
第一章英语国家概括第一节英国概括Ⅰ地理有四个部分组成great Britain(England,Wales,Scotland)and northern IrelandⅡ地理特征最短的海峡strait of Dover 多佛海峡1 England the pennies 英格兰最主要的山脉2 Scotland three natural zone :the highlands central lowlands the southern uplands ,首都是Edinburgh ,river Clyde 克莱德河3 Wales Cardiff 最大的城市和首府4 northern Ireland Belfast 英国最大的湖是内伊湖(Lough Neagh)5 Rivers and lakes最长的是Severn river(赛文河),第二长和最重要的是泰晤士河,(Thames river),典型的海洋性气候(maritime climate)Ⅲ人口60million ,英国人是Anglo-Saxons,苏格兰人hospitable and generous,Wales are emotional and cheerful people,北爱尔兰的官方语言是爱尔兰语,其次才是英语ethic groups 伦敦是最大的少数名族聚居区ⅣHistory:1 first settlers are Lberians (伊利比亚人)2 1066(Norman conquer)1215 (大宪章)1337—1453(英法百年战争)1381(农民起义)1458(玫瑰战争,1350-1650(Renaissance)1642-1646(first civil war ),1658(the restoration 王朝复辟)1688(the glorious revolution)Ⅴ教育实行的是5-16岁都必须前去学习ⅥReligionEstablished churches分为the Church of England(official church ,英国君主必须是这个教的成员主教和大主教由monarch 指定)and the Church of Scotland(Presbyterian,长老教会)Unestablished churches: the Anglican churches 英国圣公会,the free churches 自由教,the roman catholic church 天主教Ⅶ主要节日Christmas day December 25th Easter 复活节(主要的天主教节日)whit Sunday(圣灵降临节,复活节后的第7个周日)Gay Fawkes day (盖伊福克斯之夜,11月5日,燃放烟火的节日)Ⅷsports ,足球是最受欢迎的(职业足球从August 到May),最典型的英国运动是cricket,板球)网球(annual Wimbledon fortnightⅨArts 博物馆(the British museum,the national history museum .the national army museum ,the national gallery)Music (甲壳虫乐队,the Beatles ,first national music day was held in 1992,the most famous music festival is the Edinburgh international festival of music and dramaⅩmedia (BBC ,daily Express Daily mail daily mirror , daily star ,financial times ,the Guardian, the times (泰晤士报)the observer (the first Sunday newspaper)ⅪPoliticalconstitutional monarchy,没有宪法,全靠惯例,parliament (the house of lord and the house of commons,任期为五年)political party :labor party(Whigs 辉格党) and conservative party(Tories 托利党)第二节美国概括Ⅰyellow National park(大平原地带),大峡谷(the grand canvon ,in Arizona ,phoenix is the largest city in the intermountain region ,the largest commercial city( san Francisco, also the second largest city in California )ⅡAlaska and Hawaii (Alaska 居住着Inuits,also called Eskimos)Hawaii (Mauna Loa ,莫纳罗亚山,the world’s largest active volcano,盛产sugar cane and pineapple,首府是Honolulu)Ⅲ地理特征1 两大主要山脉是,Appalachian mountains and rocky mountains ,2 the Mississippi river (greatest continental rivers,American Ruhr ),Ohio river(俄亥俄河)3 the great lakes:lake Michigan(唯一一个在美国境内),lake superior(世界上最大的淡水湖),the lake Huron(休伦湖)lake Erie(伊利湖)and lake Ontario(安大略湖)Ⅳhistory1620,201 pilgrim,mayflower,1774(September, first continental congress), on April 19 ,1775 (,the second continental congress),1776( declaration of independence) , in September 1783, (英国承认其独立,签署停火协议),1789(established federal government),1812(和英国开战,认识到强大的联邦政府的重要)1861-1865(civil war),gilded age (镀金时代,国内战争到20世纪初),1949(north Atlantic treaty),1950s (civil rights movement)1950-1975(the Vietnam war),1972(Watergate scandal)1972 (访华),1979(中美建交)ⅤAmerican political美国宪法是世界上最早的成文宪法,(1789讨论成立,国会两院,三分之二以上赞成便可以对宪法进行修改。

