的金额。

拥有应收账款指公司已经出售产品或服务但仍未收取款项Accretive Acquisition 具增值作用的收购项目能提高进行收购公司每股盈利的收购项目Acid Test 酸性测试比率一项严谨的测试,用以衡量一家公司是否拥有足够的短期资产,在无需出售库存的情况下解决其短期负债。

计算方法:(现金 + 应收账款+短期投资) / 流动负债Act of God Bond 天灾债券保险公司发行的债券,旨在将债券的本金及利息与天然灾害造成的公司损失联系起来Active Bond Crowd 活跃债券投资者在纽约股票交易所内买卖活跃的定息证券Active Income 活动收入来自提供服务所得的收入,包括工资、薪酬、奖金、佣金,以及来自实际参与业务的收入Active Investing 积极投资包含持续买卖行为的投资策略。

主动投资者买入投资,并密切注意其走势,以期把握盈利机会Active Management 积极管理寻求投资回报高于既定基准的投资策略Activity Based Budgeting 以活动为基础的预算案一种制定预算的方法,过程为列举机构内每个部门所有牵涉成本的活动,并确立各种活动之间的关系,然后根据此资料决定对各项活动投入的资源Activity Based Management 以活动为基础的管理利用以活动为基础的成本计算制度改善一家公司的运营Activity Ratio 活动比率一项用以衡量一家公司将其资产负债表内账项转为现金或营业额的能力的会计比率Actual Return 实际回报一名投资者的实际收益或损失,可用以下公式表示:预期回报加上公司特殊消息及总体经济消息Actuary 精算保险公司的专业人员,负责评估申请人及其医疗纪录,以预测申请人的寿命Acquisition 收购一家公司收购另一家公司的多数股权Acquisition Premium 收购溢价收购一家公司的实际成本与该公司收购前估值之间的差额Affiliated Companies 联营公司一家公司拥有另一家公司少数权益(低于50%)的情况,或指两家公司之间存在某些关联Affiliated Person 关联人士能影响一家企业活动的人士,包括董事、行政人员及股东等After Hours Trading 收盘后交易主要大型交易所正常交易时间以外进行的买卖交易After Tax Operating Income -ATOI税后营运收入一家公司除税后的总营运收入。



1. 繁荣 - 表示经济发展良好,市场景气,给人以积极的感觉。

2. 衰退 - 表示经济走低,市场不景气,给人以消极的感觉。

3. 稳定 - 表示经济趋势平稳,市场安稳,给人以稳定的感觉。

4. 不稳定 - 表示经济趋势波动,市场不稳定,给人以不稳定的感觉。

5. 上涨 - 表示股票、商品、房价等价格上升,给人以积极的感觉。

6. 下跌 - 表示股票、商品、房价等价格下降,给人以消极的感觉。

7. 利好 - 表示有利消息,对经济和市场有积极影响,给人以积极的感觉。

8. 利空 - 表示不利消息,对经济和市场有消极影响,给人以消极的感觉。

9. 热门 - 表示某个投资产品、行业或公司备受瞩目,给人以热情、追捧的感觉。

10. 冷门 - 表示某个投资产品、行业或公司受到忽视或冷落,给人以冷静、避之唯恐不及的感觉。





A•Asset Management 资产管理: The professional management of various securities and assets, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and others, to meet specific investment goals.•Asset Allocation 资产配置: The strategy of dividing investment portfolio among different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and cash, to optimize risk and return.•Auction 市场竞价: The process of buying and selling securities or other assets by offering them up for bid, andselling to the highest bidder.•Annual Percentage Rate (APR) 年息复利率: The true interest rate on a loan, including all finance chargesand fees.•Accounting 会计: The process of recording, summarizing, and analyzing financial transactions of an organization.B•Bond 债券: A debt instrument issued by a borrower to raise capital, with a promise to repay the principal and interest to the bondholders.•Balance Sheet 资产负债表: A financial statement that provides a snapshot of a company’s financial positio n at a specific point in time, showing its assets, liabilities, and shareholders’ equity.•Bull Market 牛市: A financial market characterized by rising prices and optimism among investors.•Bear Market 熊市: A financial market characterized by falling prices and pessimism among investors.•Broker 经纪人: An individual or firm that acts as an intermediary between buyers and sellers of financial securities.C•Capital 资本: Financial resources, including money, investments, or assets, that are used to generate income or wealth.•Credit 信用: The ability of an individual or business to borrow money or obtain goods or services by making a promise to pay in the future.•Currency 货币: A system of money in general use in a particular country or region.•Commodity 商品: A raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as gold, oil, or wheat.•Corporate Finance 公司金融: The area of finance that deals with the financial decisions made by corporations, including capital investment, financing, and dividend policies.D•Derivative 衍生品: A financial instrument whose value is derived from an underlying asset, such as a stock, bond, or commodity.•Diversification 分散投资: The strategy of spreading investments across different asset classes, sectors, orgeographic regions to reduce risk.•Debt 债务: Money owed by an individual, company, or government to a creditor.•Depreciation 折旧: The decrease in value of an asset over time, due to factors such as wear and tear,obsolescence, or age.•Down Payment 首付: A payment made upfront when purchasing a large ticket item, such as a house or car, to reduce the amount to be financed.以上只是词典中的一小部分词汇,希望能对您在金融领域的学习和工作有所帮助。

























Holding a belief that prices will fall. A bearish sentiment in the market will therefore push prices lower. The opposite of bullish.提前履约指证券或期权在到期日之前行使权利。


Early ExerciseWhen a security or option is exercised before its due maturity date. American-style options can be exercised at any time, allowing early exercise. European-style options can be exercised only at the maturity date.基差基差为期货价格与标的资产现货价格的差距,通常是指最近月期货价减去现货价的结果。


基差交易(basis trade)就是根据对基差变动的预期而进行的买卖。


BasisThe difference between futures prices and the corresponding underlying cash price. Basis is normally quoted as cash price deducted from futures price of the nearest delivery month. There is a high degree of correlation between cash and futures prices but the basis is not constant. A basis trade exploits the expected movements in basis. Basis is likely to reduce and eventually to shrink to nothing as the futures contract approaches its expiry date.拉弗曲线是一条显示税率与总税收关系的曲线。



蓝筹股:指稳定的现金股利政策对公司现金流管理有较高的要求,通常将那些 经营业绩较好,具有稳定丏较高的现金股利支付的公司股票称为“蓝筹股”。 蓝筹股多指长期稳定增长的、大型的、传统工业股及金融股。
机会成本:一种资源(如资金戒劳力等)用亍本项目而放弃用亍其他机会时, 所可能损失的利益。某项资源未能得到充分利用而放弃掉的获利机会所带杢 的成本。
协议时,对亍未杢丌确定的情况迚行一种约定。如果约定的条件 出现,投资方可以行使一种权利;如果约定的条件丌出现,融资 方则行使一种权利。所以,对赌协议实际上就是期权的一种形式。
也称避险基金戒套利基金,是指由金融期货和金融期权等金融 衍生工具不金融组织结合后以高风险投机为手段幵以盈利为目的的 金融基金。它是投资基金的一种形式,属亍免责市场产品。
M0:流通中现金,即在银行体系以外流通的现金; M1:狭义货币供应量,即M0+企事业单位活期存款 M2:广义货币供应量,即M1+企事业单位定期存款+居民储蓄存 款。
CPI:消费物价指数英文缩写为CPI,是根据不居民生活有关的产品及 劳务价栺统计出杢的物价发劢指标,通常作为观察通货膨胀水平的重要指 标。 PPI:生产者物价指数(Producer Price Index, PPI)亦称 工业品出 厂价栺指数,是一个用杢衡量制造商出厂价的平均发化的指数,它是统计部 门收集和整理的若干个物价指数中的一个,市场敏感度:非常高。如果生产 物价指数比预期数值高时,表明有通货膨胀的风险。如果生产物价指数比预 期数值低时,则表明有通货紧缩的风险。 GDP:是国内生产总值。通常对GDP的定义为:一定时期内(一个季度 戒一年),一个国家戒地区的经济中所生产出的全部最终产品和提供劳务的 市场价值的总值。



Asset Play资产隙Asset Redeployment资产重新配置Asset Swap资产互换Asset Valuation资产估值Assets Under Management管理资产额Assignment转让At the Money到价ATP套汇交易理论Auction Market拍卖市场Audit审计Auditor's Report审计师报告Authorized Stock授权股份Auto Sales汽车销售额Automated Bond System(ABS)自动债券系统Automated ConfirmationTransaction Service(ACT)自动确认交易系统Average Annual GrowthRate平均年度增长率Average Annual Return平均年度回报率Average Life平均时期Average Price Call平均价格买入期权权Average Price Put平均价格出售期权Average Up提高平均价格Back Door Listing后门上市/借壳上市Backlog订单积压Back Office后线Back Pricing往后定价Back-to-Back Loan背对背贷款Backstop最后担保Bad Debt不良贷款Balanced Fund平衡基金Balanced InvestmentStrategy平衡投资策略Balance Of Payments(BOP)国际收支差额Balance Of Trade (BOT)国际贸易差额Balance Sheet资产负债表Balloon Option气球型期权Bancassurance银行出售保险Bank Guarantee 银行担保Balloon Maturity 气球型期限Asset Turnover 资产周转率Average Price 平均价格Buy-Side买方Buyer's Market买方市场Buying Hedge买入对冲CD存款证CEDELCEDEL CEO首席行政官CFA 注册财务分析师CFO首席财务官COGS已售商品成本COO首席营运官CPA注册公共会计师CPI消费物价指数Calendar Year日历年Call买入期权Call Date买回日期Call Loan短期同业拆借,通知贷款Call Loan Rate短期同业拆借利率,通知贷款利率Call Option买入期权Call Warrant买入认股权证Callable Bond可买回债券Callable Preferred Stock可买回优先股CAMELS Rating System CAMELS评级制度Capital Account资本帐户Capital Adequacy Ratio(CAR)资本充足率Capital Appreciation资本升值Capital Asset资本资产Capital Budgeting资本预算Capital Expenditure资本开支Capital Gain 资本收益Capital Goods资本财货Capital Guarantee Fund资本保证基金Capital Intensive 资本密集Capital资本/资本金Capital Asset PricingModel (CAPM)资本资产计价模型Call Premium 买回溢价Capital Base资本金基础Capital Employed 运用资本Current Assets流动资产Current Liabilities流动负债Current Maturity现时年期Current Price现时价格Current Ratio流动比率Current Yield现时收益率Cushion Bond保收债券CUSIP Number美国证券库斯普号码Custodian保管人Cyclical Industry周期性行业Cyclical Stock周期性股票Cyclical Unemployment周期性失业DJIA道琼斯工业平均指数DJUA 道琼斯公用事业平均指数Data Mining 数据探索Days Payable Outstanding (DPO)应付账款天数Days Sales Outstanding (DSO)应收账款天数Debenture 公司债券Debit 借项、借方Debt 债务Debt Equity Ratio 债务股本比Debt Equity Swap债换股交易Debt Financing债务融资Debt Ratio负债比率Debt Restructuring债务重组Debt Security债务证券Debt Service还本付息Debt Service CoverageRatio债务偿付比率Debtor债务人Debt Overhang债务积压Declaration Date股息宣告日Default Risk违约风险Defeasance宣告(合约)无效、废止契约Defensive Buy防御性投资Defensive InvestmentStrategy防御性投资策略Deferred Account递延帐户Deferred Annuity递延年金Deferred Income Tax递延所得税Deferred Interest Bond递延利息债券Deferred Revenue 递延收入Custodial Account 保管帐户DJTA道琼斯交通平均指数Deep Discount Bond 高折扣债券Default违约,未能履行合约Valuation估值Value-Added增值Value-Based Pricing以价值为基础的定价Value Chain价值链Value at Risk (VAR)风险价值Value Investing价值投资Value Stock 价值股票Vanilla Option 单纯期权Variable Cost 可变成本Variable Life Insurance Policy可变寿险保单Vendor Financing供应商融资Venture创业项目Venture Capital创业资本Venture Capital Fund创业基金Venture Capitalist创业基金投资者Vertical Integration纵向整合Vertical Market纵向市场Vertical Merger纵向合并Volume Of Trade交易量、成交量Voting Right投票权Voting Shares投票股票Voting Trust投票信托Voting Trust Agreement投票信托协议Vulture Fund兀鹫基金WTO世界贸易组织War Bond战争债券Warrant认股权证Warrant Coverage认股权证比重Warrant Premium 认股权证溢价Vulture Capitalist 兀鹫投资者WACC 加权平均资本成本Volatility 波动性Wall Street 华尔街Wealth Added Index (WAI)财富增值指数Wealth Effect财富效应Wealth Management 财富管理Weighted Average MarketCapitalization加权平均总市值White Elephant白象White Knight白武士White Paper白皮书Wholesale Banking批发银行Wholly Owned Subsidiary全资拥有子公司Withholding预扣(税)Withholding Tax预扣(税)Working Capital营运资金Working Capital Turnover营运资金周转率Working Ratio流动比率Work in Progress在建项目World Trade Organization(WTO)世界贸易组织Write-Down减记Write-Off销记、注销Write-Up 增记Yankee Bond扬基债券Yankee CD扬基存款证Year To Date (YTD)本年迄今Yellow Knight黄武士Yield To Call 买回收益率Zero-Sum Game 零和游戏Yield To Maturity (YTM)到期收益率Yield 收益率Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)加权平均资本成本由政府机构发行的债券Agency"。



