























ST100 MOBILE APPDistribution Statements:GLOBALSTAR CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION – All data and information containedin this document are confidential and proprietary to Globalstar, Inc. Information and instructions contained in this publication anticipate the user possesses and applies the knowledge, training, and experience commensurate with requirements to meet prerequisite certification.RESTRICTIVE EXPORT NOTICE – This document may contain technical data whose export is restricted by the Export Administration Act of 1979, as amended, Title 50, U.S.C., App 2401 et seq. Violations of these export laws are subject to severe criminal penalties. Disseminate only in accordance with such export laws.DESTRUCTION NOTICE – Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document.Published and printed in the U.S.A. by:Globalstar Incorporated1351 Holiday Square Blvd.Covington, LA 70433Globalstar reserves the right to make changes in technical and product specifications without prior notice.Copyright ©2020 Globalstar, Inc.All rights reserved.Globalstar® is a registered trademark of Globalstar, Inc. All other brands, product name, trademarksand registered trademarks are properties of their respective owners. This material may not be reprinted, republished, broadcast, or otherwise altered without the publisher’s written permission. This manual is provided without express, statutory, or implied warranties. The publisher will not be held liable for any damages caused by or alleged to be caused by use, misuse, abuse, or misinterpretation of the contents. Content is subject to change without notice.TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION (2)WHAT IS THE ST100 MOBILE APP? (2)Install ST100 app for iOS (2)Install ST100 app for Android (2)APP SCREENS (3)LOGIN SCREEN (3)SCANNING SCREEN (4)Filtering (5)Firmware Version (5)UID (5)Battery Voltage (5)Configuration Profiles (Multiple) (6)Updating (Multiple Device) (7)CONNECTING TO A DEVICE (9)DETAILS SCREEN (9)CONFIGURATION SCREEN (10)Configuration Profiles (Single Device) (11)HISTORY TAB (13)UPDATING (SINGLE DEVICE) (15)APPENDIX A (16)WHAT IS THE ST100 MOBILE APP?The ST100 mobile app allows a user to connect via Bluetooth ® to a ST100 board to access, edit, and update the details, configuration, and firmware (FW) of the device. VARs have full access to all available features when logged in using their credentials. Users without credentials can only update firmware and view configurations.Which devices does the mobile app support?You can install the ST100 Configuration App on any mobile device or tablet that has iOS 10+ or Android 7+ operating systems.INSTALL ST100 APP FOR IOS(Ensure that you are connected to cellular or WiFi)1. On your iPhone or iPad, open App Store . 2. Tap the Search icon.3. Enter ST100 in the search field.4. Select “Get” in the search results to start the download.INSTALL ST100 APP FOR ANDROID(Ensure that you are connected to cellular or WiFi)1. On your phone or tablet, open Play Store .2. Tap the Search bar.3. Enter ST100 in the search field.4. Select “Install” in the search results to start the download.How it worksThe ST100 Mobile App connects to a ST100 device via Bluetooth® and uses the internet via WiFi or LTE to access login credentials and cloud saved profiles.ST100 mobile app allows you to:• Update FW• View and edit configuration profiles• View key device details (Device health status, Device ID, etc.)•View and export device history (when logged in)INTRODUCTIONApp IconAPP SCREENSNOTE: The app screens are from the iOS version of our App. If you are using an Android version of our App, there might be slight differences in the interface.LOGIN SCREENAllows the user to login using their VAR credentials once logged in for the first time, the credentials will be stored on the device. If credentials are saved on the device, the login screen allows the user to login biometrically. Skip Login is available for end users to do FW updates and view their configuration.Username and Password – Use your Simplex MyAccount login credentialsSCANNING SCREENWhen you are logged in, you will see a scan of only Devices in range that are on your account. If login was skipped, then all Devices in range will be visible, but device interaction options are limited.– Go to the Update screen and update one or multiple Devices (Located in top right gear icon) – Displays the app settings menu toApp Version and Installation IDSupport API Endpoint IOT-2376480v 2.1.26IOT-2376477v 2.1.26IOT-2376484v V3.57 V 3.57 V3.57 V3.57 V3.57 VIOT-2376475v 2.1.26IOT-2376476v 2.1.26IOT-2376482v 2.1.27been applied.Select the devices that you would like to apply the profile to and click the Apply Main_Profile button.The application will start loading the profile.UPDATING (MULTIPLE DEVICE)By selecting update on the selection menu, you can choose which Devices to update. The newest update will be downloaded to your mobile app from the cloud and be available when you are offline.NOTE: Due to system limitations in iOS, that version of the app does not support multiple parallel updates.press the Update Select the Devicesthat you would like toupdate and press theReview Devices toUpdate button.From the Scan Screen, you can connect to an individual Device. Whether you are logged in or not determines what options are available to you once connected. Select the Device that you would like to connect to and select the Connect button.DETAILS SCREENHardware (HW) Version – Version of the boardFirmware (FW) Version – Number of the currently installed FW GPS Check – Working status of GPSGPS Fix Failures – If the Device is currently unable to get a GPS fix GPS Mean Fix Time – Average time to acquire a GPS fixGPS Total Fixes – Number of good GPS fixesModem Check – Working status of internal modem Total Messages Sent – Number of messages sent by the device Battery – The status of the batteryCONNECTING TO A DEVICEIOT-2376480v 2.1.26IOT-2376477v 2.1.26IOT-2376484v V3.57 V3.57 V3.57 V3.57 V3.57 VIOT-2376475v 2.1.26IOT-2376476v 2.1.26IOT-2376482v 2.1.27CONFIGURATION SCREENThis screen is read-only when not logged in.Allows the user to:• View saved profiles• Create new profiles• Edit profiles• User must be logged in to create and edit profiles. Configurations are read only when not logged in.NOTE: Appendix A gives details about the configurable parameters.Broadcast Name Prefix• 3 characters max, default gstBluetooth Advertising Interval• 250ms to 2000ms in 250 ms steps;• Default: 2000msBluetooth RF power level• -8dBm, -4dBm, 0dBm, +3dBm and +4dBm• Default: 0dBmSatellite transmission attempts• 1 - 5; Default: 3Interval between messages• Default: 6 minutesLow battery interval between messages• Must be at least 2X interval between messages; Default: 12 minutes Message retransmit interval minimum• 5-300 seconds; Default: 300Message retransmit interval maximum• 10-600 seconds; Default: 600Message payload bytes• three bytes; Default: FFGPS Fix timeout• 60s - 360s; Default: 240sBattery charging minimum thermal limit (°C)• -40 to +85, Default: 0Battery charging maximum thermal limit (°C)• -40 to +85, Default: 45Battery discharging minimum thermal limit (°C)• -40 to 85, Default: -20Battery discharging maximum thermal limit (°C)• -40 to 85, Default: 60CONFIGURATION PROFILES (SINGLE DEVICE)Selecting the View Profiles button on the Configuration Screen will open the Configuration Profiles menu.The + is used to create a new profile.All saved profiles are shown.Edit opens the selectedconfiguration profile and allows you to change the name of the profile and configuration parameters.Creating a new profile allows you to name the profile and configure the selectable settings.Selecting a profile will allow you to choose what you would like to do to the profile. • Edit – change parameters• Clone – Make a duplicate of the profile for editing • Delete – Remove the profile from the device •Apply To – The selected profile to the DeviceHISTORY TABOnly available when logged inAllows the user to select a filter to show device history in that criteria:• Date• LocationThe filtered content can be displayed on a map or exported as a CSV file.9 41IoT-2376473View Report Map Shows the filtered data on a map. Up to 50 locations can be viewed, starting with the most recent date.UPDATING (SINGLE DEVICE)By selecting update on the selection menu, you can update the device.The newest update will be downloaded to your mobile app from the cloud, when you are connected to the internet, and be available when you are offline.Once the update starts, you will not be able to cancel it. Progress will be shown on the screen. A pop-up will show that the update was successful or failed.The firmware version that will be installed is located at the top of the screen. The version installed on the device is listed below the broadcast idea. Press Update to begin.9 41IOT-2376473The following device will be updated to theAPPENDIX AConfiguration Screen configurable options glossaryBattery charging maximum thermal limit Maximum configurable battery temperature for chargingBattery charging minimum thermal limit Minimum configurable battery temperature for chargingBattery discharging maximum thermal limit Maximum configurable battery temperature for dischargingBattery discharging minimum thermal limit Minimum configurable battery temperature for dischargingBluetooth Advertising Interval How often the advertising packet will be transmitted. It is configurable inST100 from 250ms to 2 sec in steps of 250msBluetooth RF power level This is the BLE radio RF output transmit power. This is a configurable inST100 only to this subset ( -8dBm, -4dBm, 0dBm, +3dBm and +4dBm)Broadcast Name Prefix 3 character prefix in BLE advertising name of the ST100 device. This isconfigurable and must be 3 ASCII characters.GPS Fix timeout How long to wait for a GPS fix to time out, in case the device is unable tofix.acquireaInterval between messages Track time/Messaging frequency that can be configured. For Ex. 30 min is a messageminutes30everyLow battery interval between messages This is the track time that user can configure while ST100 goes in low powermode. This must be 2X the interval between messages.Message payload bytes These are the three bytes that user can configure with user data in a track messageMessage retransmit interval maximum Maximum timing between the randomized interval between transmit tries inseconds. Minimum value = 5 seconds greater than the Message retransmitinterval minimum. Maximum value = 600 seconds.Message retransmit interval minimum Minimum timing between the randomized interval between transmit tries inseconds. Minimum value = 5 seconds, maximum value = 300 seconds.Satellite transmission attempts This is the # of satellite transmission retries for a particular message.。



