江苏省泰州市2021届高三上学期1月期末调研测试 英语(含答案)

泰州市2020~2021学年度第一学期期末调研测试高三英语试题(音频下载地址:jsgkxzx@密码:20082008) 2021.01本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。
()1. What is the man worried about?A. The exam.B. The paper.C. The train tickets.()2. Why are the man's cheeks red?A. He is sick.B. He feels embarrassed.C. He fell down and injured.()3. What is the woman?A. A doctor.B. A firefighter.C. A police officer.()4. What are the speakers talking about?A. The time to announce the news.B. The students to attend the meeting.C. The trip to take on Monday.()5. Where will the man go later this afternoon?A. To a supermarket.B. To Bill's house.C. To a hospital.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

臭氧层被破坏的原因 自然原因: 人为原因: 太阳活动异常等原因 氟利昂和含氮废气的排出 危害: 大量紫外线辐射到地面,从而危害人类和其他生物的健康。
防治: 控制和停止使用氟利昂,以及减少含氮废气的排放等,是防止臭氧层破坏的关键。
三大全球性大气污染问题 酸雨 温室效应 臭氧层破坏 二氧化硫、二氧化氮 CO2 氟利昂、含氮化合物 环境保护,从现在做起 “我们不要过分陶醉于我们对自然界的胜利。
”-----恩格斯 1、酸雨中没有的成分是(? ) A、醋酸 B、硫酸 C、水? D、硝酸 2、各种电池中,造成环境污染最严重的电池含有的重金属不包括(? ) A、汞 B、银 C、镉? D、铂 3、引起酸雨和温室效应的主要物质是(? ) A、二氧化碳和二氧化硫?B、二氧化硫和二氧化碳 C、盐酸和二氧化碳? D、二氧化硫和氮气 4、探究酸雨对生物的影中,注意事项不包括(? ) A、需进行对照实验? B、需重复几次 C、实验变量为模拟酸雨 D、要用真正的酸雨 5、酸雨的危害表现在(? ) A、腐蚀建筑物和户外雕塑? B、使农作物枯萎甚至死亡 C、使土壤、河流、湖泊酸化? D、以上三项都是 A D B D D 6、探究废电池对生物的影响过程中,错误的操作是(? ) A、对废电池液要进行稀释 ?B、同时进行3组对照实验 C、实验结束,将手洗净? D 、探究结束,将废电池液倒入下水道 7、下列现象中,由废旧电池污染所致的是(? ) A、饮用水中带有霍乱菌B、水中藻类迅速繁殖, 使鱼窒息而死 C、镉扩散到土壤中? D、渤海海域出现赤潮 8、形成酸雨的根本原因是( ) A臭氧层的破坏B噪声污染 C化肥、农药的大量使用 D工厂大量使用煤、石油作为能源 9、酸雨是指PH值为多少的大气降水?( ) A.5.6 B 7 C 5.6 D7 10、有“空中死神”之称的是( ) A酸雨 B臭氧层破坏 C温室效应 D沙尘暴 D C D C A 第二节 探究环境对生物的影响 生长期的水稻 成熟期的水稻 一、酸雨对生物的影响 1、什么是酸雨? 2、酸雨形成的原因? 3、酸雨的成分? 1、什么是酸雨? 简单地说:酸雨就是酸性较强的雨。
江苏省南通、泰州市2020届高三第一次调研测试数学试题含附加题 Word版含答案

南通市、泰州市2020届高三上学期期末联考数学试卷2020.1.14一、填空题1.已知集合 A = {-1,0,2}, B = {-1,1,2}, 则 A ∩B =________.2.已知复数 z 满足(1+ i ) z = 2i , 其中i 是虚数单位,则 z 的模为_______.3.某校高三数学组有 5名党员教师,他们一天中在“学习强国”平台上的学习积分依次为 35,35,41,38,51,则这5 名党员教师学习积分的平均值为_______.4.根据如图所示的伪代码,输出的 a 的值为_______.5.已知等差数列{a n } 的公差 d 不为 0 ,且 a 1,a 2,a 4 成等比数列,则1a d的值为_____. 6.将一枚质地均匀的硬币先后抛掷 3 次,则恰好出现 2 次正面向上的概率为______.7.在正三棱柱 ABC - A 1B 1C 1 中, AA 1=AB =2 ,则三枝锥 A 1 - BB 1C 1 的体积为______.8.已如函数.若当 x =6π时,函数 f (x ) 取得最大值,则ω 的最小值为______.9. 已 知 函 数 f (x ) = (m - 2)x 2 + (m - 8)x (m ∈R ) 是 奇 函 数 . 若 对 于 任 意 的 x ∈ R , 关 于 x 的 不 等 式f ( x 2 +1) < f (a ) 恒成立,则实数 a 的取值范围是______.10.在平面直角坐标系 xOy 中, 已知点 A ,B 分别在双曲线C : x 2 - y 2 =1 的两条渐近线上, 且双曲线C 经过线段 AB 的中点.若点 A 的横坐标为 2 ,则点 B 的横坐标为______.11.尽管目前人类还无法准确预报地震,但科学家通过研究,已经对地震有所了解,例如,地震时释放出的能量 E (单位:焦耳)与地震里氏震级 M 之间的关系为 lgE = 4.8 +1.5M . 2008 年 5 月汶川发生里氏8.0 级地震,它释放出来的能量是 2019 年 6 月四川长宁发生里氏 6.0 级地震释放出来能量的______倍.12. 已知△ABC 的面积为 3 ,且 AB = AC .若2CD DA =,则 BD 的最小值为______.13.在平面直角坐标系 xOy 中, 已知圆C 1 : x 2 + y 2 = 8 与圆C 2 : x 2 + y 2 + 2x + y -a = 0 相交于 A ,B 两点.若圆C 1 上存在点 P ,使得△ABP 为等腰直角三角形,则实数 a 的值组成的集合为______. 14.已知函数若关于 x 的方程 f 2 ( x ) + 2af (x )+1- a 2 = 0 有五个不相等的实数根,则实数a 的取值范围是______.二、解答题15. (本小题满分14 分)如图,在三棱锥P -ABC 中,P A ⊥平面ABC ,PC ⊥AB ,D,E 分别为BC,AC 的中点。

2024年春学期九年级第二次学情调查语文试题(考试时间: 150分钟 满分: 150分)请注意:所有试题的答案均填写在答题卡上,答案写在试卷上无效。
一、积累与运用(共24分)阅读下面的文字,完成1-3 小题。
把书“读厚”, 就是要 shè liè 与书 jí 内容相关的各种知识,由点到面,向广处 ① ;把书“读薄”,就是要不断过滤、不断凝练、领悟要义,实现 ②。
读书与实践的结合,一方面是证之于实践,实现 ③ ;另一方面是用之于实践,达到学以zhì用【甲】学用相长的目的。
(4分)2.依次填入横线①②③处的词语最恰当的一项是( ▲ ) (2分)A.延展 去粗取精 去伪存真B.延展 去伪存真 去粗取精C.延长 去粗取精 去伪存真D.延长 去伪存真 去粗取精3.下列说法不正确一项是( ▲ ) (2分)A. “道” “穷” “浩然”的词性依次是名词、动词、形容词。
D.从结构上说, “思想活力”是偏正短语, “不断过滤”是动宾短语。
(共8分,每空1分)①我是你河边上破旧的老水车, ▲ 。
② ▲ ?烟波江上使人愁。
③ ▲ ,不求闻达于诸侯。
④了却君王天下事, ▲ 。
⑤心系百姓, 白居易体察到卖炭翁“ ▲ , ▲ ” (《卖炭翁》)的矛盾心境;心系国家,李贺抒发了边塞将士“ ▲ , ▲ ”(《雁门太守行》)的报国情怀。
九年级语文 第1页 共8页5.综合性学习活动。

