美赛数学建模A题翻译版论文The document was finally revised on 2021数学建模竞赛(MCM / ICM)汇总表基于细胞的高速公路交通模型自动机和蒙特卡罗方法总结基于元胞自动机和蒙特卡罗方法,我们建立一个模型来讨论“靠右行”规则的影响。
我们进一步讨论我们的模型规则适应靠右的情况和,不受限制的情况, 和交通情况由智能控制系统的情况。
1 Introduction今天,大约65%的世界人口生活在右手交通的国家和35%在左手交通的国家交通流量。
欧盟,2013] 右手交通的国家,比如美国和中国,法规要求驾驶在靠路的右边行走。
For office use onlyT1________________ T2________________ T3________________ T4________________Team Control Number50481Problem ChosenBFor office use onlyF1________________F2________________F3________________F4________________2016 Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM)Space JunkSummaryWith the rapid pace of peaceful exploitation and utilization of outer space resources and increasing frequency of activities of space launch, environment of space debris is worse and worse and amount of space debris is ever-increasing. Space debris poses great hazard to the safety of spacecraft, which arouses widespread concern, especially when the Russian satellite Kosmos-2251 and the USA satellite Iridium-33 collided on 10 February, 2009.In order to deal with the issue in a better way and search for possible business opportunity, we take into consideration of four sub problems in our paper.In the first model, we find out a program of curves concerning temporal and spatial distribution of space debris. To further understand their intrinsic link and trend, we choose the best fitting function and get distribution rule of space debris in time and space.In the second model, we consider to divide the space into several ball layers. We set probability of collision in space superposition of every ball layer in certain proportion. Then adding probability of unsuccessful launch, we can estimate the risk probability in the whole process is.In the third model, firstly we divide space debris into three categories, concerning each of which carry out revenue analysis quantitatively respectively. We can get revenue gained from three equipment disposing of debris, of which lasers satellites and water jets can achieveand $.In the fourth model, considering that investment of a firm is limited, we establish model of optimization, in which it enables the firm to achieve maximum benefit in every single day. Assume that finance of a firm is 200 billion dollars. We can program in Lingo and get the solution that the amount of each invested equipment is one and benefit of every day is dollars.Content1. Introduction (1)1.1 Background—Space debris and its urgency (1)1.2 Development of research and study (2)1.3 Qur Work (3)2. Model Analysis (3)2.1 Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Space Debris (4)2.1.1 Change of spatial density of space debris with latitude (4)2.1.2 Change of number of space debris with year (7)2.2 Estimate of risk probability (9)2.2.1 Symbol description (9)2.2.2 Assumption (10)2.2.3 Model building (10)2.2.4 Model solving (12)2.3 Number of space debris mitigation and revenue (14)2.3.1 Symbol description (14)2.3.2 Assumption (15)2.3.3 Model building (15)2.3.4 Model solving (16)2.4 Investment strategy of the private firm (18)2.4.1 Symbol description (18)2.4.2 Assumption (19)2.4.3 Model building (19)2.4.4 Model solving (19)3. Innovative Alternative (20)3.1 Ultraviolet Rays Focusing Apparatus (20)3.2 Shield of magnetic field (20)4. Assessment (21)5. Acknowledgements (21)6. Executive Summary (21)Reference (23)1. Introduction1.1Background—Space debris and its urgencySpace junk,also called orbital debris, coupled with activities of space launch, is referred collectively to artificial objects and debris with no function whatsoever. Ever since the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite of the world in 1957, 4300 activities of space launch have been carried out and over 5500 spacecraft have been launched into orbits by man. Space debris mainly derive from invalid spacecraft, the end of rocket body, debris left by astronauts and debris from collapse of spacecraft[1]. It’s estimated that there is over 500000 space debris. With the rapid pace of peaceful exploitation and utilization of outer space resources and increasing frequency of activities of space launch, environment of space debris is worse and worse[1]. The collision between space debris and spacecraft will pose hazards to astronautic system in many ways, many of which is fatal. The direct influence on astronautic activities made by space debris mainly aims at spacecraft. Different sizes of space debris will pose damages of different degrees to different parts of spacecraft[2]. The issue sparked widespread attention all over the world, particularly since the Russian satellite Kosmos-2251 and the USA satellite Iridium-33 collided on 10 February, 2009. How to mitigate the space debris effectively has become a problem to be solved.Figure 1.Artists impression of space debris1.2Development of research and studyMicrometeoroids and space debris (orbital debris) are collectively called as M/OD