



[户籍证明英文模板]户籍证明翻译模板篇一: 户籍证明翻译模板Shanghai Public Security BureauHousehold CertificateHuGongZhengNo.NAMExxxxxxxxUSER NO.97000001Citizen IdentifyNumberxxxxxxxxxXSEXMaleDate of Birth3rdxxxxx 1975EthnicityHANAddressNO.800,DongChuan RoadDegree ofEducationPostgraduateCompanyLaw School of Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityOccupationteacherlecturerMarital statusMarriedwith xxxxxxxxAnother nameNative placexxxxxCounty,xxxxxxxProvincePlace of birthxxxxxgCounty,xxxxxxProvinceItemsofCertificateThis is tocertify that xxxxxxxx’s household register is in Hua Ping Road Police Station ofShanghai Public Security Bureau, and he holds a on-agriculturalCollective Household of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Below isblank.Hua Ping Road PoliceStationIssued on 16th December 2013.Special Seal for household register of Hua Ping Road Police Station,Shanghai Public Security Bureau篇二: 户籍证明范文证明一xx-x,男,系xx省xx市xx镇xx村村民,身份证号xx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx特此证明。



Household Register Under Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of P. R. C. Basic Information of HouseholdNo. 000000000 Type of Household:Non-agricultural family Name of Householder:Household Number: 00000 Current residential address:Room 888,No. 98, Lane8,888Road, PuTuo District, shanghai Authorized supervisor:Public Security Bureau of Shanghai AuthorizedAdministrator:aaaRoad Police Station Registrar:Date of Issue:Register of Residence ChangeNew Address Date of registration updateRegistrarInformation of MemberName G Householder him/herself or Relation to the householderHouseholder herself 户主Former name (if available) Sex Female Place of birth shanghai Ethnicity Han Ancestral native place ZhenHai ZheJiang Province Date of birthOther residential address in this city (county) Religious beliefCitizen ID card number310****** Stature1** cm Blood group O Educational degree College or vocational college(大学专科或专科学校)Marital statusMilitary service statusEmployerShanghai *******Co;LTDl (工作单位)Occupation(职务,可以不填)When and from where immigrated to this city (county) When and from where moved in current 迁移来的时间Room***,No. ***, Lane**** WanHangDu Road, (迁移来的地址)Registrar:Date of register: Updates of Member's InformationUpdated item U pdated content Date of Update RegistrarMove out (移出) No.**, Lane****, ***** Road (移出后的地址)移出日期Identification Card(身份证)(Front side)Name: XXX XXXXX Sex: Female Ethnicity: Han Date of Birth: 29th September, YYYY  Residential Address: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, Fukang, Xinjiang Province Citizen ID number: 652302YYYYMMDD1234(Back side)Citizen Identity Card of the People's Republic of China Authority: Zhungaer Police Station Duration of Validity: 5th September, 2012 To 5th September, 2017 。



户籍证明书翻译篇一:上海市大学生户籍证明翻译模板SHANGHAI PUBLIC SECURITY BUREAU RESIDENCE REGISTRATIONCERTIFICATELOCAL POLICE STATION ISSUEDDATE: xx-xx-xxxxI hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, this is an accurate translation of the original document.Translator’s full name:Signature:Date of the translation:Tel:篇二:户籍证明英文版Shanghai Public Security Bureau Residence Certificate篇三:户籍证明翻译户籍证明翻译Household RegisterUnder Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of P.R.C.Household CategoryFamily HouseholdName of HouseholderHousehold No.AddressSpecial Seal For Household of Public Security Department of ***Province (seal) Special Seal For Household of *** Police Station of ***City Public Security Bureau (seal)Undertake:Date of Issue:Registration Card of Permanent ResidentNameHouseholder or Relation with HouseholderFormer NameSexPlace of BirthNationalityPlace of OriginDate of BirthOther Addrein This City (County)Religious BeliefID Card No.HeightBlood TypeEducational LevelMarital StatusMilitary Service StatusWorking PlaceProfessionWhen and from Where Moving to this City (County)When and from Where Moving to this AddressUndertaker:Date of Issue:一、法定的户籍证明是指公民的《中华人民共和国居民身份证》和户口本。