一行星小程序开发商城系统--使用手册目录1.系统首页 (3)1.1会员占比表 (3)1.2待办事项统计 (3)1.3新增订单统计表 (3)1.4会员总数、订单总数统计表 (3)2.系统管理 (4)2.1账户管理 (4)2.1.1角色管理 (4)2.1.2账户管理 (4)2.2.系统配置 (5)2.2.1第三方api参数配置 (5)2.2.2支付参数配置 (6)2.2.3商城装修 (6)2.2.4系统参数 (6)3.商品管理 (7)3.1分类管理 (7)3.2商品管理 (8)3.2.1商品列表 (8)3.2.2配送模板 (11)3.3推荐商品设置 (12)3.3.1轮播图设置 (12)3.3.2首页推荐商品设置 (13)4.订单管理 (13)4.1订单管理 (13)4.2待发货订单 (13)4.3批量发货 (14)5.会员中心 (14)5.1会员管理 (14)5.1.1会员列表 (14)5.1.2关系设置 (15)5.1.3等级管理 (15)5.1.4升级条件 (16)5.2奖励模式 (16)5.2.1分销模式 (16)5.2.2经销商极差模式 (17)6.财务审核 (17)6.1审核中心 (17)6.1.1提现审核 (17)6.1.2退款审核 (18)6.2报表中心 (18)6.2.1订单分成明细 (18)6.2.2商品销量统计 (19)7.活动中心 (19)7.1秒杀活动 (19)7.1.1秒杀列表 (19)7.2拼团活动 (20)7.2.1拼团列表 (20)7.2.2拼团订单 (21)注解:..........................................................................................................................①、订单状态 (22)②、【经销商极差模式】 (22)1.系统首页1.1会员占比表1)显示商城中各等级会员的总数,各等级会员占总会员数的比例信息;2)点击右上角会员等级按钮可进行条件筛选。





二、安装与注册1. 下载与安装用户可以在应用商店搜索并下载适用于自己手机型号的小程序应用。


2. 注册与登录打开小程序应用后,用户可以选择“注册”或“登录”功能。




以下为主要功能的介绍:1. 主页面小程序打开后,将显示主页面。


2. 功能页面小程序的功能页面用于展示特定的功能,并提供相应的操作选项。


3. 搜索功能小程序提供了搜索功能,方便用户快速找到所需的信息。


4. 设置功能小程序的设置功能用于对小程序进行个性化设置。



1. 功能A操作指南- 步骤1:进入功能A页面(描述进入功能A页面的具体步骤,例如通过主页面点击对应功能入口进入)- 步骤2:进行功能A操作(描述进行功能A操作的具体步骤,例如填写相关信息、选择选项等)- 步骤3:保存或提交(描述保存或提交功能A操作的具体步骤,例如点击“保存”或“提交”按钮)2. 功能B操作指南- 步骤1:进入功能B页面(描述进入功能B页面的具体步骤)- 步骤2:进行功能B操作(描述进行功能B操作的具体步骤)- 步骤3:保存或提交(描述保存或提交功能B操作的具体步骤)3. 功能C操作指南- 步骤1:进入功能C页面(描述进入功能C页面的具体步骤)- 步骤2:进行功能C操作(描述进行功能C操作的具体步骤)- 步骤3:保存或提交(描述保存或提交功能C操作的具体步骤)五、常见问题解答在使用小程序的过程中,用户可能会遇到一些常见问题。




1. 发传单地推(传单、海报、易拉宝等)线下扫码是小程序最基础的获客方式之一,用户通过微信扫小程序码即可打开小程序。


2. 线下活动推广活动推广是营销的重要方式之一。


3. 抢占小程序名称我们微信搜索是小程序一个很重要的入口,甚至在张小龙的计划中,搜索会成为微信小程序的主要入口,所以这么重要的“地方”我们不能不抢占啊。



4. 小程序名称搜索优化微信搜索支持关键词模糊匹配与搜索,所以自定义关键字也会影响到小程序的排名,在设置关键词时,可借鉴百度推广的投放技巧,结合微信指数进行考量,确保关键词符合微信使用场景。




5. 附近的小程序入口我们都知道,微信小程序和支付宝小程序都有“附近的小程序”功能,当你的小程序展示在“附近的小程序”的时候,小程序自动展示给 5 公里范围内的所有微信用户。

还有,针对线下连锁门店,小程序支持 10 个地理位置展示,你想想看,10个地理位置,每个半径 5 公里,几乎整个城市都有你的小程序。

6. 卡券入口卡券是微信为线下商家推出的功能之一,在卡券界面中,我们可以点击相应的优惠券、会员卡等进入相应的小程序。


7. 关联公众号公众号是最目前常规推广中涨粉最快、最稳定的一种方式。

Dinstar UC100-1G1S1O 用户手册说明书

Dinstar UC100-1G1S1O 用户手册说明书
5.5.7 Dialplan Dialplan is used for number dialing of calls through FXS and FXO ports. It supports Regular Expron Web Interface UC100-1V1S1O User Manual Copyright©2011-2016 Dinstar 32 Figure 5-23 Reboot Device 5.4 Network UC100-1G1S1O works in two modes: route mode and bridge mode. When it is under the route mode, the IP of WAN must be different from the IP of LAN. But when it is under the bridge mode, the IP of WAN and the IP of LAN are the same. 5.4.1 Setting … 37, UC100-1V1S1O 5 Configurations on Web Interface UC100-1V1S1O User Manual Copyright©2011-2016 Dinstar 31 Figure 5-21 Diagnostics Note: if the WiFi module is diagnosed, you need to enter the WiFi password. 5.3.12 Cloud Server Cloud service is mainly used to centrally manage all kinds of devices. Through cloud service, you can query the status of a device, upgrade devices at batch, log in or c… 39, 5 Configurations on Web Interface UC100-1V1S1O User Manual Copyright©2011-2016 Dinstar 33 Figure 5-24 Default IP Address under Route Mode Figure 5-25 Set WAN IP as DHCP IP Note: When WAN IP is set as DHCP IP, please ensure that there is DHCP server working normally in the network. … 53, 5 Configurations on Web Interface UC100-1V1S1O User Manual Copyright©2011-2016 Dinstar 47 Figure 5-42 OpenVPN 5.4.12 Hosts On the Network Hosts interface, you can add a host file. After enabling the hosts file, you can visit the corresponding host by inputting the alias or domain name of the host. The format of the hosts file is as follows: IP address h… 55, UC100-1V1S1O 5 Configurations on Web Interface UC100-1V1S1O User Manual Copyright©2011-2016 Dinstar 49 Local Listening Interface The local listening interface of this SIP profile. It can be WAN port, LAN port, Open VPN, L2TP and PPTP.