江苏省泰州市姜堰区2023-2024学年七年级上学期期中学情调查英语试卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.—Kate,are you __________only child in your family?—Yes,but __________new baby is on the way.A.a;theB.an;theC.the;aD.the;the2.He often watches TV __________Sundays,but he wants to go to the cinema __________this Sunday.A.on;/B.on;onC./;onD.at;on3.Benny,I can't __________you clearly.Could you please __________that again?A.listen to;sayB.hear;speakC.listen to;speakD.hear;say4.How __________they are at the party!They all enjoy__________A.happily;dancingB.happy;to danceC.happy;dancingD.happily;to dance5.November 11 is coming.Sandy, __________other girls, _____shopping on Taobao.A.like;likeB.likes;likeC.like;likesD.likes;likes6.—Are there __________eggs in the fridge?—Yes,but only __________A.some;fewB.any;a fewC.some;littleD.any;a little7.—Who is your English teacher?—The woman __________glasses over there is her.Look!She is __________a blue dresstoday.A.wears;inB.with;wearsC.wears;onD.with;in8.—Daniel,do you know the man over there?—Oh,yes.He is Mr.Wu.He teaches ______English this term.We all like. ____.A.our;him;him;herD.our;her9.—Thank you so much for showing me the way.It's nice of you.A.Don't say so.B.NevermindC.You're welcomeD.It doesn't matter. 10.Here are Sandy's notes for a short writing.What does she want to introduce?A.Her familyB.Her schoolC.Her friendsD.Her hobbies.二、完形填空On a working day in late April,a large open space with 10 barbecue(烧烤)restaurants inout-of-town visitors.”Huang Yang is also a native of Zibo.And he works outside his hometown.He recently(最four different restaurants.great interest in it.They come to Zibo to study how Zibo's barbecue industry(产业)becomes11.A.buses B.cooks C.tables D.desks12.A.inside B.outside C.behind D.before13.zy B.free C.happy D.busy14.A.seldom B.always C.often ually 15.A.until B.before C.if D.after 16.A.none B.few C.most D.all 17.A.returns B.gets C.leaves D.arrives 18.A.to B.from C.on D.in 19.e B.go C.leave D.start 20.A.weekdays B.Tuesday C.Sunday D.weekends 21.A.she B.he C.it D.they 22.A.something B.somebody C.anything D.anybody 23.A.asks B.answers C.tells D.shows 24.A.countries B.cities C.schools D.offices25.A.cute B.popular C.cheap D.delicious三、阅读理解Do you love flowers?At Harrington SchoolSaturday and Sunday,May 12 and 13,8 a.m.-3 p.m.Outside on the playgroundIf you have questions about the flower sale,call Frank at 555-0216 or Sue at 555-0924 26.Where is the flower sale?A.In a gardenB.On the playground.C.At someone's home.D.At a school.27.When is the flower sale?A.On a weekend.B.In the winter.C.During the summer holiday.D.On the weekdays.28.Where can you go to buy plant food?A.The playground.B.A classroom.C.A gardenD.Your home.29.You can buy both flowers and__________.A.seedsB.vegetablesC.pictures of flowersD.pictures of friends30.This passage is probably from__________.A.a magazine about flowersB.a magazine about childrenC.an advertisement for flowersD.an advertisement for plantsA big group of sheep are eating grass outside.A wolf comes and catches a lamb.There is a bag on the lamb's back. The lamb tries hard to get away but it can not.When the wolf is about to eat the lamb,the lamb gets an idea.It asks,“Mr Wolf,will you be kind and give me my last wish?”The wolf asks,"What is your last wish?"The lamb says,“I like music.I wis h to hear you play the flute(笛子).It's in the bag on my back.”The wolf thinks it is easy and plays the flute.When the wolf stops,the lamb says,“Oh! What beautiful music!Will you play louder(大声一点),please?You play far better than myowner."The wolf is happy to hear that and starts to play louder.At the same time,the owner and the dogs are looking for the missing lamb.When they hear the sound,they begin running and catch the wolf.The lamb happily runs back to its group. 31.What is a lamb?A.A young sheepB.A young boy.C.A little dogD.Another kind of wolf32.Why docs the lamb ask the wolf to play the flute?A.To become friends with the wolf.B.To learn how to play the flute.C.To make use of the wolf's playing.D.To listen to the flute music again.33.What happens after the wolf plays the flute louder?A.The lamb starts to dance to the music.B.The owner and the dogs come and catch it.C.The lamb runs away as fast as possible.D.The other sheep all come back to join them.34.From the story,we can learn that the lamb is_______A.badB.kindC.cleverD.funny35.Which can be the title of passage?A.Cleveness wins over danger.B.Music is very beautiful.C.A big group of sheep and a wolf.D.The owner and his sheep.On Sept 5,China's 13th scientific expedition(科学考察)to the Arctic Ocean(北冰洋) reached the North Pole region(北极点区域).You may want to know:What's the difference berween doing research(研究)in the Arctic(北极)and Antarctica(南极)?Research in the Arctic is difficult but it is easy in Antarctica.Antarctica is mainly land.Soscientists can set up research stations(站点) on the land.However,the Arctic is mainly an ocean(海洋).Scientists can only set up drifing(流动的)stations or stations on boats in the Arctic.There are also other differences between the two poles.The Arctic is at the north end of Earth.Canada,Norway,Russia and five other countries have land there.Antarctica is at the south end of Earth.There are no countries there.People from all countries and regions can go there.Antarctica is very cold.The winds at the South Pole are very strong.They blow away(吹走) the winds from warm places.But winds at the North Pole are not that strong.They mix(混合) with air from warm places.36.What do we know from Paragraph 1?A.September is the best time to go to the Arctic.B.China did 12 scientific expeditions to the Arctic Ocean before Sept 5.C.Thineen Chinese scientists are in the Arctic.D.The scientists are studying the difterence between the Arctic and Antarctica.37.Why is it difficult to do studies in the Arctic?A.Because it is mainly land.B.Because there are many research stations.C.Because there are many boats in the Arctic.D.Because scientists have to use boats as research stations.38.Which of the following is TRUE about Canada?a.Part of it is in the Arcticb.It is at the south end of Earth.c.People there can go to Antarctica.d.It has land in AntarcticaA.abB.acC.bcD.bd39.Why is the Arctic not very cold?A.Because there is air from warm places.B.Because there is more water.C.Because the winds there are strong.D.Because it is south of Antarctica.40.What is the passage mainly about?A.Chinese scientists'studies of the Arctic.B.Research stations in the Arctic and Antarctica.C.Differences between the Arctic and Antarctica.D.The weather in the Arctic and Antarctica.四、填空题41.Helen, _______(stay)here and don't go anywhere.Your parents are looking for you. 42.Although Tommy is poor,he gives a nice present to his friend for his _______ (9)birthday.43.I hope you _______ (come)to my birthday party this Friday.44.Sandy with her friends often _______ (fly)kites at weekends.45.—Do you know all the _______ (play)names?—Sorry,I only know some.46.—Can you write _______ (diary)in English?—Yes,I can.47.Eating more vegetables and fruit _______ (be)good for our health.48.What great fun Millie had _______ (chat)with her friends yesterday!49.Look!Lily _______ (have)a beautiful flower in her hand.50.Can you think of a way to make the baby _______ (not cry).51.There are different outdoor activities for different seasons.In spring we can fly kites.In summer,we can go swimming or sailing.In autumn,it is a good idea to camp or hike.In winter, we can go to ski or skate because they bring us a lot of fun.They make us strong and healthy too. So it is important for people of all ages to take part in some outdoor activities at the right time.There are many group activities,like football and basketball.The members work together for the same goal(目标).So group activities need team spirit(团队精神).It is very useful for a person to have team spirit.It is good for us both in life and in work.Old people like walking and jogging.These outdoor activities don't need much strength(力气).Young people like exciting activities like diving(潜水),skiing and horse riding.Children like funny activities like flying kites.Some outdoor activities are dangerous,like climbing rocks.So we must be careful when we take part in them.backs. They follow maps on . ②_______ (they)phones.They are called backpackers(背包客).Before③_______ (leave)for a new place,backpackers would like④_______ (study)their destinations(目的地).For example,what food to eat,where to live,what to buy and how to take trains.Most backpackers usually don't take too much money with them,they choose to stay in hostels(青年旅舍)during their trips.Hostels are much cheaper than big hotels.There⑤_______ (be)six or eight beds in each room.People⑥_______different countries become friends there.Backpacking . ⑦_______ (let)travelers see more.An . ⑧_______(America)backpacker Charles Veley went to over 190. ⑨_______ (country)in 10 years!"To live is to see . ⑩_______world as much as possible,"he said.五、翻译题53.你空闲时愿意带我参观一下姜堰吗?Would you like to _______ me _______.Jiangyan in your free time?54.现在很多人向银行贷款买房子。