专八英语国家概况总汇美国:最大的烟草生产与消费国,稻米出口位居第二,仅次于泰国,玉米产量占总量50%(Iowa 地名)1、美国:the States , the US , Uncle Sam2、国旗:50 stars , white, red, blue3、Location: Western Hemisphere4、人口排名:中国,印度,美国,5、陆地:俄国,中国,美国,加拿大(除了湖泊6、独立战争,发源地:New England7、汽车之都:Detroit8、工商业中心:Chicago9、丰富的矿产资源:南方10、Colorado: the steel city of the west(西部钢城)11、Denver: the largest city of the Great Plains12、The Grand Canyon: one of nature’s most impressive sights13、Los Angeles: 太平洋海岸最大最繁忙的商业城市,第二大城市(排名:纽约,洛杉矶,芝加哥)14、San Francisco: 加利福利亚第二大城市15、Hawaii 首都:Honolulu 盛产: 甘蔗(sugar lane)与菠萝(pineapple)16、纽约:“世界之都”别称:“big Apple”“Gotham”17、Boston: Massachusetts的首府和最大城市“美国雅典”18、Atlantic: 三大高地城市之一(CNN和Coco-Cola 都在Atlantic)19、一战后,世界金融中心从伦敦转为纽约山脉:1、Appalachian Mountains(阿巴拉契亚山脉):northeast tosouthwest2、Rocky Mountains: backbone of the North American continent(北美大陆的脊梁), be knownas the Continental Divide(大陆分水岭)3、The Great Central Plain(中部大平原): between the Rocky and Appalachian4、The Cordillera Rang(西部科迪勒拉山区)河流与湖泊:1、The Mississippi River: Father of waters or “Old Man River”2、Ohio River(俄亥俄河): called the American Ruhr(鲁尔河)3、The Colorado(科罗拉多河in the south) and the Columbia(哥伦比亚河in Canada)4、The Rio Grande River(格兰德河) :between Mexico and the United States5、The Hudson(哈得孙河): meets the Atlantic Ocean at New York City6、The Potomac(波托马克河): borders the national capital of Washington7、The Great Lakes(五大湖): Lake Superior(苏比利尔湖), Lake Michigan(密歇根湖the onlyone entirely in the US), Lake Huron(休伦湖), Lake Erie(伊利湖), Lake Ontario(安大略湖): all located between Canada and the US except Lake Michigan历史:1、1492年,(意)哥伦布发现了新大陆2、英国第一个殖民地:Virginia 的Jamestown,在1607-1733之间,建立了13个殖民地,最后一个是Georgia3、13个英国殖民地于1776年宣布独立,同年,通过《独立宣言》4、1781年,《Articles of Confederation and PerpetualUnion联邦条例》5、1783年,《The Treaty of Paris》英国承认美国独立6、1789年,联邦政府成立,华盛顿成为第一任总统7、1861-1865年,内战(Civil war=Puritan Revolution)爆发,北方胜利,1865年,废除《Thirteenth Amendment》8、1861年,林肯(共和党人)当选总统,1862年,宣布《Emancipation Proclamation解放黑奴宣言》9、WWI:1914.7.28-1918.11.1110、The Paris Conference(巴黎和会):1919.1.18 division of colonies of the defeated countrieswhich was dominated by Big Four(美,英,法,意)11、19世纪20年代:美国经济不平衡“物质上成功,精神上迷惘的时期”12、1929.10.29大萧条罗斯福总统“新政”13、WWII:1941.12.7-1945.8.15 二战后,世界出现两人阵营:美国与苏联14、1949.4.4 《North Atlantic Treaty》The Founding of the NATO(北大西洋公约)15、1950s: the Civil Rights民权运动16、1950-1975: The Vietnam War17、1945-1989: The Cold War 冷战的结果:朝鲜战争,古巴导弹一系列冲突18、1620年:102个朝圣者乘“五月花”来大陆逃宗教迫害19、1903年:the Wright Brothers: 飞机Ford: 汽车James Watt: 蒸汽机Richard Bright:医学家(英)政治:1、体制:three main principles1)联邦制度(federalism)2)三权分立(separation of powers)3)尊重宪法和法律的规定(respect for the constitution and the rule of law)2、宪法:起草1787,生效1789 是最早的成文宪法/最高法律(美)3、The Federal Government(checks and balances)The Executive(行政): 以总统为首的各级政府The Legislative(立法): 归国会The Judicial(司法): 归司法机关4、“Tripartite” Political System(三权分立)行政:4年一选总统选举(最多连任2届)立法:The House of Representatives(2年一选,435名)The Senate(6年一选,100名,一个州2名)司法:The Supreme Court(唯一有宪法规定的联邦法院:one chief justice&8 associate justices)4、政党:the Democratic Party & the Republican Party教育:1、美国教育由政府提供2、Pre-school:4-6岁Elementary: 85%学生上公立学校because of “free”, Junior school, Highschool (80%private school 是由教会开办)3、大学:4年功能:teaching, research, public service资金来源:student tuition, endowments, government funding4、著名大学:哈佛(1636年成立),耶鲁,普林斯顿大学,麻省理工学院,哥伦比亚大学,斯坦福大学,伯克利大学(大部分大学位于大西洋和太平洋海岸)宗教:1、36%Protestants(新教徒), 24%Roman Catholics(罗马天主教徒), 3%Jews(犹太教徒), 2%Orthodox(东正教徒)2、60%的美国公民信奉新教:the largest Protestant group is the Baptists, the second: Methodists3、Catholic(第二大宗教):超过25%美国公民信奉4、Judaism(犹太教) 1950nian “三大宗教”:新教,天主教,犹太教文化:1、建筑:Skyscraper(19世纪末)by Chicago architectSears Tower(110层):1974年建于Chicago2、Music: 爵士乐(起源于非洲),摇滚乐3、足球:AFC, NFC 棒球:oldest sport 篮球:1891年invented by NBA4、复活节:第二大宗教节目独立日:7月4日感恩节由清教徒发起的,第一个感恩节:1962.12.13 in Plymouth泰晤士广场在纽约5、五大报纸:The Wall Street Journal Los Angeles Times USA TodayWashington Post The New York Times6、主要杂志:Time Newsweek TV Guide Reader’s Digest National Geographic7、电子媒体:CBS NBS ABC PBS英国:1、国名:The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国2、Location: an island country. It lies in the North Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe. Itis separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channelin the south and the North Sea in the sea3、England: 人口48.7million占英国60%的土地,首都:LondonScotland: 人口5.111million 首都:EdinburghWales: 首都CardiffNorthern Ireland: 首都Belfast4、人口组成:the English, the Scottish, the Welsh, the Irish, the Northern Irish and other peoples5、The English are Anglo-Saxons. The Scots, Welsh and Irish are Celts6、国旗:俗称“米字旗”,正式称呼“the Union Flag”或者“the Union Jack”7、Salt Lake City(盐湖城)是美国漂流胜地8、爱尔兰共和国的官方语为爱尔兰语,英语为第二语言9、主要城市:1)、London(英国首都,第一大城市,第一大港)a、是世界上最重要的经济中心之一,也是欧洲最大的经济中心b、是全球重要的传媒中心,BBC, Reuters, ITV, Channel4, Channel5c、报刊:The Times, Financial Times, Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The Observerd、世界文化名城:British Museum建于18世纪,是世界上最大的博物馆著名建筑物:圣保罗大教堂St. Paul’s Cathedral,白金汉宫Buckingham Palace,威斯敏斯特教堂Westminster Abbey(坐落于Thames的西岸,是世界上最大的哥特式建筑,现为英国议会所在地,宫殿东北角是高达97米的钟楼,钟楼上有著名的大本钟bell tower of Big Ben)2)、Birmingham(英国第二大城市)University of Birmingham位于此,建于1900年3)、Glasgow(格拉斯哥,英国第三大城市,苏格兰最大的城市和港口,是苏格兰的文化中心)University of Glasgow位于此,建于1451年4)、Liverpool(英国第四大城市,是世界上历史悠久的港口之一,仅次于伦敦的第二大深水海港,是Beatles披头士的故乡)5)、Manchester(曼彻斯特)英国的棉纺织业中心,重要的交通枢纽与商业,金融,文化中心经济:1、“Primary”Industry第一产业1)、agriculture: only2%的人口是农民,但却经营了70%的土地,最好的农业区是英格兰的东南部,小麦和大麦是英国的重要作物2)、fishing3)、Mining采矿: 除了London 和Belfast其他地方几乎都在很大程度上依赖于煤田coalfields2、“Secondary”Industries(Manufacturing)第二产业1)、Manufacturing: 制造业工人比例最高的地方是East Midlands 和West Midlands. 伦敦最低2)、Shipbuilding: 19世纪中期,英国在造船业上became a world leader。

