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6. To greet Mar and Jack, Grace kissed Mary on _____ check, and shook Jack by _____ hand.

A. the; /

B. /; the

C. her; his

D. the; the

7. In the summer vacation, the price of the _____ to the theme park has risen by 50 yuan.

A. permission

B. admission

C. introduction

D. impression

8. Jack is often told that ______ school rules is very important, so _____ again made his teacher angry.

A. obeying; him being late

B. obey; his being late

C. obeying; his being late

D. to obey; him being late

9. The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be _____ the present one.

A. three times the size of

B. as three times big as

C. three times big than

D. as big three times as

10. The person in charge of the meeting asked the people present to sit_____ together and listen _____.

A. close; closely

B. closely; close

C. close; close

D. closely; closely

11. What caused the accident and how many passengers were wounded ______ unknown up to now.

A. has remained

B. remains

C. remained

D. have remained

12. How would you ______ my sister so easily in the crowd

A. pick up

B. pick out

C. pick off

D. pick through

13. My father has recently bought two ______ tables.

A. round big wooden new

B. big new round wooden

C. big round new wooden

D. new big round wooden

14. She received and email ______. “I am heavily in debt. Help me out, please.”

A. reading

B. said

C. written

D. writing

15. I had to tell some of them what we wanted to do next, because ______.

A. none of them were here

B. no one was here

C. all of them were here

D. all of them were not here

16. From her _____ look, I know Joanna couldn’t understand your _____ opinion about the universe.

A. confusing; confused

B. confused; confusing

C. confusing; confusing

D. confused; confused

17. _____ his telephone number yet, she had some difficulty getting in touch with Bill.

A. Not knowing

B. Knowing not

C. Not having known

D. Having not known

18. the reason _____ she failed to catch the last bus was ______ she broke her leg on the way.

A. why; that

B. that; why

C. that; because

D. why; because

19. She is the only one among the ______ writers who ______ stories for children.

A. woman; writes

B. women; writes