江苏省泰州市高三学情调查(三) 数 学 试 题一、填空题(每小题5分,共70分) 1.已知集合M ={x |x <3},N ={x |log 2x >1},则M ∩N =__________ 2.命题“2,10x R x ∃∈+<”的否定是3.已知函数f (x ) = 3ax -2a + 1在区间 (-1,1)内存在x 0;使f (x 0) = 0,则实数a 的取值范围是 .4.若函数1(),10()44,01xx x f x x ⎧-≤<⎪=⎨⎪≤≤⎩则4(log 3)f = .5.已知平面向量),2(),3,12(m b m a =+=,且∥,则实数m 的值等于 6.等差数列}{n a 中,10S =1么92a a += .7.等差数列{a n }中,1490,a S S >=,则n S 取最大值时,n =__ ____.8.已知函数f (x )=|lg x |.若0<a<b,且f (a )=f (b ),则a+2b 的取值范围是_____ ________. 9.已知点P 在曲线41x y e =+上,α为曲线在点P 处的切线的倾斜角,则α的取值范围是_______ _______.10.已知周期函数)(x f 是定义在R 上的奇函数,且)(x f 的最小正周期为3,,2)1(<fm m f 则,)2(=的取值范围为 .11.要使sin α-3cos α=m m --464有意义,则应有 .12.函数f (x )=2sin (x+4π)+2sinxcosx 在区间⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡2,4ππ上的最大值是 .13.若)(x f 是偶函数,且当0)1(,1)(,),0[<--=+∞∈x f x x f x 则时的解集是 . 14.对正整数n ,设曲线)1(x x y n-=在2=x 处的切线与y 轴交点的纵坐标为n a ,则数列⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧+1n a n 的前n 项和=n S . 二、解答题15.已知函数f (x )=log 4(4x+1)+kx (x ∈R )是偶函数. (1)求k 的值;(2)若方程f (x )- m =0有解,求m 的取值范围.16.已知函数f (x )=x 3+ax 2+bx+c 在x=32-与x=1时都取得极值.(1)求a 、b 的值与函数f (x )的单调区间; (2)若对x ∈[-1,2],不等式f (x )<c 2恒成立,求c 的取值范围.17.如图所示:四棱锥P-ABCD 底面一直角梯形,BA ⊥AD ,CD ⊥AD ,CD=2AB ,PA ⊥底面ABCD ,E 为PC 的中点.(1)证明:EB ∥平面PAD ;(2)若PA=AD ,证明:BE ⊥平面PDC ;18.已知函数3223()39f x x ax a x a =--+. (1)设1a =,求函数()f x 的极值;(2)若14a >,且当[]1,4x a ∈时,)('x f ≤12a 恒成立,试确定a 的取值范围.。

可能用到的相对原子质量:O —16 S —32 Fe —56第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共36分)单项选择题:本题包括8小题,每小题2分,共计16分。
1. 化学与生活、生产密切相关,下列叙述错误的是( ) A. 用CO 2合成可降解的聚碳酸酯塑料,能减少“白色污染” B. 催化处理汽车尾气,能减轻氮氧化物污染 C. 减少使用氟氯代烷作制冷剂,能保护臭氧层D. 禁止使用任何食品添加剂,以防对人体健康有害 2. 下列有关物质的性质与用途具有对应关系的是( ) A. ClO 2具有氧化性,可用于自来水的杀菌消毒 B. 某些油脂常温时呈固态,可用于制作肥皂 C. 浓硫酸具有脱水性,可用于干燥氯气 D. 高纯硅硬度大,可用作半导体材料3. 下列选项所示的物质间转化均能实现的是( ) A. NaCl(aq)――→CO 2(g )NaHCO 3(s)――→加热Na 2CO 3(s) B. MnO 2(s)――→稀盐酸Cl 2(g)――→石灰水漂白粉 C. Cu(s)――→浓硝酸NO 2(g)――→H 2O (l )HNO 3(aq) D. CH 3CH 2Br ――→NaOH/乙醇加热 CH 3CH 2OH ――→浓硫酸170 ℃C 2H 4 4. 氨硼烷(NH 3BH 3)的结构和乙烷相似,下列关于NH 3BH 3的叙述正确的是( ) A. 电负性大小顺序:B>N>H B. 分子中所有原子共平面C. 分子中N —B 键是配位键,其电子对由N 提供D. 氨硼烷为共价晶体,具有很高的熔点5. 下列制取SO 2、验证其性质的装置不能达到实验目的的是( )阅读下列资料,完成6~7题。
废旧磷酸铁锂电池中电极片主要由LiFePO 4、铝箔、少量铜及炭黑组成,回收Fe 、Li 的具体流程如下:已知:LiFePO4溶于酸,不溶于碱;Li2SO4、Li2CO3在常温下的溶解度分别为34.2 g、1.3 g。

2010-2023历年江苏省泰州中学高三第一次学情调研测试化学试卷第1卷一.参考题库(共20题)1.下列关于各溶液的描述中正确的是A.pH相等的①NH4Cl、②(NH4)2SO4、③NH4HSO4的溶液中,c(NH4+)大小:①=②>③B.常温下,在10mL pH=12的氢氧化钠溶液中加入pH=2的HA至pH刚好等于7,所得溶液体积V(总)≤20mLC.向1.00L0.3mol·L-1的NaOH溶液中缓慢通入CO2气体至溶液增重8.8g,所得溶液中:3c(Na+)=2[c(HCO3-)+c(CO32-)+c(H2CO3)]D.浓度均为0.1mol·L-1的CH3COOH和CH3COONa溶液等体积混合:c(CH3COO-)-c(C H3COOH)=c(H+)-c(OH-)2.氯碱工业是一种高耗能产业,一种将燃料电池与电解池组合的新工艺可节能3 0%以上,下图是该工艺图示(电极未标出)。

15. 下列对这首诗的理解和赏析,不正确的一项是(3分)A. 诗题点明写作的时间、事件、情感,“泣然”饱含诗人的家国之情。
B. 首联中诗人不能忍受岁月的不断流逝,抒发了自己年老无成的慨叹。

