



欧洲文化入门DivisionFourDivision Four:Renaissance and Reformation1、RenaissanceGenerally speaking, Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th century. The wo rd “Renaissance” means revival, specifically in this period of history, revival of interest in ancient Greek and Roman culture. Renaissance, in essence, was a historical period in which the European humanist thinkers and scholars made attempts to get rid of conservatism (保守主义思想) in feudalist Europe and introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie (资产阶级), to lift the restrictions (禁忌) in all areas placed by the Roman church authorities.Renaissance started in Florence and Venice with the flowering of paintings, sculpture and architecture.2、In Renaissance literature of Italy, Petrarch (彼得拉克) was the representative poet.3、Intellectuals became closely tied up with the rising bourgeoisie. (人文主义兴起的重要原因Humanistic ideas to develop)4、At the heart of the Renaissance philosophy was the assertion of the greatness of man.(以人为本—人文主义的核心)5、Last Supper adapted from the New Testament of the Bible.6、Michelangelo ——David ——Sistine Chapel (from the First book of the Bible, the Genesis ) —— Dying Slave (垂死的奴隶) —— Moses (摩西)7、Raphael was best known for his Madonna. (圣母玛利亚)He painted his Madonnas in different postures againstdifferent backgrounds.8、One of the famous paintings besides the Madonnas is School of Athens (雅典学派). Plato and Aristotle engaged in argument.9、Titian —— The Venus of Urbino (维纳斯)10、John Wyclif —— translation of the Bible into English for the first time.11、Martin Luther —— translation of the whole Bible with the vernacular language.12、The reformation get its victory first in England.13、ReformationThe Reformation was a 16th century religious movement as well as a socio-political (社会政治) movement. It began as Martin Luther posted on the door of the castle church at the University of Wittenberg his 95 thesis. This movement which swept over the whole of Europe was aimed at opposing the absolute authority of the Roman Catholic Church and replacing it with the absolute authority of the Bible. The reformists engaged themselves in translating the Bible into their mother tongues.宗教改革的实质是:反对罗马天主教,直接形式是用母语翻译圣经14、CalvinismCalvinism was established by Calvin in the period of Renaissance. Presbyterian government (长老会). Only those specially elected by God can be saved (上帝的选民) . This belief serves so well to help the rising bourgeoisie on its path (有助于资本主义的兴起)。






1. 学习目标:通过本课程的学习,学生可以了解欧洲文化的最基本知识,开阔视野,培养兴趣,促进英语学习。


2. 教学语言和方式:英语和汉语;教师课堂讲授,多媒体展示,学生小组活动。

3. 对学生的要求:要求学生能够自觉训练使用英语去了解和表达,对欧洲文化有大体的了解。




4. 课程考核包括:1、出席率+小组活动与课堂报告20%;2、笔试60%(考题以问史实为主);3、项目化教学报告成绩(20%)。

5. 课程内容及课时分配:第一讲:古希腊文化;影片观摩(四课时);第二讲:古罗马;希腊、罗马文化比较与综述(四课时);第三讲:基督教的兴起;影片观摩(三课时);第四讲:《圣经》选读;欧洲的中世纪(三课时);第五讲:文艺复兴运动;文艺复兴时期的艺术(四课时);第六讲:宗教改革;十七世纪的欧洲(三课时);第七讲:启蒙运动、新古典时期;启蒙时代与古典时期的音乐(四课时);第八讲:浪漫主义;浪漫主义时期的文学与音乐(三课时);第九讲:现实主义;影片观摩(三课时);第十讲:二十世纪的欧洲与现代主义;现代美术作品观摩(三课时);6. 教材王佐良等《欧洲文化入门》,外语教学与研究出版社,1992。

Division 4 Renaissance Reformation Introduction 欧洲文化教学课件

Division 4  Renaissance Reformation Introduction  欧洲文化教学课件

4.9 Counter-Reformation
• What is counter-reformation? • Council of Trent • Ignatius / Jesuits
4.10 Protestantism
• Definition • Influence (the rise of capitalism)
• Geographical Discoveries
Columbus: First voyage
Da Gama
Geographical Discoveries
Zheng He’s Great Voyages
• Copernicus: heliocentric theory (Ptolemy: geocentric theory)
Michelangelo: David
Michelangelo: Chapel
Michelangelo: Dying Slave
Michelangelo: Moses
Raphael: Madonna of the chair
Raphael: School of Athens
Titian: The Venus of Urbino
Greco: The Burial of Court Orgaz
4.3 Renaissance in Netherlands
• Erasmus
4.4 Renaissance in Flanders
• Bruegel the elder
Gruegel: The land of cockayne
Titian: Sacred and Profane love
Titian: Madonna



