
2017考研英语基础班讲义二〇一五年主编:Ada 司内部讲义翻版必究并列句一.定义:You may go with us, or you may stay at home.It was getting late; we had to go back.二.并列句连词1.表示转折关系的并列连词有:but, yet , nevertheless, while2.表示因果关系的并列连词有:for3.表示并列附加关系:and,not only…but also4.表示选择关系的:either…or neither….nor or三.并列句中的省略现象Its scientists were the world's best, its workers the most skilled.It is said that in England death is pressing, in Canada inevitable and in California optional.He adds humbly that perhaps he was superior to the common run of men in noticing things which easily escape attention, and in observing them carefully.(08)定语从句一.什么是定语二.定语的种类定语前置a lovely girl twenty students定语后置He give me a basket full of eggsA film about the life of workers.The ability to modify the environment.三.定语从句含义用句子做定语,放在被修饰对象的后面。
These are useful booksThese are the books which I needed in my research.区分:从句作定语和单词作定语的区别总结:定语从句的结构先行词+关系词+从句=定语从句四.定语从句的模式(一)先行词1.一个名词Even when homeless individuals manage to find a shelter that will give them three meals a day and a place to sleep at night…2.一个短语或者从句作名词概念We are obliged to them because some of these languages have since vanished, as the peoples who spoke them died out or became assimilated and lost their native languages.(2004年翻译)What the were seeing were the patterns and structures that existed 15 billion ago.3.一个完整的句子He arrived an hour later, which annoyed his girlfriend very much.(二)关系代词which/who/whom/that/whose1.关系代词指代人That/who都可以充当从句的主语,宾语或者标语,但是,若先行词后出现逗号,这时的定语从句只能用who引导。

1..1.a . , , . . ,a , , , ... ... .因为英语是个杀手。
2. a (a ). , "" , ( ) —— , a .同时,他认为这些政策和他称之为语言歧视(和种族歧视、性别歧视的情况类似)的偏见密切相关。
3. , , . ,a .总的来说,我们现在或多或少地把这些语言看作有利的语言。
4. a . , a , a , a .然而,许多人把英语看成是一件幸事。
5. , , , .讲英语的南非英国后裔并不强烈反对种族隔离政权,而黑人反对力量,其成员讲多种语言,在初期软弱无力且缺乏组织。
6. 's .这一象征表明这种世界通用语的使用者应充分发掘这一幸事为我们带来的好处,同时尽能避免招来灾难。
21 . I , I .苹果公司发生的这些事情丝毫的没有改变这一点。
2 a , ..因为,作为一个成功者的负重感被作为一个创业者的轻松感觉所重新代替, 没有比这更确定的事情了。
这让我觉得如此自由, 进入了我生命中最有创造力的一个阶段。
3 (可怕的好可怕糟糕的 ) i . a . 't . 这个良药的味道实在是太苦了,但是我想病人需要它。

根据例子在文章中所处的不同位置,将例证题进一步划分为1.开头举例2.细节例证3.全文例证【例证题-开头举例】1.例子的标志:(1)example,case,story(2)人名,数字,话语(直接引语&间接引语)2.题干特征:提问写作意图…is mentioned/noted to suggest that___.The example of…is used to show___.3.解题总则:开头举例目的是为了引出主题。
4.解题技巧开头举例型文章的主题在第一段结尾或第二段开头【典型例题】【2003-1】英一例:42.Donovan's story is mentioned in the text to_.[A]introduce the topic of online spying[B]show how he fought for the US[C]give an episode of the information war[D]honor his unique services to the CIA原文:Wild Bill Donovan would have loved the Internet.The American spymaster who built the Office of Strategic Services in the World WarⅡand later laid the roots for the CIA was fascinated with information....These days the Net,...,is reshaping Donovan‘s vocation as well.【典型例题】【2006-3】英一例:31.The extinction of large prehistoric animals is noted to suggest that_____[A]large animals were vulnerable to the changing environment[B]small species survived as large animals disappeared[C]large sea animals may face the same threat today[D]slow-growing fish outlive fast-growing ones原文:When prehistoric man arrived in new parts of the world,something strange happened to the large animals:they suddenly became extinct.Smaller species survived.The large, slow-growing animals were easy game,and were quickly hunted to extinction.Now something similar could be happening in the oceans.例题一【2010-2】例:29.Which of the following can best summarize the main idea of this text?[A]The moral decaying deserves more research by sociologists.[B]Marriage break-up stems from sex inequalities.[C]Husband and wife have different expectations from their marriage.[D]Conversational patterns between man and wife are different.原文Ⅰ①I was addressing a small gathering in a suburban Virginia living room—a women’s group that had invited men to join them.②Throughout the evening,one man had been particularly talkative,frequently offering ideas and anecdotes,while his wife sat silently beside him on the couch.③Toward the end of the evening,I commented that women frequently complain that their husbands don’t talk to them.④This man quickly nodded in agreement.⑤He gestured toward his wife and said,“She’s the talker in our family.”⑥The room burst into laughter;the man looked puzzled and hurt.⑦“It’s true,”he explained.⑧“When I come home from work I have nothing to say.⑨If she didn’t keep the conversation going,we’d spend the whole evening in silence.”Ⅱ①This episode crystallizes the irony that although American men tend to talk more than women in public situations,they often talk less at home.②And this pattern is wreaking havoc with marriage.例题二【2013-1】例:21.The joke in Paragraph1is used to illustrate_____.[A]the impact of technological advances[B]the alleviation of job pressure[C]the shrinkage of textile mills[D]the decline of middle-class incomes原文Ⅰ①In an essay entitled“Making It in America,”the author Adam Davidson relates a joke from cotton country about just how much a modern textile mill has been automated:The average mill has only two employees today,“a man and a dog.②The man is there to feed the dog,and the dog is there to keep the man away from the machines.”Ⅱ①Davidson’s article is one of a number of pieces that have recently appeared making the point that the reason we have such stubbornly high unemployment and declining middle-class incomes today is largely because of the big drop in demand because of the Great Recession,but it is also because of the advances in both globalization and the information technology revolution, which are more rapidly than ever replacing labor with machines or foreign workers.【例证题-细节例证】1.细节例证(小例证)的形式特征:段落中间(至少不在首句)2.解题技巧:返回原文,找到该例证所在位置,搜索该例证周围区域,找到例证支持的观点,通常是该段落首句或小例子的前一句。