导数中的朗博同构、双元同构、指对同构与二次同构问题目录方法技巧总结一、常见的同构函数图像1、同构式:是指除了变量不同,其余地方均相同的表达式2、同构式的应用:(1)在方程中的应用:如果方程和呈现同构特征,则可视为方程的两个根(2)在不等式中的应用:如果不等式的两侧呈现同构特征,则可将相同的结构构造为一个函数,进而和函数的单调性找到联系.可比较大小或解不等式.<同构小套路>①指对各一边,参数是关键;②常用“母函数”:,;寻找“亲戚函数”是关键;③信手拈来凑同构,凑常数、、参数;④复合函数(亲戚函数)比大小,利用单调性求参数范围. (3)在解析几何中的应用:如果满足的方程为同构式,则为方程所表示曲线上的两点.特别的,若满足的方程是直线方程,则该方程即为直线的方程(4)在数列中的应用:可将递推公式变形为“依序同构”的特征,即关于与的同构式,从而将同构式设为辅助数列便于求解3、常见的指数放缩:4、常见的对数放缩:5、常见三角函数的放缩:6、学习指对数的运算性质时,曾经提到过两个这样的恒等式: (1) 且时,有(2) 当 且时,有再结合指数运算和对数运算的法则,可以得到下述结论(其中) (3)(4) ()0f a =()0f b =,a b ()0f x =()x f x x e =×()xf x e x =±x ()()1122,,,A x y B x y ,A B AB (),n a n ()1,1n a n --)1();0(1=³=+³x ex e x x e x x )(ln );1(1ln 11e x exx x x x x =£=-££-x x x x tan sin ,2,0<<÷øöçèæÎp 0a >噍1,0a x ¹>log a x a x =0a >1a ¹log xa a x =0 x >()ln ee ;ln ln e xx x x x x x x +=+=ln :ln lnx x x xe e e x x x x-=-=(5)(6) 再结合常用的切线不等式lnx x -1, 等,可以得到更多的结论,这里仅以第(3)条为例进行引申:(7);(8);7、同构式问题中通常构造亲戚函数与,常见模型有: ①; ②; ③8、乘法同构、加法同构(1)乘法同构,即乘同构,如; (2)加法同构,即加同构,如, (3)两种构法的区别:①乘法同构,对变形要求低,找亲戚函数与易实现,但构造的函数与均不是单调函数;②加法同构,要求不等式两边互为反函数,构造后的函数为单调函数,可直接由函数不等式求参数范围;()22ln 2e e ;2ln ln e xx x x xx x x +=+=2ln 2ln 22,x xx x x x e e e e x x--==£ln ,e 1,e e exx x x x x £³+³ln ee ln 1xx x x x x +=³++()ln ln e e 1x x x x x x +=£-ln e e e(ln )x x xx x x +=³+()1ln ln x xx xe x x xe xe e-+=£=x xe ln x x 1ln ln ln ln log ln ln ln ln ln ln xx ax a x e a xa x e x a e x x x e x a x a e a>Þ>Þ×>=×Þ>Þ>ln ln 1ln ln ln ln x x x x x xee x x e x x x e x e x x el l l l l l l l l l >Þ>Þ×>Þ×>×Þ>Þ>()()()()ln 1ln 11ln 1ln 1x ax e ax x x e x ax x ++>+++=++Þ>+x ln ln ln ln ln ln ln x a x a x a e x x a e x e ×>Û×>×x log log log log a x x x a a a a x a x x x a x >Û+>+=+x xe ln x x x xe ln x x题型一:同构法的理解【典例1-1】对下列不等式或方程进行同构变形,并写出相应的同构函数.(1); (2);(3); (4);(5);(6); (7); (8).【典例1-2】关于的不等式有解,则实数的取值范围是 .【变式1-1】(2024·内蒙古·三模)已知函数.(1)讨论的单调性;(2)若恒成立,求的取值范围.2log 20kx x k -׳21e0xl l-³2ln e 0mx x x m -³()æö+³+ç÷èø1e 12ln ax a x x x ()()ln 1212e xa x x ax -+-³+ln e (1)x a x a x x x -++³>e 2ln 0x x x ---=2e ln 0x x x +=x e 2ln 2ln 2ax a x -£a ()22ln f x x ax x =-+()f x ()0,e axa f x >£a题型二:利用同构比较大小【典例2-1】已知,且,,,则( ) A . B . C .D .【典例2-2】已知.且,,,则( )A .B .C .D .【变式2-1】已知a ,b ,,且,,,则a ,b ,c 的大小关系是( ) A .B .C .D .【变式2-2】已知,,,则,,的大小顺序是( ) A . B . C .D .题型三:方程同构【典例3-1】(江苏省常州市前黄高级中学2023-2024学年高三期初数学试题)已知实数满足,,则 .【典例3-2】(江苏省泰州市泰兴中学2023-2024学年高三期中数学试题)已知实数a ,b 满足,则ab = .【变式3-1】设x ,y 为实数,且满足,则( )A .2B .5C .10D .2018【变式3-2】同构式通俗的讲是结构相同的表达式,如:,,称与为同构式.已知实数满足,,则 .【变式3-3】(2024·高三·辽宁大连·期中)在数学中,我们把仅有变量不同,而结构、形式相同的两个式子称为同构式,相应的方程称为同构方程,相应的不等式称为同构不等式.若关于的方程和关于b 的方程可化为同构方程,则的值为( )A .B .eC .D .11,,,e a b c æöÎ+¥ç÷èøln55ln a a =-ln33ln b b =-ln 22ln c c =-b<c<a c b a <<a c b <<a b c <<,,(1,)a b c Î+¥2ln 22ln 12a a --=212ln 1eb b --=2ln π2ln 1πc c --=b a c >>b c a >>a b c >>c a b >>(0,1)c Î5ln ln 5a a -=-4ln ln 4b b -=-3ln ln 3c c -=-b<c<a a c b <<a b c <<c b a <<0.5ln 2a =()0.4ln5ln 2b =-()8ln 3ln 29c =-a b c a b c <<b a c <<c b a <<a c b <<,a b 2024a a e -=3ln 2021ln b b e -+=ab =20210a e a --=2ln ln 20190,b e b ---=()()3(1)2018153(1)201815x x y y -+-=-ìï-+-=íïîx y +=()e x f x x =+()ln ln ln e ln xf x x x x =+=+e x x +ln x x +12,x x 11e 6xx +=23522x =123x x +=a 24e e a a -=()31(ln 2),b b a b l -+-=Îe R ab 8e ln 6题型四:零点同构【典例4-1】(2024·高三·天津西青·期末)已知函数和.(1)若曲线数与在处切线的斜率相等,求的值; (2)若函数与有相同的最小值. ①求的值;②证明:存在直线,其与两条曲线与共有三个不同的交点,并且从左到右三个交点的横坐标成等差数列.【典例4-2】(2024·江西南昌·模拟预测)已知函数和有相同的最小值.(1)求;(2)是否存在直线,其与两条曲线和共有三个不同的交点且从左到右的三个交点的横坐标成等差数列?说明理由.【变式4-1】(2024·上海嘉定·一模)已知. (1)求函数的单调区间和极值; (2)请严格证明曲线有唯一交点;(3)对于常数,若直线和曲线共有三个不同交点,其中,求证:成等比数列.()e x f x ax =-()ln g x ax x =-()y f x =()y g x =1x =a ()f x ()g x a y b =()y f x =()y g x =()e x f x ax =-()ln g x ax x =-a y b =()y f x =()y g x =ln (),()e x x xf xg x x==()()y f x y g x ==キ()()y f x y g x ==キ10,e a æöÎç÷èøy a =()()y f x y g x ==キ()()()123,,,x a x a x a キキ123x x x <<123x x x キキ【变式4-2】已知函数和有相同的最大值. (1)求;(2)证明:存在直线,其与两条曲线和共有三个不同的交点,并且从左到右的三个交点的横坐标成等比数列.题型五:双元同构【典例5-1】已知函数. 当时,求函数的单调增区间;若函数在上是增函数,求实数a 的取值范围;若,且对任意,,,都有,求实数a 的最小值.【典例5-2】(河南省焦作市2020—2021学年高三年级第一次模拟考试数学试题)已知对任意的,都有恒成立,则实数的值为( )A .B .1C .0D .【变式5-1】(四川省成都市第七中学2023-2024学年高三阶段性考试数学试题)若实数,满足,则( )A .B .C .D .【变式5-2】(山西省太原市2024届高三期中数学试题)已知,对任意都有,则实数的取值范围是( )A .B .C .D .()e x ax f x =()ln xg x ax=b ,a b y m =()y f x =()y g x =()()21ln 112f x a x x a x =++++()11a =-()f x ()2()f x ()0,+¥()30a >1x ()20,x Î+¥12x x ¹()()12122f x f x x x ->-a b ÎR()b ab b a e be a l ---³-l e e -x y 24ln 2ln 44x y x y +³+-xy =x y +=21x y +=31x y =21()e (1)2x f x ax a x =-++12,(0,)x x Î+¥()()1212f x f x a x x -<-a (,0]-¥(0,1)(,1]-¥[1,)+¥【变式5-3】对于任意,,当时,恒有成立;则实数的取值范围是 A . B . C .D .【变式5-4】(多选题)(重庆市2024届高三冲刺押题联考(二)数学试题)若实数,满足,则( )A .B .C .D .题型六:朗博同构【典例6-1】已知函数,若不等式对恒成立,则实数的取值范围为 .【典例6-2】(2024·陕西·模拟预测)当时,恒成立,则实数最大值为( )A .B .4C .D .8【变式6-1】不等式恒成立,则实数的最大值为( )A .B .C .1D .2【变式6-2】对任意,若不等式恒成立,则a 的取值范围为( )A .B .C .D .题型七:利用同构解决不等式恒成立问题【典例7-1】(2024·江西·三模)已知函数,若在其定义域上没有零点,则的取值范围是 .【典例7-2】(2024·全国·模拟预测)若不等式在上恒成立,则实数的取值范围为( ) A .B .C .D .【变式7-1】已知函数,若对任意的恒成立,则正实数的取值范围为( )A .B .C .D .1x 2[1,)x Î+¥21x x >2211ln2()x a x x x <-a (,0]-¥(,1]-¥(,2]-¥(,3]-¥x y ()24ln 2ln 284x y x y +³+-xy =x y +=122x y +=21x y =()ln 2(0)f x a x x a =->()2e 31a xx f x -³+0x >a 0x >24e 2ln 1x x x ax ×-³+a 4e24e 2e 2ln210x x ax x ---³a 14120x >2e ln (0)x ax ax x a £+>(0,2e](1,)+¥(0,1](]0,e ()log ,(0,1)(1,)xa f x a x a =-ÎÈ+¥()f x a ()211ln e x x a x -<+()1,x Î+¥a [)1,+¥3,2éö+¥÷êëø[)2,+¥[)4,+¥()1e ln 1axf x a x +=-+()()e,,0x f x Î+¥³a 210,eæöç÷èø1,e ¥éö+÷êëø[)e,+¥21,e éö+¥÷êëø【变式7-2】(2024·广东深圳·模拟预测)已知函数,若恒成立,则正实数的取值范围是( )A .B .C .D .【变式7-3】(2024·江西赣州·二模)已知函数,.若,则k 的取值范围为( ) A .B .C .D .【变式7-4】已知不等式在上恒成立,则实数的取值范围是( )A .B .C .D .题型八:利用同构求最值【典例8-1】“朗博变形”是借助指数运算或对数运算,将化成,的变形技巧.已知函数,,若,则的最大值为( )A .B .C .D .【典例8-2】已知函数,若,则的最小值为( ) A .B .C .D .【变式8-1】(2024·江西·临川一中校联考模拟预测)已知函数,,若,的最小值为( )A .B .C .D .【变式8-2】已知函数,若,则的最大值为( ) A .B .C .D .【变式8-3】已知大于1的正数,满足,则正整数的最大值为( )A .7B .8C .5D .11()1n22xf x ae ax =+-+()0f x >a 0e a <<2e a >e a >2e a >()e 1kxf x =+()11lng x x x æö=+ç÷èø()()kf x g x ³(]0,e [)e,+¥1,e ¥éö+÷êëø10,e æùçúèû22e ln ln x x l l +³()0,x Î+¥l 1,e ¥éö+÷êëø21,e éö+¥÷êëø1,2e éö+¥÷êëø2,eéö+¥÷êëøx ln e x x =()ln e0xx x =>()e xf x x =×()ln xg x x=-()()120f x g x t ==>12e t x x 21e 1e1e ()ln(1),()ln f x x x g x x x =+-=()()21212ln ,f x t g x t =+=()2122ln -x x x t 1e-12e-21e 2e()()ln 1f x x x =+-()ln g x x x =()112ln f x t =+()22g x t =ln t 21e 1e-12e -2e()ln(1),()ln f x x x g x x x =+-=()()21212ln ,f x t g x t =+=122ln tx x x -12e1e12e e a b 22ln ()e na b b a<n题型九:利用同构证明不等式【典例9-1】已知函数. (1)讨论函数的单调性;(2)当时,求证:在上恒成立;(3)求证:当时,.【典例9-2】已知函数. (1)讨论函数的零点的个数;(2)证明:.【变式9-1】已知函数. (1)当时,求函数的单调区间;(2)若函数在处取得极值,对,恒成立,求实数的取值范围;(3)当时,求证:.【变式9-2】已知函数,函数,,. (1)讨论的单调性;(2)证明:当时,.(3)证明:当时,.2()2()1a f x lnx a R x =+-Î+()f x 2a =()0f x >(1,)+¥0x >2(1)1x x ln x e +>-21()x f x e x=-()fx 220x xe lnx x -->()1()f x ax lnx a R =--Î2a =()f x ()f x 1x =(0,)x "Î+¥()2f x bx -b 1x y e >>-(1)(1)x y ln x e ln y -+>+()2(1)sin 1f x ln x x =+++()1(g x ax blnx a =--b R Î0)ab ¹()g x 0x ()31f x x +1x >-2sin ()(22)x f x x x e <++1.若对任意的,且,则m 的最小值是( ) A. B . C . D . 2.对于任意,当 时,恒有成立,则实数的取值范围是 3.若,则实数a 的取值范围为4.已知,对任意都有,则实数的取值范围是 . 5.已知当,不等式恒成立,则实数a 的取值范围是 . 6.当时,恒成立,则实数的取值范围是 . 7.已知当时,不等式恒成立,则正实数的取值范围是 . 8.已知函数,. (1)求函数在区间上的最大值;(2)若,恒成立,求实数a 的取值范围.9.(2024·云南·模拟预测)已知函数 (1)若函数在处的切线也与函数的图象相切,求的值;(2)若恒成立,求的取值范围.12,(,)x x m ¥Î+12211221ln ln ,2x x x x x x x x -<<-2e 1e 21e e 412,(2,)x x Î+¥12x x <2211ln 2()0x a x x x --<a e ln()x ax x ax -³-+1a >()1,x Î+¥11e 1e ln e ln 0x a a x x xæö--£ç÷èøa (]0,e x Î2eln 2x x a a +³-0x >2e ln e xx x a a ³a e x ³11e ln a x x a x x+-³a ()ln 1f x x ax =-+R a Î()f x []1,20x ">()2e 2x f x x ax £-()e ,()ln .x f x a g x x =+=()g x 1x =l ()f x a ()()f x a g x +³a10.已知函数 (1)若求曲线在点处的切线方程.(2)若证明:在上单调递增.(3)当时,恒成立,求的取值范围.11.已知函数. (1)求的最小值;(2)求证:;(3)当时,不等式恒成立,求正数的取值范围.12.(2024·广东佛山·一模)已知函数.(1)讨论函数的单调性;(2)当时,,求的取值范围.13.(2024·广东深圳·二模)已知函数的图象在处的切线经过点. (1)求的值及函数的单调区间;(2)设,若关于的不等式在区间上恒成立,求正实数的取值范围.()()e 1ln ,.x a f x x ax x a =+-ÎR 0,a =()y f x =(1,(1))f 1,a =()f x (0,)+¥1x >()ln f x a x ³a ()()e 0xf x x x>=()f x ()ln 3f x x x >-+1x ³()e ln 2x a ax ax +La ()e x f x a =()()F x f x x =+2x >()2ln2x f x a->-a ()2e 1x a f x x-=()()1,1f ()22,2e a ()f x ()21ln ax g x x-=x ()2e 1x xg x l l £-()1,+¥l14.(2024·广东佛山·模拟预测)已知函数,其中,.(1)当时,求函数的零点;(2)若函数恒成立,求的取值范围.15.(2024·广东佛山·模拟预测)已知函数.(1)讨论的单调性;(2)若不等式恒成立,求实数的取值范围.16.(2024·广东汕头·三模)设,,(1)证明:;(2)若存在直线,其与曲线和共有3个不同交点,,,求证:,,成等比数列.()()e ln 11x f x a ax =-+-0a >0x ³1a =()f x ()0f x ³a ()ln ln (1)2(0)f x x a a x a =++-+>()f x 2e ()x f x -³a ()e x f x =()ln g x x =()()1xf x x g x ³++y t =()xy f x =()g x y x =()1,A x t ()2,B x t ()3,C x t ()123x x x <<1x 2x 3x17.(2024·江西宜春·一模)已知函数,.(1)讨论的单调性;(2)对任意的,恒成立,求的取值范围.18.(2024·四川遂宁·模拟预测)已知函数,,直线为曲线与的一条公切线.(1)求;(2)若直线与曲线,直线,曲线分别交于三点,其中,且成等差数列,证明:满足条件的有且只有一个.()()ln 1f x x a x =+-a ÎR ()f x 0x >()2e ln 41x f x x x x £---a ()x f x e =ln()()n x g x =+:l y x m =+()y f x =()y g x =,m n ():01l y s s ¢=<<()y f x =l ()y g x =112233(,),(,),(,)A x y B x y C x y 123x x x <<123,,x x x s。