人文知识英语国家社会与文化主要题型1.自然地理概况201131. The northernmost part of Great Britain is _______.A. Northern IrelandB. WalesC. EnglandD. Scotland200932. The capital of Scotland is ________.A. GlasgowB. EdinburghC. ManchesterD. London2.历史201132. It is generally agreed that _______ were the first Europeans to reach Australia’s shores.A. the FrenchB. the DutchC. the BritishD. the Germans 201034. The Emancipation Proclamation to end the slavery plantation system in the South of the US was issued by ________.A. Abraham LincolnB. Thomas PaineC. George WashingtonD. Thomas Jefferson3.政治(现状)200931. The Head of State of New Zealand is ________.A. the governor-generalB. the Prime MinisterC. the high commissionerD. the monarch of the United Kingdom 2008According to the United States Constitution, the legislative power is invested in _______. A. the federal government B. the Supreme CourtC. the CabinetD. the Congress4.风俗传统2008年Which of the following is the oldest sport in the United States?A. baseballB. tennisC. basketballD. American football考题回顾:1999 年:1. The Observer2. The geographical location of North America3. The old universities in U.K.4. Westminster Palace2000年:1.The titles of English nobility2.The features of Irish landscape3.The longest river in Britain4.The legislative branch in U.K.5.The Hundred Years’ War2001年:1.The founding of Harvard2.The settlement of Anglo-Saxons3.The official name of U.K.4.The economic activity of Canada2002年:1.Wall Street—the financial center2.Big Ben, Benjamin Hall3.The compulsory education in U.K.4.Three branches of U.S.A. government2003年:1.The location of California2.British news agency3.The founding fathers of U.S.A.4.The geography of Canada2004年:1.1920s in U.S.A.2.The largest river in U.S.A.3.The discovery of the New World4.The first settlement in America2005年:1.The capital city of Canada2.How long the U.S. President serves3.The important cities in U.S.A.4.The state church in England2006年:1. The President during the American Civil War was _________.A. Andrew JacksonB. Abraham LincolnC. Thomas JeffersonD. George Washington2. The capital of New Zealand is ____________.A. ChristchurchB. AucklandC. WellingtonD. Hamilton3. Who were the natives of Australia before the arrival of the British settlers?A. the AboriginesB. the MaoriC. the IndiansD. the Eskimos4. The Prime Minister in Britain is head of __________.A. the Shadow CabinetB. the ParliamentC. the OppositionD. the Cabinet2007年:1. The current population in the United Kingdom are descendants of all the following tribesexcept ________.A. the AnglosB. the CeltsC. the JutesD. the Saxons2. The Head of State of Canada is represented by _______.A. the MonarchB. the PresidentC. the Prime MinisterD. the Governor-General3. The Declaration of Independence was written by __________.A. Thomas JeffersonB. George WashingtonC. Alexander HamiltonD. James Madison4. The original inhabitants of Australia is _________.A. The Red IndiansB. the EskimosC. the AboriginesD. The Maoris2008年:1.The largest city in Canada is ___________.A.VancouverB. MontrealC. TorontoD. Ottawa2.According to the United States Constitution, the legislative power is invested in _______.A. the federal governmentB. the Supreme CourtC. the CabinetD. the Congress3. Which of the following is the oldest sport in the United States?A. baseballB. tennisC. basketballD. American football4. The head of the executive branch in New Zealand is _________.A. the PresidentB. the Governor-GeneralC. the British MonarchD. the Prime Minister5. The Canterbury Tales, the collection of stories told by a group of Pilgrims on their way to Canterbury, is an important poetic work by __________.A. William LanglandB. Geoffrey ChaucerC. William ShakespeareD. Alfred Tennyson2009年:1. The Head of State of New Zealand is ___________.A. the Governor-GeneralB. the Prime MinisterC. the high CommissionerD. the Monarch of the United Kingdom2. The Capital of Scotland is ___________.A. GlasgowB. EdinburghC. ManchesterD. London3. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence and became the United States of America?A. Thomas JeffersonB. George WashingtonC. Thomas PaineD. John Adams4. Which of the following cities is located on the eastern coast of Australia?A. PerthB. AdelaideC. SydneyD. Melbourne2010年1. Which of the following is Incorrect?A. The British Constitution includes the Magna Carta of 1215.B. The British Constitution includes Parliamentary acts.C.The British Constitution includes decisions made by courts of law.D.The British Constitution includes one single written constitution.2. The first city ever founded in Canada is ______.A. QuebecB. V ancouverC. TorontoD. Montreal3. When did the Australian Federation officially come into being?A.1770B. 1788C. 1900D. 19014. The Emancipation Proclamation to end the slavery plantation system in the South of the United States was issued by _____.A. Abraham LincolnB. Thomas PaineC. George WashingtonD. Thomas Jefferson2011年:1. The northernmost part of Great Britain is:A. Northern IrelandB. ScotlandC. EnglandD. Wales2. It is generally agreed that ________ were the first Europeans to reach Australia’s shores.A. the FrenchB. the GermansC. the BritishD. the Dutch3. Which is known as the Land of Maple Leaf?A. CanadaB. New ZealandC. Great BritainD. The U.S.A.2012年:1. The Maori people are natives of ___________.A. New ZealandB. AustraliaC. IrelandD. Canada2. The British monarch is the Head of __________.A. ParliamentB. GovernmentC. StateD. Government3. Americans celebrate Independence Day on ___________.A. October 11thB. July 4thC. May 31stD. September 6th4. Canada is bounded on the North by ___________.A. the Great LakesB. the Atlantic OceanC. the Pacific OceanD. the Arctic OceanThe United Kingdom自然地理概况:1. Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Geographical Names: British Isles, Great Britain and England2. Union Jack: the national flag of U.K.3. Geographical position: the English Channel4. Four political divisions: England (London), Scotland (Edinburgh), Wales (Cardiff), Northern Ireland (Belfast)5. The Commonwealth: a free association of independent countries6. Rivers and Lakes: the Severn; Thames; River Clyde; Lough Neagh7. Mountains: Ben Nevis (the highest); Scafell (the highest in England); Snowdonia (the highest in Wales)8. The People: English (Anglo-Saxons); (the Celts) Welsh; Scottish; Irish.9. Eisteddfodau10. Places of historical interest: the Tower of London (William the Conqueror); Big Ben; Palace of Westminster (Houses of Parliament); Westminster Abbey (coronation, wedding ceremony); St. Paul’s Cathedral (London; Protestant Church); Tower Bridge (1894; suspension bridge close to the Tower of London; River Thames); Speakers’ Corner (London Hyde Park)历史备考点:The Origins of a Nation1. The first known settlers—Iberians2. The Celts (700 B.C.): three waves—Gaels; Brythons; Belgae3. Romans: Julius Caesar (55 B.C.); Claudius (43AD, successful invasion); Christianity4. The Anglo-Saxons: three Germanic tribes (Jutes, Anglos, Saxons)5. The Viking and Danes: Alfred the Great—“the father of the British navy”6. The Norman Conquest: 1066, the best-known event in English historyThe Shaping of the Nation1. The Great Charter: 1215, King John, the statement of the relationship between the Crown and the baron; a guarantee of the freedom of the Church; a limitation of the power of the king (the spirit of the Great Charter or Magna Carta)2. The beginning of parliament: All Estates Parliament—Simon de Montfort, 12653. Black Death: the deadly epidemic disease; the 14th century; reduced the population from 4 million to 2 million;4. The Hundred Years’ War (1337—1453)4. The Peasant Uprising: 1381, Wat Tyler (killed) and Jack Straw; to rebel the Poll Tax; a telling blow to villeinage.Transition to the Modern Age1. The Wars of Roses (1455-1485): the battles between Lancaster (red rose) and York (white rose)2. The English Reformation: (1529-1534) Henry VIII, began with a struggle for divorce (Catherine of Aragon) and ended in the freedom from the Papacy3. Bloody Mary: 300 Protestants4. Elizabeth I: the defeat of Armada (the Spanish fleet)5. The English Renaissance: (rebirth) largely artistic; Elizabethan Drama(Christopher Marlowe, Ben Johnson and William Shakespeare)6. The Divine Rights of Kings: Charles I7. The Civil Wars (1642-1646; 1647-1649): between the Cavaliers and Roundheads; Oliver Cromwell8. The Restoration9. The Glorious Revolution: 1688, the smooth takeover of English throne by William of Orange10. The Bill of Rights (1689) and the constitutional monarchy11. The Gunpowder Plot of 1605: Guy Fawkes; a national annual celebration (bonfire and firework display) on the 5th of November12. 1707, the Act of Union joined England and Scotland (Anne)1801: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland1921: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandThe British Empire1. Whigs and Tories (the forerunner of the Conservative Party)2. The Enclosure Movement3. The Industrial Revolution: the mechanization of industry; the late 18th and early 19th century4. The Chartist Movement (1836-1848)—“the first broad, really mass, political formed, proletarian revolutionary movement” (Lenin)5. The Labor Party6. The first colony—Newfoundland, 15837. The East Indian Company8. The Opium War: 18409. WWI: the Central Power (Germany and Austria-Hungary); the “Allies”(Britain, France and Russia)10. The Roaring Twenties: women with cropped hair and short dresses; two imports from America: jazz, silent films11. The Swinging Sixties—the permissive age; pop music (the Beatles turned their hometown of Liverpool into a place of pilgrimage)12. 