深入细节的奢华质感,带来无与伦比的精致。精挑细选的至臻材质、与时俱进的色彩搭配、标识性的时尚元素,成就中国 制 造 揽 胜 极 光 万众 瞩目的 先 锐 风 范;而 至 为 精 美 的 双 针 缝 合工 艺以 及 简 洁 利 落 的 奢 尚 饰 面,辅以可选 的 豪华 打孔牛津 真皮座椅,更是诠释了这部风尚座驾的耀人之处。
第1步 发动机性能
汽油发动机采用了最新的动力系统,全面进化升级。全球领先的轻量化全铝技术,配合九速自动变速箱,极大提高燃油效率,有效降级二氧化碳排放量。 效率提升,动感却丝毫未减:2.0 升的 Si4 汽油发动机百公里加速仅需 7.6 秒,再次印证效率与动力的完美结合。与此同时,所有发动机均配备了智能启停技术, 在车辆静止时自动关闭发动机,在您抬起刹车时,蓄势待发的澎湃动力,即刻迸发。
中国制造揽 胜极 光为您提 供了大 量的 选 择 和 高 度 灵 活 性 ,从 而 帮 助 您 实 现 座 驾个 性化 。接 下 来 的 内 容 将 通 过 以下 步骤为您生动呈现汽车个性化 。您可以 选择不同的车型、车身和内饰颜色、轮毂、 饰面以及其他细节,以彰显您的非凡品位。
• 布鲁奈尔进气格栅 • 亮黑车窗下沿装饰条 • 布鲁奈尔尾门饰条 • 布鲁奈尔侧进气口 • 车身同色后视镜 • 19英寸闪耀银10辐式铝合金轮毂 • 丝缎银铝合金饰面 • 前排电动可调节座椅(带电动腰托) • 纹理真皮座椅 • 轮胎压力监测系统(TPMS) • 380 瓦MeridianTM 高级音响系统 • 电动尾门 • 倒车后视影像 • 免钥匙进入
了解更多信息,请访问 ,或咨询您当地的路虎授权经销商。
1. 开发板概述:介绍开发板的基本信息,如型号、尺寸、主要组件等。
2. 开发板硬件说明:详细描述开发板的硬件组成,包括处理器、存储器、接口、扩展槽等。
3. 开发环境配置:指导用户如何正确配置开发环境,包括安装和配置开发工具、驱动程序等。
4. 开发板连接与电源配置:介绍如何正确连接开发板和其他设备,并给出电源配置建议。
5. 开发板操作指南:详细说明开发板的各项操作方法,如开机、关机、重启、调试等。
6. 开发板接口与扩展说明:介绍开发板的各种接口和扩展槽,以及如何通过这些接口和扩展槽扩展开发板功能。
7. 开发板软件开发指南:提供软件开发的相关指导,包括编程语言、开发工具、示例代码等。
8. 常见问题解答:列出一些用户常见的问题,并提供相应的解决方法。
3.输入输出接口:开发板提供了多种输入输出接口,如串口、并口、USB 等,方便连接各种外设。
4.通信接口:开发板支持多种通信协议,如 TCP/IP、UDP 等,便于实现网络通信功能。
2.选择编程语言:开发板支持多种编程语言,如 C、C++、Python 等,用户可以根据自己的需求选择合适的编程语言。
四、编程实例与实践本部分将通过具体的编程实例,介绍如何使用开发板实现各种功能,如 LED 闪烁、按键控制、通信协议等。
10-12年路虎揽胜发现四各车系使用说明书-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1路虎全系中文版使用说明书,维修手册发现三,发现四,路虎揽胜,运动,极光,神二,中文原版说明书发现三,发现四,路虎揽胜,运动,极光,神二,中文维修手册,电路图欢迎咨询淘宝店铺,百友林溪同时出售各种汽车维修资料节气门基本设定手工操作方法:奔驰车系采用电子节气门系统的车型当拆电瓶线超过两小时以上,或更换新电脑或更换怠速马达后,必需进行电脑学习设定程序:1. 将自动变速箱挡位放在P档或N档,发动引擎使怠速运转到正常工作温度80度以上,这段时间中不可以加速踩油门.2. 然后将引擎熄火后将点火开关KEY—ON,不发动引擎等待60秒以上,再将点火开关KEY—OFF等待10秒以上.3. 进行路试,自动变速箱挡位放在4档或3档,加速必须超过3500转以上,然后保持引擎转速到1200转以上巡航.4. 重复步骤(3),三次即可设定完成机油油位查看方法:机油油位的检查方法:由于2003款以后奔驰W211车辆没有机油油尺,因此需要借助仪表多功能显示屏读取机油的油位。
(2)重复压下方向盘上的“[] []”按键,直到多功能显示器上显示公里数。
(3)重复压下方向盘上的“前进/后退”按键,直到显示“engine oil level measurement running"出现在显示器上。
保养归零手工操作方法:1、点火开关转到“1”档位置2、按压系统选择确认键S110s3“[] []按键”直到仪表显示A1p13出现里程或温度显示3、快速按压里程复位按键A1s3 3次,在显示屏A1p13会出现蓄电池信息4、按压前进 / 后退键 S110s1 ,直到出现“SERVICE MENU”5、按压“+”和“-”键S111s1,选择“CONFIRMATION”6、按压选择确认按键S110s3,选择“COMPLETE SERVICE”7、按压选择确认按键S110s3,选择“SERVICE CONFIRMED”8、按压选择确认按键S110s3,选择“SERVICE MENU”9、按压“+”和“-”键S111s1,选择“SPECIAL WORK”10、按压选择确认按键S110s111、按压“+”和“-”键S111s1,选择“SERVICE 3”12、按压选择确认按键S110s313、按压“+”和“-”键S111s1,选择“OIL QUALITY ”14、按压选择确认按键S110s3,A1p13显示“POSITION CONFIRMED”15、按压选择确认按键S110s3,A1p13显示“里程或温度”16、关闭点火开关,保养归零结束。
车主手册出版物编号 LRL 43 02 59 131简介2关于本手册请您尽快抽出时间研读车辆随附的车主/操作者资料。
Land Rover 不负担由任何更改而产生的费用。
另外,您也可以在 Land Rover 的网站上查看更新内容,网址是: 。
© Land Rover 2012。
由 Land Rover 出版发行。
目录3简介.....................................................2进入车辆.............................................5离开车辆.............................................9前座椅...............................................11后座椅...............................................15头枕...................................................19方向盘...............................................20安全带...............................................21儿童安全...........................................24安全气囊...........................................30外部照明灯.......................................34内部照明灯.......................................38刮水器和清洗器................................39车窗 (41)后视镜 (43)车库门开启器 (44)警告灯 (46)仪表板 (50)加热与通风 (53)储物箱室 (58)负荷承载 (61)拖曳...................................................63启动发动机.......................................71变速箱...............................................73稳定性控制.......................................77悬架...................................................78制动器...............................................80轮胎压力监测系统 (TPMS)................82驻车辅助系统....................................83巡航控制...........................................85影像系统...........................................86全地形反馈适应系统........................88陡坡缓降控制 (HDC)..........................90标准音频系统....................................92触摸屏..............................................101音频/视频概述...............................104收音机..............................................109DAB 收音机.......................................111便携媒体 (113)电视..................................................118视频媒体播放器..............................120后座椅娱乐......................................122语音控制..........................................125电话..................................................127导航系统..........................................131轮胎维修套件..................................145燃油与加油......................................147维护..................................................152液位检查..........................................167技术规格..........................................172车辆蓄电池......................................179轮胎.. (183)保险丝..............................................188车轮更换..........................................193车辆施救..........................................202碰撞之后..........................................205车辆标识..........................................206类型许可..........................................207控制按钮概述目录 4进入车辆5解锁车辆为防止意外操作,如果车内有儿童或动物,切勿将智能钥匙留在车内。
第 四 代 发 现 采 用了极富传 奇 色 彩 的路 虎 指 挥官式 驾 驶 座 椅 设 计, 让 您 对 前 方 路 况一览 无 遗 ,将 可能 发 生 的 危 险 拒于 千里 之 外。 指挥官式驾驶座椅设计为驾驶者带来掌控一切的自信感,再加上 各 种 重 要 功能 装备触手可及,且 所有信息极易读 取 ,更 减少了 您在驾驶过程中的压力和疲劳感。
WhiteFire® 无线系统包含两套用于后座触摸屏娱乐系统的优质无线耳机,回放效果十分 出色。系统还支持连接 iPod®/MP3、游戏机等辅助设备和便携设备。
harman/kardon® 和 LOGIC7 ® 是 Harman 国际 公司的 注 册商 标 。 iPod® 是苹果电脑 公司在美国和其它国家的注 册商标 。 WhiteFire® 是 Unwired Technology LLC 的注册商标,路虎使用 WhiteFire 标志已获得授权。 蓝牙® 文字及 Logo 归 Bluetooth SIG, Inc. 所有,路虎使用已获授权。
驾控尽在掌握。高端车型配备置于中控台顶部的新款 全彩信息娱乐触摸 屏,提 供 所有音响和导航控制键,操作便捷,触手可及。此种高端设计减少了中控台上控制键 的数量,利用所腾出的空间,镶嵌入时尚夺目的时钟,车内环境更显简洁高雅。车内
娱乐影音系统选择丰富,包括 harman/kardon® LOGIC7® 豪华立体声环绕
• 3.0 升 SDV6 涡轮增压柴油发动机 (180Kw),采用最先进材料与序列式涡轮增压技术,增大低转速下扭矩输出,发动机响应速度更快。 它不但是全球技术最先进的柴油发动机之一,亦是并行顺序起动涡轮增压器系统首次在 V 系列发动机上得到应用。
适用 Super32 控制器
Super32 使用手册
欢迎您使用安控公司为您提供的自动化产品及使用手册。 经过多年,在产品品质、技术应用、服务支持等方面不断进取和踏实积 累,安控公司成功推出的 Rock E 系列 PLC 和 SuperE 系列 RTU 两大系列 产品,已在自动化行业各领域中得到很好地应用。经受了各种现场应用环 境的考验,得到了专家及广大用户的一致认可。 如果您是初次使用我们的产品,请您在购买和使用 ECHO 产品时,仔细阅 读使用手册。这样您会更加了解产品的各项性能,合理配置硬件和软件资 源,真正使我们的产品成为您工程项目实施中最成功的选择。 自动化产品使用手册包括:
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产品介绍 介绍产品组成、参数设置、性能指标等内容。
产品选型 介绍产品可选配置、选型方法等内容。
安装使用 介绍产品安装、程序开发、应用方法等内容。
技术服务 介绍技术支持、销售服务等内容。
阅读《Super32 使用手册》应具有一定的 RTU/PLC 知识,手册是针对产品 开发工程师、电气工程师及安装人员等编写。