I*STAR 用户手册2008 年 7 月Copyright © 2008 LOMA (Life Office Management Association, Inc.) All rights reserved.LOMANET® and I*STAR® are registered service marks of LOMA and use for purposes not authorized by LOMA is prohibited.目录I*STAR 用户手册 2008 年 7 月1: 教育代表/监考官 ............................................................................................................ 4  什么是 I*STAR? .......................................................................................................................................................... 4  开始 I*STAR 之前 ....................................................................................................................................................... 4  I*STAR 服务台 ............................................................................................................................................................ 4  启动 I*STAR ................................................................................................................................................................ 5  登录 I*STAR 时您会见到的页面 ............................................................................................................................... 5  教育代表 /监考官登录页面 ................................................................................................................................... 5  现有考试科目页面................................................................................................................................................... 6  I*STAR 模拟考试..................................................................................................................................................... 6  考生登录页面........................................................................................................................................................... 7  I*STAR 考试的监考................................................................................................................................................. 7  教育代表/监考官使用 I*STAR 的步骤 ..................................................................................................................... 8 2: 考生 ................................................................................................................................. 9 考生必须首先具有使用 LOMANET 的用户名和密码 ............................................................................................ 9  登录 I*STAR 时考生会见到的页面 ......................................................................................................................... 10  考生登录页面......................................................................................................................................................... 10  I*STAR 模拟考试................................................................................................................................................... 11  考试声明书页面..................................................................................................................................................... 11  考试页面................................................................................................................................................................. 12  考试结果页面......................................................................................................................................................... 13  考生使用 I*STAR 的步骤 ......................................................................................................................................... 14 3: 补充说明........................................................................................................................15  如何处理故障 ............................................................................................................................................................ 15  提示故障的页面..................................................................................................................................................... 15  启动 I*STAR 时无法与 LOMANET 联结 ........................................................................................................... 15  登录时的联结故障................................................................................................................................................. 15  如何重新启动考试................................................................................................................................................. 16  如何上载考生已完成的答案................................................................................................................................. 17  监考规则 .................................................................................................................................................................... 19  I*STAR 监考官须知 .................................................................................................................................................. 20 4I*STAR 用户手册1: 教育代表/监考官什么是 I*STAR?I*STAR 是 LOMA 向全世界 LOMA 考场 提供的、基于因特网的电子考试系统。



商城app基本设计说明_图文商城App基本设计说明书2015年3月28日目录1. 软件功能规格说明 ..................................................................... ................................. 1 1.1 商城后台系统 ..................................................................... . (1)1.1.1 模块一介绍 ..................................................................... (1)1.1.2 模块二介绍 ..................................................................... ........................ 1 1.2 商城APP前台说明 ..................................................................... (3)1.2.1 模块一介绍 ..................................................................... (3)1.2.2 模块二介绍 ............................................................... 错误~未定义书签。

1. 软件功能规格说明1.1 商城后台系统1.1.1 模块一介绍ZY-1应急资源信息显示标识符、名称1.在GIS地图上显示村组边界,半径范围是15公里内的自然村组人口信息。


输入无操作序列 1. 打开应急资源信息显示页面2. 输入名称,选择类型,点击确定; 扩展点无输出无补充说明应急资源模块项目文件:EM.Web\ZaiHai文件夹下面的YingJiZiYuan.aspx(数据列表页面) 应急设施模块项目文件:EM.Web\ZaiHai文件夹下面的YingJiSheShi.aspx(数据列表页面)、对应界面原型复杂度高工作量大1.1.2 模块二介绍ZY-1应急资源信息显示标识符、名称11.在GIS地图上显示村组边界,半径范围是15公里内的自然村组人口信息。



线上商城微信小程序开发说明书目录一、概述 (3)(一)项目说明 (3)(二)项目目标 (3)二、商城开发需求描述 (3)(一)功能划分 (3)(二)功能描述 (5)1、平台装修 (5)2、商家管理 (5)3、用户管理 (5)4、商品管理 (6)5、订单管理 (6)6、分销管理 (7)7、系统设置 (7)8、营销系统 (8)三、运行环境 (8)1、服务器 (8)2、数据库 (8)3、编程语言 (8)四、项目报价单 (9)一、概述(一)项目说明本需求说明书的目的是为软件开发和客户之间就“微信小程序商城”项目提供需求范围和需求内容的规定。










台湾天心SUNLIKE.ERP系统详细说明目录1.SUNLIKE ERP系统概述 (2)2.SUNLIKE ERP系统特色 (3)3.SUNLIKE ERP系统 (6)4.系统模块详细功能说明 (8)4.1总帐系统: (8)4.2收付帳款系統: (10)4.3固定资产模组: (12)4.4进销存系统: (14)4.5生产计划管理系統: (17)4.5.1 BOM成本分析作业系统 (17)4.5.2生产制令管理 (19)4.5.3 MRP物料需求计划系统 (21)4.5.4 MRPⅡ主生产计划系统 (23)4.5.5品质检验系统 (27)4.5.6托外加工系统 (29)4.5.7APS高级排产作业系统 (29)4.6模具设备系统: (32)4.6.1模具管理 (32)4.6.2设备管理 (34)4.7人力资源系统: (36)4.7.1人事薪资 (36)4.7.2考勤系统 (38)4.8海关贸易系统: (40)4.9高级应用模组 (44)4.10系统基础资料: (45)1.SUNLIKE ERP系统概述SUNLIKE ERP是集成化的计算机信息系统管理软件,它参照美国生产与库存控制协会(APICS)颁布的MRPII标准,同时吸收现代营销管理、现代物流管理、生产管理、准时制生产(JIT)、物料管理、全面质量管理、财务管理、人力资源管理等先进管理方式的优点,结合企业自身特点,以企业运作过程中的信息流、资金流和物流为核心进行系统结构设计和软件开发,可对企业的生产制造资源、财务资源和人力资源等进行全程监控和管理。