考研英语阅读的基本情况 首先我们要对阅读考试的特点有个基本了解。 老张总结考研英语阅读的特点: 出题有题源; 题材有偏好; 体裁有重点; 结构有套路; 文风有特点;
作为阅读理解 A 部分,4 篇文章,一般有 1600 词,题材来源为:经济商业、社会热点、文化 教育、科普知识、法律等方面,出现率最高的是社会生活、科普和经济,其余的还包括体育、 人物传记等。社会生活体裁包括文化、历史、家庭、教育、人口、交通、环境能源及其他社会 现象。从国家的角度来分析,一般以欧美,特别是美国的话题为主,因为文章主要也是来源于 欧美的主流报刊。 考研阅读理解文章的题材多样,有议论文、说明文和应用文。希望大家注意不同体裁的文章不 同考试要点:对于说明文,要注意事实和数据;对于议论文而言,要注意作者的结论和观点, 作者证明观点的论据部分和逻辑结构,以及作者对其他观点的态度。 近几年的真题来看,70% 以上的文章都是偏议论文。这对我们写作借鉴也有意义。
A business, also known as an enterprise or a firm, is an organization involved in the trade of goods, services, or both to consumers. Businesses are prevalent in capitalist economies, where most of them are privately owned and provide goods and services to customers in exchange for other goods, services, or money. Businesses may also be not-for-profit or state-owned. A business owned by multiple individuals may be referred to as a company.