(金融保险)金融英语词典金融英语词典A:A share A股;甲类股份abatement of tax 减税;减扣免税额ABN AMRO Bank N.V. 荷兰银行above-the-line expenditure 线上项目支出;经常预算支出above-the-line receipt 线上项目收入;经常预算收入ABSA Asia Limited 南非联合亚洲有限公司absolute change 绝对数值变更absolute expenditure 实际开支absolute guideline figure 绝对准则数字absolute interest 绝对权益absolute order of discharge 绝对破产解除令absolute profit margin 绝对利润幅度absolute value 实值;绝对值absolutely vested interest 绝对既得权益absorbed cost 已吸收成本;已分摊成本absorption 吸收;分摊;合并absorption rate 吸收率;摊配率;分摊率ACB Finance Limited 亚洲商业财务有限公司acceptable form of reciprocity 合理的互惠条件acceptable rate 适当利率;适当汇率acceptance agreement 承兑协议acceptance for honour 参加承兑acceptor 承兑人;接受人;受票人acceptor for honour 参加承兑人accident insurance 意外保险Accident Insurance Association of Hong Kong 香港意外保险公会accident insurance scheme 意外保险计划accident year basis 意外年度基准accommodation 通融;贷款accommodation bill 通融票据;空头票据accommodation party 汇票代发人account balance 帐户余额;帐户结余account book 帐簿account collected in advance 预收款项account current book 往来帐簿account of after-acquired property 事后取得的财产报告account of defaulter 拖欠帐目account payable 应付帐款account payee only [A/C payee only] 只可转帐;存入收款人帐户account receivable 应收帐款account receivable report 应收帐款报表account statement 结单;帐单;会计财务报表account title 帐户名称;会计科目accountant's report 会计师报告Accountant's Report Rules 会计师报告规则accounting and auditing procedure 会计与审计程序;会计与核数程序Accounting Arrangements 《会计安排》accounting basis 会计基础accounting by Official Receiver 破产管理署署长呈交的帐目Accounting Circular 《会计通告》accounting class 会计类别accounting date 记帐日期;会计结算日期accounting for money 款项核算Accounting Officer 会计主任accounting period 会计报告期;会计期accounting policy 会计政策;会计方针accounting practice 会计惯例accounting principle 会计准则accounting record 会计记录accounting report 会计报告Accounting Services Branch [Treasury] 会计事务部〔库务署〕Accounting Society of China 中国会计学会accounting statement 会计报表accounting system 会计制度;会计系统accounting transaction 会计事项;帐务交易accounting treatment 会计处理accounting year 会计年度accretion 增值;添加accrual 应计项目;应累算数目accrual basis 应计制;权责发生制accrual basis accounting 应计制会计;权责发生制会计accrue 应累算;应计accrued benefit 应累算利益accrued charges 应计费用accrued cumulative preference share dividend应累算的累积优先股股息accrued expenses 应累算费用accrued interest payable 应付利息;应计未付利息accrued interest receivable 应收利息;应计未收利息accrued right 累算权益accruing profit 应累算的利润accumulated fiscal reserve 累积财政储备accumulated profit 累积利润;滚存溢利accumulated reserve 累积储备accumulation of surplus income 累积收益盈余acquired assets 既得资产acquisition 收购;购置;取得acquisition cost 购置成本acquisition expenses 购置费用acquisition of 100% interest 收购全部股权acquisition of control 取得控制权acquisition of fixed assets 购置固定资产acquisition of shell “买壳”acquisition price 收购价act of God 天灾acting partner 执事合伙人active market 买卖活跃的市场;交投畅旺的市场;旺市active partner 积极参与的合伙人active trading 交投活跃actual circulation 实际流通actual cost 实际成本actual expenditure 实际开支;实际支出actual income 实际入息;实际收入;实际收益actual market 现货市场actual price 现货价;实际价格actual profit 实际利润actual quotation 实盘;实际价位;实际报价actual year basis 按实际年度计算actuals 实货actuarial investigation 精算调查actuarial principle 精算原则actuarial report 精算师报告Actuarial Society of Hong Kong 香港精算学会actuarial valuation 精算师估值actuary 精算师ad referendum agreement 暂定协议;有待覆核的协定ad valorem duty 从价税;按值征税ad valorem duty system 从价税制ad valorem fee 从价费ad valorem tariff 从价关税additional allowance 额外免税额additional amount for unexpired risk 未过期风险的额外款额additional assessable profit 补加应评税利润additional assessment 补加评税additional commitment 额外承担additional commitment vote 额外承担拨款additional dependent grandparent allowance 供养祖父母或外祖父母额外免税额additional dependent parent allowance 供养父母额外免税额additional provision 额外拨款additional stamp duty 附加印花税additional tax 补加税罚款;补加税款Additional T ax Demand Note 缴纳补加税罚款通知书;缴纳补加税款通知书adjudged bankrupt 被裁定破产adjudicated bankrupt 裁定破产人adjudication fee 裁定费;评定印花税额手续费;评估契据费adjudication of bankruptcy 裁定破产;宣告破产adjudication of insolvency 裁定无力偿还债务adjusted actual 经调整的实数;调整后的实数adjusted current assets 经调整的流动资产;调整后的流动资产adjusted figure 经调整的数字;调整后的数额adjusted liabilities 经调整的负债;调整后的负债adjusted loss 经调整的亏损;调整后的亏损adjusted net admissible assets 经调整的可接纳资产净值;调整后的可接纳资产净值adjusted profit 经调整的利润;调整后的利润adjusted surplus 经调整的盈余额;调整后的盈余额adjusted value 经调整的价值;调整后的价值adjustment 调整;修订;理算〔保险〕adjustment centre 调剂中心adjustment lag 调整过程的时间差距;调整时差adjustment mechanism 调整机制adjustment of loss 亏损调整adjustment process 调整过程;调整程序adjustment range 调整幅度administered exchange rate 受管制汇率Administration Division [Hong KongMonetary Authority] 行政处〔香港金融管理局〕administration expenses 行政费用administration fee 手续费;行政费administration in bankruptcy 破产管理administration order 遗产管理令administrator 管理人;遗产管理人administrator of the estate 遗产管理人admission of debt 债项承认书admission of proof 接纳债权证明advance 放贷款项;垫付款项;预支款项;预付款项advance account 暂支帐目;预付款帐户advance compensation 预付补偿金advance from shareholder 股东垫款advance pending reimbursement 预支以待日后付还advanced economy 先进经济体系advancement 预付;预付财产advances warrant 垫款令advancing 贷出adverse balance 逆差adverse exchange 逆汇advertisement addressed to shareholders 在报章刊登的致股东通告advice for collection 托收通知书advice of drawing 提款通知书;汇票通知书advice of payment 付款通知Advisory Committee [Securities and Futures Commission] 谘询委员会〔证券及期货事务监察委员会〕Advisory Committee on Diversification 经济多元化谘询委员会affidavit 誓章;遗产申报誓章affidavit of no receipt 述明无收款的誓章affiliate 联号;联营公司;附属公司affiliated company 附属公司;联号;联营公司affirmation [estate duty] 非宗教式宣誓〔遗产税〕affordability 负担能力African Development Bank [AfDB] 非洲开发银行after-acquired property 事后取得的财产after-hours dealing 市后交易after-tax profit 税后盈利;税后利润;税后溢利agency agreement 代理协议agency expenses 代理机构的开支agency fee 代理费Agency Law 《代理法》agent 代理人;承销人agent of company 公司代理人agent's fee 代理人费;经纪费aggregate 总计;总数;总体数字aggregate amount 总款额;总额aggregate assets and liabilities 总体资产与负债aggregate at constant price 按固定价格计算的总体数字aggregate demand 总需求aggregate gross position 总持仓量aggregate limit 总限额aggregate of salaries tax 合计薪俸税aggregate performance 总体表现;总体业绩aggregate supply 总体供应aggregate surplus 总盈余aggregate total 整体总额aggregate value 总值;合计价值aggregated basis 合计基准aggregated net chargeable income 合计应课税入息实额aggregation 合并计算;合计;总和aggregation of incomes of husband and wife 夫妇入息合并计算aggregation of property 财产的总和agio 差价;贴水Agreement between the Government of Hong Kong and the Government of Japan for the Promotion and Protection of Investment 《香港政府和日本政府关于相互促进和保护投资协定》Agreement between the Government of Hong Kong and the Government of the Republic of Austria for the Promotion and Protection of Investment 《香港政府和奥地利共和国政府关于相互促进和保护投资协定》Agreement between the Government of Hong Kong and the Government of the Republic of France for the Promotion and Protection of Investment 《香港政府和法兰西共和国政府关于相互促进和保护投资协定》Agreement between the Government of Hong Kong and the Government of the Republic of Korea for the Promotion and Protection of Investment 《香港政府和大韩民国政府关于相互促进和保护投资协定》agreement for a settlement 授产协议agreement for assignment 转让协议agreement for sale 售卖协议;买卖协议agreement for sale and purchase 买卖协议agreement for the payment of interest 支付利息协议agreement for the repayment of money 还款协议agreement of reinsurance 再保险协议Agricultural Bank of China 中国农业银行air passenger departure tax 飞机乘客离境税Air Services Negotiations Unit [Economic Services Bureau] 民航运输谈判组〔经济局〕airport tax 机场税alcohol duty 酒精税alienation 让与;让渡;转让alimony 生活费;赡养费All Ordinaries Index [AOI] 所有普通股指数all risks 全险;综合险All Sales Record for Stock Market 《股票市场成交报告》Allied Capital Resources Limited 新联财务有限公司all-items index [Consumer Price Index] 总指数〔消费物价指数〕allocation letter 拨款信件allocation of fund 分配款项;预留款项allocation of profit 利润分配;溢利分配allocation warrant 拨款令allotment 分配;配股allotment notice 股份配售通知;配股通知allotment of shares 股份分配allowable 可获宽免;免税的allowable business loss 可扣除的营业亏损allowable expenses 可扣税的支出allowance 免税额;津贴;备抵;准备金allowance for debts 债项的免税额allowance for depreciation by wear and tear 耗损折旧免税额allowance for funeral expenses 殡殓费的免税额allowance for inflation 为通货膨胀而预留的款项;通胀准备金allowance for repairs and outgoings 修葺及支出方面的免税额allowance to debtor 给债务人的津贴alteration of capital 资本更改alternate trustee 候补受托人amalgamation 合并ambit [head or subhead of expenditure] 涵盖范围〔开支总目或分目〕ambit of charges 征税范围;收费范围amended valuation 经修订的估值American Commodities Exchange 美国商品交易所American Express Bank Limited 美国运通银行American Stock Exchange 美国证券交易所amortization 摊销amount due from banks 存放银行同业的款项amount due from banks abroad 存放海外银行同业的款项amount due from holding companies 控股公司欠款amount due from local banks 存放本港银行同业的款项amount due to banks 银行同业的存款amount due to banks abroad 海外银行同业的存款amount due to holding companies 控股公司存款amount due to local banks 本港银行同业的存款amount due to outport banks 外埠银行同业的存款amount for note issue 发行纸币的款额amount of bond 担保契据的款额amount of consideration 代价款额amount of contribution 供款数额amount of indebtedness 负债款额amount of principal of the loan 贷款本金额amount of rates chargeable 应征差饷数额amount of share capital 股本额amount of sums assured 承保款额amount of variation 变动幅度amount of vote 拨款数额amount payable 应付款额amount receivable 应收款额Amsterdam Stock Exchange 阿姆斯特丹证券交易所analysis 分析ancillary risk 附属风险annual account 周年帐目;周年帐目报表;年度决算;年结annual accounting date 年结日期annual allowance 每年免税额;年积金;年度津贴;年津annual balance 年度余额annual disposable income 每年可动用收入annual estimates 周年预算annual fee 年费annual general meeting 周年大会annual growth rate 年增率;每年增长率annual long-term supplement 长期个案每年补助金annual pensionable emolument 可供计算退休金的年薪annual report 年报Annual Report on the Consumer Price Index 《消费物价指数年报》annual return 周年报表;周年申报表;每年报税表格Annual Return Rules 《周年报表规则》annual review of consumer prices 每年消费物价回顾annual roll-forward basis 逐年延展方式annual salary 年薪annual statement 年度报表;年度决算表Annual Survey of Banks, Deposit-taking Companies and Representative Offices of Foreign Banks 银行、接受存款公司及外地银行驻港代表办事处按年统计调查annuitant 年金受益人annuity 年金annuity contract 年金合约annuity on human life 人寿年金antecedent debt 先前的债项ante-dated cheque 倒填日期支票anticipated expenditure 预期开支anticipated net profit 预期纯利anticipated revenue 预期收入anti-inflation measure 反通货膨胀措施anti-inflationary stance 反通货膨胀立场apparent deficit 表面赤字apparent financial solvency 表面偿债能力apparent partner 表面合伙人application for personal assessment 个人入息课税申请书application of fund 资金应用application to release as liquidator and to destruct the books of accounts and documents 申请免除清盘人职务及毁灭帐簿与文件appointed actuary 委任精算师appointed auditor 委任核数师;委任审计师appointed trustee 委任的受托人appointer 委任人apportioned pro rata 按比例分摊apportionment 分配;分摊Apportionment Act [United Kingdom] 《分摊法令》〔英国〕apportionment formula 分摊方程式apportionment of estate duty 遗产税的分摊appraisal 估价;评估appreciable growth 可观增长appreciable impact 显着影响appreciable increase 可观增长appreciation 增值;升值appreciation against other currencies 相对其他货币升值appreciation of the exchange value of Hong Kong dollar 港元汇值上升appreciation tax 增值税appropriation 拨款;拨用;拨付appropriation account 拨款帐目Appropriation Bill 拨款法案appropriation-in-aid system 补助拨款办法approved assets 核准资产approved basket stock 认可一篮子证券approved budget 核准预算approved charitable donation 认可慈善捐款approved charitable institution 认可慈善机构approved currency 核准货币;认可货币approved estimates 核准预算approved estimates of expenditure 核准开支预算approved overseas insurer 核准海外保险人approved overseas trust company 核准海外信托公司approved pooled investment fund 核准汇集投资基金approved provident fund scheme 认可公积金计划approved provision 核准拨款approved redeemable share 核准可赎回股份approved regional stock 认可地区性证券approved retirement scheme 认可退休金计划approved subordinated loan 核准附属贷款arbitrage 套戥;套汇;套利arbitrageur 套戥者;套汇者arbitrary amount 临时款项arrangement 措施;安排;协定arrears 欠款arrears of pay 欠付薪酬arrears of revenue 逾期未收税款;逾期未收的帐项articles of association 组织章程;组织细则;组织章程细则Asahi Finance (Hong Kong) Limited 旭日财务(香港)有限公司ascertainment of profit 确定利润"Asia Clear" “亚洲结算系统”Asia Commercial Bank Ltd. 亚洲商业银行有限公司Asian Development Bank [ADB] 亚洲开发银行〔亚银〕Asian Development Fund [ADF] 亚洲发展基金Asian dollar bond 亚洲美元债券Asian dollar market 亚洲美元市场Asian dollar rate 亚洲美元利率Asian Securities Analysts Council [ASAC] 亚洲证券分析员公会Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation [APEC] 亚太区经济合作组织〔亚太经合组织〕asked price 沽盘;喊价;索价;卖方报价assessable income 应评税入息assessable loss 应评税亏损assessable profit 应评税利润assessable value 应评税值assessed profit 估定利润assessed value 经评估价值assessment 评税;评定;估价;评税单assessment number 评税编号;估价编号assessment of additional tax 补加税评税assessment of performance 业绩评估;实绩评价Assessor 评税主任asset price bubbles 资产价格泡沫asset-backed securities 具资产保证的证券assets accretion 资产增值assets and liabilities 资产与负债assets betterment statement 资产递增表;资产改进表assets lending 实物放款;有抵押贷款assets of the company passing on the death 死者去世时转移的公司资产assets pledged as security for liabilities 用作负债抵押的资产assets portfolio 资产投资组合assets price 资产价格assets quality 资产质素assets realization 资产变现assets refinancing arrangement 资产再集资安排assets securitization 资产证券化assets situated outside Hong Kong 在香港以外地方的资产assets stripping 削减资产;拆卖资产assets value 资产值assignee 承让人assignment 转让;转让书;转让契assignment of interest 权益转让assignment of letters patent and trade mark 专利证书及商标转让assignment of property 物业转让;物业转让书assignment right 转让权assignor 转让人associate 有联系的人;有关连人士;相联者;合伙人;联系人Associate Clearing Housing Amsterdam B.V. 阿姆斯特丹联合结算所有限公司associate member 附属会员associated body corporate 相联法人团体associated company 相联公司;联属公司associated corporation 相联法团Association of Chartered Certified Accountants [ACCA] [United Kingdom] 公认会计师公会〔英国〕Association of Futures Exchange Brokers 香港期货经纪协会Association of South-East Asian Nations [ASEAN] 东南亚国家联盟〔东盟〕association of underwriters 承保人组织assumption of control 接管assurance 担保;保险;转易;转易书assurance of interest 权益的转易at 19XX price 按一九XX年价格计算at a discount 按赔价计算;按贴水价格计算;打折扣at a premium 按溢价计算;按升水价格计算at call 通知付款;按通知at constant market price 按固定市价计算at constant price 按固定价格计算at cost 按成本计算at current market price 按当时市价计算;按现时市价计算at current price 按当时价格计算;按现时价格计算at factor cost 按要素成本计算;按生产要素成本计算at money-of-the-day price 按付款当日价格计算at or better 按指定或较佳价位〔买卖指令〕at par 按面值计算;平价at sight 见票即付at the close 按收市盘at the opening 按开市盘attestation 见证;见证条款at-the-money option 平价期权attorney 受权人;受托代表人attornment 新拥有人承认书attributable profit 可归属利润attributable share value 可归属股份价值Auckland Stock Exchange 奥克兰证券交易所auction 拍卖auctioneer 拍卖商audit 审计;核数Audit Commission 审计署Audit Committee [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, Securities and Futures Commission] 稽核委员会〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕;核数委员会〔证券及期货事务监察委员会〕audit review 帐目审查Audit Sub-committee [Exchange Fund Advisory Committee] 审核小组〔外汇基金谘询委员会〕audited account 审计帐目;经审计的帐目audited annual account 经审计的周年帐目audited balance sheet 经审计的资产负债表auditor 核数师;核数主任;审计师auditor's certificate 核数师证明书;审计师证明书auditor's report 核数师报告;审计师报告Aussie bond 澳元债券austerity budget 紧缩预算Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Limited 澳洲纽西兰银行集团有限公司Australia All Ordinaries Index 澳洲所有普通股票指数Australian Dollar [AUD] 澳元Australian Options Market 澳大利亚期权市场Australian Securities Commission 澳洲证券事务监察委员会Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants 澳洲执业会计师公会Australian Stock Exchange 澳大利亚证券交易所Austrian Schilling [ATS] 奥地利先令authentication 认证;鉴证authority to purchase 委托购买证;委购书authorization 认可;核准;授权;授权书authorization by direction 指示授权authorization by instruction 指令授权authorization by warrant 令状授权authorization of unit trust 单位信托的认可authorized agent 指定代理人authorized capital 法定资本authorized clerk 出市员authorized dealer 认可交易商authorized financial institution 认可财务机构authorized fund 认可基金authorized fund house 获授权的基金公司;认可基金公司authorized institution 认可机构authorized institution incorporated in Hong Kong 在香港成立为法团的认可机构authorized institution incorporated outside Hong Kong 在香港以外成立为法团的认可机构authorized insurer 获授权保险人;获认可承保人authorized investment 特准投资项目authorized person 获授权人authorized representative 获授权代表authorized share capital 法定股本automated quotation system 自动报价系统Automated Trading System [ATS] [Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited] 自动交易系统〔香港期货交易所有限公司〕automatic adjustment mechanism 自动调整机制automatic adjustment system 自动调整系统Automatic Clearing House 自动票据交换所automatic exchange rates accumulation system 自动化汇率累集系统Automatic Order Matching and Execution System [AMS] 自动对盘及成交系统〔自动对盘系统〕automatic teller machine [ATM] 自动柜员机autopay 自动转帐available assets 可用资产available fiscal reserve 现存财政储备available profit 可用利润Avco Financial Services (Asia) Limited 富高财务(亚洲)有限公司average 平均;平均数;海损average basic salary 平均基本薪金average consumer expenditure 平均消费开支;一般消费开支average cost 平均成本average cost of land production 增辟土地平均成本average daily turnover 平均每日成交额average daily wage rate 平均每日工资率average expenditure pattern 平均开支模式average growth rate 平均增长率average net fixed assets 固定资产平均净值average of relatives 相对价格平均数average price 平均价格average propensity to consume 平均消费倾向;一般消费倾向average propensity to save 平均储蓄倾向;一般储蓄倾向average rate 平均率average revenue 平均收入;平均收益average stock 平均库存;平均存货average yearly rent 平均年租avoidance of double taxation 避免双重课税avoidance of tax 避税B:B share B股;乙类股份BA Asia Limited 美银亚洲有限公司BA Finance (Hong Kong) Limited 美银财务(香港)有限公司back duty 补缴税款back tax 补缴税款backdoor listing “借壳”上市;“买壳”上市back-to-back credit 对开信贷back-to-back loan 对销贷款backwardation 交割延期费〔证券〕;倒价〔期货〕;现货溢价bad debt 坏帐bad debt provision 坏帐准备bad year 歉年bailee 受寄人Bailiff 执达主任Bailiff Office 执达主任办事处bailment 委托保管balance 差额;余额;结余balance brought down 余额承上balance brought forward 〔上年度〕结转;余额承前balance carried down 余额转下balance carried forward 〔本年度〕结转;余额移后balance of international indebtedness 国际借贷差额;国际借贷平衡表balance of international payments 国际收支差额;国际收支平衡表balance of payments 国际收支差额;国际收支平衡表Balance of Payments Manual [International Monetary Fund] 《国际收支手册》〔国际货币基金组织〕balance of proceeds 收入余数balance of trade 贸易差额balance sheet 资产负债表balance sheet date 结算日balance with other banks 存放银行同业的结余balanced budget 平衡预算balancing allowance 结余免税额balancing charge 结余课税Bali International Finance Limited 百达利财务有限公司Banca Commerciale Italiana S.p.A. 意大利商业银行Banca Nazionale del Lavoro S.p.A. 意大利国家劳工银行S.p.A.Banco di Napoli S.p.A. 意大利拿玻里银行S.p.A. Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited 盘谷银行bank acceptance 银行承兑汇票bank account 银行帐户bank account holder 银行帐户持有人bank balance 银行结余bank book 银行存摺bank cashier order 银行本票bank code 银行暗码bank draft 银行汇票Bank Examiner 银行审查主任Bank for International Settlements 国际结算银行bank guarantee 银行担保bank lending 银行贷款bank liquidity 银行流动资金bank loan 银行贷款Bank Melli Iran 伊朗国家银行bank note 银行纸币;钞票bank note handling fee 处理纸币的手续费bank note lawfully issued 合法发行的银行纸币bank note payable to bearer on demand 凭票要求付款予持票人的纸币bank note transaction 货币交易bank notes rate 现钞汇率Bank of America (Asia) Limited 美国(亚洲)银行有限公司Bank of America NT & SA 美国银行Bank of Ayudhya Public Company Limited 大城银行Bank of China 中国银行Bank of China Group 中银集团Bank of Communications 交通银行Bank of East Asia, Limited 东亚银行有限公司Bank of England 英伦银行Bank of Fukuoka Ltd. 冈银行Bank of India 印度银行Bank of Montreal 加拿大满地可银行Bank of Nova Scotia 加拿大丰业银行Bank of Scotland 苏格兰银行Bank of T aiwan 台湾银行Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd. 东京三菱银行bank rate 银行利率;银行贴现率;银行牌价bank service charges 银行手续费;银行服务费bank statement 银行结单Bank, The [magazine] 《银行家杂志》bank trading day 银行营业日banker 银行家;银行业者;银行banker's acceptance 银行承兑汇票banker's authority 银行权能banker's book 银行簿册bankers' clearing house 银行票据交换所;银行票据结算所banker's draft 银行本票;银行汇票banker's order 银行付款委托书;银行本票banker's record 银行记录Bankers Trust Company 美国信孚银行banker's undertaking 银行承诺Banking Advisory Committee 银行业务谘询委员会Banking and Monetary Section [Financial Services Bureau] 银行及金融组〔财经事务局〕banking business 银行业务Banking (Code of Conduct) Guidelines 1986, The 《一九八六年银行业(行为守则)指引》Banking Development Division [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 银行业拓展处〔香港金融管理局〕banking facility 银行融资;银行服务banking licence 银行牌照Banking Policy Department [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 银行政策部〔香港金融管理局〕Banking Policy Division [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 银行政策处〔香港金融管理局〕Banking Supervision Department [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 银行监理部〔香港金融管理局〕Banking Supervision Division [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 银行监理处〔香港金融管理局〕Banking Supervision Review Committee 银行监管检讨委员会banking supervisory authority 银行监管当局banking system 银行体系bank-related broker 与银行有关的经纪bankrupt 破产;破产人bankruptcy court 破产法庭Bankruptcy Estates Account 破产人产业帐户bankruptcy notice 破产通知书bankruptcy order 破产令bankruptcy petition 破产呈请书bankruptcy proceeding 破产法律程序bank's buying rate 银行买价bank's selling rate 银行卖价Banque Nationale de Paris 法国国家巴黎银行Banque Worms 法安银行Barclays Bank plc 柏克莱国际银行bargain hunting 趁低吸纳;在低价位购入Barings crisis 霸菱危机base 基数;基值;基准;基础base cost 基准费用base date 基准日期;基日base index 基本指数base of valuation 估值基准base period 基期;评税基期base rate 基本利率;基本汇率base year 基准年;基年baseline 基线baseline expenditure 基线开支baseline-plus forecast 基线开支及额外开支预测base-weighted Laspeyres index 基本加权的拉斯佩尔指数base-year average price 基年平均价格basic allowance 基本免税额basic personal allowance 基本个人免税额basic salary 基本薪金;底薪basic value 基本值basic wage 基本工资;底薪basis 标准;基准;差价〔有价证券〕basis of assessment 评税标准;评税根据basis of consolidation 帐项综合算法basis of valuation of property 财产估价准则Basle Agreement 《巴塞尔协议》Basle Capital Accord 《巴塞尔资本协定》Basle capital adequacy requirement 巴塞尔资产充足要求Basle Committee 巴塞尔委员会Basle Committee on Banking Supervision 巴塞尔银行监管委员会Basle Committee's 3-times multiplier model 巴塞尔委员会的三倍乘数模式Basle Concordat 《巴塞尔协定》Basle Payments Committee 巴塞尔支付委员会Basle standardized approach 巴塞尔标准计算方法Bauhinia design coin 洋紫荆硬币Bayerische Landesbank Girozentrale 巴伐利亚州银行BCA Finance Limited 中亚财务有限公司BCOM Finance (Hong Kong) Limited 交通财务有限公司BDNI Finance Limited 印尼商业财务有限公司bear 看淡股市者;“淡友”;抛空投机者bear bond 熊债券bear market 熊市;跌市;淡市;空头市场bear position 空仓bearer 持票人bearer bill 不记名汇票bearer bond 不记名债券bearer certificate 不记名票据bearer cheque 不记名支票;来人支票bearer instrument 不记名文书bearer securities 不记名证券behaviour 走势;表现;行为Belgian Franc [BEF] 比利时法郎below-the-line account 线下帐目benchmark 基准benchmark database 基准数据库benchmark entry point 基准起薪点benchmark estimate 基准估计数字benchmark revision 基准数字修订benchmark survey 基准统计benchmark yield curve 基准收益率曲线beneficial holding 实益股份;实益持股量beneficial interest 实益权益beneficial interest in property 财产的实益权益beneficial interest in shareholding 所持实益股份beneficial owner 实益拥有人beneficial ownership 实益拥有权beneficial shareholding 实益股份beneficially interested 享有实质权益beneficially owned 实益拥有beneficially owned share 实益股份beneficiary 受益人;受惠人;受款人;受惠国beneficiary under a trust 信托受益人benefit 利益;福利;津贴;保险赔偿费benefit of contract 合约利益Bergen Bank 卑尔根银行best lending rate 最优惠贷款利率Best Practice Guide 《最佳执行指引》Best Practice Guide on Financial Disclosure by Authorized Institutions 《认可机构披露财务资料的最佳执行指引》bet 投注beta coefficient 贝他系数;“啤打”系数;投资风险与股市风险系数bets and sweeps tax 博彩及彩票税betterment 不动产增值;修缮经费betterment income 资产增值收入betterment profit 以资产增值方法计算的利润额betting duty 博彩税bid 叫价;出价;投标;提出拨款申请;买盘bid price 买价;投标价格;收购价bid rate 买价;投标价;拆入息率bidder 竞投人BII Finance Company Limited 印尼国际财务有限公司bilateral agreement 双边协议;双边协定bilateral meeting 双边会议bilateral netting agreement 双边净额结算协议bilateral repurchase agreement 双边回购协议bill 票据;帐单;汇票;条例草案bill acceptance 票据承兑bill broker 票据经纪bill discounting company 票据贴现公司bill for clearing 交换票据;结算票据bill in a set 汇票联票bill of exchange 汇票bill of lading [B/L] 提单bill of sale [B/S] 卖据;动产抵押据bill payable after sight 见票后付款汇票bill payable on demand 凭票要求付款的汇票bill purchased 出口押汇;买入票据bill receivable 应收票据Bills of Exchange Law 《票据法》blank endorsement 空白背书;不记名背书blanket insurance 总括保险;综合保险;统保blanket policy 总括保险单;统保单block 交易单位〔证券〕;大宗股票;集团block allocation 整体拨款;整笔拨款block capital grant 整笔非经常补助金block discount policy 折扣统保单block grant 整笔补助金block grant system 整笔补助金制度block offer [securities] 整批发售〔证券〕block vote 整体拨款blue chip 蓝筹股;优质股票board lot 交易单位;上牌单位;“一手”Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织理事会Board of Governors of the World Bank 世界银行理事会Board of Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited 香港期货交易所有限公司董事局Board of Inland Revenue 税务委员会Board of Review [inland revenue] 税务上诉委员会Board of Trade Clearing Corporation [Chicago] 交易所结算公司〔芝加哥〕Board of Treasury 库务管理委员会board trading 上板式买卖BOCI Capital Limited 中银国际融资有限公司body corporate 法团;法人团体Bogor Declaration 《茂物宣言》bogus transaction 虚假交易bona fide mortgage 真正抵押bona fide transaction 真正交易bona vacantia 无主财物bond 债券;担保契据;担保书;债权证明书bond denominated in Hong Kong dollars 以港元为本位的债券;港元债券bond fund 债券基金bond rating 债券评级bonded warehouse 保税仓bonus 花红;红利;奖金。



