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北师大版高中必修一Unit 1 ---unit3期末复习知识点。

1. at weekends = at the weekend 在周末

on weekdays 在工作日

2. at the moment /at the present time; 此刻;目前, 现在(可指较短或较长的时间)

for the moment = for the present, temporarily; for now 暂时;目前

in a moment very soon一会儿;立刻;马上

3. switch on = turn on把开关打开;接通

switch off = turn off 关掉;关上

switch over (to) …转换频道;转变

4. do some exercise = do some sports = take some exercise 锻炼身体(exercise 意为“锻炼运动”时。作不可数名词用;意为“练习、训练”时,作可数名词用。) do morning/eye exercises 做早操/ 做眼保健do exercises 做练习;

5.live this lifestyle 过这种生活live/lead a … life 过⋯⋯的生活

dream a … dream做⋯⋯的梦

6.at one’s desk = at desk 在伏案工作

at the desk 在书桌旁

at table 在吃饭

at the table 在饭桌边

7. take up 占据(时间或空间);开始从事某事(尤指职业)

take down 拿下;拆除(构造物);记下

take off(飞机等)起飞;脱下(衣帽等);(观念、产品等)突然大受欢迎

take on a new look 呈现新面貌(不用于被动语态)

8. be filled with… 装着⋯⋯;装满⋯⋯/fill … with…把⋯⋯装进⋯⋯/be full of…装满⋯⋯

9. complain (to sb.) about sth. 向⋯⋯抱怨⋯⋯

10. get bored 变得厌烦

bored 厌烦的(指人的感受)

boring 令人厌烦的(指物)

如surprised/ surprising; excited/exciting;frightened/frightening; moved/moving;


11. find /make+ O.(宾语)+ O.C.(宾语补足语)

I find painting or drawing very relaxing. (v-ing 作宾补)


They found him wounded by a knife. 他们发现Lifestyles 他被刀刺伤了。

12. suffer from…忍受;遭受

13. take place 发生


break out 发生(通常指激烈事件或大的自然灾害)


14. lose weight 减轻体重(反义词):put on weight 增加体重

15. can’t stand sth./doing sth. 无法忍受⋯⋯

16. take turns to do/doing sth

.= take it in turns to do sth. 依次/ 轮流做某事

I n turn 轮流地;一个接一个地;接连地;依次

by turns 轮流地;轮替地;依次地

17 prepare for… 为⋯⋯做准备/prepare sth. 准备⋯⋯/prepare sb. for sth⋯⋯/prepare to do sth. 准备做某事

18. look after sb. / sth. =take care of…; =attend to…照顾;照看;照料

look forward to…盼望;期待

19 distance learning 远程教育;远程学习

20.as a result 结果;因此(独立作状语用)

as a result of…由于⋯⋯因为⋯⋯的结果(后接名词或代词,作状语用)

21. come up with...= produce; f ind (a solution, an answer) 产生;发现,想出(解决办法、答案)

22. as well as…和;也;并as well 和;也

23.go off 响

24.urgent matter

25.graduate from 从。。。毕业

26.depend on 依靠,根据

27. make a decision=decide

28.receive an invitation

29.improve 提高,改进


31.celebrate sth with sb.和。。。庆祝

Unit 2 重点短语

1.be famous for / as因…而闻名/作为...而闻名

2.lift off 升空发射→ take off起飞

3.separate A from B把A与B分离

→ separate (=divide) A into B 把A分离成B

lions of people 数百万的人

5.let out 放掉, 泄露

6.fight for…为…而战→fight against与…做斗争

7.agree with sb / sth同意某人(的)观点适合不一致

8.in my opinion 在我看来(=personally)

9.give / offer one’s seat to sb给…让座位

10.open (set up) a hospital开办医院

11.continue to do sth / doing sth / with sth 继续做...

12.be strict with sb (in sth) 在…方面对...要求严格

pete against each other for sth in在…为…而相互竞争

plete / finish one’s high school 高中毕业

15.develop one’s career发展/规划职业生涯

at / in college在大学求学期间念大学时

16.express a keen interest in对…表达浓厚的兴趣

17.→have / show little / much interest in

e to an end结束→bring an end to sth 终结

19.make much progress取得巨大的进步

20.be keen (=eager) to do sth. 渴望做某事

21.on one’s own独自/立地

22.raise / collect money筹集/措资金筹款募款募捐

23.promote medical research推动/促进医学研究

24.make / give / deliver a speech 发表演讲做演讲

25.draw public attention to把公众的注意力吸引到…

→attract one’s attention 吸引…注意力

e to understand渐渐明白

27.pull through度过难关脱离危险恢复健康

28.give up (doing) sth 放弃

29.Get on / along well with与…相处得好进展顺利

30.get involved in / with 被卷入到…参与到…

31.be confident of (=about) in / that-clause对…有信心

32.do well in…擅长于在…方面做得好

33.win the honor for…为…赢得荣誉

34.all the time一直most of the time 大部分时间

35.live a hard life过着艰苦的生活

36.manage to do sth 设法做成某事

37.learn (a lot) from 向…学习(从…中学到了很多)

38.carry out实行实施

39.see sb as (=regard sb as) 把某人看作

40.be short of 缺少……不够

41.all in all总的说来总之从各方面来说

42.do sb good / harm 对...有好/害处

do sb wrong 冤枉某人, 委屈某人

43.figure out算出想出理解解决(=make out)

44.out of control失去控制

→lose control of失去控制
