需要进行演讲的地方:【会议正式开始之前】选择议题,设定议程【正式辩论】发言人名单(speakers’ list)答辩权的使用(right of reply)动议(motion)有主持核心磋商(moderated caucus)工作文件、决议草案和修正案的介绍演讲格式:模拟联合国中所有的发言的开头与结尾这两句话通常是确定的,也是功能性的。
常见的开头可以有:Thank you Mr. /Madam/Ms. ___ and delegates,Thank you, Chair. Thank you all.Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates,Distinguished Chair and my dear fellow delegates,在开头当中代表必须称呼主席和各位代表,然后开始演讲。
一般以“Thank you.”之类的话进行结尾。
模联演讲要求使用比较正式的工作语言(English / Chinese)。
在专业性较强的委员会中一般会引入一些通用的专业表达法(terms of expression)。
模拟联合国英语小作文模板Title: Model United Nations English Short Essay Template。
Introduction:Model United Nations (MUN) is a simulation of the United Nations where students take on the role of delegates from different countries and debate on various global issues. It is an educational experience that allows students to learn about international relations, diplomacy, and the United Nations itself. In this essay, we will discuss the structure and format of a typical MUN conference and provide a template for writing a short essay on the topic.Structure of a Model United Nations Conference:A typical MUN conference is organized by a group of students or a school, and it usually involves students fromdifferent schools and countries. The conference begins with an opening ceremony, during which the Secretary-General and other key organizers give speeches to welcome the delegates. After the opening ceremony, the delegates are divided into different committees, such as the General Assembly,Security Council, and various specialized agencies. Each committee is assigned specific topics to debate and resolutions to draft.During the committee sessions, delegates engage in debates, negotiations, and lobbying to address the issuesat hand. They work together to draft resolutions that propose solutions to the problems being discussed. The conference concludes with a closing ceremony, during which the resolutions are voted on and awards are given to outstanding delegates and delegations.Template for Writing a Short Essay on Model United Nations:1. Introduction:Start with a brief introduction to MUN and its significance in educating students about global issues and diplomacy.Mention the purpose of the essay and provide an overview of the points to be discussed.2. Background Information:Provide some background information about the United Nations and its role in addressing global challenges.Explain the concept of MUN and its objectives in simulating the UN.3. Personal Experience:Share your personal experience of participating in a Model United Nations conference.Discuss the country or committee you represented and the topics you debated.4. Skills Developed:Highlight the skills and knowledge you gained from participating in MUN, such as public speaking, negotiation, research, and teamwork.Discuss how these skills are valuable for your personal and academic development.5. Impact on Global Awareness:Explain how MUN has influenced your understanding of global issues and the role of international organizationsin addressing them.Discuss the importance of promoting global awareness and cooperation among young people.6. Conclusion:Summarize the key points discussed in the essay.Emphasize the value of MUN in promoting global citizenship and fostering a deeper understanding of international relations.Conclusion:Model United Nations is an invaluable educational tool that enables students to learn about international diplomacy, global issues, and the United Nations. By participating in MUN conferences, students develop essential skills and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. The template provided in this essay can serve as a guide for writing a short essay on the topic, and it can be adapted to suit different perspectives and experiences. Overall, MUN plays a crucial role in shaping the next generation of global citizens and leaders.。
MUN格式:Made by车厘子1.点名Roll Call(回答)-Present(注意有44代表22 国,简单多数为12)2.正式辩论Formal Debate2min (这是表现机会必须举牌加单陈述国家立场观点)3.让渡Yield Time(回答)- I would like to一.Yield my time to__(国家)←可以搞好国家关系,注意别针对二.Yield my time to question(回答代表提出的问题)←O(∩_∩)O提前准备好回答内容三.Yield my time to comments (自身无法反驳评论,有风险!!!不建议!!!)四.Yield my time to Chair(自动放弃剩余时间浪费口水不建议)4. 非正式辩论Informal Debate【(*@ο@*) 李泽钧朝你放一个大招】A.有主持核心磋商Moderated Caucus(有目的性的动议,注意总发言时间和各代表发言时间)【回答例子】代表:__ (国家) has a motion for a 10-minute moderated caucus for the problem of the __. Each delegate has 50 seconds speaking time. 【待主席投票过半可通过动议】B.自由磋商Unmoderated Caucus(可以离开座位到处乱逛和代表们瞎bb,搞关系的好时刻哈哈哈哈哈哈)【回答例子】代表:__(国家) has a motion for a 20-minute unmoderated caucus.【待主席投票过半可通过动议】5.动议暂停会议Motion to suspend the meeting(宝宝们吃饭啦)主席:哎呀妈呀到饭点啦Any motion or point?代表:__(国家) has a motion for suspending the meeting due to it’s time for lunch\dinner. 【待主席投票过半可通过动议】6. 动议结束辩论Motion to close the debate(立场全部代表都说得差不多,决议草案Draft Resolution比较完善的情况下提出)【回答例子】代表:__(国家) has a motion for closing the debate.赞同与反对分别举牌-主席在正反派各选两名代表发言-Made by 车厘子7. 投票Voting(对程序和文件的投票,别给宝宝弃权Abstain,举牌Yes or No,Pass看心情)主席:哇刚收到某国的Draft Resolution1.1,大家有话讲有屁放啦【回答例子】代表:__(国家) has a motion for a 10-minute moderated caucus for Draft Resolution 1.1,__(国家) will explain the resolution and other delegates are going to have inquiries on it.【投票】出装备的国家要上去bb了。