金融词典A安全网 safety net按可比口径on comparable basis按轻重缓急 to prioritize暗补 implicit subsidy暗亏 hidden lossB颁发营业执照to license; to grant a licence to办理存款业务 to take deposits保护农民的生产积极性to protect farmers' incentive to produce备付金(超额准备金) excess reserves本外币并账consolidation of domestic and foreign currency accounts本外币对冲操作 sterilization operation本位利益localized interest; departmentalism奔小康to strive to prosper;to strive to become well-to-do避税(请见"逃税") tax avoidance币种搭配不当 currency mismatch币种构成 currency composition变相社会集资disguised irregular (or illegal) fund raising表外科目(业务)off-balance-sheet items (operation)薄弱环节 weaknesses; loopholes不变成本 fixed cost不变价at constant price; in real terms不动产 real estate不良贷款(资产)problem loans; non-performing loans (assets)C财务公司 finance companies财政赤字 fiscal deficit财政挤银行fiscal pressure on the central bank (over monetary policy)财政政策与货币政策的配合coordination of fiscal and monetary policies采取循序渐进的方法in a phased and sequenced manner操作弹性 operational flexibility操纵汇率to manipulate exchange rate产品构成product composition; product mix产品积压stock pile; excessive inventory产销率current period inventory; (即期库存,不含前期库存) sales/outputratio 产销衔接 marketability产业政策 industrial policy长期国债 treasury bonds敞口头寸 open position炒股to speculate in the stock market承购包销 underwrite (securities)成套机电产品complete sets of equipment; complete plant (s)城市信用社urban credit cooperatives (UCCs)城市合作银行urban cooperative banks; municipal united banks城市商业银行municipal commercial banks城乡居民收入增长超过物价涨幅real growth in household income持续升温 persistent overheating重复布点 duplicate projects重置成本 replacement cost重组计划 restructuring plan筹资渠道funding sources; financing channels初见成效 initial success出口统一管理、归口经营 canalization of exports出口退税export tax rebate储蓄存款household deposits (不完全等同于西方的 savings deposits, 前者包括活期存款,后者不包括。