THE LAND ROVER GUIDETO OFF ROAD DRIVINGThink rugged descents and deep wading are for experts? Think again.With good preparation and a bit of practice, anyone can off road.A Land Rover is capable of more than you could ever imagine. It can carry you through almost any environment: thick forest, fiery desert, rugged mountain or frozen river.This guide is designed to help you make the most of your Land Rover’s legendary capability. To tame the most vigoroustopography, and get to places other vehicles simply can’t.THROUGH, UNDER, OVERABOVE AND BEYOND5 Know your vehicle6 Off road checklist7 Off road driving: golden rules 9 Off road technique10 Land Rover off road technology 11 Terrain Response 12 Terrains13 Driving in mud 14 Driving on sand 15 Driving on rocks 16 Driving on gravel 17 Driving on hills18 Driving through water 19 Driving in snow and ice 20 Returning to the road 21 Find out moreCONTENTSThe key to safe driving on any terrain is a robust knowledge of your vehicle and what it can do.Before you venture off road, equip yourself with a clear mental picture of the underside of your 4x4.Learn the location of the fuel tank, engine sump, differentials and gearbox. You’ll be less likely to snag them on rocks and other obstacles if you can see them in your mind’s eye. Memorising some basic stats will help you deal confidently with off-road obstacles. Get to know your vehicle’s height and width, its lowest point, its wading depth and angles.Get to grips with your vehicle’s on-board technology features; you’ll find everything you need to know in the manual. Click here to download your manual .KNOW YOUR VEHICLEWHEN VENTURINGOFF ROAD, ALWAYS CARRY:– Suitable clothing and footwear – Water – Torch– Mobile phone (and charger) – Shovel– Hot drinks/food, in snowy weatherOFF ROAD CHECKLISTIf possible, plan your journey beforehand by checking the terrain and topography of the area you’ll be visiting. You can do this with Ordnance Survey maps or Google Maps Earth mode.Consider the current and recent weather, and how it might affect the land.Before you set off, make sure your tyres are properly inflated. Secure anything in your 4x4 that could move or fall during a bumpy ride, and don’t overload the roof rack.OFF ROAD DRIVING: GOLDEN RULES1Be aware of the Countryside Code and never damage the environment. Stay within the bounds of existing tracks andgive way to wildlife.2If you don’t have permission, don’t drive there.3Know your limits and always plan ahead. Going off road can be perilous: think about what could go wrong, and howyou’d deal with it.5Make sure you have more than enough fuel for your journey. You definitely don’t want to be stranded off roadwith an empty tank.4Tell someone where you’re going and when you’re due to arrive. That way, people will know where to look for you if something goes wrong.6Always carry a mobile phone with fully charged battery. It’s a good idea to have an in-car charger.7If in doubt, don’t do it. It’s only a drive after all, and you should always keep risk to a minimum.OFF ROAD TECHNIQUEDrive as slowly as possible, and as fastas necessary.Always keep both hands on the wheel, even when reversing.Don’t hook your thumbs inside the steering wheel. Kickback from rough terrain could sprain them.Use progressive throttle, gentle steering and progressive braking.Never make harsh movements unlessit’s vital to do so. Keep steering precise and braking to a minimum.Use the driver display to check your wheels are straight, and assess any potential risks ahead. Where necessary, get out of your vehicle and check the terrain.Avoid gear changes while negotiatingtricky terrain.LAND ROVER OFF ROADTECHNOLOGYTerrain ResponseLand Rover’s pioneeringtechnology optimises settings togive a combination of traction,agility and control which bestsuits the terrain.Terrain Reponse 2Adds an automatic modewhich uses sophisticatedsystems to analyse live drivingconditions and select themost suitable program.All-Terrain Progress Control(ATPC)Land Rover’s innovative 4x4technology enables steady,composed progress across anyterrain at the push of a button.Hill Descent Control(HDC)Allows smooth, controlleddescent in rough terrainwithout the driver needingto touch the brakes.There are five programs in the Terrain Response system:Choose the one that best suits the terrain you’re tackling. If you have Terrain Response 2, this will happen automatically. In the pages ahead, you’ll find detailed advice on using Terrain Response with different surfaces.TERRAINRESPONSEGear selectionTo climb, always use the highest practical gear. To descend use the lowest, and/or engage Hill Descent Control if available. If you have an automatic gearbox and Terrain Response, select [D] and the vehicle will cope with whatever conditions you throw at it.If you want to be a bit more hands-on, try CommandShift.©When driving on icy, slippery or muddy surfaces in an automatic 4x4, move off in second gear as it reduces the risk of wheel spin. If you’re in a manual vehicle without low range, use first gear.The key is to find the right balance between traction and momentum . If you have decent traction, use less momentum.NORMAL DRIVINGGRASS/GRAVEL/SNOWMUD AND RUTSSANDROCK CRAWLTERRAINSDRIVING IN MUDIn deep mud, you need steady momentum to carry you through. Engage Mud and Ruts on Terrain Response, and use a low-range gear like 2nd or 3rd.Your tyres will cut through mud tofind traction on firmer ground below.All Land Rovers have built-in Traction Control, which drives power to the wheels with the most traction.If your wheels do start to spin, ease off the throttle and slow the tyres to regain grip.RutsA rut is a long, deep track created by the repeated passage of vehicles. Try to straddle deep ruts, as this keeps your environmental impact to a minimum.If muddy conditions force you to drive in ruts, make sure you know where your front wheels are pointing. Check the Wheel Direction Indicator, if available.Try to keep your lowest point clear ofthe ground at all times. Terrain Response will automatically raise the vehicle to an optimum height.Muddy hillsWhen climbing muddy hills, remember that you’ll need more momentum to balance the decrease in traction.Always try to avoid wheel spin, as it results in loss of momentum and can cause environmental damage.DRIVING ON SANDThe basicsTo travel across sand*, you need a low gear and steady momentum. Consider lowering your tyre pressure (15psi minimum) to create a greater surface area.Engage Sand on Terrain Response. If your wheels spin, ease off the throttle and slow the tyres to regain traction.When driving on damp sand, your wheels may sink into the surface, so use the Mud and Ruts setting. Keep off wet sand. It can contain dangerous areas of ‘floating’ sand or quicksand.If you need to park in sand, do so on a downward slope. This will help you when you pull away.