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How to Think About Reactions

If the reaction does have a motive (thermodynamic driving force), it is said to be thermodynamically favorable and it will occur if given the opportunity. Reactions will have a favorable motive (thermodynamic driving force) if ΔG for the process is negative (ΔG = ΔH-TΔS). The ΔG = ΔH-TΔS equation can be hard to apply to new situations, but the following rules of thumb can be helpful.


有机化学分为有机化学理论课和有机 化学实验课两门课,共104学时,理论 课56学时,实验课48课时,分别单独 考试。 有机化学理论课成绩由两部分组成: 期末考试约占70%,平时成绩约占 30%。平时成绩:出勤,作业和课堂讨论
How to Think About Reactions

3. Reactions will usually have a motive (thermodynamic driving force) if a greater number of smaller molecules are created from fewer larger molecules, especially if a small gaseous molecule such as CO2, N2 or HCl is produced as a product. This is primarily a ΔS effect.
2001 work on chirally catalysed reactions 手性催化研究 2002 Development of methods for identification and structure analyses of biological macromolecules 生物大分子 2003 Discoveries concerning channels in cell membranes 细胞膜通道 2004 Discovery of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation 蛋白质降解



共价键的断裂方式和有机化学反应的 类型。
绪 论
1.1 有机化学和有机化合物

有机化合物的认识过程 “生命力说” 魏勒(1828,合成尿 素)

有机化合物(organic compound):含碳 的化合物或碳氢化合物及其衍生物。 有机化学(organic chemistry):研究含 碳化合物的化学。
The Golden Rules of Organic hemistry 1. Atoms prefer filled valence shells 2. The most important question in chemistry is “Where are the electrons?” 3. Nature hates unpaired electrons

The Golden Rules of Organic hemistry Your goal should be to understand, not memorize organic chemistry. The following 7 Golden Rules should be learned at the beginning of this semester. These simple ideas explain a very large number of things about the way organic molecules interact. Thus, understanding the 7 Golden Rules will allow you to develop an intuitive feel for organic chemistry, and things will make sense!
4. Nature hates localized charges
The Golden Rules of Organic hemistry 5. Most reactions involve nucleophiles (molecules with a location of particularly high electron density) attacking electrophiles (molecules with a location of particularly low electron density). When in doubt, transfer a proton!
How to Think About Reactions

2. In reactions involving proton transfers, the reaction will generally have a motive (thermodynamic driving force) if the products represent the weaker acid and/or weaker base. Recall that equilibrium favors formation of the weaker acid/weaker base in an acid-base reaction. This is primarily a ΔH effect.
The Golden Rules of Organic hemistry 6. Steric interactions (atoms bumping into each other) can prevent reactions by keeping the reactive atoms away from each other. 7. Pi electrons prefer to be delocalized over as many adjacent sp2 hybridized atoms (or sp1 hybridized atoms in some cases) as possible, and aromaticity is the most stable form of pi electron delocalization.
第1章 绪 论

绪 论
本章主要Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu容

有机化合物和有机化学的概念。 碳的sp3、sp2、sp杂化轨道;有机酸碱 的概念 共价键的性质。 有机化合物的分类和结构表示方法。 共价键的断裂方式和有机化学反应的 类型。 研究有机化合物的方法和步骤
绪 论 本章重点:
How to Think About Reactions

For a reaction to have an opportunity to react, the reaction cannot have an energy barrier that is too large. In other words, the mechanism cannot have any species (i.e. transition state) in it that is too high in energy (too unstable) to be formed at a given temperature.
1.2 有机化学与生命科学的关系 有机化学(organic chemistry)是医学 课程中的一门重要的基础课,也是生命 科学学科不可缺少的化学基础。医学的 研究对象是组成成分复杂的人体,而组 成人体的物质除水和一些无机盐以外, 绝大部分是有机化合物。
1.2 有机化学与生命科学的关系 Nobel prize in chemistry during 2001-2009
How to Think About Reactions

1. Reactions will usually have a motive (thermodynamic driving force) if stronger bonds are made than are broken in going from starting materials to products. This is primarily a ΔH effect.
How to Think About Reactions

Even if reactions have a motive (thermodynamic driving force), they can only occur if given the opportunity for the atoms and electrons to rearrange into the product. This rearrangement of atoms and electrons is what we refer to as the mechanism of the reaction.
梁逸曾主编,化学工业出版社 2004
2.《有机化学》魏俊杰. 高等教育出版社,
3.《有机化学》陆阳. 科学出版社, 2004 4.《有机化学复习指南与习题精选》
芦金荣主编,化工出版社 2007
1 做好预习 2 认真听课,适当笔记 3 课后练习 4 掌握规律 课程网址: http://netclass2.csu.edu.cn/jpkc2008/ China/yjhx/index.html E-mail: medorgan@yahoo.cn Keyword: chemistry

1、分子组成复杂 ,同分异构现象极为普遍。 2、容易燃烧 。 大多数有机化合物容易燃 烧,产生二氧化碳和水,同时放出大量的 热。 3 、熔点、沸点低。许多有机物在室温下呈 气态或液态,呈固态的有机物其熔点也低, 一般不超过400。C。 4、难溶于水而易溶于有机溶剂。 5 、反应速率比较慢;反应复杂、副反应多。
How to Think About Reactions

A good way to think about chemical reactions is that they are like crimes. Both crimes and chemical reactions need motive and opportunity to take place. Motive For reactions, the motive refers to the thermodynamic driving force. In other words, a reaction can be thought of as having a motive (thermodynamic driving force) if the products are more stable than the reactants.
1.2 有机化学与生命科学的关系
2005 Development of the metathesis method in organic synthesis 有机合成复分解 2006 Reveal the Eukaryotic Transcription on Molecular Basis 在分子基础上展示真核转录过程 2008 Discovery and development of green luorescence protein 绿色荧光蛋白质的发现 2009 Studies of the structure and function of the ribosome 对核糖体结构和功能的研究