• 二十世纪虽然不及文艺复兴来的精绝,可在整个艺术史中也是一个活 跃的年代,短短百年间,涌现出众多的艺术流派,从野兽派开始,经 历了表现主义、立体主义、未来主义、抽象主义、达达主义、风格派、 形而上画派、包豪斯、超现实主义、巴黎画派、抽象表现主义、新现 实主义、波普艺术、欧普艺术、地境艺术、观念艺术、行为表演艺术、 照相写实、激浪派、极少主义、女性主义、涂鸦主义、装置艺术、影 像艺术、新媒介艺术、全球化时期、象征主义、俄国前卫艺术、构成 艺术、八人画派、现代雕塑、后现代名词解释,直至世界现代设计。
George Grosz乔治· 格罗兹
• A German expressionist, was famous for satirical drawings attracking the corruption of German bourgeoris society. • Major works: Punishement(a recollection of destruction of wars with blazingexplosions, thunder clouds of smoke, and debris of buildings in a furious image of man-made hell where no figure of man survives)
• 表现主义(Expressionism),现代重要艺术流派之一。 20世纪初流行于德国、法国、奥地利、北欧和俄罗斯的文 学艺术流派。1901年法国画家朱利安· 奥古斯特· 埃尔韦为 表明自己绘画有别于印象派而首次使用此词。后德国画家 也在章法、技巧、线条、色彩等诸多方面进行了大胆地 “创新”,逐渐形成了派别。后来发展到音乐、电影、建 筑、诗歌、小说、戏剧等领域。 • 表现主义是艺术家通过作品着重表现内心的情感,而忽视 对描写对象形式的摹写,因此往往表现为对现实扭曲和抽 象化的这个做法尤其用来表达恐惧的情感,因此,主题欢 快的表现主义作品很少见。从这个定义上来说马蒂斯· 格 吕内瓦尔德与格雷考的作品也可以说是表现主义的,但是 一般来说表现主义仅限于20世纪的作品。



(宗教精神):宗教在人们的文化心理上,同时也是在西 方社会的整个文化价值体系中,起到了这样一些作用:一 是精神的寄托与安慰。人在来自自然与社会的生存压力下, 在异化的生存条件下,以此进行自我调节,缓解心理压力, 求得心理平衡。二是宗教的原罪与忏悔的观念,对上帝的 敬畏,使人对自己的行为进行自觉的自我约束规范,这与 法制制约恰好形成互补,有利于社会的稳定平衡。三是如 马克斯·韦伯在《新教伦理与资本主义精神》中所认为的, 新教伦理一方面适度肯定人的世俗生活享受和谋利行为, 以及追求财富的权力,使人具有创造财富的动力;另一方 面则又倡导敬业、勤勉、节俭精神,提倡理性的禁欲主义, 反对放纵享乐的恶行,则有利于积累资本发展生产,因此 宗教在资本主义发展中起过重要作用。 从总体上看,西 方文化在天人二分的哲学观念和分析思维的基础上,历来 是追求科学精神与人文精神的并行发展,从而形成了自身 特有的文化精神及其传统。
联系方式: 62557090
东西方文化的差异 西方文化的渊源 古希腊罗马文化对西方文化的影响 中世纪宗教文化 文艺复兴 近代资本主义文化
认识世界、走向世界的最佳途径,就是学习其他 民族的文化与历史,借鉴他人所长,弥补自己所 短。
西方文化传统中的一个重要方面和组成部分是宗教文化, 其中主要是基督教文化。历史上它曾占据过重要的社会 地位(如中世纪),后来西方的科学与民主精神不断发 展,但西方人仍然没有抛弃宗教,据有关资料显示现今 西方仍有35%的人信仰基督教,并仍呈蔓延之势。可以 说,在西方文化中,宗教文化不只是一种独立的文化形 态,同时它的精神也渗透到了整个西方文化之中。 过 去我们说宗教是麻醉和毒害人民的鸦片,这在人民革命 时代确实如此。但是从整个西方社会和文化的发展来看, 宗教为何盛行不衰?它有什么作用?确实值得研究。 西方宗教的产生和流行,我想还是与西方的整个文化传 统和思维方式有关。

