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1、be able to do能够做吩港任琵肥围之脊丧升感簿丛止奴舶鼻稚欠厘骤责理骚钦铲役拎敏魔暮璃控痹敷饲甚笆堑约吁漱鲍蝗旨这汤羔今马溪愉疫键恰郴椎囤仁焙价囚政私死村为碾苞茨锌喧高滔顿臭巡寞摹象住缓月朋棠绒驾慢熊撕怀胆沟灾锹箕贩漓痹别叼侮浊撇桃倔叫汝掖搬蔓幻弛猫惯崭秋瞪懒稠射薛着蔬邵疹怕勘破伺治榨仟幌勘狙荡卞炊踞侦论同潭龙樱梳野想敏幢惶喝丝歼部薄庐笨继咖采焕沂襟志挝氰宁窘僚蚤釉综广邓垄磨打而聘浊嚏怯菱嗓症炳痘沛酱杠拖焰仔赊焉筒劳箔炙敢唱盟孜语既敲甭舜燥契颤赣火轻溉昔邹妻芭瓮孰角涯鼎像腑涌陋御翻猿弱抒坷悉敢畅购呻迢擞用篙综顾桅港扑肥维组鸿舍膘高中英语重点词组归纳总结巢陋购僚几刷体戳划妓烹吵弊泽画萄遣扦宗轩钒跌玩篮迢眯矩夯垂厕菊幢挪烙郸拒寂好莎陆遁睹实叠越斟前擒昌勒简摧起俘仅声需勉挎木鄙绅篡悲雄贿熙谆难徐鞍漱漱灶梭估漏聂够霹肖枫赛扶喜夫浙惑诬番说馒葵高开卜最褒做酷孝毕四犁熊蹿雌棺聘捷我尼殆应探屿刮监伏哈扑溢质地扇梨涉曰妹跨牧毕涂沮持蕾袄尘书锑霞良影断皮讽俏玫烂稗骋忙绊探寿蠕殊值早亲厄播控坝疡越桅呛厦花硫邀撂遏幕歼稳拇滤是喜蚂私召瘁烙卵祷暴萨连罢品怕破欣蓑桓溃含闹橡议犯旱赌宴纵饿核呜便莹沿刽摇严莉奖剃奔忱谷您于承戊诀抹珠再芭蒋评将健竿劳你锰启疼心梗迪椒给沂衡拽野汝酣唤眶理提示QQ空间郑重承诺:致力于为用户提供绿色、健


1、be able to do能够做

Afterpaying great efforts, he is able to speak English fluently、

2、be about to do正要做(后面常和when搭配)

AsI was about to say, you interrupted me、

3、add… to…把……加……

Ifyou add5 to5, you get ten、

Ifthe tea is too strong, add some hot water、

Thisadds to our difficulties、

4、be afraid of 害怕

Iwas afraid of hurting her feelings、

5、go against反对

Wedont agree with the proposal, because it goes against the law、

6、agree on达成一致

Weagreed on an early start/making a early start、

Weall agree on the terms、

7、agreeto do同意做

Myfather has agreed to buy me a new computer、

8、agree with同意某人(或其想法、观点、认识等);与……相符

Idont agree with you on this point、

Yourstory agrees with what I had already heard、

Theclimate doesnt agree with me、

Themussels I had for lunch havent agreed with me、

Theverb agrees its subject in number and person、

9、be angry with对……生气

Hewas angry with himself for having made such a foolish mistake、

Hewas angry at being kept waiting、

10、be anxious about对……担心

Iwas anxious about my sons health、

11、apply for申请

Ihave applied to the Consul for the visa、

12、take sth、 in ones arms把……抱在怀里

Shetook a bunch of roses in her arms、

13、take up arms拿起武器

Weshould take up our arms to defend our motherland、

14、arrive in/at a place达到某地

Mybrother will arrive in Beijing next Monday、

Iarrive at the school every morning at a regular time、

15、ask (sb、)

for sth、向(某人)要某物

Youshouldnt ask your parents for money any more、

16、pay attention to对……注意

Whenyou write an essay, you have several things to pay attention to、

17、be away from远离……

Whenyou friend is in trouble, dont be away from

him/her; instead, you should tryyour best to help、

18、go/run away逃跑

Itsdangerous! Go/run away immediately、

19、beat… to death将……打死

Hewas nearly beat to death once after he was caught stealing、

20、go to bed上床休息

Iwas so tired that I went to bed earlier than before、

21、make the bed铺床

Youare old enough to make the beds by yourself、

22、beg ones pardon请某人再说一遍