【绝对有用绝对原创】【 模拟联合国】 立场文件 范文 AIMUN 【MUN】 【毒品问题】 毒品立场
Delegate: Yang Yiyuan , Liu FengSchool: Shandong Economic UniversityCountry: Islamic Republic of PakistanCommittee: General AssemblyTopic A: Global Drug ControlDrug abuse has been a serious problem in the world for a long period of time. Although international efforts have been made to solve the issue, a satisfied result is still yet to be reached. The illicit drug cultivation, trafficking and selling led to large amount of crime and even fed the terrorist groups that threaten the piece of the world. Drug abuse is not only an evil to individuals but also a disaster to societies.Drug cultivation owns a long history in Pakistan. Drug trade has resulted in a series of social problems. As a country that has a weak infrastructure of economy, Pakistan would get lethal effect by drugs in ecomomy, politics and even national security. Pakistan has taken sharp pains to cut down on the drug related crimes and is willing to cooperate with nations that have the same ambitions to eradicate drug abuse within the framework of the United Nations.The United Nations has taken great concerns on drug related problems. The 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic substances and the 1988 Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic drugs and Psychotropic substances are 3 basic conventions of international drug control system that played important roles in interdicting drug abuse. Confronted with the problems of lacking drug supervision, Pakistan has taken a series of practical actions:ANF endeavored to disseminate information on the disadvantages of drug trafficking which helps reduce the number of drug addicts from 3,000,000 in 1993 to 1,500,000 in recent time.Pakistan also has put in 2.8 billion rupee to help addicts get cured and prohibit drug smuggle. In future , Pakistan will try to take following measures to control drugs:1 To ask for help of international societies to provide a viable crop alternative to opium farmers.2 To increase law enforcement, Pakistan will execute drug related arrests and crop seizures.3 To propagate knowledge on drugs to citizens and increase the publicity on penalties for drug smugglers.4 To hold talks with other nations to build up a strandard procedure that can facilitate authorized drugs’trade and prevent the unauthorized ones.5 To force the military control of the borders especially the one between Pakistan and Afganistan.Pakistan has realized the severity of drug problems, but the government firmly believe that with the continous endeavors of the world, the problems will be settled satisfactorily. Pakistan sincerely hope that the United Nations can pass some feasible resolutions that can make contribution to the world’s piece and development.。
第一部分包括若干序言性质的条款,包括对所讨论问题的描述,对过去所采取行动的 回顾,对决议草案的目的的解释以及为接下来的行动性条款提供论据支持。每一条序 言性条款以带有下划线的单词开头,并以逗号结尾。
1、重申迫切需要早日就保证不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器的有效国际安排 达成协议; 2、满意地注意到裁军谈判会议中原则上没有人反对缔结一项国际公约以保证不对无核 武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器的设想,尽管也有人指出在研拟各方可以接受的共同办 法方面存在着困难; 3、呼吁所有国家,特别是核武器国家,就ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้同办法,特别是可载入具有法律约束力的 国际文书的共同方案,积极努力争取及早达成协议; 4、------------5、-------------
以上是行动性条款。行动性条款是有限的,它规定了将要采取的行动。这些条款都使 用现在时的主动语态,并且这里的用词要比序言性条款中的用词具有更强烈的语气。 除了最后一个条款以句号结尾外,其余条款均以分号结尾。
引言:宋体 四号 加粗 一份决议草案只有在通过主席的赞成及达到全部与会国的20%国家(起草国+附 议国)的签字后才能被介绍给大会。 大会,
在正文开头注明所属委员会,并以逗号结尾。 正文:宋体 五号 注意: 如果该委员会隶属于联合国大会, 则决议草案的主体应以“大会”开头。 同样, 如果该委员会隶属于经社理事会, 则决议草案应以“经社理事会”开头。
确认必须保障无核武器国家的独立、领土完整和主权不受使用或威胁使用武力,包括使 用或威胁使用核武器的危害, 认为在全球实现核裁军之前,国际社会必须制定有效措施和安排,以确保任何方面不使 用或威胁使用核武器危害无核武器国家的安全, 铭记大会第十届特别会议,即专门讨论裁军问题的第一届特别会议的《最后文件》1 第 59 段,其中敦促核武器国家根据情况致力于缔结有效的安排,以保证不对无核武器国 家使用或威胁使用核武器,并希望促进执行《最后文件》的有关规定, 注意到裁军谈判会议及其保证不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器的有效国际安 排特设委员会为了就这项问题达成协议而进行的深入谈判, 回顾其历年通过的有关决议, 特别是1990年12月4 日第45/54 号、 1991年12月6日第46/32 号、1992年12月9日第47/50号、1993年12月16日第48/73号、1994 年12月15日第49/73号、 1995年12月12 日第50/68 号、 1996 年12 月10 日第51/43 号、 1997 年12 月9 日第52/36 号、1998年12 月4 日第53/75 号、1999 年12 月1日第54/52 号、2000 年11 月20 日第 55/31 号、2001 年11 月29日第56/22号、2002年11月22日第57/56号和2003年12月8日第 58/35 号决议,
问题和动议——Points and Motions
动议更改发言时间——Motions to set speaking time
E.g. Delegate:I have a motion for setting the speaking time for 90 seconds,since the time is a little bit longer than needed…etc.