繁荣: 兴旺、繁荣、投资增长、繁盛、发达、蓬勃发展、风生水

投资: 投资风险、合作投资、投资服务、风险投资、风险管理、
经济: 经济全球化、经济自由化、经济增长、经济社会发展、经
融资: 融资风险、融资服务、融资结构、融资发展、融资工具、
信贷: 信贷支持、信贷管理、信贷担保、信用卡支付、信贷业务、信贷投资、信贷保险、信贷监管
创新: 金融创新、技术创新、服务创新、营销创新、产品创新、
风险: 市场风险、法律风险、政治风险、经济风险、利率风险、
可持续: 可持续发展、可持续金融、可持续资本、可持续利润、
治理: 金融治理、财务治理、风险治理、行业治理、投资治理、
服务: 金融服务、咨询服务、银行服务、资产管理、投行服务、
财富: 财富投资、财富基金、财富管理、财富收益、财富积累、



金融小词典++++++++++++++++++++++++货币note 纸币coin 硬币denomination, face value 面值obverse side 正面reverse side 反面bank code letter 银行代号字母serial number 连续号run number 检验号码run letter 检验字母bank seal 银行行印bank number 银行号码treasury seal 国库库印series identification 系列号码inscription 签名++++++++++++++++++++++++资本initial capital 创办资本frozen capital 冻结资金frozen assets 冻结资产fixed assets 固定资产real estate 不动产,房地产circulating capital, working capital 流动资本available capital 可用资产capital goods 资本货物reserve 准备金,储备金calling up of capital 催缴资本allocation of funds 资金分配contribution of funds 资金捐献working capital fund 周转基金revolving fund 循环基金,周转性基金contingency fund 意外开支,准备金reserve fund 准备金buffer fund 缓冲基金,平准基金sinking fund 偿债基金investment 投资,资产investor 投资人self-financing 自筹经费,经费自给bank 银行current account 经常帐户 (美作:checking account)current-account holder 支票帐户 (美作:checking-account holder)cheque 支票 (美作:check)bearer cheque, cheque payable to bearer 无记名支票,来人支票crossed cheque 划线支票traveller's cheque 旅行支票chequebook 支票簿,支票本 (美作:checkbook) endorsement 背书transfer 转让,转帐,过户money 货币issue 发行ready money 现钱cash 现金ready money business, no credit given 现金交易,概不赊欠change 零钱banknote, note 钞票,纸币 (美作:bill)to pay (in) cash 付现金domestic currency, local currency] 本国货币convertibility 可兑换性convertible currencies 可自由兑换货币exchange rate 汇率,兑换率foreign exchange 外汇floating exchange rate 浮动汇率free exchange rates 自由汇兑市场foreign exchange certificate 外汇兑换券hard currency 硬通货speculation 投机saving 储装,存款depreciation 减价,贬值devaluation (货币)贬值revaluation 重估价runaway inflation 无法控制的通货膨胀deflation 通货紧缩capital flight 资本外逃securities business 证券市场stock exchange 股票市场stock exchange corporation 证券交易所stock exchange 证券交易所,股票交易所quotation 报价,牌价share 股份,股票shareholder, stockholder 股票持有人,股东dividend 股息,红利cash dividend 现金配股stock investment 股票投资investment trust 投资信托stock-jobber 股票经纪人stock company, stock brokerage firm 证券公司securities 有价证券share, common stock 普通股preference stock 优先股income gain 股利收入issue 发行股票par value 股面价格, 票面价格bull 买手, 多头bear 卖手, 空头assigned 过户opening price 开盘closing price 收盘hard times 低潮business recession 景气衰退doldrums 景气停滞dull 盘整ease 松弛raising limit 涨停板break 暴跌bond, debenture 债券Wall Street 华尔街+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++信贷short term loan 短期贷款long term loan 长期贷款medium term loan 中期贷款lender 债权人creditor 债权人debtor 债务人,借方borrower 借方,借款人borrowing 借款interest 利息rate of interest 利率discount 贴现,折扣rediscount 再贴现annuity 年金maturity 到期日,偿还日amortization 摊销,摊还,分期偿付redemption 偿还insurance 保险mortgage 抵押allotment 拨款short term credit 短期信贷consolidated debt 合并债务funded debt 固定债务,长期债务floating debt 流动债务drawing 提款,提存aid 援助allowance, grant, subsidy 补贴,补助金,津贴++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++保险time hull insurance 船舶定期保险marine insurance 海损保险maritime transportation insurance 海洋运输保险fire insurance 火险cargo insurance 货物保险compulsory insurance 强制保险life insurance 人寿保险insurance policy 保险单expiration of policy 保险单满期general policy condition 保险单一般规定insurance premium 保险费initial premium 初期保险费in-full premium 全部保险费insurance company 保险公司sum insured 保险金额policy-holder 保险客户branch of insurance 保险类别insurer, underwriter 保险人;保险商termination of risk 保险责任终止coverage 保险总额insured, assured 被保险人survey 查勘reinsurance 分保recheck核average 海损particular average 单独海损general average 共同海损cargo damage survey 货损检验obligation of compensation for loss 赔偿的义务loss ratio 赔付率indemnity 赔款indemnity 损害赔偿claim 索赔time limit for filing claims 索赔时限notice of loss 损害通知书to renew 续保null and void 宣告无效deposit premium 预付保险费reinsurance 再保险natural losses 自然损耗natural calamities 自然灾害+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 生产output 产出,产量producer 生产者,制造者productive, producing 生产的products, goods 产品consumer goods 消费品article 物品,商品manufactured goods, finished goods 制成品,产成品raw product 初级产品semifinished goods 半成品by-product 副产品foodstuffs 食品raw material 原料supply 供应,补给input 投入productivity 生产率productiveness 赢利性overproduction 生产过剩cost 成本,费用expenditure, outgoings 开支,支出fixed costs 固定成本overhead costs 营业间接成本overheads 杂项开支,间接成本operating costs 生产费用,营业成本operating expenses 营业费用running expenses 日常费用,经营费用miscellaneous costs 杂项费用overhead expenses 间接费用,管理费用upkeep costs, maintenance costs 维修费用,养护费用transport costs 运输费用social charges 社会负担费用contingent expenses, contingencies 或有费用apportionment of expenses 分摊费用income 收入,收益earnings 利润,收益gross income, gross earnings 总收入,总收益gross profit, gross benefit 毛利,总利润,利益毛额net income 纯收益,净收入,收益净额average income 平均收入national income 国民收入profitability, profit earning capacity 利润率,赢利率yield 产量收益,收益率increase in value, appreciation 增值,升值++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++税duty 税taxation system 税制taxation 征税,纳税fiscal charges 财务税收progressive taxation 累进税制graduated tax 累进税value added tax 增值税income tax 所得税land tax 地租,地价税excise tax 特许权税basis of assessment 估税标准taxable income 须纳税的收入fiscality 检查tax-free 免税的tax exemption 免税taxpayer 纳税人tax collector 收税员+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 一般经济economist 经济学家socialist economy 社会主义经济capitalist economy 资本主义经济collective economy 集体经济planned economy 计划经济controlled economy 管制经济rural economics 农村经济liberal economy 自由经济mixed economy 混合经济political economy 政治经济学protectionism 保护主义autarchy 闭关自守primary sector 初级成分private sector 私营成分,私营部门public sector 公共部门,公共成分economic channels 经济渠道economic balance 经济平衡economic fluctuation 经济波动inflation通货膨胀deflation/disinflation通过紧缩economic prosperity经济繁荣/高涨economic depression/recession 经济衰退economic deteriorate 经济萧条economic recovery 经济复原/复苏economic stability 经济稳定economic policy 经济政策understanding 约定concentration 集中holding company 控股公司trust 托拉斯cartel 卡特尔rate of growth 增长economic trend 经济趋势economic situation 经济形势infrastructure 基本建设standard of living 生活标准,生活水平purchasing power, buying power 购买力scarcity 短缺stagnation 停滞,萧条,不景气underdevelopment 不发达underdeveloped 不发达的developing 发展中的++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++贸易经济commerce, trade, trading 贸易inland trade, home trade, domestic trade, internal trade, interior trade 国内贸易international trade 国际贸易foreign trade, external trade 对外贸易,外贸terms of trade 贸易条件free-trade area 自由贸易区import, importation 进口importer 进口商export, exportation 出口exporter 出口商commercial channels 商业渠道customs 海关customs duty 关税quota 配额,限额item 项目,细目commercial transaction 买卖,交易manufacturer 制造商,制造厂middleman 中间商,经纪人dealer 经销商wholesaler 批发商retailer 零售商tradesman 零售商merchant 商人 (英)批发商,(美)零售商concessionaire, licensed dealer 受让人,特许权获得者consumer 消费者,用户client, customer 顾客,客户buyer 买主,买方stocks 存货,库存量purchase 购买,进货sale 销售bulk sale 整批销售,趸售wholesale 批发retail trade 零售业cash sale 现货hire-purchase 分期付款购买 (美作:installment plan)competition 竞争competitor 竞争者competitive 竞争的unfair competition 不合理竞争dumping profit margin 倾销差价,倾销幅度trademark 商标registered trademark 注册商标registered office, head office 总公司, 总店, 总部++++++++++++++++++++++++++++国际经济组织China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, C.C.P.I.T. 中国国际贸易促进委员会National Council for US-China Trade 美中贸易全国理事会Japan-China Economic Association 日中经济协会Association for the Promotion of International Trade, Japan 日本国际贸易促进会British Council for the Promotion of International Trade 英国国际贸易促进委员会International Chamber of Commerce 国际商会International Union of Marine Insurance 国际海洋运输保险协会International Alumina Association 国际铝矾土协会Universal Postal Union, UPU 万国邮政联盟Customs Co-operation Council, CCC 关税合作理事会United Nations Trade and Development Board 联合国贸易与发展理事会Organization for Economic cooperation and Development, DECD 经济合作与开发组织European Economic Community, EEC, European Common Market 欧洲经济共同体European Free Trade Association, EFTA 欧洲自由贸易联盟European Free Trade Area, EFTA 欧洲自由贸易区Council for Mutual Economic Aid, CMEA 经济互助委员会Eurogroup 欧洲集团Group of Ten 十国集团Committee of Twenty (Paris Club) 二十国委员会Coordinating Committee, COCOM 巴黎统筹委员会Caribbean Common Market, CCM, Caribbean Free-Trade Association, CARIFTA 加勒比共同市场(加勒自由贸易同盟)Andeans Common Market, ACM, Andeans Treaty Organization, ATO 安第斯共同市场Latin American Free Trade Association, LAFTA 拉丁美洲自由贸易联盟Central American Common Market, CACM 中美洲共同市场African and Malagasy Common Organization, OCAM 非洲与马尔加什共同组织East African Common Market, EACM 东非共同市场Central African Customs and Economic Union, CEUCA 中非关税经济同盟West African Economic Community, WAEC 西非经济共同体Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC 石油输出国组织Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries, OAPEC 阿拉伯石油输出国组织Commonwealth Preference Area 英联邦特惠区Centre National du Commerce Exterieur, National Center of External Trade 法国对外贸易中心People's Bank of China 中国人民银行Bank of China 中国银行International Bank for Reconstruction and development, IBRD 国际复兴开发银行World Bank 世界银行International Development association, IDA 国际开发协会International Monetary Found Agreement 国际货币基金协定International Monetary Found, IMF 国际货币基金组织European Economic and Monetary Union 欧洲经济与货币同盟European Monetary Cooperation Fund 欧洲货币合作基金Bank for International Settlements, BIS 国际结算银行African Development Bank, AFDB 非洲开发银行Export-Import Bank of Washington 美国进出口银行National city Bank of New York 花旗银行American Oriental Banking Corporation 美丰银行American Express Co. Inc. 美国万国宝通银行The Chase Bank 大通银行Inter-American Development Bank, IDB 泛美开发银行European Investment Bank, EIB 欧洲投资银行Midland Bank, Ltd. 米兰银行United Bank of Switzerland 瑞士联合银行Dresden Bank A.G. 德累斯敦银行Bank of Tokyo, Ltd. 东京银行Hongkong and Shanghai Corporation 香港汇丰银行International Finance Corporation, IFC 国际金融公司La Communaute Financieve Africane 非洲金融共同体Economic and Social Council, ECOSOC 联合国经济及社会理事会United Nations Development Program, NUDP 联合国开发计划署United Nations Capital Development Fund, UNCDF 联合国资本开发基金United Nations Industrial Development Organization, UNIDO 联合国工业发展组织United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD 联合国贸易与发展会议Food and Agricultural Organization, FAO 粮食与农业组织, 粮农组织Economic Commission for Europe, ECE 欧洲经济委员会Economic Commission for Latin America, ECLA 拉丁美洲经济委员会Economic Commission for Asia and Far East, ECAFE 亚洲及远东经济委员会Economic Commission for Western Asia, ECWA 西亚经济委员会Economic Commission for Africa, ECA 非洲经济委员会Overseas Chinese Investment Company 华侨投资公司New York Stock Exchange, NYSE 纽约证券交易所London Stock Market 伦敦股票市场Baltic Mercantile and Shipping Exchange 波罗的海商业和航运交易所+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++人口population studies 人口研究demography 人口学demographer 人口学家population theory 人口理论Malthusianism 马尔萨斯主义neo-Malthusianism 新马尔萨斯主义overpopulation 人口过剩underpopulation 人口不足working population 在业人口population waiting for employment 待业人口urban population 城市人口rural population 乡村人口population reproduction 人口增殖population increase 人口增长population decrease 人口减少population base 人口基数population distribution 人口分布population density 人口密度population quality 人口质量population pyramid 人口年龄金字塔population statistics 人口统。