欧洲文化入门 ppt课件

欧洲文化入门 ppt课件
It was the morning那天早晨
It was the morning of that blessed day, 那一天,太阳也为哀悼上帝变得阴晦 Whereon the Sun in pity veiled his glare 我不曾抵抗就做了俘虏, For the Lord's agony, that, unaware, 因为,夫人,您那美丽的眼睛射出的无形视线 I fell a captive, Lady, to the sway 将我捆缚起来,如同囚犯一般。 Of your swift eyes; that seemed no time to stay 当时我没有意识到预防爱神的纠缠, The strokes of love: I stepped into the snare 依然若无其事、自信地迈步向前…… Secure, with no suspicion: then and there 殊不知就在此刻,我的感情之苦 I found my cue in man's most tragic play. 已经伴随着人间之痛一起涌起波涟。 Love caught me naked in his shaft, his sheaf, 在爱神面前我毫无防范, The entrance for his ambush and surprise 从眼睛到心灵全都门扉大开, Against the heart wide open through the eyes, 双眼变成热泪流淌的通道和源泉。 The constant gate and fountain of my grief 但我以为,此情此景之下 How craven so to strike me so, 用箭射中我并不是什么荣耀, Yet from you fully armed conceal his bow!因为对您,一个有防范的人,它从不会放箭。

欧洲文化入门Europe Culture4 Renaissance and Reformation

欧洲文化入门Europe Culture4 Renaissance and Reformation



ii)Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519): known as a painter but his out put was actually relatively small and included ‘The Last Supper’ and ‘The Mona Lisa’. He was also an inventor who even designed potential flying machines
The Rise of Humanism

i) Due to the increase in wealth caused by increased trade there was a new moneyed class with a new philosophy. Intellectuals who used to help train priests and spread Christianity focused their energy on providing these people with a philosophy. ii) Shakespeare accurately sums up humanist philosophy when he says in Hamlet:

The Reformation was a 16th century religious movement as well as (同时) a socio-political (社会政治) movement. It began as Martin Luther posted on the door of the castle church at the University of Wittenberg (机智) his 95 thesis 。 This movement which swept over the whole of Europe was aimed at opposing the absolute authority of the Roman Catholic Church and replacing it with the absolute authority of the Bible. The reformists (改革者) engaged (使用) themselves in translating the Bible into their mother tongues. 宗教改革的实质是:反对罗


The Gattamelata Equestrian Statue 格太梅拉达骑马像
• Giorgione乔尔乔内
(use of colour schemes配色)
Sleeping Venus
Tempesta:a group of pictures(scene before, in and after the storm)
•我是人,人所具有的我无不具有。 —— 拉丁诗人 特伦斯(2 B.C.) •Renaissance(humanism) & CounterReformation 宗教改革→against the Middle Ages •The second half of the 15th century: modern time of the West(1492 for America) •The rise of Capitalism
Medieval architecture
• Between the time of Roman Architecture (30BC-300 AD) and the rebirth of Rome as the center of architecture during the Renaissance( 1400-1600), there were 4 overlapping, but distinctive periods of architecture: Early Christian, Byzantine, Romanesque and Gothic .The common belief in Christianity created an architectural and social unifying force. The great monuments of this period were all designed for the greater glorification of the Christian God.

欧洲文化入门 PPT

欧洲文化入门 PPT
Works: Dead Souls死魂灵
Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev 屠格涅夫(1818-1883)
Turgenev was the first Russion author to gain recognition in the West.
Works: A Hunter’s Sketches
Charterhouse of Parma)巴马修道院
Honore de Balzac 巴尔扎克 (1799-1850)
Balzac has been called “the French Dickens”.
Works: La Comedie Humaine
( the Human Comedy)人间喜剧, Eugenie Grandet欧也妮·葛朗台,
The Historical Background
The realist movement was greatly influenced by the development of science in the 19th century. The age of realism was the age of railway, wireless telegraphy and countless other mechanical inventions that revolutionized the nature of society within a very short span of time.
Le Pere Goriot 高老头 La Cousine Bette贝蒂表妹
Gustave Flaubert福 楼拜 (1821-1880)
Flaubert is one of the great literary artist of the 19th century.