environment[3]. In 1981, American Institute Aeronautics and Astronautics(AIAA) officially proposed report about space debris for the first time. In the same year, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) started to carry out the 10-year research program of surveillance, modelling and control of M/OD environment. Besides, in 1985, ESA convened a symposium about the reentry and falling of space debris and M/OD research group was set up in the next year. In1993, launched by NASA, ESA, Russia, Japan, IADC was founded and intended to coordinate astronautic countries to act in concert, promote cooperation and communication in the field of space debris one another and address problem of space debris hand-by-hand. Chinese National Space Administration (CNSA) joined IADC officially in 1995. Under the support of national finance, Chinese National Defense and Science and Industry Council has started and carried out the special research work of Action Plan of Space Debris[1].In recent years, through ongoing research of M/OD by many astronautic countries all over the world, remarkable development has been achieved in the technical field of space debris and many approaches have been offered to mitigate space junk.It’s reported by England network section of the m agazine New Scientist that a nanoscale satellite named Cubesail uses solar sail by the aid of solar energy as a propulsion system. In addition to that, another unique function equipped by the sail is that it can help the debris to deorbit and fall into the atmosphere as a rail brake. Vauls Lappas, in charge of the project, said that if Cubesail can work well as expected, an analogous sail also can be fixed onto the future satellite and when it finishes its tasks in space and becomes space debris, the sail can bring them back and burn them down automatically. Or, Cubesails can be launched in swarm to the low earth orbit to trap those floating space debris and mitigate it in a mutually destructive way[4].What’s more, America invented a windmill type equipment for mitigation of space debris, which involves that when debris collides with blades, minute debris will be embedded into the metal fans, which achieves the goal thereby. Even if a little big debris punches through the fan, due to great decrease of the speed by collision and without adequate speed to maintain movement around the earth, it will fall into the atmosphere gradually and be burnt down[4].Another assumption is that when the satellite with a collection net linked by light-duty electronic ropes, reaches the specified location, it will loosen the rope automatically. After the collection net is loaded a certain amount of debris, they will fall into the atmosphere together under the influence of Earth’s magnetic field[4].Actually, NASA set about the tests of Laser Broom since 2000, planning to assist to mitigate the space debris in the trajectory of ISS’s moving with a diameter from 1cm to 10cm. Once certain space debris is targeted, the Laser Broom will send out a laser beam to the side of the space debris back to the earth and gasify it. And thenwith the counterforce of the gas the space debris will be forced to move to the earth and be burned down eventually. In addition, method of suicide satellite and space debris perishing together is also adopted[4].Despite floods of ways to mitigate the space debris, none has been found out to be efficient both technically and economically in the field of astronautics. When it comes to combat with space debris, it’s indispensable to cooperate with all parties, with combination of multiple means policies of prevention and control, which has hope to tackle both the cause and effect of the problem[4].1.3Qur WorkThe problem requires us to do severer jobs to search for business opportunity in the process of mitigating space debris. In order to solve it, we divided this problem into four sub-problems:1).Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Space Debris2).Risk Probability3).Mitigation of Space Debris and Revenue4).Investment Strategy of the Private FirmIn the first model, we can explicitly know about the trend of space debris with the change of time and space. Through fitting the exported data, functions of space debris in time and space can be obtained respectively, which lays solid foundation for our following work.In the second model, we take into consideration of probability of unsuccessful launch and collision with space debris. So we use risk probability to examine and weigh the whole problem and try to make it quantitative. Finally, risk probability can be obtained.In the third model, the ultimate goal of the question is to search for a business opportunity. So we need to analyze the relationship between number of mitigation of debris and revenue. Then, iscretization of the time and determination of daily revenue can get a result.In the last model, to maximize the benefit of a firm, we try to use integral optimization to finish the reasonable and economical distribution, with the assumption of limited investment.2. Model AnalysisIn order to solve it, we divided this problem into four sub-problems:1).Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Space Debris2).Risk Probability3).Mitigation of Space Debris and Revenue4).Investment Strategy of the Private Firm2.1 Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Space Debris2.1.1 Change of spatial density of space debris with latitudeAccording to the information[1], we can get a graph of change of spatial density of space debris with change of latitude. Then through Digitize of Origin software, we export the relevant detailed data shown in the Table 1.Then we fit the data through Origin and the fitting effect is shown in the below Figure 2.Figure 2. The original fitting of latitude and spatial densityIn Origin software, means significant analysis of mathematical statistics, which is an index that verifies whether the assumption is reasonable. Due to, we think the fitting effect is not pretty good. To get better effect, we modify some data (from 785.99738 to 963.50839 ) of abnormal fluctuations. The modified results are shown in the below Table 2.0.00E+0001.00E+0082.00E+0083.00E+0084.00E+0085.00E+0086.00E+008S p a c i a l D e n s i t y (n u /k m ^3)Latitude(km)After modification, we fit the data again and the fitting effect is shown as follows.Figure 3. The modified fitting of latitude and spatial densityNow, , so we can get the function of spatial density ( ) and latitude ( ) of space debris:0.00E+0001.00E+0082.00E+0083.00E+0084.00E+0085.00E+0086.00E+008S p a c i a l D e n s i t y (n u /k m ^3)Latitude(km)2.1.2 Change of number of space debris with yearBesides, we also find graph concerning change of space debris in quantity with year. Similarly, we export the relevant data through Digitize of Origin software shown in the below Table 3.We make the graph by linear fitting the data and get the following fitting effect.Figure 4. The original fitting of number of objects and yearThe fitting effect is not ideal, either, with .Figure 5. Historical growth of space debris through 2010-2000020004000600080001000012000140001600018000N u m b e r o f O b j e c t sYearAccording to the information, some severe collisions and explosions occurred from 2007, such us Fengyun-1c, Iridium-33 and so on and the number of debris soured. So, to avoid abnormal data affecting the results, we decide to analyze it piecewise. Namely, to fit the data and get the piecewise function from 1961 to 2006 and from 2007 to 2013 respectively. And the results are as below.Figure 6. Number of objects from 1961 to 2006 Figure 7. Number of objects from 2007 to 2013From Figure.6 we can get and the function ofnumber of objects with year from 1961-2006 isFrom Figure.7 we can get , and similarly the function of number of objects with year from 2007 to 2013 is2.2 Estimate of risk probability2.2.1Symbol descriptionN u m b er o f O b i e c t sYear N u m b e r o f O b j e c t sYear2.2.2Assumption●Assume that probability of successful launch of required equipment into space by the private firm mentioned in the question is unchangeable.●Assume that orbital altitude of space debris required to be mitigated has an upper bound and a lower bound.●Assume that range of possible collision with spacecraft is a ball layer and spacing between two contiguous layers is unchangeable.●Assume that space debris in every ball layer is distributed evenly.●Assume that both probability of mitigating space debris in every ball layer and probability of collision relate to spatial density.2.2.3Model buildingWhy can we assume that spacing between two contiguous ball layers is?We can consider the fact that when people wait for train pulling into the station, they are forced to st and inside the safe line so that they won’t be trapped in by airflow of running train.Based on the fact above, we can set a spacing. With it, we can describe that when the distance between spacecraft and space debris is beyond the spacing, collision will scarcely happen. So, we divide the range between low earth orbit and the upper bound of the space debris into several ranges with spacing. The schematic diagram is as below.Figure 8. Schematic diagram of space debris ball layers From the assumptions, we know that probability of collision in every ball layer is proportional to the spatial density in the ball layer. To make an estimate, we use the density of the middle of two contiguous layers. Probability of collision happening in the th ball layer isNote: in which is a very small scale coefficient.Based on conditional probability, probability of collision in the th ball layer is The risk probability of working in space born by the firm isBecause the spacing of every two ball layers is unchangeable and equals, we can identify the number of layers by