MUN既可以是2-3个小时的短会,也可以是3-5天的长会。但不论会期长短,代表们的目的都是一致的——通过广泛协商合作,以争取其所代表国家的国家利益能在特定议题(Topic Area)的决议(Resolution)中得到充分的体现。
b. 不友好修正案(未经所有起草国同意):在决议草案投票前,按照决议草案处理流程处理,若通过则成为某份决议草案一部分。
9. 结束会议(Close the debate)
非正式辩论——Informal Debate
有主持核心磋商——Moderated Caucus
自有磋商——Unmoderated Caucus
立场文件——Position Paper
模拟联合国发言模板篇一:模联发言模板会议发言模板第一天上午:正式辩论发言模板Secretary-general: Good morning, distinguished delegates. Welcome to the Forth Committee. My name is --- theSecretary-general for today’s session .The chair ’s name is ---and he will be chairing in today’s session.Chair: Good morning, distinguished delegates. The topic of the conference is “The Background of The Impact of Global Financial Crisis on the Universal Realization and Effective Enjoyment of Human Rights ”. Hopefully, this conference will be fruitful.Secretary-general :Now the chair suggests we do the roll call. (如下:点名的程序及发言模板)Secretary-general: Australia.Delegate of Australia: Present.Secretary-general: Australia is present.Bangladesh.Delegate of Bangladesh: Present.Secretary-general: Bangladesh is present. Brazil.Delegate of Brazil: Present.Secretary-general: Brazil is present. Cyprus.Delegate of Cyprus: Present.………Secretary-general: The total number of delegates is 17. The simple majority will be 9; the absolute majority will be 12.(如下:动议开启发言名单的程序及发言模板)Chair: Now the chair suggests delegate motion to open the speakers’ list. Are there any motions?(Raising placards)Chair: UK.Delegate of UK: The delegate of UK motions to open the speakers’ listwith 2 minutes speaking time.Chair: Now we have a motion on the floor. Those who are in favor of this motion, please raise your placard.(Raising placards)Chair: With* in favor, this motion passes. All those who want to be added to the speakers’ list, please raise your placard.Chair: Marshall Islands, USA, China, UK, Cyprus, Fiji, France, Australia,Russia, Tuvalu, Germany, Japan, Canada, India, Netherland, Bangladesh, Brazil, South Africa.Chair: Now, delegate of Marshall Islands, you have 2 minutes to address the body.Delegate of Marshall Islands: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, Marshall Islands……(如下:让渡时间给主席的程序及发言模板)Chair: Delegate of Marshall Islands, you still have … seconds. How would like to be yielding yourtime?Delegate of Marshall Islands: Yield the time to Chair.(如下:动议更改发言时间的程序及发言模板)Chair: Thank you, Marshall Islands. Now the floor is open, any motions or points?(Raising placards)Chair: China.Delegate of China: China motions to change the speaking time from 120 seconds to 150 seconds.Chair: Those who are in favor of this motion, please raise your placard.Chair: With* in favor, this motion fails. The speaking time is still 2minutes. OK, now delegate of USA, you have 2 minutes to address the committee.Delegate of USA: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, USA……(如下:让渡时间给另一代表国的程序及发言模板)Chair: Thank you, USA, you still have … seconds. How would like to be yielding your time?Delegate of USA: Yield the time to Japan.Chair: OK, delegate of Japan, you have …seconds.Delegate of Japan: Thank you, USA. Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates …(如下:动议进行有组织的核心磋商的程序及发言模板)Chair: OK. The floor is open. Are there any points or motions? Fiji. Delegate of Fiji: Fiji motions for a 3 minutes moderated caucas on delegate of USA’s speech, with speaking time 60 seconds. Chair: Those who are in favor of this motion, please raise your placard.Chair: With* in favor, this motion passes. Those who want to speak, please raise your placard. Fiji, you have 60 minutes.Delegate of Fiji: Honorable Chair anddistinguished delegates, …… Chair: Those who also want to speak, please raise your placard. Canada, you have the stage.Delegate of Canada: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates … Chair: Those who also want to speak, please raise your placard.Tuvalu, you have 1 minutes.Delegate of