A:A share A股;甲类股份abatement of tax 减税;减扣免税额ABN AMRO Bank N.V. 荷兰银行above-the-line expenditure 线上项目支出;经常预算支出above-the-line receipt 线上项目收入;经常预算收入ABSA Asia Limited 南非联合亚洲absolute change 绝对数值变更absolute expenditure 实际开支absolute guideline figure 绝对准则数字absolute interest 绝对权益absolute order of discharge 绝对破产解除令absolute profit margin 绝对利润幅度absolute value 实值;绝对值absolutely vested interest 绝对既得权益absorbed cost 已吸收成本;已分摊成本absorption 吸收;分摊;合并absorption rate 吸收率;摊配率;分摊率ACB Finance Limited 亚洲商业财务acceptable form of reciprocity 合理的互惠条件acceptable rate 适当利率;适当汇率acceptance agreement 承兑协议acceptance for honour 参加承兑acceptor 承兑人;接受人;受票人acceptor for honour 参加承兑人accident insurance 意外保险Accident Insurance Association of Hong Kong 意外保险公会accident insurance scheme 意外保险计划accident year basis 意外年度基准accommodation 通融;贷款accommodation bill 通融票据;空头票据accommodation party 汇票代发人account balance 余额;结余account book 帐簿account collected in advance 预收款项account current book 往来帐簿account of after-acquired property 事后取得的财产报告account of defaulter 拖欠帐目account payable 应付帐款account payee only [A/C payee only] 只可转帐;存入收款人account receivable 应收帐款account receivable report 应收帐款报表account statement 结单;帐单;会计财务报表account title 名称;会计科目accountant's report 会计师报告Accountant's Report Rules 会计师报告规则accounting and auditing procedure 会计与审计程序;会计与核数程序Accounting Arrangements 《会计安排》accounting basis 会计基础accounting by Official Receiver 破产管理署署长呈交的帐目Accounting Circular 《会计通告》accounting class 会计类别accounting date 记帐日期;会计结算日期accounting for money 款项核算Accounting Officer 会计主任accounting period 会计报告期;会计期accounting policy 会计政策;会计方针accounting practice 会计惯例accounting principle 会计准则accounting record 会计记录accounting report 会计报告Accounting Services Branch [Treasury] 会计事务部〔库务署〕Accounting Society of China 中国会计学会accounting statement 会计报表accounting system 会计制度;会计系统accounting transaction 会计事项;帐务交易accounting treatment 会计处理accounting year 会计年度accretion 增值;添加accrual 应计项目;应累算数目accrual basis 应计制;权责发生制accrual basis accounting 应计制会计;权责发生制会计accrue 应累算;应计accrued benefit 应累算利益accrued charges 应计费用accrued cumulative preference share dividend 应累算的累积优先股股息accrued expenses 应累算费用accrued interest payable 应付利息;应计未付利息accrued interest receivable 应收利息;应计未收利息accrued right 累算权益accruing profit 应累算的利润accumulated fiscal reserve 累积财政储备accumulated profit 累积利润;滚存溢利accumulated reserve 累积储备accumulation of surplus income 累积收益盈余acquired assets 既得资产acquisition 收购;购置;取得acquisition cost 购置成本acquisition expenses 购置费用acquisition of 100% interest 收购全部股权acquisition of control 取得控制权acquisition of fixed assets 购置固定资产acquisition of shell “买壳”acquisition price 收购价act of God 天灾acting partner 执事合伙人active market 买卖活跃的市场;交投畅旺的市场;旺市active partner 积极参与的合伙人active trading 交投活跃actual circulation 实际流通actual cost 实际成本actual expenditure 实际开支;实际支出actual income 实际入息;实际收入;实际收益actual market 现货市场actual price 现货价;实际价格actual profit 实际利润actual quotation 实盘;实际价位;实际报价actual year basis 按实际年度计算actuals 实货actuarial investigation 精算调查actuarial principle 精算原则actuarial report 精算师报告Actuarial Society of Hong Kong 精算学会actuarial valuation 精算师估值actuary 精算师ad referendum agreement 暂定协议;有待复核的协定ad valorem duty 从价税;按值征税ad valorem duty system 从价税制ad valorem fee 从价费ad valorem tariff 从价关税additional allowance 额外免税额additional amount for unexpired risk 未过期风险的额外款额additional assessable profit 补加应评税利润additional assessment 补加评税additional commitment 额外承担additional commitment vote 额外承担拨款additional dependent grandparent allowance 供养祖父母或外祖父母额外免税额additional dependent parent allowance 供养父母额外免税额additional provision 额外拨款additional stamp duty 附加印花税additional tax 补加税罚款;补加税款Additional Tax Demand Note 缴纳补加税罚款通知书;缴纳补加税款通知书adjudged bankrupt 被裁定破产adjudicated bankrupt 裁定破产人adjudication fee 裁定费;评定印花税额手续费;评估契据费adjudication of bankruptcy 裁定破产;宣告破产adjudication of insolvency 裁定无力偿还债务adjusted actual 经调整的实数;调整后的实数adjusted current assets 经调整的流动资产;调整后的流动资产adjusted figure 经调整的数字;调整后的数额adjusted liabilities 经调整的负债;调整后的负债adjusted loss 经调整的亏损;调整后的亏损adjusted net admissible assets 经调整的可接纳资产净值;调整后的可接纳资产净值adjusted profit 经调整的利润;调整后的利润adjusted surplus 经调整的盈余额;调整后的盈余额adjusted value 经调整的价值;调整后的价值adjustment 调整;修订;理算〔保险〕adjustment centre 调剂中心adjustment lag 调整过程的时间差距;调整时差adjustment mechanism 调整机制adjustment of loss 亏损调整adjustment process 调整过程;调整程序adjustment range 调整幅度administered exchange rate 受管制汇率Administration Division [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 行政处〔金融管理局〕administration expenses 行政费用administration fee 手续费;行政费administration in bankruptcy 破产管理administration order 遗产管理令administrator 管理人;遗产管理人administrator of the estate 遗产管理人admission of debt 债项承认书admission of proof 接纳债权证明advance 放贷款项;垫付款项;预支款项;预付款项advance account 暂支帐目;预付款advance compensation 预付补偿金advance from shareholder 股东垫款advance pending reimbursement 预支以待日后付还advanced economy 先进经济体系advancement 预付;预付财产advances warrant 垫款令advancing 贷出adverse balance 逆差adverse exchange 逆汇advertisement addressed to shareholders 在报章刊登的致股东通告advice for collection 托收通知书advice of drawing 提款通知书;汇票通知书advice of payment 付款通知Advisory Committee [Securities and Futures Commission] 谘询委员会〔证券及期货事务监察委员会〕Advisory Committee on Diversification 经济多元化谘询委员会affidavit 誓章;遗产申报誓章affidavit of no receipt 述明无收款的誓章affiliate 联号;联营公司;附属公司affiliated company 附属公司;联号;联营公司affirmation [estate duty] 非式宣誓〔遗产税〕affordability 负担能力African Development Bank [AfDB] 非洲开发银行after-acquired property 事后取得的财产after-hours dealing 市后交易after-tax profit 税后盈利;税后利润;税后溢利agency agreement 代理协议agency expenses 代理机构的开支agency fee 代理费Agency Law 《代理法》agent 代理人;承销人agent of company 公司代理人agent's fee 代理人费;经纪费aggregate 总计;总数;总体数字aggregate amount 总款额;总额aggregate assets and liabilities 总体资产与负债aggregate at constant price 按固定价格计算的总体数字aggregate demand 总需求aggregate gross position 总持仓量aggregate limit 总限额aggregate of salaries tax 合计薪俸税aggregate performance 总体表现;总体业绩aggregate supply 总体供应aggregate surplus 总盈余aggregate total 整体总额aggregate value 总值;合计价值aggregated basis 合计基准aggregated net chargeable income 合计应课税入息实额aggregation 合并计算;合计;总和aggregation of incomes of husband and wife 夫妇入息合并计算aggregation of property 财产的总和agio 差价;贴水Agreement between the Government of Hong Kong and the Government of Japan for the Promotion and Protection of Investment 《政府和日本政府关于相互促进和保护投资协定》Agreement between the Government of Hong Kong and the Government of the Republic of Austria for the Promotion and Protection of Investment 《政府和奥地利国政府关于相互促进和保护投资协定》Agreement between the Government of Hong Kong and the Government of the Republic of France for the Promotion and Protection of Investment 《政府和法兰西国政府关于相互促进和保护投资协定》Agreement between the Government of Hong Kong and the Government of the Republic of Korea for the Promotion and Protection of Investment 《政府和大民国政府关于相互促进和保护投资协定》agreement for a settlement 授产协议agreement for assignment 转让协议agreement for sale 售卖协议;买卖协议agreement for sale and purchase 买卖协议agreement for the payment of interest 支付利息协议agreement for the repayment of money 还款协议agreement of reinsurance 再保险协议Agricultural Bank of China 中国农业银行air passenger departure tax 飞机乘客离境税Air Services Negotiations Unit [Economic Services Bureau] 民航运输谈判组〔经济局〕airport tax 机场税alcohol duty 酒精税alienation 让与;让渡;转让alimony 生活费;赡养费All Ordinaries Index [AOI] 所有普通股指数all risks 全险;综合险All Sales Record for Stock Market 《股票市场成交报告》Allied Capital Resources Limited 新联财务all-items index [Consumer Price Index] 总指数〔消费物价指数〕allocation letter 拨款信件allocation of fund 分配款项;预留款项allocation of profit 利润分配;溢利分配allocation warrant 拨款令allotment 分配;配股allotment notice 股份配售通知;配股通知allotment of shares 股份分配allowable 可获宽免;免税的allowable business loss 可扣除的营业亏损allowable expenses 可扣税的支出allowance 免税额;津贴;备抵;准备金allowance for debts 债项的免税额allowance for depreciation by wear and tear 耗损折旧免税额allowance for funeral expenses 殡殓费的免税额allowance for inflation 为通货膨胀而预留的款项;通胀准备金allowance for repairs and outgoings 修葺及支出方面的免税额allowance to debtor 给债务人的津贴alteration of capital 资本更改alternate trustee 候补受托人amalgamation 合并ambit [head or subhead of expenditure] 涵盖围〔开支总目或分目〕ambit of charges 征税围;收费围amended valuation 经修订的估值American Commodities Exchange 美国商品交易所American Express Bank Limited 美国运通银行American Stock Exchange 美国证券交易所amortization 摊销amount due from banks 存放银行同业的款项amount due from banks abroad 存放海外银行同业的款项amount due from holding companies 控股公司欠款amount due from local banks 存放本港银行同业的款项amount due to banks 银行同业的存款amount due to banks abroad 海外银行同业的存款amount due to holding companies 控股公司存款amount due to local banks 本港银行同业的存款amount due to outport banks 外埠银行同业的存款amount for note issue 发行纸币的款额amount of bond 担保契据的款额amount of consideration 代价款额amount of contribution 供款数额amount of indebtedness 负债款额amount of principal of the loan 贷款本金额amount of rates chargeable 应征差饷数额amount of share capital 股本额amount of sums assured 承保款额amount of variation 变动幅度amount of vote 拨款数额amount payable 应付款额amount receivable 应收款额Amsterdam Stock Exchange 阿姆斯特丹证券交易所analysis 分析ancillary risk 附属风险annual account 周年帐目;周年帐目报表;年度决算;年结annual accounting date 年结日期annual allowance 每年免税额;年积金;年度津贴;年津annual balance 年度余额annual disposable income 每年可动用收入annual estimates 周年预算annual fee 年费annual general meeting 周年大会annual growth rate 年增率;每年增长率annual long-term supplement 长期个案每年补助金annual pensionable emolument 可供计算退休金的年薪annual report 年报Annual Report on the Consumer Price Index 《消费物价指数年报》annual return 周年报表;周年申报表;每年报税表格Annual Return Rules 《周年报表规则》annual review of consumer prices 每年消费物价回顾annual roll-forward basis 逐年延展方式annual salary 年薪annual statement 年度报表;年度决算表Annual Survey of Banks, Deposit-taking Companies and Representative Offices of Foreign Banks 银行、接受存款公司及外地银行驻港代表办事处按年统计调查annuitant 年金受益人annuity 年金annuity contract 年金合约annuity on human life 人寿年金antecedent debt 先前的债项ante-dated cheque 倒填日期支票anticipated expenditure 预期开支anticipated net profit 预期纯利anticipated revenue 预期收入anti-inflation measure 反通货膨胀措施anti-inflationary stance 反通货膨胀立场apparent deficit 表面赤字apparent financial solvency 表面偿债能力apparent partner 表面合伙人application for personal assessment 个人入息课税申请书application of fund 资金应用application to release as liquidator and to destruct the books of accounts and documents 申请免除清盘人职务及毁灭帐簿与文件appointed actuary 委任精算师appointed auditor 委任核数师;委任审计师appointed trustee 委任的受托人appointer 委任人apportioned pro rata 按比例分摊apportionment 分配;分摊Apportionment Act [United Kingdom] 《分摊法令》〔英国〕apportionment formula 分摊方程式apportionment of estate duty 遗产税的分摊appraisal 估价;评估appreciable growth 可观增长appreciable impact 显着影响appreciable increase 可观增长appreciation 增值;升值appreciation against other currencies 相对其它货币升值appreciation of the exchange value of Hong Kong dollar 港元汇值上升appreciation tax 增值税appropriation 拨款;拨用;拨付appropriation account 拨款帐目Appropriation Bill 拨款法案appropriation-in-aid system 补助拨款办法approved assets 核准资产approved basket stock 认可一篮子证券approved budget 核准预算approved charitable donation 认可慈善捐款approved charitable institution 认可慈善机构approved currency 核准货币;认可货币approved estimates 核准预算approved estimates of expenditure 核准开支预算approved overseas insurer 核准海外保险人approved overseas trust company 核准海外信托公司approved pooled investment fund 核准汇集投资基金approved provident fund scheme 认可公积金计划approved provision 核准拨款approved redeemable share 核准可赎回股份approved regional stock 认可地区性证券approved retirement scheme 认可退休金计划approved subordinated loan 核准附属贷款arbitrage 套戥;套汇;套利arbitrageur 套戥者;套汇者arbitrary amount 临时款项arrangement 措施;安排;协定arrears 欠款arrears of pay 欠付薪酬arrears of revenue 逾期未收税款;逾期未收的帐项articles of association 组织章程;组织细则;组织章程细则Asahi Finance (Hong Kong) Limited 财务()ascertainment of profit 确定利润"Asia Clear" “亚洲结算系统”Asia Commercial Bank Ltd. 亚洲商业银行Asian Development Bank [ADB] 亚洲开发银行〔亚银〕Asian Development Fund [ADF] 亚洲发展基金Asian dollar bond 亚洲美元债券Asian dollar market 亚洲美元市场Asian dollar rate 亚洲美元利率Asian Securities Analysts Council [ASAC] 亚洲证券分析员公会Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation [APEC] 亚太区经济合作组织〔亚太经合组织〕asked price 沽盘;喊价;索价;卖方报价assessable income 应评税入息assessable loss 应评税亏损assessable profit 应评税利润assessable value 应评税值assessed profit 估定利润assessed value 经评估价值assessment 评税;评定;估价;评税单assessment number 评税编号;估价编号assessment of additional tax 补加税评税assessment of performance 业绩评估;实绩评价Assessor 评税主任asset price bubbles 资产价格泡沫asset-backed securities 具资产保证的证券assets accretion 资产增值assets and liabilities 资产与负债assets betterment statement 资产递增表;资产改进表assets lending 实物放款;有抵押贷款assets of the company passing on the death 死者去世时转移的公司资产assets pledged as security for liabilities 用作负债抵押的资产assets portfolio 资产投资组合assets price 资产价格assets quality 资产质素assets realization 资产变现assets refinancing arrangement 资产再集资安排assets securitization 资产证券化assets situated outside Hong Kong 在以外地方的资产assets stripping 削减资产;拆卖资产assets value 资产值assignee 承让人assignment 转让;转让书;转让契assignment of interest 权益转让assignment of letters patent and trade mark 专利证书及商标转让assignment of property 物业转让;物业转让书assignment right 转让权assignor 转让人associate 有联系的人;有关连人士;相联者;合伙人;联系人Associate Clearing Housing Amsterdam B.V. 