阅读一自2002年起;阅读理解考察内容为三节A节20题:无明显变动..主要考察考生理解主旨要义、具体信息、概括性要义、进行有关的判断、推理和引申;根据上下文推测生词的语义等能力..四篇文章总长度1600字;从四个选项中选出最佳答案B节5题:新增题型..主要考察考生对连贯性、一致性等语段特征以及文章结构的理解备选题型有三种:1)一篇总长度500~600词的文章;其中有5段空白;文章后有6~7段文字;要求考生根据文章内容从这6~7段文字中分别放进文章中5个空白处的5段2)一篇总长度500~600词的文章中;各段落的顺序已被打乱..要求考生根据文章内容和结构将所列段落7~8个重新排序其中有2~3个段落在文章中的位置已给出3)一篇总长度500词的文章前或后有6~7段文字或6~7个小标题..这些文字或标题分别是对文章中某一部分的概括;阐述或举例..要求选出最恰当的5段文字或5个标题填入文章空白处C节5题:翻译本课主要讲阅读理解A节1内容:4篇文章;400字/篇;上下10字浮动..内容涉及社会学科;自然学科和人文学科..社会学科包括社会学、人类学、心理学、教育、经济、管理、金融、法律的等领域;自然学科包括普通物理、化学、生物、工程、计算机、医学、农业等领域;人文学科包括哲学、历史、文学、语言、新闻、艺术等领域..2文体:议论文:写作特点:1写作目的是陈述观点或表明态度;2文章围绕一个中心展开;各个段落之间关系紧密;无论是正面还是反面论述;都从不同的角度和侧面阐释这一中心;3每一段也是围绕一个中心;段落内部句子之间关系紧密说明文:大部分是新闻报道..特点以事实为主;观点为辅..对于此类文章;细节题目较多;着重把握细节真伪和作者态度..议论文为主;说明文为辅..被选取的文章都是议论性的、评论性的、报道性的、和分析论证性的文章..很少有纯抒发感情、抽象思维为主的阅读材料..这同攻读硕士学位研究生要面对大量概括性强、抽象思维为主的阅读材料想吻合..说明文10%;议论文90%阅读材料主要来源:社会生活和文化教育:Newsweek新闻周刊; Time时代周刊; The Washington Post华盛顿邮报; USA today今日美国; The Times泰晤士报; The Guardian卫报; 美国新闻在线..科普类文章:National Geographic 国家地理杂志; Scientific American科学美国人; Science科学杂志; New Scientists新科学家; Discovery探索杂志; Nature自然商业经济类文章:Business Week商业周刊; The Economist经济学家杂志; Wall Street Journal 华尔街杂志3.新大纲对考研阅读理解的要求:1 理解主旨要义2.理解文中的具体信息3.理解文中的概念性含义4 进行有关的判断、推理和引申5根据上下文推测生词的词义6理解文章的总体结构以及上下文之间的关系7理解作者的意图、观点和态度8区分论点和论据读不懂;因为文化背景制约价值观不同:西方:个人英雄主义;中国:集体主义观点:标新立异自我中心中西差别:中:意合;西:形合..西方:讲究章法..行文习惯;每篇文章有一个主题;有固定的逻辑思维..词与词;句与句;段与段有搭配..因此;文章逻辑思维;篇章结构:提观点;论证观点;得出结论..因此;中心提出方式:词汇:基础词:mean平均;尖酸刻薄; need贫穷;贫困; poolv 汇集;集中核心词:abrupt 鲁莽的;collide碰撞;冲突超纲词:近义词辨析:compare vs contrast; risky; challenging; outrage vs grievance 愤怒抓住作者情感立场:ignore: pay no attention toNeglected: don’t take care of1.长难句:A.习语格言e.g.: It never rains; but pours. 事态严重:祸不单行:褒义:不鸣则已;一鸣惊人faith will move mountains. text3One reap what he sowsPractice makes perfectLike father; like son. 真题B.虚假长难句e..g. :Although warning are often appropriate ……..; it isn’t clear that….Although 让步状语从句;不重要..C.真正长难句Behaviorists suggests that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellect ual development. 行为学家表明;在一个充满刺激环境长大的孩子;并且这种刺激可以恰当的发展他的适应能力;这样的孩子会有更好的智力发展..二行文习惯:逻辑思维:篇章结构;得出结论..基础阅读训练;句与句之间的关联;连贯句与句衔接特征:继续前进型:同向:and; in other words; more; moreover; more than that; furthermore; also; likewise; equally important; another ;first; second; in addition; as a result; concluding; hence; in conclusion; to sum up; therefore转完型:反向but; yet; however; while; whereas; nevertheless; otherwise; although; though; despite; instead; in spite of; on the contrary; notwithstanding; rather; in contrast.考研:1.基础阶段:熟悉各类文章题材;精读文章的能力:读懂;读透;提高阅读能力;3月-6月都为基础阶段;2.强化阶段7月-10月:研读历年真题;解题能力;解题方法;2002-2012真题;3.冲刺阶段:实战模拟考试能力;解题准确率;和速度问题..11月到考试前4.题型:主旨10%;词义:5%;态度10%;推理35%;事实细节:40%考察能力:宏观理解+微观理解细节信息;抽象语句1主旨题:测试考生阅读材料的主旨和大意的能力..有如下提问方式:What is the main topic of the passageWhat is the main idea of the passageWhat does the passage mainly deal withWhat does the passage talk aboutWhat is the subject of the passageThe passage is mainly about…….Which of the following best states the theme of the passageWhat is the most appropriate title of the passageA good title for this short passage would be…..The title below that best expresses the idea of this passage is…..2 细节题文章除了要有中心思想;还要有具体的细节来阐明、发展或分析文章主题..阅读短文后的问题一般以短文中的事实、信息和细节提问的题为主;占>50%..主要考察掌握细节的能力;常见提问形式:Which of the following the passage mentions as a major advantage of….Who objects to ….According to the passage; form where did…eIn what year did….The passage states that…Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a factAccording to the passage; what percentage of ……The writer mentions all of the items listed below EXCEEPT…Which of the following is probably NOT considered as …..Which of the following is true according to the passage3语义题根据上下文半段大纲附表之外的某些词汇和短语的意义..语义题的词汇意义大多与文章内容有关;与整篇文章的语言环境有密切联系..常见的命题方式:The word / expression ….in line….. most probably means…..The author used the word…… to indicate…..According to the passage; what is ….From the passage; we can infer that the phrase…. Means….By …..; the writer probably means……..The word “it” in line most probably refers to……….要把握词与词;句语句的语义关系;还要考虑短语段之间的语义关系..4推断题测试推理判断和引申的能力;难度较大(A)推理题根据全文或部分细节;注入人或事物的特征、事发原因、行为目的等因素推断出字里行间的隐含意义;领会作者的言外之意What can be inferred from the passageWhich of the following can be inferred from the passageThe author implies that….The passage suggests that…..It is most like that……(B)结论题对整篇文章或文章段落的整体概念;趋势做出总结、猜测和推断From the passage; we can draw the conclusion that……What was probably the conclusion for………./What can be concluded from the passageIt can be concluded from the passage that….(C)评价题根据文章内容;作者的写作方法和遣词造句;对作者或作品做出评价;诸如作者对某一问题的态度、情绪以及作品的风格等According to the passage; what is the author’s attitude to……..What is the tone of the passageHow does the author feel about………According to the passage; the author’s view of …..is……..The author expresses ……….5.阅读方法:如何避免在选项之间纠结我们多懂一点原理;少一点技巧..即我们的策略每篇阅读有两部分构成;一文章;400字左右;上下浮动10个字;来源上述;替换超纲词之后形成;另一部分题目;每个题与后面的答案构成一问一答每篇文章后一问四答;答案都与文章有一致性;问题与答案是文章的复述;文章的镜像;与文章是一致的..那么;我们的选项与文章哪些部分会构成一致;即是我们的答案.. 所以;在阅读一篇文章时;要做到以下6大标准A. 主题一致性B. 情感一致性C. 人物一致性D. 主次一致性E. 因果一致性F. 取舍一致性A. 主题一致性: 最强音符;旋律复现主题会在文章中反复出现近义复现反义复现同根复现互译复现e.g.: 2006Test 1;21题1.主题反复:Absorb; assimilate; digest; …A对B的同化吸收作用;比如本文assimilative; homogenizing; uniformity;Accomplish; achieve; complete; fulfill; realize…突现某人成就Aggression; attack; invasion; offense; assault…Begin; commence; launch; start ….Danger; hazard; risk; venture…Duty; obligation; responsibility…词义题推测办法:1.系动词tobe ; mean; be defined as; refer to; be known as等提供生词的确切含义;如Drugs that affect the central nervous system and alter perception; mood; and behavior are known as psychoactive substance.通过be known as;我们可猜出psychoactive为“对神经有明显作用的”..2.副词短语similar; that is ; that is to say; in other words等引出的句子有时重复前面生词的含义Mary felt perturbed; that is; she was greatly disturbed by her sister’s action.在that is之后重述中;perturbed与disturbed同意;“不安的;扰乱的”3.同位语有时以or为连接词引导给出生词的确切意义The harbor is protected by a jetty or a wall built into the water.同位语部分给出了jetty的含义;即“防波堤”4.若没有同位语;有时生词后的句子给出了该词的意义;如While computers offer these conveniences to consumers; they have many advantages for sellers too. Electronic cash registers can do much more than simply ring up sales. They can keep a wide range of records; including who sold what; when; and to whom.The phrase “ring up sales” most probably means;Amake an order of goodsBrecord sales on a cash registerCcall the sales managerD keep track of the goods in stock.根据全局的意思;“电子现金出纳机可以做许多事情;而不仅仅限于ring up sales...接着一句说明现金出纳机用来“记录”东西的一种机器;它们能更记录更广泛的东西;其中包括出售某物;何时出售;出售给谁..可猜出ring up sales.指一般现金出纳机的记录销售额5.标点符号;如分号;破折号;逗号;冒号;引号和括号等;也是猜词重要技巧We live in a society in which the medical and social use of substances drugsis pervasive: an aspirin to quiet a headache; some wine to be sociable; coffee to get going in the morning; a cigarette for the nerve.Pervasive为普遍性;后面举了四种情况;用以说明其普遍性6.生词后的定语从句;或者是上下文中所举的例子也可以解释说明生词意义..引导举例短语for example; for instance; such as; like ; as等The researchers made great progress in the early 1970s; when they discovered that oncogenes; which are cancer-causing genes; are inactive in normal cells.Oncogenes为致癌基因..定语从句解释了该词的含义7.一些副词词组;如however; on the other hand; instead; rather that; unlike; yet ;but等词提供相反的信息;由此确定生词的含义Beauty has always been regarded as something praiseworthy. Almost everyone thinks attractive people are happier and healthier; have better marriages and have more respectable occupations. Personal consultants give them better advice for finding jobs. Even judges are softer on attractive defendants. But in the executive circle; beauty can become a liability.The word “liability” most probably meansA disadvantage B. instability C. misfortune D. burden本段作者先是论述beauty给人类带来的好处;然后用了but;表明最后一句与前面所表述内容相反;因此为“不利之处”;选AB. 情感一致性:抛开表象;体会褒贬e.g.: 2009. T1; 21题修饰论据的adj. accurate; correct; exact; precise; true; authentic; genuine; adequate; sufficient; believable; convincing; plausible; credible; +作者感受的adj. afraid; frightened; scared; fearful; angry; furious; indignant; ashamed; -修饰论据的Adj. absurd; silly; foolish; ridiculous; -v. accuse; blame; charge; denounce; criticize; bother; disturb; … -v. ackn owledge; admit; concede; confess; ….n. benefit; advantage; gainsC. 人物一致性:按图索骥;寻求论点找到人;找到人物观点;下面这些词可提示:n. Advice; suggestion; proposal; idea; notion; assertion; 同位语之后的从句即此人观点e.g. sb come to the suggestion / assertion thatsb cling to the idea that…..某人抓住........观点不放......n. assumption; guess; anticipation; expectation…这些词之后的观点表示并未被证实;也可能作为反面证据;需要后文继续理解..v. Announce; declare; proclaim; argue; clarify; explain; discover; indicate; hint; suggest; ..这些词之后跟宾语从句;为说话者观点v. anticipate; expect; foresee文章中通常会提到三类观点;大众观点;作者引用某评论者观点;作者观点..表示通常:often; usually; traditionally; frequently; it is universally accepted that 后通常为大众观点;也是被作者否认的观点评论者观点;通常为引用;目的指出大众观点错误作者观点;为文章中心思想;对上述两种观点进行评论;提出自己的观点e.g.: 2007 T1; 24题观点重申的标志词:simply put it;….In other words; ………State it in another way; ……..That it …………D. 主次一致性:主次清晰;主次分明做语篇论点的题目;关键是识别论点;论据..此时例证是为证明论点..表示论点;1具有概括性:通常为抽象的;指代总结指代总结:These changes; this trend; such tendency; all these phenomena; the troubles me ntioned above …2语气强烈震惊:surprising; astonishing; amazing; alarming; shocking; startling; ….;后面暗示作者的总结强烈肯定:evidently; …..It is more obvious that……Nothing else can be more …..than…….It is implicit that ………..显而易见......强烈否定:never…..By no means……….最高级:the most; the best…后面表明作者态度情态动词:must…程度副词:far; distinctly; absolutely; thoroughly; completely; ….特殊句式:倒装;感叹……To our surprise; …. It is mysterious that ….;反问语气截然不同;暗示作者态度e..g. 2008 T4; 36题T3; 31题E. 因果一致性表因果的表达:以下均为A因B果A is the basis of BA give a high yield of BA has a side-effect: BA has a by-product: BA give rise to BA give birth to BA contribute to BA lead to BA result in BA is responsible for B.A evoke BA induce BA provoke BA launch BA driveB forwardSb. do B in response to ASb. do B in search of A.Sb. do B on grounds of A.B takes roots in A.B stem from A.B derive from AB originate from A归因关系:主观:将B归因为A;认为B的原因在于A Sb. owe B to A.Sb. attribute B to ASb. view A as the source of BA… Therefore; B ….Accordingly; Hence; Thus ….被动语态:表示因为A;所以B不可能B is removed by AB is eliminated by AB is weakened by AThe effect of B is counterbalanced by A B的效应被A抗衡了e.g. 2003 T3;51题F. 取舍一致性表取舍的表达:B 被淡化Rather than B; A………Instead of B; A………..In spite of B; A……More A than B…….Less B than A……….Not so much B as A…….B; but A…….. = B; while A…………Although B; A………While B; A…………e.g.: 2003.T3 53题6大一致性总结:e.g.: 2007 T3.。