* When driving off-road on sand please respect local laws and road signs at all times.Beach drivingBetween the high-tide mark and four metresfrom the sea, sand is usually firm enoughto take a 4x4. Always be aware of incomingtides when you’re driving on the beach.Desert drivingOn stretches of firm sand in the desert,you can travel in relatively high-range gears.Remember that the sand’s surface crustwill be stronger, and appear dryer, in thecool of the morning.Driving in damp desert sand, after rainfall,can be easier. Flowers blooming overnightwill also help bind the sand together.If you encounter dunes, go around themnot over them.Should you get caught in a sandstorm: turnthe rear of your vehicle to face the wind, turnthe engine off and wait for the storm to pass.DRIVING ON ROCKSBefore crossing rocks and scree in your 4x4, get out of the vehicle and assess the risks. If you feel it’s safe to continue, select Rock Crawl on Terrain Response and proceed carefully. Low-range first gear is best for rocky ground.If possible, ask someone outside the vehicle to guide you through the area, or use surround cameras if fitted.TraversingBefore navigating uneven ground, secure anything inside the vehicle that could fall.If possible, remove any roof-rack items.Use the lowest gear possible and approach at a crawl. Avoid the temptation to steer up the slope.If you slide, steer downhill and gently apply the throttle. If you lose traction on your uphill wheels, stop immediately, reverse away and choose a more suitable route.Keep an eye out for anything that could unbalance the vehicle, like rocks or potholes. Approach logs, rocky steps or ditches diagonally: you want three wheels on the ground at all times.DRIVING ON GRAVELSelect Grass/Gravel/Snow on Terrain Response, and use the highest gear possible for the conditions.Gravel is a constantly changing, low-grip surface, so drive at a slow speed. This reduces the risk of losing traction when you stop, accelerate or take a corner.Always leave a generous gap between you and other vehicles, to minimise the risk of damage from flying gravel.Avoid dust clouds as they reduce visibility.DRIVING ON HILLSDriving uphillWherever possible, investigate the areaon foot. You should always know what’s on the other side of the hill. Remember your approach angle: is the wheel or nose going to hit the ground first?Approach the hill straight on, rather than diagonally, to avoid a roll. Use the highest gear in which the vehicle will ‘pull’ comfortably.Never attempt to turn your 4x4 on asteep slope.Be prepared for a failed climb, it happens to the best drivers. Work out an escape route and take note of where the obstacles are.Driving downhillStop one vehicle-length before the descent, so you have time to make any corrections. Remember your departure angle. Is the back of your vehicle going to hit the ground?Choose the lowest gear possible and select Hill Descent Control (HDC), if available.If using HDC, try to keep your foot away from the pedal and avoid the temptation to brake. If you do need to brake, apply progressive rather than strong pressure. If you don’t have HDC, just use your lowest gear.Follow the natural fall line—the route water would take down the slope—and keep your wheels straight. If the vehicle starts to slide, increase throttle to match the ground speed and regain steering control.If driving a manual, never roll or reverse downhill in neutral or with the clutch depressed. And never turn your 4x4 on a steep slope, as it could lead to sideways sliding.DRIVING THROUGH WATERTry to work out how deep the water is.In static shallower water, explore on foot and use a stick to gauge the depth—or watch another vehicle go through. It’s a good idea to keep a pair of wellies or waders in the boot.If there are other vehicles ahead, wait until they’ve left the water. Unsettled water can make a safe passage more challenging. Drive through the water very slowly at first, then build up momentum. Do not slip/ride the clutch as this reduces control of the vehicle. Ease off the accelerator as you reach the other side.A Land Rover 4x4 can manage submersion of between 50 and 90cm. Refer to your manual to find your maximum wading depth. Never attempt to cross deep, fast-flowing streams and always prioritise safe driving. As a general rule, don’t drive into water unless you really have to.DRIVING IN SNOW AND ICEWhen off-road driving on icy surfaces, select the Grass/Gravel/Snow setting and use the highest gear possible for the conditions.Use steady momentum to carry you through: it’s important to keep the wheels rolling.All Land Rover 4x4s have built-in Traction Control, which drives power to the wheelswith the most traction. If your wheels do start to spin or slide, ease off the accelerator until you feel the tyres regain grip.Harsh braking may cause you to skid; so start gently, then progressively increase pedal pressure. Hill Descent Control (HDC) willtake the guesswork out of steep, slippery slopes by automatically braking to maintaina steady speed.On corners, brake before you approach,steer through the corner at a safe speed,then accelerate once you’ve straightened up. Don’t steer while braking or accelerating,and vice versa.RETURNING TO THE ROADStop and check for damage. Look for debris and cuts in the tyres, including inside the walls, and debris lodged in the underside of the vehicle.Clear any excess grass, mud or snow from your 4x4, paying particular attention to your lights and number plates. Make sure that any equipment is secure.If you’ve lowered your tyre pressureto tackle a surface, remember to revert to the correct pressure as recommended by the manufacturer.Set off slowly, as mud on the wheels could affect handling and braking. Always check for a firm brake pedal and ensure there isno resistance in the steering.FIND OUT MOREKeep up to date with Land Rover by following us on Twitter @LandRover, Instagram /LandRover and Facebook /LandRover.For more driving tips, visit our Official Youtube Channel at /landrover Keen to master your off-road driving skills? Book Land Rover Half Day, Full Day or Advence Experience days on your nearest Land Rover Experience Centre. Find your nearest centre: /experiences/ find-a-centreSome features shown are optional. Please consult , your owner’s manual or your local authorised Land Rover retailer for more details.21。