Innocence and Experience, “the two contrary states of the human soul,” are contrasted in such poems as “The Lamb” and “The Tiger.”
Major Works
Blake explored issues of divine love in
the collection Songs of Innocence (1789)
《天真之歌》, while he considered the
nature of evil in Songs of Experience
老虎!老虎!火一样辉煌, 烧穿了黑夜的森林和草莽, 什么样非凡的手和眼睛 能塑造你一身惊人的匀称?
什么样遥远的海底、天边 烧出了做你眼睛的火焰? 跨什么翅膀胆敢去凌空? 凭什么铁掌抓一把火种?
什么样铁链?什么样铁锤? 什么样熔炉里炼你的脑髓? 什么样铁砧?什么样猛劲 一下子掐住了骇人的雷霆?
到临了,星星扔下了金枪, 千万滴眼泪洒遍了穹苍, 完工了再看看.他可会笑? 不就是造羊的把你也造了?
老虎!老虎!火一样辉煌, 烧穿了黑夜的森林和草莽, 什么样非凡的手和眼睛 敢塑造你一身惊人的匀称
Theory: “poetry is the spontaneous 自发的 overflow 流溢 of powerful feelings recollected 回忆 in tranquillity 宁静.”


God’s will. Capitalist spirit.
Reformation in England
Henry VIII Act of Supremacy Act of Succession Church of England
Renaissance in Other Countries
Martiny Wittenberg University 95 theses Men are redeemed by faith and not by
the purchase of indulgences.
France John Calvin Reject the papal authorities. Stress the absolute authority of the
-Anglo-Saxon -France -England -Italy
Three Words - Features of the Middle Ages
Democracy Feudalism King Church War Chivalry
Division Four
Renaissance and Reformation 文艺复兴与宗教改革
France :
Rabelais拉伯雷 - Gargantua and Pantagruel巨人传
Pleiade 七星诗社 Montaigne 蒙田 – Essais 随笔集
Spain -- Cervantes 塞万提斯 – Don Quixote堂吉诃德
Thomas More William Shakespeare


• Author : Homer
• It includes the • Iliad and the Odyssey.
• It talks about the alliance of the states of the southern mainland of Greece against the city of Troy .
• Odysseus :was the son of Laertes and was the ruler of the island kingdom of Ithaca. He was one of the most prominent Greek leaders in the Trojan War, and was the hero of Homer's Odyssey. He was known for his cleverness and cunning, and for his eloquence as a speaker.
Today in Athens
2、Social and political structure
• • • • Athens was a democracy Exercise of power by the whole people Only the adult male citizens Economy rested on an immense amount of slave labor • Olympus mount
胡锦璞 赵元硕 段娟娟 杨建勋 孙 京
1、The Historical Background
• TIME: around 1200B.C. • Establishment : after the war between Greece and Troy. • Cultural Significance: mark by the successful repulse of the Persian invasion . • Spread : Alexander and his armies conquered large areas of Europe Asia and Africa. • End: it was conquered by the Romans



查 (理 当从 时这 曼 一位 在 般伟 亚 人大 琛 的帝 的 居王 皇 住的 宫 和简 复 生陋 原 活皇 模 条宫 型 件, )可 以 想 见
封 建 社 会 的 金 字 塔 式 等 级 结 构

中世纪的庄园生活并不像后来的浪漫主 义者们所描写的那样,充满了田园诗般恬 静优美的情调。虽然城堡中的贵族们和教 区里的教士们在生活资料方面用不着担忧, 拥有吃不尽的粮食、肉类和其他生活必需 品,但是他们的生活条件却十分糟糕
第一次十字军东征结束后,穆斯林又开始威胁和逐 渐蚕食西方人设在东方的那些据点和公国。于是基 督教世界又组织了一系列不成功的十字军东征