2020年考研英语一阅读text3概述1. 2020年考研英语一阅读部分text3是考研英语一部分中的阅读部分的一篇文章,该部分占据了考试试卷的一定篇幅,对于考生来说具有重要意义。
2. 阅读text3的目的在于检验考生的阅读理解能力、逻辑推理能力和语言表达能力,通过这篇文章的阅读对考生的综合能力进行考查。
文章内容分析3. text3的主题围绕了“社交媒体对年轻人的影响”展开,文章涉及了社交媒体对情感交流、个人观点形成、社会参与等方面的影响。
4. 文章通过举例和论证来昭示社交媒体对年轻人生活的影响,并探讨了这种影响所带来的积极和消极的结果。
5. 通过对社交媒体影响的两种不同观点的阐述,文章展现了复杂和多维的社交媒体对年轻人的影响,以及对社会和个人发展的潜在影响。
文章结构分析6. text3的结构清晰,包括概述、正文和结论部分。
7. 正文部分主要围绕社交媒体对年轻人情感交流、个人观点形成和社会参与等方面的影响展开论述,通过例证和论证加深了对这一主题的理解。
8. 结论部分对文章的主要内容进行了总结,强调社交媒体对年轻人生活的复杂和多维影响,呼吁社会对社交媒体对年轻人的关注和引导。
文章理解与分析9. 文章的理解和分析需要考生具备对社交媒体的基本了解,同时需要考生对文章内容的思考和推理能力。
10. 考生需要明确文章的中心思想,并能够理解和分析文中举例和论证来支持这一主题的文字。
11. 考生还应当能够审视文章中的观点和立场,并对这些观点进行分析和思考。
文章写作建议12. 阅读text3的考生在写作时应当注意逻辑性、条理性和语言表达的准确性。
13. 在表达自己观点时,考生应当注意观点的合理性和完整性,同时要尊重文章的原意,并在理解文章的基础上进行推理和分析。
14. 写作中避免无效的重复和废话,注意段落之间的逻辑过渡和连接,使文章结构合理、连贯。