1973: a full member of the European Economic Committee13. Thatcherism: the policies put forward by Margaret Thatcher (the iron lady)14. The Statute of Westminster (1931)政治1. The Constitutional Monarchy2. The monarch3. The components of the English Parliament4. The British Constitution: unwritten5. Prime Minister; the Cabinet; Lord Chancellor6. The Official Opposition; the “shadow cabinet”7. Downing Street No. 10—the official residence of the Prime Minister8. The Speaker—presiding over the House and enforcing the rules of order9. The vote of no confidence (不信任投票)10. Multi-party system教育,社会,文化传统1. NHS—the National Health Service2. Established religion: the Church of England; the Presbyterian in Scotland3. Football: soccer, the 19th century; Rugby; Cricket; golf4. Eton—public school (公学)5. Universities: the oldest university—Oxford; the University of Cambridge; the University of St. Andrews; the University of Edinburgh6. Stratford-on-Avon: the birthplace of William Shakespeare7. Newspapers: the Observer (the world’s oldest national newspaper); the Times (1785, the oldest daily newspaper in U.K.); the Guardian; the Daily Telegraph Periodicals: the Economist: Spectator; The New Statesman (新政治家)BBC-the most important broadcasting companyNews Agencies: the Reuters 路透社(founded in 1851 by German); Press Association (报纸联合社); Extel Financial Ltd. (金融新闻社)8. Easter: the resurrection of Christ, the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox9. Hogmanay10. Boxing Day: December 26th11. Queen’s Birthday: Buckingham Palace; Trooping the Color (女王阅旗仪式) Ireland1.The Emerald Isle: the rich green countryside2.The largest river—the Shannon River3.Two official languages: Irish, English4.National Day: March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day5.Parliament: the House of Representatives (Dail Eireann); the Senate (Seanad)6.The two political parties: Fianna Fail; Fine Gael7.The oldest university in Ireland: the University of Dublin8.Roman Catholics: 93% of the Irish population9.Ulysses: James Joyce’s masterpieceThe United States of America:地理, 人口及基本事实1.The United States of America: the States, the US or Uncle Sam2.American National Flag: 17773.The Rocky Mountains—the backbone the continent; the Continental Divide4.The Mississippi—the world’s third longest continental river, “Father ofWaters”, “Old Man River”.5.The Rio Grande River: the natural boundary between Mexico and the UnitedStates6.The Five Great Lakes: Huron; Ontario; Michigan; Erie; Superior7.The Niagara Falls—between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie8.Yellowstone National Park—the oldest national park in the world and thelargest wildlife preserve in the U.S.A.9.The Statute of Liberty—New York Harbor10.Grand Canyon—the state of Arizona11.Alaska and Hawaii—the two newest states in USA12.Alaska; Rhode Island; Texas13.New England—the birthplace of America14.Thomas Edison—the Wizard of Menlo Park (门洛帕克的奇才) (新泽西州东北部的爱迪生纪念塔)15.Thomas Jefferson—the first one to inaugurate in New York City 1600—1900:1. The discoverers of America: Christopher Columbus; Amerigo Vespucci2. The first colony—Jamestown, Virginia, 16073. The 13 colonies: along the east coast4. May Flower: 1620, Plymouth, the state of Massachusetts5. Stamp Tax: British East India Company; tea at lower prices in colonies6. The Boston Tea Party: 17737. The First Continental Congress: 1774, Philadelphia;8. The Second Continental Congress: 1775, Philadelphia9. The War of Independence10. The Declaration of Independence: drafted by Thomas Jefferson, July 4th, 177611. The Treaty of Paris: 1783, the independence of the United States12. The Constitutional Convention: 178713. The Bill of Rights: the first ten amendments of the Constitution14. Abraham Lincoln: Emancipation Proclamation; Homestead Bill: 186516. The Louisiana Territory17. The Westward Movement18. KKK: Ku Klux Klan1900—1945:1. The “Open Door Policy”2. The 1920s—material success and spiritual frustration3. The Great Depression—1929-19334. “New D eal”—Franklin D. Roosevelt “the only thing we have to fear is feat itself”5. WWI—a yearlong neutrality policy6. Isolationism—1930s, to keep the U.S. out of the war in Europe and Asia7. 1941, the Atlantic Charter8. WWII—(guiding principles) establishing postwar political structure inaccordance with American interests and preventing Soviet Union fromover-expansion1945—:1. The containment policy; the Truman Doctrine; the Marshall Plan2. The Civil Rights Movement3. The Sino-US relations: 1972; 19794. The Vietnam War: 1950-19755. Baby-boomer: 1946-1961, helped to bring an end to the Vietnam War5. The Counterculture Movement6. The New Frontier: John F. Kennedy7. The Watergate Scandal—Nixon, the first to resign in American history8. New Right conservatism9. Desert Storm政治1. The American constitution; 1787, 1789; the oldest written constitution2. The Bill of Rights3. The Separation of three powers4. The Congress: the Senate; the House of Representatives5. The President can appoint the federal court judges, preside over the government, sign and veto laws passed by the Congress;6. Impeachment7. The judicial branch: the Supreme Court8. The bipartisanship—the Republican (elephant); the Democratic (donkey)9. The Democratic: Anti-Federalists; Thomas Jefferson10. The Republican11. “Winner-take-all” principle: applied in all states except Maine教育,社会,文化传统1. The higher education: two-year colleges, four-year colleges and universities.2. The best research universities: Harvard (1636), Yale, Princeton, Columbia, MIT (on the east); Stanford, Berkeley (on the west)—private.3. Three functions of the higher education: teaching, research and public service.4. The age of the students admitted by schools: 65. Graded schools: elementary schools (grades 1—8); high school (9—12).6. No national system of education7. Three main types of popular music: Jazz (U.S.’s unique contribution to music); Rock-and-roll; the Western Country music.8. “The Lost Generation”9. Important cities:Washington D.C. (1800, John Adams ordered the transfer of the capital from Philadelphia to Washington D.C.);New York City (city of the world; Times Square; the United Nations;Manhattan—the heart of the city; Wall Street; Broadway);Chicago—the second largest city; “Great Center Market of U.S.”San Francisco—the Golden Gate BridgeLos Angeles—Hollywood and DisneylandPhiladelphia—the city for two Continental Congress; the capital city from 1790 to 1800; founded by William Penn, meaning “the city of Brotherly Love”; the cradle of American libertyHuston—“the Pearl in the Gulf”; “the Space City of the U.S.A.”Detroit—the motor city;10. Independence Day: July 4th, the birthday of the nation;11. Halloween: October 31st12. Thanksgiving Day: a typical American holiday13. Veterans’ Day14. The plane—1903, the Wright brothers15. Newspaper and magazines: the New York Times; Washington Post; the Los Angeles Times; the Wall Street Journal; Time; Newsweek; Readers’ Digest16. The largest public library: Library of Congress; Metropolitan Museum: the 5th Avenue, Manhattan, New York City: the Empire State Building: Manhattan, New York City17. Sports: football; baseball; basketballCanada1.The National Day: July 1 (1867)2.The origin of the name “Canada”: “kanata”3.The national flag: Maple Leaf Flag, white square in the centre, a red stylized11-pointed maple leaf4.Two discoverers of Canada: John Cabot; Jacques Cartier5.Official languages: Bilingualism—English, French; the official Language Act(1969)6.Important cities: Ottawa(the capital, the 4th largest city); Vancouver (the 3rdlargest city, ice-free harbor); Montreal (the 2nd largest city); Toronto (the largest city)7.Seven Years’ War: 1756-1763; between France (defeated) and England8.Quebec: the largest province; strong French culture9.The Constitutional Act of 1791: Upper Canada; Lower Canada10.The British North America Acts in 1867: the dominion; the Statute ofWestminster in 1931: independence.11.The head of state: Britain’s monarch, who is represented by the GovernorGeneral12.The Parliament: the Crown, the Senate and the House of Commons13.Constitution: partly written, partly unwritten14.Political parties: the Liberal Party; the Progressive Conservative Party15.Universities: the Laval University; the University of Toronto16.Media:Newspapers; the Toronto Star; the Globe and Mail; Le Journal De Montreal Magazines: MacLean’s; News WeeklyAustralia1. “T he Land Down Under”2. Population: Indigenous Australians; mainly of British descent;3. Australia’s National Day: January 264. Great Barrier Reef: the longest coral reef in the world5. National flower: wattle; national bird: lyrebird6. Important cities: Canberra; Sydney; Melbourne; Brisbane; Adelaide; Perth; Darwin7. 1901: the Commonwealth of Australia; 1931: independence8. Elementary education: 5-11; secondary education: 11-189. Animals: koala; kangaroos10. William Dampier; James Cook11. 1788, as a colony to receive convicts from Britain12. Multiculturalism: 197313. Politics: a federation; a written Constitution; Legislature14. The head of state: Britain’s monarch, represented by the Governor General15. The gold rushes: 1850s16. The Sydney Morning Herald (先驱报): the oldest newspaper in AustraliaNew Zealand1.National Day: December 6th, 18402.The land of the long white cloud3.Cities: Auckland; Wellington4.Official language(s)5.Haka: a dance performed to daunt the enemy and to prepare warriors for thebattle6.The International Date Line7.fault line: the cause of the frequent earthquakes8.The Kiwis: the national symbol9.James Cook--the first Englishman to visit New Zealand10.Abel Tasman: the first European to visit New Zealand in 164211.1840: the Treaty of Wantagi12.No single written constitution13.The head of state: Britain’s monarch, represented by the Governor General14.Only one chamber: the House of Representatives15.the world’s biggest farm16.General election in New Zealand is held every 3 years since 1879; theNational Party, the Labor Party17.Universities: University of Auckland; University of Canterbury。