Tuvalu: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates … Chair: OK, this motion is over. Now, China, please come to the stage to deliver your speech.Delegate of China: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, China……(如下:让渡时间给评论的程序及发言模板)Chair: Thank you, China. You still have …seconds. How would like to be yielding your time?Delegate of China: Yield time to Comments.Chair: Those who want to make comments on China’s delegate’s speech, please raise your placard.Netherland.Delegate of Netherland: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates,Netherland……(如下:动议进行无组织的自由协商的程序及发言模板)Chair: Now the floor is open. Are there any motions or points? India. Delegate of India : India motions for a 5-minute unmoderated caucas on China’s delegate’s speech.Chair: Those who are in favor of this motion, please raise your placard.Chair: With* in favor, this motion passes. Delegates, make full use of the following 5 minutes.(After 5 minutes)Chair: Time is up. Please be seated. Now, we will continue with our Speakers’ List. Delegate of UK, you have 2 minutes to address the committee.Delegate of UK: Honorable Chair and distinguisheddelegates, UK……(如下:让渡时间给问题的程序及发言模板)Chair: Thank you, UK. You still have … seconds. How would like to be yielding your time?Delegate of UK: Yield Time to Questions.Chair: Those who want to ask UK delegate questions, please raise your placard. Bangladesh.Delegate of Bangladesh: Thank you, honorable Chair. Bangladesh iswondering how UK government can guarantee efficient fund on slowing down sea level rise.Delegate of UK: Delegate of Bangladesh, thanks for your questions. UK government will……Chair: Ok. The floor is open now. Any motions or points?……………追加发言部分Chair: Now that each country has delivered speechto the committee, we will move on to additional speaking time. Based on the order the country submitted its page, the following 3 countries will have an addition speaking time of 2 minutes: USA, Australia, and Tuvalu. The procedure is the same as before. There will be yielding time and motions after each speech. Now, delegate of USA, you have 2 minutes.Delegate of USA: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates…………………主席结束语部分Chair: Ladies and gentlemen, today’s session is over by now. Alldelegates need to negotiate with others to write draft resolutions and submit them to the Secretariat on time. Tomorrow morning we will discuss these draft resolutions, make amendments and vote on the draft resolutions. All delegates, see you tomorrow morning.第二天上午:决议草案的讨论阶段(如下:决议草案的讨论程序及发言模板)Chair: Now we will continue our conference. Thecommittee has *draft resolutions, which are, according to the time they are submitted to the Secretariat, Draft Resolution sponsored by ***, ***, ***, Draft Resolution sponsored by ***, ***, ***, Draft Resolution sponsored by ***, ***, ***…… First, the main sponsor of Draft Resolution comes to the stage to introduce Draft Resolution.(After the introduction)Chair: Now the floor is open. Are there any points or motions? Chair: USA.Delegate of USA: USA motions for 3 minutes moderatedconsultationto discuss Draft Resolution. The speaking time will be 60 seconds.Chair: Thank you. Those who are in favor of this motion please raise your placard.Chair: This motion passes with* in favor. Thosewho want to speak, please raise your placard. USA, you have 60 seconds.Delegate of USA: Thank you, Chair. Dear all ……Chair: Thank you, USA. Those who also want to speak, please raise your placard. China, you now have 60 seconds.Delegate of China: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates …… Chair: Thank you, China. Those who also want to speak, please raise your placard. Now UK, please deliver your speech.Delegate of UK: Thank you Chair. Dear delegates……Chair: Now the motion is over by now. And discussion on Draft Resolution is over. It is waited to be amended. Then we will invite the main sponsor of Draft Resolution to introduce this draft resolution.