水是人类生存的最重要的资源之一,下列与水有关的数据中错误的是()A.冰箱保鲜室中矿泉水的温度约为5℃B.超声波在水中传播的速度比次声波快C.洗澡水最佳温度约为42℃D.水的温度可以超过100℃3.下列与声现象有关的几个实验中,不能说明声音产生原因的是()A.用手按住正在发声的琴弦时,琴声会消失B.将正在发声的音叉轻轻插入水里,看到水花飞溅C.在一根长钢管的一端敲击一下,从另一端可以听到两次敲击声D.在吊着的大钟上固定一支细小的笔,把钟敲响后,用纸在笔尖上迅速拖过,可以在纸上画出一条来回弯曲的细线4.关于声音的传播速度,下列说法正确的是()A.声音在同一均匀介质中的传播速度会越来越小B.声音在真空中的传播速度为340m/sC.一般声音在固体,液体中的传播速度比空气慢D.声音在不同介质中的传播速度不一样5. 2022年元宵晚会我国航天员王亚平在中国空间站用古筝弹奏《茉莉花》,为全国人民送上太空音乐祝福,“此曲只应天上有,人间能得几回闻”。

2024年秋学期九年级期中学情调查数学试题(考试时间:120分钟 满分150分)请注意:1.本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分.2.所有试题的答案写在答题卡上,写在试卷上无效.3.作图必须用2B 铅笔,且加粗加黑.第一部分 选择题(共18分)一、选择题(本大题共6小题,每小题3分,共18分,在每小题所给出的四个选项中、只有一个是正确的,请把正确选项前的字母代号填涂在答题卡相应位置上)1.若是方程的一个根,则的值为( )A.1B. C.2D.2.科学家同时培育了甲、乙、丙、丁四种花,下表是这四种花开花时间的平均数和方差.这四种花中开花时间最短且最平稳的是( )种类甲种类乙种类丙种类丁种类平均数 2.3 2.3 2.8 3.1方差1.050.78 1.050.78A.甲种类B.乙种类C.丙种类D.丁种类3.三角形三条中线的交点叫做三角形的( )A.内心B.外心C.重心D.中心4.如图,是的直径,若,则的度数为( )A. B. C. D.5.如图,在平行四边形中,为延长线上一点,,点为的中点,连接交手点,则等于()A. B. C. D.6.正方形的边长为8,是的中点,、的延长线相交于点,点为正方形一边上一点,且,则的长为( )A.1B.5C.1或5D.52x =20x x c -+=c 1-2-AB O 36BAC ∠=︒ADC ∠36︒45︒54︒72︒ABCD E AD AD DE =F BC EF DC P :CP DP 1:41:22:34:9ABCD E CD AE BC F G ABCD GA GE =GA第二部分 非选择题(共132分)二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分.不需要写出解答过程,只需把答案直接填写在答题卡相应位置上)7.已知的半径为10cm ,,则点在_______(填“上”、“内”或“外”).8.在比例尺为的地图上甲地到乙地的距离是5厘米,则甲乙两地的实际距离是_______千米.9.已知、是方程的两个根,则=_______.10.“易有太极,始生两仪,两仪生四象,四象生八卦”,太极图是我国古代文化关于太极思想的呈现,内含表示一阴一阳的图形(一黑一白),如图,在太极图中随机取一点,则此点取自黑色部分的概率是_______.11.如图,,,,,则的长为_______.12.一圆锥的底面半径为3,母线长为6,则这个圆锥的侧面积为_______.13.如图,的三个顶点均在网格的格点上,请选三个格点组成一个格点三角形,它与有一条公共边且相似(不全等),则这个格点三角形是_______.14.某款“不倒翁”玩具(图1)的主视图是图2,,分别与所在圆相切于点,.若该圆半径是9cm ,,则的长是_______cm.15.已知,,则的值为_______.16.泰兴古城形制独特,状如西瓜,故俗称西瓜城.据《泰兴县志》记载,泰兴古城有桥梁54座,最钜者朝阳桥、阜成桥、文明桥、析津桥,因直通四城门,故称之为四门大桥.小明同学根据古籍自行设计了一幅简O 8cm OP =P O 1:10000001x 2x 230x x m -+=12x x +=123////l l l 3DE =4EF =2AB =BC ACD △13⨯ACD △PA PB AMB A B 40P ∠=︒AMB 4m n +=2820mn p p -+≥mnp易的泰兴城县志全图.为城墙,城区为正方形,其内接于,四门大桥区为正方形、正方形、正方形、正方形,点、、、、、、、在上,、、、、、、、在正方形边上.若正方形边长为,则正方形的边长为_______.(用含的代数式表示)三、解答题(本大题共10小题,共102分,请在答题卡指定区域内作答,解答时应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)17.(本题满分12分)下面是小明同学解一道一元二次方程的过程,请仔细阅读,并完成相应的任务.解方程:.解:方程两边同除以,得.第一步移项,合并同类项,得.第二步系数化为1,得.第三步任务:①小明的解法从第_______步开始出现错误;②此题的正确结果是_______;③用因式分解法解方程:.18.(本题满分8分)某校一年级开设人数相同的,,三个班级,甲、乙两位学生是该校一年级新生,开学初学校对所有一年级新生进行电脑随机分班.(1)“学生甲分到班”的概率是_______;(2)请用画树状图法或列表法求甲、乙两位新生分到同一个班的概率.19.(本题满分8分)已知关于的一元二次方程有两个不相等的实数根.(1)求实数的取值范围;(2)若该方程的两根符号相同,求整数的值.20.(本题满分8分)如图,在中,,是的中点,点在的延长线上,点在边上,.O ABCD O EFGH IJKL MNOP QRST E H J K N O R S O F G I L M P Q T ABCD ABCD a EFGH a 2(31)2(31)x x -=-(31)x -312x -=⋅⋅⋅33x =⋅⋅⋅1x =⋅⋅⋅3(2)24x x x +=+A B C A x 24250x x m --+=m m ABC △AB AC =D BC E BA F AC EDF B ∠=∠(1)求证:;(2)若,,求的长.21.(本题满分10分)为了解某种植物苗的长势,随机抽取了部分植物苗并对它们的株高进行测量,把测量结果制成尚不完整的扇形统计图与条形统计图。