Instruction manual for car navigation system of Landrover Discovery3Dear Users£ºThank you so much for using our navigation system. our navigation system can help you enjoy your driving. This system really incarnates the characters of "safety, high quality & human design". To make sure you can operate this navigation system smoothly, we strongly suggest that you can read this manual before you begin to use it.IntroductionThis manual uses icons to show you how to operate this system correctly and what are the potential dangers for the incorrect operation. Please understand the meanings of each icon. This can help you operate this system correctly and effectively.This icon is to warn the importance of this instruction.Your disregard for the details may cause hurt or damage.This icon is to warn the importance of this instruction. Y our disregard for the details may cause hurt or damage.Please note this. With the quick development of traffic facility & structure, it may appear that the data of navigation map is not completely the same as the actual road traffic guide. Under this condition, please drive according to the actual road traffic guide. At the same time, please contact with the distributer of this system as soon as possible to update the data of map.This system is only used to supply some assistant tips during driving. Our company will not bear any responsibility for the damages or accidents, which is caused for your uses of our system, while driving. The technical specification, design and icons of this navigation system may be changed and be different from the description in the manual. W e will reserve the right for update without notice.We strongly suggest reading this instruction manual as well as other manuals of audio systems of the car, before using this system. Please operate this system according to the instructions of the manual.Otherwise, your incorrect operation may cause troubles or even dangers. Our company will not be responsible for these, which are caused for your incorrect operation..............................................................................2. (5)1.1 .............................................................5.. (6)2.1 (6)2.2 (6)2.3 ........................................................................7.. (8)3.1 (8)3.2 Bluetooth (9)3.3 (10)3.4 TV (11)3.5 (11)3.6 (11)3.7 (12)3.7.1 (12)3.7.2 (13)3.7.3 Photo (14)3.8 (15)3.8.1 (15)3.8.2 (16)3.8.3 (16)3.8.4 (16)3.8.5 Bluetooth.......................................................................... 17..................................................18.. (20)Safety attentions Chapter One Product Instruction Product Characteristics Chapter Two Introduction of buttons & basic operation Diagram of buttons Function introduction of each button Basic operation Chapter Three Function application Function application DVD player Navigation .................................... Rear view Camera B Audio player Video player Setup Date/time Calibrate Volume System ......................................Chapter Four T rouble shooting Chapter Five Maintenance and repairs ContentDrivers are not allowed to operate this system, while driving.If driver operates this car while driving, it may lead to traffic accident, as the driver has to pay attention to operate the system & fail to watch the road situation carefully. Therefore, it is a must to stop the car in a safe place and pull up the handbrake, before operating the unit.Please keep the batteries off from children.Children may swallow the batteries. This will cause danger to children. Therefore, please keep the batteries in the place child can not reach it. In case child swallows the battery, please go to the hospital as soon as possible.Do not take apart or revise or repair this system by yourself. Please contact the nearest authorized repair station for repairs. Do not use the system , which can not work normally.If the system works abnormally, please contact the nearest authorized repair station as soon as possible to handle it. In case the system explores in the water or gives out smoke, please never power on the system. Otherwise, the system will be destroyed and cause dangers.Attentionsremote may slip under the brake footbrake, which will affect the driving & then cause traffic accident.To make sure the safe driving, please keep low volume so that the driver can hear the voice outside of car & pay attention to the road situation.Pleas keep this system away from water or damp or dust. Water or dust can cause fire or lead to other damages to thissystem. Therefore, please keep this unit away from the damp or dust environment.case the screen is broken, please bear in mind not to touch the broken glasses or liquid. Please make sure to flush the broken glass or liquid and handle it completely, in case you have touched glasses or liquid. Otherwise, it may cause hurts to body. It is possible that there are some tiny black or white pixels to appear on the LCD panel. This is normal. The characteristics of panel lead to pixels.Attentions: Please obey the following instruction strictly.AttentionsAttentionsUnder the condition of low temperature, the display seems alittle dark or responds a little slowly. Once the temperature goesup, the display will restore. This is normal for the system.A fter the system turns on, the antenna of navigation needsome time to receive satellite signal & update the internalmessage. Therefore, the system need cost a little time to runnavigation function.tunnels or high buildings. These buildings may affect thereceiving of GPS signal.setup the system.TFT LCD screen Transparent touch panel Resolution: 800*4802 Brightness: 300cd/m Contrast: 350:1 CPU: 400mhz, Built-in Media Accelerator Engine 128DDR RAM 128MB NAND Flash, SD card(compatible with 2G & 4G) Navigation: 3D map display, human voice guide, routine plan & automatic routine search MP3/MP4 player(The following formats are only for reference. It is possible some files can not be played smoothly.) The file which is bigger than 720*576 may not be played smoothly. And the system will show relevant tips for the playing condition so that users can check whether to continue playing or not. We strongly suggest to setup the file to be smaller than 720*576.Audio playing Format MP3/WMA/ASP/OGG/WA V Labels 1D3VI labeled with ED3 V22. 