(After the introduction)Chair: Now the floor is open. Are there any points or motions? Chair: Netherland.Delegate of Netherland: Netherland motions for a 5-minute unmoderated consultation.Chair: Thank you Netherland. All those who are in favor of this motion please raise your placard.Chair: With* in favor, this motion passes. Now delegates, make full use of your 5 minutes.(After 5 minutes)Chair: Delegates, time is up, please be seated. Discussion on Draft Resolution is over. It is waited to be amended. Now, the main sponsor of Draft Resolution, please come to the stage to introduce your draft resolution……………(如下:40 分钟的休会阶段——写修正案)Chair: Now we have fully discussed all draft resolutions. Then theconference will come into a 40-minute period for delegates to discuss with others to make amendments to draft resolutions. You can walk away from your seat andnegotiate with other delegates. Please be reminded that all amendments should be submitted to the secretariat in 30 minutes. Ok, delegates, make full use of the following 40 minutes.………修正案的讨论、表决阶段Chair: Ladies and gentlemen, time is up. Please be seated. Now we have 3 amendments, which are Amendment sponsored by ***, Amendment sponsored by *** and Amendment sponsored by ***. First, the sponsor of Amendment , please come to the stage to introduce your amendment.(如下:友好修正案的表决程序及发言模板)(After the introduction)Chair: The sponsors of Draft Resolution, those who agree toincorporate Amendment into Draft Resolution, please raise your placard.Chair: Since all sponsors of Draft Resolutionagree to incorporate Amendment , this amendment is a friendly amendment, so it will be incorporated into Draft Resolution without any vote. Now the sponsor of Amendment , please come to the stage to introduce it.篇二:模联会议发言模板会议发言模板第一天上午正式辩论发言模板秘书长:尊敬的各国代表,早上好。
主席Chair会议指导Director主席助理Rappotuer代表/代表团Delegate/ Delegation国家集团Bloc点名Role Call确定议题Setting the Agenda产生发言名单Open the Speakers‟ List让渡时间让渡给他国代表Yield Time Yield Time to Another Delegate 让渡给问题Yield Time to Questions让渡给主席Yield Time to Chair让渡给评论Yield Time to Comments 动议动议更改发言时间Motion Motion to Change the Speaking Time 动议有主持核心磋商Motion for a Moderated Caucus动议自由磋商Motion for an Un-moderated Caucus动议延置决议草案Motion to Postpone DR动议更改投票顺序Motion for Reordering the Resolutions动议暂停会议Motion to Suspend the Meeting动议终止辩论Motion to Close the Debate 问题咨询性问题Point Point of Inquiry程序性问题Point of Order个人特权问题Point of Personal Privilege文件立场文件MUNDocuments Position Paper工作文件Working Paper决议草案Draft Resolution修正案Amendment起草国Sponsor附议国Signatory结束辩论Close the Debate投票表决Vote意向条Page国家牌Placard☼会议详细流程 Conference Detailed Flow ChartR OLL C ALL 点名1.点名,该阶段要求确定共多少国家参会,参会国家的简单多数和三分之二多数是多少。
• • • • • • • • • 立场文件(Position Paper) 是表达某个国家或组织在某个特定议题上的立场概要的文件。 1.作用: 有助于代表清晰简洁地表达所代表国家对于议题的基本立场 有助于代表确定所代表国家是否与其他国家有共同的目标和利益 有助于不同国家间增进对于观点的理解,有助于协商合作
自有磋商——Unmoderated Caucus 立场文件——Position Paper 工作文件——Working Papers 决议草案——Draft Resolution 起草国——Sponsors 附议国——Signatories 决议——Resolution 行动性条款——Operative Clauses 序言条款——Pre-ambulatory Clauses 修正案——Amendments 友好修正案——Friendly Amendments 非友好修正案——Unfriendly Amendments 游说与商讨——Lobby and Negotiation
• D:\My • 在模拟联合国大会当中, Documents\Downloads\2 参会学生将会根据特定的 0100530095453002.jpg 会议规则对某一议题进行 演讲、辩论、磋商,形成 书面文件,寻找解决方案。 • 模拟联合国主要通过语言 交流和书面文件两套方式 进行问题解决。
• 立场文件作为会议要求的正式文件,在用词方 面也有固定的要求。用词要求正式,避免口语化 的表达。一般,立场文件都采用第三人称“中国 认为(China thinks)、美国代表团相信(the US Delegation believes)”等等,而不用“你、 我、他”。同时立场文件的表达应当简洁明了, 尽量不要采用修辞、排比等过于文学的表达方式。 由于篇幅有限,立场文件应该围绕议题和国家立 场展开,确保每一句话都是为了表达国家立场服 务。
主席: 下面本分组会议开始。
主席助理:阿尔及利亚阿尔及利亚代表 :到。
主席助理: 阿根廷代表到。
收到意向条声明离场/出席:主席: 主席团现收到来自[X]国代表的意向条声明离场/出席,当前本会场共有[A]位代表出席,简单多数为[B],2/3多数为[C],20%数为[D]。
开启主发言名单:主席: 现在主席团建议一个动议开启主发言名单,请问台下有无任何动议或问题?举国家牌主席: 英国英国代表:英国代表动议开启主发言名单。
主席: 现在进入正式辩论阶段,[X]国代表,你有[T]分钟时间陈述贵国观点。
代表 [X]: 尊敬的主席、秘书长和各国代表……让渡:主席: [X]国代表,你还有[T]秒的时间可以让渡。