Household RegisterUnder Supervision of The Ministry of Public Security of P.R.C.Points for Attention1. The Household Register has a legal force to identify the status of a citizen and the relationship of family members. It is a main basis for the household registration office to make residence investigation and check. When the household registration office makes residence investigation and check, the householder or anyone of the family members shall bring forth on his/her own initiative the Household Register.2. The Household Register shall be under proper keep of the householder. No alter, transfer and lease is allowed. The loss of the Household Register must be reported to the household registration office promptly.3. Only the household registration office has the power to make registration on the Household Register. No any other units and individuals are allowed to make any records on it.4. Any increase or decrease of family members in the household or any alteration of the registration items shall be registered on the Household Register by reporting to the household registration office.5. If the whole family has moved out of the jurisdictional area of the residence, the Household Register shall be submitted to the household registration office for cancellation.Change Address RegistrationResident RegistrationRegistration Officer: Issued Date: mm/dd/yyChange Address RegistrationResident RegistrationRegistration Officer: Issued Date: mm/dd/yyChange Address RegistrationResident RegistrationRegistration Officer: Issued Date: mm/dd/yyChange Address RegistrationResident RegistrationRegistration Officer: Issued Date: mm/dd/yyChange Address RegistrationResident RegistrationRegistration Officer: Issued Date: 10/20/2008Change Address RegistrationResident RegistrationRegistration Officer: Issued Date: 05/12/2009。



竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除上海户口本翻译模板篇一:上海户口本英文翻译householdRegisterundersupervisionoftheministryofpublicsecurityofp.R. cpointsforattention1.thehouseholdRegisterhasalegalforcetoidentifythest atusofacitizenandtherelationshipoffamilymembers.it’samainbasisforthehouseholdregistrationofficetomaker esidenceinvestigationandcheck.whenthehouseholdregis trationofficemakesresidenceinvestigationandcheck,th ehouseholderoranyoneofthefamilymembersshallbringfor thonhis/herowninitiativethehouseholdRegister.2.theh ouseholdRegistershallbeunderproperkeepofthehouseholder.noalter,transferandleaseisallowed.thelossoftheh ouseholdRegistermustbereportedtothehouseholdregistr ationofficepromptly.3.onlythehouseholdregistrationofficehasthepowertoma keregistrationonthehouseholdRegister.noanyotherunit sandindividualsareallowedtomakeanyrecordsonit.4.anyincreaseordecreaseoffamilymembersinthehousehol doranyalterationoftheregistrationitemsshallberegist eredonthehouseholdRegisterbyreportingtothehousehold registrationoffice.5.ifthewholefamilyhasmovedoutofthejurisdictionalare aoftheresidence,thehouseholdRegistershallbesubmitte dtothehouseholdregistrationofficeforcancellation.RegistrationofchangeditemsandrecordofchangeRegistrationcardforResidentpopulationsealofundertaker:dateofregistration:篇二:户口本翻译件标准模板首页的注意事项以及户主信息notes1.householdRegisterhaslegalforcetoidentifythestatus ofcitizensandtherelationshipsbetweenhouseholdmembers.itisanimportantgistfortheRe gistrationorganofhouseholdRegistertotakecensusandch eck.whentheworkingpersonneloftheRegistrationorganof householdRegistertakecensusandcheck,householderorme mbersofthehouseholdshallhandupthehouseholdRegisterf orcheckactively.2.thehouseholdershallkeepthehouseholdRegistercarefu lly,whichcannotbealtered,transferredorlentinprivate.iflost,heshallreporttoth eRegistrationorganofhouseholdRegisterimmediately.3.theregistrationrightofhouseholdRegisterbelongstot heRegistrationorganofhouseholdRegister.anyotherunitorindividualcannottakeanyrecor dintheregister.4.ifthehouseholdmembersareincreasedordecreased,orth eregisteredaffairsarechanged,thehouseholdershallapplytoRegistrationorganofhousehold RegisterforregistrationwiththehouseholdRegister.5.incasethatthehouseholdmoveoutoftheadministratived istrict,thehouseholdRegistershallbereturnedtotheRegistrationorganofhous(上海户口本翻译模板)eholdRegisterforcancellation.第二页常住人口登记卡,户主基本信息domicilealterationRegistrationRegistrationcardforpermanentResidentstampofoperator:Registeredon:jul.1,1998lisi(seal)beijingmunicipalpublicsecuritybureauchaoyangmenpoli cedepartment(specialsealforhukou)第三页常住人口登记卡,住户基本信息(住户信息有几个写几个,根据实际情况而定)alterationandcorrectionRecordofRegistereditemsRegistrationcardforpermanentResidentstampofoperator:Registeredon:jul.1,1998lisi(seal)beijingmunicipalpublicsecuritybureauchaoyangmenpoli cedepartment(specialsealforhukou)最后一页:只有登记事项变更和更正记载alterationandcorrectionRecordofRegistereditems篇三:户口本和身份证中英文翻译模板签证用户口簿翻译模板(标准版)看到网上有不少办理出国签证用的户口簿英文翻译模板,其中很多翻译不准确,甚至闹笑话,或者犯一些严重的原则性错误,可谓“误人子弟”(其中最不可容忍的,是将“民族,民族成分”译为nationality!甚至我所见过的几乎90%的“专业”翻译公司都这么译,真真正正地误人子弟!)。