研究生英语阅读教程(基础级)第三次修订版课文参考译文第一课A世界英语:是福是祸?汤姆•麦克阿瑟(1)2000 年,语言学家、威尔士人格兰维尔•普莱斯,在他编辑的《英国与爱尔兰的语言》中发表了如下的观点:因为英语是个杀手。
(第141 页)在此几年前,1992 年,英国学者罗伯特.菲利普森(他如今在丹麦工作)在牛津大学出版了一本书,名为《语言领域的帝国主义》。
第一个群体是ENL 国家,英语是母语(这个群体也叫“内部圈”);第二个群体是ESL 国家,英语是第二语言(“外部圈”);第三个群体是EFL 国家,英语是外语(“扩展圈”)。

考研英语阅读理解基础班讲义(1)第一部分:对于长难句课程难点重点的回顾非简单句的障碍来源:非简单句:﹛S1,S2,S3,S4,…Sn﹜如何拆分和组合句子非简单句的障碍解决方案一.关联词和主句专一原则关联词:1. 关系代词:that, who,whom,which,what,as,whose,2. 关系连词:if, whether,when,where,3. 标点符号:, ----;4. 并列连词:and,or主句专一原则:1. 一个句子只能有一个主句,主句中没有关联词。
2. 一个句子中有n个分句,则只有n-1个关联词。
例证:句子之间的关联方式u 1.并列l 并列联词的用法例 1..Itis alittle upsettingto read that acertainline describesafight betweenaTurkishanda Bulgarianofficerandto find that the line consistsofthe noiseoftheir falling andthe weightsof theofficers,"Pluff!Pluff!"Ahundredandeighty-fivekilograms.u 2.主从复合(嵌套)主从复合句的分类:三大从句:名词性从句:主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句形容词性从句:定语从句副词性从句:状语从句常见的关联词:法硕联盟论坛/doc/32299d12866fb84ae45c8d64.html 祝您考研成功!-2-名词性从句:关系代词:what,who,whom,which,关系连词:that,when,where,how,形容词性从句:见定语从句副词性从句:见后表格;名词性从句的分类讲解:状语从句种类常用连接词特殊连接词时间状语从句When,while,as,before,since,till,until,assoonas1.一些时间名词:themoment,theinstant,theminute,theday,nexttime,everytime2.一些副词:instantly,immediately,directly3.固定搭配的连词:nosooner---than,hardly---when,scarcely---when.地点状语从句Where Wherever,anywhere,everywhere原因状语从句Because,as,for,sinceSeeingthat,consideringthat,nowthat,giventhat,inthat,inasmuchas,insomuchas目的状语从句Sothat,inorderthat,thatLest,forfearthat,incase,inthehopethat,onpurposethat,forthepurposethat,totheendthat结果状语从句So---that,sothat,such---thatSuchthat,tothedegreethat,totheextentthat,tosucha degreethat,tosuchanextentthat条件状语从句If,unless Suppose,supposing,providing,provided(特别关注:supposed,provide不用作条件从句的连词)onconditionthat,solongas,aslongas让步状语从句Although,though,eventhough,evenifWhile(一般用在句首),as(用于倒装结构),whatever,whoever,whichever,however,whenever,wherever,whether---or---,asadj.as+主谓结构用在句首比较状语从句As,than Themore---,themore---;justas---,so---;A istoB what/asC istoD;nomore--than;notA somuchasB/notsomuchA asB方式状语从句as,theway主语从句:结构识别:(1).关系连词+句子+动词(2).It+be动词+形容词/名词短语+关系连词+句子(3).It+不及物动词+that例子:1.Thattheseasarebeingoverfishedhasbeenknownforyears.2.Thattheplatesaremovingisnotbeyonddispute.3.Whathappenedonthe GuangMingDingwillbeforeveretchedinzhangwuji’smemory.4.Itis generally agreed that a personofhighintelligence is onewhocan graspideas法硕联盟,在读学长答疑,2011年北大及人大法律硕士状元均为本站会员!-3-readily, makedistinctions,reason logically, andmakeuseofverbaland mathematicalsymbolinsolvingproblems.人们普遍认为,高智商的人有这样一些特点:理解力强,辨别力强,逻辑推理能力强,并且在解决问题的过程中善于利用文字或数学符号。