2024年春学期九年级第二次学情调查英语试题(考试时间:100分钟;满分:120分)第一部分选择题(共65分)一、单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)1. My father has promised to buy me a new piano. I decide to put it over there, ________ the wall.A. aboveB. againstC. acrossD. around2. —This task is very difficult. It’s really beyond me.—Well, try to finish it, ________ you will get paid.A. andB. butC. orD. so3. It’s believed that in a conversation between two people, lots of ________ is done through body language.A. actionB. communicationC. informationD. invitation4. My family watched the Chang’e-6 Probe launch (嫦娥六号探测器发射) which was shown ________ on TV on May 3rd, 2024. We all cheered for our nation’s space technology.A. livelyB. livingC. liveD. alive5. Joe was late again today. I wonder what reasons he will ________ this time.A. set upB. put upC. take upD. make up6. —To most Chinese parents, children always mean ________.—Exactly. Parents’ love is the most selfless.A. everythingB. nothingC. somethingD. anything7. Which of the following sentences is NOT an opinion?A. English is hard to learn.B. Life is getting better and better in some ways.C. Taixing Park is really a good place to have fun during holidays.D. Chinese President Xi Jinping paid a visit to Europe from May 5 to 10.8. —How is the case going on?—I’m not sure, but it ________ at this evening’s meeting.A. will be discussedB. will discussC. discussedD. is discussed9. What can we do by clicking on the following icon?A. Chat with friends.B. Do word processing.C. Search for information.D. Send and receive emails.10. —Hurry up, or we will miss the football star. —________ He is so rude that I don’t admire him any more.A. Why not?B. What a good idea!C. What for?D. That’s all right.二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) When I was a child, there wasn’t much for me to read. I didn’t begin to ____11____ traditional Chinese classical novels until junior high school. And I could read books from other countries ____12____ attending university.The first English novel that I read was Jane Eyre . Though it was ____13____ for a first-year student at university, I spent hours and hours ____14____ the meaning of every word and sentence. It took me almost half a year to ____15____ the book. With Jane Eyre ____16____ my heart, I was even more interested in the rich world of ____17____. I developed a love for reading Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy, W. S. Maugham, D. H. Lawrence, Ernest Hemingway…The ____18____ goes on and on. Reading is what I cannot live without. What can one ____19____ from reading? It can be said that serious reading makes one a ____20____ person. When we read serious books, we must ____21____ our minds to find some room for new ideas and knowledge. Reading helps us get over all kinds of difficulties in life. We may develop the correct values. Serious reading also needs time and makes us more ____22____. If we want to finish hundreds of pages of War and Peace , we must be prepared for a long journey ____23____ taking any shortcuts (捷径).Well-designed classical novels make us more logical (逻辑上的). The writers put ____24____ hearts and minds into planning stories and expressing their values. To ____25____ the stories, we must try to understand all of them, which is helpful to our logical training.11. A. presentB. readC. translateD. publish 12 A. before B. afterC. tillD. since 13 A. important B. comfortableC. difficultD. possible 14. A. turning outB. carrying outC. putting outD. working out ..15. A. finish B. sell C. write D. find16 A. saving B. breaking C. changing D. entering17. A. history B. literature C. music D. science18. A. list B. cycle C. story D. system19. A. understand B. guess C. remember D. gain20. A. better B. richer C. healthier D. kinder21. A. send B. fill C. empty D. hold22. A. powerful B. practical C. patient D. polite23. A. over B. except C. with D. without24. A. their B. your C. our D. his25. A. report B. expect C. follow D. choose三、阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,计40分)AEdinburgh is the world’s festival city. There are 12 festivals throughout the year, half of which are celebrated during the months of July and August. Hundreds of thousands of people visit the Scottish capital during the summer. Here are some of the events:The Edinburgh International Festival This festival began in 1947. Actors, musicians, dancers and opera singers from all over the world perform (表演) to huge viewers. You need to buy tickets for most events which take place in theatres around the city.The Edinburgh Festival Fringe This is the largest art festival inthe world with thousands of showstaking place across the city. Jointhousands of visitors and locals atthe Royal Mile, Edinburgh’s mainstreet, to watch all kinds of.performers and shows.The Edinburgh International Book Festival The largest book festival in the world began in 1983 and takes place every year in Charlotte Square Gardens, in the center of Edinburgh. You can meet many writers, talk to them, ask them to sign a book or listen to them talk about their stories. Children can listen to stories and watch illustrators (插图作者) draw pictures.The Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival Music lovers come to this festival to enjoy music shows around the city. One of the highlights of this musical event is the street carnival (嘉年华) , which is free to all. Artists perform street theatre and dance in amazing costumes (服饰) , and everyone can join in the dancing.26. Which is TRUE about Edinburgh?A. It’s the largest city in the world.B. It’s the capital city of Scottish.C. Many festivals are celebrated every month.D. Plenty of tourists come to the city after summer.27. What do we know about the Edinburgh International Festival from the article?A. People can watch shows only about Edinburgh.B. The shows can be watched on the main street.C. It takes place in the center of Edinburgh.D. You can watch most events in theatres with tickets.28. What do the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and the Edinburgh International Book Festival have in common?A. They are both held at the Royal Mile.B. They both have many shows.C. They are both larger than any other similar festival.D. They both offer visitors the chance to watch the artists draw pictures.29. What can visitors do at the Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival?A. They can try on different costumes.B. They can join a singing competition.C. They can take part in a street carnival.D. They can listen to artists talk about their stories.30. This passage is most probably taken from _______.A. a story bookB. a tour magazineC. a science fictionD. a sports newspaperBMr. Testtube has found three interesting articles at the website www. globalfun. com fort his students.Cambridge University’s “doctor of chocolate”Cambridge University is looking for someone to study the method of keeping chocolates in hot weather. It is a sweet job for a sweet tooth. However, the person needs to be good at maths. Chocolate has a melting (融化) point close to our body temperature. For that reason, chocolate melts easily in hot weather. You might think the advertisement from Cambridge University is funny, but if there is really a “doctor of chocolate”, he or she will help people a lot._________One logo (商标) isn’t too expensive to print because it doesn’t need much ink, but printing a large number of logos could cost a lot. In order to save money and energy, an American design company made small changes to some famous brands, such as Nike, McDonald’s and Starbucks, to cut the cost. The design company remained the main body of these logos, but left an empty space inside. The logos look almost the same, but in this way, the famous brands could save 39 percent of the ink during the printing. Let’s hope other companies will take this advice. The way will save them money and use less energy, too.Funny menu for childrenDining out with children can be an unpleasant experience for most parents, because kids are always runninground the whole restaurant, saying “I don’t know what I want” or “I’m not hungry.” But now, a Maryland restaurant has created the “Kid Friendlies” menu. It translates children’s words into meals to help parents order for their kids. A father said, “As a dad, I think this is on the money.” Here is the menu.Kid Friendlies“I don’t know.” - - - Triple Layer PB&J“I don’t care.” - - - Grilled Peanut Butter & BananaSandwich“I am not hungry.” - - - Basket of Chicken Tenders“I don’t want that.” - - - Kids Fries“What?” - - - Cheese Quesadilla31. From the first article, we can know chocolate melts easily when it is near ________.A. 30℃B. 25℃C. 37℃D. 15℃32. In the first article, “doctor of chocolate” probably means a person who ________.A. knows how to make good chocolate in hot weatherB. studies how to keep chocolate in hot weatherC. treats people who eat too much chocolateD. dislikes eating sweet chocolate and is good at maths33. Which logo of Nike best matches the idea of the American design company?A. B. C. D.34. A parent may order ________ if his child doesn’t mind what to eat.A. Basket of Chicken TendersB. Grilled Peanut Butter & Banana SandwichC. Triple Layer PB&JD. Cheese Quesadilla35. What is the best title of the second article?A. A design companyB. Ways to print a logoC. Logos of famous brandsD. Less ink less waste.C①Imagine this: when you sit down and begin to eat a tasty tomato, suddenly it starts to cry! This thing will never really happen, but a new study shows that plants can make sounds when they are stressed.②Researchers from Tel Aviv University in Israel did the study. They used ultrasonic microphones (超声波麦克风) to record the sounds of tomato plants in boxes.③Three groups of plants were listened to: One group wasn’t watered for five days, another group had the stems (茎) cut off, and the third group was untouched. It turned out that the first two groups made sounds 30 to 50 times per hour, while the untouched group only made the sound once per hour. “When tomatoes are not stressed at all, they are very quiet,” Hadany from the team told CNN.④The researchers didn’t know how the sounds were made, but they believed the noise came from the breaking of air bubbles (泡) in the plants. This meant the noise produced by the plants was not on purpose.⑤Animals and insects may benefit (受益) from the sound. For example, the sound can tell a butterfly that the plant is under stress and not a proper place to lay eggs on. An animal that wants to eat a plant could also use the sounds to decide what to do, according to Science Focus.⑥After the experiment, the researchers listened to other plants such as rice, corn and grapes, and found they also made more sounds when stressed. Researchers said the study can help farmers in the future, as they can better take care of farm by “hearing” how plants feel.36. According to the experiment, we know that _______.A. the plants produced the noise on purposeB. the plants which had the stems cut off were very quietC. air bubbles in the plants broke and made the noiseD. the untouched group made more sounds than the other two groups37. How can animals and insects benefit from the sound of plants?A. To communicate by themselves.B. To break the air bubbles.C. To listen to other plants.D. To make right decisions.38. The study may help farmers to _______ in the future.A. improve the growth of plantsB. protect the environmentC. tell the weatherD. decide what to plant39. Which of the following is the structure of the passage?A. ①|②③④|⑤⑥B. ①②|③④⑤|⑥C. ①②|③④|⑤⑥D. ①②③|④⑤|⑥40. What’s the main idea of the passage?A. Plants that make sounds are tasty.B. Plants can show feelings by sounds.C. Researchers listen to plants.D. Animals benefit from the sounds.DHow would you like to build a time machine? Paper, sticks, glue and string are all you need. Put them together to build a kite. A kite connects you to the past.No one knows who flew the first kite. It was probably someone in China or perhaps Indonesia. Indonesian fishermen hung fishhooks on kites and sent them out to sea to catch fish. Starting 2,000 years ago, Chinese farmers flew kites to welcome the New Year and bring good luck to Earth.In China, people also used kites during the war. One Chinese story tells how people put noise makers on kites and flew them at night over the enemy camp. The enemies were afraid of the noise and ran away.About 1,300 years ago, Chinese travelers took kites to Japan. Soon kites filled the skies there. Kites reached Thailand about 700 years ago. During floods, Thai farmers flew kites over their fields. They hoped the kites would drive away the clouds and stop the rain. Over time, kites flew their way out of Asia. Today more and more people are crazy about flying kites. They are a passion all over the world. Kite fans meet at festivals in many parts of the world and have great fun together.Over the years kites have also helped people understand the natural world. For example, in 1906, cameras hanging from kites took pictures of San Francisco, California after an earthquake. The photos helped people plan what to do. Kites also helped inventors find out how to make airplanes. The Wright brothers studied how kites flew, which helped them make the first successful airplane.Since the ancient Chinese first set their kites into the air, people have loved flying kites. Kites give us ways to celebrate, relax and explore. So go fly a kite! Enjoy the feeling that kite flyers have felt for centuries.41. In which countries were kites used to make good wishes?A. China and Japan.B. China and Thailand.C. Japan and Indonesia.D. Thailand and Indonesia.42. According to the Chinese story, the kites were used to ________.A. make the enemies leave in fearB. celebrate victories during the war C stop the enemies from sleeping well D. carry people to fight against the enemies 43. The underlined word “passion” in Paragraph 4 means a ________.A. strong loveB. useful machineC. happy dreamD. common treasure44. How does the writer develop Paragraph 5?A. By asking questions.B. By listing numbers.C. By comparing facts.D. By giving examples.,.45. What’s the purpose of this passage?A. To show people how to fly kites.B. To explain how kites are used in science.C. To introduce the roles of kites in history.D. To discuss the difference among kites worldwide.第二部分非选择题(共55分)任务型阅读阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后的表格。