ANNOUNCEMENTS1.Household register has the legal validity that certifies the attorneyship of a citizen and the relationship of family members, and it is the main reference for the censor and checkup of domiciliary register which is undertaking by the household registration authority. When the functionary of household registration authority censor and verify the household register, the familia and members of this family shall take the initiative in presenting the household register.2.The familia shall take the household register in safekeeping, the household register is prohibited to be alterred, transferred and leased. In case of that the household register is lost, the household registration authority should be informed.3.The right for registering the household register shall be performed by the household registration authority, any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the booklet.4.The member of this family shall go to the household registration authority for transacting the declaration and registration, applying bring with the booklet, in case of the increase and decrease of the members and the alteration of registration items.5.In case of that the whole family moves out of the residency, the Household register shall be turned in and cancelled.Alteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentPerson in charge (sign and seal):****** (policeman) Issued on:Alteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentAlteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentPerson in charge (sign and seal):Issued on:。



Registered Permanent Residence(Translations)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Household RegisterNotice1. Permanent residential book has the force and effect that can certify the citizen’s identity and relations between family members. It’s also the main gist for the census of permanent residence registration authority. The householder and family member have the liability to present the permanent residential book to the officer when the census is being taken.2. The householder should keep the permanent residential book properly and it’s prohibited to have any modification, transfer and lend out which is not authorized. Also the householder shall report to the permanent residence registration authority immediately for the losing of the book.3. The permanent residence registration authority is the only one who has the authority for the registration, any other unit of person is not allowed to write anything on the book.4. The householder shall come to the permanent residence registration authority with for re-registering if there are any changes about the family members and other recorded items.5. The householder shall go to the permanent residence registration authority to revoke the book if the family moves out the dominated district.Address changing recordsIndexed listThe special seal of Permanent Resident of (市)Public Security(街道)Police Station.Issues by: 人名___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Resident PopulationIssues by:人名Date of Registration: 2012.01.01 The special seal of Permanent Resident of (市)Public Security(街道)Police Station.Registration of changes and corrections to records注意!所有红色文字自行更改/删除人名请用大写拼音已婚married 未婚unmarried 丧偶Widowed业主householder本科,bachelor degree大专,junior college高中,high school中专,technical secondary school职高,secondary vocational technical school技校,technical school初中,middle school个别省市户口本有细微差别,请对号入座!户口本上有多人的复制粘贴第三页表格即可!。



Moving into Present Dwelling Place
Relation with The Householder Sex Ethnic Date of Birth
Height Married
Military Service
Blood Type Occupation
Undertaker’s Stamped signature: Registration Date:
Work Unit
Previous Dwelling Place Before Moving into the
City/Town and Date of Moving
Previous Dwelling Place in the City/
Previous Dwelling Place in the City/Town and Date of
Moving into Present Dwelling Place
Relation with The Householder Sex Ethnic Date of Birth
Height Married
Military Service
Blood Type Occupation
Undertaker’s Stamped signature: Registration Date:
Certified Seal of Fushun Public Security Bureau Jiangjun Police Station For Hukou certificate only
Undertaker’s Stamped signature :