年阅读 7H[W

、"基础篇Unit 1 UNIT 1Central banks around the world must raisp interest rates soon to bring inflation, under control, international regulators have warned. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS)— the central bank for central bankers—said, in its annual report published on Sunday, that the era of loose monetary policy must end. ^Tighter global monetary policy is needed in order to contain inflation pressures and ward off financial stability risks,the BIS said, adding that rates may need to be raised more rapidly than after previous recessions.It levied particular criticism at the Bank of England^ monetary policy committee (MPC), which has maintained UK interest rates at their current record low of 0.5% since March 2009. u In the United Kingdom, CPI inflation had exceeded the Bank of England^ 2% target since December 2009, reaching a peak of 4.5% in April 2011. As yet, there has been no move by the MPC, but one wonders how long itscurrent policy can be sustained/' the BIS said.. * • , - ' ■' - .City economists increasingly believe the MPC will resist raising interest rates during 2011. The BIS acknowledged that u policymakers and households have virtually no room for manoeuvre” because of the unsustainably high levels of debts run up by both countries and individuals. However,it continued: All financial crises, especially those generated by a credit-fuelled property price boom, leave long-lasting wreckage. The sooner that advanced economies abandon the leverage-led growth that speeded up the Great Recession, the sooner they will shed the destabilising debt accumulated duiing the last decade and return to sustainable growth.The BIS is aiso clear that overly indebted countries in the eurozone need to tackle their problems. It believes the boom also masked serious fiscal vulnerabilities that, if left unchecked, could trigger the next crisis.International banking regulators, also agreed that the biggest batiks in the world should be forced to hold more capital than those less likely to send a shock wave through the financial system in the event of their failure. Those banks which are potentially too big to fail will be required to have a core tier one ratio—a measure of their assets against the risks they run—of 9.5% compared with the 7% minimum for systemically less important banks.The floor of 9.5% was announced by international banking regulators. If the biggest banks get even larger, then they may be forced to raise their capital cushions to 10.5%. Financial institutions have already begun to accumulate capital since the banking crisis,when banks were running on wafer-thin capital ratios of 2%. For instance, Bob Diamond, chief executive of Barclays, recently set out a strategy for the bank on the basis that it would be able to operate on a 10% capital cushiGn.1.According to Paragraph 1, which of the following wouia BIS agree?[A]The current monetary policy should be adjusted.[B]Banks all over the world should work together.[C]Current interest rates caused worldwide inflation.[D] A new economic recession is around the comer.考研英语阅藥理解基础进阶88篇■"International Banking Regulator Calls for Rates to Be Raised Worldwide (2011.6)《国际银行监管机构呼吁在全球范围内提高利率》实施 紧缩的货 2. Which of the following is true of the Bank of England^ MPC?[A] It is a role model in money management.[B] The interest rates it maintains are too low.[C] It cannot maintain its monetary policy long.[D] The policy it persists in has put the bank in heavy debt.3. What can we learn from Paragraph 3?[A] The soaring price of property is just an illusion.[B] Advanced economies will get rid of debts first.[C] Countries in debt could borrow money from BIS.[D] It * s unwise to stimulate economic growth by credit.4.According to the text, the biggest banks should _____ .[A] store more money to avoid their greater impact on economy[B] protect relatively small banks from being bankrupt[C] take more responsibilities than smaller banks[D] achieve the same core capital ratio5. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ______ .[A] most banks have operated on a 9.5% capital cushion[B] some influential banks have raised capital cushions[C] some institutions are forced to adjust monetary policies[D] capital cushions would protect banks from bankruptcy[文章大意]本文论述了国际清算银行要求各国中央银行尽快提高利率,以抑制通货膨胀。

考研英语真题阅读理解试题及答案分析考研英语真题阅读理解试题及答案分析Being a man hasalways been dangerous. There are about 105 males born for every 100 females,but this ratio drops to near balance at the age of maturity, and among70-year-olds there are twice as many women as men. But the great universal ofmale mortality is being changed. Now, boy babies survive almost as well as girlsdo. This means that, for the first time, there will be an excess of boys inthose crucial years when they are searching for a mate. More important, anotherchance for natural selection has been removed. Fifty years ago, the chance of ababy surviving depended on its weight. A kilogram toolight or too heavy meant almost certain death. Today it makes almost nodifference. Since much of the variation is due to genes, one more agent ofevolution has gone。
There is another way to commit evolutionary : stay alive,but have fewer children. Few people are as fertile as in the past. Except insome religious communities, very few women have 15 children. Nowadays thenumber of births, like the age of death, has become average. Most of us haveroughly the same number of offspring. Again, differences between people and theopportunity for natural selection to take advantage of it have diminished.India shows what is happening. The country offers wealth for a few in the greatcities and poverty for the remaining tribal peoples. The grand mediocrity oftoday―everyone being the same in survival and number of offspring meansthat natural selection has lost 80% of its power in upper-middle-class Indiacompared to the tribes。

学⽣提⾼英语阅读理解能⼒⼀般要经历四个发展阶段: 1. 字⾯⼼译阶段,即在阅读时要通过逐词⼼译来理解原⽂。
2. 分析性⼼译阶段,即在对原⽂的词语和结构进⾏⼀些分析以后,再进⾏⼼译,或⼼译过程伴随着词语和结构的分析。
3. 综合性⼼译阶段。
4. 直接理解原⽂阶段。