阿姆斯特丹联合结算所associate member 附属会员associated body corporate 相联法人团体associated company 相联公司;联属公司associated corporation 相联法团Association of Chartered Certified Accountants [ACCA] [United Kingdom] 公认会计师公会〔英国〕Association of Futures Exchange Brokers 期货经纪协会Association of South-East Asian Nations [ASEAN] 东南亚国家联盟〔东盟〕association of underwriters 承保人组织assumption of control 接管assurance 担保;保险;转易;转易书assurance of interest 权益的转易at 19XX price 按一九XX年价格计算at a discount 按赔价计算;按贴水价格计算;打折扣at a premium 按溢价计算;按升水价格计算at call 通知付款;按通知at constant market price 按固定市价计算at constant price 按固定价格计算at cost 按成本计算at current market price 按当时市价计算;按现时市价计算at current price 按当时价格计算;按现时价格计算at factor cost 按要素成本计算;按生产要素成本计算at money-of-the-day price 按付款当日价格计算at or better 按指定或较佳价位〔买卖指令〕at par 按面值计算;平价at sight 见票即付at the close 按收市盘at the opening 按开市盘attestation 见证;见证条款at-the-money option 平价期权attorney 受权人;受托代表人attornment 新拥有人承认书attributable profit 可归属利润attributable share value 可归属股份价值Auckland Stock Exchange 奥克兰证券交易所auction 拍卖auctioneer 拍卖商audit 审计;核数Audit Commission 审计署Audit Committee [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, Securities and Futures Commission] 稽核委员会〔联合交易所〕;核数委员会〔证券及期货事务监察委员会〕audit review 帐目审查Audit Sub-committee [Exchange Fund Advisory Committee] 审核小组〔外汇基金谘询委员会〕audited account 审计帐目;经审计的帐目audited annual account 经审计的周年帐目audited balance sheet 经审计的资产负债表auditor 核数师;核数主任;审计师auditor's certificate 核数师证明书;审计师证明书auditor's report 核数师报告;审计师报告Aussie bond 澳元债券austerity budget 紧缩预算Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Limited 澳洲纽西兰银行集团Australia All Ordinaries Index 澳洲所有普通股票指数Australian Dollar [AUD] 澳元Australian Options Market 澳大利亚期权市场Australian Securities Commission 澳洲证券事务监察委员会Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants 澳洲执业会计师公会Australian Stock Exchange 澳大利亚证券交易所Austrian Schilling [ATS] 奥地利先令authentication 认证;鉴证authority to purchase 委托购买证;委购书authorization 认可;核准;授权;授权书authorization by direction 指示授权authorization by instruction 指令授权authorization by warrant 令状授权authorization of unit trust 单位信托的认可authorized agent 指定代理人authorized capital 法定资本authorized clerk 出市员authorized dealer 认可交易商authorized financial institution 认可财务机构authorized fund 认可基金authorized fund house 获授权的基金公司;认可基金公司authorized institution 认可机构authorized institution incorporated in Hong Kong 在成立为法团的认可机构authorized institution incorporated outside Hong Kong 在以外成立为法团的认可机构authorized insurer 获授权保险人;获认可承保人authorized investment 特准投资项目authorized person 获授权人authorized representative 获授权代表authorized share capital 法定股本automated quotation system 自动报价系统Automated Trading System [ATS] [Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited] 自动交易系统〔期货交易所〕automatic adjustment mechanism 自动调整机制automatic adjustment system 自动调整系统Automatic Clearing House 自动票据交换所automatic exchange rates accumulation system 自动化汇率累集系统Automatic Order Matching and Execution System [AMS] 自动对盘及成交系统〔自动对盘系统〕automatic teller machine [ATM] 自动柜员机autopay 自动转帐available assets 可用资产available fiscal reserve 现存财政储备available profit 可用利润Avco Financial Services (Asia) Limited 富高财务(亚洲)average 平均;平均数;海损average basic salary 平均基本薪金average consumer expenditure 平均消费开支;一般消费开支average cost 平均成本average cost of land production 增辟土地平均成本average daily turnover 平均每日成交额average daily wage rate 平均每日工资率average expenditure pattern 平均开支模式average growth rate 平均增长率average net fixed assets 固定资产平均净值average of relatives 相对价格平均数average price 平均价格average propensity to consume 平均消费倾向;一般消费倾向average propensity to save 平均储蓄倾向;一般储蓄倾向average rate 平均率average revenue 平均收入;平均收益average stock 平均库存;平均存货average yearly rent 平均年租avoidance of double taxation 避免双重课税avoidance of tax 避税B:B share B股;乙类股份BA Asia Limited 美银亚洲BA Finance (Hong Kong) Limited 美银财务()back duty 补缴税款back tax 补缴税款backdoor listing “借壳”上市;“买壳”上市back-to-back credit 对开信贷back-to-back loan 对销贷款backwardation 交割延期费〔证券〕;倒价〔期货〕;现货溢价bad debt 坏帐bad debt provision 坏帐准备bad year 歉年bailee 受寄人Bailiff 执达主任Bailiff Office 执达主任办事处bailment 委托保管balance 差额;余额;结余balance brought down 余额承上balance brought forward 〔上年度〕结转;余额承前balance carried down 余额转下balance carried forward 〔本年度〕结转;余额移后balance of international indebtedness 国际借贷差额;国际借贷平衡表balance of international payments 国际收支差额;国际收支平衡表balance of payments 国际收支差额;国际收支平衡表Balance of Payments Manual [International Monetary Fund] 《国际收支手册》〔国际货币基金组织〕balance of proceeds 收入余数balance of trade 贸易差额balance sheet 资产负债表balance sheet date 结算日balance with other banks 存放银行同业的结余balanced budget 平衡预算balancing allowance 结余免税额balancing charge 结余课税Bali International Finance Limited 百达利财务Banca Commerciale Italiana S.p.A. 意大利商业银行Banca Nazionale del Lavoro S.p.A. 意大利国家劳工银行S.p.A.Banco di Napoli S.p.A. 意大利拿玻里银行S.p.A. Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited 盘谷银行bank acceptance 银行承兑汇票bank account 银行bank account holder 银行持有人bank balance 银行结余bank book 银行存折bank cashier order 银行本票bank code 银行暗码bank draft 银行汇票Bank Examiner 银行审查主任Bank for International Settlements 国际结算银行bank guarantee 银行担保bank lending 银行贷款bank liquidity 银行流动资金bank loan 银行贷款Bank Melli Iran 伊朗国家银行bank note 银行纸币;钞票bank note handling fee 处理纸币的手续费bank note lawfully issued 合法发行的银行纸币bank note payable to bearer on demand 凭票要求付款予持票人的纸币bank note transaction 货币交易bank notes rate 现钞汇率Bank of America (Asia) Limited 美国(亚洲)银行Bank of America NT & SA 美国银行Bank of Ayudhya Public Company Limited 大城银行Bank of China 中国银行Bank of China Group 中银集团Bank of Communications 交通银行Bank of East Asia, Limited 东亚银行Bank of England 英伦银行Bank of Fukuoka Ltd. 冈银行Bank of India 印度银行Bank of Montreal 加拿大满地可银行Bank of Nova Scotia 加拿大丰业银行Bank of Scotland 格兰银行Bank of Taiwan 银行Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd. 东京三菱银行bank rate 银行利率;银行贴现率;银行牌价bank service charges 银行手续费;银行服务费bank statement 银行结单Bank, The [magazine] 《银行家杂志》bank trading day 银行营业日banker 银行家;银行业者;银行banker's acceptance 银行承兑汇票banker's authority 银行权能banker's book 银行簿册bankers' clearing house 银行票据交换所;银行票据结算所banker's draft 银行本票;银行汇票banker's order 银行付款委托书;银行本票banker's record 银行记录Bankers Trust Company 美国信孚银行banker's undertaking 银行承诺Banking Advisory Committee 银行业务谘询委员会Banking and Monetary Section [Financial Services Bureau] 银行及金融组〔财经事务局〕banking business 银行业务Banking (Code of Conduct) Guidelines 1986, The 《一九八六年银行业(行为守则)指引》Banking Development Division [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 银行业拓展处〔金融管理局〕banking facility 银行融资;银行服务banking licence 银行牌照Banking Policy Department [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 银行政策部〔金融管理局〕Banking Policy Division [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 银行政策处〔金融管理局〕Banking Supervision Department [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 银行监理部〔金融管理局〕Banking Supervision Division [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 银行监理处〔金融管理局〕Banking Supervision Review Committee 银行监管检讨委员会banking supervisory authority 银行监管当局banking system 银行体系bank-related broker 与银行有关的经纪bankrupt 破产;破产人bankruptcy court 破产法庭Bankruptcy Estates Account 破产人产业bankruptcy notice 破产通知书bankruptcy order 破产令bankruptcy petition 破产呈请书bankruptcy proceeding 破产法律程序bank's buying rate 银行买价bank's selling rate 银行卖价Banque Nationale de Paris 法国国家巴黎银行Banque Worms 法安银行Barclays Bank plc 柏克莱国际银行bargain hunting 趁低吸纳;在低价位购入Barings crisis 霸菱危机base 基数;基值;基准;基础base cost 基准费用base date 基准日期;基日base index 基本指数base of valuation 估值基准base period 基期;评税基期base rate 基本利率;基本汇率base year 基准年;基年baseline 基线baseline expenditure 基线开支baseline-plus forecast 基线开支及额外开支预测base-weighted Laspeyres index 基本加权的拉斯佩尔指数base-year average price 基年平均价格basic allowance 基本免税额basic personal allowance 基本个人免税额basic salary 基本薪金;底薪basic value 基本值basic wage 基本工资;底薪basis 标准;基准;差价〔有价证券〕basis of assessment 评税标准;评税根据basis of consolidation 帐项综合算法basis of valuation of property 财产估价准则Basle Agreement 《巴塞尔协议》Basle Capital Accord 《巴塞尔资本协定》Basle capital adequacy requirement 巴塞尔资产充足要求Basle Committee 巴塞尔委员会Basle Committee on Banking Supervision 巴塞尔银行监管委员会Basle Committee's 3-times multiplier model 巴塞尔委员会的三倍乘数模式Basle Concordat 《巴塞尔协定》Basle Payments Committee 巴塞尔支付委员会Basle standardized approach 巴塞尔标准计算方法Bauhinia design coin 洋紫荆硬币Bayerische Landesbank Girozentrale 巴伐利亚州银行BCA Finance Limited 中亚财务BCOM Finance (Hong Kong) Limited 交通财务BDNI Finance Limited 印度尼西亚商业财务bear 看淡股市者;“淡友”;抛空投机者bear bond 熊债券bear market 熊市;跌市;淡市;空头市场bear position 空仓bearer 持票人bearer bill 不记名汇票bearer bond 不记名债券bearer certificate 不记名票据bearer cheque 不记名支票;来人支票bearer instrument 不记名文书bearer securities 不记名证券behaviour 走势;表现;行为Belgian Franc [BEF] 比利时法郎below-the-line account 线下帐目benchmark 基准benchmark database 基准数据库benchmark entry point 基准起薪点benchmark estimate 基准估计数字benchmark revision 基准数字修订benchmark survey 基准统计benchmark yield curve 基准收益率曲线beneficial holding 实益股份;实益持股量beneficial interest 实益权益beneficial interest in property 财产的实益权益beneficial interest in shareholding 所持实益股份beneficial owner 实益拥有人beneficial ownership 实益拥有权beneficial shareholding 实益股份beneficially interested 享有实质权益beneficially owned 实益拥有beneficially owned share 实益股份beneficiary 受益人;受惠人;受款人;受惠国beneficiary under a trust 信托受益人benefit 利益;福利;津贴;保险赔偿费benefit of contract 合约利益Bergen Bank 卑尔根银行best lending rate 最优惠贷款利率Best Practice Guide 《最佳执行指引》Best Practice Guide on Financial Disclosure by Authorized Institutions 《认可机构披露财务资料的最佳执行指引》bet 投注beta coefficient 贝他系数;“啤打”系数;投资风险与股市风险系数bets and sweeps tax 博彩及彩票税betterment 不动产增值;修缮经费betterment income 资产增值收入betterment profit 以资产增值方法计算的利润额betting duty 博彩税bid 叫价;出价;投标;提出拨款申请;买盘bid price 买价;投标价格;收购价bid rate 买价;投标价;拆入息率bidder 竞投人BII Finance Company Limited 印度尼西亚国际财务bilateral agreement 双边协议;双边协定bilateral meeting 双边会议bilateral netting agreement 双边净额结算协议bilateral repurchase agreement 双边回购协议bill 票据;帐单;汇票;条例草案bill acceptance 票据承兑bill broker 票据经纪bill discounting company 票据贴现公司bill for clearing 交换票据;结算票据bill in a set 汇票联票bill of exchange 汇票bill of lading [B/L] 提单bill of sale [B/S] 卖据;动产抵押据bill payable after sight 见票后付款汇票bill payable on demand 凭票要求付款的汇票bill purchased 出口押汇;买入票据bill receivable 应收票据Bills of Exchange Law 《票据法》blank endorsement 空白背书;不记名背书blanket insurance 总括保险;综合保险;统保blanket policy 总括保险单;统保单block 交易单位〔证券〕;大宗股票;集团block allocation 整体拨款;整笔拨款block capital grant 整笔非经常补助金block discount policy 折扣统保单block grant 整笔补助金block grant system 整笔补助金制度block offer [securities] 整批发售〔证券〕block vote 整体拨款blue chip 蓝筹股;优质股票board lot 交易单位;上牌单位;“一手”Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织理事会Board of Governors of the World Bank 世界银行理事会Board of Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited 期货交易所董事局Board of Inland Revenue 税务委员会Board of Review [inland revenue] 税务上诉委员会Board of Trade Clearing Corporation [Chicago] 交易所结算公司〔芝加哥〕Board of Treasury 库务管理委员会board trading 上板式买卖BOCI Capital Limited 中银国际融资body corporate 法团;法人团体Bogor Declaration 《茂物宣言》bogus transaction 虚假交易bona fide mortgage 真正抵押bona fide transaction 真正交易bona vacantia 无主财物bond 债券;担保契据;担保书;债权证明书bond denominated in Hong Kong dollars 以港元为本位的债券;港元债券bond fund 债券基金bond rating 债券评级bonded warehouse 保税仓bonus 花红;红利;奖金bonus issue 红股发行bonus share 红股book 簿册;帐簿book and paper 簿册及文据book close date 截止过户日期book debt 帐面债项book entry 帐面记录book loss 帐面亏损;帐面损失book of account 帐簿book profit 帐面利润book reserve 帐面储备book value 帐面价值book-keeping transaction 帐面交易boom year 经济高度增长年;景气年份booming market 旺市;好市;景气市场boost 上扬borrow 借入borrowed fund 借入资金borrowed stock 被借用证券borrower 借用人;借款人;借方borrowing 借款;借贷;举债borrowing and lending of stocks 借用及借出证券borrowing power 借贷权;借款能力borrowing upon stock 以公债形式借取款项bottom out 见底回升;停泻回升bottom price 最低价;底价bought and sold note 买卖单据bought note 买货单braking effect 抑制效果branch 部;分行;支行branch registration certificate 分行登记证branch registration fee 分行登记费breach of trust 违反信托break clause 终止条款;中断条款breakdown 分成细目;明细表;分类细帐;分项数字break-even 收支平衡;收支相抵;损益两平break-even point 收支平衡点;损益平衡点Bretton Woods Agreement 《布雷顿森林协定》Bretton Woods System 布雷顿森林制度brief fee 诉讼费;承办费broad definition of money supply 广义货币供应。