编 号课 题课 型编写人审核人时 间19第二节 气温和气温的分布(2)新授课徐慧张平2012.11
1.分别说出低温中心和高温中心 的含义?
3.读课本图 “3.17” 分析:气温的全球分布规律?
1. 读我国局部地区某月等温线图(单位:℃)回答下面问题
3).图中,a、b两处的气温( )

2024年秋学期期中学情调查八年级地理试题(考试时间:45分钟试卷满分:30分)请注意:1. 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。
2. 所有试题的答案均填写在答题卡上,答案写在试卷上无效。
1. 《边疆行》行程超过22000多千米,说明我国A. 海陆兼备B. 大陆海岸线漫长C. 海域辽阔D. 陆上国界线漫长2. 《沿海行》从丹东出发,行进到防城港,节目组经过的海峡a是A. 琼州海峡B. 台湾海峡C. 白令海峡D. 马六甲海峡3. 关于防城港市发展优势的说法,错误的是A. 靠近邻国,边境贸易发达B. 热量充足,农业基础良好C. 南临南海,海洋运输便利D. 地处高原,太阳辐射强烈2024年春节联欢晚会在沈阳、长沙、西安和喀什设有四个分会场。
4. 长沙分会场位于A. 湖南省B. 湖北省C. 福建省D. 江西省5. 西安分会场所在省级行政区的简称是A. 辽B. 湘C. 秦D. 新6. 导致沈阳和喀什两地天色不同的主要原因是A. 地势高差大B. 纬度差异大C. 气候差异大D. 经度差异大江苏省位于我国人口密集区。
7. 与2013年相比, 江苏省2022年A. 0-14岁人口占比减少B. 15-64岁人口占比不变C. 65岁及以上人口占比增加D. 人口总量增加 1000万8. 江苏省面积约为10万千米²,2022年该省人口密度约为A. 820人/千米²B.850人/千米²C. 810人/千米²D. 12人/千米²9. 针对江苏省人口老龄化现象,可以A. 增加就业机会B. 增建养老设施C. 完善交通体系D. 实施提前退休云南省是中国民族最多的省级行政区,少数民族人口有1500多万,约占该省总人口的33%,各民族文化多姿多彩。
专题06 从句(定语从句、状语从句、名词性从句)(新模拟和新高考)

专题06 从句(定语从句、状语从句、名词性从句)(新模拟和新高考)I.语法填空1. 【江苏省苏锡常镇四市2021届高三教学情况调查(一)】Like any natural force, gravity pull can work with us or not. The gravity pull of our habits may currently be keeping us from going 64.we want to go.【答案】where (wherever)【解析】考查状语从句。
故填where (wherever)。
2.【2021届江苏省南京市高三学情调研】"He then handed Todd a large bag, inside 43.were clean shirts and shorts, plus a brand-new pair of New Balance sneakers. Todd was blown away."I was very happy." he toldWATN-TV."Shocked, completely."【答案】which【解析】考查定语从句关系词。
分析句子结构,“inside ____ were clean shirts and shorts…”是定语从句,先行词a large bag,指物,因此用“介词inside+which”引导定语从句。
3.【2021届江苏省第一次百校联考】Why do squirrels spend their time in trees and chipmunks(花栗鼠) prefer the ground? The answer has a lot to do with 36.chipmunks and squirrels spend their winters.【答案】how【解析】考查名词性从句连接词。

(1) 平面 ; (2) 平面 .
(2)求证:EF //平面ABB1A1.
.(江苏省无锡市2013届高三上学期期中考试数学试题)如图,四棱锥 的底面是直角梯形, , , 和 是两个边长为 的正三角形, , 为 的中点, 为 的中点.
(1)求证: 平面 ;
(2) 求证:平面 平面 .
.(扬州、南通、泰州、宿迁四市2013届高三第二次调研测试数学试卷)如图,在四棱锥 中,平面 平面 ,BC//平面PAD, ,
.(江苏省苏锡常镇四市2013届高三教学情况调研(一)数学试题)已知, 是两条不同的直线, , 是两个不同的平面,有下列四个命题:
①若 ,且 ,则 ;②若 ,且 ,则 ;
③若 ,且 ,则 ;④若 ,且 ,则 .

