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1._______ interested in the position are asked to see the manager tomorrow.(填上恰当的代词)


【解析】考查代词。those interested in the position相当于those who are interested in the position,过去分词短语interested in the position作后置定语,修饰代词those。句意:要求那些对这个职位感兴趣的人明天去见经理。

2.The most important thing for a designer to remember is that nature always provides _______(灵感).



3.In the deaf culture of North America, many listeners show _______ not by clapping their hands but by waving them in the air.

(选词填空disapproval, applause, affection, direction)


4.According to the regulations, most of our flights have a baggage _______ of 22 kilograms per passenger.

(选词填空gravity, session, punctuation, allowance)



5.David is the current holder of the 5 000-meter race world record, but there is no _______ that he will win in the Olympic Games.

(选词填空guarantee, outcome, insurance, alternative)



6.—It is quite _______ me why she gave up such a good chance.

—You can go and ask her yourself. (填上恰当的介词)


【解析】答案:考查介词。句意:“我不懂她为什么放弃这么好的机会。”“你可以自己去问问她。”beyond sb.


7.Considering the location _______(优先考虑)the price, many parents buy houses for their children’s educa tion. 【答案】in preference to

【解析】考查介词短语。句意:为了孩子上学,许多父母亲买房都会优先可虑(in preference to)当地的房价。

8.The moonlight came in _______ the windows in the roof and lit up my room.



9.Many companies make it _______ for job applicants to pass a medical examination before they are allowed to work.

(选词填空compulsory, comprehensive, controversial, contradictory)



10.All rights reserved. Above the content does not have _______ to reprint without myself-permission, thanks!

(选词填空arbitrarily, randomly , offensively, optionally)


11.With millions of graduates and unemployed recent graduates hitting the job market, 2016 is _______ to be yet another year of exceedingly difficult job hunting for young Chinese.

(选词填空bound, essential, fundamental, sensitive)



12.Can Operation Mekong, a bloody and cruel and violent real-life tale, _______ an entertaining 90 minutes in the movie theater?

(选词填空account for, push for, make for , head for)

【答案】make for

【解析】考查动词短语。account for说明,解释;push for争取;make for导致,走向;head for前往。句意:《湄公河行动》,一个血腥、一个残忍又暴力的真实故事,会使观众在电影院内度过有趣的90


13.The fact that China was excluded from the negotiations of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) led many to believe that it was at least pa rtially engineered to _______ China’s economic rise.