dividing the spatial range. SoThe model of risk probability can be established as follows.According to the reference[7], we can get the function of probability of collision between single space debris and equipment isin which is radius of compound body; is distance on the short axis; is distance on the long axis; and is distance projection of intersection distance on the intersection plane; and is corresponding standard deviation.Figure9. Schematic diagram of parameters of intersection plane2.2.4Model solvingTo solve the model, values of some necessary parameters will be shown as below. And according to data, upper bound of orbital altitude is 2000km, lower bound orbital altitude is 100km and replaced by probability of successful launch of American satellite is 0.87.Considering that double integral is needed for probability of collision between single space debris and spacecraft and double integral is complicated, we hope to get the relationship between probability of collision and distance.Fortunately, noted in some documents[7], function of maximum probability of collision and intersection distance can bein which means intersection distance.To be more intuitive, we plot the function with MATLAB software, shown as below.Figure 10. Relationship of intersection distance and probability From the figure above, we can see that the slope of the curve is ever-decreasing with the increase of intersection distance, which means as intersection increases, the probability of collision becomes smaller.Combining the information in the figure and speed magnitude in factual orbit, we set spacing between layersProbability of collision of single space debris and equipment isDue to pretty small probability of collision, according to function of density, we setThen we substitute the data above in the expression and simplify it. Through MATLAB program we can calculate risk probability and probability of collision, as shown in the below Table 5.According to the results, probability is pretty small. But once collision occurs, it will cause enormous loss and more new debris. Without measures implemented, space in the future will be sieged by space debris.2.3 Number of space debris mitigation and revenue2.3.1Symbol description2.3.2Assumption● Assume that equipment won’t break down for no reason.● Assume that other objects apart from space debris are not taken into account.● Assume that all of the energy of the equipment used in space comes from solar energy and operating it every time may cause wastage of equipment.●Assume that maintenance cost of the equipment used and staff cost is proportional to revenue.●Assume that every equipment has a certain life span and will scrap directly till the time comes2.3.3Model buildingFrom the information[8], we can get the overview of space debris shown in the below Table 6.The amount of debris of cm dominates, about 99.67% and the mass of it only occupies 0.035%. This type of debris poses minute hazard to spacecraft and can be defensed. It’s followed by cm debris with0.031% amount and 0.035% mass , which can destroy spacecraft and is the greatest offender. The amount of debris with over 10 cm in size is the smallest with 99.93% mass however. This kind of debris poses enormous hazard and yet it can be avoided in a negative way.Clearly,total revenue from mitigating space debris in the th way in the required time isAnd total time isFrom model2, we know that the probability of equipment against debris launched successfully isAnd the probability of collision with debris in space is.The probability of unsuccessful launch of the th equipment is, and the corresponding revenue isThe probability of collision with the space debris on the first working day is, and the corresponding revenue isThe probability of collision with the space debris on the second working day is, and the corresponding revenue isBy mathematical induction, the probability of collision with the space debris on the th working day is, and the corresponding revenue isThe revenue gained in the first and second occasion is the same, so it can be induced in the first day. Detailed formula are listed in the following table.According to meaning of expectation, we can deduce that revenue gained every day is2.3.4Model solvingAssume that revenue gained from disposing of three types of debris can be shown as follows.Table8. Revenue of disposing of three types of debrisCalculation of average revenue of space-based laserWhen, it means space-based laser is the equipment of disposing of debris. According to material[9,10], we know about some parameters of the laser shown as follows.Due to lack of data, based on some characteristics, such as laser its major target for debris with 1-10cm in size, we can assume some data shown as below.By programming in MATLAB software, average revenue is. Calculation of average revenue of large satelliteWhen, it means large satellite is the equipment