0, V23.0Video playing FormatReal time/date displayTouch panel controlWorking temperature: -10 -60 ¡æWorking V oltage: DC9-18VPower consumption: ¡Ü15WC C Chapter One Product Introduction1.1 Characteristics of the systemA VI(MPEG-4 simple profile, Divx3, 11, 4.0, 5.1, Xvid)WMV, ASF, MPEG1/MPEG2/DA T Car navigation SystemImage Browser Format Resolution Bit rate JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG BMP: 2048*1536, GIF:1024*768 Max. 1.5Mbps JPG, PNG, 1926*1444Car navigation SystemOn/offMenu1.2.Chapter Two Introduction of buttons and basic operation2.1 Diagram of the buttons 2.2 Introduction of buttons21A button to turn on/off the system:The system is set to power on automatically with theignition. Press this key for a very short time to return the main OSD interference. And press this key for a little long time to power off the system. When the system is off, press this button to power on it.Menu:A button to return back to main OSD interference.Car navigation System2.3 Basic operationTurn on/off the systemThe system will turn on automatically with ignition. Then the system will enter the interference of main menu within 15 seconds. Function shiftsThe system will forbid doing any function shifts, unless the car stops & its hand brake is pulled up. But please notice the following items.The system can not play movie and music at the same time.The system can run movie or music with "setup" function at the same time.The system can run movie or music with "navigation" function at the same time.The system can run TV playing or navigation at the same time. (Please note: TV is optional function).Car navigation SystemChapter Three Function ApplicationOperation while driving3.1 Function applicationa . While the hand brake is pressed down, the system will turn to the GPS navigation interference automatically. At this time, the "OSD" key will be locked and can not work.b . The system can not do any function shift until car stops running and the hand brake is pulled up. And the display of dashboard shows "P".interference as the follows:The current date/timeThere are six icons under the interference of OSD: Bluetooth/ DVD/TV/NAVI/USB/SD/SETUP. Touch the relevant icon to activate the relevant function.1)Start Bluetooth of mobile phone.2)Search Bluetooth hardware.3)Select ONTOPPAT 4)Mobile phone will begin to connect the Bluetooth.5)Input code: 88886)Car navigation SystemClick "Bluetooth" icon to activate Bluetooth Function. One: Pair the mobile phone and our system.Two: Bluetooth enjoys priority with prompt of incoming call.No matter which function is working, including SD/USBreading/AUX IN/Navigation/DVD playing, the system willshift to Bluetooth interference automatically. While driving,driver can choose to answer or reject the incoming calling. Ifthere is no answer within 10 seconds, the system will go backto the navigation interference. Please note: the voice guidefrom navigation may be missed, while listen to a call or callout.Answer Hang up Redial Exit3.2BluetoothCar navigation System3.3 DVD playerOur system can work with DVD changer or DVD player, which can be controlled by touch panel. (But please note, the system cannot control the DVD or DVD changer, until our system has done suitable software to match the remote code of DVD changer or DVD player).Car navigation System3.5 Navigation3.6 Rear view cameraAttention:3.4 TV Click "Navigation" icon or press "navi" on the remote to activate GPS navigation function. Please refer to the manual of GPS navigation for details.1. GPS Navigation: The files in "Navione" file folder are navigation programs. Never delete any file in it. Otherwise, it will lead to program exception.2. Update of map: Please store the updating file in the USB flash memory.The rear view function is only an assistant function for parking. It can not be the basis for a judgment.Once the car is reversing (the shift lever is located on R place), the display of the system will shift to display the images from the rear view camera, no matter what current image it is. Once the car finishes backing up, the image displayed by the system will go back to the former image. Please note that the playing of MP4 will be stopped, if the system shifts to the rear view image while MP4 is playing.While the system is standing by, the reversing of car can let the TFT display open automatically & the rear view image will be visible. A fter car stops reversing, the system will go back the interference of main menu. And then the system will go back to the standby condition after 5 seconds.Click "TV" icon of OSD to activate the function of TV and then the system will enter TV interference. As different TVmodule may have different TV operation interference, we will not describe it specifically. Please operate according to theactual TV module.Insert "USB" flash disk into USB slot & click the "USB" icon to enter USB interference. There we can find three applications for "CINEMA", "PHOTO" and "MUSIC" for select. Please choose the application you prefer. And then click the program name forplaying. To exit USB interference, please click " "on the left upper corner. Please make sure format of files can be compatible with our system.The format of USB memory: FA T32Car navigation System3.7.1Audio player3.7 USBClick "USB" icon to enter "USB" interference. (Please note: Some USB files can not be compatible).Click "CINEMA", "PHOTO" or "MUSIC" icon to boundout relevant file folder or program list. If programs are stored in file folder, please click file folder to open the program list.Return ExitCar navigation System3.7.2 Video playerClick "MUSIC" icon to start audio player; Or click audio file from "file list" & then click for playing;Click "CINEMA" icon and the "file list" will appear. There click your prefer movie or click a file folder to find & click your prefer movie. Finally, click to start playing.Play/Pause Stop Prev/Next Loop ReturnCar navigation System3.7.3PhotoThe interference of video playing is as the follows.Please note: the playing axis will not work here. Therefore,we can not push it to play forwards or backwards.In the interference of video playing, the messages of playingcan be shown, including the current playing improvement ¤t playing time. And we can operate the playing as we like,for example, Play/pause/stop the video file or display the imagefull of screen. Click for full screen display. While the imageis displaying full of screen, touch the display area of image toget back the normal display area.Click "Photo" icon and the system will show the followingmenu. There we can read, delete or even revise the files in thesystem or USB flash memory. The compatible file formats include BMP/JPEG/GIF/PNG.Play/Pause Stop Prev/Next Full Screen ExitCar navigation System3.8 Setup3.8.1 Date/TimeFull screen 16:9/4:3 Auto Prev/Next ExitClick "Setup" icon to enter into the interference of "setup". There we can setup date/time, parameter of volume, system message & calibration of touch panel & Bluetooth etc.Click "Date/time" to make setup for DATE/TIME by clicking the "¡ø" or "¨‹" icons.