【若让渡给另一位代表】代表 [X]: 让渡给[Y]国代表主席:感谢[X]国代表,[Y]国代表,你有[T]秒的时间陈述贵国观点。
A.立场文件(Positon Paper)立场文件(简称PP)就是在会前写的表达自己国家在这个议题上的立场报告。
2.格式:(1)开头左上角写以下内容:代表姓名(delegates)代表来自的学校名(school)国家名(country)所在委员会(committee)议题(topic)(2)然后空一两行接着写正文就可以了3. 正文通常内容:第一部分:简要陈述议题,并说明代表国认为该议题对于整个国际社会所具有的重要性。
摘自B.会议流程点名(Roll Call):主席助理会按国家名字的第一个英文字母的顺序依次点,被点到的国家举国家牌(Placard)答“present(到)”。
多数票分为两种:2/3 多数(英文two-thirds majority)和简单多数(又名50%多数,英文是simple majority)。
模板1(均以China为例)1、表明自己国家立场的词汇(在陈述时使用)Chinathinks/believes/realizes/affirms/claims/states/addresses/declares/notices/considers/reminds/recalls/observ es that….Chinais aware of…Chinabears in mind /keeps in mind2、表明自己国家意愿Chinahopes/wishes /desires thatChinaappeals to /expects to/devotes attention to/would like toChinaaccepts sth..Chinaencourages…3、强调自己国家立场Chinareiterates/emphasizes/reaffirms/Chinatakes sth into account/ notes with deep concern/takes sth into consideration4、呼吁建议别国做某事Chinacalls upon/suggests/purposes/commends/recommends/demands/requires/appeals thatChinaurges to/calls for5、表达反对观点Chinadisapproves/6、赞同他国代表的话Chinaexpresses its appreciation/ express its satisfaction /notes with approval/views with appreciation Chinasupports/endorses thatChinahighly appreciates sth/ is delighted to/ is eager to,7、表达愤怒同情等感情Chinastrongly condemns/deplores/ deeply regret /feels deeply disturbed/ solemnly affirms that Chinaexpresses its deepest sympathy and condolences to8、常用副词(表示程度)Fully, further, deeply ,highly回顾性条款用语• Affirming, Reaffirming, Alarmed by;• Aware of, Bearing in mind, Fully aware;• Realizing, Recognizing, Taking into account;表达希望或遗憾的用语• Desiring, Expecting, Seeking, Welcoming• Noting with d eep concern, Noting with regret• Fully believing, Believing, Viewing with appreciation• 表肯定与支持• Accepts, Affirms, Approves, Endorses, Reaffirms;• Confirms, Emphasizes, Supports, Trusts, Believes;• 表否定与遗憾• Deplores, Regrets, Condemns, Expresses its co ncern;• 表建议• Expresses its hope, Further invites, Encourages;• Suggests, Requests, Recommends, Calls, Urges.• 肯定:Affirms, Reaffirms, Confirms;• 强调:Emphasizes, Underlines;• 谴责:Condemns, Deplores, Regrets;• 赞赏:Endorses, Expresses its appreciation;• 建议:Suggests, Calls upon/for, Recommends;• 决定:Decides, Demands, Requests, Urges;• 程度词:Further, Fully, Strongly, Deeply.=====================================================================模板2.(均以例句形式出现):Accept, Approve, Agree, Affirm, Reaffirm, ConfirmReaffirm:to state sth. again in order to emphasize that it is still true. 重申;再次确定例句:The President reaffirmed his commitment to democratic elections. 总统重申了他对民主选举的承诺。
Dedinition of MUN
模拟联合国(Model United Nations,简称 MUN)是对联合国以及其它国际组织和机构的会议 流程进行模拟的一种活动,简称模联。在模拟联合 国会议中,参与者主要是青年学子们,他们扮演各 国的外交官,依据联合国及其它国际组织的议事规 则,讨论当今国际上的热点问题。作为各国代表, 参与者在会议中代表的是一个“国家”,在会议主席 团的主持和引导下,他们通过演讲阐述“自己国家”的 立场和观点,为了“自己国家”的利益进行辩论、游 说,同时与其它国家的代表沟通与协作,共同解决 矛盾与冲突。
<1> Speaker’s List 主席宣布正式辩论开始后,欲发 言的国家举国家牌,主席随机点出发言国国名,大会发言 依点名顺序进行。发言时间初始设定为1分钟30秒。主席 会在时间剩余30秒的时候提醒代表,代表可以提出 motion延长或缩短发言时间。 代表发言完毕剩余时间 可以让渡: A.给主席(Yield Time to the Chair) ,等同于放弃 时间。策略:一般剩余时间小于10 sec时建议此法 B.给其他国家(yield time to XXX),该国不可二次让 渡时间。策略:盟友还是敌国? C.给评论(yield time to comments),主席会随机点 愿意来评论的国家。 策略:事先准备,锦上添花。
Thank You!
D.给问题欲提问的国家举牌(Yield Time to Questions) ,让大会主席决定发言国家(提问时间不 计入代表发言时间) 策略:展示个人能力的时机。
<2>提出问题或动议(区别在于是否需要表决) 在每位 代表发言结束后,主席会问场内有无问题或动议,代表此 时可以提出问题或动议。问题:不需要表决,由主席直接 解决 A、程序问题Point of Order——当大会进程与既定规 则不符时,代表可以提出程序性问题,该问题可在大会任 何时候提出,发言的代表将被打断,主席首先解决该问题。