of disposing of debris. According to material[11], we know about some parameters of the satellite shown as follows.Due to lack of data, based on some characteristics, we can assume some data shown as below.Similarly with MATLAB, average revenue is.Calculation of average revenue of space-based water jetsWhen, it means space-based water jets is the equipment of disposing of debris. According to material[12], we know about some parameters of the satellite shown as follows.Due to lack of data, based on some characteristics, we can assume some data shown as below.Also with MATLAB, average revenue is.2.4 Investment strategy of the private firm2.4.1Symbol2.4.2Assumption●Assume that a firm sets earning profit as main goal.2.4.3Model buildingConstraint of finance isObjective function, benefit gained in time isBut the objective function has two variations, to be more convenient, to maximize the benefit, we consider to set benefit gained every day maximal.The final model of optimization is2.4.4Model solvingAssume that a firm has 200 billion dollars. According to model 3, benefit gained by lasers, large satellites, water jets in every single day equals to ratio of total benefit to days, the results of which are shown as follows.From the table above, it's apparent to see that the highest revenue gained is the second equipment----satellites, of which the benefit is 654670$, followed by which is the first method----lasers; the lowest one is water jets, 448854$.So the model can be established as follows:This is a problem of integer programming and the results are shown as below via Lingo.According to the table, ultimate investment strategy of a firm is shown that the firm spend 200 billion$ in investing water jets. Through Internet, the price of water jets is found cheap relatively and the efficiency is favorable, so the redults are credible comp aratively.3. Innovative AlternativeIf no commercial opportunity is possible, we will provide two innovative alternatives for avoiding collisions.3.1 Ultraviolet Rays Focusing ApparatusTo avoid collision in space, we take into consideration of the technology of ultraviolet rays, which are abundant in space and pose enormous harm to living beings on earth. So if we human can take fully advantage of ultraviolet and mitigate the ultraviolet rays in space in a degree, it will kill two birds with one stone.We surmise that a device with high temperature resistance, radiation resistance and heat resistance, can be fixed on the spacecraft and probes and absorbs ultraviolet rays at the time of operating in space. The device can transform the ultraviolet rays to enormous energy. Once encountering approaching space debris, the spacecraft will recognize it and release high energy to the target. The space debris will absorb energy and accelerate and transform the orbit, to avoid collision.3.2 Shield of magnetic fieldWith geomagnetic field as a protective umbrella of the earth, our home won’t be intruded upon by many kinds of radiation in outer space. Can we consider such a circumstance that a magnetic field can be artificially established inside the spacecraft according to the factual size of the spacecraft, of which applied force tends to be in a reasonable range. Neither does it have an effect on components of the spacecraft, nordoes it exert counteraction to debris outside to make it far away from the spacecraft and avoid collision accordingly. If spacecraft can absorb energy of sunlight used by created magnetic field, cost can be reduced effectively.4. AssessmentWe establish four models above and find out some advantages and disadvantages through some analysis.AdvantagesModel1:Fully fit temporal and spatial distribution of space debris.Model2:●Divide space into several ball layers to increase accuracy of probability calculation.● Use fitting functions to simplify calculating of probability of collision. Model 3: Take full consideration of space debris of different types.WeaknessModel1: Leave out individual data and decrease accuracy of trend.Model2: Ignore other factors in space and bring about errors with scale coefficient. Model3: Lack data and decrease accuracy of the final results.5. AcknowledgementsSo far, we have basically finished the paper. Recollecting the process of setting up the model, we have encountered couples of obstacles, but via constant absorption and updating pool of information and knowledge, we gradually sorted out our thoughts and tackled the problem in a better way finally. We hereby express great gratitude to the relevant authors and websites providing document and web data. It’s you that make our results more credible and rich the contents of our paper. Thank you very much.6. Executive SummaryBe a member of mitigating space debrisAs we all know, the amount of space debris in orbit around earth has been a heated issue recently. It is estimated that over 500,000 pieces of space debris, also called