美国概况练习题:1 The traditional dividing line in America between “east” and “west” is_____.2 The earliest part in America to be found and taken over by early settlers is ____.3 The largest racial group in the whole population of U.S.A is____.4 Before 2000, the largest minority group in the United States is____.5 ____has the world’s oldest written constitution and political party.6 The economic problem caused by the depression in 1929 was eventually solved by____.7 In the United States, primary education requires____years.8 Most college students in the United States arein____institutions.9 The three main levels of courts of the federal judicial system in America are____________.10 _____(which state )is not governed by the common law.练习题答案及题解:1. The Mississippi River, 密西西比河是美国传统的东方和西方的分界线。
2 .The Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain,最早被早期定居者发现和占领的地方是大西洋及其沿岸平原。

3专八人文知识:英国地理概况the english channel: the channel is a narrow sea passage which separates england and france and connects the atlantic ocean and north sea.英吉利海峡:英吉利海峡是一道狭长的海峡,分割英法两国,连接大西洋和北海。
the dee estuary: a small sea ( in irish sea) where the dee river enters.迪河河口:是迪河流入的一个小海。
"the act of union of 1801": in 1801 the english parliament passed an act by which scotland, wales and the kingdom of england were constitutionally joined as the kingdom of great britain.1801合并法:1801年英国议会通过法令,规定英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士根据宪法合并成为大不列颠王国。
gaelic: it is one of the celtic language, and is spoken in parts of the highlands.盖尔语:是盖尔特语言的一种,在高地地区仍有人说这种语言。
the "backbone of england": it refers to the pennies, the board ridge of hills.英格兰脊梁:指的是山脉的背脊。
lead ore: british lead ores have been worked since pre-roman times. it contains silver.铅矿:自前罗马时代开始,英国的铅矿就被开发了。