2020考研英语KK 阅读三步法精华总结补充讲义(何凯文)1*建议在听何凯文老师【五夜十篇】课程之前听完翻译和这个课,能达到更好学习效果,即便之前没听过何老师阅读课的同学也能通过此课更好的跟上节奏,取得明显的提升!*最晚要在10月份搞定阅读,之后留更多时间给写作、以及其他科目!大家冲鸭!!!20考研KK 阅读三步法精华总结课补充电子讲义以下例题为“定位信息充分”时举的例子例题1—E1-2016-T4Nostalgia for ink on paper and the rustle of pages aside ,there’s plenty of incentive to ditch print.The infrastructure required to make a physical newspaper—printing presses,delivery trucks—isn’t just expensive;it’s excessive at a time when online-only competitors don’t have the same set of financial constraints.Readers are migrating away from print anyway.And though print ad sales still dwarf their online and mobile counterparts,revenue from print is still declining.36.The New York Times is considering ending its print edition partly due to ________.[A]the high cost of operation[B]the pressure from its investors[C]the complaints from its readers[D]the increasing online ad sales例题2—E1-2016-T4Peretti says the Times shouldn’t waste time getting out of the print business,but only if they go about doing it the right way.“Figuring out a way to accelerate that transition would make sense for them,”he said,“but if you discontinue it,you’re going to have your most loyal customers really upset with you.”37.Peretti suggests that,in face of the present situation,the Times should ________.[A]seek new sources of readership[B]end the print edition for good[C]aim for efficient management[D]make strategic adjustments。

Language knowledge explanation
Vocabulary interpretation
Difficult words explained and annotated
Regular review of previously learned words to enhance retention
Reading assignments
assigned reads for self study and reflection
Classroom activities
interactive games, role plays, etc
Teaching method
Reading comprehension skills
Essay writing
Create short quizzes at the end of each lesson to assess students' retention of key concepts and vocabulary
Monitor students' participation in class discussions and their attention to assess their engagement with the course material
Provide readings with similar themes or messages and ask students to compare and contrast them
Summary Writing
Ask students to write a summary of a given passage, focusing on the main points and key information

第二题: Join the Club is filled with too much irrelevant detail and Join the Club is not enough exploration of the social and biological factors that make peer pressure so powerful.
因果考点: 1.因果词的总结。(识别因果) 2.区分原因和结果。
例题一: The accumulation of knowledge gives rise to the professionalism. The professionalism is the response to the accumulation of knowledge.
第二类:源自…; 归因于…; 前果后因 Derive from, come from, originate from, initiate from, stem from, spring from, grow out of, be attributable to; attribute 结果 to 原因;demand
原文:Some attributed every important cultural achievement(果) to the inventions of a few gifted peoples.(因) 选项:According to some people, every important cultural achievement is attributable to the inventions of a few gifted peoples. (对的!)

they allow voters to avoid the difficult search for a
non-controversial but respected public figure.
Even so, kings and queens undoubtedly have a downside, symbolic of national unity as they claimed to be, their very history— and sometimes the way they behave today - embodies outdated and indefensible privileges and inequalities. At a time when Thomas Piketty and other economists are warning of rising inequality and the increasing power of inherited wealth, it is bizarre that wealthy ar第i11s页t/o共1c9页ratic families should still be the symbolic heart
21. According to the first two paragraph, King Juan Carl of Spain
[A] used to enjoy high public support [B] was unpopular among European royals [C] cased his relationship with his rivals [D] ended his reign in embarrassment

二、考查题材及来源1.考查题材政治经济、社会生活、商业经济、政治法律环境保护、文化教育、科普知识2.文章来源西方主流报刊、杂志The Guardian,The Washington Post,The Economist,Nature三、考研大纲对阅读能力的要求(英语一&英语二)理解主旨要义(主旨要义题)理解文章的具体信息(细节题)理解文中概念性的含义进行有关的判断推理和引申(推理引申题)根据上下文推测生词词义(语义理解题)理解文章的总体结构以及上下文的关系理解作者的意图,观点和态度(观点态度题)区分论点和论据(篇章结构题)考研阅读题型1、细节题2、主旨要义题3、篇章结构题(例证题&文章续写题)4、观点态度题(观点题和态度题)5、语义理解题(词汇题、指代题、句子理解题)6、推理引申题阅读学习阶段第一阶段原文How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount, reliability,and appropriateness of the information.你眼里的文章How well the騳will be纛by later乧r??7n?depends upon the菄躞tXF;and驌of the杌l\?$.第二阶段句子都能读懂,但文章串不起来第三阶段我看懂了,就是做不对题。
--题干和选项是否真的读懂考研阅读复习规划基础阶段(1-6月)总体目标:2010-2019年真题第一轮复习重点:词汇、语法、长难句、解题思路强化阶段(7-11月)总体目标:2010-2019年真题第二轮复习重点:题型、解题技巧冲刺阶段(12月)总体目标:2010-2020年真题第三轮复习重点:模考2020、错题分析考研阅读做题步骤1.阅读题干,把题干里面的关键词划出来,并初步预测文章内容关键词:1)专有名词、数词、连字符词2)动宾结构3)主语或其他2.阅读文章,划出与题干关键信息相对应的地方,划出常出题的地方常出题的地方:首段及其余各段首尾及转折处两大定位法则:1)关键词定位2)顺序定位3.解题---排除法:对比选项,选最佳答案1.阅读题干,把题干里面的关键词划出来,并初步预测文章内容例一:2016-331.The author views Milton Friedman’s statement about CSR with32.According to Paragraph2,CSR helps a company33.The expression"more lenient"(Line2,Para.4)is closest in meaning to34.When prosecutors evaluate a case,a company's CSR record35.Which of the following is true of CSR,according to the last paragraph?33.The expression"more lenient"(Line2,Para.4)is closest in meaning to[A]more effective.[B]less controversial.[C]less severe.[D]more lasting.原文ⅣThe study found that,among prosecuted firms,those with the most comprehensive CSR programmes tended to get more lenient penalties.Their analysis ruled out the possibility that it was firms’political influence,rather than their CSR stand,that accounted for the leniency: Companies that contributed more to political campaigns did not receive lower fines.例二:2017-331.One of the reasons for high-school graduates not taking a gap year is that_____.32.Studies from the US and Australia imply that taking a gap year helps_____.33.The word"acclimation"(Line8,Para.3)is closest in meaning to_____.34.A gap year may save money for students by helping them_____.35.The most suitable title for this text would be_____.[A]In Favor of the Gap Year[B]The ABCs of the Gap Year[C]The Gap Year Comes Back[D]The Gap Year:A Dilemma2.阅读文章,划出与题干关键信息相对应的地方,划出常出题的地方例:【2011-4】36.The EU is faced with so many problems that______.[A]it has more or less lost faith in markets[B]even its supporters begin to feel concerned[C]some of its member countries plan to abandon euro[D]it intends to deny the possibility of devaluationⅠ①Will the European Union make it?②The question would have sounded strange not long ago.③Now even the project’s greatest cheerleaders talk of a continent facing a“Bermuda triangle”of debt,population decline and lower growth.Ⅱ①As well as those chronic problems,the EU faces an acute crisis in its economic core,the16 countries that use the single currency.②Markets have lost faith that the euro zone's economies, weaker or stronger,will one day converge thanks to the discipline of sharing a single currency, which denies uncompetitive members the quick fix of devaluation.细节题【大纲要求】理解文中的具体信息。