orbital debris, are currently being tracked as potential hazards to spacecraft. The issue itself became more widely discussed in the news media when the Russian satellite Kosmos-2251 and the USA satellite Iridium-33 collided on 10 February, 2009.Generally, space debris can be divided into three types. The first type is spacecraft debris caused by explosion with or without intention. Most of it comes from the so-called preview of space war between Union Soviet and America. The second type is inadvertent carelessness of astronauts, such as leaving bolts, spacers, pen and even life garbage. The last type is wreckage of rockets and satellites. Some invalid satellites are still floating in orbit, which will be like ghosts for possible decades of years.To address the big problem, what we should do is to be a member to devote to mitigating space debris. Saying it in a more serious way, we ought to act in concert with astronautic countries, promote cooperation and communication in the field of space debris one another and address problem of space debris hand-by-hand.Concerning the severity of the issue, we want to propose our concept to devote to dealing with space debris, which will help the private firm to gain certain profit. The detailed project is as follows.According to the results by reasonable analysis and accurate calculation, we consider that two hundred small, space-based water jets and zero high energy laser used to target specific pieces of debris and zero large satellite designed to sweep up the debris should be produced and dispatched to carry out clearing work, which will obtain over $ per day.A lot of elements can account for our idea. Some technical reasons will be left out and the following might be the critical ones.Firstly, in term of their working mechanism, a water jet loaded by a rocket into space creates a special liquid wall, which will reduce the speed of debris once it bumps into the wall. A laser can directly gasify the debris with high temperature or decelerate and deorbit the debris. Large satellite can capture the running debris and return it to the earth atmosphere.Secondly, in term of their best targeted debris in different sizes, water jets are target for space debris with below 10cm in size; Lasers are mainly tools for space debris with 1-10cm in size; Satellites are good at dealing with space debris with over 1cm in size. So, clear to see that every type of equipment possesses respective specialty and applying medicine according to indications is of great importance and necessity to proceed the severe task.Thirdly, in term of their advantages and disadvantages, water jets won’t bring about any extra pollution as other method does, but its feasibility is not favorable. Lasers will not be susceptible by atmospheric scattering and is able to deal with debris at any location with high efficiency. However, it’s too expensive to afford many of it。
2011高教社杯全国大学生数学建模竞赛题目(请先阅读“全国大学生数学建模竞赛论文格式规范”)A 题 城市表层土壤重金属污染分析随着城市经济的快速发展和城市人口的不断增加,人类活动对城市环境质量的影响日显突出。
为此,将所考察的城区划分为间距1公里左右的网格子区域,按照每平方公里1个采样点对表层土(0~10 厘米深度)进行取样、编号,并用GPS 记录采样点的位置。
现要求你们通过数学建模来完成以下任务:(1) 给出8种主要重金属元素在该城区的空间分布,并分析该城区内不同区域重金属的污染程度。
(2) 通过数据分析,说明重金属污染的主要原因。
(3) 分析重金属污染物的传播特征,由此建立模型,确定污染源的位置。
(4) 分析你所建立模型的优缺点,为更好地研究城市地质环境的演变模式,还应收集什么信息?有了这些信息,如何建立模型解决问题?分分工会舒服的规划法规f x c f 是否撒的发生的发生fx c f 是否撒的发生的发生f x c f 是否撒的发生的发生fx c f 是否撒的发生的发生fx c f 是否撒的发生的发生f x c f 是否撒的发生的阿斯顿发斯蒂芬斯蒂芬题 目 A 题 城市表层土壤重金属污染分析摘 要:本文研究的是某城区警车配置及巡逻方案的制定问题,建立了求解警车巡逻方案的模型,并在满足D1的条件下给出了巡逻效果最好的方案。
A: 一个人充满热水的浴缸从一个单一的水龙头,并落户到浴缸里清洁和放松。
B: 小碎片在轨道上绕地球金额已日益受到关注。
dy mg T1 sin 1
T1 cos1
对于锚链,m=σs ,其中 s 是 AB 锚链的长度,σ是锚链的线密度,即单位长
dy sg T1 sin 1
T1 cos1
dy dx
dp dx
1 p2
然后对 x 和 p 分离变量并对两端进行积分得到:
1 p2
g cos 1
即:sinh 1
g T1
其中 C1 可以由 x=0,y=0 时的值确定,原点 A 处 p y ' tan 1 ,可得 C1 为:
当海面风速一定且海水静止时,钢桶和各节钢管的倾斜角度、锚链形状、浮 标的吃水深度和游动区域,与锚链线的方程、系泊系统各部分之间的受力平衡和 力矩平衡的约束密切相关。由于传输节点各部分相互影响,根据力学相关知识, 可以按照锚链→钢桶和重物球→钢管→浮标的顺序依次进行受力分析,从而得到 各部分受力平衡时的定量解析式,通过这些表达式可以确定钢桶和各节钢管的倾 斜角度、锚链形状。由于吃水深度与浮标受力直接相关,还可以确定浮标的吃水 深度。对于浮标的游动区域,可以由稳定后系泊系统各个部分在水平方向投影的 总长度来计算游动区域的最大半径。
2016年全国研究生数学建模竞赛A题多无人机协同任务规划无人机(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV)是一种具备自主飞行和独立执行任务能力的新型作战平台,不仅能够执行军事侦察、监视、搜索、目标指向等非攻击性任务,而且还能够执行对地攻击和目标轰炸等作战任务。
2016年美国大学生数学建模大赛A题获奖论文A Hot Bath
The first part has five sections: air’s heat radiation, bathtub wall’s heat radiation, person in, hot water in, bubble existed. We discuss some factors that affect water temperature, such as the shape and the volume of the bathtub and person, especially the motions made by the person in the bathtub because the temperature in the bathtub has a great connection with person. Finally, we get the water temperature variation and distribution model.
In this article, we establish two models. One is water temperature variation and distr one is finding best strategy model. We put forward some acceptable hypothesis to simplify the model. What’s more, we clear the meaning of the word “noticeably”.