与之相适应的SUNLIKE ERP模块之间均紧密集成,数据高度共享,所有模块数据间无缝衔接,可自由地实现双向往返追踪。



Xsens MTi 1-series 开发套件用户手册说明书

Xsens MTi 1-series 开发套件用户手册说明书

Revision Date By ChangesA 8 July 2015 MHA Initial release…………E25 June 2018WBO Added information on PCB versions withI2C pull-up resistorsF22 August 2018SGI Refer to new embedded examples (MTSSv4.9.1)G16 Jan 2019SGI Update Chapter 3 to match GUI of MTSS2019.0H SGI Added chapter 4.3: Power Supplies2019.A Dec 2019AKO Xsens brand update© 2005-2020, Xsens Technologies B.V. All rights reserved. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Xsens, Xsens DOT, MVN, MotionGrid, MTi, MTi-G, MTx, MTw, Awinda and KiC are registered trademarks or trademarks of Xsens Technologies B.V. and/or its parent, subsidiaries and/or affiliates in The Netherlands, the USA and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Table of Contents1General information (5)1.1Package information (5)1.2Ordering information (6)2Introduction (7)2.1Kit contents and features (7)2.2Software and documentation (8)2.2.1Embedded examples (8)3Getting started (9)3.1Installing MT Software Suite (9)3.2Displaying data in MT Manager (10)3.3Configuring the MTi 1-series (11)4Shield board (13)4.1Connections and peripheral switch (13)4.2Pin descriptions (17)4.3Power supplies (17)4.4Electrical specifications (18)4.5Absolute maximum ratings (18)4.6Package drawing (20)List of TablesTable 1: Package contents for 1-series Development Kits (5)Table 2: Ordering information for 1-series Development Kits (6)Table 3: Connections on external power header (J100 in Figure 7) (14)Table 4: Connections on Arduino-compatible header (P100, P101, P102 and P103 in Figure 7) (14)Table 5: Connections on UART communication extension sockets (P202 and P203 in Figure 7) (15)Table 6: Switch positions to enable interfaces on Shield Board (SW200 in Figure 7) (15)Table 7: Connections on auxiliary sensor extension sockets (P200 and P201 in Figure 7) (16)Table 8: Pin descriptions Shield Board (17)Table 9: System specification Shield Board (18)Table 10: Absolute maximum ratings Shield Board (18)List of FiguresFigure 1: Exploded view of the MTi 1-series Shield board (7)Figure 2: Start up screen for MT Software Suite installer (9)Figure 3: Software components installation (9)Figure 4: Successful installation screen (10)Figure 5: MT Manager overview (11)Figure 6: Output configuration dialog in MT Manager using an MTi-7-DK (11)Figure 7: MTi 1-series Shield Board with connector designators (13)Figure 8: Top view (left) and the bottom view (right) of the GNSS daughter card (16)Figure 9: MTi 1-series Shield Board package drawing (Top and Side view) (20)1 General informationThis document provides information on the contents and usage of the MTi 1-series Development Kits. The MTi 1-series module (MTi 1-s) is a fully functional, self-contained module that is easy to design-in. The MTi 1-s can be connected to a host through I2C, SPI or UART interfaces. The MTi-3 Development Kit (MTi-3-DK) enables users to evaluate features for the MTi-3 (AHRS), MTi-2 (VRU) and MTi-1 (IMU) modules. The MTi-7 Development Kit (MTi-7-DK) enables users to evaluate features of the MTi-7 (external-GNSS/INS). In addition to the MTi 1-s interfaces, both Development Kits include a USB interface.The MTi 1-series module consists of components that are sensitive tostress. As a result, sensor characteristics may change when forces areapplied to the module. As each module is calibrated individually, Xsenscannot guarantee performance after improper handling. It is thereforerecommended not to remove the module from the socket, and to usethe Development Kit for prototyping and evaluation purposes only. Formore information on proper handling, refer to the MTi 1-seriesHardware Integration manual (see Section 2.2).1.1Package informationTable 1: Package contents for 1-series Development KitsComponentNameShield boardMTi 1-series module (MTi 1-s) GNSS daughter card11 Only with MTi-7-DKGNSS antenna1USB cable1.2Ordering informationTable 2: Ordering information for 1-series Development KitsKit Description Package contents Packing Method MTi-7-DK Development kit for MTi-7(external-GNSS-aided-AHRS)- Shield board- MTi-7 module (in the socket)- GNSS daughter card- GNSS antenna- USB cableSingle unitMTi-3-DK Development kit for MTi-1 (IMU),MTi-2 (VRU) and MTi-3 (AHRS)- Shield board- MTi-3 module (in the socket)- USB cableSingle unit2Introduction2.1Kit contents and featuresThe MTi 1-series Development Kit contains- Shield board- MTi-3 or MTi-7 mounted in the socket- GNSS daughter card (only with MTi-7-DK)- GNSS antenna (only with MTi-7-DK)- USB cableFigure 1: Exploded view of the MTi 1-series Shield boardThe Shield Board, the MTi 1-s (orange module) and the GNSS daughter card (with the SMA connector) are shown in Figure 1. The features of the Shield Board include: - 3.3 V compatible I/O-Power indicator LEDs-Arduino-compatible headers-External power pin header-Manual peripheral selection switch for MTi 1-series-Switching between UART and I2C on Arduino-compatible headers based on PSEL switch setting-USB to UART converter-Auxiliary extension socket-Optional socket connections for mikroBUS™ RS232/RS485 click boards™See Section 4 for more details.2.2Software and documentationThe MTi 1-series Development Kit is supported by the MT Software Suite, which includes the following software components:- MT Manager- Magnetic Field Mapper- MT SDK with documentationAdditionally, the latest firmware for the MTi-3 or the MTi-7 module can be downloaded and updated using the Firmware Updater that is also available on our website.The Software components can be downloaded from the Xsens website –. Along with the SDK documentation that is part of the MT Software Suite installer package, the MTi 1-series Development Kit is supported by the following additional documents2- Hardware Integration Manual: MTi 1-series (MT1503)- Datasheet: MTi 1-series (MT0512P)- MT Low Level Communication Protocol (MT0101P)- MT Manager User Manual (MT0216P)- MT Magnetic Field Mapper Documentation (MT0202P)- Product Change Notificationo MTi 1-series: Components placement change2.2.1Embedded examplesThe MTi 1-series is designed for easy integration in embedded systems. As of MT Software Suite version 4.9.1, there are embedded examples available for the MTi 1-series Development Kit that make use of the SPI and I2C interface. The examples and corresponding documentation can be found in the MT Software Suite installation folder at:C:\Program Files\Xsens\MT Software Suite x.x.x\MTSDK\Examples\embedded_examplesThe examples target the STM32F401 Nucleo board. They allow for a quick start in receiving measurement data from the MTi, and evaluating the low-level communication protocol.It is easy to extend the program with commands from the Xsens Low Level Communication Protocol (LLCP). This protocol is documented in detail in the Low Level Communication Protocol Documentation.2 The latest available documentation can be found in your MT Software Suite installation folder or via the following link: https:///xsens-mti-documentation3Getting started3.1Installing MT Software SuiteThe MT Software Suite is available from the Xsens website (/mt-software-suite).The installation procedure consists of a set of several installers and starts with the GUI as shown in Figure 2.Figure 2: Start up screen for MT Software Suite installerIt is possible to choose the components that you need to install (Figure 3).Figure 3: Software components installationWhen you cancel the installation of a particular component, the installer will continue with the next component. Make sure to accept the End-User License agreement and Software License Agreements, and then wait for the successful installation screen to appear as shown in Figure 4.Figure 4: Successful installation screen3.2Displaying data in MT ManagerWhen the MTi 1-series Shield Board is connected in MT Manager, the device description is shown in the “Device List” (Figure 5). To see a real time 3D orientation of the MTi click the 3D View icon . The inertial data , orientation data in Euler angles and the status data can be visualized by clicking their respective icons in Figure 5.Figure 5: MT Manager overview3.3Configuring the MTi 1-seriesThe MTi-1s can be directly configured by means of MT Manager. Click the Device Settings button to open the Output Configuration dialog (Figure 6).Figure 6: Output configuration dialog in MT Manager using an MTi-7-DKBy default, the output of the MTi-3 and MTi-7 is set to the ‘Onboard Processing’ preset, whereas the MTi-1 module is set to ‘XDA processing’ preset. Click “Inertial Data” (∆q/∆v or Rate of Turn/Acceleration) and “Magnetic Field” to be able to show this data in MT Manager.With MT Manager, it is possible to record data and export that data for use in other programs, set alignment matrices, configure synchronization options and to review the test and calibration report. More information on the functions and features can be found in the MT Manager User Manual. The MT Manager User Manual can be found via Help –> Documentation.4 Shield boardThe MTi 1-s modules are available with a development kit. An MTi-3 AHRS or an MTi-7 external-GNSS/INS is mounted in a PLCC-28 socket and connected to USB, UART, I 2C and SPI. The Shield Board exposes the pins of the MTi 1-s module making it easier for the user to test all the features and the peripherals offered by the MTi 1-s. This chapter discusses in more detail the connections and peripherals available on the MTi 1-s Shield Board.4.1 Connections and peripheral switchThe MTi 1-series Shield Board has the following connections as shown in Figure 7:- External power pin header (J100)- Arduino-compatible headers (P100, P101, P102 and P103)- UART communication extension socket, not placed by default (P202 and P203) - Micro USB (J102)- Peripheral selection switch (SW200)- Auxiliary sensor extension socket (P200 and P201) used for GNSS daughter card - MTi 1-series module placed in J101Figure 7: MTi 1-series Shield Board with connector designatorsShield boards from version 2.4 (PCB number: SD180624) and higher have 2.7 kΩ pull -up resistors on the I 2C pins on the Arduino-compatible header (P100-9 and P100-10). These resistors pull the I 2C lines toVDDIO. Figure 7shows the position of the resistors. The versionnumber of the board can be derived from the last two digits of the PCBnumber, located at the bottom side of the board (in the solder mask).For shield boards of version 2.3 or lower the pull-up resistors need tobe added externally, if the I2C protocol is used.The External power pin header J100 can be used to directly supply the VDDIO and/or VDDA supplies for the MTi 1-s module (Table 3). The IOREF pin on this connector can be used to override the default 3.3 V VDDIO by placing a jumper from this pin to the adjacent VDDIO pin.Table 3: Connections on external power header (J100 in Figure 7)Pin Description1 VDDA2 GND3 GND4 VDDIO5 IOREFThe connections for Arduino-compatible headers with a pitch of 2.54 mm (0.1 inch) are shown in Table 4. The MTi 1-series Shield Board does not support Arduino-compatible boards with an IOREF of 5V as the maximum VDDIO is 3.6V for the MTi 1-s module. Therefore, the VDDIO is by default set to 3.3V. This default VDDIO voltage can be overruled by placing a jumper on the external power header, but only for voltages within the operational VDDIO range of the MTi 1-s module. For information on the connections, refer to the pin description in Section 4.2. Refer to Table 6 on how to enable the various interfaces on the Shield Board.Table 4: Connections on Arduino-compatible header (P100, P101, P102 and P103 in Figure 7) Pin Arduino Shield Board Pin Arduino Shield BoardP100-10 SCL/D15 SCLP100-9 SDA/D14 SDAP100-8 AVDD NCP101-1 NC NC P100-7 GND GNDP101-2 IOREF IOREF P100-6 SCK/D13 SCK/ADD0P101-3 NRST NC P100-5 MISO/D12 MISO/ADD1P101-4 3V3 3V3 P100-4 MOSI/D11 MOSI/ADD2P101-5 5V 5V P100-3 CS/D10 nCSP101-6 GND GND P100-2 D9 PSEL0P101-7 GND GND P100-1 D8 PSEL1P101-8 VIN NC P102-8 D7 SYNC_INP102-7 D6 SYNC_OUT P103-1 A0 NC P102-6 D5 SYNC_PPSP103-2 A1 NC P102-5 D4 RESETP103-3 A2 NC P102-4 D3 DRDY/CTS/nREP103-4 A3 NC P102-3 D2 RTS/DEP103-5 A4 NC P102-2 TX/D1 RxDP103-6 A5 NC P102-1 RX/D0 TxDThe UART communication extension socket is not placed by default. When the socket is placed, it can be used to directly plug an UART transceiver module of MikroElektronika like the ‘RS232 click’ or ‘RS485 click 3.3V’. This UART communication extension socket uses (only) the 3.3V supply pin, which is connected to VDDIO. We recommend to place low profile sockets (like the CES-108-01-T-S) to make sure that the MTi 1-s module is still easily accessible. The pin description of these headers is shown in Table 5.Table 5: Connections on UART communication extension sockets (P202 and P203 in Figure 7) Pin Mikro BUS MTi 1-s Pin Mikro BUS MTi 1-sP202-1 AN NC P203-1 PWM DRDY/CTS/nREP202-2 RST Pull-down P203-2 INT DRDY/CTS/nREP202-3 CS RTS/DE P203-3 TX RxDP202-4 SCK NC P203-4 RX TxDP202-5 MISO NC P203-5 SCL NCP202-6 MOSI NC P203-6 SDA NCP202-7 3.3V VDDIO P203-7 5V NCP202-8 GND GND P203-8 GND GNDThe MTi 1-series Shield Board has a Micro USB connection that can be connected directly to a USB port on a PC or laptop. Note: Make sure to disconnect any other power supply, as this will overrule the USB connection.The Peripheral selection switch sets the interface configuration of the MTi 1-s module in the socket. The switch connects the PSEL lines (Table 6) to GND with a 5 kΩ pull-down when set to ON. Otherwise, the PSEL lines are pulled-up with a 100 kΩ resistor. The PSEL pins on the Arduino-compatible headers can be used to overrule these lines.Table 6: Switch positions to enable interfaces on Shield Board (SW200 in Figure 7)PSEL1 PSEL0 Interface Comments0 0 UART full-duplex This interface uses the flow control lines RTS and CTS. The UART full-duplex communications mode can be used without hardware flow control. In this case the CTS line needs to be tied low (GND) to make the MTi device transmit.0 1 UART half-duplex The UART itself is still full duplex but the DE and nRE lines are used to control a half-duplex transceiver1 0 SPI1 1 I2C When I2C interface is selected, it is required toset the address on the Arduino-compatibleheaders (see MTi 1-series Data Sheet for the I2C-addresses table)Figure 8: Top view (left) and the bottom view (right) of the GNSS daughter cardThe MTi-7-DK comes with the GNSS daughter card installed in the auxiliary sensor extension sockets (P200 and P201). As shown in Figure 8, the GNSS daughter cardconsists of a GNSS and a barometer sensor component. The LEDs (Power and PPS) give indication of proper functioning of the GNSS daughter card. The supplied GNSS antenna can be connected to the SMA connector.The auxiliary sensor extension socket has mikroBUS™ compatible pinning. This enables the user to connect alternate GNSS daughter card modules with mikroBUS™ pinning to the MTi 1-series Shield board. The pinning connections for the auxiliary sensor extension socket are listed in Table 7. This extension only uses the 3.3V supply pin, which isconnected to VDDIO. Therefore, make sure that the VDDIO is within the required voltage range of the GNSS module.Table 7: Connections on auxiliary sensor extension sockets (P200 and P201 in Figure 7) PinMikro BUS MTi 1-s PinMikro BUS MTi 1-s P200-1 AN NC P201-1 PWM NCP200-2 RST nRSTP201-2 INT SYNC_PPS P200-3 CS AUX_nCS P201-3 TX AUX_RxD P200-4 SCK AUX_SCK P201-4 RX AUX_TxD P200-5 MISO AUX_MISO P201-5 SCL NC P200-6 MOSI AUX_MOSI P201-6 SDA NC P200-7 3.3V VDDIO P201-7 5V NC P200-8GNDGNDP201-8GNDGND4.2Pin descriptionsTable 8: Pin descriptions Shield BoardName Type DescriptionPower InterfaceVDDA Power Power supply voltage for sensing elementsVDDIO Power Digital I/O supply voltageControlsPSEL0 Selection pins These pins determine the signal interface. Note that when thePSEL0/PSEL1 is not connected, its logic value is 1. WhenPSEL0/PSEL1 is connected to GND, its logic value is 0PSEL1RESET Active high reset pin, connect to GND if not usedPeripheral InterfaceSDA I2C interface I2C serial dataSCL I2C serial clockADD[0..2] I2C address selection pinsnCS SPI interface SPI chip selectMOSI SPI serial data input (slave)MISO SPI serial data output (slave)SCK SPI serial clockRTS UART interface Hardware flow control in UART full-duplex mode (Ready-to-Send) CTS Hardware flow control in UART full-duplex mode (Clear-to-Send) nRE Receiver control signal in UART half-duplex modeDE Transmitter control signal in UART half-duplex modeRxD Receiver data inputTxD Transmitter data outputDRDY Data ready Data ready pin indicates that data is available (SPI / I2C)SYNC_IN Sync interface Accepts a trigger input to request the latest available datamessageSYNC_OUT N/ASYNC_PPS Pulse Per Second output of GNSS moduleAUX_RxD Auxiliary UARTinterface Auxiliary UART data inputAUX_TxD Auxiliary UART data outputAUX_nCS Auxiliary SPIinterface Auxiliary SPI chip selectAUX_MOSI Auxiliary SPI serial data output (master)AUX_MISO Auxiliary SPI serial data input (master)AUX_SCK Auxiliary SPI serial clock4.3Power suppliesThe MTi 1-series module requires two different power supplies: VDDIO (used for the MCU and all IO) and VDDA (used as analog supply for the sensing elements).The Shield Board has five supply inputs:B: supplies both VDDIO and VDDA at 3.3V. Forces USB mode(SPI/I2C/UART interfaces not available).2.5V (P101): supplies both VDDIO and VDDA at3.3V. Forces USB mode(SPI/I2C/UART interfaces not available).3.3V3 (P101): supplies VDDIO directly and overrides USB mode (SPI/I2C/UARTinterfaces available).4.VDDIO (J100): supplies VDDIO directly, overrides all other VDDIO suppliesand overrides USB mode (SPI/I2C/UART interfaces available).5.VDDA (J100): supplies VDDA directly.Note: Only supplying VDDIO (through 3V3 (P101) or VDDIO (J100)) without supplying VDDA is not recommended. The only single supply options are USB and 5V (P101), but in both cases the Shield Board will be forced into USB mode.4.4Electrical specificationsThe Shield Board has the same communication protocol as the MTi 1-s module. Table 9 shows the electrical specifications for the Shield Board.Table 9: System specification Shield BoardMin Typ Max UnitVDDA 2.16 3.3 3.6 VVDDIO 1.8 3.3 3.6 VVV IO V IH0.75 *VDDIOV IL0.25 *VVDDIO4.5Absolute maximum ratingsTable 10: Absolute maximum ratings Shield BoardParameter Min Max Unit CommentsStorage temperature -50 +125 ºCOperating temperature -40 +85 ºCVDD -0.3 4.0 V Specification for the externalpower header J100.5V on P101 and J102 -0.3 6.0 V Specification for the Arduinoand USB.VDDIO -0.3 4.0 V Specification for the externalpower header J100.VV UART,PSEL,I2C-0.3 VDDIO +0.3VV RESET,SYNC,SPI -0.3 VDDIO +4.0Acceleration 310,000 g Any axis, unpowered, for 0.2msESD protection4±2000 V Human body modelStresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only. Functional operation of the device at3 This is a mechanical shock (g) sensitive device. Proper handling is required to prevent damage to the part.4 This is an ESD-sensitive device. Proper handling is required to prevent damage to the part.these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Make sure not to apply force on the components of the MTi 1-s module, especially when placing the MTi 1-s module in a PLCC socket.4.6Package drawingFigure 9: MTi 1-series Shield Board package drawing (Top and Side view)。