研究生英语阅读教程(基础级第二版)PPT 08

How to Preread Prereading involves looking only at those parts of the reading material that will tell you what it is about or how it is organized. The portions to look at in reading a textbook chapter are listed below.
2. Are there any censorship regulations on songs and music in our country?
3. What impact does music have on our perceptions?
4. What role does music play in our life and society?
About the Author
Sam Becker is a resolutely centered teacher-scholar- adviser. He grew up in Quincy, Illinois, lived with his family in St. Louis, and moved to Iowa City in the early 1940s, completing his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. at the University of Iowa, and, for good measure, staying here. More than half a century of his life has been spent here —only an hour from the river that defines Middle America geographically and culturally.
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Macroeconomics is a branch of economics dealing with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of an economy as a whole, rather than individual markets. This includes national, regional, and global economies. Macroeconomists study aggregated indicators such as GDP, unemployment rates, and price indexes to understand how the whole economy functions. Macroeconomists develop models that explain the relationship between such factors as national income, output,consumption, unemployment, inflation, savings, investment,international trade and international finance.
年份 2013 text 1 2007 text 3 2004 text 3 2013 text 2 2011 text 3 2004 text 1
2011 text 2 2007 text 4 2010 text 4 2015 text 2
2010 text 2 2013 text 3
2014 text 1 2012 text 4 2009 text 4 2006 text 1 2008 text 3 2012 text 2 2007 text 2
考研英语阅读的基本情况 首先我们要对阅读考试的特点有个基本了解。 老张总结考研英语阅读的特点: 出题有题源; 题材有偏好; 体裁有重点; 结构有套路; 文风有特点;
作为阅读理解 A 部分,4 篇文章,一般有 1600 词,题材来源为:经济商业、社会热点、文化 教育、科普知识、法律等方面,出现率最高的是社会生活、科普和经济,其余的还包括体育、 人物传记等。社会生活体裁包括文化、历史、家庭、教育、人口、交通、环境能源及其他社会 现象。从国家的角度来分析,一般以欧美,特别是美国的话题为主,因为文章主要也是来源于 欧美的主流报刊。 考研阅读理解文章的题材多样,有议论文、说明文和应用文。希望大家注意不同体裁的文章不 同考试要点:对于说明文,要注意事实和数据;对于议论文而言,要注意作者的结论和观点, 作者证明观点的论据部分和逻辑结构,以及作者对其他观点的态度。 近几年的真题来看,70% 以上的文章都是偏议论文。这对我们写作借鉴也有意义。
历年阅读题材 题材类型 具体分类 经济商业 时尚品牌
经济 经济 网络媒体 网络营销 网络求职
工商管理 工商管理 工商管理 个人隐私
专利保护 移民问题 法律改革
美欧社会 失业救济
主题 对时尚行业的批判 美国中产家庭经济风险 美国经济衰退没有引起恐慌 跟踪用户上网的争议 营销中的新媒介 网络求职的个人搜索代理工 具 高级经理的裸辞 企业信息保护 会计准则受到压力 对智能手机的个人信息的法 律保护 商业专利保护受到威胁 最高法对移民法的判决 美国法律行业的改革势在必 行 失业者应该获得救济金 工会阻碍公共部门改革 新英格兰的精神生活 美国社会同化现象 美国人身高停止增长 科学发现可信性的证实 智商测试
环保 环保
海洋生物濒临灭绝 全球变暖 动物的公平意识 文科教育面临的危机 古典音乐危机 报纸评论辉煌不在 教育与经济发展的关系 学术期刊的出版方式
2006 text 3 2005 text 2 2005 text 1 2014 text 4 2011 text 1 2010 text 1 2009 text 3 2008 text 2
Basic forms of ownership: Sole proprietorship,Partnership, Corporation--Corporation: The owners of a corporation have limited liability and the business has a separate legal personality from its owners. Corporations can be either government-owned or privately owned. They can organize either for profit or as not-for-profit organizations. A privately owned, for-profit
考研英语 阅读
Hale Waihona Puke 内容说明: 考研英语(包括考研英语 2)的阅读真题内容,以及部分阅读中长难句句型。 在我们的课程体系中,阅读分为基础和强化两个模块,基础重文章阅读能力,强 化重解题能力。 课程适用对象: 考研(含考研英语 2)英语基础阶段学习; 资料来源: 考研英语历年真题 学习方法: 理解考研英语的难度,特点,考试题型; 掌握基本的考研英语阅读文章的逻辑结构; 对附加的 6 篇真题文章分析非常熟悉,知道如何利用阅读真题。
A business, also known as an enterprise or a firm, is an organization involved in the trade of goods, services, or both to consumers. Businesses are prevalent in capitalist economies, where most of them are privately owned and provide goods and services to customers in exchange for other goods, services, or money. Businesses may also be not-for-profit or state-owned. A business owned by multiple individuals may be referred to as a company.