4 2016美赛题目(模拟赛题目)
美国 数学 竞赛 2016A 试题
What is the value of?SolutionFor what value ofdoes?SolutionFor every dollar Ben spent on bagels, David spent cents less. Ben paidmore than David. How much did theyspend in the bagel store together?SolutionThe remainder can be defined for all real numbersandwithbywhere denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to . What is the value of ?SolutionA rectangular box has integer side lengths in the ratio. Which of the following could be the volume of the box?SolutionXimena lists the whole numbers through once. Emilio copies Ximena's numbers, replacing each occurrence of the digit by the digit . Ximena adds her numbers and Emilio adds his numbers. How much larger is Ximena's sum than Emilio's?2016 AMC 10A ProblemsProblem 1Problem 2Problem 3Problem 4Problem 5Problem 6SolutionThe mean, median, and mode of the data valuesare all equal to. What is thevalue of ?SolutionTrickster Rabbit agrees with Foolish Fox to double Fox's money every time Fox crosses the bridge by Rabbit's house, as long as Fox pays coins in toll to Rabbit after each crossing. The payment is made after the doubling, Fox is excited about his good fortune until he discovers that all his money is gone after crossing the bridge three times. How many coins did Fox have at the beginning?SolutionA triangular array of coins has coin in the first row, coins in the second row, coins in the third row, and so onup to coins in theth row. What is the sum of the digits of ?SolutionA rug is made with three different colors as shown. The areas of the three differently colored regions form an arithmeticprogression. The inner rectangle is one foot wide, and each of the two shaded regions is foot wide on all four sides.What is the length in feet of the inner rectangle?SolutionProblem 7Problem 8Problem 9Problem 10What is the area of the shaded region of the givenrectangle?SolutionThree distinct integers are selected at random between and , inclusive. Which of the following is a correct statement about the probability that the product of the three integers is odd?SolutionFive friends sat in a movie theater in a row containing seats, numbered to from left to right. (The directions "left" and "right" are from the point of view of the people as they sit in the seats.) During the movie Ada went to the lobby to get some popcorn. When she returned, she found that Bea had moved two seats to the right, Ceci had moved one seat to the left,and Dee and Edie had switched seats, leaving an end seat for Ada. In which seat had Ada been sitting before she got up?SolutionHow many ways are there to writeas the sum of twos and threes, ignoring order? (For example,andare two such ways.)SolutionSeven cookies of radius inch are cut from a circle of cookie dough, as shown. Neighboring cookies are tangent, and all except the center cookie are tangent to the edge of the dough. The leftover scrap is reshaped to form another cookie of the same thickness. What is the radius in inches of the scrap cookie?Problem 11Problem 12Problem 13Problem 14Problem 15SolutionA triangle with vertices ,, andis reflected about the-axis, then the imageis rotated counterclockwise about the origin byto produce. Which of the followingtransformations will return to ?counterclockwise rotation about the origin by .clockwise rotation about the origin by .reflection about the-axisreflection about the line reflection about the -axis.SolutionLetbe a positive multiple of . One red ball and green balls are arranged in a line in random order. Letbethe probability that at leastof the green balls are on the same side of the red ball. Observe that and thatapproachesasgrows large. What is the sum of the digits of the least value ofsuch that?SolutionEach vertex of a cube is to be labeled with an integer through , with each integer being used once, in such a way that the sum of the four numbers on the vertices of a face is the same for each face. Arrangements that can be obtained from each other through rotations of the cube are considered to be the same. How many different arrangements are possible?Problem 16Problem 17Problem 18SolutionIn rectangle and. Pointbetweenand, and pointbetweenandaresuch that. Segmentsand intersect at and , respectively. The ratio can be written aswhere the greatest common factor ofand is 1. What is?SolutionFor some particular value of , when is expanded and like terms are combined, theresulting expression contains exactly terms that include all four variables and , each to some positivepower. What is ?SolutionCircles with centers and , having radii and , respectively, lie on the same side of line and are tangent toat and , respectively, with between and . The circle with center is externally tangent to each of the other two circles. What is the area of triangle ?SolutionFor some positive integer, the numberhaspositive integer divisors, including and the number .How many positive integer divisors does the numberhave?SolutionA binary operation has the properties that and that for all nonzero