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第I卷 (三部分,共85分)

第一部分听力(共两节, 满分20分)



1. What does the man mean?

A.He got caught in the rain.

B.He wonders if it is raining.

C.He has washed his clothes.

2.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Uncle and niece.

B.Aunt and nephew.


3.What will the man probably do?

A.Return the tape to woman.

B.Enjoy the tape with the woman.

C.Lend the tape to his friends.

4.What is the man?

A. A salesman.

B. A fisherman.

C. A repairman.

5. Where is the woman going for holiday this year?

A. Canada.

B. Turkey.

C. Italy.





6. Why does the man refuse to go dancing?

A. He is tired of dancing.

B. He is tired from his work.

C. He is tired with playing.

7. How do the speakers usually spend their weekends?

A. Going to movies.

B. Going dancing.

C. Going shopping.

8. What time are their friends coming?

A.Around 7 o’clock.

B. Around 8 o’clock.

C. Around 9 o’clock.


9.When did the man begin to feel sick?

A. Yesterday afternoon.

B. Last night.

C. This morning.

10.What might cause the man’s sickness?

A. Dirty food.

B. Lack of sleep.

C. Too much alcohol.

11. Why does the woman think the matter should be looked into?

A. It has caused great losses.

B. It frightens people greatly.

C.It has happened twice.


12.What do you know about the man?

A.He is a native here.

B.He is a stranger here.

C.He is a frequent visitor here.

13. How much will the man pay for his tickets?

A. 25 pounds.

B. 40 pounds

C. 50 pounds

14. Where will the man have lunch on Tuesday?

A. At the station.

B. In Newcastle.

C. On the train.


15. How was the man’s last job interview?

A. Desirable.

B. Unsuccessful.

C. Ridiculous.

16.What kind of person is the company going to hire?

A. A manager full of experience.

B. An energetic university graduate.

C. A salesman who can drive a car.

17.How does the man feel about the job after studying the ad?

A. Doubtful

B. Confident.

C. Interested.


18. What could Nicholas do at 18 months?

A. Write down what he heard.

B. Convey telephone messages.

C. Learn French by himself.

19. Why was Nicholas bored and unhappy at the two schools?

A. He could not get what he needed there.

B.He couldn’t understand what was taught there.

C.He couldn’t get along well with others there.

20. What are the parents doing about the child?

A. Feeling extremely proud of him.

B. Making every effort to help him.

C. Showing his intelligence to the public.




21.She took her son, ran out of the house, and ________ him in the car, drove quickly to the nearest doctor’s office.

A. putting

B. put

C. to put

D. having put

22.One weekend, I settled down ________ the exciting task of applying ________ a few scholarships.

A. in; for

B. in; to

C. to; for

D. on; to

23. While ________ TV, someone knocked at the door.