专八人文知识精讲(1)英国国土概况一、Land and People一、英国的国土与人民Different Names for Britain and its Parts英国的不同名称及其各组成部分1.Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England.地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。
2.Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.官方正式名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。
3.The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and Ireland, and hundreds of small ones.不列颠群岛由两个大岛——大不列颠岛(较大的一个)和爱尔兰岛,及成千上万个小岛组成。
4.Three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales.大不列颠岛上有三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。
(1) England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section.英格兰位于大不列颠岛南部,是最大,人口最稠密的地区。
(2) Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. It has three natural zones (the Highlands in the north; the Central lowlands; the south Uplands) Capital: Edinburgh苏格兰位于大不列颠的北部。
英语专业八级考试 人文知识复习

The Fall Line瀑布线:A point where water-falls or rapids suddenly drop from a higher level to the lower one.瀑布线指的是瀑布急速地从高处向低处流泻的点。
The Appalachian Range阿巴拉契亚山脉:1200 miles long,consists of the Piedmont Plateau, Appalachian Plateaus and Appalachian Range.阿巴拉契亚山脉全场1200英里,由皮德蒙特高原、阿巴拉契亚高原及阿巴拉契亚山脉组成。
The Cordillera Range科迪勒拉山脉:Composed of the Coast Range, the Cascades and the Rocky Mountains.科迪勒拉山脉由海岸山脉、卡斯卡德山以及洛基山组成。
The Great Basin大盆地:The Part between the Colorado and Columbia Plateaus.指的是科罗拉多和哥伦比亚高地之间的部分。
The Great Central Plain中部大平原:The land mass between the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachians.指的是洛基山和阿巴拉伊亚山之间的平原。
The Great Plain大平原:The western part of the central plain.大平原:指的是中部平原以西的部分。
The Mississippi River密西西比河:The longest, the most important river in the U.S.A. . It has a drainage area of 3225000 square kilometers.密西西比河是美国最长、最重要的河流。

第一章美国概况1.概述American Anthem (国歌):The star-spangled banner星光灿烂的旗帜American Flag(国旗): 星条旗美国地理著名山脉河流The Appalachian Mountains (阿巴拉契亚山脉)The Great Centeral plain(中部大平原):落基山和阿巴拉契亚山脉之间的平原。
The Rocky Mountains(洛基山脉):“the backbone of the continent”, 6,187 meter high, in the middle of the Alaska.其被称为北美大陆的脊梁,大陆分水岭。
The Cordillera Range (西部科迪勒拉山区):洛基山脉等。
The Mississippi River (密西西比河):美国最长、最重要的河流。
)Missouri river是其最长的分支。
其被称作:“Father of Waters”“Old Man River)五大湖:从西到东:都位于美国东北部。
Lake Superior(苏必利尔湖,为世界最大淡水湖),Lake Michigan(密执安胡,五大湖中唯一完全位于美国境内),Lake Huron(休伦湖),Lake Erie (伊利湖),Lake Ontario(安大略湖)The Niagara Falls(尼亚加拉瀑布):在伊利湖和安大略湖之间。
Yellowstone National Park(黄石国家公园)Statue of Liberty (自由女神像)位于纽约湾美国主要行政区和它们的首府和主要城市:地区概述:“美国”的表达有五种:The United States of American/ American /The states/the U.S.A./Uncle Sam美国全国分为50个州和一个特区(哥伦比亚特区,即首都华盛顿所在地)本土有48个州,另外的两个海外州是:阿拉斯加(首府:Juneau朱诺)和夏威夷(Hawaii,主产:甘蔗和菠萝,最重要产业:旅游业,首府:Honolulu火奴鲁鲁。

1789, the Federal Government, George Washington as the first president.
4. The South
2)West Virginia
3)North Carolina
4)South Carolina
TheOhio River, called the American Ruhr;
The Colorado River and theColumbia Riveron the Pacific side
3. Lakes
The Great Lakes, located betweenCanadaand the U.S.A;
Statue ofLiberty
Wall Street
The Headquarter of the United Nations.
3.Los Angeles
The second largest city in theU.S.A.
Universal StudiosHollywood
1. Mountains
The Appalachian阿巴拉契亚Mountains;

3专八人文知识:英国地理概况the english channel: the channel is a narrow sea passage which separates england and france and connects the atlantic ocean and north sea.英吉利海峡:英吉利海峡是一道狭长的海峡,分割英法两国,连接大西洋和北海。
the dee estuary: a small sea ( in irish sea) where the dee river enters.迪河河口:是迪河流入的一个小海。
"the act of union of 1801": in 1801 the english parliament passed an act by which scotland, wales and the kingdom of england were constitutionally joined as the kingdom of great britain.1801合并法:1801年英国议会通过法令,规定英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士根据宪法合并成为大不列颠王国。
gaelic: it is one of the celtic language, and is spoken in parts of the highlands.盖尔语:是盖尔特语言的一种,在高地地区仍有人说这种语言。
the "backbone of england": it refers to the pennies, the board ridge of hills.英格兰脊梁:指的是山脉的背脊。
lead ore: british lead ores have been worked since pre-roman times. it contains silver.铅矿:自前罗马时代开始,英国的铅矿就被开发了。

美国概况练习题:1 ._____is the largest city and the chief port of the United States.A .Washington D.CB .Los Angeles C.San Francisco D .New York City2._____ enjoys the worst social and economic conditions. A.Blacks B .Hispanics C.Indians D.Asian Americans3 .Washington D.C. is named after___________.A.the U.S. President George WashingtonB .Christopher ColumbusC .both George Washington and Christopher ColumbusD .none of them4 .American and British English are two_____ of the English language. A.varieties B.elements C.parts D.form5.The first American president to be elected from the Republican Party was______.A .Thomas Jefferson B.James Monroe C.James Madison D .Abraham Lincoln6 .Of the fifty states, the smallest state in area is_____.A.Rhode Island B .Virginia C.TexasD .Montana7.The national flag of the United States is known as_____.A.the Star-Spangled Banner B .Uncle Sam C .Hot Dog D .Union Jack8.The number of the Representatives from each American state depends on the _____.A .contribution a state has made to the nationB.populationC.sizeD.none of the above9 .The tern “Father of Waters” is used to refer to _____.A.the Amazon River B.the Mississippi River C.the Nile River D.the Hudson River10 The statue of liberty was given to American people by_____ as a gift in 1884.A.France B.Spain C .Italy D .Britain练习题答案及题解:1 .D, 纽约是美国最大的城市同时也是最重要的经济中心和最主要的港口。