1. What’sthewoman?A.Arestaurantcook.B.Anexperiencedbaker.C.Ahotelwaitress.2. What’sthemangettinghisEnglishteacherforherbirthday?A.AscarfB.FlowersC.Adictionary3. HowmanypeoplevisitedMr.Lee’sofficethismorning?A.OneB.FourC.None4. Whichbookhastheman’sbrotherbought?A.Ahistorybook.B.AnEnglishtextbook.C.AChinesetextbook.5. Whatshouldthemandoaccordingtothewoman?A.Lookinthestudygrouparea.B.Jointhestudygroup.C.Lookintheloungeforthestudygroup.第二节〔共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分〕听下面5段对话或独白。
6. Wheredoestheconversationtakeplace?A.Atthenurse’sstation.B.Atahospitalward.C.Atthedoctor’soffice.7. Whichofthefollowingismentionedintheconversation?A.Thebill.B.Visitinghours.C.Mealhours.8. Whatcanwelearnfromtheconversation?A.Thewomanisanewdoctor.B.Themandoesn’tthinkveryhighlyofthewoman.C.Themanisnewhere.请听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。

泰州市高中2022-2023学年高三上学期9月期初调研考试化学学科试卷(考试时间:75分钟,考试分值:100分)可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 N-14 O-16 F-19 P-31 S-16 Fe-56 V-51一、单项选择题:共14题,每题3分,共42分.每题只有一个选项最符合题意.1.垃圾分类有利于资源的回收利用及环境保护.下列有关说法正确的是( )A .剩菜剩饭、菜根菜叶等厨余垃圾可经生物技术就地处理堆肥B .废弃的聚乙烯、聚氯乙烯塑料属于白色垃圾,可以就地焚烧C .废旧电池、灯管、过期药品等有害垃圾,可以用简单填埋法处理D .含棉、麻、丝、毛的废旧衣物焚烧处理时只生成2CO 和2H O2.乙醛发生银镜反应的化学方程式为()3334322CH CHO 2Ag NH OH CH COONH 2Ag 3NH H O ⎡⎤+−−→+↓++⎣⎦△. 下列说法正确的是( )A .3CH CHO 分子中σ键与键的比例为5:1B .配离子()32Ag NH +⎡⎤⎣⎦中提供孤电子对形成配位键的是3NH C .3NH 的电子式为H :N :H HD .34CH COONH 中碳原子的轨道杂化方式均为3sp 杂化3.W 、X 、Y 、Z 均为短周期元素,原子序数依次增加,W 原子最外层电子数是次外层的3倍,X -与Y 的简单离子具有相同的电子层结构,Y 的原子核外s 能级上的电子总数与p 能级上电子总数相等,Z 的阴离子不能发生水解反应.下列说法不正确的是( )A .简单离子半径:Z W X Y >>>B .简单氢化物的沸点:W X Z >>C .最高价氧化物对应的水化物的酸性:X Z >D .化合物2YZ 中一定不含有非极性共价键阅读下列资料,完成4~6题:从火山附近的温泉到硫磺香皂,从中国引以为豪的黑火药到今天的重要的化工产品硫酸,这些物质中都含有硫元素.硫及其化合物在生产、生活和科学研究中有着广泛的作用.工业制硫酸的过程中二氧化硫在加热、催化剂作用下在接触室中被氧化为三氧化硫,12232SO O 2SO H 197kJ mol -+∆=-⋅催化剂,实验室可用浓硫酸和铜为原料制备二氧化硫.4.下列有关二氧化硫的说法正确的是( )A .二氧化硫的空间构型为平面三角形B .二氧化疏有漂白、杀菌性能,可在食品加工中大量使用C .二氧化硫易溶于水,是因为二氧化硫分子与水分子之间存在氢键D .二氧化硫在一定条件下可以与碳酸钙反应生成亚硫酸钙5.在给定条件下,下列物质间所示的转化可以实现的是( )A .3HNO (aq)2CaS(s)H S(g)−−−−→B .24H SO (aq)2CuS(s)H S(g)−−−−→C .2H O(1)224SO (g)H SO (aq)−−−→ D .2Cu(s)SO (g)−−−→浓硫酸△6.实验室制取2SO 、验证其漂白性、收集并进行尾气处理的装置和原理能达到实验目的的是()A .制取2SOB .验证漂白性C .收集2SOD .尾气处理7.下列物质的性质与用途正确,且具有对应关系的是( )A .HClO 不稳定,可用作棉、麻的漂白剂B ,浓硫酸具有脱水性,可用木浆的脱色C .2Br 有挥发性,可用2SO 水溶液吸收2Br 蒸气D .亚铁离子有还原性,可用于处理含重铬酸根离子的废水8.一种利用废旧镀锌铁皮制备磁性34Fe O 纳米粒子的工艺流程如图.下列有关说法不正确...的是( )A .“碱洗”是为了去除废旧镀锌铁皮表面油污B .“氧化”时发生反应的离子方程式为2322Fe ClO 2H 2Fe Cl H O +-++-++=++C .“氧化”后的溶液中金属阳离子主要有23Fe Fe Na +++、、。
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数 学 试 题
1.已知集合2{|3},{|log 1}M x x N x x =<=>,则M
N =_______ ___ 2.命题“2,10x R x ∃∈+<”的否定是
3.已知函数()321f x ax a =-+在区间(1,1)-内存在0x ;使0()0f x =,则实数a 的取值范围
是 .
01x x x f x x ⎧-≤<⎪=⎨⎪≤≤⎩则4(log 3)f = . 5.已知平面向量),2(),3,12(m b m a =+=,且a ∥b ,则实数m 的值等于
6.等差数列}{n a 中,10S =120,那么92a a += .
7.等差数列{a n }中,1490,a S S >=,则n S 取最大值时,n =__ ____.
8.已知函数()|lg |f x x =,若0<a<b,且()()f a f b =,则2a b +的取值范围是_____ ________.
9.已知点P 在曲线41
x y e =+上,α为曲线在点P 处的切线的倾斜角,则α的取值范围是______. 10.已知周期函数)(x f 是定义在R 上的奇函数,且)(x f 的最小正周期为3,,2)1(<f (2)f m =,
则m 的取值范围为 .
11.要使46sin 34m m αα-=
-有意义,则应有 . 12.函数()2)2sin cos 4f x x x x π=++在区间[,]42ππ
上的最大值是 . 13.若)(x f 是偶函数,且当0)1(,1)(,),0[<--=+∞∈x f x x f x 则时的解集是 .
14.对正整数n ,设曲线)1(x x y n
-=在2=x 处的切线与y 轴交点的纵坐标为n a ,则数列⎭
⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧+1n a n 的前n 项和=n S .
15.已知函数4()log (41),()x f x kx x R =++∈是偶函数.
(1)求k 的值; (2)若方程()0f x m -=有解,求m 的取值范围.
16.已知函数32()f x x ax bx c =+++在23x =-
与1x =时都取得极值.
(1)求a 、b 的值与函数()f x 的单调区间; (2)若对[1,2]x ∈-,不等式2
()f x c <恒成立,求c 的取值范围.
17.如图所示:四棱锥P-ABCD 底面一直角梯形,BA ⊥AD ,CD ⊥AD ,CD=2AB ,PA ⊥底面ABCD ,E
为PC 的中点.
(1)证明:EB ∥平面PAD ;
(2)若PA=AD ,证明:BE ⊥平面PDC ;
18.已知函数3223()39f x x ax a x a =--+.
(1)设1a =,求函数()f x 的极值; (2)若14
a >,且当[]1,4x a ∈时,)('x f ≤12a 恒成立,试确定a 的取值范围.。
且每星期多卖出的商品件数与商品单价的降低值x (单位:元,030x ≤≤)
(Ⅰ)将一个星期的商品销售利润表示成x 的函数;
设函数||2()(0,1)x x f x a a a a =+>≠其中且.
(1)当10a =时,解关于x 的方程()f x m =(其中常数m >;
(2)若函数()f x 在(,2]-∞上的最小值是一个与a 无关的常数,求实数a 的取值范围.