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VX小程序操作指南目录一、概述 (20)一、官网小程序 (22)1. 选择行业 (22)2. 概览 (22)3. 店铺管理 (23)3.1. 模板市场 (23)3.2. 装修店铺 (23)3.3. 小程序跳转 (29)3.4. 微页面 (29)3.5. 图片库 (30)3.6. 个人中心 (31)3.7. 地址管理 (31)3.8. 支付方式........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3.9. 连接WIFI ......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3.10. 链接公众号图文 (32)3.11. 分享 (32)4. 客户管理 (33)4.1. 客户管理 (33)4.2. 用户表单 (33)4.3. 会员管理 (37)二、电商小程序 (38)1. 商品管理 (38)1.1. 商品管理 (38)1.2. 新建商品 (39)1.3. 商品分组 (41)1.4. 运费模板 (42)1.5. 打印小票 (48)2. 订单管理 (48)2.1. 所有订单 (48)2.2. 订单详情 (51)2.3. 订单设置 (52)2.5. 运单设置 (54)3. 商城店铺装修 (55)三、外卖零售小程序 (57)1. 外卖商品管理 (57)1.1. 外卖商品管理 (57)1.2. 新建外卖商品 (58)1.3. 商品分组 (59)1.4. 店铺配置 (60)1.5. 小票打印机 (63)1.6 桌号管理 (64)1.8 补充信息 (67)1.9 排队取号 (68)1. 外卖订单管理 (70)1.1. 所有外卖订单 (70)1.2. 订单详情 (71)2. 外卖店铺装修 (71)四、预约小程序 (71)1. 预约商品管理 (72)1.1. 预约商品管理 (72)1.2. 新建预约商品 (73)2. 预约订单管理 (77)2.1. 所有预约订单 (77)2.2. 订单详情 (78)3. 预约店铺装修 (78)五、营销插件 (79)1. 优惠券 (79)1.1. 优惠券管理 (79)1.2. 新建优惠券 (80)2. 全民拼团 (84)2.1. 全民拼团管理 (84)2.3. 全民拼团订单 (88)3. 疯狂砍价 (89)3.1. 疯狂砍价管理 (89)3.2. 新建疯狂砍价 (91)3.3. 疯狂砍价订单 (93)4. 秒杀活动 (93)4.1. 秒杀活动管理 (93)4.2. 新建秒杀活动 (95)4.3. 秒杀活动订单 (96)5. 新版拼团 (96)5.2. 新建活动 (98)5.3. 新版拼团订单 (101)6. 大转盘 (101)6.1. 大转盘活动管理 (101)6.2. 新建大转盘活动 (103)6.3. 大转盘中奖名单 (104)7. 摇钱树 (105)7.1. 摇钱树活动管理 (105)7.2. 新建摇钱树活动 (106)7.3. 摇钱树中奖名单 (107)8. 砸金蛋 (107)8.1. 砸金蛋活动管理 (107)8.2. 新建砸金蛋活动 (108)8.3. 砸金蛋中奖名单 (111)9. 心跳对对碰 (111)9.1. 心跳对对碰活动管理 (111)9.2. 新建心跳对对碰活动 (113)9.3. 心跳对对碰中奖名单 (115)10. 咻一咻 (116)10.1. 咻一咻活动管理 (116)10.2. 新建咻一咻活动 (117)11. 刮刮卡 (120)11.1. 刮刮卡活动管理 (120)11.2. 新建刮刮卡活动 (121)12. 当面付 (122)12.1. 当面付收款码管理 (123)12.2. 新建收款码 (124)12.3. 当面付订单 (125)13. 会员卡 (125)13.1. 会员卡管理 (125)13.2. 新建会员卡 (127)13.4. 等级会员卡 (129)14. 积分 (130)14.1. 积分规则 (130)14.2. 签到页面自定义 (132)14.3. 积分明细 (132)15. 积分商品 (132)15.1. 新增积分商品 (132)15.2. 积分商品管理 (134)16. 会员储值 (134)16.1. 会员储值 (134)16.3. 储值概况 (136)16.4. 收支记录 (136)17. 会员次卡 (137)17.1. 会员次卡 (137)17.2. 收入概况 (137)17.3. 次卡核销 (138)17.4. 核销方法 (138)18. 阶梯拼团 (138)18.1. 阶梯拼团活动管理 (139)18.2. 新建活动 (140)19. 预售 (143)19.1. 预售活动管理 (143)19.2. 新建预售活动 (145)19.3. 预售订单 (147)20. 首单立减 (147)20.1. 首单立减设置 (147)21. 社区管理 (148)21.1. 版块管理 (148)21.2. 新建版块 (150)21.3. 话题管理 (152)21.5. 话题详情 (153)21.6. 话题分类 (153)21.7. 用户管理 (154)22. 满包邮 (154)23. 满减 (154)24. 商品推广 (155)25. 支付推广 (155)26. 营销活动管理 (156)六、多门店管理 (156)1. 总店 (156)1.2. 新建子店 (158)1.3. 店铺分类 (159)1.4. 多门店组件 (159)1.5. 订单管理 (159)1.6. 收益管理 (161)1.7. 提现管理 (161)2. 子店 (162)3. 多门店规则 (162)七、分销管理 (163)1. 分销系统定义 (163)2.1. 分销开关 (165)2.2. 推广员准入条件 (165)2.3. 分销佣金 (165)2.4. 推广海报 (166)2.5. 佣金结算 (166)2.6. 支付佣金 (167)2.7. 分销页面设置 (167)3. 推广员管理 (168)4. 推广员分组 (170)5. 佣金管理 (171)八、其他 (171)1. 数据管理 (171)1.1. 概况趋势 (171)1.2. 地区分布 (171)1.3. 用户统计 (172)1.4. 数据助手 (172)2. 平台设置 (172)2.1. 模板消息 (172)2.2. 短信通知 (173)2.3. 修改密码 (174)2.4. 页面路径 (175)2.5. 权限账号 (175)2.6. 核销员管理 (176)2.7. 开放API ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

