英国概况英格兰面积最大苏格兰,爱丁堡为首府威尔士,加的夫,Cardiff为首府北爱尔兰,贝尔法斯特Belfast为首府伦敦,UK首都,皇家法庭royal courts of justice 及圣保罗大教堂st paul’s cathedral在这里。
威斯敏斯特westminster,伦敦市的一个行政区,也叫西敏寺,这里有议会houses of parliament,包含大钟楼big ben,白厅whitehall即英国政府,白金汉宫buckingham palace 即英国皇宫,还有st jame s’ hall 圣詹姆斯宫。
The great charter in 1215,1215年大宪章,亦称the great charter or Magna Charta,确保一些平民的政治权利与自由,保障教会不受国王的控制,改革了法律和司法,限制国王及王室官员的行为。
议会雏形,1265年,Simon de Montford 召集the Great Council在西敏寺开会,就是最早的议会,后来发展了House of Lords上议院,House of Commons下议院。
玫瑰战争和英国宗教改革:Richard 三世和Henry Tudor都铎(duduo)打了玫瑰战争,都铎胜利,终成五代都铎王朝。
宗教改革的真正进行是在亨利八世的儿子爱德华时期,新教是Protestant,即基督教,改革叫做“The Reformation”。
文艺复兴运动 The English Renaissance文艺复兴是中世纪到现代的过渡时期,从1350-1650,有300年,从意大利发起,达芬奇等人为代表。

2. Thanksgiving Day
❖ On the last Thursday in November, they celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day with a feast to thank God for His protection and the Indians who had helped them.
❖Over 100, 000 people died in 3 days. ❖It was the last time the South invaded
the North.
Gettysburg Address
❖ that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
❖ 3. The Mississippi, which is sometimes called the ____, has played a vital role in the history of the United States.

专八人文知识整理版一、概况1. 英国:①国旗:Union Jack,国歌:God save the queen,首都:伦敦②爱丁堡:苏格兰首府,Cardiff:威尔士首府,Belfast:北爱尔兰首府,英联邦成立于1931年,共53个成员国。
③英格兰脊梁:the Pennine Chain,最高峰:Ben Nevis,最重要的河:Thames river,第一大河:Severn river④英国政治:议会君主制,君主仅是国家首脑,真正的权利在首相(Prime Minister)及其内阁(cabinet)手中。
议会(Parliament)是立法机构,包括女王、上院(house of lords)、下院(house of commons)(权利真正来源)。
司法(judiciary)⑤党派:保守党(来源托利党)和工党(来源辉格党)2. 美国:①国旗:stars and stripes,国歌:the star-spangled banner 星条旗永不落,国庆:7月4日,首都:华盛顿②北美脊梁:Rocky Mountains,五大湖(在美国和加拿大中间):lake michigan/superior/erie/huron/ontario, 其中lake Michigan是唯一一个全在美国的湖,lake Ontario 和Lake Erie之间有Niagara falls,father of waters: the Mississippi River③纽约被称为“the big apple”,洛杉矶:有好莱坞,芝加哥:又名“the windy city”,旧金山:UN诞生地(1945年),波士顿:很多著名大学所在地④著名总统:Thomas Jefferson:撰写独立宣言,Abraham Lincoln:内战时期任职,废除奴隶制,解放妇女等,Roosevelt在经济大萧条时新政,Nixon:冷战及越南战争(楚门条约)⑤1812年,美国彻底摆脱英国控制。

A Survey of English-speaking Countries考试趋势预测:地理、历史和政体结合I. Review重要城市,尤其是首府和第一大城市,了解这些城市的大概位置Canada: Ottawa, Toronto, Quebec, Vancouver, MontrealNew Zealand: Wellington, AucklandAustralia: Canberra, Sydney, MelbourneU.K.: London, Edinburgh, Cardiff, BelfastU.S.: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Houston, San Francisco, Boston, Detroit, Atlanta1. The first city ever founded in Canada is ______.A. Quebec.B. VancouverC. TorontoD. Montreal2. The capital of Scotland is ______.A. Glasgow.B. Edinburgh.C. Manchester.D. London.3. The largest city in Canada is ______.A. VancouverB. MontrealC. TorontoD. Ottawa4. _________ is the capital city of Canada.A. VancouverB. OttawaC. MontrealD. York5 The capital of New Zealand is___________.A. ChristchurchB. AucklandC. WellingtonD. Hamilton6. Which of the following cities is located on the eastern coast of Australia?A. Perth.B. Adelaide.C. Sydney.D. Melbourne.7. Which of the following cities is NOT located in the Northeast, U.S.?A. Huston.B. Boston.C. Baltimore.D. Philadelphia.国家首脑(区别象征首脑和行政长官),各国政体1. The Head of State of New Zealand is _______.A. the governor-general.B. the Prime Minister.C. the high commissioner.D. the monarch of the United Kingdom.?2. The head of the executive branch in New Zealand is ______.A. the PresidentB. the Governor-GeneralC. the British monarchD. the Prime Minister第2题颇有争议,各个出版社的真题和教科书说法不一致。

1. BroadcastingBBC 2. TelevisionBBC1, BBC2, ITV3, ITV4, ITV5 3. News AgenciesReuters, Press Association (新闻联合社), AFX News Ltd. 4. Newspapers Times – the first newspaper in the world – 泰晤士报; The Guardian – The Manchester Guardian – 卫报; The Financial Times – 金融时报; The Daily Telegraph – 每日电讯报; The Observer-– 观察家报; The Daily Express – 每日快报; The Daily Mail – 每日邮报; The Mirror-– 镜报 5. Magazines The Economist, The Spectator, The New Statesman, The Woman’s Own, etc.
Niagara Waterfall
It contains two falls, on the New York side is the American Falls, over on the canadian side is the great big Horseshoe Falls.
Maid Of the Mist Tour
A Brief Survey of the English Speaking Countries
英国(UK) 美国(United States) 加拿大(Canada) 澳大利亚(The Commonwealth of Australia ) 新西兰(New Zealand)