户口本翻译件标准模板(总8页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--Notes1.Household Register has legal force to identify the status of citizens and the relationshipsbetween household members. It is an important gist for the Registration Organ of Household Register to take census and check. When the working personnel of the Registration Organ of Household Register take census and check, householder or members of the household shall hand up the Household Register for check actively.2.The householder shall keep the Household Register carefully, which cannot be altered,transferred or lent in private. If lost, he shall report to the Registration Organ of Household Register immediately.3.The registration right of Household Register belongs to the Registration Organ ofHousehold Register. Any other unit or individual cannot take any record in the register.4.If the household members are increased or decreased, or the registered affairs arechanged, the householder shall apply to Registration Organ of Household Register for registration with the Household Register.5.In case that the household move out of the administrative district, the HouseholdRegister shall be returned to the Registration Organ of Household Register for cancellation.No.Type of theNonagricultural Family Name of HouseholderHouseholdHousehold Number DomicileRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent Resident。



Notes1.The household register has the legal effect of verifying the identity conditions of citizen andthe relationships between family members. It is the main basis of household investigation and check used by permanent resident registration authority. When the employees from permanent resident registration authority investigate and check the household condition, the householder or the members must hand in it for check.2.The householder should be responsible for keeping the household register. It is forbidden toalter, transfer or lend it privately. It should be reported to the permanent resident registration authority if lost.3.The registration right of the register belongs to the permanent resident registration authority.It is forbidden for any unit or individual to make any record on it.4.If the members in this house increase, decrease or the registration items change, the additionalregistration is required to be completed in the household register by the permanent resident registration authority.5.When the whole family wants to move out of permanent resident administration area, thehousehold register should be returned to the permanent resident registration authority.Seal of undertaker: Date of registration: Febrary 28, 2009 Household Special Seal of Y uqiao Police Station, Beijing Public Security Bureau (Seal)Seal of undertaker: Yuqiao Police Station Dinling (Seal) Date of registration: August 2, 2010 Household Special Seal of Y uqiao Police Station, Beijing Public Security Bureau (Seal)。



户籍证明书翻译篇一:上海市大学生户籍证明翻译模板SHANGHAI PUBLIC SECURITY BUREAU RESIDENCE REGISTRATIONCERTIFICATELOCAL POLICE STATION ISSUEDDATE: xx-xx-xxxxI hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, this is an accurate translation of the original document.Translator’s full name:Signature:Date of the translation:Tel:篇二:户籍证明英文版Shanghai Public Security Bureau Residence Certificate篇三:户籍证明翻译户籍证明翻译Household RegisterUnder Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security ofHousehold CategoryFamily HouseholdName of HouseholderHousehold No.AddressSpecial Seal For Household of Public Security Department of ***Province (seal) Special Seal For Household of *** Police Station of ***City Public Security Bureau (seal)Undertake:Date of Issue:Registration Card of Permanent ResidentNameHouseholder or Relation with HouseholderFormer NameSexPlace of BirthNationalityPlace of OriginDate of BirthOther Addrein This City (County)Religious BeliefID Card No.HeightBlood TypeEducational LevelMarital StatusMilitary Service StatusWorking PlaceProfessionWhen and from Where Moving to this City (County) When and from Where Moving to this AddressUndertaker:Date of Issue:1、法定的户籍证明是指公民的《中华人民共和国居民身份证》和户口本。



Notes1.Household Register has legal force to identify the status of citizens and therelationships between household members. It is an important gist for the Registration Organ of Household Register to take census and check. When the working personnel of the Registration Organ of Household Register take census and check, householder or members of the household shall hand up the Household Register for check actively.2.The householder shall keep the Household Register carefully, which cannot bealtered, transferred or lent in private. If lost, he shall report to the Registration Organ of Household Register immediately.3.The registration right of Household Register belongs to the Registration Organof Household Register. Any other unit or individual cannot take any record in the register.4.If the household members are increased or decreased, or the registered affairsare changed, the householder shall apply to Registration Organ of Household Register for registration with the Household Register.5.In case that the household move out of the administrative district, the HouseholdRegister shall be returned to the Registration Organ of Household Register for cancellation.No.Domicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent Resident。