¡¡Car navigation System3.8.3 V olume3.8.4 System3.8.2 CalibrateClick "setup" icon in the interference of main menu to get into the submenu. There, please click "calibrate" and then "Start" to calibrate touch panel control. A fter the system begin to calibrate touch panel, a symbol of "+" will be found in the centre of the panel. Just click it & then "+" will appear on each corner of the panel. Click the "+" till it disappears. Finally, the system will exit automatically.1) Click "V olume" to enter the interference of volume setup.There click "+" to increase volume and "-" to decrease volume.During the setup of volume, the volume scale bar will display. Click "system" to check the capacity of USB message.3.8.5 Bluetooth LG Kg800 LG KE970Motorola L6 Motorola V3i Motorola K1Nokia 6103 Nokia 6233 Nokia 6120CNokia N70 Nokia N73 Nokia N80 Nokia 8800 Samsung D900 Samsung E760Samsung P310 Samsung E890 Samsung P300Palm Treo 750DOPOD D802HTC MTeoR :Click "Bluetooth" to setup the connection way of Bluetooth.Select "Auto", the system will search mobile phone and pair with it automatically.Select "Manually", the system will not search for phone facilit y until we operate it manually to do this.Car navigation SystemPlease note: The system can match with followingmodel s.(As mobile phones are updated or replaced continually, the following phone modes are only for reference. Please forgive without further notice).Guides of trouble shootingChapter Four Guide of Trouble ShootingGuides of trouble shootingAttentions:The follows are guides of trouble shooting, which can help you solve some familiar troubles. Once it can not be solved, please contact the authorized repair station for repairs. Please never take part the system by yourself, otherwise, it may cause serious bad results.Description of troublesReasons How to solve No power Not ignited yet.Battery of car hasbeen run out of.Ignite the car at first.Recharge the battery.No voiceSet too low volume to be heard.Set a bigger volume.Please refer to "3.8.3" for details.Panel contro l Not calibrated touch panel yet.Calibrate the touch panel.Please refer to "3.8.2" for details.No work of touch panel The system is still running some program (route search, etc). Please wait for a moment. If it can not work for long time,please contact repair stations.No Signal o fG P SThe system did notrecognize its GPS navigation signal.Turn off the system and then restart it.Failure to position It is possible the system is located in the area GPS signal is not covered.Please try to move the car toanother area to see whetherthe GPS signal can restore.If still failed, please contact repair station for repair.Bad touchGuides of trouble shootingDescriptionof troublesReasons How to solveBlack display The system turnsoff the backlight.Touch the LCD screen to turn on the backlight.Failure to get navigation Please contact repair station to update map.Failure to find destination.Firstly, check & confirm the correct place name., try to input another n ame of t he destination.If failed again, it means the place does not include in the data of navigation.Get bad guide from navigation. For example, the system select a longer routine to destination.The system may takemany factors intoconditions, not onlylimited to the distance.For example, the rateof road, traffic rules,main road and so on.Generally, it will workout a shortest road forusers.the routine refresh.No map shown It is possible the displayscale of map is toosmall or too big to beseen.Please try to adjust thedisplay scale to see whetherthe map can be restored. Iffailed, it is possible thesystem loses the position ofnavigation. Please selectanother mark refresh.The system is locatedin a blind area ofnavigation.The place name isnot in the data ofnavigation.Please selectSecondlyMaintenance&RepairsChapter Five Maintenance & repairsThe system is a precise electronic unit with fine design and exquisite craftworks. Please use it carefully. Please obey the following suggestions to prolong the work life of the system.Please keep the system and relevant accessories away from children.Please keep a dry working environment for the system. Rain, dampness or other liquids may hurt the electronic circuit or even destroy the system.Please keep a clean working environment for the system.Dust can damage the visible part of the system.Please try to avoid locating the system in too hot place. High temperature can shorten the electronic working life or cause deformation of structure.Please try to avoid locating the system in too cold place.While the temperature goes up, it may lead to damp. This damp can hurt the electronic circuit.Please never take the system into parts by yourself. Non professional staff may damage the system.Please never wash or clean the system with chemical things or detergent.Please use soft & clean clothes to wipe this system.Please keep the system away from magnetic or radioactive equipment.Please never use any sharp object to click the touch panel. It may cause permanent hurt to the panel. The touch pen has been attached. Please use the pen for operation.。