World War I
• George V • great powers of Europe split • into two camps: 1. Germany,
Austria, Italy 2. France, Russia, Britain, USA • Britain joined when Germany declared war on Belgium • the terms of peace dictated at the Treaty of Versailles 1919 • The Remembrance Day
• Queen at the age of 18, for 64 years, married to prince Albert
• her reign is known as the Victorian era, a period of industrial, political, scientific and military progress
House of Hannover
• Queen Ann´s relative – German protestant King George I. – no English
• George II – 13 American colonies, Canada, India
• George III – the Loss of America – pay debts for the colonial wars
Toinister was criticised for joining the USA
Gordon Brown
• Prime Minister since June 2007
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罗斯福新政,Franklin D Roosevelt, the new deal
1941年,珍珠港被袭击,美国正式参战,核心国axis powers
北大西洋公约组织the founding of NATO
1949年,北大西洋条约签署,North Atlantic Treaty,任何对缔约国的攻击视为对所有缔约国的攻击。条约的生效标志着美国在苏联周围建立军事联盟的开端。苏联采取了类似的行动,建立了德国民主共和国set up the German Democratic Republic.至此,冷战全面开始。
工会和工党 Trade Unions and Labor Party
工人意识到联合的重要性,于是工会出现,Grand National Consolidated Trade Union成立,是全国的大公会,后来Trade Union Congress 开始。
殖民扩张Colonial Expansion
前十条宪法修正案称为bill of rights权利和自由法案
司法特点:no single legal system, no complete code,法律的来源包括:statutes法令,大量的common law,equity law衡平法,european community law。
50s-60s稳定发展阶段,70s经济萧条,80s经济恢复:撒切尔夫人Mrs. Thatcher当选总理,推行中期财政计划Medium-term Financial Strategy
自1583年开始,英国在新大陆Newfoundland开始殖民统治,1900日不落帝国形成, “on which the sun never set”
英国是君主立宪制 constitutional monarchy, 元首head of state is king or queen。Head of the commonwealth 是女王,现在是伊丽莎白二世。
1950s民权运动the civil rights movement
罗莎?帕克Rosa Parks,一位黑人女性,阿拉巴马,她拒绝给白人让座,被捕。马丁路德金开始领导黑人抵制。1956年,最高法院宣布阿拉巴马州的segregation laws unconstitutional。
越南战争the vietnam war1950-1975(打了25年,有够长的)
为了实施对共产主义的牵制政策,the policy of containment of communism,美国与越南战争,结果这是美国有史以来最长的战争。1973年美国和北越南north vietnam签署停火协议,cease-fire agreement。简单来说,越南当时像朝鲜般南北分裂,南方是社会主义的,北方是当时的统治阶级,南方想要解放全国,统一南北。美国横插一脚,支持北方,搞了25年,最终还是南方的社会主义胜利,统一了全国。西贡Saigon是原来的首都,后来改名为胡志明市Ho Chi Minh City。
Article II,Executive Article执法
Article III,Judicial Article 司法
Supreme Court是国家的最高法院,以下是联邦法院federal court,最高法院和联邦法院的法官是总统任命,法官是终身职位。唯有最高法院有权解释宪法。
伦敦,UK首都,皇家法庭royal courts of justice 及圣保罗大教堂st paul’s cathedral在这里。威斯敏斯特westminster,伦敦市的一个行政区,也叫西敏寺,这里有议会houses of parliament,包含大钟楼big ben,白厅whitehall即英国政府,白金汉宫buckingham palace即英国皇宫,还有st james’ hall 圣詹姆斯宫。
独立战争the war of independence
1774年,第一届大陆国会continental congress在费城philadelphia召开,呼吁抵制英国货
1783年,巴黎条约签署treaty of paris,英国承认美国独立。
1812年战争,the war of 1812
美国内战the civil war
水门事件(Watergate scandal,或译水门丑闻)是美国历史上最不光彩的政治丑闻之一,其对美国本国历史以及整个国际新闻界都有着长远的影响,在1972年的总统大选中,为了取得民主党内部竞选策略的情报,1972年6月17日,以美国共和党尼克松Nixon竞选班子的首席安全问题顾问詹姆斯?麦科德(James W. McCord, Jr.)为首的5人闯入位于华盛顿水门大厦的民主党全国委员会办公室,在安装窃听器并偷拍有关文件时,当场被捕。由于此事,尼克松于1974年8月8日宣布将于次日辞职,从而成为美国历史上首位辞职的总统。
Richard 三世和Henry Tudor都铎(duduo)打了玫瑰战争,都铎胜利,终成五代都铎王朝。
亨利八世进行宗教改革,想切断英国教会与罗马教皇的关系,使英国教会独立起来。宗教改革的真正进行是在亨利八世的儿子爱德华时期,新教是Protestant,即基督教, 改革叫做“The Reformation”。伊丽莎白一世时期,伊丽莎白为女王统治英国,她是基督教徒,大力推行新教,从此英国都是信奉新教。
国教established chruches:在英国church of england,在苏格兰church of scotland
非国教 unestablished churches:英国圣公会anglican chruches,自由教free churches,天主教roman catholic church
王朝复辟 The Restoration
克伦威尔死后,儿子Richard 继位,但是统治失败,议会选择让上代国王流放法国的儿子King Charles 二世回归。
光荣革命 The Glorious Revolution
奥兰治王室(William of Orange橘子?英国的名字真搞笑),用一场不流血的政变夺了王室的权,William and Mary 共同接受了Bill of Right(1689)权利法案,英国“光荣革命”后巩固资产阶级与封建贵族联合专政、确立君主立宪政体的宪法性文件之一。君主立宪由此开始。
House of lords 上议院 house of commons 下议院 下议院最有权力
政党:工党Labor Party 和Conservative Party保守党,政党的领导人是总理
Tony Blair是有史以来最年轻的工党领导人,总理。执行力机构,chief source of executive power in the state,可追溯到King’s Council
辉格党和托利党(Whigs and Tories)
两党名称来自光荣革命,辉格党就是后来的Liberal party,托利党是Conservative party
宪章运动Chartist Movement
由于对改革法案《Reform Act》和新贫困法《New Poor Law》的不满,工人组织了伦敦工人联盟London Working Men’s Association,起草了人民宪章《People’s Charter》,想让议会通过但是失败,宪章运动是第一次全国性的工人运动。
镀金时代gilded age,借自马克吐温的书名,指内战到20世纪初,工业发展
亨利福特henry ford大规模生产汽车,莱特兄弟wright brothers设计第一架飞机升天,都在这个时候
1920s的大萧条与新政the great depression and the new deal
1861-1865,打了四年,北方胜利,北方为联邦军union army,南方为邦联军confederate army。
林肯有名的葛底斯堡演说gettysburg address“that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”
The great charter in 1215,1215年大宪章,亦称the great charter or Magna Charta,确保一些平民的政治权利与自由,保障教会不受国王的控制,改革了法律和司法,限制国王及王室官员的行为。
议会雏形,1265年,Simon de Montford 召集the Great Council在西敏寺开会,就是最早的议会,后来发展了House of Lords上议院,House of Commons下议院。
文艺复兴运动 The English Renaissance