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• (2)If the engaged party submits his间 resignation in the course of his service , the engaging party will stop paying him salary from the date when his resignation is approved by the engaging party, and the engaged party will no longer enjoy the benefits. When leaving Australia, the engaged party and his family will have to pay for everything themselves.
• 3.是诺成合同。 • 4.是继续性合同。
诺成合同是意思 表示一致即可成
是履行必须在一定继续 的时间完成,而不是一
•Let’s begin to
show our exercise!!!
The Foreign Languages Department of AA University,Canberra,Australia (the engaging party) has engaged Professor Li Ming ( the engaged party) as a teacher of Chinese classics. The two parties,in the spirit of friendship
澳大利亚堪培拉AA大学外语系(聘请方) 聘请李明教授(受聘方)为中国古典文 学教师。双方本着友好合作的精神特签 订本合同,其条款如下:
1.The term of service is one year beginning on September 1,2000 and ending on August 31 , 2001.
雇佣合同,是指双方当事人约定,一方 在一定期间内向他方提供劳务,他方 给付报酬的合同。提供劳务的一方为 受雇人,受领他方劳务并给付报酬的 人为雇佣人。
• 1.以给付劳务为直接目的。双方务当合事同人指都双享
• 2.是双务、有偿合同。
有权利和承担 义务的合同 。
同学甲:受聘方应遵守澳大利亚所制定的, 与居住、工资、福利及旅游(进入、 离开或通过边境时)相关的法律法规, 并遵循聘方的工作制度。
同学乙:受聘方应遵守澳大利亚政府的法 律法规。比如:居住、工资、福利、 以及外国人进出入境旅游等等;此外, 也应采用聘方的工作制度。
参考译文:受聘方在入境、离境或过境时, 必须遵守澳大利亚政府有关外国人居 住、工资福利及旅行等的法律、规章, 并应遵守聘方的工作制度。
依据中国和澳大利亚两国政府的相关规定,受聘 方享有法定节日权利,寒假依校历而定。
享受中国政府和澳大利亚政府规定的法定节假日, 而寒假是视乎学校而定的。
将享受中澳政府规定的法定假日。寒假按照本校 年历。
6、Neither party shall cancel the Contract without reasonable causes.
必要的; 紧急的
(1)If the engaging party finds it imperative to terminate the Contract, then, in addition to bearing the above-mentioned wages and benefits, it shall pay the engaged party three months' extra salary as compensation allowance, and arrange at its own cost for him and his family to go back to their country within one month.
6.双方均不得无故撤销合同。 (1)如果聘方要求中途终止合同,除按上述 条款承担工资福利待遇外,须给受聘方增发 三个月的工资作为补偿金,并于一个月内安 排受聘方及其家属回国并负担有关费用。
(2)如果受聘方中途提出辞职,聘方自同意 之日起即停发工资;受聘方不再享受各项福 利待遇;受聘方及其家属离开澳大利亚的一 切费用均由本人自理。
7、 This Contract comes into effect on the first day of the engaged party's arrival at the AA University and ceases to be effective at its expiration.
5、The engaged party shall abide by the laws and regulations of the Australian Government concerning residence, wages and benefits,and travel for foreigners when entering,leaving and passing through the territory of the country,and shall follow the working system of the engaging party.
If either party wishes to renew the 通知 Contract,the other party shall be notified in writing one month before it expires. Upon agreement by both parties through consultation ,a new contract may be signed between two parties.
• 受聘方的工作时间每周五天,每天 七小时。受聘方按照中澳两国政府 规定的节假日放假,寒假按本校校 历规定。
4、The engaging party pays the engaged party a monthly salary of 2000 Australian dollars and provides him with various benefits as prescribed by Australian Government for foreign teachers working in Australia.
The engaging party Signed at Guangzhou,
The engaged party China on August 10,
8.本合同用中英两种文字写成,两种文 本具有同等效力。
聘方(签字) 受聘方 (签字)
签订于中国广州 2000年 8月10 日
本合同自受聘方到校之日起生 效,到聘期届满时失效。
如一方要求延长聘期,必须在 合同期满前一个月书面向对 方提出,经双方协商同意后 另签延聘合同。
8. This Contract is made in English and Chinese,both versions being equally valid.
同学甲:聘方每月向受聘方支付2000澳 元工资,并按照澳大利亚政府关于留澳 工作外籍教师的相关规定,向其提供各
同学乙:聘方按月支付2000澳元工资给 受聘方,并Biblioteka Baidu据澳大利亚政府相关的外 籍教师在澳工作的规定,为其提供不同
参考译文:聘方每月支付给受聘方工资 两千澳元,并按澳大利亚政府对在澳工 作的外籍教师的规定提供各种福利待遇。
3)Compiling Chinese textbooks and supplementary teaching materials;
4)Having 8 to 10 teaching periods a week.
同学甲:受聘方职责经双方共同协商如下: 1)培训汉语教师,研究生及深造生; 2)任课高级中国古典文学,鼓励学生多参加汉语课外活 动; 3)编写汉语教材及补充教材; 4)一周上八至十节课。
同学乙:经双方共同协商,受聘方的工作内容如下: 1)担任中文的培训导师,指导学生以及促进学生的进一
步发展; 2)负责高年级的中国经典课程,引导学生的中文课外活
动; 3)编制中文的教科书以及补充教学材料; 4)学时数为8—10课时一周。
1)担任中文教师、研究生和进修生的培 训工作;
08英译一班 吴锡芳、黄雅莹、梁焕兰

生活中的辛苦阻挠不了我对生活的热 爱。20. 11.1420 .11.14Saturday , November 14, 2020

人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。0 2:47:32 02:47:3 202:47 11/14/2 020 2:47:32 AM
同学乙:澳大利亚,堪培拉AA大学的外语系(聘方)聘请李 明教授(受聘方)为中国经典课的授课教师。双方本着友好 合作的精神,特此依据以下条款签订本合同:
同学丙:澳大利亚堪培拉AA大学外语系(聘用方)聘请李明 教授(受聘方)为中国古典文学的老师。双方本着友好合作 的精神,同意签订并遵守本合同。合同条款如下:
1)Training teachers of Chinese ,
research students and students having a
dvanced studies; 研究生
2)Conducting senior Chinese classics and advising students on extracurricular activities of Chinese;
2. 同学甲:服务期限为一年,自2000年9月1日起,至 2001年8月31日止。
3. 同学乙:合同期自2000年9月1日起至2001年8月31 日止,共一年。
5. 参考译文:聘期为一年,自2000年9月1日起,至 2001年8月31日止。
2. The work of the engaged party is decided through mutual consultation as follows :

做一枚螺丝钉,那里需要那里上。20. 11.1402 :47:320 2:47No v-2014 -Nov-2 0

日复一日的努力只为成就美好的明天 。02:47:3202:4 7:3202:47Satur day , November 14, 2020
and cooperation, hereby sign this 特此 Contract subject to the following
terms and conditions :
同学甲:澳大利亚堪培拉AA大学外语系(聘方)聘用李明教 授(受聘方)为中国古典文学教师。双方本着友好合作的精 神,兹订立本合同,共同遵守以下各项条款:
2)担任高年级中国古典文学教学工作, 指导学生开展中文课外活动;
3)编写中文教材和辅助教材; 4)每周授课8-10课时。
3. The engaged party works five days a week and seven hours a day. The engaged party will have legal holidays as prescribed by both Chinese and Australian governments. The winter vacation is fixed by the school calendar.