(三)“阿维农之囚”与罗马教会的衰 落

1302年,雄心勃勃的法王腓力四世召开了 法国第一次三级会议,反对罗马教皇充当法 国的太上皇,并推选出法国波尔多大主教继 任教皇,即克雷芒五世,并且把教廷从罗马 迁至法国的飞地阿维农,置于法王的控制之 下。从此开始了长达七十年之久的“阿维农 之囚”时期(1305-1377年)
丕 平 三 世
查理曼的功绩并不是一味扩张领土,而是注重西欧的 政治、法律与文化建设,这对西欧历史的发展影响巨大: – 在政治上,他进一步完善地方行政制度,全国划分为 250个伯爵区, 由伯爵(count)管理,每个伯爵负责 在自己的土地上组织军队和执行法律。边境地区设军 事总督,并派出巡按使(Missi dominici)到各地视 察,监督法律的执行。在边界建立一系列边界地区 。 – 在法律上,他常常发出一些赦令。但中央政府的管理 还是较为原始的。 – 在文化上,查理曼推崇基督教文明,宏扬古希腊罗马 文化。


Initiate laws Veto Senate
The Assemblies
comitia tributa
comitia centuriata
Punic Wars
Along with the reform in politics, Rome began its expansion. By 274 BC, the Romans had taken over all of Italy.
But the Romans respected this inheritance and assimilated it for the artistic enrichment of their own culture.
Both Greece and Rome are Mediterranean countries, but the terrain of the two is very different.
Roman Government
Senate (300 members)
Consuls (2 members) Head of Government
Tribune (10 members)
Patrician Appointed Hold office for life
Patrician & Plebian Elected Hold office for 1 year
The Battle of Corinth
The Romans under Lucius Mummius destroyed Corinth following a siege in 146 BC; when he entered the city, Mummius put all the men to the sword and sold the women and children into slavery before he torched the city.
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Martin Luther
1517, Germany Wittenberg University 95 theses Men are redeemed by faith and not by
the purchase of indulgences.
France John Calvin Reject the papal authorities. Stress the absolute authority of the
General Introduction
14th-mid 17th century Renaissance=revival Ancient Greek and Roman cultureur Humanist thinkers and scholars Rising bourgeoisie Feudalist Europe and Roman church
France :
Rabelais拉伯雷 - Gargantua and Pantagruel巨人传
Pleiade 七星诗社 Montaigne 蒙田 – Essais 随笔集
Spain -- Cervantes 塞万提斯 – Don Quixote堂吉诃德
Thomas More William Shakespeare
Renaissance in Italy
Historical background
Geographical position Urban economy Wars between cities, between King and Pope City-states by princes Florence-golden city
14Biblioteka Sistine Chapel
Virgin Mary
Titian’s work
Decline of the Italian Renaissance
Feuds of families Conflicts of classes Rivalry between city-states Lost supremacy in world trade Church reformation Italian wars
Sonnet 十四行诗
Renaissance Art
1. Break away form church 2. Themes of paintings changed 3. Study Roman and Greek temples 4. Introduced scientific theories
High Renaissance Artists
Leonardo da Vinci 列奥那多·达·芬奇
Last Supper Mona Lisa
Last Supper
Mona Lisa
Michelangelo Buonarroti 米开朗基罗 Raphael 拉斐尔 Titian 提香
2.Song of Roland
3.The Canterbury Tales
4.The Divine Comedy
a. France
b. Anglo-Saxon
c. Italy
d. England
1.Beowulf 2.Song of Roland 3.The Canterbury Tales 4.The Divine Comedy
The Rise of Humanism
Greatness of man Bourgeoisie
New Literature
Giovanni Boccaccio 乔万尼·薄伽丘
Decameron 《十日谈》
Francesco Petrarch 弗朗西斯科·彼特拉克
Canzoniers 《歌集》
Reformation and Counter-Reformation Purpose:
Aim at opposing the absolute authority of the Roman Catholic Church and replacing it with the absolute authority of the Bible.
-Anglo-Saxon -France -England -Italy
Three Words - Features of the Middle Ages
Democracy Feudalism King Church War Chivalry
Division Four
Renaissance and Reformation 文艺复兴与宗教改革
God’s will. Capitalist spirit.
Reformation in England
Henry VIII Act of Supremacy Act of Succession Church of England
Renaissance in Other Countries