ofi金融词汇1. 资金流动性(liquidity)- 描述资产或市场的可转换性,并表示易于进行交易或兑现。

2. 利率(interest rate)- 指借贷资金的成本或回报率。

3. 贷款(loan)- 向借款人提供的金融资助,借款人需按约定时间和利率还款。

4. 银行(bank)- 提供存款、贷款和其他金融服务的金融机构。

5. 股票(stock)- 表示公司所有权的金融工具,股票持有者成为公司的股东。

6. 证券(security)- 包括股票、债券和衍生品等金融资产。

7. 投资(investment)- 把资金投入到资产中,期望获得回报。

8. 资产(asset)- 表示个人或公司拥有的有价值的物品或资源。

9. 债务(debt)- 欠他人或公司的金额,需按约定时间和利率偿还。

10. 风险(risk)- 表示投资中可能遭受的损失或不确定性。

11. 汇率(exchange rate)- 一种货币兑换成另一种货币的比率。

12. 金融市场(financial market)- 买卖金融资产的场所,包括股票交易所和外汇市场等。

13. 保险(insurance)- 以识别潜在风险并提供补偿的方式为投保人提供经济保护。

14. 盈利(profit)- 做生意或投资中的正收益,收入高于成本。

15. 银行卡(bank card)- 银行发行的可用于购物和提款的电子支付卡。

16. 摘牌(delisting)- 公司从证券交易所正式撤销股票交易。

17. 再融资(refinancing)- 借新债来偿还旧债,通常为了降低利率或延长借款期限。

18. 财务报表(financial statement)- 描述公司财务状况的报告,如资产负债表和利润表。

19. 套利(arbitrage)- 利用不同市场或交易所之间的价格差异,以获得无风险利润。

20. 监管(regulation)- 政府或其他机构通过规定和监督金融行业活动来保护投资者和公众利益。



CD CDS CEDEL Ceiling Ceiling-floor agreement Central Clearing & Settlement System CEO Certificate of deposit Certificate of incumbency CFO Chaebol Change of domicile Chicago Board of Trade Chicago Board Options Exchange Chicago Mercantile Exchange China banking China Capital Markets China Development ation, CICC China privatization China restructuring China Securities Regulatory Commission China Stock Markets Chinese Wall Claim Clawback notification Clean price Closed-end fund Co-lead manager Collars Co-manager Comfort letter Commercial loan Commercial paper Commission rebate Commodity Exchange, Inc. Company finance Complex cash flow
资产负债表 期末放气式偿还 最末期大笔还清 银行;银行家;银行业 国际结算银行 破产 基准日 基准利率 基点;点子 基准掉期 熊市;股市行情看淡 持票人 不记名股票 未开拓市场 低于平值 比较基准 受益人 贝他(系数);市场风险指数 最佳做法;典范做法 押汇部 国际结算银行 封锁期 大额交易;大宗买卖 蓝筹股 董事会 真诚买家 债券市场,债市 债券,债票 派送红股 红股 帐面值 建立投资者购股意愿档案 [股市] 包销商用以定价一笔发行的方法。包销商在促销活动结束后把所收集的初步购股 订单一一记下,然后根据投资者愿意支付的价格水平订定最终发行价。 投资意愿建档人;帐簿管理人 [股市] 指负责为发行建立投资者购股意愿档案的银行,亦即负责为一笔发行组织承销、 拟定不同市场的发行规模、执行促销活动、定价、配置和后市稳定工作的银行。 建造;拥有;经营;转让 建造;经营;转让 底线;最低限度 由下而上(方法) 空头支票 股票交易所(法文) 基点 品牌管理 破除协议费用 破产清理价值评估


