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I. Multiple choices: Choose the ONE answer that is the most suitable to the sentence. (20%) ()1.________is Byron's masterpiece, a great comic epic of the early 19th century.

A. “She walk s in Beauty”

B. “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”

C. “Don Juan”

D. “The Corsair”

( ) 2. "Modern Fiction" is one of Woolf's important critical essays, in which the writer praises______ as "the most notable" of "several young writers."

A. Thomas Hardy

B. James Joyce

C. Joseph Conrad

D. T.S.Eliot

( ) 3. _________ achieved fame after the publication of poem----.“Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”.

A. Wordsworth

B. Joyce

C. George Eliot

D. John Galsworthy ( ) 4. John Milton's "On His Blindness" is written in the form of ______sonnet which consists of an octave(an eight-line stanza) and a sestet (a six-line stanza)

A. English

B. Italian

C. Russian

D. Chinese

( ) 5. In "Tom Jones"______ is depicted as a hypocritical, wicked man who is outwardly good but inwardly bad.

A. Tom

B. Blifil

C. Mr. Allworthy

D. Sophia

( ) 6. John Keats' famous poem______expresses the contrast between the happy world of natural loveliness and human world of agony.

A. "Endymion"

B. "Ode to a Nightingale"

C."Ode on a Grecian Urn"

D."Ode to Psyche"

( ) 7. "The School for Scandal "by Richard Brinsley Sheridan has been regarded as the best

______since Shakespeare.

A. tragedy

B. prose

C. comedy

D. fable

( ) 8.The story of "Tom Jones" by Henry Fielding is told _______.

A. in a series of letters

B. in the third-person narration

C. by Tom Jones

D. in the form of diary

( ) 9. The title _______was borrowed by Thackeray from “The Pilgrim’s Progress” by Bunyan.

A. “Sons and Lovers”

B. “Jane Eyre”

C. “Adam Bede”

D. “Vanity Fair”

( ) 10. Shelley’s greatest achievement is his four-act poetic drama,_______________.

A.“Prometheus Unbound”

B. “The Necessity of Atheism”

C.“Ode to the West Wind”

D. “Queen Mab”

( ) 11.“The Solitary Reaper”. This poet written by _________of eighteenth century

A. Wordsworth

B. Byron

C. Shelley

D. Keats

( ) 12. “Beauty is truth, truth beauty,” ---that is all . This poet is from _________written by Keats.

A. “Ode to a Nightingale”

B. “Ode to psyche”

C. “Ode to Autumn”

D. “Ode on a Grecian Urn”

( )13. In "The Pilgrim's Progress" Christian and Faithful come to the ______where both are arrested as alien agitators and tried.

A. Vanity Fair

B. Doubting Castle

C. Celestial City

D. hell

( ) 14. Which of the following novels by Dickens shows his pessimism?

A. “The Old Curiosity Shop”

B. “David Copperfield”

C. “Oliver Twist”

D. “Great Expectations”

( ) 15.Hardy’s first masterpiece is ______________.

A. “Idylls of the King”

B. “Far Form the Madding Crowd”

C. “Tess of the D''Urbervilles”

D. “In Memoriam”

( ) 16.The outstanding realistic novelists of early 20th century were _______,H. G. Wells,and Arnold Bennett.

A. Lawrence

B. Joyce

C. George Eliot

D. John Galsworthy

( ) 17._________ "West Wind" thus seems to symbolize an inspiring spiritual power that moves everywhere, and affects everything.

A. Shelley’s

B. Keats’

C. Wordsworth’s

D.Vi rginia Woolf’s

( )18. “Ode to a Nightingale”symbolized for _______ a lasting beauty which lured him temporarily away from his great misery into an exquisite desire to the forest with the bird.

A. Byron

B. Keats

C. Wordsworth

D. Shelley

( ) 19. The term “metaphysical poetry” is commonly used to name the work of the ______ century writers who wrote under the influence of ______.