户口本翻译件标准模板Notes1.Household Register has legal force to identify the status of citizens and the relationshipsbetween household members. It is an important gist for the Registration Organ of Household Register to take census and check. When the working personnel of the Registration Organ of Household Register take census and check, householder or members of the household shall hand up the Household Register for check actively.2.The householder shall keep the Household Register carefully, which cannot be altered,transferred or lent in private. If lost, he shall report to the Registration Organ of Household Register immediately.3.The registration right of Household Register belongs to the Registration Organ ofHousehold Register. Any other unit or individual cannot take any record in the register.4.If the household members are increased or decreased, or the registered affairs arechanged, the householder shall apply to Registration Organ of Household Register for registration with the Household Register.5.In case that the household move out of the administrative district, the HouseholdRegister shall be returned to the Registration Organ of Household Register for cancellation.No.Type of the Household NonagriculturalFamilyName ofHouseholderHouseholdNumberDomicileDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent Resident。



ANNOUNCEMENTS1. Household register has the legal validity that certifies the attorney ship of a citizen and the relationship of family members, and it is the main reference for the censor and checkup of domiciliary register which is undertaking by the household registration authority. When the functionary of household registration authority censor and verify the household register, the familia and members of this family shall take the initiative in presenting the household register.2. The familia shall take the household register in safekeeping, the household register is prohibited to be alterred, transferred and leased. In case of that the household register is lost, the household registration authority should be informed.3. The right for registering the household register shall be performed by the household registration authority, any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the booklet.4. The member of this family shall go to the household registration authority for transacting the declaration and registration, applying bring with the booklet, in case of the increase and decrease of the members and the alteration of registration items.5. In case of that the whole family moves out of the residency, the Household register shall be turned in and cancelled.Residents’ Committee: ***Jiangsu Provincial Public Security Department specially used for household register provincial public security organs special seal for Household register *** Municipal Public Security Bureau specially used for household register Jiangshu Police Stationhousehold register registration organs special seal for household registerPerson in charge(sign and seal):***(policeman) Issued on Apr. 30,1999Alteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordItemAfter alteration ·correction Date of alteration Seal and sign of person in chargeRegistration Card of Permanent Resident Non-agriculturalPerson in charge (sign and seal): ****** (policeman) Issued on:Alteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentNon-agriculturalPerson in charge (sign and seal): Issued on:Alteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentNon-agriculturalPerson in charge (sign and seal): Issued on:。


















Notes1.Household Register has legal force to identify the status of citizens and the relationshipsbetween household members. It is an important gist for the Registration Organ of Household Register to take census and check. When the working personnel of the Registration Organ of Household Register take census and check, householder or members of the household shall hand up the Household Register for check actively.2.The householder shall keep the Household Register carefully,which cannot be altered,transferred or lent in private. If lost, he shall report to the Registration Organ of Household Register immediately.3.The registration right of Household Register belongs to the Registration Organ of HouseholdRegister. Any other unit or individual cannot take any record in the register.4.If the household members are increased or decreased, or the registered affairs are changed, thehouseholder shall apply to Registration Organ of Household Register for registration with the Household Register.5.In case that the household move out of the administrative district,the Household Registershall be returned to the Registration Organ of Household Register for cancellation.No.Type of the HouseholdHousehold NumberNonagricultural FamilyDomicileName of HouseholderProvincial Public Security Organ Permanent Residence Registration OrganSpecial Seal for Residential Registration Special Seal for Residential Registration shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau Chaoyangmen (Special Seal for Hukou)Police Department(Special Seal for Hukou) Stamp of Operator:Issued on:Domicile after Alteration Date for Alteration Stamp of OperatorRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentNameName Ever UsedPlace of BirthNative PlaceOther Domicile inthe City (County)Resident’s ID CardNo.EducationPlace of ServiceWhen and from where to this city (county) When and from where to this domicile MaritalStatusStatureHouseholder orRelationship withHouseholderSexNationalityDate of BirthReligionMilitaryServiceProfessionBloodTypeDomicile after Alteration Date for Alteration Stamp of OperatorRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentNameName Ever UsedPlace of BirthNative PlaceOther Domicile inthe City (County)Resident’s ID CardNo.EducationPlace of ServiceWhen and from where to this city (county) When and from where to this domicile MaritalStatusStatureMarriedHouseholder orRelationship withHouseholderSexNationalityDate of BirthReligionProfessionBloodTypeDomicile after Alteration Date for Alteration Stamp of OperatorRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentNameName Ever UsedPlace of BirthNative PlaceOther Domicile inthe City (County)Resident’s ID CardNo.EducationPlace of ServiceWhen and from where to this city (county) When and from where to this domicile MaritalStatusStatureHouseholder orRelationship withHouseholderSexNationalityDate of BirthReligionMilitaryServiceProfessionBloodTypeDomicile after Alteration Date for Alteration Stamp of OperatorRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentNameName Ever UsedPlace of BirthNative PlaceOther Domicile inthe City (County)Resident’s ID CardNo.EducationPlace of ServiceWhen and from where to this city (county) When and from where to this domicile MaritalStatusStatureHouseholder orRelationship withHouseholderSexNationalityDate of BirthReligionMilitaryServiceProfessionBloodTypeDomicile after Alteration Date for Alteration Stamp of OperatorRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentNameName Ever UsedPlace of BirthNative PlaceOther Domicile inthe City (County)Resident’s ID CardNo.EducationPlace of ServiceWhen and from where to this city (county) When and from where to this domicile MaritalStatusStatureHouseholder orRelationship withHouseholderSexNationalityDate of BirthReligionMilitaryServiceProfessionBloodTypeDomicile after Alteration Date for Alteration Stamp of OperatorRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentNameName Ever UsedPlace of BirthNative PlaceOther Domicile inthe City (County)Resident’s ID CardNo.EducationPlace of ServiceWhen and from where to this city (county) When and from where to this domicile MaritalStatusStatureHouseholder orRelationship withHouseholderSexNationalityDate of BirthReligionMilitaryServiceProfessionBloodTypeDomicile Alteration RegistrationDomicile after Alteration Date for Alteration Stamp of OperatorRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentNameName Ever UsedPlace of BirthNative PlaceOther Domicile inthe City (County)Resident’s ID CardNo.EducationPlace of ServiceWhen and from where to this city (county) When and from where to this domicile MaritalStatusStatureHouseholder orRelationship withHouseholderSexNationalityDate of BirthReligionMilitaryServiceProfessionBloodType。



