600MW WT-E发电机总演示文稿

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换位交叉部分不会变形 connections between hollow conductors and water chambers TIG-welded (no leakages) 空心导体和水盒之间的焊接为钨极氩弧焊(不会发生泄漏) water boxes fixed to electrical connection by electron beam welded spacers 水盒与电连接之间垫块的焊接采用电子束焊接. Overall winding losses lower than with copper hollow conductors 绕组总损耗低于空心铜导体.
field lines 磁力线 non-conducting segment plates 非导体压块
laminated press plate 叠片式压板
fully insulated tension bolts 全绝缘拉紧螺钉
stator core 定子铁心
rotor body 转子本体
Laminated Pressplates
Easy Re-Tightening 易于重新压紧
Simply turn spindles to re-establish pressure on end-windings 简单旋转螺杆 重新在端部绕 组施加压力
Eliminates lengthy shut-downs
Concave / Convex Double Tapered Stator Slot Wedges 定子凸凹斜槽楔
Top Wedge 上槽楔
Bottom Wedge 下槽楔
Top Wedge Bottom Wedge Slider Shims Protecting Layer Filler Bar
different radii ensure a pretension over a long time period 不同的半径保证长期紧度
Generator Installation 电厂发电机安装

独立的轴承,可以避免将轴承振动传给定子机座,减少润滑油向机座内漏油的几率。 发电机转子只有励端一个大风扇,便于发电机转子的拆装。 悬挂式定子铁心,起到了对定子机座的很好减振的作用。 定子铁心端部采用的是与定子铁心材料相同的叠片式压板,极大地减少了铁心端部的损 耗,很好地控制了铁心端部温升,而不会发生过热,进相能力非常强,功率因数0.95(超 前)运行不受时间限制。 发电机定子端部具有再紧装置,保证定子线棒端部一直处于紧固状态。定子槽内也有再 紧设计,保证发电机运行过程中,定子线棒不会发生松动。 定子线棒采用的是TVPI真空压力浸。定子线棒绝缘的整体性能非常好,不容易被破坏, 同时热传导效果好, 有效地进行散热。 定子线棒空心导体是不锈钢材质的,杜绝了铜和氧发生反应产生二氧化铜而堵塞铜管的可 能性。 刷架部分采用的是封闭式空气循环系统,有空气过滤装置、湿度调节装置及空气冷却器 等对刷架装配运行的温度、湿度进行调解,同时保证空气的净化。 三流环密封油系统可以大大减少漏氢量。
Hollow Conductors made of Stainless Steel: 不锈钢空心导体: no corrosion (no risk of clogged hollow conductors)
no risk of deformation at crossovers
Top view
Side view
Generator WT-E Stator core section 定子铁心剖面
Leaf Spring Suspended Core 弹性悬挂铁心
Leaf Spring 弹簧板
Key bar 支持筋
Core 铁心
For large Hydrogen & water cooled generators 适用于大型氢气和水冷的发电机
Laminated press plate 叠片式压板
• same material as the core itself •与铁心的材料相同 • bonded under pressure with epoxy resin 在压力下用环氧树脂粘接成一体 • extremely low eddy current losses •非常低的涡流损耗 • cooled by hydrogen flow in axial channels 可以通过轴向通风道冷却

50WT23E-138 Generator main characteristics

The separate bearings avoid to transfer vibration to stator housing. Lube oil can not leak in stator housing. There is only one main fan of generator rotor. It is convenient to install generator rotor in stator. The suspend stator core reduces vibration influence to stator housing. Laminated press plates at two sides of stator core that have same material as stator core reduces flux loss at two ends greatly. Temperature rise at end of stator core is controlled well. Leading phase operation ability is very high. Operation is not limited by time at leading power factor 0.95. There is re-tight device at end windings to ensure tight condition all the time during generator operation life. There is re-tight design in stator slots.It ensures the bars in slots are tightened during operation life. TVPI technology of stator bar manufacture guarantees stator bar insulation integrality and good heat conductivity. Stainless steel hollow conductor avoids to be clogged by CuO2 that cause copper hollow conductor clogging. Closed air cooling system with filter and humidity conditioner provides good operation conditions. Triple circuit sealing ring reduces hydrogen leakage greatly.
Water Cooled Stator Bar Ends Main advantages: 定子线棒鼻端水盒 主要优点:
2 3
bars prefabricated (including water boxes and electrical connection) 线棒预装配(包括水盒和电连接) 4
CuO particles CuO粒子 2. Higher O2-concentration 3. When O2-concentration Cu2O as well as CuO decreases in presence of CuO: CuO particles are washed out: 高的O2浓度形成二氧化铜及 danger of clogged hollow 一氧化铜 conductor 当氧气的浓度降低,一氧化铜粒子 被冲出去:构成了空心导体堵塞的 危险.
No copper oxidation 铜线不氧化 No plugging 无堵塞 Higher water velocity 高水速 Heat transfer u 提高热传导 Experience with Stainless Steel Hollow conductors since 1973
600MW Class Generator Introduction 600MW等级 发电机介绍
600MW Steam Turbine Generator Layout 600MW汽轮发电机组布置图
Lippendorf Power Plant 电 厂
Insulation hose 绝缘引水管
Manifould 汇水管
Tension bolt 穿心螺杆
Insulation wedge 绝缘压紧块
压垫和楔块 环氧环 压紧构件
Leaf Spring Suspension 弹性悬挂结构
Outer Ring 端部大锥环
Generator WT-E Stator endwinding with inner support ring (Lippendorf) 装有内端箍的端部绕组
Generator Type WT-E 汽轮发电机外形图
Generator WT-E Generator Housing 发电机外壳
氢气冷却器座 端盖 出线罩 轴封
Water Cooled Generators 水冷发电机
Hydrogen Circuit+ 氢
De-ionized water circuit 去离子水回路
minimizing end iron losses 端部损耗小 providing maximum reactive capability in underexcited operation 低励下强大的无功能力
Generator WT-E Stator end winding support 定子绕组端部支撑
brazed electric copper connection 电连接焊接 welded special alloy block 焊接特殊合金垫块 stainless steel water chamber 不锈钢水盒 teflon hoses 特氟龙管 stainless steel hollow conductor 不锈钢空心导体 electrical connection brazed during assembly (joined with high frequency brazing within 1,5 minutes) 装配过程中的电连接的焊接(1.5分钟高频焊) stainless steel fittings 不锈钢管装配 Micadur bar insulation 线棒绝缘
Effects with Copper Hollow Conductors: 铜空心导体的缺点:
copper hollow conductor 铜空心导体
cooling water
Cu2O-layer Cu2O层
Copper 铜
Low O2-concentration balance of copper oxide (only Cu2O) 低的O2浓度形成二氧化铜 直至稳定
Tube Vacum Pressure Impregnation TVPI
定 子 线 棒 管 式 真 空 压 力 绝 缘 (
) 设 备
MICADUR Insulation System 绝缘系统
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
Stator bar:

Mica insulation 云母绝缘 Glass fiber reinforced 增强的玻璃纤维 SS hollow conductors 不锈钢空心导线