微信小程序介绍一,产品概述1.1 产品简介客户丰富场景,持续支持提供各种行业解决方案,深挖需求,解决行业痛点,持续更新功能,不断提升用户体验百变魔方,自由组合提供了更多想象空间,提供了更多运营可能,模块间搭配使用,自由组合,让思路更开阔独立后台,自主编辑后台可以对自己账户下面每个小程序进行管理和编辑,小程序端及时更新。


并且会有更多的成功案例分享,成功运营经验分享1.2 模块概览图 1 模块概览二,模块介绍2.1 内容管理2.1.1 模块介绍小程序的内容管理系统,主要适用于资讯发布和公告发布板块,可以进行二级分类。



图 2 内容管理2.2.1 模块介绍微商城类似于手机淘宝,可实现商品展示,搜索,下单,功能齐全,可通过微信二维码直接进入,支持优惠券,分销管理推广,模块化设置,商家只需简单设置即可拥有自己的商城,省时省力!图 3 微商城2.3.1 模块介绍微名片是基于微信平台的个人商务电子名片,优点在于可在微信聊天窗口里直接分享,并且融入了排名等激励机制,促使用户尽可能多的分享名片,迅速曝光,通过交换个人电子名片可是无限制沉淀自己人脉关系。

图 4 微名片2.4.1 模块介绍微商拼团是商品营销和售卖的一种方式,通过社交关系链分享传播,可自由设置开团人数,开团价格。

用户在分享时,小程序卡片上可以做到实时显示当前的拼团信息,比如已经有多少人参与拼团,现在的价格是多少等,比传统h5 有更好的传播效果。

图 5 微拼团2.4.2 功能说明2.5.1 模块介绍小程序在酒店行业的应用,可以通过附近的小程序功能,起到引流作用,用户可以直接通过小程序在线上进行酒店预订,方便快捷。

图 6 酒店预定2.6.1 模块介绍类似于美团、大众点评,具有排队、预约、点餐及点评功能,扫码即可点餐,无需服务员参与,下单自动出票。


第一章 简易教程 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 17 1.1 基础 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 17 1.1.1 起步 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 17 申请帐号 ................................................................................................................................................... 17 安装开发工具 ..............................................
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

一行星小程序开发商城系统--使用手册目录1.系统首页 (3)1.1会员占比表 (3)1.2待办事项统计 (3)1.3新增订单统计表 (3)1.4会员总数、订单总数统计表 (3)2.系统管理 (4)2.1账户管理 (4)2.1.1角色管理 (4)2.1.2账户管理 (4)2.2.系统配置 (5)2.2.1第三方api参数配置 (5)2.2.2支付参数配置 (6)2.2.3商城装修 (6)2.2.4系统参数 (6)3.商品管理 (7)3.1分类管理 (7)3.2商品管理 (8)3.2.1商品列表 (8)3.2.2配送模板 (11)3.3推荐商品设置 (12)3.3.1轮播图设置 (12)3.3.2首页推荐商品设置 (13)4.订单管理 (13)4.1订单管理 (13)4.2待发货订单 (13)4.3批量发货 (14)5.会员中心 (14)5.1会员管理 (14)5.1.1会员列表 (14)5.1.2关系设置 (15)5.1.3等级管理 (15)5.1.4升级条件 (16)5.2奖励模式 (16)5.2.1分销模式 (16)5.2.2经销商极差模式 (17)6.财务审核 (17)6.1审核中心 (17)6.1.1提现审核 (17)6.1.2退款审核 (18)6.2报表中心 (18)6.2.1订单分成明细 (18)6.2.2商品销量统计 (19)7.活动中心 (19)7.1秒杀活动 (19)7.1.1秒杀列表 (19)7.2拼团活动 (20)7.2.1拼团列表 (20)7.2.2拼团订单 (21)注解:..........................................................................................................................①、订单状态 (22)②、【经销商极差模式】 (22)1.系统首页1.1会员占比表1)显示商城中各等级会员的总数,各等级会员占总会员数的比例信息;2)点击右上角会员等级按钮可进行条件筛选。