realnumbers and . (Here represents multiplication). The solution to the equation canbe written as , where and are relatively prime positive integers. What isSolutionProblem 19Problem 20Problem 21Problem 22Problem 23Copyright © 2016 Art of Problem SolvingA quadrilateral is inscribed in a circle of radius . Three of the sides of this quadrilateral have length. What isthe length of the fourth side?SolutionHow many ordered triplesof positive integers satisfyand?Solution2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25AMC 10AMC 10 Problems and Solutions 2016 AMC 10AMathematics competition resourcesThe problems on this page are copyrighted by the Mathematical Association of America's American MathematicsCompetitions.Retrieved from "/wiki/index.php?title=2016_AMC_10A_Problems&oldid=75390"Problem 24Problem 25See also。
MCM--2016A题 个人思路
2016年数学建模美赛题目原文及翻译-A [个人思路] PROBLEM A:A Hot BathA person fills a bathtub with hot water from a single faucet and settles into the bathtub to cleanse and relax. Unfortunately, the bathtub is not a spa-style tub with a secondary heating system and circulating jets, but rather a simple water containment vessel. After a while, the bath gets noticeably cooler, so the person adds a constant trickle of hot water from the faucet to reheat the bathing water. The bathtub is designed in such a way that when the tub reaches its capacity, excess water escapes through an overflow drain.Develop a model of the temperature of the bathtub water in space and time to determine the best strategy the person in the bathtub can adopt to keep the temperature even throughout the bathtub and as close as possible to the initial temperature without wasting too much water.Use your model to determine the extent to which your strategy depends upon the shape and volume of the tub, the shape/volume/temperature of the person in the bathtub, and the motions made by the person in the bathtub. If the person used a bubble bath additive while initially filling the bathtub to assist in cleansing, how would this affect your model’s results?In addition to the required one-page summary for your MCM submission, your report must include a one-page non-technical explanation for users of the bathtubthat describes your strategy while explaining why it is so difficult to get an evenly maintained temperature throughout the bath water.A题一个热水澡一个人从一个单一的水龙头充满热水浴缸和落户到浴缸清洗和放松。
针对问题一,首先分析了锚链的形状,利用微积分原理求出锚链的静态方程,用Matlab 画出锚链形状,得出锚链的形状所符合悬链线方程。
最后建立了数学模型,计算出风速为12m/s 和24m/s 时,钢桶和各节钢管的倾斜角度(见表2),浮标吃水深度分别为0.737m 、0.752m ,浮标的浮动区域(此浮动区域是以锚为圆心的圆)面积分别为、,锚链的形状如图(5-11)、(5-12)所示。
针对问题二,由问题一中建立的系泊系统的模型,计算风速为36m/s 时钢桶和各节钢管的倾斜角度、锚链形状和浮标的游动区域。
得到了钢桶和各节钢管的倾斜角度如(表3),浮标吃水深度:0.787m ,以及游动区域面积:1229.39m 。
分析得出当锚点与海床的夹角处于临界点(即16度)时,重物球的最小质量为1756.8kg ;当浮标刚好没入水中时,重物球的最大质量为5335.8kg 。
天津大学 边馥萍 fpbian@
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1. MCM/ICM 简介
美国大学生数学建模竞赛创始人 Ben Fusaro 1984年向美国教育部申请到一笔为期三年的基金 ,并于1985年开始正式举办。 竞赛由COMAP组织和管理 竞赛的命题、组织形式、宗旨、评审原则 MCM参赛情况: 第1届:1985年 参赛队158个队(美国), 交卷90队,70所大学 第32届:2016年 参赛队7421个队,919所大学, 12个国家及地区,中国学生参赛队超过93.5%
对题目的解读,赛题中没有明确给出的模糊概念 是否澄清。 建模所需的前提条件及假设及其合理性的说明。 通过对赛题的分析论证建模的合理性。 建立有效解答赛题的模型。 对模型的稳定性、敏感性进行测试,检验。 讨论模型的优缺点,给出清晰的结论。 符合要求的摘要:应包含以下内容 用自己的语言描述要解决的问题,强调建模所用 的假设,指出所用的模型类型或构造的新模型, 模型检验及误差分析和优缺点讨论。
2016 ICM Contest Outstanding Teams
美国大学生数学建模竞赛题解析与研究 2007-2008 第一册 2005-2006 第二册 Mathematical Modeling for the MCM/ICM Contest , Volume 1, 2 正确写作美国大学生数学建模竞赛论文 …..
UMAP 案例精选—1、2测已出版,3册即将出版 特点:案例及习题有具体解法,有些适合做教学 案例 配套PPT正在制作中
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2016 MCM Problem A
A Hot Bath
A person fills a bathtub with hot water from a single faucet and settles into the bathtub to cleanse and relax.
Unfortunately, the bathtub is not a spa-style tub with a secondary heating system and circulating jets, but rather a simple water containment vessel.
After a while, the bath gets noticeably cooler, so the person adds a constant trickle of hot water from the faucet to reheat the bathing water.
The bathtub is designed in such a way that when the tub reaches its capacity, excess water escapes through an overflow drain.
Develop a model of the temperature of the bathtub water in space and time to determine the best strategy the person in the bathtub can adopt to keep the temperature even throughout the bathtub and as close as possible to the initial temperature without wasting too much water.
Use your model to determine the extent to which your strategy depends upon the shape and volume of the tub, the shapeolume/temperature of the person in the bathtub, and the motions made by the person in the bathtub.
If the person used a bubble bath additive while initially filling the bathtub to assist in cleansing, how would this affect you r model’s results?
In addition to the required one-page summary for your MCM submission, your report must include a one-page non-technical explanation for users of the bathtub that describes your strategy while explaining why it is so difficult to get an evenly maintained temperature throughout the bath water.