Badge 胸卡Deprive the right to vote 取消表决权Close the debate 结束辩论Director 会议指导Deputy 副代表Head delegate 代表团团长,领队Head of delegation 代表团团长Faculty advisor 代表团指导Delegation bloc 代表团Distribution 分发Document officer 文件分发人员Drafting committee 起草委员会Draw lots 抽签Elect by an absolute (a simple)majority 以绝对(简单)多数选出Enjoy privileges 享受特权Entry into force 开始生效Executive secretary 执行秘书Exercise the right of vote 行使表决权Explain one's rote 对所投的票加以说明Extend the term of office 延长任期Extraodinary session 特别会议Fill a vacancy 补缺Final report 最后报告First ballot 第一次投票表决First priority 最优先项目Fix the timetable of the settings 安排各次会议的时间表Foot—note 脚注Gallery 旁听席General committee 总务委员会General debate 一般性辩论Geographical distribution 按地域分配Give a ruling 作出裁定Give up one’s turn to speak in favour of 把自己的发言机会让给Give up the office to chair man 放弃主席的职务Go back upon a vote 重新表决Governing body 执行机构Hand over the chair to the vice-chairman 让副主席担任主席Have priority 有优先权Have the initiative 有倡议权Heading 标题Honorary president 名誉主席(会长)Host country 东道国I am authorized by my government 我受本国政府授权I ask for the floor 我请求发言I give the floor to 我请…(发言)I speak in my capacity of 我以…身份发言Immunities 豁免Implement the provisions of a convention 实施公约的规定Impose a vote 行使否决权In a private capacity 以私人身份In an official capacity 以官方身份In an unofficial capacity 以非官方身份In the hands of chairman 听从主席决定Include in the agenda 列入议程Information desk 问讯处(台)Infringement 违反行为Initiate a discussion 进行讨论International instrument 国际文件(特指国际公约等) Interrupt a vote 中断表决Intervene in a debate 参加辩论Invite speakers to be brief 请发言人简明扼要些Invoke the chairman’s authority 请使用主席的权利Leave it to the decision of the majority 由多数决定Item on the agenda 议程项目Leave the matter to the chairman’s decision 把事情交由主席决定Legal adviser 法律顾问Lobby 大厅,休息厅Maintain one’s candidature 保持候选资格Maintain order 维持秩序Make a personal statement 以个人名义发表声明Memorandum 备忘录Merge together several amendments 把几个修正案合并起来Minutes 会议记录Motion to change the speaking time 动议更改发言时间Motion for a moderated caucus 动议有主持核心商榷Motion for an un-moderated caucus 动议自由商榷Motion to close debate 动议结束辩论Move the closure of debate 动议结束辩论Move that a seperate vote be taken 提议分开表决Negative vote 反对票Note 照会Note a statement 将一个声明载入记录Note a violation of the rules 指出对规则的破坏Object in principle 在原则上反对Occupy the chair 担任主席Open a debate on procedure 开始程序问题的辩论Open the speakers' list 产生发言名单Oppose a proposal 反对一个建议Original text 原文Overrule 驳回Party to a convention 公约缔约国Pass a vote of censure 通过指责决议。
mun 模拟联合国常用英文单词、语句abstain弃权agenda日程amendment修正案background guide背景资料bloc国家集团caucus磋商moderated caucus有主持核心磋商unmoderated caucus非正式磋商crisis危机directive指令draft resolution决议草案draft directive指示草案formal debate正式辩论motion动议observer观察员operative clause行动性条款page 意向条placard 国家牌point 问题position paper立场文件preambulatory clause序言性条款rapportrur记录员roll call点名second 赞成signatory 附议国sponsor 起草国simple majority简单多数(1/2 (1)speakers' list 发言名单working paper工作文件vote表决Eg:Yield time 让渡时间...to another delegate/questions/comments/chairMotion动议motion to change the speaking time(更改发言时间)motion for a un-moderated caucus(自由磋商)motion to close debate/suspend the meeting(会议结束/暂停) Point问题point of inquiry咨询性问题poingt of order程序性personal privilege个人特权发言---My fellow delegates,we are gathered here today to discussLet me reiterate重申the reasons why we...Taking into account/Whith respect to/In observation of 考虑到our current finantial situationIn the interest ofFor the purpose ofIn hopes thatWe demand that ...apologize immediatelywe respectfully disagree with your opinion,and would like to propose our ownwe concur(agreee)withAllow us to remind the committeewe recommmendMight is right(建议使用武力)we highly/strongly/vigorously反击---Think ofYour logic is flawed(有缺陷的)I want you to rememberHave not...and will never(We have not surrendered,and will never surrender停止抵抗)That argument is quite cliche(boring),we have heard it a thousand times,and each time it makes no sense。
为了进一步说明立场文件中所应包含的具体内容,下面将举一实例,如裁军与国际安全委员会(Disarmament and International Security Committee)的英国(United Kingdom)代表在写作关于反对恐怖主义的国际合作(International Cooperation in Counter-Terrorism)这一议题的立场文件时,应该包含以下的具体内容:英国对于恐怖主义问题的态度,对于国际反恐合作的基本立场;英国赞成和签署的国际反恐合作条约,英国所参与的国际反恐合作行动;英国国内的恐怖主义活动情况以及英国政府所采取的相关措施、为应对反恐所通过的相关法律;英国认为国际社会应该如何解决恐怖主义问题,对于国际反恐合作的具体建议;英国领导人在正式场合所发表的关于国际反恐的发言和基本立场表态;国际反恐合作与英国国家利益的相关程度,英国对反恐问题的立场底线。
模拟联合国(Model United Nations)简称MUN是模仿联合国及相关的国际 机构,依据其运作方式和议事原则,围绕国际上的热点问题召开的会议。青 年学生们扮演不同国家的外交官,作为各国代表,参与到“联合国会议”当 中。代表们遵循大会规则,在会议主席团的主持下,通过演讲阐述“自己国 家”的观点,为了“自己国家”的利益进行辩论、游说,他们与友好的国家 沟通协作,解决冲突;他们讨论决议草案,促进国际合作;他们在“联合 国”的舞台上,充分发挥自己的才能。