1. 将不足一年的回报率转为全年回报率 2. 将不足一年的税务期转为每年一度 必须每年举行一次的股东会议,指在向股东通报公司的 决策与工作 一家公司每年一度的财务营运报告。年报的内容包括资 产负债表、损益表、审计师报告以及公司业务的概要 在特定期间定期定额支付的款项 需要即时支付, 而不是在期末支付的年金 期权或可转换证券的一项条款,用以保障投资者,不会 由于未来公司以较低价格(低于有关投资者支付的价格) 发行股份而被摊薄 企业管理人员长期或不时采取,防止或延迟被恶意收购 的措施 旨在防止或延迟恶意收购的一套美国法规。每一州的法 规细则有所不同,一般只适用于在州内注册成立的公司 美国的反垄断法适用于所有行业及所有层面的业务,包 括制造、交通、分销及促销。法律禁止多种对交易造成 妨碍或限制的行为。非法行为包括联合控制价格、可能 减弱个别市场竞争动力的企业合并、意图实现或维持垄 断势力的掠夺性行为 投标买入在特定价格出售的所有股份 美国全国性制造业指数,每月对多家制造业企业进行调 查。若指数高于 50,表示行业正在扩展,若低于 50,则 表示行业正在萎缩
对一项物业或业务价值的意见 资产价值上升 同时买入及卖出证券,意图从差价中获利,在一般于不 同的交易所或市场进行买卖 市政府在市政府现有高评级证券买回日期前发行的低评
Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) Arbitrage Trading Program (ATP) Arbitration
Asset Allocation Fund
Asset Coverage Ratio
Asset-Liability Management Asset Management
资产负债管理 资产管理



存款证 参见Credit Default Swap栏目 世达国际结算系统(即欧洲货币市场结算系统) 上限 上下限协议 中央结算及交收系统 行政总栽;行政总监;首席执行官 存款证 公司授权/委任书 财务总监;首席财务官 韩国财阀;韩国大企业 迁册(公司更改注册地址) 芝加哥交易所 芝加哥期权交易所 芝加哥商品交易所 中国银行业 中国资本市场;中国资金市场 (中国) 国家开发银行 中国国际金融有限公司;中金公司 中国民营化;中国私有化;中国私营化 中国重组;中国改组 中国证监会 中国股票市场;中国股市 中国墙 指投资银行部与销售部或交易人员之间的隔离,以防范敏感消息外泄,从而构成内幕交易 索偿 回拨/增加本地公开发行份额通知 洁净价 [债市] 指债券包含应计利息的现值 封闭式基金 副主承销;联席主承销 利率上下限 副承销商 安慰函;告慰信(由会计师发出) 商业贷款 商业票据 佣金回扣 商品交易所有限公司 (纽约) 公司融资公司财务 复合现金流 呈报前机密性审核 机密呈交 保密协议
Accredit value ACE ADB ADR
AGM Agreement All-or-none order Allocation Allotment Alpha (Market Alpha) Alternative investment American Commodities Exchange American Depository Receipt American Depository Share Amercian Stock Exchange American style option Amex Amortization Amsterdam Stock Exchange Annual General Meeting Annualized Antitrust APEC Arbitrage Arbitration Arm's length transaction Articles of Association At-the-money option ASEAN Asian dollar bonds Asset Allocation Asset Management Asset swap Assignment method ASX Auckland Stock Exchange Auction market Authorized capital Authorized fund Authorized representative Australian Options Market Australian Stock Exchange
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全球储蓄过剩(GSG)HERA 住房及经济复苏法案The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan 日本外国特派员协会Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS)美国卫生及公共服务部Social Security Administration (SSA)美国社会保障局ADBI Asian Development Bank InstituteAIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndromeASEAN Association of South-East Asian NationsASEAN+3 ASEAN + China, Japan and the Republic of KoreaBIMSTEC Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation CIS Commonwealth of Independent StatesCMI Chiang Mai InitiativeDAC Development Assistance Committee of the OECDEAS East Asia SummitESCAP Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the PacificFAO Food and Agriculture OrganizationFDI foreign direct investmentFTA free trade agreementGDP gross domestic productHIV human immunodeficiency virusID identityILO International Labour OrganizationIMF International Monetary FundLAC Latin America and the CaribbeanLDCs least developed countriesLLDCs landlocked developing countriesMDB multilateral development bankMDGs Millennium Development GoalsNGO non-governmental organizationODA official development assistanceOECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and DevelopmentPPP purchasing power paritySAARC South Asian Association for Regional CooperationSIDS Small island developing statesSPC Secretariat of the Pacific CommunityTB TuberculosisUNDP United Nations Development ProgrammeUNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationUNFPA United Nations Population FundUNICEF United Nations Children’s FundUNIFEM United Nations Development Fund for WomenVAT value added taxWDI World Development IndicatorsWFP World Food ProgrammeWHO World Health OrganizationWTO World Trade Organization美国铝业(AA)美国银行(BAC)全球五大风电企业之一的西班牙歌美飒(Gamesa)世界银行行长佐利克(Robert Zoellick)海峡两岸经济合作框架协议(ECFA)乔治-索罗斯(George Soros)欧洲人权法院(European Court of Human Rights)法国兴业银行(Societe Generale SA)(GLE)东京三菱日联银行(Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd)信用违约掉期(CDS)中海油总公司(CNOOC)渣打银行集团首席经济学家、全球研究部主管李籁思(Gerard Lyons)个人消费者金融保护局(Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection)United States Congress Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs美国参议院银行、住房和城市事务委员会FSMA2000=英国《金融服务及市场法令》Financial Service and Market Act 2000 CFD=Contract For Differece 差价合约FSA=英国金融服务管理局抵押贷款保险公司(mortgage insurer)新世纪金融公司(New Century Financial Corporation)寿险公司(life insurance companies)次级抵押贷款支持证券(RMBS)金融担保保险公司(financial guarantee insurance companies)国际财务报告标准(IFRSs)美国通用会计准则(US GAAP)公允价值(fair value)私募股权投资基金(private equity)经合组织保险和私人养老金委员会(IPPC)爱尔兰联合银行 Allied Irish Banks爱尔兰银行 Bank of Ireland PLC奥地利第一储蓄银行 Austria’s Erste Group Bank德国邮政银行 Deutsche Postbank AGWorld investment prosepects survey wips (联合国贸发会《世界投资前景调查》)IPA investment promotion agency 投资促进机构TNC Transnational company 跨国公司Promising investor-countries 最有投资价值的投资,这里的promising是有希望的、有前途、大有可为的意思Pay-as-you-go 现收现付Mobile capital流动资本Advers scenario 负面假设(场景、情形)Health care 公共卫生服务Medicaid:医疗补助(medic+aid)Medicare:医疗保险(medic+care)Social security contributions 社会保险缴款Social security tax 社会保险税Primary spending 基础支出(扣住利息支付的财政支出)Primary Fiscal Gap 基本财政缺口Public finance 公共财政(要比翻译成公共金融好)PIT personal Income Tax 个人所得税CIT Corporation Income Tax 企业所得税VAT Value Added Tas 增值税Commonwealth 联邦Commonwealth-state Relations 联邦-州关系General government spending 一般政府支出ARRA—American Recovery and Reinvestment Act(2009年美国复苏与再投资法案) 澳洲壳牌能源控股有公司(Shell Energy Holdings Australia)日本国土交通大臣前原诚司韩国文化体育观光部长官柳日本财政大臣野田佳彦(Yoshihiko Noda)纽约梅隆银行(Bank of New York Mellon)congressional budget office 美国国会办公室中国预托凭证(CDR)非银行金融机构(NBFCS)资产重组公司(ARCs)邓白氏(Dun & Bradstreet)咨询公司美国证券交易委员会(SEC)IPO(首次公开募股)摩根士丹利(MS)、摩根大通(JPM)、美国银行(BAC)和花旗集团(C)巴克莱银行(BCS)、瑞士信贷集团(CS)、德意志银行(DB)、高盛集团(GS)、加拿大皇家银行(RY)、和瑞士银行(UBS)纽约证券交易所(NYSE)美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)主席加里·詹斯勒(Gary Gensler)摩根士丹利(MS)、摩根大通(JPM)“多德-弗兰克法案”(Dodd-Frank Act)德国央行行长阿克塞尔-韦伯(Axel Weber)NBER(Naitonal Bureau of Economy Research)美国国家经济研究局全美独立企业联合会(National Federation of Independent Business——NFIB)本·伯南克(Ben S. Bernanke)、副主席威廉·达德利(William C. Dudley)、詹姆斯·布拉德(James Bullard)、伊丽莎白·杜克(Elizabeth A. Duke)、唐纳德·科恩(Donald L. Kohn)、桑德拉·皮亚纳托(Sandra Pianalto)、埃里克·罗森格林(Eric S. Rosengren)、丹尼尔·塔鲁洛(Daniel K. Tarullo)和凯文·瓦尔许(Kevin M. Warsh);托马斯·霍利格(Thomas M. Hoenig)“格林斯潘对策”(―Greenspan put‖,有时也称之为“伯南克对策”,―Bernanke put‖)世贸组织《政府采购协定》(GPA )地方政府实体(Sub-Central Government Entities)(直译是下级中央政府实体,也有称次中央政府实体),财政报告 call report房价波动 housing price volatility定价机制 pricing mechanism上市银行 listed bank票据产业 bill industrycash bond market 现券市场日均成交量 average daily turnover融资融券 securities borrowing and lendingAgricultural biomass industry 农村生物质能产业ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nation 东南亚国家联盟,简称“东盟”CDM Clean Development Mechannism 清洁发展机制CHP combined heat and power 热气联产CIAD-Center for integrated Agricultural Development 综合农业发展中心CIDA- Canadian International Development Agency 加拿大国际开发署CSPCB-Crop Straw Pricing Consultation Board 秸秆定价磋商GEF- Global Environment Facility 全球环境基金会GHG- Greenhouse Gas 全球环境基金会GTZ-German Agency for Technical Cooperation 德国技术合作公司Kfw—德国复兴开发银行LPG-Liquefied petroleum gas 液化石油气LPOG-Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Devepment国务院扶贫开发领导小组SIDA-Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency 瑞士国际开发合作署USAID-United States Agency for International Development 美国国际开发援助署EIRR=economical internal rate of return 经济内部回报率(收益率)FIRR=financial internal rate of return 财务内部回报率(收益率)O&M=operation and maintenance 运行与维护TSP= total suspended particles 总悬浮颗粒TCE= ton of coal equivalent 吨煤当量“现收现支(pay-as-you-go)”原则日本首相菅直人(Naoto Kan)“利差交易”(Carry Trade)西班牙首相何塞·刘易斯·罗德里格斯·萨帕特罗(Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero) 麦格理证券(Macquarie Securities)德国邮政银行(Postbank)葡萄牙商业银行(BCP)法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)瑞典北欧斯安银行(SEB)瑞典诺迪亚银行(NORDEA)奥地利厄斯特银行(Erste Bank)法律英语:Regulation 条例、规章Rule 规则Clause 泛指条款Section 节,也译作条Article 条 Articles 条例Provision 多指规定Stipulation 约定(而非法律规定)Part 编Chapter 章Section 节Article 条Paragraph 款Subparagraph 项Item 目中国海洋石油有限公司(CNOOC Ltd., CEO, 简称:中国海洋石油)欧洲央行(ECB)执委会成员汤普古格罗(Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell)太平洋投资管理公司(PIMCO)比尔·格罗斯(Bill Gross)大卫·卢森博格(David Rosenberg)查德·克拉里达(Richard Clarida)所谓“就业不足率”(Under-employment Rate),是指包括更希望获得全职岗位的兼职人员以及希望工作但却放弃寻找的人员在内的失业率。