1.3新增订单统计表1)统计近七天内每日生成的订单总数1.4会员总数、订单总数统计表1)统计商城累计的会员总数及订单总数,仅统计近七日内的数据;2)点击右上角注释按钮可进行条件筛选2.系统管理2.1账户管理2.1.1角色管理1)可添加角色,设置角色权限2)可对已有角色进行编辑3)可将已有角色从管理系统中删除角色管理界面角色创建界面2.1.2账户管理1)可创建新账户登录商城管理系统2)可对已有账户进行编辑3)可将已又账户从管理系统中删除4)可对账户进行条件搜索账户管理界面账户创建界面2.2.系统配置2.2.1第三方api参数配置1)配置快递服务(订单跟踪)2)配置短信通知(手机验证码,活动通知)3)配置商城图片存储(商城管理系统中所有图片的存储)Api参数配置界面2.2.2支付参数配置1)配置微信支付参数微信支付配置界面2.2.3商城装修1)添加小程序启动页图片(广告页、宣传海报等,建议上传长图)2)配置商城名称3)配置小程序端首页分类导航是否开启,关闭时首页不显示分类导航,仅能在搜索商品时使用分类导航功能商城装修界面2.2.4系统参数1)配置商城奖励模式(此处仅能配置奖励模式,不配置奖励金额、层级)2)设置商品扣除库存方式设置商品订单状态的处理时间期限,包括:已下单未支付订单的自动关闭时间;已发货订单买家自动确认收货的时间;买家签收订单允许进行退换货的天数3)设置系统分享标题和分享图系统参数界面3.商品管理3.1分类管理1)添加新的商品分类2)编辑、删除已有的商品分类(编辑分类页面内容与新增分类一致)分类管理界面新增/编辑分类界面3.2商品管理3.2.1商品列表1)新增商品:①商品信息配置,包括商品名称、商品权重、商品图片等基本信息,可进行定时上架售卖②可进行商品属性编辑(若商品无必填属性,此项可跳过,直接点击下一步)③上传商品详情图片,最多支持上传十张详情图,可手动拖拽进行图片排序④编辑商品规格、商品实际售价;各规格可进行单独编辑,也可使用统一数据;重量信息可略过不填,默认为0;支持无库存可销售商品功能⑤进行商品分润编辑,独立模式不开启时将使用系统统一配置;开启时,商品拥有独立的分润配置⑥设置商品配送模板,系统初始默认使用全国包邮模板;也可使用自定义编辑,编辑方式详见3.2.2配送模板⑦商品在上架状态时,可添加首页轮播图和首页推荐图,可在此处配置,也可在轮播图设置、首页推荐图片设置中统一进行配置商品信息编辑界面商品属性编辑界面详情图片编辑界面规格定价编辑界面规格编辑界面商品分润模式编辑界面--经销商极差模式商品配送模板编辑界面首页推荐、轮播图编辑界面2商品查询功能(可根据商品价格区间、商品名称、商品所处分类、商品的上下架状态进行条件搜索,支持多条件搜索)商品列表--条件搜索3)操作功能下的4个按钮,从左到右功能依次为商品上下架、商品编辑、库存管理、删除①点击上下架按钮可调整商品上下架状态②点击编辑按钮可进入商品编辑界面,商品编辑界面与新增商品界面相同③点击编辑库存按钮,弹出编辑库存弹窗,可编辑商品库存、销量以及无库存时是否可销售编辑库存界面④点击删除按钮,删除对应商品4)选择商品,可进行图示左下角批量上架、下架、删除操作商品列表--批量操作3.2.2配送模板1)新增模板,可按图示编辑配送信息,可增加各地区的单独配送价格,配送地区可多选2)配送模板可手动设置默认模板,新建商品不设置模板时用默认模板模板可编辑、删除新增配送模板界面配送模板编辑界面3.3推荐商品设置3.3.1轮播图设置1)可上传多张轮播图,但小程序端仅显示列表前5张,可手动拖拽进行排序2)可将鼠标放在图片上点击铅笔按钮,进行轮播图--商品关联,一张轮播图仅能与一个商品进行关联轮播图设置界面轮播图==商品关联界面3.3.2首页推荐商品设置1)除图片尺寸与轮播图略有不同外,其余操作界面均与轮播图相同4.订单管理4.1订单管理1)可查看全部订单状态,可根据条件筛选搜索(可进行多条件组合搜索)2)可编辑、查看订单详情,更改订单状态3)可根据筛选条件导出所选订单订单详情编辑界面4.2待发货订单1)可查看全部待发货订单列表2)可导出所有待发货订单待发货订单编辑界面4.3批量发货1)可下载批量导入模板2)根据模板格式填入内容,选择对应快递批量导入注:不同品牌快递的订单号无法一起导入批量发货编辑界面5.会员中心5.1会员管理5.1.1会员列表1)可按条件筛选搜索、导出会员列表2)点击查看下级按钮可查看该会员的下级信息3)点击用户详情按钮可更改用户详情页的部分信息会员列表编辑界面5.1.2关系设置1)开启会员上下级关系后,可根据条件设置【成为推广人条件】及【成为下线条件】关系设置编辑界面5.1.3等级管理1)初始有【默认等级】注:默认等级不可删除,可以修改名称2)可新增等级并设置权重(权重越大级别越大)等级管理编辑界面5.1.4升级条件1)可根据需求配置各个级别升级条件2)可添加多种条件搭配组合注:当前页面的等级配置,是当前等级升级下一个级别的条件配置升级条件编辑界面5.2奖励模式5.2.1分销模式1)可设置一级或二级分销2)可按固定金额或固定比例配置佣金分销模式编辑界面5.2.2经销商极差模式1)可根据【等级管理】中配置的等级,设置每个级别获得的佣金奖励2)可自由开启、关闭经销商平层奖励,层级可自主设置3)可按固定金额或固定比例配置佣金经销商极差模式编辑界面6.财务审核6.1审核中心6.1.1提现审核1)列表按未审核优先排序2)可审核或驳回用户申请3)可按条件筛选列表信息提现审核编辑界面6.1.2退款审核1)列表按未审核优先排序2)可审核或驳回用户申请3)可按条件筛选列表信息退款审核编辑界面6.2报表中心6.2.1订单分成明细1)可查看每笔订单的分佣明细2)可按条件筛选列表信息3)可导出订单分润明细表订单分成明细统计界面6.2.2商品销量统计1)可清楚的查看每件商品的销量及库存情况2)可根据条件筛选搜索导出3)可直接点击详情进入该商品详情页商品销量统计界面7.活动中心7.1秒杀活动7.1.1秒杀列表1)发起秒杀活动,可根据需求选择活动商品、设置活动需求、调整商品活动价格2)多规格商品,可自由选择哪个规格参与活动3)保存设置后,该活动为【未开始】状态,需再次点击【开始】按钮,使该活动上架4)可根据筛选条件搜索活动;可更改活动状态;(已开始状态无法编辑修改内容)发起秒杀活动编辑界面秒杀活动编辑界面7.2拼团活动7.2.1拼团列表1)发起拼团活动,可根据需求选择活动商品、设置活动需求、调整商品活动价格2)多规格商品,可自由选择哪个规格参与活动3)可修改【发起团数】数量来调整,每个团需要几个人拼团成功4)保存设置后,该活动为【未开始】状态,需再次点击【开始】按钮,使该活动上架5)可更改活动状态;(已开始状态无法编辑修改内容)6)可根据筛选条件搜索活动7)当拼团活动中人数未满但想成团时,可点击【强制成团】按钮实现8)所有拼团订单,都在活动结束后成团,可提前结束活动(成团的订单变为待发货状态,未成团订单自动退款)拼团活动编辑界面7.2.2拼团订单1)未结束的活动订单在拼团订单列表中显示,活动结束后订单变为待发货状态,在【订单列表】中显示2)可手动退款拼团订单、查看订单详情、从详情中进入该商品详情页3)可根据筛选条件搜索拼团订单拼团订单编辑界面注解:①、订单状态已完成订单:还可退款,奖励分佣还处在非结算状态;已结算订单:不可做任何操作,奖励分佣已到用户账户(可提现金额),处在已结算状态;②、【经销商极差模式】举例1:合伙人--店主--VIPVIP购买指定商品获得自购返佣5元,店主获得与VIP设置价格的差值奖励(7-5=2元),合伙人获得与店主设置价格之间的差值奖励(10-7=3元);开启平层奖励:合伙人(3)--合伙人(2)--合伙人(1)--店主(2)--店主(1)--VIPVIP购买指定商品获得自购返佣5元,店主(1)获得与VIP设置价格的差值奖励(7-5=2元),店主(2)获得设置平层奖励的金额(1元),,合伙人(1)获得与店主设置价格之间的差值奖励(10-7=3元),合伙人(2)获得一级平层奖励1元,合伙人(2)获得2级平层奖励1元;【注:奖励层级为,设置几层,同级别会员会获得几层奖励】【注:可自由设置每个级别获得的金额奖励,如该级别没设置或设置为0,则无奖励】举例2:合伙人(10元)--店主(2元)--VIP(5元)则:VIP购买指定商品获得5元返佣,店主无奖励,合伙人获得与VIP 之间差值奖励(10-5=5元)。