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2目录简介符号词汇. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7标签位置 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7健康与安全 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8数据记录. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8零件和附件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8钥匙与遥控器使用钥匙 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10射频一般信息 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10使用遥控器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10车锁锁闭与解锁 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12报警布设报警. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14解除报警 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14座椅坐在正确位置. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16手动座椅 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17头枕. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19后座椅. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19加热型座椅 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23安全带操作原则. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24系紧安全带 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25怀孕期间使用安全带 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26儿童安全儿童座椅. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27辅助座垫 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28儿童安全锁 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28照明灯光控制. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29后雾灯. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29前照灯水平调整 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30危险报警闪光灯. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30方向指示灯. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30内部照明灯. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31更换灯泡. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31灯泡规格表. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37刮水器和清洗器挡风玻璃刮水器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38挡风玻璃清洗器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38后车窗刮水器和清洗器. . . . . . . . . . . . 38调整挡风玻璃清洗器喷嘴. . . . . . . . . . 39检查刮水器刮片 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39更换刮水器刮片 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40车窗与后视镜电动车窗. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41推拉窗. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41车外后视镜. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42车内后视镜. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42仪表仪表板概览. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43警告灯和指示灯 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45气候控制出风口. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48手动气候控制 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49天窗 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51便利功能遮阳板. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52时钟 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52点烟器. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52烟灰缸. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53杯托 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53储物箱室. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54踏板 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543目录4可拆式顶蓬安装顶蓬. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55启动发动机启动柴油发动机 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58变速器手动变速器. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59分动箱 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59技术规格. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62制动器操作原则. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63与配备ABS 的车辆有关的驾驶提示. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63驻车制动器. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64驾车提示磨合 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66经济行驶. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66燃油与加油安全预防措施 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67燃油质量. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67燃油耗尽. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67加油 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68技术规格. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69装载负荷一般信息. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70行李定位固定点 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70车顶货架和载货工具. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70拖车牵引拖车. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71水平高度调整 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71建议的牵引重量 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72牵引基本检查 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72拖车杆 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73车辆保养外部清洁 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75内部清洁 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76修复细小油漆损伤 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77维护保养一般信息 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78打开和关闭发动机罩 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80发动机舱概况. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81发动机机油检查. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82发动机冷却液检查 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83助力转向液检查. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85制动液检查 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86离合液检查 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87清洗液检查 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88技术规格 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89车辆蓄电池蓄电池警告符号. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90蓄电池保养 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90使用增压器电缆. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92车辆蓄电池充电. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93车辆蓄电池更换. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93车轮和轮胎一般信息 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96轮胎保养 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98使用冬季轮胎. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102置换车轮 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102使用雪链 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109轮胎词汇表 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109技术规格 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110保险丝保险丝更换 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111保险丝盒位置. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111保险丝规格表. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112应急设备危险报警闪光灯. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115目录碰撞之后碰撞之后的行驶. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116检查安全系统部件. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116车辆施救牵引点. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117系绑点. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117运输车辆 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117四轮牵引车辆 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117车辆标识车辆标识牌 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119车辆标识代码(VIN). . . . . . . . . . . . 119技术规格发动机规格. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120重量. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120尺寸. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122类型许可类型许可 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125音频介绍无线电接收 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127音频单元概述音频单元概述 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128音频系统安全安全代码. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129音频单元操作开启/关闭按钮. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130音量控制. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130音频控制. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130波段按钮. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132自动存储控制 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132电台预设按钮 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132交通信息控制 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133光碟播放器载入光碟. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134光碟弹出. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135光碟播放. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135曲目选择. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136光碟暂停. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136快进/快退. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136随机曲目选择 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136光碟曲目重复 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137光碟曲目扫描 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 MP3 文件播放. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138辅助输入(AUX IN)插座辅助输入插座 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139本手册末列有综合索引。
开拓者 用户手册
1. 车辆介绍:介绍车辆的外观、内饰、主要配置和参数等信息。
2. 驾驶指南:详细介绍如何启动、驾驶、停车等操作,以及如何应对各种路况和驾驶情况。
3. 系统说明:介绍车辆的各种系统,如发动机、变速器、制动系统、空调系统等,包括其工作原理、使用方法及注意事项。
4. 保养与维修:提供车辆保养和维修的基本知识和技巧,如更换机油、更换轮胎等。
5. 安全须知:重点介绍车辆安全知识和技能,如安全带使用、儿童安全座椅安装等。
DISCOVERY 快速入门指南2 驾驶员控制装置3 进入车辆4 舒适度调节6 驾驶11 触摸屏12 音频/视频15 电话16 加油站信息某些功能可能不适用于您的车辆。
1. 前照灯、方向指示灯和行车计算机。
2. 手动换档拨杆 (-) 下。
3. 音频和电话控制。
4. 仪表板、警告灯和信息中心。
5. 信息中心菜单控制。
6. 手动换档拨杆 (+) 上。
7. 刮水器和洗涤器。
21. 分动箱控制。
22. 智能停止/启动。
23. 空气悬挂控制。
24. 陡坡缓降控制。
25. 全地形反馈适应系统。
26. 加热型方向盘开关。
27. 电话和语音识别控制按钮。
2. 按下即可锁闭所有车门和尾门。
3智能钥匙进入车辆中央门锁操作注意事项如果车辆通过智能钥匙或免匙锁闭功能单次锁闭, 则主解锁开关不会解锁。
起步锁定若此功能启用,当车速超过 8 公里/小时,所有的出入口将自动锁闭。
通过行车计算机上的 Settings (设置)选项可打开或关闭此功能。
请参阅第 2 页第 35 条。
按住 3 秒可启用求救警报。
5 秒后,再次按下 3 秒钟以取消。
切换模式 - 在车辆解锁的情况下,同时按住锁闭和解锁按钮 3 秒钟。
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路虎NXP LPC1768开发板用户手册1、概述路虎开发板采用 NXP公司 LPC1768 ARM是一款基于第二代 ARM Cortex-M3内核的微控制器,是为嵌入式系统应用而设计的高性能、低功耗的 32位微处理器,适用于仪器仪表、工业通讯、电机控制、灯光控制、报警系统等领域。
路虎开发板板载 USB仿真器,支持 USB2.0 Device,具有双 CAN接口、RS-485接口等功能。
功能特点:强大的 MCU内核:Cortex-M3●处理速率高达 100MHz,并包含一个支持 8个区的存储器保护单元(MPU)●内置嵌套向量中断控制器(NVIC)● 512KB片上 Flash程序存储器,支持在系统编程(ISP)和在应用编程(IAP)● 64KB SRAM可供高性能 CPU通过指令总线、系统总线、数据总线访问● AHB多层矩阵上具有 8通道的通用 DMA控制器(GPDMA)●支持SSP、UART、AD/DA、定时器、GPIO等,并可用于存储器到存储器的传输●标准 JTAG测试/调试接口以及串行线调试和串行线跟踪端口选项●仿真跟踪模块支持实时跟踪● 4个低功率模式:睡眠、深度睡眠、掉电、深度掉电●单个 3.3V电源(2.4V – 3.6V)●工作温度:-40 °C - 85°C●不可屏蔽中断(NMI)输入●片内集成上电复位电路●内置系统节拍定时器(SysTick),方便操作系统移植。
丰富的板载资源:1、2路 RS232串行接口(使用直通串口线、其中一路串口支持 ISP下载程序)2、2路 CAN总线通信接口(CAN收发器:SN65VHD230)3、RS485通信接口(485收发器:SP3485)4、RJ45-10/100M Ethernet网络接口(以太网 PHY:DP83848)5、DA输出接口(可做 USB声卡实验、板载扬声器和扬声器输出驱动)6、AD输入接口(可调电位器输入)7、彩色液晶显示接口(可接 2.8寸或 3.2寸 TFT 320X240彩屏)8、USB2.0接口,USB host及 USB Device接口。
9、SD/MMC卡(SPI)接口(提供带 FAT12、FAT16、FAT32文件系统)10、IIC接口(24LC02)11、SPI串行 FLASH接口(AT45DB161D)12、2个用户按键,2个功能按键 Reset和 INT0按键,8个 LED灯13、1个五向输入摇杆按键(Joystick)14、串口 ISP下载功能(无需设置跳线),标准 JTAG下载、仿真调试接口。
15、集成 USB仿真器:支持在线调试仿真等功能,支持KEIL,IAR等主流开发环境。
16、可选择由外部 5V电源输入供电或 USB提供 5V电源供电。
17、引出了所有 IO,方便用户外接其他应用电路进行二次开发。
2、电路及接口说明2.1 Power supply(电源供给)路虎开发板采用外部5V电源输入或USB接口提供5V电源输入。
●5V DC 电源适配器连接到CN9,电源选择跳线J3插到1-2处。
●把USB电缆连接到仿真器USB口CN4,电源选择跳线J3插到2-3处,选择USB 5V电源供电。
Note: CN9电源插座为内芯是正极外芯是负极。
输入电压不得超过5V ±5%。
表1、电源选择跳线设置描述Jumper 描述J3J3用于选择外部 5V电源座输入 5V电源供电, USB供电。
跳线短路帽在 1-2处为外部 5V供电,2-3处为仿真器 USB口供电。
2.2 Clock source(时钟源)路虎LPC17XX开发板由三个时钟源提供:系统时钟、RTC时钟、以太网时钟。
Note: JP1 跳线为短路(short)时连接电池给RTC,当JP1为开路(open)时断开电池供电给RTC。
2.3 Reset Mode(复位方式)复位信号在路虎LPC17XX开发板上是低电平复位。
复位方式包括以下几种方式:复位按键Reset(SW1)通过JTAG仿真下载口输入复位信号2.4 Analog Input (模拟输入)AD调节电位器输入VR1 连接到P1.31(AD0.5)。
引脚序号 功能名 典型电线颜色 1 VBUS 红 2 D- 白 3 D+ 绿 4GND黑2.8 Display Interface (显示接口)2.5 Digital Analog Conversion Output (DAC输出)外接扬声器电路连接到路虎LPC17XX开发板的的DAC输出引脚P0.26。
2.6 USB-HOST (USB主机)路虎LPC17XX开发板具有一个USB A型 USB HOST 全速接口(CN11)。
可采用这个USB口连接USB外设,如: U盘、USB鼠标、USB键盘等设备。
要使用USB功能需将JP9、JP11两个跳线都插到3-4的位置,将USB 数据线D+、D- 分配给USB Host接口。
表2、USB A B型引脚功能 路虎LPC17XX开发板提供了1个全速USB2.0 设备端口2.7 USB-DEVICE (USB从机)(CN12),通过标准的USB-B型连接器引出。
路虎LPC17XX开发板的CN7接口可以连接一个2.8 或3.2寸的320X240TFT彩色LCD,LCD数据线连接到P2.0 …P2.7并通过8bit –16bit转换电路后连接到LCD。
8个红色LED(LD4 …LD11)通过74LV244后跟LCD数据线共用。
引脚 信号描述 对应IO 引脚信号描述对应IO 引脚信号描述 对应IO 1 3V3 电源 2 GND 地 3 DB004 DB015 DB026 DB037 DB04 8 DB05 9 DB0610 DB07 11 DB08 12 DB0913 DB10 14 DB11 15 DB1216 DB13 17 DB14 18 DB1519 CS P0.22 20 RS P0.23 21 WR P0.24 22 RD P0.25 23 RESET RESET 24 NC NC25 MISO P0.8 26 INT P2.13 27 MOSI P0.9 28 NC NC 29 SCK P0.7 30 NC NC31 TP_CS P0.6 32 NC NC2.9 EEPROM路虎LPC17XX开发板外接一个24LC02 EEPROM 连接到LPC1768的I2C0总线上,P0.28接EEPROM的SCL,P0.27接EEPROM的SDA。
2.10 DataFlash路虎LPC17XX开发板外接一个AT45DB16D DataFlash连接到LPC1768的SPI总线上,P0.18接DataFlash的MOSI,P0.15接DataFlash的SCK,P0.16接DataFlash的CS,P0.17接DataFlash 的MISO。
2.11 CAN路虎LPC17XX开发板支持两路CAN2.0A/B总线通信接口。
使用 SN65HVD230 (U12、U13) 作为CAN 驱动器。
2.12 RS-232和RS-485路虎LPC17XX开发板的一路RS-485通信接口CN10连接到UART3和两路RS-232通信接口COM1、COM2连接到LPC1768的UART0和UART2。
两个控制信号ISP 和 RESET,也同时连接到COM1的RS-232接口上用于自动ISP烧写(串口下载程序)。
2.13 SD card路虎LPC17XX开发板上的SD卡接口连接到LPC1768的SSP0上。
SD卡的检测信号连接到标准IO 口P3.25,SD卡的电源控制信号连接到标准IO口P3.26。
2.14 Ethernet路虎LPC17XX开发板支持10M/100M以太网通信接口,采用以太网PHY芯片DP83848 (U5)和一个内带网络滤波器的RJ45连接座(CN5)。
2.15 Debug Funtion (调试功能)路虎LPC17XX开发板板载一个USB仿真器,支持仿真调试、下载等功能。
JP4 是仿真器选择控制脚,当JP4开路时选择板载仿真器连接LPC1768的JTAG口,当JP4短路时选择外部仿真器连接JTAG口外部仿,切换功能必须要断电后再上电才生效。
3、接口定义(Connectors)3.1 CAN总线接口CN8定义Pin number Description Pin number Description1 5V 4 CAN2H2 CAN1H 5 CAN2L3 CAN1L 6 GND3.2 RS485总线接口CN10定义3.3 RS232通信接口COM1、COM2定义RS232 connector COM1、COM2 (front view)COM1定义Pin numberDescriptionPin numberDescription1 NC6 NC2 UART0_TX( P0.2) 7 RTS(控制ISP)3 UART0_RX( P0.3) 8 NC4 DTR(控制RESET) 9NC5GNDCOM2定义Pin numberDescriptionPin numberDescription1 NC6 NC 2 UART2_TX( P0.10)7 NC 3 UART2_RX( P0.11)8 NC 4 NC 9NC5GND1 485A2 485B343.4 JTAG调试接口CN1 定义USB-A 型插座是用在主机上的USB-B型插座是用在外设上的Pin numberDescriptionPin numberDescription1 3.3V power2 3.3V power3 TRST4 GND5 TDI6 GND7 TMS8 GND9 TCK 10 GND 11 RTCK 12 GND 13 TDO 14 GND 15 RESET# 16 GND 17 DBGRQ 18 GND 19DBGACK20GND3.5 USB A CN11、USB B CN12注:以下均为插座或插头的前视图,即将插座或插头面向自己。