ANNOUNCEMENTS1.Household register has the legal validity that certifies the attorneyship of a citizen and the relationship of family members, and it is the main reference for the censor and checkup of domiciliary register which is undertaking by the household registration authority. When the functionary of household registration authority censor and verify the household register, the familia and members of this family shall take the initiative in presenting the household register.2.The familia shall take the household register in safekeeping, the household register is prohibited to be alterred, transferred and leased. In case of that the household register is lost, the household registration authority should be informed.3.The right for registering the household register shall be performed by the household registration authority, any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the booklet.4.The member of this family shall go to the household registration authority for transacting the declaration and registration, applying bring with the booklet, in case of the increase and decrease of the members and the alteration of registration items.5.In case of that the whole family moves out of the residency, the Household register shall be turned in and cancelled.Registration Card of Permanent ResidentRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentPerson in charge (sign and seal):Issued on:Alteration of Registration Items and Correction Record。



户籍证明书翻译篇一:上海市大学生户籍证明翻译模板SHANGHAI PUBLIC SECURITY BUREAU RESIDENCE REGISTRATIONCERTIFICATELOCAL POLICE STATION ISSUEDDATE: xx-xx-xxxxI hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, this is an accurate translation of the original document.Translator’s full name:Signature:Date of the translation:Tel:篇二:户籍证明英文版Shanghai Public Security Bureau Residence Certificate篇三:户籍证明翻译户籍证明翻译Household RegisterUnder Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security ofHousehold CategoryFamily HouseholdName of HouseholderHousehold No.AddressSpecial Seal For Household of Public Security Department of ***Province (seal) Special Seal For Household of *** Police Station of ***City Public Security Bureau (seal)Undertake:Date of Issue:Registration Card of Permanent ResidentNameHouseholder or Relation with HouseholderFormer NameSexPlace of BirthNationalityPlace of OriginDate of BirthOther Addrein This City (County)Religious BeliefID Card No.HeightBlood TypeEducational LevelMarital StatusMilitary Service StatusWorking PlaceProfessionWhen and from Where Moving to this City (County) When and from Where Moving to this AddressUndertaker:Date of Issue:1、法定的户籍证明是指公民的《中华人民共和国居民身份证》和户口本。

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