联合国会徽 1946年,第一届联合国大会通过了联合国会徽。 徽底为蓝色,图案为白色。它的图案是一幅从北极看去的世界地图, 地图上标有陆地和海洋、经线和纬线。地图底部和左右两侧为橄榄枝环。 世界地图象征着整个世界,橄榄枝象征着环绕世界的和平,体现着联合国的宗旨。
联合国安全理事会常任理事国是联合国安全理事会中的五位创始成员国, 是二战期间反法西斯同盟国中除法国外的四+1大国。 法国在1940年战败,被德国占领,故没参加反法西斯同盟) 《联合国宪章》第二十三条第一款中明文规定:“中华民国、法兰西共和国、 苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 及美利坚合众国应为安全理事会常任理事国。” 1971年,中华民国的席次为中华人民共和国所代替。 1991年,苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟的席次为俄罗斯联邦所代替。
Байду номын сангаас
序言 我联合国人民同兹决心 欲免后世再遭今代人类两度身历惨不堪言之战祸,
重申基本人权,人格尊严与价值,以及男女与大小各国平等权利之信念, 创造适当环境,俾克维持正义, 尊重由条约与国际法其他渊源而起之义务,久而弗懈 促成大自由中之社会进步及较善之民生, 并为达此目的 力行容恕,彼此以善邻之道,和睦相处, 集中力量,以维持国际和平及安全, 接受原则,确立方法,以保证非为公共利益,不得使用武力, 运用国际机构,以促成全球人民经济及社会之进展, 用是发愤立志,务当同心协力,以竟厥功。 爰由我各本国政府,经齐集金山市之代表各将所奉全权证书, 互相校阅,均属妥善,议定本联合国宪章, 设立国际组织,定名联合国。
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Chinathinks/believes/realizes/affirms/claims/states/addresses/declares/notices/considers/reminds/r ecalls/observes that….
Chinais aware of…Chinabears in mind /keeps in mind
Chinahopes/wishes /desires that
Chinaappeals to /expects to/devotes attention to/would like to
Chinaaccepts sth..
Chinatakes sth into account/ notes with deep concern/
takes sth into consideration
Chinacalls upon/suggests/purposes/commends/recommends/demands/requires/appeals that Chinaurges to/calls for
Chinaexpresses its appreciation/ express its satisfaction /notes with approval/views with appreciation
Chinasupports/endorses that
Chinahighly appreciates sth/ is delighted to/ is eager to,
Chinastrongly condemns/deplores/ deeply regret /feels deeply disturbed/ solemnly affirms that Chinaexpresses its deepest sympathy and condolences to
Fully, further, deeply ,highly
• Affirming, Reaffirming, Alarmed by;
• Aware of, Bearing in mind, Fully aware;
• Realizing, Recognizing, Taking into account;
• Desiring, Expecting, Seeking, Welcoming
• Noting with d eep concern, Noting with regret
• Fully believing, Believing, Viewing with appreciation
• 表肯定与支持
• Accepts, Affirms, Approves, Endorses, Reaffirms;
• Confirms, Emphasizes, Supports, Trusts, Believes;
• 表否定与遗憾
• Deplores, Regrets, Condemns, Expresses its co ncern;
• 表建议
• Expresses its hope, Further invites, Encourages;
• Suggests, Requests, Recommends, Calls, Urges.
• 肯定:Affirms, Reaffirms, Confirms;
• 强调:Emphasizes, Underlines;
• 谴责:Condemns, Deplores, Regrets;
• 赞赏:Endorses, Expresses its appreciation;
• 建议:Suggests, Calls upon/for, Recommends;
• 决定:Decides, Demands, Requests, Urges;
• 程度词:Further, Fully, Strongly, Deeply.
1.肯定与同意:Accept, Approve, Agree, Affirm, Reaffirm, Confirm
Reaffirm:to state sth. again in order to emphasize that it is still true. 重申;再次确定
例句:The President reaffirmed his commitment to democratic elections. 总统重申了他对民主选举的承诺。
2.支持与赞赏:Welcome, Support, Congratulate, Endorse, Express its appreciation
Endorse: to say publicly that you support a person, statement or course of action. (公开)赞同,支持,认可
例句:I wholeheartedly endorse his remarks. 我真诚地赞同他的话。
3.关注与强调:Emphasize, Note, Express its concern, Stress the importance, Draw the attention, Take note of
4.遗憾与谴责:Regret, Condemn, Deplore
Condemn: to express very strong disapproval of sb./ sth., usually for moral reasons. (通常因道义上的原因而)谴责,指责
例句:The government issued a statement condemning the killings. 政府发表生命谴责这些凶杀事件。
Deplore: to strongly disapprove of sth. and criticize it, especially publicly. 公开谴责;强烈反对:例句:I deplore and condemn this killing. 我强烈谴责这桩凶杀案。
Think, Believe, Trust, Suggest, Encourage, Express its hope, Recommend, Call upon
6.命令与要求:Request, Demand, Decide, Urge, Order
Urge: to advise or try hard to persuade sb. to do sth.. 敦促;催促;力劝
例句:The report urged that all children be taught to swim. 这份报告呼吁给所有的儿童教授游泳。
Order: to use your position of authority to tell sb. to do sth. or say that sth. must happen 命令;指挥;要求例句:They ordered that for every tree cut down two more be planted. 他们要求每砍一棵树就要补栽两棵树。